

Personal Statement

Energy resources have pushed the human society to develop rapidly, but excessive and inappropriate exploitation of energy resources have on the other hand brought about pollution and energy crisis. This phenomenon upsets me. I have maintained a keen interest in new energy and energy conservation, and have been motivated to probe into them.

The development of a solar inverter system is my first attempt to research into new energy and energy conservation, which happened to be the most important project that I have initiated during my undergraduate studies. In this research, I not only applied theory to practice but also figured out my research direction and interest. Considering that there were plenty of postgraduates doing the same research, I innovatively resorted to the Z-source inverter topology recently proposed by Professor Peng with Michigan State University, abandoning the widely used three-phase voltage inverter topology. However, this decision indeed posed quite a challenge for me, because little efforts had been made to study the Z-source inverter topology; I had little experience to draw on. After a thorough consideration, I proposed to design and test the modules separately. In addition, with reference to Professor Peng’s published papers, I preliminarily determined the parameters of capacitance and inductance in the circuit topology. During the project, I employed the simple boost and maximum boost control that were adopted by predecessors to analyze the third harmonic injection. To pursue less switching loss and harmonic output, I emulated an innovative control method with software, to wit, irregular sinusoidal PWM signal control, which had yielded a good result in practice. In addition, I managed to finish a thesis on this control method Non-sinusoidal Injection Control Strategy of Z-Source Inverter. The thesis is to be published in the 2012 International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering and Automation. Moreover, this project has significantly sharpened my communication and cooperative skills. Communication with the postgraduates was quite inspiring. In particular, in terms of the novel non-sinusoidal injection method, they helped me better understand the limitations of traditional control method, i.e. the more frequent the switching, the bigger the loss. In an effort to solve this problem, we superimposed the three voltages so as to offset bias voltage. After repeated trials and revisions, we managed to make each voltage be completely off switch in at least one third of the cycle and only one bridge arm need to be open during straight-through.

The success of the project could be attributed to the theoretical knowledge and research capacities that I have acquired during the undergraduate studies. In those four years, apart from working hard on basic courses such as mathematics and physics, I spent plenty of time learning the specialized courses ahead of the school schedule, acquainting myself with the professional knowledge as early as possible. In addition, I took an active part in practice. For example, in my sophomore year, I built a smart

racing team and participated in a competition on behalf of the college. This was a project about car tracking and contestants were required to build a system on our own, including machinery, vehicles, electronics, algorithms and modeling. Soon we discovered that it was almost impossible for smart cars to make the turns smoothly and eliminate jitters while maintaining a high speed. To resolve this problem, I, at first, attempted to determine the value of the steering angle output and differential outputs of two wheels by using the PID algorithm. However, this algorithm failed to differentiate between greater and lesser curvature. Later, I employed the fitted equation of higher degree to calculate more reliable output curve, which, however, burdened the processor with a huge amount of calculation. Ultimately, I conducted numerous tests for each input value interval and drew a table with the interpolation method. By referring to the table, the output value could be determined. In the meantime, I introduced the PID algorithm into each interval to avoid the jitter caused by the numerical jumps and the dead zone of output value being close to 0. From this project experience, I learned to organize and lead a team to fight for a common goal and to make full use of the search tools to collect information. These are skills beneficial to my research. It is also worthy of mentioning that our unremitting attempts to model and modify a nonlinear system have deepened my understanding of the classical control theory and equipped me with some modern control theories. Hence my graduation thesis was about control, named Vision-based Closed-loop Self-tuning PID-fuzzy Control Study.

Having accumulated some research experience, I began to work with postgraduates at the college on their programs. For example, I once spent some time doing research with the underwater acoustic communications research group, in which I was in charge of microcontroller programming when the group was trying to build the underwater acoustic communication model. In this process, I gained an in-depth understanding of the principle of this underwater sensor model and read piles of related academic papers. And based on this experience, I composed my first English paper The Study on Robot Control Using Underwater Sensor Network, which was published in the 2nd International Conference on Mechatronics and Intelligent Materials 2012. This is, without doubt, a milestone in my academic research. Additionally, I have also been in the aircraft design team for some time, involved in modeling the nonlinear system and designing the closed-loop circuit of PWM motor-drive control. Thanks to such invaluable experiences, I have learned a great many research methods and enhanced my research capacities.

