新目标英语八年级下 人教版 课文原文 WORD版 UNIT2

新目标英语八年级下 人教版 课文原文 WORD版 UNIT2
新目标英语八年级下 人教版 课文原文 WORD版 UNIT2


students who volunteer

Mario Green and Mary Brown from Riverside High School give up several hours each week to help others.

Mario loves animals and wants to be an animal doctor. He volunteers at an animal hospital every Sat urday morning. Mario believes it can help him to get his future dream job. “It’s hard work,” he says, “but I want to learn more about how to care for animals. I get such a strong feeling of satisfaction when I see the animals get better and the look of joy on their owners’ faces.”

Mary is a book lover. She could read by herself at the age of four. Last year, she decided to try out for a volunteer after-school reading program. She still works there once a week to help kids learn to read. “The kids are sitting in the library, but you can see in their eyes that they’re going on a different journey with each new book. V olunteering here is a dream come true for me. I can do what I love to do and help others at the same time.”

Dear Miss Li,

I'd like to thank you for giving money to “Animal Helpers”, I’m sure you know that this group was set up to help people like me. You helped to make it possible for me to have Lucky. Lucky makes a big difference to my life. Let me tell you my story.

What would it be like to be blind or deaf? Or imagine you can’t walk or use your hands easily. Most people would never think about this, but many people have these difficulties, I can't use my arms or legs well, so normal things like answering the telephone, opening and closing doors or carrying things are difficult for me. Then one day last year, a friend of mine helped me out. She talked to Animal Helpers about getting me a special trained dog. She also thought a

dog might cheer me up. I love animals and I was excited about the idea of having a dog.

After six months of training with a dog at Animal Helpers, I was able to bring him home. My dog's name is Lucky---a good name for him because I feel very lucky to have him. You see, I'm only able to have a “dog-helper” because of your k indness!

Lucky is very clever and understands many English words. He can understand me when I give him orders. For example, I say, “Lucky! get my book,” and he does it at once.

Lucky is a fantastic dog. I'll send you a photo of him if you like, and I could show you how he helps me. Thank you again for changing my life.

Best wishes,

Ben Smith


八年级上册参考译文 Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation ? Sectoin B 2b 7月15日,星期一 1. 今天早上我和家人抵达马来西亚槟城。 2.天气晴朗炎热,于是我们决定去宾馆附的海滩。 3.我和姐姐尝试了滑翔伞运动,我感觉自己就像一只鸟。这太令人兴奋了! 4.午饭我们吃了非常特殊的东西——马来黄面,可真是好吃呀! 5.下午,我们骑自行车去了乔治市。 6.如今那里有许多新的建筑,但是许多老房子依然还在。 7.在乔治市的一处古老的地方——海墘街,我们看到了一百年前中国商人们的房子。 8.我在想这里过去的生活是什么样子呢。漫步在乔治市真是很享受。 7月16日,星期二 9.一天的差异是多么大呀!10.我和爸爸决定今天登槟城山。11.我们本想徒步到山顶,但是天下起了小雨,于是我们决定乘坐火车。 12.因为人太多,我们等了一个多小时的火车。13.当我们到达山顶的时候,雨下得很大。14.我们没有带雨伞,结果我们(被淋得又湿又冷,真实糟透了!15.并且因为糟糕的天气,底下的东西我们什么都看不到。16.爸爸没有带足够的钱,所以我们只吃了一碗米饭和鱼。因为我太饿了,饭的味道尝起来还真是不错Unit 2 How often do you exercise? 第五中学的学生们在课余时间做什么? 17.上个月,我们询问了我们的学生一些有关课余活动的问题。 18.我们的问题是有关锻炼、使用网络,以及看电视。以下是所获得的结果。 19.我们发现我们的学生中只有百分之十五每天锻炼。百分之四十五的学生一周锻炼四至六次。百分之二十的学生一周只锻炼一至 三。还有百分之二十的学生根本就不锻炼! 20.我们都知道许多学生经常上网,但是让我们惊讶的是,有百分之九十的人每天使用网络,另外百分之十的学生每周至少使用网络三至四次。绝大多数学生上网娱乐,并非为了做功课。 21.对我们提出的有关看电视的问题的回答也颇有意思。只有百分之二的学生一周看一直三次电视,百分之十三的人一星期看四至六次电视。另外百分之八十五的人每天都看电视!虽然许多学生喜欢观看体育节目,但游戏类节目却是最受欢迎的。 22.通过使用网络或观看游戏类节目来放松是件好事,但我们认为最佳的放松方式是通过锻炼。它有益于身心的健康。23.诸如参加体育运动这样的锻炼方式不但有趣,而且当你和朋友、家人一起运动时,你们还可以共度时光。24.请记住:”旧习难改。”所以赶快锻炼起来,不要等到来不及了。 Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister. 25.杰夫.格林:我妈妈告诉我好朋友就像一面镜子。26.我比大多数孩子要安静持重,这便是我喜欢看书而且在班上学习更加努力的原 因。27.我的好朋友袁力也不太说话,所以我们喜欢一块学习。28.我比较腼腆,所以我不那么容易交上朋友,但我想朋友就像书籍一样—他们不在多而贵在好。


