



1. The tunnel is not wide enough for four cars to get __________ (穿过) at the same time.

2. Too much work and too little rest ________ (导致) to illness so he looked unhealthy.

3. There is much __________ (雾) these days, so please drive carefully.

4. Some people waste food ____________ (然而) others haven’t enough.

5.Staying __________ (活着) is the most important when you meet an earthquake.

6.Can you give me some __________(建议) about learning math?

7.Lily_______(描述)the beauty of Guilin to me and made me really want to go there.

8.I like history,but I don’t like__________(地理).

9. The girl with long hair is the__________(苗条的)of the three.

10.Do you know the________(长)of the Yellow River?

11.It is_______(吹)really hard outside.I lost my hair clip just now.

12.--Could you speak in a______voice?I can’t hear you clearly.

--I ask you where my bag is.

13. The __________ of this mountain is 5540 meters. (高度)

14.We don’t know this song very well because it’s u________.

15.—I am going to study hard from now on.

----________speak louder than words.You should do it instead of saying.

16.--Could you drive more________?It’s too fast. ---OK.I will.

17.---I need your_______to post something to you.

----20,Downing Street,London.

18.---We should let the parents know the___________of this meeting.

----Yes. It is about the food their children shouldn’t eat. I t’s really important.

19.---Don’t be so angry. The children are shaking in_______.

---They should learn a lesson today.

20. Mum is always busy. Last week she __________ three meetings. (出席)

21. If you want to come, please let us know as soon as ____________(可能的).

22. There are __________ of people by the sea. (千)

23. The more careful you are, the fewer ____________ you’ll make. (错误)

24.The ___________(开头部分)of the movie is interesting, but the rest is boring.

25.There is fog and haze(雾霾)here these days. What an ___________(terrible)day!

26.Words can’t ___________(描述)her beauty.

27.Dupont felt so ___________ (遗憾的)that he decided not to tell his family back in France.

28.We hope you can ___________ (接受) our invitation and join us.

29.Now the Chinese ____________ (政府) has made laws to prevent all these things in Zhalong.

30.He had a ___________ (头痛) yesterday and wasn’t at school.

31.The __________ (突然的) heavy rain causes a lot of problem.

32. Don’t worry about your son. His temperature ___________ (下降) back to normal just now.

33. ____________ (令人遗憾地), we lost the basketball match in the end last night.

34. I think it is a ____________ (the best) place to spend our summer holiday.

35. I’ve got a ____________ (牙疼). I can’t eat anything now.

36.The girl felt very ___________(紧张) when the teacher asked her questions.

37.You can go to any place you like. You are ___________(自由) now.

38. It’s a __________ (多云) day today and it’s going to rain.

39.The giant pandas are ________(面临) many serious problems in the wild now.

40. Last week, it kept raining _____________ (到处) in my hometown.

41. They told me they all enjoyed their ______ (逗留) in Beijing last month.

42. Mr. Wu got an application from David, and he ________ (take sth. willingly) it finally.

43. It is necessary for everyone to know the ______________( 重要) of wetlands.

44. She felt unhappy because her mother looked (生气) at her.

45. If we don’t protect the wetlands, it wi ll be_________(可能) to see these endangered birds.

46. When you are in danger, it is important to make yourself not ________ (紧张) and calm down.

47. We had a hard time driving to work today. Just hope tomorrow will be less _______ (有雪的).

48. His body ___________ (温度) keeps rising. We need to send for a doctor right away.

49. Seeing the air crash, she could feel her own heart ___________ (作节奏运动) quickly.

50. Are there many _______(暴风雪) in Beijing every year?

51. The girl couldn’t help _______(尖叫) when she stepped on a snake.

52. My English teacher has a great sense of ________(幽默).

53.What does this word ________(准确) mean?

54. We can enjoy the beauty of the (自然的) world in the countryside.

55. Write down all the ______________ (a person who is visiting a place)names here, please!

56. Do you want to learn something about the ____________(文化) of western countries?

57. Zhalong Nature Reserve is one of the most important ____ .(湿地)

58.Simon didn’t sleep well last night, now he looks ___________. (in need of sleep)

59.I hope that one day, no one will kill the tigers for their fur and they will be _______ in the

nature. (not in danger)

60.Tom made many mistakes in the Maths exam, so he didn’t p ass it as a _______.(结果)

61. We are fully ___________(活着的) only when we’re helping others.

62. ___________(既然) the weather is so nice, we can go camping.