As my learning and research experiences increase, I feel an even stronger desire to explore deeper into new energy and energy conservation. I dream to improve our lives and the environment by devoting myself to relevant research. And now my undergraduate study is coming to an end and my next step is to go further in the field of new energy. Therefore, I am determined to further my studies abroad and conduct research in this meaningful field that I intensely cherish under the guidance of excellent teachers in a better environment. The University of XXX is leading the

research of new energy and energy conservation technologies. I firmly believe that studying in your university will bring me closer to my dream. In addition, your university enjoys a worldwide reputation, remarkable teaching staff, sophisticated scientific equipment and courses fit for me. Therefore, I wish to be admitted to the PHD program at your university. Your favorable consideration of my application will be highly appreciated.






哈佛大学申请人递交的个人陈述 Fashion gives me the confidence to live my life to its full potential. This is because fashion helps describe you as a person, everyone has their own interpretation of fashion, and becoming a fashion buyer would not only be a dream job, it would be an exhilarating journey. I would love to travel the world and view amazing collections, or just to meet other people as passionate about the industry as I am. My favorite designers currently are Kim Jones, topman design and Paul Smith, who I admire deeply and all make spectacular menswear collections, I admire them because they are young fresh and are the future of men’s fashion. After some illness during my school years, I stayed on for a year in sixth form to complete more GCSE’s and now I am at college which I adore. I have learnt a lot about the fashion business at college such as finance and marketing, aswell at leadership styles. I was also taught about and how people use fashion as communication and stereotypes formed from how we dress. Through studying at college I gained more self motivation and independence which ill need at university. I have had over 2 years of work experience in retail fashion by


美国研究生申请个人陈述 在美国研究生申请中,很重要的一个环节就是文书,今天我就给大家说说美国研究生申请个人陈述相关内容,希望能给有需要的同学提供帮助。 第一步:确定主线 在下笔之前,先仔细思考这篇PS打算用到的主线是什么,在自己的文件中写下来你的打算。所谓主线,没有千篇一律,只有各有千秋。如果思前想后、想破了脑袋依然没有想法,那就按照最原始但是是最保险的主线捋下来,即: 第一段:申请什么专业; 第二段:为什么申请该专业; 第三、四、五、六段:为申请该专业做好了哪些准备; 第七段:做好了准备申请对方学校,对方学校的优势在哪里; 第二步:确定主线上添枝加叶的素材 在主线确定后,依然不要着急动笔去写美国研究生文书,你打算用你的哪些素材来为你的主线添枝加叶?这是第二步要思考的问题,通常来说,对于申请研究生的申请者来说,在校学习经历、研究经历、实习经历、海外学习经历、志愿者经历、课外活动经历等都是可以选择的衬托主线的叶子。 如何在这么多的叶子中选出来最适合的那几片?选择“所申请专业所需要的能力”和“自己已经具备的能力”的重合点,这是最佳素材。 说到底,对于申请研究生的申请者来说,不能与申请本科相同,申请者已经不能单纯地在PS中讲一个动听的故事,靠动听的故事感动审核者,更多的是要靠“专业”,因此在PS的写作中,通常来说,所有的叶子都是围绕着“专业”来转的。这就要求广大的申请者,一定要思考,你所申请的专业到底需要的是哪些方面的能力,而自己是否已经具备了,通过哪些素材可以说明自己已经具备了,这三个问题思考清楚了,PS写作中所谓的亮点挖掘就完成了。是的,那就是你的亮点,无须怀疑。 第三步:锻炼英文书写能力 对大部分亚洲学生而言,每天说的、写的语言显然不会是英文。准备申请书最困难的部分也就是用英文写这些申论题。所以,你必须事先做好万全准备,才能从容面对这个挑战。在动笔写申论题前,必须先有二、三个月的时间做准备。这段时间内英文书报读得越多越好。特别注意这些文章的组织与架构,以及句子的结构。一旦看到可以用来描述自己的单字,务必记得抄在另外准备的笔记本上,并且将其组句方式记下来。 第四步:承上启下的语句先写好


