





III Vocabulary

1. prent

2. permeated

3. decisive

4. inherent

5. literally

6. blessing

7. literacy

8. mingled

9. distorted 10. formidable 11. precedent 12. certified

Exercises on CD and web course only:

13. simulate 14. doomed 15. cloning

IV 1. hunt down 2. absorbed into 3. have access to 4. with the exception of

5. For that matter

6. In the absence of

7. with respect to

8. is tailored to

9. be restricted to 10. calls for 11. in large measure 12. ranged from

Exercises on CD and web course only:

13. ignorant of 14. to some extent 15. filled with

V Collocation

1. understanding

2. system

3. muscles

4. technique

5. skills

6. ability

7. film

8. insights

Exercises on CD and web course only:

9. imagination 10. resources

VI Translation

1. In a world full of misinformation it is a formidable challenge for the students to learn to identify the true, the

beautiful, and the good.

2. Any form of mountaineering has its inherent danger. After all, it is an adventure sport.

3. The university will permit a degree of individual instruction and the students may receive a curriculum

tailored to their needs, learning style and pace.

4. It is said that the understanding of the genetic basis of learning will tell us which youngsters are likely to

advance quickly and which ones seem doomed to "difficult" school experiences.

5. It has been reported that in Canada literally thousands of lakes and rivers are no longer able to support fish

or plants.

6. In countries with relatively high literacy rates, books play an important part in enriching people's lives.

7. The essence of government intervention has been to limit and distort competition rather than to encourage it.

8. The great cause of reform being carried out by Chinese people is without precedent in history.

9. Practice in simulated examination conditions must not be delayed until close to the

examination time.

10. People have found that the lions and wolves in the forest often hunt down live animals by cooperative


VII Translation

The Internet's speed, vast resources, and its ability to directly communicate with others are its greatest

benefits. Because the Internet uses the quickness of computers to transmit its data, information can travel at

tremendous speeds. Speed is not the only benefit. The Internet uses hundreds of thousands of computers all

connected to each other to store vast amounts of information. And finally, because the Internet allows individuals to have specific electronic mail addresses, people can easily communicate with one another. VIII Translation

1. 可能除了教会以外,很少有机构做主管下一代正规教育的学校/教育机构那样缺乏变化了。















IX Essay summary

1. B

2. A

3. C

4. D

5. D

6. B

7. B

8. A

9. C 10. A

11. D 12. B 13. C 14. D 15. A 16. A 17. C 18. B 19. D 20.A

XI StructuredWriting

Schools have to change rapidly and radically to meet the demands and expectations of innumerable special interests from the changing world. Nowadays few people will remain in the same occupation for their whole lives. Many of them will move frequently from one position and company to another. School education must enable youngsters to educate themselves and to prepare themselves for a constantly changing job market.The education that was essentially designed to make sure that individuals could carry out a single job has been seriously challenged. Besides, there is a strong demand that schools should permit a degree of individual instruction to every student. Every student should receive a curriculum designed and modified according to his own needs, his own learning style and his own learning pace. The time when all the students were working on the same materials and doing the same drills is gone forever.

Section B

XIII Comprehension of the Text

1. It means as a teacher, one should make his own decisions in teaching, instead of passively following others.

2. It stands for the teacher's inner voice, i.e. his/her opinions, ideas, etc.

3. They are optimistic, thinking that being a teacher is valuable, and they are resolved to make a difference.

4. Because they find that as teachers they are nothing more than factory workers, and the school system is

barely more than a 19th-century factory where students collect basic skills on an assembly line.

5. Teachers, like factory workers, are busy accepting everything passively, therefore having no time to reflect

or dream. Thus, they are unable to positively contribute to schooling's original purpose, i.e., to nourish

minds and mold dreams.

6. The author is trying to show the result of accepting everything passively--the teacher cannot stand tall and

proud; and the inspectors will believe that he is crippled, and that "the suit is well-fitting".

7. Because if not, they may be in trouble, or be exiled by their colleagues.

8. The tailor can be state departments, school superintendents, parents, principals or special interest groups.

9. The result is that teachers become busy and tired, and lose the ability to know what is truly important.

10. Only when the teachers act from their own voice can real improvements be made to education.

XIV Vocabulary

1. crippled

2. tugged

3. limped

4. affirms

5. nourishing

6. assimilating

7. nurture

8. tucked

9. murmurs 10. indignant 11. staggered 12. pleading

XV 1. from 2. with 3. into 4. on 5. of 6. down

7. up 8. of 9. out/in 10. with 11. up 12. about

Exercises on CD and web course only: 13. out 14. on 15. out

Section C

1. F

2. T

3. F

4. F

5. F

6. F

7. F

8. F

9. T 10. F

新视野英语教程第五册课后答案unit 2

Unit Two

II Comprehension of the Text

I. Because they couldn't live longer without growing older.

2. Be was more famous for his search for the Fountain of Youth.

3. They take a bath in tubs of warm mud and receive injections of monkey glands.

4. Many people can reach the age they are designed for because of their being well off.

5. The emphasis is on finding ways to ensure that more people achieve the maximum lifespan healthy conditions.

6. He hated exercise and never took any.

7. Because they reproduce less or don't reproduce at all.

8. It can help slow down ageing.

9. Old people would soon end up as a huge majority and the planet would have trouble supporting so many people.

10. The author thinks that old age is one of the natural phenomena, and it is the last pan of one's life. II Vocabulary


2. originates

3. tempted

4. afflicted

5. optimum

6. rapture

7. adhered

8. persistent

9. diminishing 10. despised 11. patented 12. manipulate

Exercises on CD and web course only:

13. promising 14. necessitate 15. perish

IV1. searching for 2. ended up 3. in the hope of 4. looked forward to

5. ho1d on to

6. in time

7. well off

8. conditions

9. involved in 10. to such an extent 11. originated in 12. adhered to

Exercises on CD and web course only:

13. perished from 14. slowed down 15. handed out

V Collocation

1. abilities

2. quality

3. condition

4. standard

5. system

6. chances

7. utilization

8. skills

Exercises on CD and web course only:

9. efficiency 10. environment

VI Translation

1. During that battle a large number of men perished from hunger and thirst due to the severe shortage of food.

2. This research project bas further proved that fireworks have originated in China.

3. He is tempted to go there in person and check out how the accident happened.

4. At present, people have not found an effective way to cure this disease, which is still afflicting old people.

5. The contractor must adhere to the contract and complete the important project on time.

6. With persistent efforts, they finally settled the dispute between the two regions.

7. If Party B fails in delivering goods at a given time, Party A is entitled to terminate the contract and claim for

any loss.