63. As a student, you should learn to __________(面对) all kinds of problems.

64. The giant yellow rubber duck is so popular that you can see it _____________(到处).

65. I want to buy an iPhone 5s, but there is ___________(not any) left in the Apple store.

66. People walk in all ______________(方向) after getting off the bus.

67. These animals are too poor, please have________ (同情) on them.

68.We must stop driving cars to reduce air____________ (污染)in the cities.

69.You will____________ (get to know)the mistake you made today in the future.70.Though he lives alone.he has a lot of friends and doesn’t feel__________(not happy because of being alone).

71. We should stop putting the ___________(something useless)into the river.

72. Husband and __________ should share housework and love with each other.

73. Nothing is __________ in the world if you put your heart into it.

74. Things have changed a lot __________ (in a period of time)the four years.

75. Millie is __________ (采访)him to get some information.

1. You should learn to protect _____________ from all kinds of dangers, boys.

2. As it was even ____________, it took me longer to get to school this morning.

3. The little dog grew up healthily under different mother ___________ protection.

4. The ______________ under the ground surprised us a lot.

6. I heard shouts from _____________ people when I felt hopeless.

7. I can’t work out the problem __________ without your help.


2019-2020学年牛津译林版英语8A期中测试题 (第一卷(共75分) 一、听力理解(共15小题:每小题1分,满分15分) Ⅰ听对话,选出与所听内容相符合的图片。每段对话读两遍。 ( ) 1. How does Jim usually go to school? ( ) 2. What does the girl want? ( ) 3. Where is Lucy from? ( ) 4. Where did the woman go last Sunday? ( ) 5. What's the weather like? Ⅱ听对话,选择最佳答案。每段对话读两遍。 ( ) 6. What are they going to do tomorrow? A. To have a science lesson. B. To clean their classroom.

C. To visit the Science Museum. ( ) 7. Where does the girl want to go? A. The fruit shop. B. The post office. C. The teachers' office. ( ) 8. What's wrong with Mike? A. He has a cold. B. He has a cough. C. He can't sleep. ( ) 9. Which season does the woman like best? A. Spring. B. Summer. C. Autumn. ( ) 10. Who wasn't at Tom's party? A. Tom. B. David. C. Kate. III. 听短文,选择最佳答案。短文读两。 ( ) 11. Where did Miss Lee go yesterday? A. A shop. B. A hospital. C. A bank. ( ) 12. What did Miss Lee put on the table? A. Her watch and handbag (手提包). B. The fruit and vegetables. C. Her handbag and basket. ( ) 13. How many apples did the shopkeeper weigh for her? A. Half a kilo. B. Two kilos. C. One kilo. ( ) 14. How much were the apples? A. 12 pence (便士) a kilo. B. 24 pence a kilo. C. One pound (英镑) a kilo. ( ) 15. How did Miss Lee feel when she found her handbag was gone? A. Very sad. B. Very surprised. C. Very excited, 二、选择填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) ( ) 16. --Would you like to go skating with me this afternoon, Daniel? --I'd love to, I'm too busy today. A. and B. so C. but D. or ( ) 17. --Geography is too difficult for me. I can't learn it well. --Don't give up. Nothing is difficult ifyou work hard. A. seldom B. always C. never D. sometimes ( ) 18. This is in our shop. Nothing is cheaper. A. cheaper B. the cheapest C. more expensive D. the most expensive ( ) 19. My father usually morning papers before going to work. A. looks through B. looks for C. looks after D. looks like ( ) 20. Be careful, Tom and Peter! Don't hurt________ . A. you B. yours C. yourself D. yourselves ( ) 21. The password is Please try again. A. incorrect B. incorrectly C. correct D. correctly ( ) 22. Nurses look after the people when they are in