英国留学:写好个人陈述的十个建议 作为国外大学申请中重要的一环,个人陈述是非常重要的一环,是你去展现除了你的姓名与ID卡之外还有其他特殊之处的机会。在一篇文章内你必须要劝说大学相信你就是最佳人选,让大学想立刻给你寄一份offer。那么问题来了,优秀的PS到底怎么写呢?来看看英国留学写好个人陈述的十个建议吧! 1.关掉数字计数器写稿 当写论文的时候,你觉得最好是要边写边计数,因为论文要求是4,000字,所以觉得写到3,900就差不多了。但是在写到3,500后,你发现我的故事仅仅写了一半。关掉了计数器,最后写完故事发现一共是7,000字。所以就开始整理和压缩,但是这也要比字数不够加一些想法进去要简单,最终的PS字数是3,999。 2.不要着急 慢慢来,有点耐心。一篇好的个人陈述也不可能在几个小时内就写好。写PS花了一个月的时间才完成了最终版本,所以,去花一段时间还是很值得的。 3.找到最好的单词和短语 如果你用一些比较好的词汇,那会让你的文章看起来更优雅和更专业,例如你用“accomplish”而不是用“do”,用“presume”而不是“think”。这

样对一个留学生尤其困难,因为英语并不是母语,但是也有一些电子字典或者同义词软件可以起到很大作用。当然,你在选择词汇的时候也要留心,太多的华丽辞藻也可能让你的论文看起来有点夸张并且难懂。 4.专注于自己的优势 在文章中,你是要努力将自己推进一所大学,一个好的销售方案全部都是关于产品有多棒,个人陈述也应该是这样。 你应该写自己的经验,你的学识和你对未来的计划,而不是“我想学西班牙语,但是因为太难一周后就放弃了”或者“我并不怎么擅长数学,但是我很讨厌它这个应该可以理解。” 5.寻找最完美的开头 以一些有趣的,好玩的,特别的或者惊喜的事情开头总可以给你留下一个好的印象。但是也不要想着从你的脑袋里面挤出一下好玩的事,这样也是没用的。或许你会在写PS的某个瞬间突然想起一句最合适的开头,所以也不要过度想这个问题了。 6.你自己的声音和想法 你写第一稿之前不要去读别人写的PS,这会给你一个误导。你是一个独特的个体,去根据别人的想法和别人的模式写文章是毫无意义的。毕竟,这是一篇关于你自己的文章,而不是别人。


英国电影专业个人陈述范文 英国留学是一件很不错的事情,那么个人陈述应该怎么写呢,有一些什么注意事项,很多同学可能都会想,如果有一篇范文就好了,所以我整理了一些资料,一起来看看英国电影专业个人陈述范文。 英国研究生院电影专业申请个人陈述(PS)范文: A crowded and cluttered living room in a low-income townhouse. Stansfield bends over to see Leon lying in his own pool of imaginary blood that soaks into the already stained carpet. Leon uses his last ounce of strength to lift his clenched fist up to Stansfield. He opens to reveal a grenade pin, ?¢a???“For Mathilda?¢a???|?¢a????? At maybe thirteen years old, this might have very well been my directorial debut. I had just watched The Professional earlier that week and was telling my cousins about it. Describing the whole movie I arrived at the climax and decided that I really wanted for them to capture how the ending played out. So I set them up, fed them their lines and fetched a few props, or in our case whatever


美国计算机专业留学个人陈述模板 美国研究生申请文书包括个人陈述、推荐信、简历、 Essay以及Writing Sample等,而个人陈述(PS)所占的比重更大,因而个人陈述的撰写更需慎重,需要全面考虑。和小编一起来看看美国计算机专业留学个人陈述模板。 I thought much before I began to

the PS. However,holding the pen, I suddenly felt wordless because I have too much to

too much to write. Standing on the crossroad of life, I determined to study abroad without

hesitations. 出国留学的想法并不是源于我对国外生活的向往,而是源于我对专业的追求,因为我对我所学习的专业具有的与众不同的兴趣.我向往着再能够更加深入的学习和掌握信息科学的内涵,体会她的魅力!凭借着一种懵懂的感性指引将我带进了信息科学的殿堂,在大学几年的学习过程中,逐渐认识到了当前的信息社会,不仅需要一系列方方面面懂得信息技术的人才,更需要我们对信息科学和技术做更深入的研究,将这个学科的技术应用到各个行业。而且,信息科学很明显是未来的趋势,它将颠覆性地改变人们过去曾经熟悉的生活方式。在对这个专业的学习过程中,我感到了它的有趣、挑战、永远与最新技术保持同步,最重要的是让我觉得它非常有前景,为了她挥洒自己的青春是值得的。 It was not the

for the life overseas,but the pursuit of my professional study that aroused my idea to