Unit 1:Where did you go on vacation? Section A 2d:Role-play the conversation. Rick: Hi, Helen. Long time no see. Helen:Hi, Rick. Yes, I was on vacation last month. Rick: Oh, did you go anywhere interesting? Helen: Yes, I went to Guizhou with my family. Rick: Wow! Did you see Huangguoshu Waterfall? Helen: Yes, I did. It was wonderful! We took quite a few photos there. What about you? Did you do anything special last month? Rick: Not really. I just stayed at home most of the time to read and relax. Grammar Focus: 1. Where did you go on vacation? I went to New York City. 2. Did you go out with anyone? No, No one was here. Everyone was on vacation. 3. Did you buy anything special? Yes,Ibought something for my father./ No, I bought nothing. 4. How was the food? Everything tasted really good! 5.Did everyone have a good time? Oh, yes. Everything was excellent. Section B 2b阅读理解 Monday, July 15th I arrived in Penang in Malaysia this morning with my family. It was sunny and hot, so we decided to go to the beach near our hotel. My sister and I


系统复习资料 八年级上册英语课文原文 Unit 1Where did you go on vacation? Section A 2d Rick:Hi,Helen.Long time no see. Helen:Hi,Rick.Yes,I was on vacation last month. Rick:Oh,did you go anywhere interesting? Helen:Yes,I went to Guizhou with my family. Rick:Wow!Did you see H uangguoshu Waterfall? Helen:Yes,I did.It was wonderful!①We took quite a few photos there.What about you?Did you do anything special last month? Rick:Not really.②I just stayed at home most of the time to read and relax., Section B 2b Did Jane have a good time on Monday?What about on Tuesday? Monday,July 15th I arrived in Penang in Malaysia this morning with my family.①It was sunny and hot,so we decided to go to the beach near our hotel.②My sister and I tried paragliding.③I felt like I was a bird.It was so exciting!For lunch,we had something very special-Malaysian yellow noodles.They were delicious!In the afternoon,we rode bicycles to Georgetown.④There are a lot of new buildings now,but many of the old buildings are still there.In We ld Quay,a really old place in Georgetown,we saw the houses of the Chinese traders from 100 years ago.⑤I wonder what life was like here in the past.I really enjoyed walking around the town. Tuesday,July 16th ⑥What a difference a day makes!My father and I decided to go to Penang Hill today.We wanted to walk up to the top,but then it started raining a little so we decided to take the train.⑦We waited over an hour for the train because there were too many people.When we got to the top,it was raining really hard.We didn't have an umbrella so we were wet and cold.It was terrible!⑧And because of the bad weather,we couldn't see anything below.⑨My f ather didn't bring enough money,so we only had one bowl of fish and rice.I was so hungry!But it tasted great!,


人教版八年级英语下课文原文 Unit 1 What’s the matter? 1. Bus Driver and Passengers Save an Old Man At 9:00 a.m. yesterday, bus NO.26 was going along Zhonghua Road when the driver saw an old man lying on the side of the road. A woman next to him was shouting for help. The bus driver, 24-year-old Wang Ping, stopped the bus without thinking twice. He got off and asked the woman what happened. She said that the man had a heart problem and should go to the hospital. Mr. Wang knew he had to act quickly. He told the passengers that he must take the man to the hospital. He expected most or all of the passengers to get off and wait for the next bus. But to his surprise, they all agreed to go with him. Some passengers helped Mr. Wang to move the man into the bus. Thanks to Mr. Wang and the passengers, the doctors saved the man in time. “It’s sad that many people don’t want to help others because they don’t want any trouble, ”says one passenger. “But the driver didn’t think about himself. He only thought about saving a life.” 2. He Lost His Arm But Is Still Climbing Aron Ralston is an American man who is interested in mountain climbing. As a mountain climber, Aron is used to taking risks. This is one of the exciting things about doing dangerous sports. There were many times when Aron almost lost his life because of accidents. On April 26, 2003, he found himself in a very dangerous situation when climbing in Utah. On that day, Aron’s arm was caught under a 360-kilo rock that fell on him when he was climbing by himself in the mountains. Because he could not free his arm, he stayed there for five days and hoped that someone would find him. But when his water ran out, he knew that he would have to do something to save his own life. He


