


辨别和理解文章的中心思想是大学英语四级考试阅读测试的重中之重,2006年修订的新四级考试大纲仍然将对此项能力的考查置于首位(见大纲第9页,外语教育)。新四级仔细阅读部分(Reading in Depth)选择题型的篇章阅读中,与此项能力直接相关的一种题型称为主旨题。如何快速把握文章结构,确定中心思想对快速阅读文章有相当重要的意义。我们知道,新四级的仔细阅读部分,选择题型的篇章阅读共两篇文章,十道题目,要求考生在15分钟之完成,平均每篇文章大约7-8分钟的时间,其中文章的阅读大约3-4分钟的时间。在这么短的时间读完一篇300-350字的文章,逐字逐句通读全文寻找主旨的方法就显得不切合实际了,这必然要求考生采用适当的阅读技巧。为此,笔者建议考生采用略读(skimm ing)和跳读(skip-reading)相结合的阅读方式。

略读是一种浏览式的阅读方法,其主要目的是为了快速有效地把握文章的主旨大意,是平时为了大量获取信息和各种英语应试阅读中特别常用而且极为重要的一种阅读方法。这种方法主要是指在阅读过程中,只关注与全文大意密切相关的主题信息,而忽略其它支持性的细节信息。四级考试中,阅读文章主要以说明文和议论文为主,一篇文章的主题信息通常会出现在以下几处:一、文章各段的首句和尾句。这些处于较明显、较特殊位置的句子往往是段落和文章的主题句,具有相当大的重要性;二、强转折处。通常以but, however, rather, yet, instead等词为标志,这些词汇后面的句子是主题性信息;三、因果关系处。通常以t herefore, as a result, thus, so, That is why…等词语或句式为标志,这些词汇或句式后面的句子是主题性信息;四、递进处。通常以moreover, furthermore, what’s more, what’s the most important, most important of all, most importantly等词汇或短语为标志,这些词汇或短语后面出现的信息是被强调的信息,即主题信息出现的地方;五、例证处。通常以for example, for instance, Let’s take…, Consider…等词汇、短语或句式为标志,这些词汇、短语或句式表示举例,也是支持性的细节信息,位于例子前后的句子一般都是例子要说明的主题;六、并列处。通常以firstly, secondly…finally, some…others…, for one thing…for another, on the one hand…on the other hand等组合为标志,这些组合都是支持性的细节信息,位于这些组合前后的句子一般都是这些细节信息所要支持的主题。






Faces, like fingerprints, are unique. Did you ever wonder how it is possible for us to recognize people. Even a skilled writer probably could not describe all the feat ures that make one face different from another. Yet a very young child—or even an animal, such as a pigeon—can learn to recognize faces, we all take this ability for g ranted.

We also tell people apart by how they behave. When we talk about someone’s personality, we mean the ways in which he or she acts, speaks thinks and feels th at make that individual different from others.

Like the human face, human personality is very complex. But describing someon e’s personality in words is somewhat easier than describing his face. If you were as ked to describe what a “nice face”looked like, you probably would have a difficu lt time doing so. But if you were asked to describe a “nice person”, you might be gin to think about someone who was kind considerate, friendly, warm, and so fort h.

There are many words to describe how a person thinks, feels and acts. Gordon Allport, an American psychologist, found nearly 18,000 English words characterizing differences in people’s behavior. And many of us use this information as a basis for describing, or typing, his personality. Bookworms, conservatives, military types-peopl e are described with such terms.

People have always tried to “type”each other. Actors in early Greek drama w

ore masks to show the audience whether they played the villain’s(坏人)or the he ro’s role. In fact, the words “person”and “personality”come from the Latin p ersona, meaning “mask”. Today, most television and movie actors do not wear ma sks. But we can easily tell the “good guys”from the “bad guys”because the tw o types differ in appearance as well as in actions. (1996年6月四级真题)

70. Which of the following is the major point of the passage?

A) Why it is necessary to identify people’s personality

B) Why it is possible to describe people

C) How to get to know people

D) How best to recognize people





Most episodes of absent-mindedness—forgetting where you left something or wo ndering why you just entered a room-are caused by a simple lack of attention, say s Schacter. “You’re supposed to remember something, but you haven’t encoded i t deeply.”