8. It usually takes a week to patent one's invention.

9. A clever politician knows well how to manipulate the public opinion and take advantage of his supporters.

10. The amount of water in tile rivers and lakes will diminish as the dry season continues.

VII Translation

With the 21 st century coming, people have increasingly realized file importance of acquiring round easy information. If a nation can make effective use of all the information it will benefit In the fields of scientific

research, education, economic development, etc. What the nation needs to do is to establish a nation-wide "information network", so as to link up scientists, businessmen, educators, etc. If such a network is set up, it

will promote the second information revolution in the country.

VIII Translation













8. 唯一显示的确能延长臭名的实验是用实验室动物进行的,受试的大家鼠灰色小家鼠接受严格的饮食






IX Essay Summary

1. D

2. A

3. C

4. D

5. B

6. A

7. B

8. A

9. C

10. B 11.D 12. B 13. C 14. D 15. A 16. D 17. C 18. B

19. A 20. D

XII Reading Skills

1. Dr. John Andrews. (Para. 3)

2. They hope to cure DNA deficiency, and to fix a genetic defect that causes a severe form of blood disease. (Para. 5)

3. It is about injecting functioning genes into the rapidly dividing cells of embryos to replace flawed DNA.

(Para. 7)

4. They worry that Andrews' technology would help doctors to engineer babies for attractive traits, and interfering with genes before birth might result in serious birth defects. (Para. 7)

5. In 1995 it abolished federal funding for human embryo research; it also made such research exempt from

Federal reviews and controls. (Para. 12)

XIII Comprehension of the Text

I.C 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. A 6. C 7. C 8.

A 9. C 10. D

XIV Vocabulary

1. threshold

2. apt

3. preview

4. premature

5. abolished

6. injected

7. rigorous

8. induced

9. epidemic 10. integrity 11. abortion 12. appraisal

Exercises on CD and web course only:

13. deficiencies 14. recipient 15. irony


1. onto

2. on

3. in

4. at

5. from

6. forth

7. In 8. on 9. to 10. from 11. at 12. with

Exercises on CD and web course only: 13. of 14. out 15. on

XII Reading Skills

1. The young people. (Para. l)

2. They dominated the protests against the nuclear weapons and the Vietnam War. (Para. 2)

3. Young people are being asked to participate in decision-making affairs. (Para. 5)

4. Almost every school has an elected student council, handling school-level issues. (Para. 7)

5. They are honest, and are able to force sensitive issues out into the open. (Para. 10)

XIII Comprehension of the Text

1. C

2. C

3. B

4. A

5. A

6. C

7. C

8. A

9. C 10. D

XIV Vocabulary

1. threshold

2. apt

3. preview

4. premature

5. abolished

6. injected

7. rigorous

8. induced

9. epidemic 10. integrity

11. abortion 12. appraisal

Exercises on CD and web course only: 13. deficiencies 14. recipient 15. irony


1. onto

2. on

3. in

4. at

5. from

6. forth

7. In

8. on

9. to 10. from 11. at 12. with

Exercises on CD and web course only: 13. of 14. out 15. on

XVI Reading Sills

1. The young people (Para. 1)

2. They dominated the protests against the nuclear weapons and the Vietnam War (Para 2)

3. Young people are being asked to participate in decision making affairs. (Para 5)

4. Almost every school has an elected student council, handling school- level issues. (Para. 7)

5. They are honest, and are able to force sensitive issues out into the open. (Para 10)

XVII Comprehension of the Text

1. T

2. F

3. T

4. T

5. F

6. T

7. F


9. F 10. T

新视野大学英语教程第五册课后答案 unit3

Unit Three

1. Sales promotion, advertising, personal selling and publicity.

2. Business people use techniques of sales promotion mainly in two ways: they often use a combination of

these techniques; they use these techniques as supplementary to the other three promotional activities.

3. Sales promotion is to stimulate demand.

4. They are applicable to both consumers and businesses. Also, they can be used with industrial selling as well

as consumer products.

5. Because it brings promotion to the point of purchase, which has been found more effective than media advertising. For example, a US study shows that a majority of purchases in supermarkets are generated by in-store decisions.

6. It helps consumers become acquainted with a new product and it also helps provide extra competitive advantage to existing products.

7. The effectiveness of sales-promotion techniques may be reduced or even nullified if they encounter psychological barriers on the part of shop owners and/or consumers. Sales-promotion techniques that are not

consistent with the local preferences will also be ineffective.

8. From the last two paragraphs we may learn that, to make the techniques of sales promotion effective, one

must take into account the psychological barriers on the part of both shop owners and consumers. At the same time, the techniques must be consistent with the local preferences.

9. Positive.

10.The author wrote this passage in order to discuss various aspects of sales-promotion techniques, recommend them and advise using them carefully.

Vocabulary III

1. acquainted

2. magnified

3. quota

4. slump

5. accommodating

6. collided

7. repay

8. amended

9. whereby https://www.360docs.net/doc/eb5068124.html,unch 11. filmed 12. expenditure

Exercises on CD and web course only:

13. stimulus 14. localities 15. enlightened

IV 1. as such 2. fail under 3. enlightened about

4. applicable to

5. in conjunction with

6. become acquainted with

7. is supplementary to 8. bring in 9. in search of

10. given away 11. in nature 12. put up

Exercises on CD and web course only:

13. collide with 14. participated in 15. be consistent with

V. Collocation

1. education

2. capacity

3. knowledge

4. discussion

5. population

6. awareness

7. empire

8. operations

Exercises on CD and web course only: 9. links 10. program

VI Translation

1. As such, the event evoked curiosity and awe in most of us.

2. The techniques of sales promotion, to work well must gain the trust of middlemen in business as well as

consumers. At the same time, they should be consistent with the local preferences and customs.

