


第一部分听力(共两节, 满分30分)



1.What will speakers do on Saturday?

A.Go to work.

B. Eat brunch.

C. Go to the gym.

2.When did the man hurt himself?

A.A few weeks ago.

B. A few months ago.

C. A few years ago.

3.Where does this conversation take place?

A.In a bookstore.

B. In a library.

C. In a classroom.

4.How does the woman sound?


B. Sad.

C. Angry.

5.What are the speakers mainly discussing?

A.Their exam schedules.

B.Their recent sleep habits.

C.Their physics exam results.



6.What does the man like most about reusable bags?

A.They are free.

B.They have a variety of uses.

C.They are lighter and easier to carry.

7.What discount do shoppers receive if they use reusable bags?

A.10% off.

B. 3% off.

C. 10 cents off.


8.Why doesn’t Brad like online shopping?

A.He doesn’t like to plan.

B.He doesn’t like to stay at home waiting.

C.He doesn’t want his packages stolen.

9.What does Brad advise Sally to do?

A.Go to the store.

B. Clean the house.

C. Keep track of her package.

10.How is Sally related to Brad?

A.She’s his mom.

B. She’s his employee.

C. She’s his sister.


11.In the beginning, what does the woman think George is doing?

A. Reading.

B. Coloring.

C. Writing.

12.Why are some of the texts marked in green?

A. They are the main ideas.

B. They are important details.

C. They are a bit more difficult.

13.According to George, why is active reading useful?

A. It helps students learn new words.

B. It shows students what they already know.

C. It’s a good learning method for both slow and fast students.


14.Who will know about the move tonight?

A. Lily.

B. Katie.

C. Jason.

15.According to the woman, what is much better in France?

A. The food.

B. The weather.

C. The schools.

16.What does the man hope to do about his family?

A. Bring them to France.

B. Leave them in America.

C. Visit them in a few months.

17.What is the relationship between the speakers?

A. Boss and secretary.

B. Family members.

C. Co-workers.


18.What is the most important requirement for this job?

A. Experience.

B. Creativity.

C. Energy.

19.What do children do in the morning?

A. Go hiking.

B. Write short essays.

C. Report to the leaders.

20.When is the application due?

A. In late April.

B. In mid-May.

C. In early July.





Kennedy Space Center Official Guide App

Download the Kennedy Space Center Official Guide and start your journey! The official Kennedy Space Center app is the necessary guide to planning and customizing your visit to the Greatest Space Adventure on Earth!

Use the favorites list to create your own guided tour and find your way around the visitor complex with GPS-enabled map navigation (导航). Find additional information including hours of operation, where to stop, where to eat and the nearest restrooms. Learn about attractions, tours, astronaut appearances and shows. Opt (选择;挑选) for notice updates that include rocket launch (发射) viewing information, events and more.

●Kennedy Space Center Official Guide App is available for free in both the App Store and Google Play.

●Plan your trip with features such as maps, and detailed descriptions of shows and attractions.

●Improve your visit with information on guest services, dining and shopping, rocket launches.

●Use the wayfinding maps to plan your way around the visitor complex and the Apollo/Saturn V Center.

●Easily check the hours of operation and current weather on the home screen.

●Keep all your planned activities organized in your Favorites folder in the navigation.

●Free Wi-Fi is available throughout the visitor complex.

KSC, short for Kennedy Space Center, is a working spaceflight place. As a result, all tours and times are likely to change without notice.

21. What can people do with the app?

A. Watch rocket launches online.

B. Communicate with astronauts.

C. Design personal tours of KSC.

D. Book admission tickets to KSC.

22. What can we learn from the passage?

A. KSC’s architectural structure is very complex.

B. Visitors’“adventure” may be interrupted halfway.

C. Detailed plans should be made before visiting KSC.

D. Only the visitor complex can be accessed by visitors.

23. What’s the purpose of this passage?

A. To donate money to Kennedy Space Center.

B. To promote the GPS-enabled map navigation.

C. To explain how Kennedy Space Center works.

D. To introduce the official Kennedy Space Center app.


When our daughter, Sandy, belonged to the St. Mark Evangelical Lutheran Girl Pioneers in sixth grades, the leaders thought it would be nice if the girls made pine cone wreaths (花环) for their families as Christmas gifts. So the group gathered pine cones, put them in water and bought wire wreath frames and adhesive (黏合剂) to hold everything in place. A few days before Christmas, they and their leaders delivered the finished handiwork.