Unit 1 Rick: Hi, Helen, Long time no see. Helen: Hi, Rick, Yes, I was on vacation last month. Rick: Oh, did you go anywhere interesting? Helen: Yes, I went to Guizhou with my family. Rick: Wow! Did you see Huangguoshu Waterfall? Helen: Yes, I did. It was wonderful! We took quite a few photos there. What about you? Did you do anything special last month? Rick: Not really. I just stayed at home most of the time to read and relax. Monday, July 15th I arrived in Penang in Malaysia this morning with my family. It was sunny and hot, so we decided to go to the beach near our hotel. My sister and I tried paragliding. I felt like I was a bird. It was so exciting! For lunch, we had something very special--Malaysian yellow noodles. They were delicious. In the afternoon, we rode bicycles to Georgetown. There are a lot of new building now, but many of the old buildings are still there. In Weld Quay, a really old place in Georgetown, we saw the houses of the Chinese traders from 100 years ago. I won der what life was like here in the past. I really enjoyed walking around the town. Tuesday, July 16th What a difference a day makes! My father and i decided to go to Penang Hill today. We wanted to walk up to the top, but then it started raining a little so we decided to take the train. We waited over an hour for the train because there were too many people. When we got to the top, it was raining really hard. We didn’t have an umbrella so we were wet and cold. It was terrible! And because of the bad weather, we couldn’t see anything below. My father didn’t bring enough money, so we only had one bowl of rice and some fish. The food tasted great because I was so hungry. Unit 2 J: Hi, Claire, are you free next week? C: Hmm...next week is quite full for me, Jack. J: Really? How come? C: I have dance and piano lessons. J: What kind of dance are you learning? C: Oh, swing dance. It’s fun! I have class once a week, every Monday. J: How often do you have piano lessons? C: Twice a week, on Wednesday and Friday. J: Well, how about Tuesday? C: Oh, I have to play tennis with my friends. But do you want to come? J: Sure! What Do No.5 High School Students Do in Their Free Time? Last month we asked our students about their free time activities. Our questions were about exercise, use of the Internet and watching TV. Here are the results. We found that only fifteen percent of our students exercise every day. Forty-five percent exercise four to six times a week. Twenty percent exercise only one to three times a week. And twenty percent do not exercise at all. We all know that many students often go online, but we were surprised that ninety percent of them use the Internet every day. The other ten percent use it at least three or four times a week. Most students use it for fun and not for homework.


Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation? conversation: R: Hi, Helen. Long time no see. H: Hi, Rick. Yes, I was on vacation last month. R: Oh, did you go anywhere interesting? H: Yes, I went to Guizhou with my family. R: Wow! Did you see Huangguoshu Waterfall? H: Yes, I did. It was wonderful! We took quite a few photos there. What about you? Did you do anything special last month? R: Not really. I just stayed at home most of the time to read and relax. passage: I arrived in Penang in Malaysia this morning with my family. It was sunny and hot, so we decided to go to the beach near our hotel. My sister and l tried paragliding. I felt like l was a bird. It was so exciting. For lunch, we had something very special----- Malaysian yellow noodles. They were delicious. In the afternoon, we rode bicycles to Georgetown. There are a lot of new buildings now, but many of the old buildings are still there. In weld quay, a really old place in Georgetown, we saw the houses of the Chinese traders from 100 years ago. I wonder what life was like here in the past. I really enjoyed walking around the town. What a difference a day makes! My father and I decided to go to Penang Hill today. We wanted to walk up to the top, but then it started raining a little so we decided to take the train. We waited over an hour for the train because there were too many people. When we got to the top, it was raining really hard. We didn't have an umbrella so we were wet and cold. It was terrible! And because of the bad weather, we couldn't see anything below. My father didn't bring enough money, so we only had one bowl of rice and some fish. The food tasted great because I was so hungry! Unit 2 How often do you exercise? conversation: A: Hi, Claire, are you free next week? B: Hmm… next week is quite full for me, Jack. A: Really? How come? B: I have dance and piano lessons. A: What kind of dance are you learning? B: Oh, swing dance. It’s fun! I have class once a week, every Monday. A: How often do you have piano lessons? B: Twice a week, on Wednesday and Friday. A: Well, how about Tuesday? B: Oh, I have to play tennis with my friends. But do you want to come? A: Sure.


