



注意: 本卷选择题答案在答题卡上用2B铅笔将相应的字母编号涂黑;非选择题答案写在




A. 听句子(本题有5小题,每小题1分,共5分)根据所听句子的内容和所提的问题,选择符合题意的图画回答问题,并将其字母编号填写在题前括号内。每小题听一遍。

( )1. What does Lily think is good for health?

( )2. What does the speaker talk about?

( )3. What did Gina lose yesterday morning?

( )4. How will David go to school today? ( )5. What will Linda’s father do today?

B. 听对话(本题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分)根据所听对话内容回答每段对话后面的问题,在各题所给的三个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并将其字母编号填写在题前括号内。每段对话听两遍。


( )6. Which is the boy’s advice about learning English?

A. Listening to the radio.

B. Practising with others.

C. Reading English newspapers.


( )7. What is Mike’s home town famous for?

A. For making cars.

B. For its nice weather.

C. For making bicycles.


( )8. Who is the girl’s favourite sports star?

A. Li Na.

B. Jeremy Lin.

C. Lin Dan.


( )9. What does the boy plan to do in summer?

A. To learn English in New York.

B. To visit his cousin in Beijing.

C. To take part in a summer camp.


( )10. What does the girl want to do this afternoon?


A . To go sightseeing. B. To go shopping. C. To go swimming.


( )11. How often does Bob watch TV?

A. Twice a week.

B. Three times a week.

C. Every evening.

( )12. What does Bob’s father like doing?

A. Reading.

B. Cooking.

C. Drawing.


( )13. What is Wang Zhi good at?

A. Writing.

B. Swimming.

C. Running.

( )14. Who is Wang Lin?

A. She is Wang Zhi’s sister.

B. She is Wang Z hi’s friend.

C. She is Wang Zhi’s cousin.

( )15. Who is funnier?

A. Wang Lin.

B. Wang Zhi.

C. Wang Lin’s new friend.

C. 听短文(本题有5小题,每小题1分,共5分)根据所听内容,在每小题给出的三个选项中,选出一个能完成句子的最佳答案,并将其字母编号填写在题前括号内。短文听两遍。

( )16. Carol is from _______.

A. America

B. Canada

C. Japan

( )17. Carol is _______.

A. shy

B. friendly

C. lively

( )18. Anna is _______.

A. 11

B. 12

C. 13

( )19. Anna’s birthday is next to _______.

A. Wednesday

B. Thursday

C. Friday

( )20. In Carol’s painting, there will be _______. A. a girl singing and the other playing tennis B. a girl painting and the other playing basketball

C. a girl dancing and the other painting

D. 听填信息(本题有5小题,每小题1分,共5分)



( )26. .He is ________ excellent English teacher.

A. a

B. an

C. the

D. /

( )27. ---Linda, there are a few mistakes in your homework. You can _____in your notebook.


A. write down it

B. write down them

C. write it down

D. write them down ( )28. —I often see Tom _______ in the park, why?

—He is too fat. He wants to make himself thinner.

A. run

B. runs

C. to run

D. to running ( )29. — I bought a nice MP4 yesterday.It’s only$150.

— Oh, really? I spent much _______ money.Mine is $50.

A.little B.fewer C.more D.less

( )30. -- Why didn’t your sister talk with me??

-- She is a ________ girl. She is afraid to speak in front of others.


A. shy

B. bad

C. clever

D. good

( )31. _________ food you eat, _______ you are.

A. The much, the fat

B. The more, the fatter

C. More, fatter

D. The less, the fatter ( )32. I think listening is as __________as speaking in English learning.

A. important

B. more important

C. most important

D. the most important ( )33. --Why didn’t you go to see the film?--Because I hear there isn’t _______.

A. something interesting

B. interesting


C. anything


D. interesting anything

( )34. —Hi, Tony, which is __________street in London?

—Red Street. Many people go shopping there.

A. busy

B. busier

C. busiest

D. the busiest

( )35. He’s really _________ after watching an _________ tennis match.

A. excited; exciting

B. exciting; excited

C. excited; excited

D. exciting; exciting ( )36. --I didn’t hear you come just now.

-That is good, we tried _______ any noise, the baby is sleeping.