3. TO launch this new product into the European market, the company gave away 10,000 free samples for the

local consumers to try.

4. As their life has been bettered, going on tours/trips out in the holidays has become a fashionable/stylish

pastime for quite a few people.

5. The purpose of waging the war is, in nature, to control the oil resources in the area.

6. Sales promotion is effective in helping consumers become acquainted with a new product when it is first

introduced to a market.

7. The new administration has realized that economic reforms must be deepened in conjunction with effective measures taken to ensure the basic conditions of employment and daily life for those poor people. 8. Towards its sales objective this year, the company offered a training course to enlighten consumers about

its latest products.

9. To effectively raise our productivity, we should bring in advanced management experience from other


10. Professor Wu's lecture helped the students become acquainted with the use of this software product. It also

gave them an idea of software development.

VII Translation

With the development of a market economy in China, techniques of sales promotion have been more and more widely employed. The popularity of varied and numerous promotional activities such as discounts, bonuses, and promotional parties has grown steadily. The reason is that they not only help manufacturers and

businesses earn higher and quicker profits, but also help consumers become acquainted with the products involved and get some practical benefits. However, if these techniques are used to promote products of inferior

quality, both the manufacturers and the businessmen will be made to pay for that.

VIII Translation










8.为了将百威啤酒打入英国市场,啤酒公司运用了·美国’主题,在7 月4 日和感恩节播放由美国演






IX Essay Summary

1.C 2.B 3.D 4.A 5.B 6.B 7.C 8.C

9.A 10.D 11. A 12.B 13.D 14.C 15.B 16.C

17.A 18.D 19.B 20.D

XI StructuredWriting

As China is increasingly integrated into the global economy, more and more Western festivals are entering and influencing the Chinese people's lives, especially the university students' life.

Take Christmas for example. As long as one month before December 25th, the students begin their preparations for this most important Western festival. Most activities are for entertainment in nature since the

students are not much concerned with the religious meaning of Christmas. And most activities are evening parties, often lasting all night long. As a result, quite a few students feel tired or even fall asleep in class during

that month.

Another incident still fresh in my mind took place last April. Some of us English teachers received a note

on April I st to say that all the English classes were to be canceled the next day. But actually we were fooled!

Likewise, students act in a pretty westernized manner on Valentine's Day. They say to everyone they meet "darling, love" and so on and so forth. In general, the Western festivals add a lot of fun and variety to a

student's life. At the same time, one must realize that they do challenge the Chinese culture and customs to a

certain degree. (Words: 201)

Section B

Reading Skills

1. "Many" is obviously a repetition of "30,000 products".

2. "Louis Cheskin", "a specialist" are repetitions of "a forerunner".

3. "Array" actually is a repetition of "arrangement".

4. "Get attention" is synonymous to "eye-catching" whereas "shapes" is synonymous to "graphic elements" in

the context.

5. "Kindly messages" is repeated by the same words with the same meaning in the next sentence.

6. The synonymous meaning of "feminine" can be found in "completeness, softness and inclusiveness'' and "positive associations".

XIII Comprehension of the Text

1. B

2. D 3, C 4. B 5. D 6. A 7. A 8. B 9. D 10. C

XIV Vocabulary

1. consoling

2. bewildered

3. array

4. sensation

5. inclusive

6. overwhelming

7. gigantic

8. deemed

9. dazzled 10. graphic 11. consensus 12. differentiating

Exercises on CD and web course only: 13. integral 14. trigger 15. irritated

Comprehension of the Text

1. to

2. for

3. with

4. of

5. in

6. of

7. about 8. under 9. between 10. to 11. to 12. with/by

Exercises on CD and web course only: 13. against 14. of 15. on

Section C

XVI Reading skills

1. “Smart consumers” is synonymous to “car owners” whereas “Tricks” is synonymous to “clever practice”.

Therefore, they are taken as repetition.

2. “Sever circumstances” is synonymous to “sever conditions”. Therefore, it is taken as a repetition.

3. "Maintenance practices" is "services" that appears twice in the above paragraph. Therefore, it is taken as a


4. The word ~adjust' is repeated in its derivative -- "adjusting", which is a kind of complex repetition.

5. The same word repetition of ~reasonable' can be found in this sentence.

XVII Comprehension of the Text

1. Here in this sentence, the author is actually using irony to show his own hate for the sly car service managers.

2. The author begins his discussion of the topic by presenting an example of repair tricks.

3. The author illustrates his general idea mainly through statistics and results obtained from a survey about

auto maintenance services in the United States.

4. The survey disclosed some major types of doubtful maintenance practices, i.e. reasonable services performed prematurely, completely valueless services and "ghost services".

5. The two major excuses are "adverse local conditions" and "stop-and-go driving".

6. Car sellers refer to their specific local problems, such as the salty air, hot summers and the poor quality

gasoline in Florida. Yet car manufacturers claim to allow for these local extremes in their designs, referring

to "severe" conditions like the extremely wet climates in jungle areas and island countries.

7. Such mentioning helps the users learn about the tricks in this aspect and, therefore, to watch out for them.

8. 1) Quotations from the manager of quality control for Mazda Motor of America;

2) Advice given by a manager at another car maker;

3) Suggestions given by the head of the program that approves AAA auto-repair shops;

4) Advice given by the technical editor of Car and Driver magazine.

9. Three suggestions are given: 1) to read the owner's manual and become aware of the needed services;

2) to

consult various dealers and compare their services; and 3) to discuss in advance with the service manager what is to be done and review the cost.

10. The author wrote this article in order to warn drivers against tricky services offered by sophisticated dealerships, and also to help them learn to protect their own interests.

新视野大学英语教程第五册课后答案 unit4

Unit four

Comprehension of the Text

1. Because they suffered from low wages and oppressive working conditions.

2. To the first generation of immigrants, work had great virtues. First of all, it ensured their own survival.

Secondly, it made it possible for them to provide a better life and education for their children, which meant

an improvement in their social status. Last but not least, it was the very hard work that gave their labors a

fierce dignity, which served as a driving force in their own life.