Encoding, Schacter explains, is a special way of paying attention to an event th at has a major impact on recalling it later. Failure to encode properly can create an noying situations. If you put your mobile phone in a pocket, for example, and don’t pay attention to what you did because you’re involved in a conversation, you’ll probably forget that the phone is in the jacket now hanging in your wardrobe (衣柜). “Your memory itself isn’t failing you.”says Schacter. “Rather, you didn’t give your memory system the information it needed.”

Lack of interest can also lead to absent-mindedness. “A man who can recite spo rts statistics from 30 years ago.”says Zelinski, “may not remember to drop a letter in the mailbox.”Women have slightly better memories than men, possibly because they pay more attention to their environment, and memory relies on just that.

Visual cues can help prevent absent-mindedness says Schacter. “But be sure the cue is clear and available.”he cautions. If you want to remember to take a medicat ion (药物) with lunch, put the pill bottle on the kitchen table—don’t leave it in th e medicine chest and write yourself a note that you keep in a pocket.

Another common episode of absent-mindedness: walking into a room and won dering why you’re there. Most likely, you were thinking about something else. “Ev eryone does this from time to time.”says Zelinski. The best thing to do is to retur n to where you were before entering the room, and you’ll likely remember. (2002年6月四级真题)

30. What is the passage mainly about?

A) The process of gradual memory loss.

B) The causes of absent-mindedness.

C) The impact of the environment on memory.

D) A way of encoding and recalling.


我们看到,这篇文章开篇即提出这篇文章的主旨,后面几段是对这个主旨的分述,全文构成总分结构模式,这种模式便是开门见山型的结构。由此,我们很容易选出B 为正确答案。


Americans are proud of their variety and individuality, yet they love and respect few things more than a uniform, whether it is the uniform of an elevator operator

or the uniform of a five-star general. Why are uniforms so popular in theUnited Stat es?

Among the arguments for uniforms, one of the first is that in the eyes of most people they look more professional than civilian (百姓的) Clothes. People have beco me conditioned to expect superior quality from a man who wears a uniform. The t elevision repairman who wears a uniform tends to inspire more trust than one who appears in civilian clothes. Faith in the skill of a garage mechanic is increased by a uniform. What easier way is there for a nurse, a policeman, a barber, or a waiter t o lose professional identity(身份) than to step out of uniform?

Uniforms also have many practical benefits. They save on other clothes. They sa ve on laundry bills. They are tax-deductible(可减税的). They are often more comfort able and more durable than civilian clothes.

Primary among the arguments against uniforms is their lack of variety and the c onsequent loss of individuality experienced by people who must wear them. Though there are many types of uniforms, the wearer of any particular type is generally stu ck with it, without change, until retirement. When people look alike, they tend to t hink, speak, and act similarly, on the job at least.

Uniforms also give rise to some practical problems. Though they are long-lasting, often their initial expense is greater than the cost of civilian clothes. Some uniforms are also expensive to maintain, requiring professional dry cleaning rather than the h ome laundering possible with many types of civilian clothes.(2000年6月四级真题)

35. The best title for this passage would be _______.

A) Uniforms and Society

B) The Importance of Wearing a Uniform

C) Practical Benefits of Wearing a Uniform

D) Advantages and Disadvantages of Uniforms




Amtrak(美国铁路客运公司)was experiencing a downswing in ridership (客运量)alo ng the lines comprising its rail system. Of major concern to Amtrak and its advertisi ng agency DDB Needham,were the long-distance western routes where ridership ha d been declining significantly.

At one time,trains were the only practical way to cross the vast areas of the w est. Trains were faster,luxurious,and quite convenient compared to other forms of transportation existing at the time. However,times change and the automobile beca me America's standard of convenience. Also,air travel had easily established itself as the fastest method of traveling great distances. Therefore,the task for DDB Needha

m was to encourage consumers to consider other aspects of train travel in order to change their attitudes and increase the likelihood that trains would be considered for

travel in the west.

Two portions of the total market were targeted: 1) anxious fliers---those concern ed with safety,relaxation,and cleanliness and 2) travel-lovers---those viewing themse lves as relaxed,casual,and interested in the travel experience as part of their vacati on. The agency then developed a campaign that focused on travel experiences such as freedom,escape,relaxation,and enjoyment of the great western outdoors. It str essed experiences gained by u sing the trains and portrayed western train trips as w onderful adventures.

