

Jointly Shoulder Responsibility of Our Times, Promote Global Growth Keynote Speech At the Opening Session of the World Economic Forum Annual by H.E. Xi Jinping President of the People’s Republic of China

Davos, 17 January 2017

President Doris Leuthard and Mr. Roland Hausin,

Heads of State and Government, Deputy Heads of State and Your Spouses, Heads of International Organizations,

Dr. Klaus Schwab and Mrs. Hilde Schwab,

Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends,

I’m delighted to come to beautiful Davos. Though just a small town in the Alps, Davos is an important window for taking the pulse of the global economy. People from around the world come here to exchange ideas and insights, which broaden their vision. This makes the WEF annual meeting a cost-effective brainstorming event, which I would call “Schwab economics”.

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.”These are the words used by the English writer Charles Dickens to describe the world after the Industrial Revolution. Today, we also live in a world of contradictions. On the one hand, with growing material wealth and advances in science and technology, human civilization has developed as never before. On the other hand, frequent regional

conflicts, global challenges like terrorism and refugees, as well as poverty, unemployment and widening income gap have all added to the uncertainties of the world.

Many people feel bewildered and wonder: What has gone wrong with the world? To answer this question, one must first track the source of the problem. Some blame economic globalization for the chaos in the world. Economic globalization was once viewed as the treasure cave found by Ali Baba in The Arabian Nights, but it has now become the Pandora’s box in the eyes of many. The international community finds itself in a heated debate on economic globalization.

Today, I wish to address the global economy in the context of economic globalization.

The point I want to make is that many of the problems troubling the world are not caused by economic globalization. For instance, the refugee waves from the Middle East and North Africa in recent years have become a global concern. Several million people have been displaced, and some small children lost their lives while crossing the rough sea. This is indeed heartbreaking. It is war, conflict and regional turbulence that have created this problem, and its solution lies in making peace, promoting reconciliation and restoring stability. The international financial crisis is another example. It is not an inevitable outcome of economic globalization; rather, it is the consequence of excessive chase of profit by financial capital and grave failure of financial regulation. Just blaming economic

globalization for the world’s problems is inconsistent with reality, and it will not help solve the problems.

From the historical perspective, economic globalization resulted from growing social productivity, and is a natural outcome of scientific and technological progress, not something created by any individuals or any countries. Economic globalization has powered global growth and facilitated movement of goods and capital, advances in science, technology and civilization, and interactions among peoples.

But we should also recognize that economic globalization is a double-edged sword. When the global economy is under downward pressure, it is hard to make the cake of global economy bigger. It may even shrink, which will strain the relations between growth and distribution, between capital and labor, and between efficiency and equity. Both developed and developing countries have felt the punch. Voices against globalization have laid bare pitfalls in the process of economic globalization that we need to take seriously.

As a line in an old Chinese poem goes, “Honey melons hang on bitter vines; sweet dates grow on thistles and thorns.”In a philosophical sense, nothing is perfect in the world. One would fail to see the full picture if he claims something is perfect because of its merits, or if he views something as useless just because of its defects. It is true that economic globalization has created new problems, but this is no justification to write economic globalization off completely. Rather, we should

adapt to and guide economic globalization, cushion its negative impact, and deliver its benefits to all countries and all nations.

There was a time when China also had doubts about economic globalization, and was not sure whether it should join the World Trade Organization. But we came to the conclusion that integration into the global economy is a historical trend. To grow its economy, China must have the courage to swim in the vast ocean of the global market. If one is always afraid of bracing the storm and exploring the new world, he will sooner or later get drowned in the ocean. Therefore, China took a brave step to embrace the global market. We have had our fair share of choking in the water and encountered whirlpools and choppy waves, but we have learned how to swim in this process. It has proved to be a right strategic choice. Whether you like it or not, the global economy is the big ocean that you cannot escape from. Any attempt to cut off the flow of capital, technologies, products, industries and people between economies, and channel the waters in the ocean back into isolated lakes and creeks is simply not possible. Indeed, it runs counter to the historical trend.

The history of mankind tells us that problems are not to be feared. What should concern us is refusing to face up to problems and not knowing what to do about them. In the face of both opportunities and challenges of economic globalization, the right thing to do is to seize every opportunity, jointly meet challenges and chart the right course for economic globalization.

At the APEC Economic Leaders’Meeting in late 2016, I spoke about the necessity to make the process of economic globalization more invigorated, more inclusive and more sustainable. We should act pro-actively and manage economic globalization as appropriate so as to release its positive impact and rebalance the process of economic globalization. We should follow the general trend, proceed from our respective national conditions and embark on the right pathway of integrating into economic globalization with the right pace. We should strike a balance between efficiency and equity to ensure that different countries, different social strata and different groups of people all share in the benefits of economic globalization. The people of all countries expect nothing less from us, and this is our unshirkable responsibility as leaders of our times.

At present, the most pressing task before us is to steer the global economy out of difficulty. The global economy has remained sluggish for quite some time. The gap between the poor and the rich and between the South and the North is widening. The root cause is that the three critical issues in the economic sphere have not been effectively addressed.

First, lack of robust driving forces for global growth makes it difficult to sustain the steady growth of the global economy. The growth of the global economy is now at its slowest pace in seven years. Growth of global trade has been slower than global GDP growth. Short-term policy stimuli are ineffective. Fundamental structural reform is just unfolding. The global economy is now in a period of moving toward

new growth drivers, and the role of traditional engines to drive growth has weakened. Despite the emergence of new technologies such as artificial intelligence and 3D printing, new sources of growth are yet to emerge. A new path for the global economy remains elusive.

Second, inadequate global economic governance makes it difficult to adapt to new developments in the global economy. Madame Christine Lagarde recently told me that emerging markets and developing countries already contribute to 80% of the growth of the global economy. The global economic landscape has changed profoundly in the past few decades. However, the global governance system has not embraced those new changes and is therefore inadequate in terms of representation and inclusiveness. The global industrial landscape is changing and new industrial chains, value chains and supply chains are taking shape. However, trade and investment rules have not kept pace with these developments, resulting in acute problems such as closed mechanisms and fragmentation of rules. The global financial market needs to be more resilient against risks, but the global financial governance mechanism fails to meet the new requirement and is thus unable to effectively resolve problems such as frequent international financial market volatility and the build-up of asset bubbles.

Third, uneven global development makes it difficult to meet people’s expectations for better lives. Dr. Schwab has observed in his book The Fourth Industrial Revolution that this round of industrial revolution will produce extensive

and far-reaching impacts such as growing inequality, particularly the possible widening gap between return on capital and return on labor. The richest one percent of the world’s population own more wealth than the remaining 99 percent. Inequality in income distribution and uneven development space are worrying. Over 700 million people in the world are still living in extreme poverty. For many families, to have warm houses, enough food and secure jobs is still a distant dream. This is the biggest challenge facing the world today. It is also what is behind the social turmoil in some countries.

