


(It \ That ) Sounds good \ great \ fantastic.\awesome 听起来不错\ 很棒

After you. 您先。

All right/OK. 好吧。

All the best 一切顺利\ 万事如意

Allow me.让我来。

Another time . 下次吧。


Are you sure? 你确信吗?

As a popular sayings goes .俗话说,常言道

As far as I know 据我所知

As sb puts it. 正如某人所说

As we know,众所周知

Bad luck. 真不幸\ 真倒霉

Be careful! =watch out =take care 小心!

Be quiet! 安静点!

Believe it or not! 信不信由你!

Best wishes (to you)致以最美好的祝愿

Better safe than sorry. 小心无大错。

Bottoms up!干杯(见底)!

Can I help you? 您要点什么?要我帮忙吗?

Certainly/Sure/Of course. 当然可以。

Cheer up 振作点\ 加油


Congratulations. 祝贺你

Could you do me a favor?帮个忙,好吗?

Don’t let sb down. 不要让某人失望。

Don’t mention it. 1.不客气(一般用在熟人之间,表示别见外);不足挂齿2.别提了

Don't worry.别担心。

Easier said than done. 说起来容易做起来难。

Enjoy yourself.\ Have a good time. \ Have fun. 玩得开心点。Everything goes well. 一切顺利。

Follow me.跟我来。

Forget it. 别放在心上;算了吧。

Excuse me. 劳驾;打扰一下

Get off my back. 别罗嗦了,不要再烦我了

Give me a hand! 帮帮我!

Give my best to your family. = Remember me to your family.代我向你全家问好。

Go ahead. 1. 当然可以(如你所愿,尽管去做)2. 继续Good idea. 好主意。

Good job \ well done . 干得好\ 干得不错。

Good luck. 祝你好运。

Good night.晚安.

Help yourself ( to ……) 请随便(吃些……)

Here you are. \ Here it is 给你。( 你要的东西在这)

Hold on. 请稍候。

How big of you. 你真棒

How do you like the movie? What do you think of \about the movie? 对于这部影片你怎么看?

How's everything? 过得还好吗?

How's it going? 过得怎么样?

Hurry up . 快点。

I bet. 我确信(I’m sure)

I can’t agree more. 我完全同意。

I can't reach him.我联系不上他

I didn’t mean to. 我不是故意的。

I don’t care. 我不在乎

I got it. \Got it. 我知道了。\ 我明白了。

I have no idea. = I don’t know 我不知道。

I hope so. \ not. 但愿如此\ 不会(要、是)

I mean it. 我是认真的。

I promise.我保证。

I see . 我明白了

I think so. \ I don’t think so. 我这样认为\ 我不这样认为。I’ll be there. 我会去的。\ 我会到的。

I’m afraid so.\ I’m afraid not. 恐怕是这样\ 恐怕不会(是)I’m not myself today. 我今天不舒服。

I’m sorry , but I have to finish my homework first. 对不起,我必须先完成我的作业。

I’m sorry to hear that. 抱歉提起你的伤心事(如果此事发生在过去),节哀顺变(如果是亲人离世),一切都会好起来的(很多场合可用)

I'm afraid not. 恐怕不行。

(I'm) pleased/happy/glad to meet you. 很高兴见到你!

I'm sorry to have kept you waiting .对不起让你久等.

I'm sorry to have taken so much of your time.对不起占用你太多时间了.

I'm sorry to trouble you.对不起打扰你了.

I'm sorry, sir (madam).对不起,先生(小姐)

I'm very sorry.非常抱歉.

In a word \ all in all总之

In other words ., 换句话说。

It \ That depends. 看情况。

It doesn’t work. 不管用了,出毛病了

It doesn't matter.没关系.

It won’t happen again. 下不为例。

It’ s a piece of cake . 很容易。

It’ s no big deal. 没什么大不了的。

It’s (was)a (my) pleasure.别客气,不用谢,乐意效劳(帮助后)

It’s a long story. 一言难尽

It’s my treat. 我请客

(It’s) nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你!

It’s up to you.由你决定(负责)

It’s your turn to do some cleaning. 轮到你打扫卫生了。

It's nothing.没什么.

Just a minute (moment). 请稍候。

Just do it. 去做就是了。\ 即说即做。

Just so-so! 还行吧!

Keep in touch. 保持联系。

Keep it up 继续努力,继续加油!

Let me have a try. 让我试试。

Let me see 让我想一想,让我看一看

Let’s give him a big hand. 让我们热烈鼓掌。

Let’s go for it.让我们为之努力(加油)吧!

Long time to see. 好久不见。

Make yourself at home. 别客气。

Many thanks . 多谢。

May I take your order? 可以帮您点菜了吗?

May you succeed 祝你成功。

Merry Christmas! 圣诞快乐.

My pleasure. / It was my pleasure. 别客气。(比“You’re welcome”更加正式,语气也强。通常男生们会在女生面前显示一下自己足够绅士)

Never mind, 没关系,别在意

Never mind.别放在心上.

No doubt about it. 毫无疑问。

No problem. 1. 不用谢2. 没问题

No way 不行

None of your business. 不关你的事。

Not at all. 不用谢。

Not so bad. 还不错

Of course! 当然了!

Of course not! 当然不介意!

Pardon. 请再说一遍。

Practice makes perfect. 孰能生巧

Question for you. 问你个问题。

Shut up! 闭嘴!

Slow down! 慢点!

So do I.我也一样。

So long.再见。

Some other time. 改日吧

Take care \ Take care of yourself. 请珍重\ 照顾好自己。Take it easy. 别紧张。(Don’t be nervous)耐心点,慢慢来(Be patient)(侧重于心理上的)

Take your time. 别慌,慢慢来(No hurry)(侧重于时间上的)

Thank you a lot \ very much \a millon. 多谢。

Thank you all the same. =Thank you anyway. 不管怎样,还是谢谢你。(对方未能帮上忙仍表示感谢)

Thank you for having us. 多谢款待我们。

Thank you for your help \advice. 谢谢你的帮助\ 建议。Thanks . \ Thank you. 谢谢。

Thanks a lot \ very much \a millon.

T hat’s it. 1.就这样(结束对话) 2. 就是;对(对某事表示肯定) 3. 就是它(某物就是所想所需)

That’s (It’s) nice (kind) of you. 你真好。

That’s a deal. 成交;说定了

That's (It’s ) OK \ (all right) . 不用谢。(隐含着默认接受别人感谢的意思,多用于好朋友或关系亲近的人)

That's all! 就这样!

That's right. =Right. 对。

That's nothing.没什么.

The heat \ the hot weather is killing me. 热死我了。

The same to you. 把同样的祝福也送给您。

There's something wrong with the phone. 电话出了点儿毛病。

This way.这边请。

Time flies! \How time flies! 时间过得真快!

Time is up. 时间到。

What a pity! 太遗憾了!

What a shame! 真遗憾!

What can I do for you? 我能为你做些什么?

What’s up? 怎么了?你在忙些什么?(口语中较为随意的客套话)

What’s wrong? What’s the matter? What’s your trouble? What’ going on ? What’s happening? 怎么了?发生了什么事?(语气较强)

Where are you heading? 你要去哪?

Who wants? 谁稀罕

Why not? 好呀! (为什么不呢?)

Wish you success. 祝你成功。

With pleasure. 当然可以,乐意效劳(帮助前)Yes, please. 可以。

You are kidding. \ You are joking. 开玩笑吧。You are the boss. 听你的。

You bet. 没错,的确;当然(That’s for sure)You can’t be serious. 你不会当真吧。

You're welcome. 不用谢。