Advertisements showed pictures of the beautiful scenery that could be enjoyed al ong some of the more famous western routes and emphasized the romantic names of some of these trains(Empire Builder,etc.).These ads were strategically placed amon g family-oriented TV shows and programs involving nature andAmericain order to m ost effectively reach target audiences. Results were impressive. The Empire Builder, w hich was focused on in one ad. enjoyed a 15 percent increase in profits on itsChicag otoSeattleroute.(2000年1月四级真题)

31. What's the author's purpose in writing this passage?

A) To show the inability of trains to compete with planes with respect to speed and convenience.

B) To stress the influence of the automobile onAmerica's standard of convenienc e.

C) To emphasize the function of travel agencies in market promotion.

D) To illustrate the important role of persuasive communication in changing con sumer attitudes.

本文首段提出了美国铁路客运量下滑的问题。第二段分析原因,铁路客运量下滑主要是由于火车在便捷性和快捷性方面分别无法与汽车和飞机相媲美。最后两段说铁路客运公司的广告机构DDB Needham 通过广告宣传攻势,竭力将火车打造成为西部旅行的重要交通工具。划线部分就是要读的主要信息,黑体字是主要的标志性词语。



Communications technologies are far from equal when it comes to conveying th e truth. The first study to compare honesty across a range of communications media has found that people are twice as likely to tell lies in phone conversations as they are in emails. The fact that emails are automatically recorded-and can come back t

o haunt (困扰)you appears to be the key to the finding.

Jeff Hancock ofCornellUniversityinIthaca, Mew York, asked 30 students to keep

a communications diary for a week. In it they noted the number of conversations o r email exchanges they had lasting more than 10 minutes, and confessed to how ma ny lies they told. Hancock then worked out the number of lies per conversation foe each medium .He found that lies made up 14 per cent of emails,21 per cent of in stant messages,27 per cent of face-to-face interactions and an astonishing 37 per cent of phone calls.

His results to be presented at the conference on human-computer interaction inV ienna,Austria, in April, have surprised psychologists. Some expected emailers to be th e biggest liars, reasoning that because deception makes people uncomfortable, the de tachment(非直接接触)of emailing would make it easier to lie. Others expected people to lie more in face-to-face exchanges because we are most practiced at that form o f communication.

But Hancock says it is also crucial whether a conversation is being recorded and could be reread, and whether it occurs in real time. People appear to be afraid to lie when they know the communication could later be used to hold them to accou nt, he says. This is why fewer lies appear in email than on the phone.

People are also more likely to lie in real time—in a instant message or phone c all, say—than if they have time to think of a response, says Hancock.He fond man y lies are spontaneous (脱口而出的)responses to an unexpected demand, such as: "Do you like my dress?"

Hankcock hopes his research will help companies work out the best ways for th eir employees to communicate. For instance, the phone might be the best medium f or sales where employees are encouraged to stretch the truth. But, given his results, work assessment where honesty is a priority, might be best done using email.(2006年6月四级真题)

57.Hancock's study focuses on ____________.

A)the consequences of lying in various communications media.

B)the success of communications technologies in conveying ideas.

C)people are less likely to lie in instant messages.

D)people 's honesty levels across a range of communications media.



含有表示实验结果的句子也是要重点阅读的句子,一般以to find, to show, to discover, to test等词为标志。本文划线的句子即要重点阅读的主题信息,黑体字是主要标志性词汇,与其它文章一样,支持性信息处采用了跳读。





专题7 阅读理解Ⅳ:篇章结构题 班级姓名学号分数 (测试时间:45分钟) 1. 【黑龙江省佳木斯市第一中学2018届高三上学期第五次调研】C The Indian government may use 3D paintings as virtual speed-breakers on major highways arid roads, in an attempt to check speeding and careless driving, and eventually make its deadly roads a little safer. “We are trying out 3D paintings used as virtual speed breakers to avoid unnecessary requirements of speed breakers,” India's transport minister Nitin Gadkari tweeted. The visual illusions (幻象)are supposed to encourage drivers to slow down automatically. Earlier this month, India had ordered the removal of all speed breakers from highways, which are considered to be a danger to safety for high-speed vehicles. India has the highest number of road accident deaths in the world. According to the World Health Organisation, over 200,00 people are killed by road accidents due to poor application of road safety laws. This is considerably higher than its official figures of 141,526 for 2014. The use of visual illusions as speed breakers was first pioneered in the American city of Philadelphia in 2008, as part of a campaign against speeding motorists. The technique has also been tried out in China to create floating 3D crossings. In India, cities such as Ahmedabad and Chennai have already experimented with 3D zebra crossings in the last one year. In Ahmedabad for instance, two artists, mother and daughter have painted 3D crosswalks in the first few months of this year. The artists say th eir motto is “to increase the attention of drivers”, and that the concept has been successfully tested in zones where accidents easily occur on a highway.” However, critics argue that once drivers know that these speed breakers arc visual illusions, they may ignore them. Others also point out that India's decision does not consider the safety of a large number of walkers. In the end, the new policy may be just one step towards improving road safety. 10. The author explains the experiment of 3D zebra crossings in India by . A. giving examples. B. analysing causes. C. providing figures. D. making comparisons. 【答案】10. D