All this shows that there are indeed problems with world economic growth, governance and development models, and they must be resolved. The founder of the Red Cross Henry Dunant once said, “Our real enemy is not the neighboring country; it is hunger, poverty, ignorance, superstition and prejudice.”We need to have the vision to dissect these problems; more importantly, we need to have the courage to take actions to address them.

First, we should develop a dynamic, innovation-driven growth model. The fundamental issue plaguing the global economy is the lack of driving force for growth. Innovation is the primary force guiding development. Unlike the previous industrial revolutions, the fourth industrial revolution is unfolding at an exponential rather than linear pace. We need to relentlessly pursue innovation. Only with the courage to innovate and reform can we remove bottlenecks blocking global growth and development.

With this in mind, G20 leaders reached an important consensus at the Hangzhou Summit, which is to take innovation as a key driver and foster new driving force of growth for both individual countries and the global economy. We should develop a new development philosophy and rise above the debate about whether there should be more fiscal stimulus or more monetary easing. We should adopt a multipronged approach to address both the symptoms and the underlying problems. We should adopt new policy instruments and advance structural reform to create more space for growth and sustain its momentum. We should develop new growth models and seize opportunities presented by the new round of industrial revolution and digital economy. We should meet the challenges of climate change and aging population. We should address the negative impact of IT application and automation on jobs. When cultivating new industries and new forms models of business models, we should create new jobs and restore confidence and hope to our peoples.

Second, we should pursue a well-coordinated and inter-connected approach to develop a model of open and win-win cooperation. Today, mankind has become a close-knit community of shared future. Countries have extensive converging interests and are mutually dependent. All countries enjoy the right to development. At the same time, they should view their own interests in a broader context and refrain from pursuing them at the expense of others.

We should commit ourselves to growing an open global economy to share opportunities and interests through opening-up and achieve win-win outcomes. One should not just retreat to the harbor when encountering a storm, for this will never get us to the other shore of the ocean. We must redouble efforts to develop global connectivity to enable all countries to achieve inter-connected growth and share prosperity. We must remain committed to developing global free trade and investment, promote trade and investment liberalization and facilitation through opening-up and say no to protectionism. Pursuing protectionism is like locking oneself in a dark room. While wind and rain may be kept outside, that dark room will also block light and air. No one will emerge as a winner in a trade war. Third, we should develop a model of fair and equitable governance in keeping with the trend of the times. As the Chinese saying goes, people with petty shrewdness attend to trivial matters, while people with vision attend to governance of institutions. There is a growing call from the international community for reforming the global economic governance system, which is a pressing task for us. Only when it adapts to new dynamics in the international economic architecture can the global governance system sustain global growth. Countries, big or small, strong or weak, rich or poor, are all equal members of the international community. As such, they are entitled to participate in

decision-making, enjoy rights and fulfill obligations on an equal basis. Emerging markets and developing countries deserve greater representation and voice. The

2010 IMF quota reform has entered into force, and its momentum should be sustained. We should adhere to multilateralism to uphold the authority and efficacy of multilateral institutions. We should honor promises and abide by rules. One should not select or bend rules as he sees fit. The Paris Agreement is a

hard-won achievement which is in keeping with the underlying trend of global development. All signatories should stick to it instead of walking away from it as this is a responsibility we must assume for future generations.

Fourth, we should develop a balanced, equitable and inclusive development model. As the Chinese saying goes, “A just cause should be pursued for common good.”Development is ultimately for the people. To achieve more balanced development and ensure that the people have equal access to opportunities and share in the benefits of development, it is crucial to have a sound development philosophy and model and make development equitable, effective and balanced. We should foster a culture that values diligence, frugality and enterprise and respects the fruits of hard work of all. Priority should be given to addressing poverty, unemployment, the widening income gap and the concerns of the disadvantaged to promote social equity and justice. It is important to protect the environment while pursuing economic and social progress so as to achieve harmony between man and nature and between man and society. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development should be implemented to realize balanced development across the world.

A Chinese adage reads, “Victory is ensured when people pool their strength; success is secured when people put their heads together.”As long as we keep to the goal of building a community of shared future for mankind and work hand in hand to fulfill our responsibilities and overcome difficulties, we will be able to create a better world and deliver better lives for our peoples.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends,

China has become the world’s second largest economy thanks to 38 years of reform and opening-up. A right path leads to a bright future. China has come this far because the Chinese people have, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, blazed a development path that suits China’s actual conditions. This is a path based on China’s realities. China has in the past years succeeded in embarking on a development path that suits itself by drawing on both the wisdom of its civilization and the practices of other countries in both East and West. In exploring this path, China refuses to stay insensitive to the changing times or to blindly follow in others’footsteps. All roads lead to Rome. No country should view its own development path as the only viable one, still less should it impose its own development path on others.

This is a path that puts people’s interests first. China follows a people-oriented development philosophy and is committed to bettering the lives of its people. Development is of the people, by the people and for the people. China pursues the goal of common prosperity. We have taken major steps to alleviate poverty and

lifted over 700 million people out of poverty, and good progress is being made in our efforts to finish building a society of initial prosperity in all respects.

This is a path of pursuing reform and innovation. China has tackled difficulties and met challenges on its way forward through reform. China has demonstrated its courage to take on difficult issues, navigate treacherous rapids and remove institutional hurdles standing in the way of development. These efforts have enabled us to unleash productivity and social vitality. Building on progress of

30-odd years of reform, we have introduced more than 1,200 reform measures over the past four years, injecting powerful impetus into China’s development. This is a path of pursuing common development through opening-up. China is committed to a fundamental policy of opening-up and pursues a win-win opening-up strategy. China’s development is both domestic and external oriented; while developing itself, China also shares more of its development outcomes with other countries and peoples.

China’s outstanding development achievements and the vastly improved living standards of the Chinese people are a blessing to both China and the world. Such achievements in development over the past decades owe themselves to the hard work and perseverance of the Chinese people, a quality that has defined the Chinese nation for several thousand years. We Chinese know only too well that there is no such thing as a free lunch in the world. For a big country with over 1.3 billion people, development can be achieved only with the dedication and tireless

efforts of its own people. We cannot expect others to deliver development to China, and no one is in a position to do so.

When assessing China’s development, one should not only see what benefits the Chinese people have gained, but also how much hard effort they have put in, not just what achievements China has made, but also what contribution China has made to the world. Then one will reach a balanced conclusion about China’s development.

Between 1950 and 2016, despite its modest level of development and living standard, China provided more than 400 billion yuan of foreign assistance, undertook over 5,000 foreign assistance projects, including nearly 3,000 complete projects, and held over 11,000 training workshops in China for over 260,000 personnel from other developing countries. Since it launched reform and opening-up, China has attracted over 1.7 trillion US dollars of foreign investment and made over 1.2 trillion US dollars of direct outbound investment, making huge contribution to global economic development. In the years following the outbreak of the international financial crisis, China contributed to over 30% of global growth every year on average. All these figures are among the highest in the world.

The figures speak for themselves. China’s development is an opportunity for the world; China has not only benefited from economic globalization but also contributed to it. Rapid growth in China has been a sustained, powerful engine for global economic stability and expansion. The inter-connected development of

China and a large number of other countries has made the world economy more balanced. China’s remarkable achievement in poverty reduction has contributed to more inclusive global growth. And China’s continuous progress in reform and opening-up has lent much momentum to an open world economy.