A. to make

B. not make

C. not to make

D. making

( )37. -- Do you know the_______ of the word?

-- Sorry , I don’t know. Let’s _________in the dictionary.

A. mean, look it up

B. meaning, look it up

C. mean, look up it

D. meaning, look up it ( )38. Our parents often advise us ________ when the traffic light is red.

A. to cross

B. not to cross

C. not cross

D. don’t across ( )39. Eating apples _____ good for our health.

A. be

B. is

C. are

D. am

( )40. Hong Kong has about seven ________people.

A. millions B million C million of D millions of

( )41. Don’t fo rget ________ the windows when you leave the room.

A. to close

B. closing

C. close

D. closed

( )42.The population of Nanhai(南海) is ______ than ____ of Gaoming(高明)?

A. more, the one

B. larger, the one

C. larger, that

D. more, that

( )43. Please speak loudly _______ we can hear you clearly.

A. because

B. so that

C. but

D. or

( )44. Shanghai is _______the east of China and Japan is ____ the east of China.

A. to, in

B. on, to

C. in , on

D. in, to

( )45.—How about watching the pop ular TV program “Dad , where are we going”?


A. That sounds great

B. Yes, we shall

C. I’m busy, I have no time

D. I’m afraid not


Do you want to be a TV news 46 ? People often ask me why I love m y job. Well, it’s very

47 . I’m first to know about important news stories. I travel around the world and I talk to people. I48 What’s happening in different places. I talk to some important and famous people. I talked to 49 sportsmen, sportswomen and film stars. I ask people to tell me about their lives. I want to know how they 50 .

Many people want to work in TV news, so you have to show that you can do it. You must learn how to 51____ a video camera, to write reports. What’s the52___ way to learn? Your school or college TV station is a good place to start, but you have to get a 53___!

Most people start 54____ an unpaid job, so they can learn. The best place to learn is at a small station. There aren’t many people, so you can get 55__ experience(经验). I had an unpaid job at a small station, and one night, when everyone else was ill, I read the news on air. I did well, and as a result, I got my first paid job!

46.A. coach B. reporter C. teacher D. driver


47. A. angry B. exciting C. tiring D. boring

48.A. go through B. cheer on C. put up D. find out

49.A. famous B. basic C. natural D. bored

50.A. touch B. sound C. look D. feel

51.A. teach B. learn C. use D. make

52.A. busiest B. best C. biggest D. friendliest

53.A. job B. work C. score D. fan

54.A. without B. with C. in D. on

55.A. taller B. lower C. better D. worse

四. 阅读理解。(本大题共15小题,每小题2分,共30分)


Tom and Mike were good friends. Sometimes they were kind to each other, sometimes they were not. But all of their classmates said they were like brothers.

One day they went out for a walk together. At noon they were very hungry and they went into a restaurant to have lunch.

The waiter came up to them and asked,"What can I do for you?"

"Please bring us two apples first.” said Tom.

When the waiter put two apples on the table,Mike took the bigger one at once. Tom got angry,

“You are impolite,Mike. Why don’t you take the smaller one?" Tom said.

“But I am right.”said Mike wit h a smile,“if I let you take first, which one will you choose?"

“Of course I’11 take the smaller one. "said Tom.

“Yes.”Mike said,“If you take the smaller one,the bigger one will still be mine. Don’t you think so?"

“Oh!"Tom couldn’t answer.

( ) 56.Tom and Mike were______

A. always kind to each other

B. sometimes kind to each other

C. dear brothers

D. friends of different school

( ) 57.The waiter gave them_______

A. two eggs

B. two apples

C. three oranges

D. some milk

( ) 58.Tom took the_______ apple.

A. better

B. bigger

C. smaller

D. worse

( ) 59.Who took the apple first? ______

A. Mike

B. Tom

C. Both Tom and Mike

D. The waiter

( ) 60. Which following is true?

A. Tom and Mike went out to buy some books.

B. Tom and Mike were at the same school.

C. Tom and Mike got many apples in the restaurant.

D. The waiter ate the bigger apple.


Harry Mendis , a 15-year-old British schoolboy, had a long hiccup(打嗝)at the end of last month.

