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Key words翻译


2.Diminishing marginal utility:


3.Welfare capitalism:福利资本


4.Global outsourcing:全球外包



7.Expatriate managers:海外(外


8.Totalitarian:极权主义9.Trade barriers:贸易壁垒

10.Free-trade area:自由贸易区

11.Premium price:溢价

12.Reverse engineering:逆向工

13.Transaction costs:交易成本

14.Stock options:股票期权

15.Intrinsic motivation:内在动机

16.Extrinsic motivation:外在动



1.The role of the business owner and manager is to be enterprisin g,to

sense an opportunity to acquire and use all the other productive resources to create a product.A product is any kind of good or service that other people value and want to buy.V alue refers to how much utility a product gives customers,that is,how well it satisfies their desires or needs.In business,the most common way of measuring the value of a product is by how much customers are willing to pay for it,that is,by its price.(P8)

2.Business commerce is the process through which people produce and

then trade,barter,or exchange valuable goods and services to better fulfill their wants and needs.The difference between trade and barter is that trade involves the exchange of products using money whereas barter does not.When people bart e r,they enchange one product directly for another.(P10)

3.Demand,Supply,and the Market Price(P12)


4.How does profit differ from profitability? p14

Y ou might think that making a profit and profitability are one and the same.But in fact,the two concepts are different:Prof i t is simply the total or absolute monetary difference between sales revenues and operating costs;Profitabilit y measures how well a company is making use of its capital by investing in resources that create goods and services that generate profits.

5.Transaction costs related to business(P21)

交易成本构成:bargaining,negotiating,monitoring,and regulating the exchanges between people in business


6.What does it mean by ‘creative destruction’?(p64)Economists refer to the widespread changes brought about by increaseing global competition and advancing technology as the process of “creative


7.Levels of Managers(P66)

top managers,middle managers,First-Line managers

8.Efficiency and Effectiveness(P69)

One simple way to differentiate between these two concepts is to view effectiveness as “doing the right things,”and efficiency as “doing things right.”

9.Career Management

考Stage 5:Late Career(见书本P80)


10.Political Systems and National Governments(见书本P92)

Two principal, and opposite, kinds of political system:democracy, totalitarianism

11.The role of intermediaries(P97)

Sometimes companies called intermediaries act as a “go-between”to manage the sales of products between sellers and buyers.An intermediary is a company such as a broker,merchant,or wholesaler that does not make a product but acts as a supplier or distributor,buying the products of some companies and selling them to others.

12.General forces in the environment? (P100)

political-economic, sociocultural,demographic,legal

补充:Four specific forces:suppliers, distributors,competitors, customers