英国留学个人陈述写作建议 如果你要,在留学申请文书上肯定是要花功夫的,那么个人陈述应该要怎么写呢,大家对于这个有什么建议呢,和我一起来看看英国留学个人陈述写作建议。 “如果你对错综复杂的犯罪心理感兴趣,完全可以写进申请法律专业的个人陈述里,”伯明翰城市大学招生官及法学讲师帕梅拉·托马斯(Pamela Thomas)表示,“但学生们经常过于着重犯罪心理学,而忽视了法学。所以在你开始写作之前,一定要确认主要的专业内容。” 另一种会惹恼赫尔大学法学院招生官马蒂娜·麦克林恩博士(Dr Martina McClean)的写作风格是热情有余而证据不足,毕竟空口无凭,要想真正展示心意,写作就应该在个人经历及其影响的基础上展开。 无论你是对民法、刑法,还是国际法感兴趣,你都应该马上能引起招生官的兴趣,说服他们你合适这个专业。《卫报》招生专家夏洛特·西格(Charlotte Seager)就收集了多位英国名校招生官的建议,告诉学生们一份好的陈述里应该包含什么,而哪些错误是要一定避免的。 应该做的: 陈述开篇要让人印象深刻: 开篇的关键应该是“为什么选择这个专业?”以及“这个专业如何吸引了你?”——伯明翰城市大学招生官及法学讲师帕梅拉·托马斯一定要在开篇就抓住读者的注意力。 招生官们在寻找积极、投入、勤思好学的年轻人。叙述一段影响了你的经历,在其中你遇到了哪些问题,又如何找到了答案。——赫尔大学法学院招生官马蒂娜·麦克林恩博士 保持好奇心: 寻找机会更多了解专业知识,并在陈述中表现出来。

你可以参加更多专业实践活动,谈谈从中学到了什么。很多机会都是向公众开放的。——东英格兰大学资深讲师德布拉·伊芙斯(Deborah Ives) 另一种表达兴趣的方式是在日常生活中的专业知识运用。 你可以讲述一个当地超市如何应对投诉的故事,这可能激励了你为保护消费者权益而学习法律,以修正那些富有争议的体制。——赫尔大学法学院招生官马蒂娜·麦克林恩博士 展示自己的勤奋: 如果你提到了自己的课外活动,比如体育运动或负责社团,你就应该表现出你能为一件并不简单的事情坚持不懈。——牛津大学副教授及招生协调人伊莫根·古尔德(Imogen Goold) 叙述自己的志愿活动和实习经历能够让人觉得你积极主动。这些职位并不一定专业性很强,但可以尝试把它们和专业联系起来。——赫尔大学法学院招生官马蒂娜·麦克林恩博士 个人陈述要诚实: 我们想通过陈述知道你是怎样的人,而非你想成为怎样的人。——牛津大学副教授及招生协调人伊莫根·古尔德 我们希望大家不要让学校或家长代笔,只想听到学生自己的声音。对于17岁的孩子来说,个人陈述有一定的难度,所以那些看似“杰出”的作品将会被我们重点“关注”。——东英格兰大学资深讲师德布拉·伊芙斯 不能做的: 不要过度聚焦具体议题: 有些内容只是专业的很小一部分,但过度聚焦却是最常见的错误之一。学生最好能够广泛地讨论各个议题,我们希望学生知识面广,并且将其和生活联系起来。——东英格兰大学资深讲师德布拉·伊芙斯


英国本科留学申请个人陈述优秀范文 在申请英国留学过程中,申请文书必不可少,且扮演者至关重要的作用,那么申请文书怎么写呢?应该有哪些要注意的呢,和我一起来看看英国本科留学申请个人陈述优秀范文。 Personal Statement My strong interest in the field of materials has accompanied me since I was a little girl, but I have been able to begin fully developing it as a result of the subtle influence on me exerted by my parents. Both of my parents are engineers in their factory. They enjoy their work in design with cloth materials and are happy to see that I am interested in materials, especially polymers. As the rudimentary teachers of mine, my parents made every effort to cultivate me to become an engineer of the highest quality and set up an excellent model for me. Such a wonderful environment for my growth inspired me a lot and enhanced my interest in this field. Thus, I chose materials and engineering without hesitation as my major during my undergraduate study in Beijing University of