His hiccups began one Sunday lunch time and continued(持续)day and night for two weeks. After the first week, Harry’s parents took him to hospital, but it took another week for the doctors to cure(治愈)him.

Harry, who is now back at school, is talking about his hiccups.

“When I began to hiccup, I drank a glass of water, but that didn’t work. That evening I had hiccups every four seconds(秒). 1 tried many ways to stop them. I held my breath(屏住我的呼吸)and drank cold drinks. My father even tried to give me a shock , but that didn’t work, either. After a week of sleepless nights, I went to hospital. The doctors couldn’t find anything wrong. They gave me some med icine and my hiccups slowed down, but it was another week before the medicine worked completely(完全地)and my hiccups stopped.”

Harry was very lucky. The world record holders is the American farmer Charles Smith, who hiccupped for 69 years and 5 months. He stopped hiccups in 1990 at last, but nobody knew why.

( ) 61. Harry hiccupped for _______.

A. a week

B. fourteen days

C. twenty-eight days

D. one month

( )62. Harry’s hiccups started after he ______.


A. drank a glass of milk

B. went to hospital

C. finished his homework

D. ate lunch

( )63. Harry’s parents decided to take him to hospital when he ________.

A. hiccupped for four seconds

B. held his breath

C. drank a glass of milk

D. couldn’t stop hiccupping

( )64. What does “shock” in this passage mean in Chinese?

A. 咳嗽

B. 惊吓

C. 喷嚏

D. 哈欠

( )65. Harry’s hiccups stopped one week after the doctor _________.

A. gave him some medicine

B. visited him

C. gave him a shock

D. let him drink cold drinks







Tom was a poor boy.He was famous 71 a bootblack(擦鞋童). He made a living by cleaning leather(皮革) 72 for others in the street.Tom was also a clever boy.One day,Tom was sitting on the chair as 73 , a rich man 74 Miser stood in front of Tom.He watched his dirty shoes for a few minutes,and then,looked at Tom. Tom knew this kind of people well.They love money but hate to spend money on anything.Tom said,“Let me clean your shoes at a very 75 price,sir.Only two pence(便土),sir.”

Mr.Miser shook his head and walked away. Tom thought for a second and then called out,‘‘I’d like to clean it for nothing.”This time. Mr.Miser 76 with Tom.And soon one of his shoes was shining brightly.

Mr.Miser was very __77_ with his bright shoe, but when the rich man put his other shoe on the stool(凳子),Tom said he wouldn’t clean it for him before Mr.Miser paid two pence for his work.Mr.Miser was very 78 .He refused to pay anything and went away.But to his surprise ,the well-cleaned shoe was so bright that it made the other one look much 79 .Mr Miser looked round.People in the street were 80 at him.Finally the rich man returned and gave Tom two pence.In a very short time his two shoes shone brightly.

六、读写综合(本题包括A, B 两部分,共20分)



To:oliver@intersaurus. com From:lilei@net. com

Subject:the future Date:08/11 7∶09 P.M.

Hi, Oliver,

This week, we talked about our goals and predicted(预测) the future at school. Many

s tudents don’t know what they want to be when they grow up. But I wrote that I

hoped to be a famous scientist like Bill Gates. I want to work hard and have a lot of

money. I want to buy what I need with the money. Do you know what you’re going

to be when yo u’re older, Oliver? Maybe you’ll be a basketball player like Yao Ming.

Jenny told me that you were a very good player this year.

Li Lei

To:lilei@net. com From:oliver@intersaurus. com

Subject:the future Date:09/11 6∶49 P.M.

Hello, Li Lei!

Jenny is righ t! I’m much taller this year, and I love playing basketball in my leisure(休闲) time. But I don’t think I’m going to be a basketball player when I grow up. Maybe I will be a famous action movie star. I think it is very exciting and interesting to be an action movie star. In a word, I will be famous when I’m older, but I will always be your friend!


Information Card

Oliver’s e-mail address 81. ______________________

When did Oliver write to Li Lei? 82. ______________________

What does Li Lei hope to be when he

grows up?

83. ______________________

What does Oliver hope to be when he

grows up?