We Chinese know only too well what it takes to achieve prosperity, so we applaud the achievements made by others and wish them a better future. We are not jealous of others’success; and we will not complain about others who have benefited so much from the great opportunities presented by China’s development. We will open our arms to the people of other countries and welcome them aboard the express train of China’s development.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends,

I know you are all closely following China’s economic development, and let me give you an update on the state of China’s economy. China’s economy has entered what we call a new normal, in which major changes are taking place in terms of growth rate, development model, economic structure and drivers of growth. But the economic fundamentals sustaining sound development remain unchanged.

Despite a sluggish global economy, China’s economy is expected to grow by 6.7% in 2016, still one of the highest in the world. China’s economy is far bigger in size than in the past, and it now generates more output than it did with double-digit growth in the past. Household consumption and the services sector have become

the main drivers of growth. In the first three quarters of 2016, added value of the tertiary industry took up 52.8% of the GDP and domestic consumption contributed to 71% of economic growth. Household income and employment have steadily risen, while per unit GDP energy consumption continues to drop. Our efforts to pursue green development are paying off.

The Chinese economy faces downward pressure and many difficulties, including acute mismatch between excess capacity and an upgrading demand structure, lack of internal driving force for growth, accumulation of financial risks, and growing challenges in certain regions. We see these as temporary hardships that occur on the way forward. And the measures we have taken to address these problems are producing good results. We are firm in our resolve to forge ahead. China is the world’s largest developing country with over 1.3 billion people, and their living standards are not yet high. But this reality also means China has enormous potential and space for development. Guided by the vision of innovative, coordinated, green, open and shared development, we will adapt to the new normal, stay ahead of the curve, and make coordinated efforts to maintain steady growth, accelerate reform, adjust economic structure, improve people’s living standards and fend off risks. With these efforts, we aim to achieve medium-high rate of growth and upgrade the economy to higher end of the value chain.

—China will strive to enhance the performance of economic growth. We will pursue supply-side structural reform as the general goal, shift the growth model and upgrade the economic structure. We will continue to cut overcapacity, reduce inventory, deleverage financing, reduce cost and strengthen weak links. We will foster new drivers of growth, develop an advanced manufacturing sector and upgrade the real economy. We will implement the Internet Plus action plan to boost effective demand and better meet the individualized and diverse needs of consumers. And we will do more to protect the ecosystem.

—China will boost market vitality to add new impetus to growth. We will intensify reform efforts in priority areas and key links and enable the market to play a decisive role in resources allocation. Innovation will continue to feature prominently on our growth agenda. In pursuing the strategy of innovation-driven development, we will bolster the strategic emerging industries, apply new technologies and foster new business models to upgrade traditional industries; and we will boost new drivers of growth and revitalize traditional ones. —China will foster an enabling and orderly environment for investment. We will expand market access for foreign investors, build high-standard pilot free trade zones, strengthen protection of property rights, and level the playing field to make China’s market more transparent and better regulated. In the coming five years, China is expected to import eight trillion US dollars of goods, attract 600 billion US dollars of foreign investment and make 750 billion US dollars of outbound

investment. Chinese tourists will make 700 million overseas visits. All this will create a bigger market, more capital, more products and more business opportunities for other countries. China’s development will continue to offer opportunities to business communities in other countries. China will keep its door wide open and not close it. An open door allows both other countries to access the Chinese market and China itself to integrate with the world. And we hope that other countries will also keep their door open to Chinese investors and keep the playing field level for us.

—China will vigorously foster an external environment of opening-up for common development. We will advance the building of the Free Trade Area of the Asia Pacific and negotiations of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership to form a global network of free trade arrangements. China stands for concluding open, transparent and win-win regional free trade arrangements and opposes forming exclusive groups that are fragmented in nature. China has no intention to boost its trade competitiveness by devaluing the RMB, still less will it launch a currency war.

Over three years ago, I put forward the “Belt and Road”initiative. Since then, over 100 countries and international organizations have given warm responses and support to the initiative. More than 40 countries and international organizations have signed cooperation agreements with China, and our circle of friends along the “Belt and Road”is growing bigger. Chinese companies have made over 50

billion US dollars of investment and launched a number of major projects in the countries along the routes, spurring the economic development of these countries and creating many local jobs. The “Belt and Road”initiative originated in China, but it has delivered benefits well beyond its borders.

In May this year, China will host in Beijing the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation, which aims to discuss ways to boost cooperation, build cooperation platforms and share cooperation outcomes. The forum will also explore ways to address problems facing global and regional economy, create fresh energy for pursuing inter-connected development and make the “Belt and Road”initiative deliver greater benefits to people of countries involved. Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends,

World history shows that the road of human civilization has never been a smooth one, and that mankind has made progress by surmounting difficulties. No difficulty, however daunting, will stop mankind from advancing. When encountering difficulties, we should not complain about ourselves, blame others, lose confidence or run away from responsibilities. We should join hands and rise to the challenge. History is created by the brave. Let us boost confidence, take actions and march arm-in-arm toward a bright future.

Thank you!

2017年学生寒假放假通知单 __________同学家长: 您好,我校根据上级要求,小学部决定从2017年1月12日下午(中学部:2017年1月13日上午10:00)开始正式放寒假,下学期定于2017年2月13日上午(农历正月17日)开学,请您于当日按时送孩子返校报到(上课)。本学期已结束,现将您孩子在校表现、寒假期间生活安排及安全注意事项通知如下: 综合素质 道德素养学习实践交流合作运动健康审美情趣 班主任 寄语 班主任:__________ 校长的话(杨永波) 尊敬的家长,您对孩子的关心爱护、悉心教导和对学校工作的建议就是对我们工作最大的支持,我携全体教职工祝福您家庭幸福,新年快乐!也希望您假期能够督促子女完成各科作业!