美国研究生申请个人陈述写作要点 在申请美国留学的材料中有一项是个人陈述,但是个人陈述怎么才能写的好呢?下面小编就为大家带来的美国研究生申请个人陈述写作要点介绍,供大家参考。 1、详细具体 要记住美国研究生PS的主要目的并不是记录下一段广受欢迎的小说,而是要展示你是一个勤奋而热情的学生。 从你当前的学术和专业目标考虑,迅速总结出读研对你来说具备什么意义。然后,清晰而细致地解释为何这所院校最让你动心?你还要解释你将如何利用这个机会更好提升自己,从而让自己成为这个项目的一笔宝贵财富。 2、抓住读者的注意力 有些学生选择用“与自己学业或职业道路相关的具有改变人生的重大意义事件”让PS熠熠生辉,抓住老师的注意力,这其实是非常奏效的方式。 不过,如果学生用一句非常概括性的平淡句子引入,只想简单有效地陈述就可能导致反效果!这么做不仅毫无益处,还会让读者无聊。想办法尽快进入“高潮”,把影响你的学术或职业生涯的人/物直接作为PS 开头。 3、反复读再修改 一旦完成PS的最初版本之后,得花时间重读和修改——很多次!如果你发现自己一再使用同样的词,找一本辞典来换成更有力度和分量的高级词汇。如果你倾向大量使用强调副词,如“very”和“really”,如果不是十分必要最好删掉它们——它们会让你的文笔杂乱,还会削弱你的专业度。 4、早点开始 很多研究生院的申请都是截止于12月或1月——就像大多数的书面工作一样——你的研究生PS将需要好几轮的反复修订,所以,越早开始准备你的PS越好——最好是在最早申请截止日期的前几个月。 5、充分调查 一旦你锁定要申请哪所学校,就得挪出足够的时间做好相关调查,看看这些目标院校与众不同的地方在哪儿。做足这些功课可以帮你更好地进行美国留学文书撰写! 招生老师也许会被你写的关于这个院校的特殊细节所打动,因为这充分说明了你对他们的项目有着浓厚的兴趣。比如,你可以写写自己是如何地下足功夫学习中世纪文本,还要提及一下你对于能在这个学校新建的图书馆学习这个主题而感到无比兴奋。 以上就是文都国际教育小编为同学们带来的美国研究生申请个人陈述写作要点的介绍,希望可以给广大的申请者带来帮助。


牛津大学商科留学个人陈述范例 留学个人陈述是申请英国留学文书中的重要组成部分,在硬件条件相当的申请人相互竞争时,提供一份令人印象深刻、能表现申请人个人特质的留学个人陈述无疑能为申请加分。下面是由“出国汇”(百度一下)的指导下学员制作的一份成功申请到英国牛津大学商科的留学个人陈述,大家一起来看看作者的写作有何值得借鉴的地方吧! Since a very young age - where all my friends were aspiring to become firemen, astronauts and rockstars - I have always dreamed of wearing a suit to work. I don…t know what it was, but I guess I just identified all these men as being the real players in the world - driving fast cars and hitting it off with beautiful women. These guys - the lawyers, entrepreneurs and accountants - were all sipping champagne and living the high life. Of course, you don?t have to wear a suit to be making money (look at Steve Jobs, for example), it…s not all fun and games, and you have to be damn good at what you do, but my ambitions have remained the same. This is what I want to be, but money is no longer the sole object, in my opinion. This has stemmed from my upbringing, where every morning CNN is put on the TV, stock portfolios lie in messy stacks around the house and political conversation runs rife at the dinner table. Every day I would hear my father talking about his business ventures and garnered a great interest. To me, the business world seemed entirely different to our regular one: it was a grandiose battlefield of thousands of opposing teams –a vicious free for all where the only objective was to win. Language like “slaughtering the competition” was frequently used, and I instantly knew that this game was more intense than any sport, more exciting tha n any video game and more fulfilling than any hobby. I once even tried my hand at business of my own –selling gumballs at school –which, to my surprise, was rather successful, if short-lived (regulated into the ground). By the time I was beginning my IGCSE year I was absolutely itching to take a Business & Management course. I felt a lot of it come naturally to me, remembering all the terms and advice I had heard from my father. All along it was extremely satisfying to know that whilst I would hardly use anyth ing I had learnt in math’s (unless I need to know the exact angle that my ladder is at), no matter what profession I would take, I could apply this. I took part in stock competitions, both in and outside of school, in an attempt to better my understanding of the seemingly confusing concept of stock exchange. One of the most interesting aspects of business for me is international markets, which then extends into economics. I have often been told that one of my most valuable qualities is that I am tri-cultural, coming from an extremely interesting background. I have lived in Spain my entire life, with an American mother and English father, who is a chartered accountant and previously owned a successful record label; he