3. Generally speaking, it's because the way people view work is much changed. Specifically, there are four

causes. The first is that today's younger workers have little idea about the poverty and suffering of the

Depression and, therefore, don't know what work meant to those who survived the Depression. The second

cause is that unemployment no longer means personal ruin and shame thanks to elaborate financial cushions. Thirdly, the loss of a job now carries less personal shame, as it can be blamed on the wild and notorious behavior of the economy. And finally, work no longer just serves as a means of existence in a society where

expectations are getting higher with rising educational levels.

4. To explain the attitude to work of those who suffered the extreme poverty during the Depression, and to

contrast this with the attitudes of today's younger workers.

5. According to Maslow, work meets human needs in the following hierarchy: first, it provides such basic means as food and shelter; second, it can provide security; third, it satisfies the need for friendship and

connection with others; fourth, it can help gain respect; and finally, it can satisfy the desire for self-fulfillment.

6. Maslow's scheme is quoted to explain workers' expectations change with social and

economic development. Because of these changes, work has different meanings to different groups in society as they are positioned at different stages in the work hierarchy.

7. The women's rights movement has made it possible for women to pursue careers, not just work for mere survival. That is to say, they are working at the level of "fulfilling themselves", which is the highest in

Maslow's work hierarchy.

8. Conditions for some US workers, such as those on assembly lines, may be considered terrible. However, the

medi workers suffered much more misery than those working on the modern assembly line. A poor

Indian rubbish collector lives a more miserable life than a "poor" American car worker. The average peasant in South America works harder than most ofAmericans.

9. The author is cautioning that it is important to have a proper sense of perspective about work, before making

judgments on particular situations.

10. Work is the most thorough and profound organizing principle in American life in that it helps people connect with others in a work community and, therefore, satisfy their need for friendship and social relations.


1. esteemed

2. stunned

3. notorious

4. conferred

5. aspiration

6. diluted

7. hierarchy

8. foremost

9. asserted 10. arrogant 11. dreadful 12. recycling

Exercises on CD and web course only: 13. intrinsic 14. destructive 15. gossiping

1. wind up

2. merge with

3. dying off

4. laid off

5. closed down

6. degenerated into

7. in effect

8. apart from

9. irrespective of 10. prone to11. takes a certain amount of people's interest out of 12.

kicked around

Exercises on CD and web course only: 13. conferred upon 14. in much the same way that 15. concentrated upon


I. stories 2. messages 3, weight 4. meanings

5. honor

6. disease

7. electricity 8, tradition

Exercises on CD and web course only: 9. interest 10. oxygen


I. Those who lead a miserable life often fail to recognize the inherent virtue of work in earning and sustaining

their dignity.

2. With the life bettered and levels of education higher, the work ethic is diluted now.

3. The young generation has much difficulty understanding why their ancestors had to focus their minds upon

work as the central concern of existence.

4. According to Maslow, different classes and ethnic groups are positioned at different stages in the work


5. In developing countries, many talented young intellectuals flock in droves to America, which forms the

so-called "brain drain".

6. If a country is prone to high inflation, then its currency will have to be dued to maintain the price competitiveness of its exports.

7. One expert in sociology believes that work is a means for people to build relationships. In that sense, the

workplace performs the function of a community.

8. The desire to "fulfill themselves", a harmless and even worthy enterprise, may sometimes degenerate into a

selfish discontent.

9. To most Americans today, the blow of being laid off seldom carries the life-and-death implications it once


10. Modem workers may have a lot of complaints. But they will feel better when they know that their predecessors did work under a far more brutal condition during the early stage of the Industrial Revolution.

Work is not only a means of sustaining life. More importantly, it is the way through which people display their talent, realize their ambitions, build relationships and establish social status. If you understand this

intrinsic value of work, then however dull or hard work may be, it becomes bearable if it helps build up a

reputation, whether in the world at large or only in one's own circle. Updating one's aim is one of the most

essential elements of self-fulfillment in the long run, and for most people this comes chiefly through their work.

In that sense, work is the most vigorous, vivid sign of life --in individuals and in civilizations. 1.对于那些勉强维持生活的人来说,劳动有其固有价值这一观点显得荒唐可笑。
















2. B

3. D

4. C

5. A

6. B

7. D

8. C

9. A

10. D 11. C 12. B 13. B 14, C 15. A 16. D 17. C l8.A

19. B 20, A


With the development of a market economy in China, some traditional values are being changed or lost, to

be replaced quickly by new ones. First, the value of "modesty" has been replaced by "self-display". The traditional Chinese economic system made it necessary for people to remain modest in social life, because they

did not have to show off their personal ambitions to earn a living. But, in today's job market, if you remain

modest as tradition has required, you may give the prospective boss an impression of being "timid" and "incapable".

Modesty could well lead to failure in the job interview. The full display of personal ambition, lit 4 therefore, becomes a necessity. Secondly, in the past, poverty was regarded as an advantage because wealth was associated with the capitalist class. But now, we often hear the saying to be born poor is no choice, but to

die poor is something to be condemned". ~Wealth" has become the synonym of "success" and of "hard work". That is to say, the pursuit of material wealth has become a goal in a person's life. Comprehension of the Text


2. D

3. B

4. A

5. D

6. A

7. B

8. A

9. C 10. D


1. dwelffdwelled

2. reassuring

3. discriminate

4. endeavoring

5. endows

6. disturbance

7. harassment

8. disregard

9. inspiration 10. inflict l I. overwhelmed 12. courtesy

Exercises on CD and web course only: 13. underlying 14. uphold 15. assault

1. live with

2. in the midst of

3. figure out

4. As regards

5. attaches itself to

6. The last thing we need

7. gave it a bad name 8. at regular intervals

9. In the aftermath of 10. discriminate between

11. inflicted upon 12. In that sense

CD 13. give up on 14. have chosen their lot 15. in turn

新视野大学英语教程第五册课后答案 unit 5

Unit Five

Comprehension of the Text

]. Almost all America had been occupied, except for its northwest coast.

2. He noticed an inlet, but not realizing it was the mouth of the Columbia River, he didn't sail inland to explore


3. One so-called "major street" was merely an opening slashed in the forest with a solid wal]

of trees on both sides.

4. Vancouver's wonderful surroundings.

5. It is a tree-covered peninsula across the bay, with a thousand-acre sea of green.

6. It was nothing but barren sand.

7. Because the factories and mills moved away.

8. Preservation of the original features, including the original structures of buildings and

pedestrian paths.