2017年寒假期间安全教育致家长一封信 尊敬的学生家长: 寒假将至,为进一步加强学期结束前及寒假期间安全教育,现就做好放假前及寒假期间安全教育向家长提出建议,请予以关心!针对假前、寒假、春节、元宵等节日的特点,不断提高学生的安全意识和自防自救能力,做到安全从我做起,从小事做起,牢固树立“安全第一”的意识,时刻紧绷安全之弦,时时讲安全,事事讲安全,人人讲安全,确保人人都安全。 1.加强交通安全教育。教育孩子遵守交通规则,严禁在公路上追逐打闹或进行各类游戏活动。注意乘车安全,不乘坐报废车、无牌无照车、超员车。 2.防火、防电、防煤气中毒。教育孩子了解火、电、煤气相关知识,在生活中消除水、火、气、电等方面的安全隐患,做到不玩火,正确使用电器,不私自拆装电器,注意取暖安全,防止煤气中毒等。遇到火灾时及时拨打119报警。 3.防溺水和摔伤。冬季气温低,池塘、河流、湖泊、水库等水面极易结冰,外出时要注意防滑,避免摔伤;天气回暖时,冰层将逐渐消融,要避免到池塘、河流、湖泊、水库等边沿玩耍,防止冰面破裂导致溺水事故;若不慎发生溺水,要及时向附近的成年人呼救,同行的未成年学生、同伴不得自行贸然施救,避免盲目施救造成更大伤亡。 4.合理饮食,养成良好习惯。注意饮食卫生,不暴饮、暴食,不买“三无”食品,不抽烟、不喝酒。生活有规律,按时起居,多锻炼,预防疾病侵染,提高身体素质。 5.提高自我防护意识,防诈骗、防伤害。与陌生人打交道时,要提高警惕,谨防上当受骗。遇紧急情况,要见义巧为,善用智慧取胜,避免力敌不过反而危害自身。 6.及时告知家长自己的动向。出门前必须和家长打招呼,按时回家,不在未告知家长的情况下私自外出、在外住宿和远游。 7.远离网吧,合理利用网络。根据“三会”要求,妥善安排每天的时间,不沉迷于网络游戏,注意身心健康;文明上网,讲求网络道德,不查看、下载和传播色情、淫秽等不良信息,不登录不健康网站。 8.尊老爱幼、勤俭节约。教育孩子帮助父母做家务和参加有益的社会实践活动,勤俭节约,不乱花钱;自觉遵守公民道德,崇尚科学、破除迷信;规范自己的行为习惯,培养自己的良好道德品质和文明行为,学会尊重人、理解人、关心人,增强礼仪、礼节、礼貌意识,不断提高自身道德修养。 请家长将回执单于开学报名时交班主任,由班主任汇总后,上交校安管办。祝您和家人新春愉快! 郧阳区白浪镇九年一贯制学校 2017年1月12日- - - - -沿- - -线- - -剪- - -下- - -回- - -执- - -开- - -学- - -上- - -交- - -学- - -校- - - - - 白浪镇九年一贯制学校《2017年寒假期间安全教育致家长一封信》回执单 班级学生姓名家长签字 日期

thank you very much,dear miss sir,ladys and gentlemen.oa, before i am i my speach, i would like to show you a vedio happen in hangzhou about the our hangzhou smallsize enterprise summit. can i? thank you.after there days,you know, in house meetings and also fly all the way here, i can't feel quite well today.but when i see the entrepreneurs, when i came to the sms, I always feel excited, cause when I join the asemis conference, i see from the eyes the dream,the passion,the hope.when i jion the fortran 500 conference,i am not see those, i see the numbers,i see the revenues,i see the KPIs,i see the bloody competition.but among some issues, you see ,i have a dream,i want do something,and that happens all the time, and that make me excited all the time. and today, I think last year everybody say"woo, the economic in trouble and we are all dead and what we gonna do ".and today, everybody seems to be happy to say "economy is come back". is it a really economy comeback?I don't think so.the money go to big commpanies, the money go to infrastructure,the money goes back to stock market, seems nobody learn from that. how can the economic comeback, if the asms is not comeback? how can the economic comeback, if the dreams not comeback, the hopes not come back. i see one thing that two days ago at a dinner with my singapore friends,they said singapore government is encouraging to have more babies, it's because you know people are ageing and not enough kids. and i think we every economy every nation needs insant package to have more samll_mediumsize commpany to have more hopes. because every big company comes from small buisness. if without this hope, without this kind of insants to have more babies, we gonna die. why i always feel excited, I have eight babies. in the past fifth years, i build up eight companys. seven of them are well healthy, one of them i sold it. and i keep babies, when i am looking at babies, alibaba, taobao, taobaopay and the company would i have that ali cloud, we'd just have a new baby two month ago.i always feel excited because you see the hope you know this baby gonna to change me,this baby is gonna to change the whole world. that's the that i always feel excited. and if you want to be happy, have more babies. if you are a government and want your economy to be good, have more asmis. these are dreams, these are the hopes, these are the future. so this is what we all want to say, but enough. we have been crying ,saying "please give us support". but all the asms ask ourself one question, we are not crying babys, we believe we are tomorrow's google. we beleive we are tomorrow's ebay,Yotube and UPS. if we beleive we are, we can be, if you do not beleive, you never be. we heard a lot of governments say "we give you , o, let me know what we gonna do, let me know how we can help the asmis". we heard a lot of banks say " we are giveing loan to asmis". i heard some banks ,you know one of the bank president "we give like two hundred billion dollars to asmis", i said "what's the size of the loan you give","twenty million dollar". hwo can you say twenty million dollars. the research i got from alibaba group, alibaba status,87% of the asmis what they need is the found is below sixty thousand us dollars. they are giveing loans two hundred million dollars to some big companys, they are not the asmis, they are not the hopes. but i think we all asmis see that nobody can help you. my eight companys, i would say "nobody help us", only we can help ourselves. don't rely on government, don't rely on banks, forget about that, rely on your friends, rely on

放假通知 12月26日,市教育局印发《2017年全市中小学假期安排的通知》,明确全市义务教育阶段学校寒假自2017年1月14日开始,高中寒假自2017年1月21日开始。 2017年我市义务教育阶段学校寒暑假假期时间分别为4周、8周,具体安排是:义务教育阶段学校寒假时间为2017年1月14日至2月12日(农历2016年腊月十七至2017年正月十六);暑假时间为2017年7月7日至8月31日。 普通高中学校寒暑假假期时间分别为3周、7周,寒假时间为2017年1月21日至2月12日(农历2016年腊月廿四至2017年正月十六);暑假时间为2017年7月14日至8月31日。 在公共节假日方面,原则上按照国家有关规定执行。具体放假调休安排为:元旦放假时间为2016年12月31日(星期六)至2017年1月2日(星期一);清明节放假时间为2017年4月2日(星期日)至4日(星期二),4月1日(星期六)上课;劳动节放假时间为2017年4月29日(星期六)至5月1日(星期一);端午节放假时间为2017年5月28日(星期日)至30日(星期二),5月27日(星期六)上课;国庆节中秋节放假时间为2017年10月1日(星期日)至8日(星期日),9月30日(星期六)上课。 此外,市教育局特别指出,各中小学校不得以任何借口在假期组织学生集体到校上课、补课或统一组织自习,不得以领取考试成绩单为名通知学生到校,不得以任何形式参与、动员、组织

学生参加各类辅导培训班,禁止学校在假期联合或将校舍租借给社会力量办学机构用于开办补习班、培训班,禁止和严肃查处在职教师有偿家教。各中小学校严禁随意增减假期时限,学校因故需要调整节假日安排,以及因学业水平考试、中考和高考等特殊原因确需调整假期安排的,义务教育学校必须报县(市、区)教育局备案,普通高中学校必须报市教育局备案。 义务教育阶段学校 寒假:2017年1月14日至2月12日(农历2016年腊月十七至2017年正月十六) 暑假:2017年7月7日至8月31日 普通高中学校 寒假:2017年1月21日至2月12日(农历2016年腊月廿四至2017年正月十六) 暑假:2017年7月14日至8月31日 公共节假日 元旦:2016年12月31日至2017年1月2日共3天 清明:2017年4月2日至4月4日共3天 劳动节:2017年4月29日至5月1日共3天 端午节:2017年5月28日至30日共3天 国庆节中秋节:2017年10月1日至8日共8天