英国留学申请之个人陈述写作最全教程 一、英国留学个人陈述(PS)的主旨 个人陈述PS在英国留学申请中之所以重要是因为很多英国大学无需面试申请人,所以他们唯一认识你的地方就是网上申请表格。大部分表格涵盖了你的个人信息,包括大学感兴趣的你的学术/语言成绩、推荐信以及PS(留学个人陈述)。 PS(留学个人陈述)是这些材料当中唯一一个由你来控制的,所以这个是你给大学招生办留下一个良好印象的机会,这个印象是用分数无法反映出来的。尤其是当你申请的学校竞争特别激烈,所有的申请者都有很好的成绩的时候,PS就是唯一一种能凸显你的与众不同的材料,所以同志们,一定要尽可能地把PS做到尽善尽美。 大学招生办和课程老师在看你的PS的时候,他们通常会问以下两个问题: 1、我们是否想要这个学生来学习这门课程? 2、我们是否想要这个学生来我们的学校学习? 这两个问题可以分解为以下几个小问题来解答: 1)这个学生是否适合他/她所申请的课程? 2)这个学生是否具备他/她所申请的课程需要的素质? 3)这个学生是否有足够的毅力、勤奋的品格以及不会轻易辍学? 4)这个学生是否会全力以赴地达到这门课程所要求的各项能力? 5)这个学生是否能在高压底下工作? 6)这个学生是否能很快得调整好自己融入到大学的新环境? 7)他们的交际能力如何? 8)他们是否热爱这个课程并且做了仔细的研究 9)他们对课程是否有真正的兴趣并且渴望去做更深入的学习? 这些问题就是需要你在PS当中去表述和解答,只不过你不能只是说YES和NO,你需要有足够的事实依据去证明你的说法,让你的观点言之有物。不过,招生办的老师们毕竟也是平凡人,他们有可能需要阅读成百上千的PS,所以即便你觉得已经对上述问题回答的很好了你还有可能被不幸地拒绝。 还有其他的一些技巧可以让你的PS脱颖而出给老师们留下深刻印象,但要记住老师们也都因人而异他们对于申请者的期望也都不完全相同,怎么把握当中玄机就看童鞋们自己拿捏了。 二、标注自己的亮点 现在你还不需要开始思考文章框架和行文结构,你只需要思考一些关于你的成长经历并做


一个中国学生的美国大学申请个人陈述: “爸爸,为什么我们的工厂没有自己的品牌?”六岁那年,我忍不住把藏在心里很久的问题向爸爸提出来。 “这个问题一言难尽。虽然注册一个属于自己的品牌很简单,但是要把牌子真正的经营好很困难。首先涉及到创新设计的问题,市场缺乏这样的人才,而模仿加工容易,这是加工厂成批出现的原因。其次开发这些新产品需要耗费很大的财力和时间,还有很大风险。”虽然爸爸没有直接给我答案,可是他的回答却激发了我的兴趣,让我开始思考这个问题。 ….. (中间写了学生从小在爸妈的工厂生活成长,对爸妈工厂的发展的看法,以及对他们只是代加工国际品牌衣服而没有自己品牌的困惑。) “爸爸,为什么我们生产的衣服利润一件只有100多元,但是在杭州大厦卖的价格却是10倍这么高?”十二岁那年陪爸爸到杭州大厦给妈妈买生日礼物时,看到我们厂里代加工的衣服的售价,我忍不住问了爸爸。 “一个牌子能一直流行下来最核心的价值是它的品牌和设计。同一块面料,香奈儿的设计师设计出来的裙子会比普通牌子的设计师设计出来的裙子贵太多太多。”跟往常一样,爸爸的回答再次引发了我的思考。 ….. (中间写了学生在这之后,对爸妈的加工厂的利润和出路的思考) “爸爸,为什么你要卖了我们的工厂呢?”去年年底当得知爸爸居然要卖了他一手创办的存在了十几年的工厂时,我又震惊又难过的跑去问爸爸。 “因为近几年来中小企业融资难,招工难,同时管理成本越来越大(工资要求高,做事效率低)。由于没有自己的的品牌导致利润低,特别是09年金融风暴,外贸行业收到严重影响,许多中小企面临倒闭。”爸爸的回答充满无奈,迫使我直面这个困扰我很久的问题。 …. (最后写学生对此的想法,对家乡义乌那一片工业区的加工厂倒闭的想法,以及希望为此做出努力的决心)