首先我做题的顺序是: 1.听力 2.作文 3.选词填空 4.翻译 5.阅读理解(为什么这个要比6先做呢,因为这个题的分数比较高,而且多花点时间的正确率要高点,所以这个题先多花点时间来提高分数,对于6再用技巧快速解决,实在没有时间了还可以乱选) 6.段落大意选择 我先说一下总的方案。我重点强调一下,对于每套真题,不管什么题型,做完了都要把不认识的单词查出来写在卷子上,没事的时候就要去记忆,有很多次是反复出现的。技巧不是有了就能过四级的,还要靠你的一些努力。后面我会说给大家列举些词汇,还有我后面让你们记下来的词,不是记下来就好了,是要记忆的。 所谓技巧嘛,就是尽力让你花最少的功夫过四级! 1、听力 (1)使用具有增加信息接受方注意力功能的词汇,例如most, only, just, particularly, really, new, free, famous, strange , unusual, surprise, shocked, always , each, ever, every, little, few, any, nothing, full of, complete, throughout, all, almost, nearly, total, i mportant, must, stress, note, notice, range, insist, add , laugh, desperation, horror, fear, disaster, ke y, minimum等等; (2)使用特殊结构及句式,例如比较级、最高级、as…as结构、not so…as结构、different from、similar to、强调结构、否定结构、感叹句、if丛句、完成进行时态、as…as possible、make it clear that、you can imagine that、don’t forget that等结构; (3)含有数字、时间及相关词汇的句子,例如first(start, pioneer), second, millions of, figure, many,one day, years ago, today等等; (4)重复和自问自答; (5)引用:语气语调一般会有明显的变化。 因果原则: 含有表示因果关系的词汇的句子,命题的可能性很大,这些词汇包括because, why, reason, so, as a result, as a sign of, thanks to, therefore, due to等等。 转折原则: 含有表示转折关系的词汇的句子,命题的可能性很大,这些词汇包括but, however, whereas, otherwise, unfortunately, yet等等。 前8个题一般听到什么就不要去选他,这个8个题要靠推测,这8个题你用几天练习一下,很简单,应该就会对个5、6个。 把握关键词和关键句。在听录音的过程中,考生要注意把握一些关键词和关键句。首先要注意听表示转折关系的词汇,例如but、however、unfortunately、unexpectedly、to tell the truth 等。其次也要注意听关键句。在对话题中,往往会有一些表示建议或劝告的句子,例如“Why…?”“Why…not…?”“Why don’t you/we…?”“It would be better to do...”“Wouldn’t it be better to do…?”很多答案都是在这些词出现的


2018年12月大学英语四级考试真题 Part 1 writing Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30minutes to write a short essay on the challenges of living in a big city.You should write at least 120 words bu no more than 180 words. Part 2 Section A Question 1 and 2 1.A)Land a space vehicle on the moon in 2019. B)Design a new generation of mobile phones. C)Set up a mobile phone network on the moon. D)Gather data from the moon with a tiny device. 2.A)It is stable. B)It is inexpensive. C)It is durable. D)It is sophisticated. Question 3 and 4 3.A)It lasted more than six hours. B)No injuries were yet reported. C)Nobody was in the building when it broke out. D)It had burned for 45 minutes by the time firefighters arrived. 4.A)Recruit and train more firefighters. B)Pull down the deserted shopping mall. C)Turn the shopping mall into an amusement park. D)Find money to renovate the local neighborhood. Question 5 to 7 5.A)Shrinking potato farming. B)Heavy reliance on import. C)Widespread plant disease. D)Insufficient potato supply. 6.A)It intends to keep its traditional diet. B)It wants to expand its own farming. C)It is afraid of the spread of disease. D)It is worried about unfair competition. 7.A)Global warming. B)Ever-rising prices. C)Government regulation. D)Diminishing investment. Section B Question 8 to 11 8.A)Informative. B)Inspiring. C)Dull.