U n i t 1 : W h e r e d i d y o u g o o n v a c a t i o n ? Section A 2d: Role-play the conversation. Rick: Hi, Helen. Long time no see. Helen:Hi, Rick. Yes, I was on vacation last month. Rick: Oh, did you go anywhere interesting? Helen: Yes, I went to Guizhou with my family. Rick: Wow! Did you see Huangguoshu Waterfall? Helen: Yes, I did. It was wonderful! We took quite a few photos there. What about you? Did you do anything special last month? Rick: Not really. I just stayed at home most of the time to read and relax. Grammar Focus: 1.Where did you go on vacation?I went to New York City. 2.Did you go out with anyone?No, No one was here. Everyone was on vacation. 3.Did you buy anything special?Yes,I bought something for my father./ No, I bought nothing. 4.How was the food?Everything tasted really good! everyone have a good time?Oh, yes. Everything was excellent. Section B 2b 阅读理解 Monday, July 15th


2014外研版初中八年级英语下册课文电子版 Module 1 Feelings and impressions Unit 1 It smells delicious. Tony: Mm…What a delicious smell! Your pizza looks so nice. Betty: Thanks! Would you like to try some? Tony: Yes, please. It looks lovely, it smells delicious, and mm, it tastes good. Daming: What’s that on top? Betty: Oh, that’s cheese. Do you want to try a piece? Daming: Ugh! No, thanks. I’m afraid I don’t like cheese. It doesn’t smell fresh. It smells too strong and it tastes a bit sour. Betty: Well, my chocolate cookies are done now. Have a try! Daming: Thanks! They taste really sweet and they feel soft in the middle. Tony: Are you cooking lots of different things? You look very busy! Betty: Yes, I am! There’s some pizza and some cookies, and now I’m making an apple pie. Daming: Apple pie sounds nice. I have a sweet tooth, you know. Shall I get the sugar? Betty: Yes, please. Oh, are you sure that’s sugar? Taste it first. It might be salt. Daming: No, it’s OK. It tastes sweet. It’s sugar. Tony: What’s this? It tastes sweet too. Betty: That’s strawberry jam, for the cake. Daming: Good, everything tastes so sweet! It’s my lucky day! Questions: 1. Does Tony’s pizza taste good? _______________________________________________________________________________ 2. Why doesn’t Daming like the cheese? _______________________________________________________________________________ 3. What’s Betty doing? _______________________________________________________________________________ 4. Who has a sweet tooth? _______________________________________________________________________________ Keys: 1. Yes, it does. 2. Because it doesn’t smell fresh. It smells too strong and it tastes a bit sour. 3. She is making an apple pie. 4. Daming. Unit 2 I feel nervous when I speak Chinese FROM: Sally TO: Lingling SUBJECT: Re : Welcome to China Hi Lingling,


