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Lesson 119 -Less on 121

姓名: 重点句型: 1. I want to tell you a true story .

Tell sb a story 给某人讲故事

2. It happe ned to a friend of mine a year ago.

(1) happen 发生 Eg: What happened ? 怎么了?

Sth happen to sb.,( 某事)发生在某人的身上.

Eg:Good thi ngs always happen to me .


Sb happen to do sth

某人碰巧做某事 (2) a friend of mine, 我的朋友之一。 3. After they had entered the house, they went into the dining room.

entered 是enter 的过去分词,"进入”

had en tered

是过去完成时,表示在某个过去时间之前发生的动作 4. It was very dark, so they tur ned on a torch.

jturn on, 打开,拧开(电视、水源、煤气等)。

其反义词为turn off (关上)。

5. Sudde nly, they heard a voice beh ind them. " What's up ? What's up?" some one called. The thieves dropped the

torch and ran away as quickly as they could.

1) sudde nly 忽然、突然地

2) voice 嗓音,有声带震动发出的声音;

noise 尤指噪音;sou nd 用来指一切声响 3) what ' s up ?干什么?有什么事?

4) run away 跑开,逃跑 6. I bought two expensive dictionaries here half an hour ago, but I forgot to take them with me.

1) half an hour ago 半小时以前(用于一般过去式) 2) forget to do


forget doing 忘记做过….

3) t ake sth with sb 把某物带走

bring sth with sb 把某物带来

take sth to sb =take sb sth

把某物拿去给某人 重点语法:


过去完成时主要用于表示两个事件中一个发生在前,或者说是表示较早的过去。 常与现在完成时连用的副词, 如already (已经),ever (曾经),for +表示时间段的词,just (冈U 刚)和never (从未)也常与过去完成时连用,以强 调

家长签字: ____________



After I fini shed ,I went home.


She went on holiday after she had take n the exam. 她考试后度假去了。

We had had dinner before they arrived. 他们到达之前我们就已吃饭了。

The patie nt had died whe n the doctor arrived. 大夫至U达时病人已经死了。



后面。关系代词who , whom与that修饰人,which与that修饰东西。关系代词指代从句的主语或宾语,同时又充当连接词,把从句和主句连接起来。请看例句:

(1) 关系代词作从句的主语(who/which/that) :

The man who was here yesterday is a teacher .

This the book which is difficult .

Is he the man that sells eggs ?


一. 中英互译

1.逃走______________________ 半小时__________________________ 打开____________________

4. put on ________________

5.take sth with sb _______________

6. Sth happe n to sb ____________________


1.He opened the window .He closed the door first .(用before 连接两个句子)

2.She played computer game .she finished her homework first .(用before 连接两个句子)

3. They locked the door .They went to the park .(用after 连接两个句子)

4. The children had their breakfast .they went to school.(用after 连接两个句子)

5.I received a letter .It was from my friend .(改成定语从句)