9. First, the whole operation cost the city government not one cent, and second, it attracts many


10. The unique balance refers to the balance of the "elements of urban life".


1. slashed

2. destined

3. poked

4. erupt


新视野大学英语1读写教程 Unite 1 一、Words in use 选词填空 Explore(v. 勘探,探测)transmit(v. 传送,传递,传播)resource(n. 资源)emerge(v. 岀现,为? ??所公认)yield(v. 产生,岀产,屈从,让步)pose(v. 摆姿势,导致)assume(v. 认为,假定,假设)confiden ce( n. 信任信赖,自信心)in herit(v. 沿袭,秉承,继承)c omprehe nsive(a. 综合的,多方面的) 1. Give n the cha nee to show his ability, he rega ined con fide nee and bega n to succeed in school. 2. It is so difficult to explore the bottom of the ocea n because some part s are very deep. 3. It was about 30 sec onds before Alex emerged from the water; we were quite scared. 4. We ofte n assume that whe n other people do the same thi ngs as we do, the y do them for the same reas ons; but this assumpti on is not always

reas on able. 5. There is widespread concern that the risi ng un employme nt may pose a ______ threat to social stability. 6. After a(n) comprehensive physical exam, my doctor said I was in good condition except that my blood pressure was a little high. 7. It is well known that China is a country with rich n atural resources an _____________ d a very big populati on. 8. Some people believe that the earth can yield enou gh food to support at least twice its present population.


新视野大学英语(第2版)第1册Unit 1答案 III. 1. rewarding 2. communicate 3. access 4. embarrassing 5. positive 6. commitment 7. virtual 8. benefits 9. minimum 10. opportunities IV. 1. up 2. into 3. from 4. with 5. to 6. up 7. of 8. in 9. for 10.with V. 1.G 2.B 3.E 4.I 5.H 6.K 7.M 8.O 9.F 10.C Sentence Structure VI. 1. Universities in the east are better equipped, while those in the west are relatively poor. 2. Allan Clark kept talking the price up, while Wilkinson kept knocking it down. 3. The husband spent all his money drinking, while his wife saved all hers for the family. 4. Some guests spoke pleasantly and behaved politely, while others wee insulting and impolite. 5. Outwardly Sara was friendly towards all those concerned, while inwardly she was angry. VII. 1. Not only did Mr. Smith learn the Chinese language, but he also bridged the gap between his culture and ours. 2. Not only did we learn the technology through the online course, but we also learned to communicate with friends in English. 3. Not only did we lose all our money, but we also came close to losing our lives. 4. Not only do the workers want a pay increase, but they also want reduced working hours. 5. Not only is the house expensive, but it is also too far away from my company. Translation VIII. 1. Not only can students choose when and where to learn for an online course, but they can also take time to think through answers before making a reply. 2. She is excited by the idea of online learning while be considers it meaningless and useless. 3. Communicating with native English speakers is a very rewarding experience from which we can learn a lot. 4. Today, more and more people have access to the Internet through which they look for the information they need. 5. He wants her to give up working and stay home to look after the children. She feels, however, that this is too much for her. 6. Now that we have finished the course, we shall start doing more revision work. IX. 1. 我永远都不会忘记那位老师,是他告诉我学外语是有趣的、有价值的。如果


第3版新视野大学英语4读写教程课本练习答案(全)第三版的答案找了很久找不到,干脆自己做一个!客观题总结全了,有能力的请下载下来支持我1个下载券,在线阅读的也请在下面评价文档处点个五星,谢谢! Unit 1 Text A: Language focus: Words in use 1.crumbled 2.discern 3.surpass 4.shrewd 5.conversion 6.distort 7.radiant 8.ingenious 9.stumped 10.proposition Text A: Language focus: Words building: Practice 1 delicacy bankruptcy accountancy secrecy vacancy urgency atmospheric magnet metallic gloom guilt

mastery Text A: Language focus: Words building: Practice 2 1.bankruptcies 2.atmospheric 3.delicacies 4.urgency 5.accountancy 6.gloom 7.magnet 8.metallic 9.mastery 10.vacancy 11.guilt 12.secrecy Text A > Language focus > Banked cloze (1) mentioned (2) determine (3) gained (4) responsible (5) heavily (6) artistic