节假日安排2017法定节假日日历,2017法定节假日时间表 篇一:2016年放假安排时间表 2016年放假安排时间表 一、元旦: 2016年1月1日至1月3日调休,放假3天 2016年1月1日(星期五)为国家法定节假日 2016年1月4日(星期一)照常上班。 二、春节: 2016年2月7日至2016年2月13日调休,放假7日。 2月7日(星期日,农历除夕)、2月8日(星期一,农历正月初一)、2月9日(星期二,农历正月初二)为法定节假日 2月6日、2月14日(星期日)公休调至2月11日(星期四),2月12日(星期五)2月6日(星期六)、2月14(星期日)日照常上班。 三、清明节: 2016年4月3日至5日调休,共3天。 4月4日(星期一,农历清明当日)为法定节假日 4月3日(星期天)公休,4月2日的公休调至4月5号(星期二) 4月2号、4月6日(星期三)照常上班。 四、五一劳动节: 2016年5月1日至5月3日放假调休,共3天。 5月1日(星期日、“五一”国际劳动节)为法定节假日

4月30日(星期六)公休调至5月2号(星期一) 5月4日(星期三)照常上班。 五、端午节: 2016年6月9日至6月11日放假公休,共3天 6月9日(星期四,农历端午节当日)为国家法定节假日 6月11日(星期日)公休 6月12日(星期日)公休调至6月10日(星期五) 6月12日(星期日)照常上班。 六、中秋节: 2016年9月15日至9月17日放假,共3天。 9月15日(星期四,农历中秋节当日)为国家法定节假日 9月17日(星期六)公休 9月18日(星期日)公休调至9月16日(星期五) 9月18日(星期日)照常上班。 七、十一国庆节: 2016年10月1日至10月7日放假,共7天。 10月1日(星期六)、10月2日(星期日)、10月3日(星期一)为国庆节法定节假日10月8号(星期六)、10月9号(星期天)公休调至10月4号(星期二),10月5号(星期三) 10月8号(星期六)10月9号(星期天)正常上班。 需要节假日旅游的人士,可参照2016年放假安排时间表进行合

2017年春节放假安排时间表【官方】 春节习俗传统民俗 春节是除旧布新的日子,春节虽定在农历正月初一,但春节的活动却并不止于正月初一这一天。从腊月二十三(或二十四日)小年节起,人们便开始“忙年”:扫房屋、洗头沐浴、准备年节器具等等,所有这些活动,有一个共同的主题,即“辞旧迎新”。 春节也是祭祝祈年的日子,古人谓谷子一熟为一“年”,五谷丰收为“大有年”。西周初年,即已出现了一年一度的庆祝丰收的活动。后来,祭天祈年成了年俗的主要内容之一;而且,诸如灶神、门神、财神、喜神、井神等诸路神明,在春节期间,都备享人间香火。人们借此酬谢诸神过去的关照,并祈愿在新的一年中能得到更多的福佑。 春节还是合家团圆、敦亲祀祖的日子。除夕,全家欢聚一堂,吃罢“团年饭”,长辈给孩子们分发“压岁钱”,一家人团坐“守岁”。元日子时交年时刻,鞭炮齐响,辞旧岁、迎新年的活动达于高潮。各家焚香致礼,敬天地、祭列祖,然后依次给尊长拜年,继而同族亲友互致祝贺。 春节更是民众娱乐狂欢的节日。元日以后,各种丰富多彩的娱乐活动竞相开展:耍狮子、舞龙灯、扭秧歌、踩高跷、杂耍诸戏等,为新春佳节增添了浓郁的喜庆气氛。 因此,集祈年、庆贺、娱乐为一体的盛典春节就成了中华民族最隆重的佳节。而时至今日,除祀神祭祖等活动比以往有所淡化以外,

春节的主要习俗,都完好地得以继承与发展。 扫尘 “腊月二十四,掸尘扫房子”,据《吕氏春秋》记载,中国在尧舜时代就有春节扫尘的风俗。按民间的说法:因“尘”与“陈”谐音,新春扫尘有“除陈布新”的涵义,其用意是要把一切穷运、晦气统统扫出门。每逢春节来临,家家户户都要打扫环境,清洗各种器具,拆洗被褥窗帘,洒扫六闾庭院,掸拂尘垢蛛网,疏浚明渠暗沟。 到处洋溢着欢欢喜喜搞卫生、干干净净迎新春的欢乐气氛。 守岁 除夕守岁是最重要的年俗活动之一,守岁之俗由来已久。最早记载见于西晋周处的《风土志》:除夕之夜,各相与赠送,称为“馈岁”;酒食相邀,称为“别岁”;长幼聚饮,祝颂完备,称为“分岁”;大家终夜不眠,以待天明,称曰“守岁”。 自汉代以来,新旧年交替的时刻一般为夜半时分。 拜年 现代社会通行的贺年卡在中国古代已经实行。早在宋代,皇亲贵族士大夫的家族与亲族之间已使用专门拜年的贺年片,叫做“名刺”或“名贴”。它是把梅花笺纸裁成约二寸宽、三寸长的卡片,上面写上自己的姓名、地址。各家门上粘一红纸袋,称为“门簿”,其上写着主人姓名,用以接收名刺(名贴)。拜者投名刺(名贴)于门簿,即表示拜年,其意义与现代贺年卡一样。 贴春联

2017过年什么时候放假_2017过年放假时间安排 2017年过年放假安排时间表 2017年1月27日至2017年2月2日调休,放假7日。 1月27日(星期五,农历除夕)、1月28日(星期六,农历正月初一)、1月29日(星期日,农历正月初二)为法定节假日 1月22日(星期日)、2月4日(星期六)上班 春节的来历和习俗 一、什么是春节? 春节,是农历的岁首,春节的另一名称叫过年,是中国最盛大、最热闹、最重要的一个古老传统节日,也是中国人所独有的节日。是中华文明最集中的表现。自西汉以来,春节的习俗一直延续到今天。春节一般指除夕和正月初一。 但在民间,传统意义上的春节是指从腊月初八的腊祭或腊月二十三或二十四的祭灶,一直到正月十五,其中以除夕和正月初一为高潮。如何过庆贺这个节日,在千百年的历史发展中,形成了一些较为固定的风俗习惯,有许多还相传至今。 在春节这一传统节日期间,我国的汉族和大多数少数民族都有要举行各种庆祝活动,这些活动大多以祭祀神佛、祭奠祖先、除旧布新、迎禧接福、祈求丰年为主要内容。活动形式丰富多彩,带有浓郁的民族特色。 二、春节的来历:

春节的来历有一种传说,中国古时候有一种叫“年”的怪兽,头长触角,凶猛异常。“年”长年深居海底,每到除夕才爬上岸,吞食牲畜伤害人命。因此,每到除夕这天,村村寨寨的人们扶老携幼逃往深山,以躲避“年”兽的伤害。 有一年除夕,从村外来了个乞讨的老人。乡亲们一片匆忙恐慌景象,只有村东头一位老婆婆给了老人些食物,并劝他快上山躲避“年”兽,那老人捋髯笑道:“婆婆若让我在家呆一夜,我一定把‘年’兽撵走。”老婆婆仍然继续劝说,乞讨老人笑而不语。半夜时分,“年”兽闯进村。它发现村里气氛与往年不同:村东头老婆婆家,门贴大红纸,屋内烛火通明。“年”兽浑身一抖,怪叫了一声。将近门口时,院内突然传来“砰砰啪啪”的炸响声,“年”浑身战栗,再不敢往前凑了。 原来,“年”最怕红色、火光和炸响。这时,婆婆的家门大开,只见院内一位身披红袍的老人在哈哈大笑。“年”大惊失色,狼狈逃蹿了。第二天是正月初一,避难回来的人们见村里安然无恙十分惊奇。这时,老婆婆才恍然大悟,赶忙向乡亲们述说了乞讨老人的许诺。这件事很快在周围村里传开了,人们都知道了驱赶“年”兽的办法。 (客家人的传说)从此每年除夕,家家贴红对联、燃放爆竹;户户烛火通明、守更待岁。初一一大早,还要走亲串友道喜问好。这风俗越传越广,成了中国民间最隆重的传统节日。 三、春节的习俗: 1、扫尘

2017年放假时间安排表【国务院发布】2017年节假日放假安排 元旦放假安排 春节放假安排 清明放假安排 劳动节放假安排 端午节放假安排 中秋节放假安排

国庆节放假安排 重阳节放假安排 寒假放假时间 暑假放假时间 一、元旦节: 2017年1月1日(星期日)为国家法定节假日。2017年1月2日补休。

2016年12月31日(星期六)、2017年1月1日、1月2日成三天假期。 二、春节: 2017年1月27日至2017年2月2日调休,放假7日。 1月27日(星期五,农历除夕)、1月28日(星期六,农历正月初一)、1月29日(星期日,农历正月初二)为法定节假日 1月22日(星期日)、2月4(星期六)日照常上班。 三、清明节:

2017年4月2日至4日调休,共3天。 4月4日(星期二,农历清明当日)为法定节假日 4月1号(星期六)照常上班。 四、五一劳动节: 2017年4月29日至5月1日放假调休,共3天。 5月1日(星期一、“五一”国际劳动节)为法定节假日。

五、端午节: 2017年5月28日至5月30日放假公休,共3天 5月30日(星期二,农历端午节当日)为国家法定节假日5月27日(星期六)照常上班。 5月27日(星期六)公休调至5月29日(星期一) 六、中秋节:

2017年中秋在2017年10月4日(星期三),为国家法定假日。与国庆节连休8天,即从2017年10月1日至2017年10月8日,放假调休8天。 9月30日(星期六)照常上班。 七、十一国庆节: 2017年10月1日至10月8日放假,共8天。与中秋节连休。 10月1日(星期日)、10月2日(星期一)、10月3日(星期二)为国庆节法定节假日

2017放假时间安排表大全 元旦节: 2017元旦节 2017年1月1日至1月3日调休,放假3天 2017年1月1日(星期日)为国家法定节假日 2017年1月4日(星期三)照常上班。 二、春节: 2017春节 2017年1月27日至2017年2月2日调休,放假7日。 1月27日(星期五,农历除夕)、1月28日(星期六,农历正月初一)、1月29日(星期日,农历正月初二)为法定节假日 2月3日(星期五)、2月4(星期六)日照常上班。 三、清明节: 2017清明节 2017年4月3日至5日调休,共3天。 4月4日(星期二,农历清明当日)为法定节假日 4月6号(星期四)、4月7日(星期五)照常上班。 四、五一劳动节: 2017劳动节 2017年5月1日至5月3日放假调休,共3天。 5月1日(星期一、“五一”国际劳动节)为法定节假日

5月4日(星期四)照常上班。 五、端午节: 2017端午节 2017年5月28日至5月30日放假公休,共3天 6月30日(星期二,农历端午节当日)为国家法定节假日 5月28日(星期日)公休 5月28日(星期日)公休调至5月29日(星期一) 5月31日(星期三)照常上班。 六、中秋节: 2017中秋节 2017年中秋在2017年10月4日(星期三),为国家法定假日。与国庆节连休7天,即从2017年10月1日至2017年10月7日,放假调休7天。 10月8日(星期日)照常上班。 七、十一国庆节: 2017国庆节 2017年10月1日至10月7日放假,共7天。与中秋节连休。 10月1日(星期日)、10月2日(星期一)、10月3日(星期二)为国庆节法定节假日 10月8号(星期日)公休调至10月6号(星期五) 10月8号(星期日)正常上班。

马云,英文演讲稿 篇一:最新马云在斯坦福大学演讲中英文对照 以下为马云在斯坦福大学演讲全文: 马云:大家好。我今天感到非常荣幸能来到这里和大家见面。大约几个月前,斯坦福邀请我来演讲。我没有意料到。很多人说因为所有关于雅虎,阿里巴巴,和许多其他的新闻,这个时间点来这里演讲是非常的敏感。但是既然我做了一个承诺,我还是来了。今天如果你有任何问题要问我,我都会一一回答。 The following is the Ma at Stanford University speech: Ma : Hello everyone . Today I feel very honored to be here to meet you . About a few months ago , Stanford invited me to lecture . I did not expect . Many people say that because of all about Yahoo , Alibaba, and many other news, this time to speak here is very sensitive . But since I made a promise that I came. Today, if you have any questions to ask me, I will be to answer every qestions. 今天是我来美国的第15天,而且我打算在这里待上一年。这个计划没有人知道。甚至我的公司也不知道。大家问

我为什么要来这里。要打算作收购雅虎的准备吗?不,大家都太敏感了。我来这里是因为我累了。过去16年来太累了。我在1994年开创我的事业,发现了互联,并为之疯狂,然后放弃了我的教师工作。那时候我觉得自己就像是蒙了眼睛骑在盲虎背上似的,一路摔摔打打,但依然奋斗着、生存着。在政府机关工作了16个月之后,1999年建立了阿里巴巴。 I came to the United States today is the first 15 days , and I intend to stay here for a year . No one knows this plan . Even my company do not know. You asked me why I came here . To intend to do to prepare for the acquisition of Yahoo No, we are too sensitive. I came here because I'm tired. Over the past 16 years was too tired . In 1994 I created my career, discovered the Internet, and crazy, and then gave up my teaching job . At that time I felt like a Mongolian eyes like riding on the back of the tiger blind , all the way to throw beat fight, but still struggle, survive . Work for the government for 16 months after the 1999 establishment of Ali Baba . 我们还幸运地拥有着淘宝,支付宝,阿里云和集团下其