84 ______________________

What is the relationship (关系)

between Li Lei and Oliver?

85 ______________________



学校“Teenager Hotline ” 栏目每天能收到不少同学的咨询信件。如果你是学校栏目的主持人Mike,请你根据Mary同学的烦恼给出合理的建议写成一篇80词左右的短文, 老师已经给出的句子不算在内。

Dear Mary

How is everything going? I know you do badly in English and get too fat. Don’t worry. I can give you some advice. ________________________________________________________










_______________________________________________________________________________ Come on! Best wishes!

Mike 7

P 8


正源学校2014下初二年级期中考试英语试卷A卷时量90分钟满分120分 第一部分听力部分(20分) 第二部分基础知识运用(65分) Ⅰ、单项选择(15分) ( )21.No one knows ________ next. A.how to do B. what to do C. when to do D. why to do ( )22.My grandfather likes to_______funny jokes and always makes me _______. A. tell; laughs B. talk; laugh C. say; to laugh D. tell; laugh ( )23.- Would you please ______ your shoes on the floor? --- Sorry. I won’t do it any more. A. not drop B. not to drop C. not dropping D.no dropping ( )24.--Do you find this maths problem _______? --Yes, I can work it out_______. A. easy , easy B. easily ,easily C. easily, ,easy D. easy, easily ( )25.In autumn,farmers are busy _______ crops. A. harvesting B. harvests C. harvest D. to harvest ( )26. Jacky made some tea ______ me. But I forgot to say thanks when he passed ______ me. A. for; for B. to; for C. for; to D. to; to ( )27.These days the temperature ___________quickly.I feel that it is winter now. A.rises B.drops C.raises D.falls ( )28You______buy Tom a present if he invites you to his birthday party. A had better B.would like C.are able to D.must ( )29 If we keep _______the land, the farmers will have_______to live. A. took; anywhere B. taking; nowhere C. take; no place D. bring; somewhere ( )30 I think _ ____necessary __ _____ to take more exercise. A. it, for Jim and me B. it’s, to Jim and me C.that , for Jim and I D. that’s, to Jim and I ( )31. My brother is interested in _______ languages. A. to study B. studying C. study D. studies ( )32.The lion was watching a zebra ________ across it, suddenly it ran to catch it. A. to walk B.walk C walks D.walking ( )33. ---I want to catch the bus to Shanghai. ---______. There is no time. A. Come on B. Be careful C. Have a good time D. Good luck ( )34. We must hurry up. There are few minutes _______. A. to leave B. leaves C. left D. leave


2019-2020年八年级英语期中试卷及答案 一、单项选择(15分) ( )1. I think _______ is interesting to have a talk with the famous man on TV. A. that B. this C. it D. its ( )2. Nowadays so many animals _______ danger, we should take actions to save them. A. is in B. are in C. is out of D. are out of ( )3. Our country is thinking of ways to _______ the farmland. A. protect B. sweep C. prevent D. repair ( )4. –Have you _______ your ticket, sir? -No, I’m still _______ it. A. found, finding B. looked for, looking for C. found, looking for D. looked for, finding ( )5. He looks tired. He needs _______. A. taking a rest B. to take a rest C. take a rest D. to a rest ( )6 Don’t talk your mobile phone when you are driving or riding. A. of B. on C. at D with ( )7. — I saw accident just now.— Tell the police how accident happened. A. an; the B. an; / C. the; an D an an ( )8 In front of my house _______. A. a big tree stand B. a big tree stands C. stand a big tree D. stands a big tree ( )9. Put on your overcoat, _______ you will catch a cold. A. and B. or C. so D. but ( )10. — Hi, Grace. What are your parents doing? — My father is watching a football match on TV my mother is reading a book. A. while B. when C. so D before ( )11. — I went to your home at four yesterday afternoon, but you were not in. — Sorry, I bikes with my friends outside. A. am riding B. was riding C. rode D ride ( )12. — Were you watching the film this time last night? — No, I it just now. A. watched B. was watching C. watch D will watch ( )13. When I entered the room, I found on the floor. A. she lying B. her was lying C. her lying D she is lying ( )14. Be careful to the road on the way to school. A. across B. cross C. through D on ( )15. — Will you play the guitar for me at the party?—. A. I’ll be glad to B. I don’t like it C. It’s very kind of you D Yes, please. 二、完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) That was a fine day. A rich man was once 16 along the road and saw an old man digging in his garden. There was a young 17 lying on the ground and the old man was going to 18 it. The rich man called out to the old man, “What kind of trees are you planti ng there, my fig (无花果) tree, sir,” he said. “A fig tree?” the rich man was very surprised. good man?”“This is a “Why, 19 are you, may I ask?” “I a m 20 years old.”“What!”  cried the rich man. ninety years old! You are planting a very young tree now and it’ll take years to give “You’re