2007 —2008学年度第一学期期中考试试卷 笔试部分(80分) 一、根据句意和汉语注释,在空格上写出单词的正确形式(10分) 1、These swim suits are those _________ (游泳者).PIease take care of them. 2、His job is _________ (喂)animals. 3、You can know the weight of the apples after _________ (称的重量)it. 4、English is ________ .(广泛地)used. 5、 __________ (老鼠)can be seen everywhere in the old room. 6、His father is one of the best _________ (编辑)in that press. 7、Childre n un der 1.2m in _______ (高度)can 'go into the ci nema by themselves. 8、The girl has a __________ (微笑的)face. 9、She likes reading __________ (广告). 10、We _________ (邀请)them to our meeting yesterday. 二、在A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的正确选项(15分) ()1、Her friend is __________ honest boy. A. a B. the C. an D. / ()2、The artist said he hoped __________ drawing the picture soon. A. his son to finish B. to finish C. finishing D.his son will finish ()3、I think Chinese is as __________ as Maths. A. useful B. more useful C. most useful D. the most useful ()4、The Changjiang River is __________ in the world. A the Ion ger river B the long river C one of the Ion gest rivers D one of the long river ()5、一Must I finish my homework now? A. No ,you mustn'. B. No ,you needn't. C. No ,you could n't. D. No ,you don't. ()6、We didn'find ___________ in the picture. A. unusual anything B. nothing unusual C anything unu sual D unu sual someth ing ()7、Hurry up .There' ___________ time left. A. a little B. little C. a few D. few ()8、Playing football and climbing are __________ than watching TV A. more healthy B. more healthier C. much more healthier D. much healthier ()9、I heard her __________ in the next room yesterday evening. A. cryi ng B. cried C. to cry D. was cryi ng ()10、一Can 'you see a boat in the picture?


八年级下学期期末试卷 数学 (时间120分钟,满分100分) 一、选择题(本大题共10个小题,请把每小题的答案填在下表中,每小题3分,共30分) 1.已知一粒大米的质量约为0.000021千克,这个数用科学记数法表示为A.0.21×104-B.2.1×104-C.2.1×105-D.21×106- 2.下列几个常见统计量中能够反映一组数据波动范围的是 A.平均数B.中位数C.众数D.极差 3.把分式 x x y + 中的x,y值都扩大10倍,则分式的值 A.扩大20倍B.不变 C.扩大10倍D.是原来的 1 10 4.已知点M(一2,3)在双曲线 k y x =上,则下列各点也一定在该双曲线上的是 A.(3,—2) B.(—2,一3) C.(2,3) D.(3,2) 5.在菱形ABCD中,两条对角线AC=6,BD=8,则此菱形的边长为 A.5 B.6 C.8 D、10 6.12名学生参加初中英语听力口语自动化考试成绩如下:28,21,26,30,28,26,30,30,21,28,30,25.这组数据的众数为 A.28 B.21 C、26 D.30

7.平行四边形ABCD 中,对角线AC 和BD 的长分别为16和12,则边AB 的取值范围是 A .1


8A Unit 5Wild animals 单元重点知识点总览 1 wild 可用作形容词也可用于名词(不可数) 副词:wildly 2 why not的用法 why not do sth.相当于why don't we/you do sth. 3 free的多种释义 A 免费的 B 自由的,不受束缚的 C 空闲的 4 dish 可数名词,意思为一道菜,或者盘子、碟子 5 could you please + 动词原形请你......好吗? could you please not +动词原形请你不要......好吗? 6 no way!适合不同的场合 表示不同意,拒绝,不行,不可能,没门 还可以表示惊奇和怀疑,意为“不可能,不会吧! 7 have/take a pity on sb./sth.同情/怜悯某人、某物 8 dead adj. die vi. death. n. 9 giant 是指特大的,巨大的, 10 what... do you like best? 回答I like...best 同义句What is your favourite ...? 11 联系动词如look sound feel smell taste其后接形容词做表语 12 mean 意味着名词meaning 形容词meaningful 13 hope: hope to do sth 不可以hope sb to do sth. 14 be born 出生be动词常用过去式was/were 15 not ... any more 相当于no more, 不再 16 in the beginning 一开始at first at the beginning of 在什么的开始 at the end of 在什么的结束 17 learn to do sth 学会了做某事 learn from sb. 像某人学习 learn of/about 得知,获悉 18 sadly 令人遗憾地 比较级more sadly ,most sadly adj.sad n. sadness 19 face vt. 面临,面对 n. 脸,短语face to face. Let's have a talk face to face. 20 serious,adv. Seriously The man is seriously ill. 21 It+be+adj.+for sb./sth+to do sth.做某事对于某人、某物来说是。。。。。的 It 是形式主语,真正的主语是动词不定式,可以改为动词不定式作主语的结果。