英国留学202X个人陈述范文 去英国留学的学生需要写好自己的个人陈述,那么英国留学生的个人陈述范文有哪些呢?想必是不少出国人士比较关心的问题,和一起来了解了解英国留学个人陈述范文,欢迎阅读。 英国留学个人陈述范文 Personal Statement I am the applicant Wang Ming. From September 2002 to July 2006, I studied the specialty of Financial Management at Beijing University of Chemical Technology. Through undergraduate studies, I contacted such disciplines as accounting, international finance, securities investment and so on; however, keenly conscious that my current acquisition is far from enough for me to meet the needs of the fast developing economy, I am eager to pursue further studies. Through various channels, I know about your world-renowned program, and I am now applying for MA Finance and Investment offered by University of Nottingham. At university, I gained a full understanding of accounting and finance. In specialized studies, I obtained excellent academic records. Paying attention to the balancing development of financial and managerial disciplines, I attended those selective courses including Fiscal Science, Human Resource Management, Monetary Banking, Insurance and the like, knowing about the application of accounting in various aspects. In this way, when I do relevant topics, in face of real voucher, bill and account book, I have experienced the whole process of keeping accounts and working out financial statement and deepened my understanding of the importance of accounting in enterprises.


I have always had an interest in science-based subjects, especially those relating to biology. Whilst undertaking my A-level Biology course, the module energy and ecosystems was of particular interest to me. My interest in the natural world, and study of science encouraged me to further my understanding in this area by applying to study environmental biology at degree level. I wish to take this course to enable me to develop scientific skills that will provide me with a greater understanding of the environm ent and factors that affect it. I am also studying Chemistry and Maths at A-level. The practical element of my chemistry course involves an understanding of procedures and precautions necessary throughout all science-based experiments; I feel that this understanding will improve my ability in practical elements of the course. After studying A-level maths, I feel being able to interpret numerical data at a high level will also enable me to develop my understanding of any numerical information that features i n the course I am keen on sports and outdoor pursuits. I have enjoyed a range of activities from countryside walks to kayaking and abseiling. Because of this I feel I would particularly enjoy the fieldwork the course offers. I have been able to combine this interest in sport with a part time job as a leisure attendant at local sport centres. As part of this post I was asked to lead a youth sports and activities group which aims to promote sport among young people in my area. This activity has also allowed me to introduce other young people to activities that I have enjoyed. This role has also helped me to develop skills that would help me while I am at university. The sports group involves arranging individual sessions as well as trips out This has improved my organisational skills, which has reflected my ability to combine part-time work with college effectively. Working as part of a team and serving members of the public has also improved my social skills, making me more confident when working with others I wish to study at university, not only for the knowledge that I will gain from the course, but also for the experience of university life has to offer. During my two years at college I have participated in various activities. For example, I represented the college at an open day, volunteered as a collage council representative for my form group, participated in a blood donation scheme and was also involved in the shoebox appeal. These activities meant that I have to be confident, approachable and polite. I feel these are characteristics that will enable me to get involved with student life at university My ambition is to participate in conservation work abroad, before gaining experience in a career based in this area. I feel the experience outlined above and the knowledge I will gain from the course will enable me to achieve this ambition.


