


of the America n Revoluti on?

A. The America n has the mixed blood of Europea ns or their desce

ndan ts.

B. The America n had the mixed blood of Europea ns with America

n In dia ns.

C. The America n had the mixed blood of Europea ns with black,

D. The American had the blood of the English and their desce

ndants on ly, 子孙,后裔

2. Which of the following was not one of the three forces that led to the

moder n developme nt of Europe?

A. The growth of capitalism 资本主义

B. The Renaissanee 文艺复兴

C. The Religious Reformation 宗教改革

D. The spiritual leadership of the Roman Catholic Church.

3. The following were the main Reformation leaders except

A. Martin Luther 马丁路德

B. Marti n Luther Ki ng

C. John Calvin 约翰?加尔文

D. The English King Henry VIII 亨利八世

4. The following were some of the characteristics

of Protestantism except __新教教徒新教,耶稣教,基督教

A. Challenging the authority of the Pope 罗马教皇

B. Salvation through faith

C. Salvation through church

D. Establishi ng a direct con tact with God

5. Which of the following American values did not come from

Purita ni sm?

A. Separation of state and church

B. Respect of education

C. Intolerant moralism

D. A sense of mission

6. Lord Baltimore ' s feudal plan failed Not because__

A. There were more Protesta nt tha n Catholic in Maryla nd

B. The wilderness of the continent made the plan impossible

C. There was plenty of land while labor was scarce 缺乏的

D. The English King did not the like the plan

A. George Washington

B. Thomas Jeffers on

C. William Penn

D. Benjamin Franklin

8. The theory of American politics and the American Revolution

origi nated mai nly from__ D. Joh n Locke

9. Which of the following was not a denomination of

Protesta ntism?教派

A. Catholics

B. Puritans

C. Quakers

D. Church of England

10. “ No taxation without representation ” was the rallying cry

of __ D. the people of the 13 colonies on the eve of the

American Revolution

Unit 4 The Political System in the Uni ted States

1. Which of the following statements is

Not correct? Whe n the War of In depe ndence was over,

A. Each new state had its own government

B. Each new state made its own laws and handled all of its in ternal


C. The national government was called the Congress with

little power

D. The relati on ships betwee n the states and the n ati onal


were clearly defi ned.

2. According to the author, the Articles of Confederation failed because of the following

reasons, which is not true?

A. the new states did not cooperate with the Congress or with each other.

B. Some new states wan ted to be from the Un io n

C. The Congress could not raise moneyto pay the national army and to pay debts owed to France and other n ati ons.

D. The Congress had no power to tax any citizen.

A. Virginia

B. Rhode Island

C. New York

D. Maryland

A. There was a Bill of Rights in the Constitution

B. There was no Bill of Rights

C. The Constitution did not have any words guaranteeing the freedoms or the basic rights and privileges of citizens,


A “ Bill of Rights ” was added to the Constitution

4 years after

the Constitution was made.

3. Which of the following state

refused to participate in the

5. Which of the following is the only branch that can make

federal laws, and levy federal tax? B. The legislative 立法权

6. Which of the follow ing is not a power of the preside nt?

A. The preside nt can veto any bill passed by Con gress

B. The preside nt has the authority to appo int federal judges whe n

vaca ncies occur.

C. The preside nt can make laws.

D. The preside nt had broad powers, with the executive bran ch,

to issue regulations and directives regarding the work of

the federal departme nts. 执行

7. The Bill of Rights consist of __ C. 10 amendments added to

the Constitution in 1791

8. Which of the following is not guarantee in the Bill of Rights?

A. The freedom of religion

B. The freedom of searchi ng a pers on ' s home by police

C. The freedom of speech and of the press

D. The right to own weapons if one wishes


A. The Bill of Rights

B. The judicial review

C. The political party system

D. The power of the preside nt

10. The New Deal was started by __ A. Franklin Roosevelt 罗斯


1. The first factory in the United State was a cotton textile

mill in Pawtucket, in the state of __ B. Rhode Isla nd

2. The “American system ” of mass production was first used

in __ C. textile in dustry 纺织业

3. The United States had the first standard paper currency 货

币in _C. 1863

4. In which year was the United States rated No.1 in terms of producti

on capacity in the world? C. 1945

5. Which of the following is NOT considered as part of the

service in dustry?

A. Banking

B. Managementconsultation 咨询

C. Airline

D. steelmaking