八年级上册英语练习题-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1

Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation? Section A 1:基本词汇 不多,很少 wonderful 在任何地方 nothing 任何人 Someone 最多,大多数 myself 某事 yourself 母鸡 seem 猪 everyone 厌倦的 dairy 2:基本词组 相当多,不少 of course 去度假 go to summer camp 任何有趣的地方 most of the time 参观博物馆 go out with 好像挺烦闷的 3:基本句型及交际用语 1:根据汉语完成句子,每空一词。 在2013年的十月你去哪儿度假了? 我去山里了。 did you go in October ,2013? I to the mountains。 2:杰夫,你去了一些有趣的地方吗? 是的,我和我的朋友们去了中国的长城。 Jeff , you go Yes,I to the Great Wall in China my friends。 3:你遇到什么特别的事了吗? 是的,我在2013年的12月20日遇到了汪东城。 you meet Yes,I Wang Dongcheng on 20,2013. 4:韩磊好像很伤心,因为他错过了一场足球赛。 Han Lei very sad yesterday, he missed a football match。 5:上个星期日的天气怎么样? 又热又潮湿。 the weather last Sunday? It hot and humid。 2:补全对话,每空一词。 A:Hi,Lin 。Long time no see。 B:I my vacation。 A:Really? did you go on vacation? B:I to the beach。 A:How was the


初中英语学习材料 madeofjingetieji 2016—2017学年度(上)教学质量检测八年级英语试题卷 ◇本试卷满分150分,答题时间90分钟。 ◇答题前请认真审题,答题时请认真做答。 ◇答案填写在答题卡上,交卷时只交答题卡,试题自己保存。 ◇祝你答题愉快,考试成功! 第一部分听力(共五大题,满分30分) I.关键词语选择(共5小题;每小题1分。满分5分) 你将听到五个句子。请在每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个你所听到的单词或短语。每个句子读两遍。 1.A.accept B.action C.activity 2.A.corn B.college C.coffee 3.A.simple B.similar C.serious 4.A.mouth B.month C.math 5.A.study for B.1ook for C.prepare for Ⅱ.短对话理解(共10小题;每小题1分。满分10分) 你将听到十段对话,每段对话后有一个小题、请在每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出 一个最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。 6.Where does the girl like to watch movies? 7.What does the girl also need?

8.What will the girl be? 9.What should people take to go to work or school in the future? 10.What will the woman bring to the old man? 11.How often does Peter play soccer? A.Twice a week. B.Once a month. C.Three times a week.12.Where are the speakers? A.In a cinema. B.In a restaurant. C.In a schoo1. 13.What will the boy do? A.Do the dishes. B. Buy some yogurt. C. Make the milk shake.14.Who is the tallest of the three girls?