八上英语课文M1-5翻译 M1 U1让我们尽可能多说英语。 听力和词汇 詹姆斯女士:欢迎大家回来。今天,我们将要讨论学习英语的好方法。准备好了吗? 谁有一些建议呢? 玲玲:我们在课堂上应该总是说英语。 詹姆斯女士:好,让我们尽可能多说英语。 大明:为何不把错误都记在我们的笔记本上呢? 詹姆斯女士:那是一个好主意。不要忘了把正确答案写在错误的旁边。不有什么? 玲玲:每天大声地拼读新单词是一个好主意。 詹姆斯女士:非常感谢,玲玲。听广播怎么样? 大明:不错,那对我们的发音也很有用。但是有很多生词。 詹姆斯女士:你不必要去听懂每一个单词。你只需听懂关键词语和主要思想。 大明:对于阅读来说也是一样。英语故事非常有趣。通过阅读我可以了解许多关于这个世界的知识。 玲玲:我认为写作也很重要。为何我们不尽力找一些英语笔友呢? 我们可以写信给他们。 詹姆斯女士:好极了。我同意你。 U2 Youshouldsmileather! 很多学生寻求关于提高英语水平的建议。 这里有三个基本的问题。 第一个是关于理解英语电影和歌曲的问题。来自湖北的李浩写道,“我喜欢看英语电影,听英语歌曲,但我仅仅只能懂得一点点。我能做什么?” 看电影和听歌曲是很好的学英语的方法! 多看,多听几次,然后猜测新单词的意思。 每一次你都会学到一些新的东西。 我也建议你与你的朋友们计论下所看的电影和所听的歌曲。 第二个是关于说英语的问题。 来自吉林的王帆写到,“我们学校有一名来自美国的老师。我很害羞,不敢与她讲话。 我该怎么办呢?” 你可以说:“你好,你好吗?”“你喜欢中国吗?” 这些都是开始一段对话的好方法。 在你开始对话之前,你应当对她微笑! 记住这一点:不要害羞。只管去尝试。 第三个是关于词汇的问题。 来自安徽的张磊写道,“我写下新的单词,但是我很快就把它们忘了。我怎样才能记住它们?” 不要担心。忘记新单词是很自然的事情! 我建议你每天把在纸下写下四个或到五个单词写,然后把它们放在你的房间里。 当你看到这些单词时就读出来,并且试着去使用它们 U3 第三单元语言运用 世界各地 在线英语 除了英语杂志,报纸和广播以外,还有各种种类的英语学习网站。 【MeiWei81-优质实用版文档】


八年级英语下册课文 UNIT 1 What's the matter? Bus Driver and Passengers Save an Old Man At 9:00 a.m. yesterday, bus No. 26 was going along Zhon ghua Road when the driver saw an old man lying on the side of the road. A woman was next to him, shouting for help. The bus driver, 24-year- old Wang Ping, stopped the bus without thinking twice. He got off and asked the woman what happened. She sai d that the man had a heart problem and should go to th

e hospital. Mr. Wang knew he had to act quickly. He told the passengers that he must take the man to the hospita l. He expected most or all o f the passengers to get off an d wait for the next bus. But to his surprise, they all agreed to go with him. Some passengers helped Mr. Wang to move the man ona the b us. Thanks to Mr. Wang and the passengers, the doctors sav ed the man in time. "It's sad that many people don't wan t to help others because they don?t want any trouble," sa ys one passenger. "But the driver didn't think about hims


你去哪儿度假了? P1 A:Tina去哪里度假了? B:她去山里了。 P2 Rick:嗨,海伦。好久不见。 Helen:嗨,里克。是的,我上个月在度 假。 Rick:哦,你去任何有趣的地方了吗? Helen:是的,我和我的家人去了贵州。 Rick:哇哦!你看到黄果树瀑布了吗? Helen:是,我看到了。它非常的好。我 们在那里拍了很多照片。你 呢?你上个月做了什么特别的 事情吗? Rick: 并没有。我只是大多数时间待在 家里读书和放松。 P3 1.你去哪儿度假了? 2.我去了纽约市。 3.你和某个人一起出去的吗? 4.不,没有人在这。每个人都在度假。 5.你买了任何特别的东西吗? 6.不,我什么都没买。 7.食物怎么样? 8.所有的东西品尝起来相当好。 9.每个人都玩儿得开心吗? 10.哦,是的。所有的事物都是极好的。P5 7月15日,星期一 今天早上我和家人到达了马来西亚的槟城。天气晴朗而又炎热,因此我们决定到旅馆附近的海滩上去。姐姐和我尝试了滑翔伞运动。我感觉自己就像一只小鸟。太刺激了!午饭我们吃了非常特别的东西——马来西亚黄面条。它们好吃极了!下午我们骑自行车到了乔治市。现在那里有许多新的建筑物,但是仍然有许多老式的建筑物。在乔治市的海墘,一个很古老的地方。我们能看到来自100年前中国商人住过的房屋。我想知道在这儿过去的生活是什么样 的。我真的很喜欢在在镇上到处走走。 7月16日,星期二 一天的变化有多大呀! 我和爸爸决定今天到槟城山。我们 想步行爬到山顶,但是天开始下起 了小雨,因此我们决定乘火车去。 因为我们决定乘火车去。因为人太 多,我们等了一个多小时的火车。 当我们到达山顶的时候,雨下得很 大。我们没有雨伞,因此我们(全 身)又湿又冷。真是太糟糕了!而 且因为坏天气,我们也没能看到下 面的任何景色。我爸爸没带足够的 钱,所以我们仅吃了一碗米饭和一 些鱼肉。这些食物尝起来真好吃, 因为我很饿!