Through the years, we proudly hung up her wreath each Christmas. In 1986, the wreath was hanging on our door as usual when the temperature on Christmas Day

reached 80 degrees. The adhesive began to break down and the pine cones started falling all over our front porch. We took the wreath down, planning to repair it, and gathered up the pine cones. That spring, as my husband, Don, was weeding the flower bed in front of our house, he was surprised to discover a small evergreen plant.

We decided to leave it alone. The determined tree kept growing, making it right through the long winter. When it got too big for the flower bed we moved it to the back of our lot. As the tree grew, so did our family, including four grandchildren. One day the men from the electric company came to trim (修剪) our trees. One of them said it was a shame that someday our nice evergreen would have to be cut down. We just couldn’t let that happen to our faithful — if accidental — Christmas tree.

We decided to move it again, this time to Sandy and her husband Joel’s new house in the country. My husband helped Joel dig the evergreen out. It wasn’t ready to let go without a fight. Finally, five hours later, the tree came loose. They wrapped the roots as best as they could and put the whole thing in Joel’s truck.

After an hour’s drive they planted the tree. I’m happy to report our brave evergreen is still growing, now producing pine cones of its own.

24. What was a Christmas tradition for the family?

A. Making dishes with pine cones.

B. Making wreaths together with Sandy.

C. Hanging Sandy’s handiwork on the door.

D. Decorating the Christmas tree together.

25. What is Paragraph 2 mainly about?

A. What the good old days were like.

B. How the family took care of the wreaths.

C. What their attitude toward Christmas was.

D. How the family “treasure” came into being.

26. What does the underlined word “that” in Paragraph 3 mean?

A. Cutting down the evergreen.

B. Leaving the evergreen alone.

C. The man’s judging the family.

D. Having the evergreen trimmed again.

27. What’s the best title for the passage?

A. My family tradition

B. My daughter’s growth

C. A beloved Christmas tree

D. A special pine cone wreath


With a starting price of $999, the iPhone X has the highest-price of any iPhone ever offered. Yet Apple said demand for its latest smartphone has so far been "off the charts."

One of the most-talked about features of the iPhone X is the new front and back-facing cameras. Apple says its TrueDepth technology greatly improves performance for photographs and video. The camera is also trained to recognize faces and expressions. The company says this gives users power to open up the phone just by looking at it.

The new Face ID recognition system replaces the Touch ID on other Apple devices that used a fingerprint to unlock the phone. It works by projecting more than 30,000 dots on the face of users to create a kind of map. An infrared (红外线的) camera then reads these marks to create an image that can be confirmed as having the same appearance.

Apple says the system is also designed to continually learn. Each time the face is used to unlock the phone, it is supposed to note any changes, such as facial hair or the person getting older. The system can then remember the changes to keep recognizing the person over time.

Reviewers reported successful tests in which the phone recognized the face in different situations and unlocked the device. But most reviewers also said the feature did not work perfectly all the time.

One fairly common failure was that the Face ID sometimes did not unlock the iPhone X if the user wore a certain kind of sunglasses. Not surprisingly, wearing any kind of disguise — even one covering just part of the face — caused Face ID to fail. It was found to work correctly when the user was wearing headphones or a hat.

Apple has also admitted that Face ID could fail when used with young people who look very much alike. But Apple says its research shows there is only a one in a million chance of another person being able to unlock someone else's iPhone X with Face ID.

The company has promised the system will become "the new gold standard" for all facial recognition.

28. How can users unlock an iPhone X?

A. By using a fingerprint.

B. By taking a picture.

C. By looking at the iPhone X .

D. By recognizing user’s faces.

29. From the text, we know the new Face ID recognition ________.

A. will recognize users by reading the dots projected on their faces

B. will recognize users by using the dots on their faces

C. won’t recognize users when they get older

D. is no better than the Touch ID technology

30. Users can’t unlock an iPhone X if they wear ________.

A. glasses

B. masks

C. hats

D. headphones

31. What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A. Young people can’t use the Face ID successfully.

B. The system has become “the new gold standard”.

C. A million people are using the iPhone X.

D. Apple thinks the Face ID system is very successful.


A team of scientists found a new planet in space by accident. It was a discovery that could change science. “We hit the jackpot here,”said scientist Guillem Anglada-Escude about the discovery of the planet more or less like Earth that is orbiting Proxima Centauri (半人马座比邻星), the star nearest to our solar system.

What do we know about this exciting new Earth? Well, Proxima b, or “Earth II” as you could call it, is a little bigger than our Earth, and its revolution only takes 11 days. Also, since it is so much closer to its red dwarf star than Earth to the sun, the sky there is orange without any blue at all, creating a forever sunset effect. But there are a lot of questions about life forms that could live on this new planet.