高考英语阅读篇章结构题解题技巧 阅读理解占有较大的分值,掌握有效的解题技巧可以有效快速解题, 高考英语阅读篇章结构题解题技巧 1. 确定指代关系。最常见的提问方式是:The underlined word “they/it/…” in paragraph… refers to… … 2. 对句子意义或作用的理解。最常见的提问方式是:The sentence “… …” in paragraph … means ….; The example of … …in para….is used to illustrate/show … …. 3. 对段落大意或段落作用的理解。最常见的提问方式是:The last paragraph mainly tell us that … …; The purpose of writing Paragraph … is …. …. 4. 对文章组织结构的理解。最常见的提问方式是:How is the passage organized?;Which of the following best shows the structure of the passage? 在上述几类题中考生感觉难做的题是第四类, 这类题是近两年来出现的主要考查议论文结构的命题新方式,且逐步

得到语言教育专家们的认可。并逐步推广到对其他文体结构的考查。分析这一类的题我们看出:对文章组织结构的考查不外乎两个层次。一是按段落的组织方法理解文章的结构,一是按写作方法(论证方法)理解文章的结构。 首先,看看这样考查从段落层次理解文章的结构。这类题经常用到的提问方式是:Which of the following best shows the structure of the passage? 常见的段落结构有如下几种情况: 图1表明:①(Paragraph 1)是主题段(提出论题或论点),②、③段是就同一论据或者问题的同一方面作论述,④用另一论据材料或者从问题的另一方面论述,⑤段是结论段或者是用来重述论题、强调论点的段落。同样我们很容易理解图2、3、4所示的段落结构的意义。 下面具体看看 The twentieth century saw greater changes than any century before changes for the better, changes for the worse, changes that brought a lot of benefits to human beings, changes that put man in danger .Many things caused the changes, but, in my opinion, the most important was the progress in science.


大学英语四级阅读理解(1)We find that bright children are rarely held back by mixed-ability teaching. On the contrary, both their knowledge and experience are enriched. We feel that there are many disadvantages in streaming(把......按能力分班) pupils. It does not take into account the fact that children develop at different rates. It can have a bad effect on both the bright and the not-so-bright child. After all, it can be quite discouraging to be at the bottom of the top grade! Besides, it is rather unreal to grade people just according to their intellectual ability. This is only one aspect of their total personality. We are concerned to develop the abilities of all our pupils to the full, not just their academic ability. We also value personal qualities and social skills, and we find that mixed-ability teaching contributes to all these aspects of learning. In our classrooms, we work in various ways. The pupils often work in groups: this gives them the opportunity to learn to co-operate, to share, and to develop leadership skills. They also learn how to cope with personal problems as well as learning how to think, to make decisions, to analyse and evaluate, and to communicate effectively. The pupils learn from each other as well as from the teacher. Sometimes the pupils work in pairs; sometimes they work on individual tasks and assignments, and they can do this at their own speed. They also have some formal class teaching when this is appropriate. We encourage our pupils to use the library, and we teach them the skills they need in order to do this efficiently. An advanced pupil can do advanced work: it does not matter what age the child is. We expect our pupils to do their best, not their least, and we give them every


大学英语四级选词填空和快速阅读复习攻略 选词填空: 首先:预览选项,了解词义并把选项分为四大类词性:名词n,动词v,形容词a,副词ad,在每个选项后作词性的简要标记; 其次:精读全文开头,把握文章主题,并以三个空或一个段落为一个单位,利用前后文判断每空的词性; 第三:把对应词性的选项逐一带回原文,含义通顺,时态、主谓搭配一致的为正确选项。 记背选词填空选项的重点范围: 1.历年曾经考过的复合式听写的单词 2.历年曾经考过的完形填空的选项,仔细阅读态度题的选项 3.历年曾经考过的真题中的高频词汇 快速阅读: 建议做题方法:读题干并确定关键词(中心词)--去原文中定位关键词--分析定位句--分析题干--确定答案。 首先用“打包”方法对付乱序: 把整组题全部一次性吃透,然后去原文从头到尾定位。否则,考生如果按顺序逐题解答,时间会严重不足,最好是文章一遍看下来,能找到所有的信息。此外,考生应该注意定位原文的过程中,一定要脑、眼和手并用:眼是肯定要用的,不用脑会导致忽视同义转换,不用手(笔)会使我们处于走马观花的状态,然后会怀疑自己是不是漏掉了信息而不停地看。 其次:“吃透”题干,准确判断关键词(中心词)至关重要。如果没吃透题干,就无法准确判断关键词或中心词,就可能对原文中的重要信息没感觉。一般来说,题干关键词或中心词为实词以及一些数字、专有名词等。 最后,在解题的先后顺序上,采用先易后难的策略。采用由易到难的解题策略,可以提升考生的解题信心。对于那些答题线索较少的题干细节信息,考生可留在最后再解答。在解答这类较难的题目时,考生可快速阅读原文中仍未选过的段落的主题句(通常为第一句、第二句或最后一句),之后根据段落大意与题干中的细节信息进行匹配。