人教版 八年级数学下学期期末试卷含答案

八年级数学(下)期末测试卷 班级 姓名 得分 一、相信你的选择(每小题3分,共30分) 1、 b a b a =成立的条件是【 】 A 、a ≥0,b >0 B 、a ≥0,b ≥0 C 、a >0,b >0 D 、a >0,b ≥0 2、若点A (2,4)在函数y =k x -2的图象上,则下列各点在此函数图象上的是【 】 A 、(0,-2) B 、(1.5,0) C 、(8, 20) D 、(0.5,0.5)。 3、顺次连接对角线互相垂直的四边形四边中点所得的四边形是【 】 A .梯形 B .矩形 C .菱形 D .正方形 4、某校七年级有13名同学参加百米竞赛,预赛成绩各不相同,要取前6名参加决赛,小梅已经知道了自己的成绩,她想知道自己能否进入决赛,还需要知道这13名同学成绩的【 】 A 、中位数 B 、众数 C 、平均数 D 、极差 5、已知,且 0,以a 、b 、c 为边组成的三角形面积等于【 】 A 、6 B 、7 C 、8 D 、9 3=a 2 (4)b -

6、如图1所示,A、B、C分别表示三个村庄,AB=1000米,BC=600米,AC=800米,在社 会主义新农村建设中,为了丰富群众生活,拟建一个文化活动中心,要求这三个村庄到活动中心的距离相等,则活动中心P 的位置应在【】 A、AB中点 B、BC中点 C、AC中点 D、∠C的平分线与AB的交点 7、已知a 为实数,那么2 a 的值为【 】 A、a B、―a C、―1 D、0 8、函数y=ax+b与y=bx+a的图象在同一坐标系内的大致位置正确的是【】 A B. C. D. 9、图3是一株美丽的勾股树,其中所有的四边形都是正方形,所有的三角形都是直角三角 形.若正方形A、B、C、D的边长分别是3、5、2、3,则最大正方形E的面积是【】 A、13 B、26 C、47 D、94 10、如图OA、AB分别表示甲、乙两名同学运动的一次函数图象,图中s和t分别表示运动 路程和时间,已知甲的速度比乙快,下列说法:①射线AB表示甲的路程与时间的函数关系;②甲的速度比乙快1.5米/秒;③甲让乙先跑12米;④8 秒钟后,甲超过了乙,其中正确的说法是【】 A.①②B.②③④C.②③D.①③④ A C 图1


( ( ( ( ( A. 牛津英语8A新课标期中调查测试卷五 Unit 1-3 听录音,找出合适的应答句(5分) )1. A. I like school very much. B. It ' s like watchingiTVhere are fewer advertisements. C. I don ' t think so. School is a good place to live in. )2. A. It doesn ' t snow very often here, and I don ' t mind the rain. B. I usually walk to school because I like walking. C. About five kilometers, I guess. )3. A. So our school basketball team needs your support. B. Because I don ' C. I ' m afraid that )4. A. Ok, I wont. ' )5. A.七s, I think so. 听录音,选出正确答案(5分) ' )1. A. One year B. Two years. )2. A. Rainy. B. Rainy and cloudy. )3. A. $ 18 B. $ 36 )4. A. She is not interested it. B. She ' s too busy to go. )5. A. Some bread, much juice and lots of meat. B. Some rice, two bottles of orange juice and a lot of meat. C. Some milk, a bottle of juice and some meat. 听短文,选出最佳答案(10分) )1. The old woman 'use was ___________ . A. in a little town B. in a village C. in a big city )2. When Bill came back again ten years ,attear old woman felt ________ . A. surprised B. very sorry C. very sad )3. The old woman had dinner with Bill because _____________ . A. he helped her with the house work B. he was her son C. he was hungry )4. Why did the old woman told the young man take some potatoes? _________ . A. She hoped him to plant some potato plants B. She thought he would be hungry again. C. She let him become a good farmer )5. What do you think of the old womanShe was ___ A. a danger woman B. very poor 第二部分:笔试部分 t like Beijing Amusement Park. 's not a good idea. Some of us went there yesterday. C. Oh, I ' m not. C. They look lovely on me. B. Ws, yoire'quite right. B. The trip took two hour 曰 , C. Three years. C. Sunny. C. $ 20 C. She hasn ' t got any tickets. C. very kind 词汇(15分) 根据首字母或中文提示写单词。 1. The p ___________ look just like the real ones in Egypt. 2. In some areas in China, students wear school u ____________ every day. 3. Walk slowly around the big lake and feel the b _________ o f the park there. 4. How many ___________ (语言)are there in the world? 5. The old man is as __________ (不受欢迎的) as his wife. B.用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. I think swimming is not as ______________ ( interest) as hiking. 2. I moved into a new school last week. It is a __________ ( mix) school. 3. We all got off the coach _____________ ( quick) when we got there. 4. This digital camera is much ______________ (expensive) than that one, right? 5. ___________ ( wolf) won ' t survive if we don ' t give them enough areas. C.用动词的适当形式填空。