(满分120分,考试时间120分钟) 姓名:成绩: 一、单项选择:(共20小题,计20分) 1. Don't eat ____food in the evening. It's bad ____ you. A. too much; with B. much too; for C. too much; for D. much; with more exercise you take, ____you will be. A. healthier B. happier C. the healthier D. the weaker 3.—Are you going to Tibet for vacation —Yes, I want you to ____me with some information about it. A. drop B. show C. give D. provide 4.—What a heavy rain! Will it last long —_______We're getting into the rainy season now. A.Of course not B.I’m afraid so C.That's impossible D.I'm afraid not 5. You can ____a conversation with you partner to practice English. A.pick up B.make up C.look up D.catch up 6. It's too hot. I can't wait ____in the lake. A.to swim B.swim C.swims D.swimming 7. David found a little girl______on his way to school, and he called police for help. A. cry B. cried C. crying D. cries 8. We have activities these days. Everyone in our class is as________as a bee. A. busy B. busier C. busiest D. the busiest 9. He knocked on the door but______answered. A. somebody B. anybody C. nobody D. everybody 10. Before she went abroad, she spent plenty of time ____ English. A. to practice to speak B. practicing speaking C. to practice speaking D. practicing to speak 11. I will send you an email when I___________ in Canada. A. arrive B. arrived C. am arriving D. will arrive 12. My brother is _____a hardworking student that he always gets high marks. A. so B. very C. such D. too 13. Many students have interests. Some interests are relaxing and________ are creative. others B. others C. another D. the other 14. Please _____ the book back tomorrow when you come. A. take B. carry C. return D. bring 15. Don’t worry. We have ________ time to leave. A. little B. a little C. few D. a few 16. It’s time for class now, please stop __________. A. talking B. to talk C. to speak D. spoke 17. ---Hi, Jack! Why do you look so sad ---Well, I don’t know how to speak English well, Can you give me ____. A. some advice B. an advice C. some advices D. some suggestion


最新人教版八年级英语上册单元测试题及答案全套Units 1~2综合检测卷 时间:120分钟满分:120分 听力部分(共25分) Ⅰ.听句子,选择正确的答语。听两遍。(5分) ( )1.A.It was wonderful. B.I went to the beach. C.By train. ( )2.A.Yes,they did. B.On Monday. C.His father. ( )3.A.It's an umbrella. B.I was very hungry. C.It was very delicious. ( )4.A.She went shopping. B.She was bored. C.It was beautiful. ( )5.A.Take photos. B.Last month. C.Very tired. Ⅱ.听对话,选择正确的答案。听两遍。(5分) ( )6.Where did the girl go during her vacation? A. B. C. ( )7.What kind of junk food does Peter love to eat? A. B. C. ( )8.What does Ann often do on weekends? A. B. C. ( )9.How was the weather yesterday? A. B. C. ( )10.What did Alice buy for himself in Beijing?

A. B. C. Ⅲ.听两段对话,选择正确的答案。听两遍。(5分) 听下面一段对话,回答第11至12小题。 ( )11.How long did Susan stay in Australia? A.For half a month. B.For a month. C.For two months. ( )12.What did Susan buy for Mark? A.A pen. B.A book. C.A T-shirt. 听下面一段对话,回答第13至15小题。 ( )13.Does the girl often exercise? A.No,she doesn't. B.Yes,she does. C.We don't know. ( )14.How often does the girl exercise? A.Sometimes. B.Every day. C.Twice a week. ( )15.Where does the girl usually go for vacation? A.She usually goes to the beach. B.She usually goes to the mountains. C.She usually goes to Beijing. Ⅳ.听短文,选择正确的答案。听两遍。(10分) ( )16.Where does Cindy come from? A.China. B.The US. C.The UK. ( )17.What time does Cindy get up every morning? A.At 6:00. B.At 6:30. C.At 7:30. ( )18.How often does Cindy play tennis with her friends? A.Once a week. B.Twice a week. C.Once a month. ( )19.What's Cindy's favorite junk food? A.Ice-cream. B.Cake. C.Hamburger. ( )20.How long does Cindy usually sleep every night? A.For eight hours. B.For nine hours. C.For ten hours. 笔试部分(共95分) Ⅴ.单项选择。(15分) ( )21.—I ______ what the TV play Agni Cantabile《烈火如歌》 is about.Can you tell me? —OK. A.enjoy B.decide C.try D.wonder ( )22.—I can't find my CDs. —______ you put them in that bag. A.Only B.However C.Maybe D.Still ( )23.—Did you go shopping in Hong Kong?