Unit 1 1学习外语是我一生中最艰苦也是最有意义的经历之一。虽然时常遭遇挫折,但却非常有价值。 2我学外语的经历始于初中的第一堂英语课。老师很慈祥耐心,时常表扬学生。由于这种积极的教学方法,我踊跃回答各种问题,从不怕答错。两年中,我的成绩一直名列前茅。 3到了高中后,我渴望继续学习英语。然而,高中时的经历与以前大不相同。以前,老师对所有的学生都很耐心,而新老师则总是惩罚答错的学生。每当有谁回答错了,她就会用长教鞭指着我们,上下挥舞大喊:“错!错!错!”没有多久,我便不再渴望回答问题了。我不仅失去了回答问题的乐趣,而且根本就不想再用英语说半个字。 4好在这种情况没持续多久。到了大学,我了解到所有学生必须上英语课。与高中老师不。大学英语老师非常耐心和蔼,而且从来不带教鞭!不过情况却远不尽如人意。由于班大,每堂课能轮到我回答的问题寥寥无几。上了几周课后,我还发现许多同学的英语说得比我要好得多。我开始产生一种畏惧感。虽然原因与高中时不同,但我却又一次不敢开口了。看来我的英语水平要永远停步不前了。 5直到几年后我有机会参加远程英语课程,情况才有所改善。这种课程的媒介是一台电脑、一条电话线和一个调制解调器。我很快配齐了必要的设备并跟一个朋友学会了电脑操作技术,于是我每周用5到7天在网上的虚拟课堂里学习英语。 6网上学习并不比普通的课堂学习容易。它需要花许多的时间,需要学习者专心自律,以跟上课程进度。我尽力达到课程的最低要求,并按时完成作业。 7我随时随地都在学习。不管去哪里,我都随身携带一本袖珍字典和笔记本,笔记本上记着我遇到的生词。我学习中出过许多错,有时是令人尴尬的错误。有时我会因挫折而哭泣,有时甚至想放弃。但我从未因别的同学英语说得比我快而感到畏惧,因为在电脑屏幕上作出回答之前,我可以根据自己的需要花时间去琢磨自己的想法。突然有一天我发现自己什么都懂了,更重要的是,我说起英语来灵活自如。尽管我还是常常出错,还有很多东西要学,但我已尝到了刻苦学习的甜头。 8学习外语对我来说是非常艰辛的经历,但它又无比珍贵。它不仅使我懂得了艰苦努力的意义,而且让我了解了不同的文化,让我以一种全新的思维去看待事物。学习一门外语最令人兴奋的收获是我能与更多的人交流。与人交谈是我最喜欢的一项活动,新的语言使我能与陌生人交往,参与他们的谈话,并建立新的难以忘怀的友谊。由于我已能说英语,别人讲英语时我不再茫然不解了。我能够参与其中,并结交朋友。我能与人交流,并能够弥合我所说的语言和所处的文化与他们的语言和文化之间的鸿沟。 III. 1. rewarding 2. communicate 3. access 4. embarrassing 5. positive 6. commitment 7. virtual 8. benefits 9. minimum 10. opportunities IV. 1. up 2. into 3. from 4. with 5. to 6. up 7. of 8. in 9. for 10.with V. 1.G 2.B 3.E 4.I 5.H 6.K 7.M 8.O 9.F 10.C Sentence Structure VI. 1. Universities in the east are better equipped, while those in the west are relatively poor. 2. Allan Clark kept talking the price up, while Wilkinson kept knocking it down. 3. The husband spent all his money drinking, while his wife saved all hers for the family. 4. Some guests spoke pleasantly and behaved politely, while others wee insulting and impolite. 5. Outwardly Sara was friendly towards all those concerned, while inwardly she was angry. VII. 1. Not only did Mr. Smith learn the Chinese language, but he also bridged the gap between his culture and ours. 2. Not only did we learn the technology through the online course, but we also learned to communicate with friends in English. 3. Not only did we lose all our money, but we also came close to losing our lives.


Unite 1 1.选词填空 explore(v.勘探,探测) transmit(v.传送,传递,传播) resource(n.资源) emerge(v.出现,为···所公认) yield(v.产生,出产,屈从,让步) pose(v.摆姿势,导致) assume(v.认为,假定,假设) confidence(n.信任信赖,自信心) inherit(v.沿袭,秉承,继承) comprehensive(a.综合的,多方面的) 1. Given the chance to show his ability, he regained confidence and began to succeed in school. 2. It is so difficult to explore the bottom of the ocean because some parts are very deep. 3. It was about 30 seconds before Alex emerged from the water; we were quite scared. 4. We often assume that when other people do the same things as we do, they do them for the same reasons; but this assumption is not always reasonable. 5. There is widespread concern that the rising unemployment may pose a threat to social stability. 6. After a(n) comprehensive physical exam, my doctor said I was in good condition except that my blood pressure was a little high. 7. It is well known that China is a country with rich natural resources and a very big population. 8. Some people believe that the earth can yield enough food to support at least twice its present population. 9. Sam inherited the gift of imagination from his family, but he lacked the driving power to take action. 10. A bee that has found honey is able to transmit to other bees the information they need in order to collect the honey. 2.15选10 attain赢得,获得,得到 fascinating迷人的,吸引人fulfill履行,执行pursue追求,致力于 available可获得的可利用的 qualify使合适,合格raise提升,增加 passion强烈的爱好,热爱 virtually实际上classify分类归类 acquire获得,取得,学到 fashionable流行的especially特别的 sample样品,标本 prosperous繁荣的University students come from different parts of the country with various purposes. However, a closer look at their reasons for studying at the university will enable us to (1)classify them roughly into three groups: those who have a(n) (2)passion for learning, those who wish to (3)attain a bright future, and those who learn with no definite purpose. Firstly, there are many students who learn simply because they (4)pursue their goal of learning. Some read a wealth of British and American novels because they are keenly interested in literature. Others sit in front of the


广西师范大学漓江学院《新视野大学英语教程》教学大纲 (适用于非英语、艺术专业本科教学) 为适应我国高等教育发展的新形势,深化教学改革,提高教学质量,满足新时期国家和社会对人才培养的需求,漓江学院大学外语教研部依据教育部颁发的《新视野大学英语教程教学大纲》,特制定出符合我校教学实际情况的《新视野大学英语教程教学大纲》,作为我院非英语、艺术专业本科英语教学的主要依据。 一、课程的性质和目标 新视野大学英语教程教学是高等教育一个有机组成部分,新视野大学英语教程课程是大学生的一门必修的基础课。新视野大学英语教程是以英语语言知识与应用能力、学习策略和跨文化交际为主要内容,以外语教学理论为指导,并集多种教学模式和教学手段为一体的教学体系。 新视野大学英语教程教学的目的是培养学生具有较强的阅读能力和一定的听、说、读、写、译能力,使他们能用英语交流信息。新视野大学英语教程教学应帮助学生掌握良好的语言学习方法,打下扎实的语言基础,提高文化素养,以适应社会发展和经济建设的需要。 二、教学对象 教学对象为我校非英语、艺术专业的本科生。入学时,他们应已掌握基本的英语语音和语法知识,领会式掌握1,800个单词(其中复用式掌握的单词为1,200),并在读、听、写、说等方面受过初步的训练。 三、教学模式 大学英语的教学模式应有利于学生个性化学习方法的形成和学生自主学习能力的发展,以多媒体和网络技术为支撑,实施"课内讲授+课外自主"的教学模式,改变以教师讲授为主的单一教学模式,坚持大班教学与小班教学相结合,视听说与读写译课程相结合,教师主导与学生主体相结合,课堂讲授与课外自主相结合,教学内容与现实生活相结合,网络软件与教学课件相结合,课程测试与全国统考相结合。 四、课程设置与结构 (一)综合英语类课程,包括大学英语读写译课程(1-4)和大学英语视听说课程(1-4),为我校全体本科生而开设的必修课,授课总学时为288学时,分4个学期完成,每学期72学时,每周4学时(读写译和视听说各2学时),学生上机自主学习每周不少于2学时。