历年来英语四级考试格式 考试答题的顺序 1.作文分数106.5分 2.快速阅读71分 3.听力部分248.5分 4.是一篇篇章词汇理解和两篇传统的阅读理解,177.5分 5.是完形填空(极大可能考这个)71分 6.翻译,汉译英并且需译部分只是一般的短句翻译。35.5分 CET-4考试内容 一、试卷构成和成绩报道 就所测试的语言能力而言,试点阶段的四级考试由以下四个部分构成:1)听力理解;2)阅读理解;3)完型填空或改错;4)写作和翻译。 听力理解部分分值比例为35%;其中听力对话15%,听力短文20%。听力对话部分包括短对话和长对话的听力理解;听力短文部分包括选择题型的短文理解和复合式听写。 阅读理解部分分值比例为35%;其中仔细阅读部分(Reading in Depth)25%,快速阅读部分(Skimming and Scanning)10%。仔细阅读部分分为:a)选择题型的篇章阅读理解;b)篇章层次的词汇理解(Banked Cloze)或短句问答(Short Answer Questions)。快速阅读理解部分测试的是浏览阅读和查读能力。 完型填空或改错部分分值比例为10%。完型填空部分采用多项选择题型,改错部分的要求是辨认错误并改正。

写作和翻译部分分值比例为20%;其中写作部分(Writing)15%,翻译部分(Translation)5%。写作的体裁包括议论文、说明文、应用文等;翻译部分测试的是句子、短语或常用表达层次上的中译英能力。 具体比例搭配如下: 作文15%(有14分、12分、8分、6分、2分和0分四个档次,用时30分钟) 快速阅读10%(7个判断题每个1%,3个填空题也是1%,单词拼写错误不给分,用时15分钟) 听力35%(短对话8个,每个1%,长对话8个,每个1%,短文10个,每个1%,填词7个,每个0.5%,3个句子分别为2%,2%,2.5%。用时35分钟) 篇章阅读20%+词汇阅读5%(传统阅读10个,一个2%,选词阅读10%,一个0.5%。用时25分钟) 完型填空10%(20个小题,一题0.5%。用时15分钟) 翻译5%(一题1%。用时5分钟) 快速阅读的答题方式不一定 写作:30分钟, 107分(15%) 快速阅读 15分钟,70分(10%)


【构建知识体系】 篇章结构题考点段落层次、写作方法和行文走势 【考纲解读】 考试大纲要求考纲解读要求考生阅读4篇短 文,从每题所给的4个选 项中选出最佳选项。题材广泛,包括科普、社会、文化、政治、经济等多方面内容。体裁多样,以记叙文、议论文、说明文为主。考查主旨 大意、细节 理解、推理 判断、词义 猜测、篇章 结构等题 型。 篇章结构题的考查对象是整个篇章或其中的某个段落。考查同学们在理解全文的基础上对文章所 描述事件的发展顺序、所说明事物的结构层次或在 论述观点过程中使用的方法进行推测、归纳和总结 的能力。 【剖析全国高考真题】——预测高考命题方向 B【2018·天津卷】 When I was 17, I read a magazine article about a museum called the McNay, once the home of a watercolorist named Marian McNay. She had requested the community to turn it into a museum upon her death. On a sunny Saturday, Sally and I drove over to the museum. She asked, "Do you have the address? ""No, but I'll recognize it, there was a picture in the magazine. " "Oh, stop. There it is!” The museum was free. We entered, excited. A group of people sitting in the hall stopped talking and stared at us. "May I help you?" a man asked. "No, "I said. "We're fine.” Tour guides got on my nerves. What if they talked a long time about a painting you weren't that interested in? Sally had gone upstairs. The people in the hall seemed very nosy(爱窥探的), keeping their eyes on me with curiosity. What was their problem? I saw some nice sculptures in one