17年全年节假日一共多少天 据悉,备受人们关注的2017法定放假安排时间表公布。国务院办公厅12月1日发布《国务院办公厅关于2017年部分节假日安排的通知》,下面pincai小编收集整理的相关资料。欢迎阅读参考!! 各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府,国务院各部委、各直属机构: 经国务院批准,现将2017年元旦、春节、清明节、劳动节、端午节、中秋节和国庆节放假调休日期的具体安排通知如下。 一、元旦:1月1日放假,1月2日(星期一)补休。 二、春节:1月27日至2月2日放假调休,共7天。1月22日(星期日)、2月4日(星期六)上班。 三、清明节:4月2日至4日放假调休,共3天。4月1日(星期六)上班。 四、劳动节:5月1日放假,与周末连休。 五、端午节:5月28日至30日放假调休,共3天。5月27日(星期六)上班。 六、中秋节、国庆节:10月1日至8日放假调休,共8天。9月30日(星期六)上班。 节假日期间,各地区、各部门要妥善安排好值班和安全、保卫等工作,遇有重大突发事件,要按规定及时报告并妥善

处置,确保人民群众祥和平安度过节日假期。 一、元旦:2016年12月31日至2017年1月2日放假.共3天,1月1日放假,1月2日(星期一)补休。 二、春节:1月27日至2月2日放假调休,共7天。1月22日(星期日)、2月4日(星期六)上班。 三、清明节:4月2日至4日放假调休,共3天。4月1日(星期六)上班。 四、劳动节:4月29日至5月1日放假,与周末连休,共3天。 五、端午节:5月28日至30日放假调休,共3天。5月27日(星期六)上班。 六、中秋节、国庆节:10月1日至8日放假调休,共8天。9月30日(星期六)上班。 以上是2017法定放假安排时间表介绍,希望对大家有所帮助。

2017全年放假时间表 2017元旦节放假安排预测 2017年1月1日至1月3日调休,放假3天 2017年1月1日(星期日)为国家法定节假日 2017年1月4日(星期三)照常上班。 2017年春节放假安排预测 2017年1月27日至2017年2月2日调休,放假7日。 1月27日(星期五,农历除夕)、1月28日(星期六,农历正月初一)、1月29日(星期日,农历正月初二)为法定节假日 2月3日(星期五)、2月4(星期六)日照常上班。 2017年清明节放假安排预测 2017年4月3日至5日调休,共3天。 4月4日(星期二,农历清明当日)为法定节假日 4月6号(星期四)、4月7日(星期五)照常上班。 2017年劳动节放假安排预测 2017年5月1日至5月3日放假调休,共3天。 5月1日(星期一、“五一”国际劳动节)为法定节假日 5月4日(星期四)照常上班。 2017年端午节放假安排预测 2017年5月28日至5月30日放假公休,共3天 6月30日(星期二,农历端午节当日)为国家法定节假日

5月28日(星期日)公休 5月28日(星期日)公休调至5月29日(星期一) 5月31日(星期三)照常上班。 2017年中秋节放假安排预测 2017年中秋在2017年10月4日(星期三),为国家法定假日。与国庆节连休7天,即从2017年10月1日至2017年10月7日,放假调休7天。 10月8日(星期日)照常上班。 2017年十一国庆节放假安排预测 2017年10月1日至10月7日放假,共7天。与中秋节连休。 10月1日(星期日)、10月2日(星期一)、10月3日(星期二)为国庆节法定节假日 10月8号(星期日)公休调至10月6号(星期五) 10月8号(星期日)正常上班。 二、2017年节气时刻表 农历丁酉(2017——2018)年二十四节气时刻表 节气交节时间节气交节时间节气交节时间立春2017年02月03日 23:28:25雨水2017年02月18日 19:31:16惊蛰2017年03月05日 17:32:40春分2017年03月20日 18:28:35清明2017年04月04日 22:17:16谷雨2017年04月20日 05:26:58立夏2017年05月05日 15:30:59小满2017年05月21日 04:30:53芒种2017年06月05日 19:36:33夏至2017年06月21日 12:24:06小暑2017

介绍马云的英语演讲稿 篇一:最新马云在斯坦福大学演讲中英文对照 以下为马云在斯坦福大学演讲全文: 马云:大家好。我今天感到非常荣幸能来到这里和大家见面。大约几个月前,斯坦福邀请我来演讲。我没有意料到。很多人说因为所有关于雅虎,阿里巴巴,和许多其他的新闻,这个时间点来这里演讲是非常的敏感。但是既然我做了一个承诺,我还是来了。今天如果你有任何问题要问我,我都会一一回答。 The following is the Ma at Stanford University speech: Ma : Hello everyone . Today I feel very honored to be here to meet you . About a few months ago , Stanford invited me to lecture . I did not expect . Many people say that because of all about Yahoo , Alibaba, and many other news, this time to speak here is very sensitive . But since I made a promise that I came. Today, if you have any questions to ask me, I will be to answer every qestions. 今天是我来美国的第15天,而且我打算在这里待上一年。这个计划没有人知道。甚至我的公司也不知道。大家问

我为什么要来这里。要打算作收购雅虎的准备吗?不,大家都太敏感了。我来这里是因为我累了。过去16年来太累了。我在1994年开创我的事业,发现了互联,并为之疯狂,然后放弃了我的教师工作。那时候我觉得自己就像是蒙了眼睛骑在盲虎背上似的,一路摔摔打打,但依然奋斗着、生存着。在政府机关工作了16个月之后,1999年建立了阿里巴巴。 I came to the United States today is the first 15 days , and I intend to stay here for a year . No one knows this plan . Even my company do not know. You asked me why I came here . To intend to do to prepare for the acquisition of Yahoo No, we are too sensitive. I came here because I'm tired. Over the past 16 years was too tired . In 1994 I created my career, discovered the Internet, and crazy, and then gave up my teaching job . At that time I felt like a Mongolian eyes like riding on the back of the tiger blind , all the way to throw beat fight, but still struggle, survive . Work for the government for 16 months after the 1999 establishment of Ali Baba . 我们还幸运地拥有着淘宝,支付宝,阿里云和集团下其

2017全年放假安排表 2017全年放假安排表 一、元旦节 2017年1月1日至1月3日调休,放假3天 2017年1月1日(星期日)为国家法定节假日 2017年1月4日(星期三)照常上班。 二、春节 2017年1月27日至2017年2月2日调休,放假7日。 1月27日(星期五,农历除夕)、1月28日(星期六,农历正月初一)、1月29日(星期日,农历正月初二)为法定节假日 2月3日(星期五)、2月4(星期六)日照常上班。 三、三八妇女节 2017年3月8日各企业事业单位放妇女们半天假或者做活动 四、清明节 2017年4月3日至5日调休,共3天。 4月4日(星期二,农历清明当日)为法定节假日 4月6号(星期四)、4月7日(星期五)照常上班。 五、劳动节 2017年5月1日至5月3日放假调休,共3天。 5月1日(星期一、“五一”国际劳动节)为法定节假日 5月4日(星期四)照常上班。