1. No matter how experienced a speaker you are, and how well you have prepared your speech, you will have difficulty making a speech at such a noisy reception. 2. Just as all his sister’s friends cared about him, Jimmy cared about them. 3. Car manufacturers stamp a vehicle identification number at several places on new cars to help track down stolen vehicles. 4. If you dare tell on me when the teacher gets back I won’t say a word to you any more. 5. Some elderly people prefer to live on their own while the great majority choose to live with their children. 6.Here is something that needs to be reckoned with: how to get the necessary finances to establish the company. 1. 每当有人帮了你,无论事情大小,无论他地位高低,你都应该对他说声“谢谢”。 2.蒸汽机的发明使船舶发生了变化,正如其已经改变了陆地运输一样。 3.尽管经理努力帮忙,他还是不能找到问题的根源所在。 4.这个女孩的生活天天围着哥哥转,完全明白该做什么来使哥哥高兴。 5.如果你不知道自己想要什么,你最终得到的可能都是自己不想要对。 6.吉米有他妹妹帮助他度过那些没有父亲的艰难日子。 1. The defendant, a woman of only 30, kept insisting on her own innocence. 2. All tings considered, dates, beans and some leafy green vegetables are the best sources of iron. 3. No beverages are served with meals because they interfere with digestion. 4. Taking the popularity of the region into consideration, it is advisable to book hotels in advance. 5.If you have a feeling of wanting to throw up after taking this drug,stop taking it immediately and consult your doctors as soon as possible. 6. Summing up the discussion, he said both parties should consider the most effective way to solve the problem. 1. 作为补救缺铁的一种方法,专家推荐食用肉鸡和鱼,它们是最好的铁质来源也是唯一最容易被身体吸收的铁质来源。 2.铁质储量为零时,你会觉得虚弱,疲乏无力,喘不过气,这是缺铁第三阶段的典型症状。 3. 耐力运动员,尤其是女性,经常会缺铁,如果增食肉类食物或服用铁质补剂,能够恢复到健康状态。 4这位运动医学专家认为,感到劳累、工作效率差的人,最好食用牛肉羊肉,它们含有最易被吸收的铁质。 5.铁质储量低的人应该去咨询医生,看看是否应通过调整饮食或服用铁质补剂来校正不足。 6.一般说来,如果你忽视自己摄入的铁质含量,不在铁质储备失去之前注意警告信号,你会有危险。 1. In his thinking, as in his behavior, he is very traditional. 2. Once the teachers agree to accept the new teaching program, they have to face the strain it puts on them. 3. In the long run, it is worthwhile to pursue one’s study after graduating from university instead of go ing to work directly. 4. As the school operates on the Character First principle, moral values and academic achievements are stressed equally. 5. It is said that the meeting, which is scheduled to be held this month, will be put off till next month. 6. The school sees its job as preparing its students for life by cultivating a comprehensive set of principles that can benefit all of them. 1.跟在法国一样,美国在20世纪60年代也发生过文化革命。 2他一旦下定决心去干一件事,就根本拦不住他。 3学校强调的观点是:家长和孩子一起参加学校的活动是值得的。 4快下课时,老师让学生用最后的五分钟来展开激烈的讨论,依照1—10的评分标准相互评价他们当天的课堂表现。 5为了避免引发针对他们的品格培养方案争论该校校长解释说品格第一并不是要强迫学生接受某一套道德原则或宗教观念。 6并非所有的家长都相信海德中学的办学原则,即如果你向学生传授诸如求真、勇敢、正直领导能力、好奇心和关心他人等美德的话,学生的学习成绩就自然会提高。 1. Everything considered, this city is the world’s most exciting city. 2. Though with no approval from his parents, he went ahead with his plan to study abroad. 3. The bridge was named after the hero who gave his life for the cause of people. 4. It is said that the painter used his mother as the model in the painting whose face represented suffering yet strength. 5. The writer instantly rose to fame in 1950 with the publication of a novel inspired by his experience with a girl on a farm. 6. One story says that “US” was short for “Uncle Sam” whose real name was Sam Wilson, who had once worked with a man who had signed a contract with the government to provide meat to the US Army. 这副画上一个神色严肃的男子,身旁站着一位女子,身后是所农舍。他们的原型分别是画家的牙医和姐姐。 2.公司的申请书,不管是代表自己还是代表他人,都应该有官员的签名。 3.做了脱口秀之后,约翰和妻子在广播和电视节目上出了名,这些节目给普通民众以启迪,而不只是向他们提供信息。 4.尽管有些人不赞同,可市领导还是决定实施这个计划,在湖边建造两个五星级宾馆,以吸引更多的游客。 5.那位著名画家去世了,曾经给他当模特的妻子立即担任了他装潢公司的总经理职务。 6.宴会上,他们的衣着都很华丽,但吸引我注意力的却是他们的交谈方式,使得我很想和他们交谈。 1. Not until he saw his mother lying in bed, dying, did he realize how much he loved her. 2. Taking into account of his recent physical condition, I think he has done quite well in the exam. 3. Mrs. Clark lies in bed motionless, and I wondered briefly if she is still alive. 4. The building was darkened except for a single light burning in a third-storey window. 5. These soldiers have received very strict training and are well equipped to fulfill the new task. 6. He reached for the phone, picked it up, and dialed the hotel’s number. 1.直到60年代早期,人们似乎才普遍认同英国不再是以前心目中那样的大国了。 2在决定了租房之后,我们便着手与市内所有的房屋代理商联系。 3我小心翼翼地替她擦身子,尽量避免弄疼她,因为她瘦的只剩皮包骨了。 4我心间对这位老人涌起了一股感情他那暗黄的皮肤松弛地裹在显得异常大的骨头上深陷的胸部随着不均匀呼吸一起一伏。5.你在报上读到那位著名画家的消息了吗?他实际上是为了要成为视觉艺术大师的抱负而累死的。 6.有迹象表明,这位老太太想孤独地离开人世,不让她的家人看到他们或许无力面对的人生插曲。 1 We should try our best to forecast earthquakes so that destruction of property caused by them could be prevented as much as 2. A farmer noticed large schools of fish swimming near the surface of the water, which, he said, indicated the possible occurrence of an earthquake. 3. Keep an English-English dictionary handy, and when you cannot understand a word with accuracy, you may refer to it any time. 4. If necessary, people who live in the area where an earthquake is about to occur may sleep in tents. 5. A master’s degree does make a great difference to a student who wants to get a job. 6. In addition to the knowledge about earthquakes, the book tells us how to prepare for them 1. 由于在地震中遇难的人大部分都是被倒塌的建筑物砸死的,所以一定要改进建筑结构以便它们能够抵御地震的力量。 2.人们应该在家里和工作地点储备些水和食物,这在可能发生地震时是特别必要的。 3.在日本和中国,人们长期以来一直相信通过观察动物行为可以预测地震。 4.除了努力改进建筑结构之外,地震多发地区的人们还应该在其他几个方面为可能发生的大地震做好准备。