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3 大学英语四级阅读理解试题及答案(四) 十六 Trees should only be pruned when there is a good and clear reason for doing so and , fortunately,the number of such reasons is small. Pruning involves the cutting away of obergrown and unwanted branches, and the inexperienced gardener can be encouraged by the thought that more damage results from doing it unnecessarily than from leaving the tree to grow in its own way. First, pruning may be done to make sure that trees have a desired shape or size. The object may be to get a tree of the right height, and at the same time to help the growth of small side branches which will thicken its appearance or give it a special shape. Secondly, pruning may be done to make the tree healthier. You may cut diseaed or dead wood, or branches that are rubbing against each other and thus cause wounds. The health of a tree may be encouraged by removing branches that are blocking up the centre and so preventing the free movement of air. One result of pruning is that an open wound is left on the tree and this provides an easy entry for disease, but itis a wound that will heal. Often there is a race between the healing and the desease as to whether the tree will live or die, so that there is a period when the tree is at risk. It should be the aim of every gardener to reduce which has been pruned smooth and clean, for healing will be slowed down by roughness. You should allow the cut surface to dry for a few hurs and then paint it with one of the substances available from garden shops produced especially for this purpose. Pruning is usually without interference from the leaves and also it is very unlikely that the cuts yu make will bleed. If this does happen,it is, of course,impossible to paint them properly. 1.Pruning should be done to ______. a.make the tree grow taller


大学英语四级考试真题及答案(绝对完整) Part I Writing (30 minutes) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minute to write a short essay on the topic of students selecting their lectures. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given bellow: 1. 越来越多的博物馆免费对外开放的目的是什么? 2. 也会带来一些问题 3. 你的看法? Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes)Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1. For questions 1-7, choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C) and D). For questions 8-10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage. How Do You See Diversity? As a manager, Tiffany is responsible for interviewing applicants for some of the positions with her company .During one interview, she noticed that the candidate never made direct eye contact. She was puzzled and somewhat disappointed because she liked the individual otherwise. He had a perfect resume and gave good responses to her questions, but the fact that he never looked her in the eye said “untrustworthy,” so she decided to offer the job to her second choice. “It wasn’t until I attended a diversity workshop that I realized the person we passed over was the perfect person,” Tiffany confesses. What she hadn’t known at the time of the interview was that the candidate’s “different” behavior was simply a cultural misunderstanding . He was an Asian-American raised in a household where respect for those in authority was shown by averting(避开) your eyes. “I was just thrown off by the lack of ye contact; not realizing it was cultural,” Tiffany says. “I missed out ,but will not miss that opportunity again.” Many of us have had similar encounters with behaviors we perceive as different. As the world becomes smaller and our workplaces more diverse, it is becoming essential to expand our under-standing of others and to reexamine some of our false assumptions . Hire Advantage At a time when hiring qualified people is becoming more difficult ,employers who can eliminate invalid biases(偏爱) from the process have a distinct advantage .My company, Mindsets LLC ,helps organizations and individuals see their own blind spots . A real estate recruiter we worked with illustrates the positive difference such training can make .


英语阅读理解 ----篇章结构题 所谓的篇章结构题,就是指那些针对文章的整体篇章结构或某一段落的发展层次所设置的问题。这类题主要考查同学们在理解全文的基础上对文章所描述事件的发展顺序、所说明事物的结构层次或在论述观点过程中使用的论证方法进行推测、归纳和总结的能力。在高考题中,这是一种较为新颖的考查方式,这里,我们将要探讨篇章结构题的解题方法。 一、篇章结构题的题干表现形式 1. What is the right order of the steps in doing ...? 2. The second paragraph is developed by ... 3. How is the passage mainly organized/ developed? 4. The author answers the question raised in the first paragraph with ... 5. Which of the following picture shows the structure of the passage? 6. In the next part, the author would most probably discuss with you ... 7.Which of the following best fits into paragraph 8? 二、篇章结构题的解答技巧 篇章结构题的考查对象无非是整个篇章或其中的某个段落,在解答此类题目之前,有必要对全篇或被考查的段落进行通读以了解其大意。由于题目提问方式较为单一,无非是文章或段落的发展方法,因此解题的关键在于找出篇章或段落中表示层次发展的关键词,如表示时间、方位、因果关系或对比的关联词等等。要做好这一类题,主要解题策略常有: 1.了解文章结构的组织形式。从段落组织方式上讲,常见的文章结构有三种: 总分式结构(总→分;总→分→总;分→总)、 并列式结构(段落之间是平行关系,并且相对独立)、 对照式结构(结构形式上是一正一反). 2.了解文章的写作手法在高考阅读理解中主要考查 下定义(definition):下定义(definition)就是解释某事物是什么,不是什么。 A pencil is an instrument for writing on paper. 用描述、举例或比较对比方法扩充定义