八年级下册英语期末试卷及答案2019 第 I 卷(共90分) I.听力测试。(共30分) 第一节(每小题1.5分,共9分) 根据你所听到的句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出最恰当的答语。听 一遍。 1. A. I’m sorry to hear that. B. Have a nice trip. C. You’re so kind. 2. A. Yes, I think so. B. Yes, they do. C. That’s all right. 3. A. I am washing clothes. B. I was calling my friend. C. I help mom clean the house. 4. A. Yes, it is. B. That’s amazing. C. No, it isn’t. 5. A. Since three years ago. B. Only once. C. For three weeks. 6. A. Never mind. B. You’re quite right. C. My pleasure. 第二节(每小题1.5分,共9分) 根据你所听到的对话和问题,从A、B、C三个选项中选出最恰当的答案。听一遍。 7. A. Boring. B. Fantastic. C. Tiring. 8. A. About 10 meters. B. About 20 kilometers. C. About 10 kilometers. 9. A. At home. B. In the supermarket. C. In the library. 10. A. Because he did too much homework.


牛津版英语 8A期中测试卷 Part One Listening(听力) I.Listening Comprehension (听力理解):(共25分) A. Listen to the sentence and choose the suitable picture. (听句子,选出与句子容相符的图片): 5% A D E F B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear. (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案): 10% 6. A. Milk B. Coffee C. Orange juice D. Apple juice 7. A. Spring B. Summer C. Autumn D. Winter 8. A. By bus B. By taxi C. By underground D. By train 9. A. Sarah B. Sarah’s classmate C. Sarah’s teacher D. Sarah’s mother 10. A. 5:30 B. 5:40 C. 6:00 D. 6:20 11. A. Sunny B. Rainy C. Cloudy D. Windy 12. A. A teacher B. A lawyer C. An engineer D. An artist 13. A. 50 yuan B. 130 yuan C. 30 yuan D. 180 yuan 14. A. He stayed at home inside B. He went fishing with his friend C. He went shopping with his mother D. He watched a football match. 15. A. Doctor and patient B. Mother and son C. Teacher and student D. Waitress and customer C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are True or False. (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文容, 符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示): 5% 16. After visiting Beijing, the Smiths would visit Shanghai. B C


八年级数学试题 一、精心选一选(每小题3分,共30分) 1、下列式子中,从左到右的变形正确的是 ( ) A 、 1 -b 1-a b a B 、 bm am a = b C 、 a b a ab = 2 D m a m b a b ÷÷= 2、在四边形ABCD 中,∠B= 90 , ∠A: ∠D: ∠C=1:2:3,则∠C 为 ( ) A 、 160 B 、 135 C 、 90 D 、 45 3、甲、乙、丙、丁四支足球队在一次预选赛中进球数分别为:9,9,x ,7,若这组数据的众数与平均数恰好相等,则这组数据的中位数是 ( ) A 、10 B 、9 C 、8 D 、7 4. 如果 2a b =,则 22 2 2 a a b b a b -++的值为 ( ) (A) 45 (B) 1 (C) 35 (D) 2 5、梯形ABCD 中,A D ∥BC ,加上什么条件,梯形ABCD 不一定是等腰梯形 ( ) A 、AC=BD B 、∠ABC=∠DCB C 、A C ⊥B D D 、AB=CD 6、当a= —2时,分式 2 -a 5a 32-a a 22 ( ) A 、值为0 B 、有意义 C 、无意义 D 、值等于7 2 7、已知反比例函数x m 2-1y = 的图像上两点A (11y x ,),B (22y x ,), 当1x <0<2x 时,有1y <2y ,则m 的取值范围是 ( ) A 、m <0 B 、m >0 C 、m < 2 1 D 、m >— 2 1 8、已知菱形ABCD 的周长为40cm ,两条对角线BD :AC=3:4,则两条对角线BD 和AC 的长分别是 ( ) A 、24cm 32cm B 、12cm 16cm C 、6cm 8cm D 、3cm 4cm 9、如图一,正比例函数)(0k kx y ?=与反比例函数x 1y = 的图像相交于A 、C 两点过点A 做x 轴 的垂线交x 轴于B , 连接BC 。若△ABC 的面积为S ,则 ( ) A 、S=1 B 、S=2 C 、S=3 D 、S 的值不确定