Unite 1 一、Words in use选词填空 Explore(v.勘探,探测) transmit(v.传送,传递,传播) resource(n.资源) emerge(v.出现,为···所公认) yield(v.产生,出产,屈从,让步) pose(v.摆姿势,导致) assume(v.认为,假定,假设) confidence(n.信任信赖,自信心) inherit(v.沿袭,秉承,继承) c omprehensive(a.综合的,多方面的) 1. Given the chance to show his ability, he regained confidence and began to succeed in school. 2. It is so difficult to explore the bottom of the ocean because some part s are very deep. 3. It was about 30 seconds before Alex emerged from the water; we were quite scared. 4. We often assume that when other people do the same things as we do, the y do them for the same reasons; but this assumption is not always reasonable. 5. There is widespread concern that the rising unemployment may pose a threat to social stability. 6. After a(n) comprehensive physical exam, my doctor said I was in good condition except that my blood pressure was a little high. 7. It is well known that China is a country with rich natural resources an d a very big population. 8. Some people believe that the earth can yield enough food to support at least twice its present population.


一So you want to be a rock and roll star 1.Seck 2.Persuaded 3.Lures 4.Worshipping 5.Fantestic 6.Understands 7.Sustain 8.Bored 9.If 10.Conquest 11.Continuily 12.Dissolve 13.Exploit 14.As long as 15.closely 16.piece 17.cruelty 18.discouraged 19.where 20.acouse 二、it is doubtful that there was a 1.than 2.featuring 3.showing off 4.applause 5.sparked 6.claimed 7.defend 8.seriously 9.called 10.paving 11.originall y 12.however 13.place 14.suffered 15.both 16.for 17.when 18.which 19.despite 20.ever 三the challenges faced by all 1.what 2.offers 3.why 4.with https://www.360docs.net/doc/eb5068124.html,e across 6.especiall y 7.but 8.challengi ng 9.contribu te 10.ultimatel y 11.witness 12.prrospec is 13.occur 14.rewardi ng 15.look at 16.opportu nity 17.apply 18.available 19.valuable 20.to 四、 we are living in the age of 1.left behind 2.catch up with 3.that 4.over 5.looking to 6.access 7.diameter 8.initial 9.utilities 10.strategic 11.reap 12.reliable 13.revenues 14.tackle 15.at stake 16.breadth 17.gap 18.sacrifices 19.to 20.when 五、have you ever experienced 1.that 2.solitary 3.fades 4.distance 5.creeps in 6.solitude 7.split 8.going 9.preppar ations https://www.360docs.net/doc/eb5068124.html,cking 11.tired 12.nothing but 13.sick of 14.choke 15.as 16.abandon 17.boring 18.share 19.boasted 20.inspirati on 六、bribery may had to murder 1.scene 2.presence 3.clues 4.piece 5.escape 6.suspecie d 7.torn 8.victim 9.shared 10.quarrel 11.involvin g 12.investiga ting 13.conclude d 14.contracis 15.conscien ce 16.which 17.odds 18.fatal 19.sight 20.arrested 七、many native Americans 1.exceedin gly 2.descend 3.migrated 4.route 5.matter 6.at all 7.until 8.in 9.presence 10.evidence 11.therefor e 12.crossed 13.contest https://www.360docs.net/doc/eb5068124.html,cked 15.however 16.reject 17.motivati on 18.accounts 19.origins 20.ignored



Unite 1 1.选词填空 explore(v.勘探,探测) transmit(v.传送,传递,传播) resource(n.资源) emerge(v.出现,为···所公认) yield(v.产生,出产,屈从,让步) pose(v.摆姿势,导致) assume(v.认为,假定,假设) confidence(n.信任信赖,自信心) inherit(v.沿袭,秉承,继承) comprehensive(a.综合的,多方面的) 1. Given the chance to show his ability, he regained confidence and began to succeed in school. 2. It is so difficult to explore the bottom of the ocean because some parts are very deep. 3. It was about 30 seconds before Alex emerged from the water; we were quite scared. 4. We often assume that when other people do the same things as we do, they do them for the same reasons; but this assumption is not always reasonable. 5. There is widespread concern that the rising unemployment may pose a threat to social stability. 6. After a(n) comprehensive physical exam, my doctor said I was in good condition except that my blood pressure was a little high. 7. It is well known that China is a country with rich natural resources and a very big population. 8. Some people believe that the earth can yield enough food to support at least twice its present population. 9. Sam inherited the gift of imagination from his family, but he lacked the driving power to take action. 10. A bee that has found honey is able to transmit to other bees the information they need in order to collect the honey. 2.15选10 attain赢得,获得,得到 fascinating迷人的,吸引人fulfill履行,执行pursue追求,致力于 available可获得的可利用的 qualify使合适,合格raise提升,增加 passion强烈的爱好,热爱 virtually实际上classify分类归类 acquire获得,取得,学到 fashionable流行的especially特别的 sample样品,标本 prosperous繁荣的University students come from different parts of the country with various purposes. However, a closer look at their reasons for studying at the university will enable us to (1)classify them roughly into three groups: those who have a(n) (2)passion for learning, those who wish to (3)attain a bright future, and those who learn with no definite purpose. Firstly, there are many students who learn simply because they (4)pursue their goal of learning. Some read a wealth of British and American novels because they are keenly interested in literature. Others sit in front