The discovery of the planet made the Chicago Tribune newspaper wonder if anyone had seen or heard of the US’s space postcards from its Pioneer 10 and Pioneer 11 spaceship, which were pictures of a man and a woman, along with diagrams of the

solar system. If there were aliens (外星人) on Proxima b, they would have found images showing the incredible diversity of Earth.

Aliens might also have heard the message from former US President Jimmy Carter: “This is a present from a small distant world… We are attempting to survive our time so we may live into yours. We hope someday, having solved the problems we face, to join a community of galactic (银河的) civilizations. This record represents our hope and our determination, and our good will in a vast and awesome universe.”

It might not be time to plan a visit to Proxima b just yet —even if it has an atmosphere — at first, we would need to invent a way to get there in less than 78,000 years it would take at 36,000 mph (about 57,900 km/h).

32. What does the underlined phrase “hit the jackpot” probably mean?

A. Make a bet.

B. Take a risk.

C. Succeed by chance.

D. Miss the boat.

33. What does the author say about Proxima b?

A. It has a shorter period of revolution.

B. It is of the similar weight to Earth.

C. It is a newly-found planet in the solar system.

D. Its sky looks orange for being closer to the sun.

34. What do President Jimmy Carter’s words suggest?

A. Human’s eagerness to meet creatures from outer space.

B. The great progress made in space exploration.

C. The best wishes for America’s space program.

D. Human’s determination to explore outer space.

35. What’s the main purpose of the text?

A. To give advice on how to visit a new planet.

B. To prove that aliens really exist on other planets.

C. To report on the discovery of an interesting new planet.

D. To show the excitement of moving to a new planet in space.



One of my earliest memories was watching my mom talk on our old phone. I was fascinated that she could talk to someone who w asn’t actually in the room with her.

36 I was wondering how she managed t o talk with someone she couldn’t s ee.

37 Later, we had mobile phones that could be carried around the room. Then came computers and smart phones. These days I can send an e-mail around the world in a second. My daughter’s smart phone has a hun dred apps and a dozen social media accounts. She stores all o f her information in a mysterious place known as “t he cloud”, where she can take it out at any time. It seems that we are more connected in this world than ever before.

38 Few take the time to talk face to face. Instead of looking into the eyes of our loved ones, we stare at our screens. It seems as if the most connected generations are also the loneliest.

Don’t let technology take our time and ruin our life. Make the time to meet, to pray and to communicate with each other. Take a walk on the beach with a friend. Have a long conversation with the phones off and the hearts on. 39

Remember that we are here to love each other, help each other and make this world a better place. 40 But when it can’t, turn it off.

A. That was a long time ago.

B. Connect offline well as online.

C. Smart phones have both advantages and disadvantages.

D. We should communicate with each other with phones off.

E. When your technology can help to do these things, then use it.

F. However, what bothers me is that we rarely associate with each other nowadays.

G. When she left the room, I slowly walked over to the phone and stared at it for a






I never expected to go to the University of Michigan. I grew up in a small Midwest town where college wasn’t 41 by any means. Many students entered the workplace 42 out of high school. For a long time, that’s where I thought I would 43 .

At some point during my senior year, I started 44 everywhere, just because I wanted to see 45 I would get. I had the required grades and the ACT (American College Testing) 46 , but I came from a town of nowhere. So you can imagine the 47 of emotions I had when I received a big envelope in the mail with the word “48 ” written across the top.

Now that the opportunity was open to me, I decided to go. I had received 49 aid and scholarships, which I think was a 50 factor (因素) in the decision. But my parents didn’t see 51 college as an opportunity for me to build on my 52 . And it seemed that no matter how much work I 53 , it would just be considered a waste of 54 . I often felt I was lacking 55 . I did the application all by myself. After moving to college, I did two jobs and paid for my 56 and bills.

Looking back on it now, I feel that it wasn’t 57 to be self-reliant. But in the long run, I 58 the lack of support I had at such a key point in my life which taught me to be 59 and responsible in hard times, to go beyond 60 and to try things

I never thought I would ever be able to try. I believe t hat’s what college is all about.