Unit 1 Section A 2d A:Lisa , are you OK? B:I have a headache and I can't move my neck. What should I do? Should I take my temperature? A:No, it doesn't sound like you have a fever. What did you do on the weekend? B:I played computer games all weekend. A:That's probably why. You need to take breaks away from the computer. B:Yeah, I think I sat in the same way for too long without moving. A: I think you should lie down and rest. If your head and neck still hurt tomorrow, then go to a doctor. B: OK. Thanks, Mandy. 3a Bus Driver and Passengers Save an Old Man At 9:00 a.m. yesterday, bus NO. 26 was going along Zhong Hua Road when the driver saw an old man lying on the side of the road. A woman next to him was shouting for help. The bus driver ,24- year -old Wang Ping, stopped the bus without thinking twice. He got off and asked the woman what happened. She said


Module 1 Feelings and impressions Unit 1 It smells delicious. 1 Listen and number the pictures. 1 Lingling: Guess what it is! 玲玲:猜猜它是什么! Betty: It tastes sweet. Is it a cookie? 贝蒂:它尝起来很甜。是小甜饼吗? 2 Daming: Ugh! This milk smells sour. 大明:呃!这牛奶闻起来酸了。 Ton y: Don’t drink it. 托尼:别喝了。 3 Betty: This bed feels a bit soft. 贝蒂:这张床摸起来有点儿软。 Lingling: Try a harder bed. 玲玲:试一张硬点儿的。 4 Lingling: Tom looks very strong! 玲玲:汤姆看起来很强壮! Daming: Yes. He does a lot of exercise. 大明:是的。他做很多运动。 2 Listen again and complete the sentences. 1 Lingling: Guess what it is! 玲玲:猜猜它是什么! Betty: It tastes sweet. Is it a cookie? 贝蒂:它尝起来很甜。是小甜饼吗? 2 Daming: Ugh! This milk smells sour. 大明:呃!这牛奶闻起来酸了。 Tony: Don’t drink it. 托尼:别喝了。 3 Betty: This bed feels a bit soft. 贝蒂:这张床摸起来有点儿软。 Lingling: Try a harder bed. 玲玲:试一张硬点儿的。 4


系统复习资料八年级上册英语课文原文 Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation? Sectio n A 2d Rick : Hi, Helen.Long time no see. Hele n:Hi, Rick.Yes, I was on vacati on last mon th. Rick : Oh, did you go any where in teresti ng? Helen: Yes, I went to Guizhou with my family. Rick : Wow ! Did you see H uangguoshu Waterfall? ① Hele n: Yes, I did .It was won derful ! We took quite a few photos there.What about you ? Did you do anything special last mon th? ② Rick : Not really. I just stayed at home most of the time to read and relax., Sectio n B 2b Did Jane have a good time on Mon day ? What about on Tuesday? Monday, July 15th ① I arrived in Penang in Malaysia this morning with my family. It was sunny and hot, so we decided to go to the ② ③ beach n ear our hotel. My sister and I tried paraglid ing. I felt like I was a bird .It was so excit ing !For lunch,we had someth ing very special-Malaysia n yellow no odles.They were delicious !In the after noon,we rode bicycles to ④ Georgetow n. There are a lot of new buildi ngs now ,but many of the old buildi ngs are still there .In We ld Quay, a ⑤ really old place in Georgetown,we saw the houses of the Chinese traders from 100 years ago. I wonder what life was like here in the past.I really enjoyed walk ing around the tow n. Tuesday,July 16th ⑥ What a differe nee a day makes !My father and I decided to go to Penang Hill today.We wan ted to walk up to ⑦ the top,but then it started raining a little so we decided to take the train. We waited over an hour for the train because there were too many people.Whe n we got to the top,it was raining really hard.We did n't have an umbrella ⑧⑨ so we were wet and cold .It was terrible !And because of the bad weather,we could n't see anything below. My f ather did n't bring eno ugh money,so we only had one bowl of fish and rice.I was so hungry !But it tasted great !