8A第一学期期末考试试卷 初二英语 听力部分 一.根据对话,回答下列问题,每段对话读两遍。(1*5) 1.Who did Millie vote for? A. Sandy B. Andy C. Simon D. Millie 2.What’s Millie’s favourite sport? A. Cycling B. Camping C. Skiing D. Swimming 3.What is John doing? A. He is lying in bed. B. He is reading in bed. C. He is playing with a cat in bed. D. He is playing with a dog in bed. 4.How does the boy go to school on Wednesdays? A. On foot. B. Ride a bicycle. C. Take a bus. D. Take a taxi. 5.What time is it now? A. 10:45 B. 11:00 C. 11:15 D. 11:45 二.根据短文,回答下列问题,短文读两遍。(1*5) 6.How many people died in the earthquake? A. 25 B. 250 C. 2500 D. 25,000 7.When did the earthquake happen? A. In the morning B. In the afternoon C. In the evening D. At night 8.What was the speaker doing at that moment? A. The speaker was enjoying a nice day. B. The speaker was going out. C. The speaker was studying at school. D. The speaker was sleeping. 9.Did the mother feel anything? A. Yes, she did. B. Yes, she didn’t. C. No, she did. D. No, she didn’t. 10.Why did the father look out of the window? A. Because he had nothing to do. B. Because he saw the computer shaking. C. Because he was tired. D. Because he was on the first floor. 三.根据录音,完成短文,短文读三遍。(1*10) Here is the 11 report for this weekend. It will be 12 on Friday. On Friday night, it will be cloudy. Most of Saturday it will rain and the temperature will be 13 0℃to 4℃. On Saturday night, it will snow. Temperatures will be 14 0℃. It will get windy at night. Sunday will be windy. The wind will be very 15 , so keep your windows 16 and bring your 17 indoors. The temperature will be from -10℃ to 6℃. And that is your three-day weekend 1 8 . Listen at this time tomorrow to 19 any 20 .


人教版八年级下册数学学科期末试题及答案 注意事项:1、本试卷共8页,满分120分,考试时间120分钟、 2、用黑色钢笔或圆珠笔答卷,答卷前务必将密封线内的内容填写清楚、 总分题号一二三 21 22 23 24 25 26 得分 一、选择题(本大题共16个小题,1-6小题,每小题2分,7-16小题,每小题2分;共42分,在每小 题给出的四个选项中,只有一项就是符合题目要求的) 1.如果有意义,那么字母x的取值范围就是………………………………………………………、【】 A. x>1 B. x≥1 C. x≤1 D. x<1 2.下列计算正确的就是………………………………………………………………………………………………………【】 A.﹣= B.3+=4 C.÷=6 D.×(﹣)=3 3.甲、乙、丙、丁四位同学五次数学测验成绩统计如表.如果从这四位同学中,选出一位成绩较好且状态稳定的同学参加全国数学联赛,那么应选…………………………………………、、【】 甲乙丙丁 平均数80 85 85 80 方差42 42 54 59 A. 甲 B. 乙 C. 丙 D. 丁 4.在某校“我的中国梦”演讲比赛中,有9名学生参加比赛,她们决赛的最终成绩各不相同,其中的一名学生要想知道自己能否进入前5名,不仅要了解自己的成绩,还要了解这9名学生成绩的…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………、、【】 A. 众数 B. 方差 C. 平均数 D. 中位数 5.下列各组数据中能作为直角三角形的三边长的就是……………………………………………………【】 A. 1,2,2 B. 1,1, C. 4,5,6 D. 1,,2 6.菱形ABCD的对角线AC=5,BD=10,则该菱形的面积为………………………………………【】 A. 50 B. 25 C. D. 12、5 7.矩形具有而菱形不具有的性质就是…………………………………………………………………………………、【】、 A. 两组对边分别平行 B. 对角线相等