大学英语四级阅读理解试题 Many people believe the glare from snow causes snowblindnenss. Yet, dark glasses or not , they find themselves suffering from headaches and watering eyes,and even snowblindness,when exposed to several hours of "snow light" . The United States Army has now determined that glare from snow does not cause snowblindness in troops in a snow- covered , a man's eyes frequently find nothing to foucs on in a broad expanse of barren snow-covered terrain. So his gaze continually shifts and jumps back and forth over the entire landscape in search of tsomething to look at. Finding nothing, hour after hour, the eyes never sotp searching and the eyeballs become sore and the eye muscles ache. Nature offsets this irritation by producing more and fluid which covers the eyeball. The fluid coversthe eyeball in increasing quantity until vision blurs, then is obsured,and the result is total, even though temporary,snowblindness. Experiments led the Army to a simple method of overcoming this problem. Scouts ahead of a main body of troops are



大学英语四级选词填空和快速阅读复习攻略 选词填空: 首先:预览选项,了解词义并把选项分为四大类词性:名词n,动词v,形容词a,副词ad,在每个选项后作词性的简要标记; 其次:精读全文开头,把握文章主题,并以三个空或一个段落为一个单位,利用前后文判断每空的词性; 第三:把对应词性的选项逐一带回原文,含义通顺,时态、主谓搭配一致的为正确选项。 记背选词填空选项的重点范围: 1.历年曾经考过的复合式听写的单词 2.历年曾经考过的完形填空的选项,仔细阅读态度题的选项 3.历年曾经考过的真题中的高频词汇 快速阅读: 建议做题方法:读题干并确定关键词(中心词)--去原文中定位关键词--分析定位句--分析题干--确定答案。 首先用“打包”方法对付乱序: 把整组题全部一次性吃透,然后去原文从头到尾定位。否则,考生如果按顺序逐题解答,时间会严重不足,最好是文章一遍看下来,能找到所有的信息。此外,考生应该注意定位原文的过程中,一定要脑、眼和手并用:眼是肯定要用的,不用脑会导致忽视同义转换,不用手(笔)会使我们处于走马观花的状态,然后会怀疑自己是不是漏掉了信息而不停地看。 其次:“吃透”题干,准确判断关键词(中心词)至关重要。如果没吃透题干,就无法准确判断关键词或中心词,就可能对原文中的重要信息没感觉。一般来说,题干关键词或中心词为实词以及一些数字、专有名词等。 最后,在解题的先后顺序上,采用先易后难的策略。采用由易到难的解题策略,可以提升考生的解题信心。对于那些答题线索较少的题干细节信息,考生可留在最后再解答。在解答这类较难的题目时,考生可快速阅读原文中仍未选过的段落的主题句(通常为第一句、第二句或最后一句),之后根据段落大意与题干中的细节信息进行匹配。


Part I Writing (30 minutes) Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the importance of writing ability and how to develop it. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Part II Listening Comprehension (25 minutes) Section A Directions:In this section, you will hear three news reports. At the end of each news report, you will hear two or three questions. Both the news report and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. Questions 1 and 2 are based on the news report you have just heard. 1. A) Annoyed. B) Scared. C) Confused. D) Offended. 2. A) It crawled over the woman's hands. B) It wound up on the steering wheel. C) It was killed by the police on the spot. D) It was covered with large scales. Questions 3 and 4 are based on the news report you have just heard. 3. A) A study of the fast-food service. B) Fast food customer satisfaction. C) McDonald's new business strategies. D) Competition in the fast-food industry. 4. A) Customers' higher demands. B) The inefficiency of employees. C) Increased variety of products. D) The rising number of customers. Questions 5 to 7 are based on the news report you have just heard. 5. A) International treaties regarding space travel programs. B) Legal issues involved in commercial space exploration. C) . government's approval of private space missions. D) Competition among public and private space companies. 6. A) Deliver scientific equipment to the moon. B) Approve a new mission to travel into outer space. C) Work with federal agencies on space programs. D) Launch a manned spacecraft to Mars. 7. A) It is significant. B) It is promising.