美国研究生留学流程 导读:本文是关于美国研究生留学流程,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享! 【篇一:申请美国研究生的要求和流程】 去美国读研究生要求与条件: 1、本科毕业 2、有托福或雅思成绩 3、要考GRE或GMAT,GMAT通常是指商科要考的,但是现在有些商科也同时支持考GRE(现在有些名校有这个趋势);其他的专业考GRE。 4、大学各科课程成绩单、推荐信等相关资料的准备。 美国研究生申请流程: 一:制订目标 如果有赴美读研的打算,大二、大三就要尽早开始考虑,并着手准备。 要点:可以初步为自己制订一个目标学校,并在本科期间学好各门功课,使自己尽量取得高一些的GPA;可以开始着手准备GRE考试。 二:确定考试时间 美国入学时间分为春季和秋季,其中秋季是主要入学时机,春季入学是秋季入学的补充,申请的人少并且基本没有奖学金,一般不推

荐。由于GRE一年只能考两次,而托福每个月都有机会考,在确定考试时间时,应先确定GRE的考试时间,然后在GRE的前后2至4个月内选择托福的考试时间。以2013年秋季入学为例,考生有两种方案:一是考2012年6月份的托福、10月份的GRE;二是考6月份的GRE,9月份的托福,但第二种方案对于事先没有准备的考生来说,时间显得有些紧促。 要点:建议考生先考GRE再考托福,这就如同爬山一样,先爬大山再爬小山,就会感觉难度小很多。GRE基本涵盖了所有的托福词汇,考完GRE后,考生只需要再加强一下听力和口语就可以轻松应付TOEFL了。另外,GRE的有效期5年,而TOEFL只有2年,很多牛校都要求学生提供一个尽量新的TOEFL成绩,比如是一年以内的。所以考生可以在考GRE后再来规划考TOEFL的时间,GRE 则可以尽量早考。 三:报名 要点:GRE报名不难,不会像早些年的托福出现一位难求的局面,但建议学生尽量早一点报名,这样对于机考时间和考场的选择余地比较大。新托福实行后,新增了很多考位,报名紧张情况得到很大缓解,对于有准备的考生来说,报名难度也不大。 四:参加考试 五:准备材料 每年10月份,考生参加完GRE和托福的考试后,就应着手准备各方面的申请材料。首先需要去学校开具一份本科期间的成绩单。另


2020英国留学个人陈述写作技巧 在申请英国留学的材料中,个人陈述的书写很关键,而且不同院校对其的要求也是不同的。接下来和我一起来看看2020英国留学个人陈述写作技巧。 首先来看看书写内容。 教育背景:你的大学专业是什么?你为何选择这个专业?通过多年来的专业学习,你学到了什么?与你选择的专业有什么关系? 工作经历:你曾经担任过什么样的职务?这几年来的工作中有什么业绩、学到了什么? 社会活动组织能力:在大学期间曾经参与或组织过什么活动?曾担任什么样的职务,从中又学到了什么? 最满意的一次经历:最满意的一项工作或科研学习经历是什么?是怎样做好它的? 最突出的才能:你认为自己最突出的方面是什么?如领导能力、组织能力、交流沟通能力或是协调能力。 学习计划和目的:学习期间的学习计划是什么?与你的职业追求、职业目标又有什么关联? 奖励:你曾经受过何种奖励?你是否担任过助教?你是否有优秀的论文曾经得到发表或受到奖励? 特长爱好:你的特长与爱好是什么? 接着来看看书写技巧。 一、精辟的开场白 成功的个人自述应有一段精彩的开端,可以是申请人对专业的,对事业的,对时事的,或对个人情况的感想和评述,但应注意的是要与申请请的课程和专业相关。

二、对教育背景的介绍 关于对教育背景的介绍,建议申请人应用叙述的笔法,将个人的教育背景勾勒出来,并强调其中的重点部分,并应避免枯燥和对个人简历的简单复制。 三、对转专业的铺垫 转专业的申请人应用大量笔墨强调自身对所申请专业的了解和基础,实例和实力远远胜过无关痛痒的感想和评述。 注意:如申请人曾选读该领域的课程或从在该领域从业,所取得的知识足以弥补缺乏该专业专业训练的不足,则应成为该篇个人自述的重中之重。 四、对工作背景的介绍 大家在写工作背景的时候,应着重强调个人的工作背景如何与所申请专业有关联,并将在何方面帮助申请人未来的学习。 五、对学生工作的介绍 关于对学生工作的介绍,应该要突出领导能力,团队合作精神或实践活动的价值 六、对英语的把握 大家在写个人自述的时候需要说明下自己对英语的把握。 七、对该专业的热爱和理解 个人自述需要体现自己对该专业的热爱及理解。 八、为何选择该学校和该课程 说明自己选择这所学校以及这个课程的原因对于个人自述是十分有必要的。 九、对未来的预期和计划 一份不错的计划更能让你的自述加分不少哦!