初二英语上册练习题 1. There is ________old watch in his hand. A. an B. a C. the D. / 2.That is my aunt._________ is my mother's sister. A. He B. Him C. Her D. She 3. Monday is the __________ of the week. A. first B. second C. third D. fourth 4. ---___________ does he exercise? ---Once a week. A. How long B. How often C. How far D. How old 5. Hawaii is in _____________. It's very beautiful. A. China B. the USA C. Canada D. Japan 6.They came back to school _____________Sunday morning. A. in B. on C. at D. for 7.---Can your brother go out tonight? ---________________. A. No, he can B. Yes, he can't C. Yes, he can D. No, she can't 8. Milk is_____________ our health. I like it very much. A. good at B. good for C. good in D. good to 9. I'm very thirsty. I want some_________. A. chicken B. duck C. water D mustard 10.---I have a headache. I can't sleep. ---____________________ A. You are bad. B. I'm sorry to hear that C. Why do you say that D. Thank you 11.When someone helps you, you should say_____________. A. Can I help you B. That's OK C. Thank you D. Of course 12.This time I am going to do______________. A. interesting something B. something interesting C. anything interesting D. interesting nothing 13.Mr White goes to work ___________ every day. A. on bus B. by a bus C. take the bus D. by bus 14.We don't have _____________ meat at home. A. some B. any C. no D. many 15.My friend is _______________ than me. A. very heavy B. heavyer C. heavier D. more heavy 16.Yesterday afternoon Jack and I ____________ the floor. A. don't sweep B. weren't sweep C. didn't swept D. didn't sweep 17.What's the ____________radio station? A. good B. best C. better D. well 18.I hate to do the dishes because it's very ____________. A. interesting B. boring C. fun D. exciting


2009—2010学年度八年级下学期英语 期中测试题 一、单项选择. (每小题1分,共计15分) 1. –Will there be less pollution in ten years ? -No, there . A. will B. is C. won’t D. are 2 .If you want to be thinner and healthier ,you should eat food and take exercise . A. more , fewer B. more ,less C. fewer , more D.less , more 3. The boy was walking down the street the UFO landed. A. when B. while C. after D. before 4. It was a(n) news for all the student. A . disappoint B . excited C . exciting D . disappointed 5.Yesterday the teacher told us the moon around the earth . A . went B .would go C . moves D . moved 6.Alice to see her aunt if she free tomorrow . A.will go , will be B. go , is C. will go , is D. goes , will be 7.Could you please me some ? A. giving , advices B. give , advices C. give , advice D.to give , advice 8.Don’t leave your books on the table . Please . A. take away it B. take it away C. take away them D.take them away 9.I hear there a football match between China and Spain tonight . A.will have B. is going to have C. has D. is going to be 10.—I’m sorry I my notebook at home . --- That’s all right . But don’t to bring it to school tomorrow . A.left , forgot B.forgot , left C.left , forget D.forget , left 11. I don’t know his address . Could you tell me ? A.how can I get there B.where he lived C.where does he live D.how to get there 12.-- will the foreigh students be back from Qvfu ? -- In about half an hour ,I think . A. How B.How often C.How soon D.How long 13. Last week I argued my friend this matter . A.with , with B. with , about C. to , about D. about , about


八年级下册期中测试题 姓名:分数: 第一部分听力 I. 听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分。) ()1. A. Li Lei works hard at maths. B. Li Lei doesn’t like maths. C. Li Lei is bad at maths. D. Li Lei does well in maths. ()2. A. Jack is sad. B. Jack feels well. C. There’s nothing wrong with Jack. D. Jack doesn’t feel well. ()3. A. Jordan is a baseball star. B. I like Jordan best. C. Jordan is good at football. D. I have a basketball. ()4. A. I don’t like my work. B. I’m not happy with my work. C. I enjoy my work. D. I’m happy to find a new job. ()5. A. It’s hard to make a yearbook. B. It’s useful to make a yearbook. C. It’s interesting to make a yearbook. D. Be careful when you make a yearbook.