41. A. expected B. envied C. admired D. afforded

42. A. straight B. randomly C. late D. happily

43. A. work up B. put up C. end up D. pick up

44. A. delivering B. applying C. registering D. competing

45. A. when B. whether C. how D. where

46. A. qualifications B. diplomas C. scores D.


47. A. anxiety B. relief C. calmness D. conflict

48. A. Wishes B. Regards C. Cheers D. Congratulations

49. A. financial B. spiritual C. academic D. parents

50. A. boring B. driving C. discouraging D. promising

51. A. adjusting B. attending C. dropping D. managing

52. A. moral B. survival C. potential D. confidence

53. A. get in B. take in C. put in D. persist in

54. A. space B. money C. resource D. time

55. A. support B. courage C. motivation D. concern

56. A. feasts B. necessities C. seminars D. majors

57. A. hard B. right C. easy D. awkward

58. A. ignore B. appreciate C. support D. disapprove

59. A. independent B. easy-going C. honest D. considerate

60. A. recognition B. description C. control D. expectation



China’s icebreaker Xue Long will set sail from Shanghai to the Antarctic. Its captain Zhu Bing said that the icebreaker would first travel to the to-be-built new station before 61 (make) a short stop at Zhongshan station. One of its main tasks is to build another research station in the Antarctic.

Once 62 (complete), the new station would be the country’s third year-round station in the Antarctic and the first to be lying 63 the border of the Pacific Ocean. 64 other two stations, the Great Wall Station and the Zhongshan Station, 65 (build) in the 1980s. “This time around, we will build a 206-square-meter temporary base, which includes rooms for workers and a platform for large engineering 66 (machine), to improve future construction work,”said Zhang Tijun of the Polar Research Institute of China, 67 is the assistant leader of the expedition.

Sun Bo, the deputy director of the Institute of China, was 68 (confidence) to say that the construction of the station, which will 69 (definite) meet international criteria for environmental 70 (protect), will be finished as early as 2022.





删除:把多余的词用斜线( \ )划掉。


注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Smart phones are widely used among my classmates. They get the phones as presents from parents, friends and relatives. Though advising not to bring phones to school, many students insist that phones are helpful to their study. As far as I concerned,

the disadvantages of using phones are more obviously than advantages. Smart phones had so many functions which will distract our attentions. It is clear to us that phones have a negative effect to our study. In addition, using phones will do harm to our health and brain, according to the scientific survey. For the sake of your study and health, let's stop to using smart phones at school.



1. 表示欢迎;

2. 介绍你们是怎么过春节的;

3. 告知你的打算并征求他的意见。





Hi David,

___________________________________________________________________ ____

___________________________________________________________________ ____

___________________________________________________________________ ____

___________________________________________________________________ ____

___________________________________________________________________ ____


Li Hua


听力:1-5 CABAB 6-10 BCBCC 11-15 BCCBA 16-20 ACAAB

阅读:A 篇CBD B 篇 CDAC C 篇CABD D 篇CADC 36 -45 GAFBE 完形:41-45 AACBD 46-50 CDDAB 51-55 BCCDA 56 - 60 BCBAD

填词:61. making 62. completed 63. on 64. The 65. were built 66. machines 67. who

68. confident 69. definitely 70. protection


Smart phones are widely used among my classmates. They get the phones as presents from parents, friends and relatives. Though advising not to bring phones to school, many students insist that phones are helpful to their study. As far as I concerned, the disadvantages of using phones are more obviously than advantages. Smart phones had so many functions which will distract our attentions. It is clear to us that phones have a negative effect to our study. In addition, using phones will do harm to our health and brain, according to the scientific survey. For the sake of your study and health, let's stop to using smart phones at school.

advised am

obvious have





Possible Version I

Hi David,

You’re warmly welcome to my city to experience the Spring Festival.

Usually, we give our houses a thorough cleaning and decorate them with red couplets and beautifully-designed paper-cuttings before the festival. Gathering for the annual reunion dinner and watching the Spring Festival Gala on the Eve of the New Year is a meaningful moment for us Chinese. During the festival, we visit the elder and relatives to give our greetings and best wishes.

When you are here, I want to invite you to make dumplings, watch beautiful fireworks and dragon dance with us. If time permits, I’ll show you around our city. I hope you’ll have a happy traditional Chinese New Year here. What do you think about it?

Best wishes,

Li Hua

Possible Version II

Hi David,

I’m delighted to hear you’re coming to our city to experience the Spring Festival this year.

Now, I’d like to share with you some traditional customs of the Spring Festival. It is the most important festival in China. All of the family members get together and celebrate it. People clean and decorate their rooms, put up couplets, and send their best wishes to their relatives and friends in different ways.

To make your experience more meaningful, I’m going to show you around some places of interest nearby. Besides, I plan to invite you to have dumplings with my family and teach you how to make them. Is it OK with you?

Looking forward to your arrival.

Best wishes,

Li Hua