六、端午节: 2017年5月28日至5月30日放假公休,共3天 6月30日(星期二,农历端午节当日)为国家法定节假日 5月28日(星期日)公休 5月28日(星期日)公休调至5月29日(星期一) 5月31日(星期三)照常上班。 七、儿童节时间:2017年6月1日儿童放假公休,共一天 6月1日(星期四) 儿童公休假 八、中秋节 2017年中秋在2017年10月4日(星期三),为国家法定假日。与国庆节连休7天,即从2017年10月1日至2017年10月7日,放假调休7天。 10月8日(星期日)照常上班。 九、十一国庆节 2017年10月1日至10月7日放假,共7天。与中秋节连休。 10月1日(星期日)、10月2日(星期一)、10月3日(星期二)为国庆节法定节假日 10月8号(星期日)公休调至10月6号(星期五) 10月8号(星期日)正常上班。

. 的历史意义: Hangzhou is lucky enough to be one of the first group of cities open to the world. 有幸能够成为(中国)首批向世界开放的城市。有幸能够成为(中国)首批向世界开放的城 市。 Because Nixon and Mao Zedong signed the Agreement. 这源于尼克松和推动签署的中美《联合公报》。 So they made Hangzhou open to the world. 是他们的努力让向世界敞开了大门。 when Mao Zedong and President Nixon had decided to make China and USA agree 1972,to work together to be the bright futre. 年,与(时任)美国总统尼克松达成共识,中美将携手开创美好未来。1972 Both leaders actually had a lot of wonderful negociations done in Hangzhou. 实际上,两国领导人之间大量的友好磋商是在进行的。 The document was made in Hangzhou and announced in Shanghai. 而《联合公报》也是在起草并最终在发布。 a great city This is historically the meaningful....... a very meaningful city, made the great leaders of the East ,that made the West and the East meet togetherand the West sit down together and discuss for the future.

2017年放假安排时间表日历 2017年元旦放假时间:2016年12月31日-2017年1月2日调休放假2017年1月1日(星期日)为国家法定节假日 2017年1月2日(星期一)为补休,1月3日(星期二)正常上班。 二、2017年春节放假安排时间 详细》》2017年春节放假安排时间表 2017年春节放假时间:2017年1月27日至2017年2月2日调休,放假7日。 1月27日(星期五,农历除夕)、1月28日(星期六,农历正月初一)、1月29日(星期日,农历正月初二)为法定节假日。 1月22日(星期日)2月3日(星期五)、2月4(星期六)日照常上班。 三、2017年清明放假安排时间 2017年清明节放假时间:2017年4月2日(星期日)、4月3日(星期一)至4月4日(星期二)放假调休,共3天。 4月4日(星期二,清明当日)为法定节假日;4月3号(星期一)调休。 4月1日(星期六)上班。 四、2017年劳动放假安排时间

2017年劳动节放假时间:2017年4月29(星期六)、4月3日(星期日)日、5月1日(星期一),共放假3天。 5月1日(星期一、“五一”国际劳动节)为法定节假日。 5月2日(星期二)照常上班。 五、2017年端午放假安排时间 2017年端午节放假时间:2017年5月28日(星期日)、5月29日(星期一)5月30日(星期二)放假调休,共3天 6月30日(星期二,农历端午节当日)为国家法定节假日; 5月28日(星期日)公休调至5月29日(星期一) 5月27日(星期六)照常上班。 六、2017年中秋放假安排时间 2017年中秋节放假时间:2017年中秋在2017年10月4日(星期三),为国家法定假日。与国庆节连休8天,即从2017年10月1日至2017年10月8日,放假调休8天。 10月9日(星期一)照常上班。 七、2017年十一国庆放假安排时间 2017年国庆节放假时间:2017年10月1日至10月8日放假,共8天。与中秋节连休。 10月1日(星期日)、10月2日(星期一)、10月3日(星期二)为国

篇一:最新马云在斯坦福大学演讲中英文对照 以下为马云在斯坦福大学演讲全文: 马云:大家好。我今天感到非常荣幸能来到这里和大家见面。大约几个月前,斯坦福邀请我来演讲。我没有意料到。很多人说因为所有关于雅虎,阿里巴巴,和许多其他的新闻,这个时间点来这里演讲是非常的敏感。但是既然我做了一个承诺,我还是来了。今天如果你有任何问题要问我,我都会一一回答。 the following is the ma at stanford university speech: ma : hello everyone . today i feel very honored to be here to meet you . about a few months ago , stanford invited me to lecture . i did not expect . many people say that because of all about yahoo , alibaba, and many other news, this time to speak here is very sensitive . but since i made a promise that i came. today, if you have any questions to ask me, i will be to answer every qestions. 今天是我来美国的第15天,而且我打算在这里待上一年。这个计划没有人知道。甚至我的公司也不知道。大家问我为什么要来这里。要打算作收购雅虎的准备吗?不,大家都太敏感了。我来这里是因为我累了。过去16年来太累了。我在1994年开创我的事业,发现了互联网,并为之疯狂,然后放弃了我的教师工作。那时候我觉得自己就像是蒙了眼睛骑在盲虎背上似的,一路摔摔打打,但依然奋斗着、生存着。在政府机关工作了16个月之后,1999年建立了阿里巴巴。i came to the united states today is the first 15 days , and i was too tired . in 1994 i created my career, discovered the internet, and crazy, and then gave up my teaching job . at that time i felt like a mongolian eyes like riding on the back of the tiger blind , all the way to throw beat fight, but still struggle, survive . work for the government for 16 months after the 1999 establishment of ali baba . 我们还幸运地拥有着淘宝网,支付宝,阿里云和集团下其他的公司。所以,建立阿里巴巴12年后的今天,我决定需要休息一段时间。尤其今年的挑战实在是太艰辛了,这也是我没有意料到的。中国人说每12年是一个本命年。阿里巴巴今年在中国刚好是第12年,也遇上了许多棘手的问题,好比今年初因为供应商欺诈事件导致首席执行官辞职,还有vie的问题,虽然我到现在仍然不知道什么是vie,以及把淘宝分成四个公司的决策。所以,忙完所有这些事情之后我累了。我告诉自己,为什么不花个一年好好休息。尤其明年是我个人的本命年,肯定会比今年更辛苦。我想要花多一点时间好好准备,迎接明年更艰苦更困难的挑战。我需要好好休息才能为3到4年后的挑战做好准备。这三年如果事情出了错,大家可以批评淘宝,阿里巴巴或阿里云的首席执行官。但是三年后,如果事情出了错,那就是我的错。所以我准备在美国花上一段时间好好思考和放松。前两天,我开始再次练习起高尔夫球,好好放松。所以,来美国的目的真的不像是大家揣测的这么复杂。 particular, this years challenge is too difficult , and this is what i did not expect to . chinese people say that every 12 years is an animal year . alibaba in china this year happens to be the first 12 years, have encountered many difficult issues , such as suppliers of fraud earlier this year because of events leading to the resignation of wealthy father , nor very powerful uncles , do not want to have thechance of success. i remember in 1999 came to silicon valley looking for funding , with many venture capitalists approached , growth will occur in china . then i founded alibaba, 12 years have passed , and today