II. 听句子,选出该句的最佳答案。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分。) ()6. A. Reading B. At seven C. Riding bikes D. Physics ()7. A. Maybe B. She is going home C. She likes drawing D. She is going to be a driver. ()8. A. You are welcome B. It doesn’t matter. C. That’s easy D. Don’t thank me. ()9. A. Not at all. B. I’m sorry to hear that. C. It doesn’t matter. D. Really bad. ()10. A. The same to you. B. It’s all right. C. What’s the matter D. I’m fine. III. 听对话和问题,选择正确答案。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分。) ()11. A. Playing games B. Running C. English D. Drawing ()12. A. basketball player B. A good doctor C. A worker D. A movie star ()13. A. Use English B. Listen to the radio C. Watch TV D. Read books ()14. A. Playing B. Reading C. Playing the piano D. Drawing ()15. A. Singing B. Drawing


人教版英语八年级上册 测试题 Document serial number【KK89K-LLS98YT-SS8CB-SSUT-SST108】

人教版英语八年级上册第一单元测试题 一、单项选择 1.----- _________ did you do last night ? ------ I played computer games in my bedroom. A. What B. How C. Why D. Where 2. Most of the ______ ______ very hot . A. city ; is B. city ; are C. cities ; is D. cities ,was 3. I spend 2 hours doing my homework and I need _____ to finish it A. the other hour B.another one hour C. one another hour D.an hour more 4. -------_______ did you ________the summer vacation? ------- It was terrible . I have too much homework to do . A. What; think B. How , liked C. How; think of D. How ; feel about 5. When it’s very hot , I _______ swimming in the pool . A. would like B. want C. feel like D. decide 6. The children are too young to look after ______. A. myself B. themselves C. they D. yourself 7. It’s only 19:00, we decide ______ home A. going B. go to C. not to go D. not to go to 8. We had great fun ________the volleyball match between the Chinese team and Japanese team. A. watch B. watched C. watches D. watching 9. How about ________a drink? A. have B. to have C. had D. having 10. The teacher made me ________at school because I didn’t finish my homework yesterday. A. stay B. staying C. to stay D. stayed 11. ------ Is _______ here ? -------Bob is not here. A. everyone B. anyone C.someone D.nobody 12. I had ________money for a taxi,so I walked home. A. no B. some C. any D. a little 13. I found an elephant ________across the river. A. walks B. walked C. to walk D. walking 14. I ________you yesterday afternoon,but you ________at home. A. call,aren’t B. am calling,aren’t C. called,were D. called,weren’t 15.A quarter ______, we felt very thirsty. A. late B. after C. later D. behind 16.There are ______ people ,so it’s very crowded (拥挤的) .


新人教版八年级上册期中测试卷 (满分120分,考试时间120分钟) 姓名:成绩: 一、单项选择:(共20小题,计20分) 1. Don't eat ____food in the evening. It's bad ____ you. A. too much; with B. much too; for C. too much; for D. much; with 2.The more exercise you take, ____you will be. A. healthier B. happier C. the healthier D. the weaker 3.—Are you going to Tibet for vacation? —Yes, I want you to ____me with some information about it. A. drop B. show C. give D. provide 4.—What a heavy rain! Will it last long? —_______We're getting into the rainy season now. A.Of course not B.I’m afraid so C.That's impossible D.I'm afraid not 5. You can ____a conversation with you partner to practice English. A.pick up B.make up C.look up D.catch up 6. It's too hot. I can't wait ____in the lake. A.to swim B.swim C.swims D.swimming 7. David found a little girl______on his way to school, and he called police for help. A. cry B. cried C. crying D. cries 8. We have activities these days. Everyone in our class is as________as a bee. A. busy B. busier C. busiest D. the busiest 9. He knocked on the door but______answered. A. somebody B. anybody C. nobody D. everybody 10. Before she went abroad, she spent plenty of time ____ English. A. to practice to speak B. practicing speaking C. to practice speaking D. practicing to speak 11. I will send you an email when I___________ in Canada. A. arrive B. arrived C. am arriving D. will arrive 12. My brother is _____a hardworking student that he always gets high marks. A. so B. very C. such D. too 13. Many students have interests. Some interests are relaxing and________ are creative. A.the others B. others C. another D. the other 14. Please _____ the book back tomorrow when you come. A. take B. carry C. return D. bring 15. Don’t worry. We have ________ time to leave. A. little B. a little C. few D. a few 16. It’s time for class now, please stop __________. A. talking B. to talk C. to speak D. spoke 17. ---Hi, Jack! Why do you look so sad ---Well, I don’t know how to speak English well, Can you give me ____.