牛津译林版8A 英语期中测试卷及答案

牛津译林版 8A 英语期中测试卷 题 号 一 二 三 四 五 六 总 分 得 分 一. 单项选择(共15分,每小题1分) ( ) 1. John is _____ honest boy. He said he would come here in _____ hour. A. a; a B. a; an C. an; a D. an; an ( ) 2. -Shall we go to Laoshe Tea House to drink special Beijing tea tomorrow? - _____ A. Good idea! B. That's right. C. Let's not. D. No. ( ) 3. -Will you visit the World Park with me? - _____ A. Yes. I'll be glad. B. OK. I'll be glad to. C. Of course. I'm glad. D. All right. I'm afraid to. ( ) 4. The train arrived _____ Nanjing ____ 6.00 _____the afternoon of Sep. 13. A. at; at; in B. in; at; in C. in; at; on D. at; in; on ( ) 5. Yesterday I read this newspaper, but I couldn't find _____. A. something interesting B. anything interesting C. interesting something D. interesting anything ( ) 6.Can I talk to you for a minute, Peter? Sure, I have ____ time. A. a few B. a little C. few D. little ( ) 7.---_______ fine weather it is today! Shall we go to fly a kite in the park? ---I?d like to, but I can?t go ________ I have finished my homework. A. What a, until B. How , after C. What, until D. How a, when ( ) 8. We should use _______ people and ______ money to do the work better. A. fewer; less B. less; less C. fewest; less D. fewer; least ( ) 9. ________ your teacher __________ ? -- She is friendly and helpful. A. How is ; like B. What is ; like C. How does; like D. What does ; like ( ) 10.China is one of________ in the world. A. the oldest country B. the oldest countries C. much older country D. much older countries ( ) 11. ---Why do you often chat with the old woman? ---Because her children are abroad. She lives____ and she always feels _____. A. alone, alone B. alone, lonely C. lonely, lonely D. lonely, lonely ( ) 12. The Changjiang River is ________in the world. A. the longer river B. the long river C. one of the longest rivers D. one of the long river ( ) 13. China is larger than _____________ in Africa (非洲)。 A. any country B. any other country C. the other countries D. any countries ( )14. Which city is_______________, Beijing, Shanghai or Fuzhou? A. beautiful B. more beautiful C. much more beautiful D. the most beautiful ( ) 15. The boat was made ______ steel and it was made ______ my city. A. of ; in B. in; by C. from; in D. of; at 二. 完形填空(共20分,每小题1分) A One day, a poor man was travelling on horseback. At noon, he tied (拴) his horse to a tree and then 16 to eat something. A few minutes later, a rich man came along and tied his horse to the same tree. …Please tie your horse to another tree,? said the poor man. …My horse is wild. It will kill yours.? 17 the rich man said, …I shall tie my horse as I like!? He tied his horse and had his lunch nearby. After a moment, they heard a terrible 18 . The two horses were fighting. They went up to them, but it was too 19 . The rich man?s horse was killed. …See what your horse has done!? cried the rich man. …You will have to 20 it!? And he brought the poor man before Mr Know. Mr Know asked the poor man some questions. But he made no 21 . At last, Mr Know said,? This man is dumb. He cannot speak.? …Oh,? the rich man shouted 22 . …He can! He spoke to me when I met him.? …Are you sure?? asked Mr Know. …What did he 23 ?? …He told me not to tie my horse to the same tree because his horse was wild and would kill my horse.? …Oh,? said Mr Know. …So he 24 you. Then can you expect to get money 25 him?? The rich man said nothing and left silently. ( ) 16. A. put down B. set down C. sat down D. turned down ( ) 17. A. So B. But C. And D. Though ( ) 18. A. song B. word C. bell D. noise ( ) 19. A. late B. slow C. hard D. quick ( ) 20. A. pay for B. look for C. wait for D. care for ( ) 21. A. idea B. mistake C. money D. answer ( ) 22. A. quietly B. angrily C. happily D. heavily ( ) 23. A. speak B. tell C. talk D. say ( ) 24. A. helped B. thanked C. warned D. ordered ( ) 25. A. for B. from C. with D. about B One summer, three friends came to New York. They decided to stay in a hotel during the visit. But they felt 26 because their room was on the 60th floor. And for safety, the hotel closed the elevators(电梯) 27 12:00 every night. The next day, the three friends rented(租) a 28 and went out to travel around the city. They 29 movies, concerts(音乐会), and other things. When they returned to the 30 , it was late. 学校______________ 准考证号__________ 班 级______________ 姓 名______________
