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Unit 1

1.动物保护主义者强烈反对用动物做实验。Disapprove of

Aniamal conservation strongly disapprove of experimenting on animals.


Sally walked into the museum underthe stern gaze of the curator.

3.在广告行业干了一阵之后,吉姆去了一家大保险公司。Spell After a spell in the advertising business,Jim began to work for a large insurance firm.



It was estimated that 50,000 people flooded into London over the weekend for the opening of the Commonwealth Games.


Mingle with

He rushed into the busy street and mingled with the crowd,hoping in that way the police would not spot him.


He tiptoed quietly out of the room so as not to wake her up.



He bought the painting as a status symbol,not because he was particularly interested in.

8.吉姆一直很失望他的儿子不愿子从父业,接管农场。Follow in one’s


Jim was always disappointed that his son never followed in his footsteps and took over the farm.

Unit 2

1.他承认他的失败是因为缺乏信心。Lack of

He admitted that his failure was caused by his lack of confidence.


Visitors are required to sign their names on arrival.

3.我们已邀请他们来参加聚会,但因为孩子病了,只好改期。Put off Ww’ve invited them to the party,but we’ll have to put it off because the baby’s sick.

4.我们必须采取措施帮助那些受伤者的家庭。Take steps

We must take steps to help the familied of those who were hurt.

5.老师花了很大力气,确保我们每个人都理解课文的内容。Take pains The teacher took great pains to make sure that we all understood.

6.今天我们集中讨论无家可归者的问题。Focus on

Today we’re going to focus on the issue of the homeless people.


We wondered whether you would be so kind as to attend our end-of-the year party.


He assured his mother that everything was all right.

Unit 3

1.中东地区的人们大都信奉伊斯兰教。Believe in

Most people in the Middle East believe in Islam.

2.大火烧毁那幢房子时,我们呆呆地站着,注视着这一切。Stare As the fire was burning down the house,we just stood still and stared at all this.

3.在破这个案子的时候,他更依赖知觉,而不是逻辑。Intuition He relied more on his intuition than on logic in solving the case.

4.地震后这个国家正经历着一个非常困难的时期。Go through This country is going through a very hard time after the earthquake.


Last week the board of directors authorized the installation of a new computer system.

6.这个地区是一项大规模重建计划的最大受益者。Beneficiary This area is the biggest beneficiary of a large reconstruction program.


The government financed high education with tax.

8.尽管警方不相信他的话,他仍然坚持说他说的是实话。Insist Although the police didn’t believe what he said,he insisted that what he said was true.
