Urban Life and Rural Life城市生活与乡村生活(二)(高中英语作文)

Urban Life and Rural Life城市生活与乡村生活(二)(高中英语作文)

Urban Life and Rural Life城市生活与



The difference between our towns and the country has tapered off,but there is still distinction between them.People who live in cities can enjoy the coveniences of hospitals,schools and colleges,places of entertainment,various shops,and modern means of transport.But they have to endure noise,dirty air,traffic jams and crowded housing conditions.People who live in the countryside can enjoy the green fields,fresh air,spacious houses and unsophisticated folkways.But comparatively their life is somewhat dull,and there are fewer schools and hospitals.The youngsters have to go to somewhere else to attend college. If it is up to me make the choice,I prefer the urban life.Because I think there are more opportunities and challenges for young peple in cities.Besides,we can live a more exciting life which is full of change and variety.


中国城市生活和农村生活对比 城市人到底羡慕农村人的生活还是农村生活? 让我来告诉你农村人是怎么生活的 这是一个靠近北朝鲜的农村 先看看农村人的吃住行 吃一一 在农村,因为附近没有超市,所以要买个东西会很困难。别看家家户户都有母鸡,但想吃鸡蛋可不那么容易。城里人来农村收购土鸡蛋,以至于农民不舍得吃自己的鸡下的蛋,而去外面买蛋,对城里人来说易如反掌,去楼下超市就可以买到,这里,最近的超市要坐车1小时才能到。 住—— 需要讲究环境。大的环境在这里是室外零下20度,室内有时零下3度。小环境,没有城里的暖气,更没有空调。大部分人都在晚上7,8点钟开始睡觉,不过早到4,5点钟起床。也有白天睡大觉,晚上通宵打

麻将或看电视的。补充一点,这里没有自来水!洗澡是类似于传说中西藏人那样的奢侈活动。 行--- 出行在这里属定量供应,每天按时按点有车往返附近的市县。这些年新的变化是车子开始变新变快,当然价钱也突突往上涨。这里可没有地铁或城铁的梦想,但有急事可以叫出租车,价钱还不太贵。 城里人其实羡慕的是农村生活,而不是农村人的生活,这叫叶公好龙。 再看看城里人和农村人都看重什么东西。 城里人估计是看重健康,金钱,感情。换句话说,他们最缺这几样。 而农村人最看重的是面子,其次是天气和地里的农活。 看见了吧,城里人和农村人有着截然不同的追求。金钱也不是万能的,尽管大家都在挣钱过日子。 农民一年的收入到底有多少?下一篇文章将向你介绍。 一个烂苹果 城里人偶尔吃点一个烂苹果,会把烂的部分挖掉,而这里,你能想象他们是

怎么对待一个烂了的苹果? 先描绘一下苹果在这里的价格:一斤0.25元,一个秋天可以收获 10000斤,总收入约2500元!这是一年里全部主要收入的1/4,另外3/4来自玉米,约10000斤X 0.80元=8000元。 部分农民开始烤大棚或养猪,能增加1-2万元的收入,过去的猫冬变 得忙起来了。 现在,我这个城里来的人,会毫不犹豫地把烂苹果连皮一起吃掉!忽然我想起很多很多,哲学上说,看问题的方法不同,会带来不同的人生。比如一个烂苹果,你得看重好的那部分,这样,你就会乐观了。 政治家可能会说,大局稳定就是一切。企业家说,总体向好,20: 80原则适合一切事物。但是,在这里,生存是第一概念,其他都是闭门造车。 农村教育 寒假快到了,老师暗示家长把孩子送到老师那里去补习。一周时间, 学完下学期全部课程。按一个孩子补习交200元,一天上8节课,一 个班30人的话,老师寒假收入可达到6000元。如果这个老师带2-3 个班,收入就够2年的寒暑假买一个小轿车了。家长笑着说,一个学期3-4个月都学不好,怎么能在7天时间里学好呢?可谁要是不去老 师家里补习,开学就给你小鞋穿。比如安排座位不给坐前排。


乡村生活与城市生活的比较 1、乡村生活有很多好处 2、城市生活也有很多好处 3、两种生活都有弊端 Country life and city life What are the differences between city life and country life? When we talk about the city life, we will surely think of skyscrapers (tall buildings), busy streets, flourishing businesses and a great many advanced pieces of equipments. What about the country life? The first feeling coming into our minds is peace and quiet. In the countryside , people live a quiet life. They have less noise and pollution than people who live in the city. City life and country life, which is better? The answer is not certain. People who live in the country want to be city people. In their thoughts, city is full of chance and adventure. Today many country youth leave their hometown for big cities in search of a lot of money and good jobs. With the development of industry, more and more pollution is coming out in cities. Citizens have to put up with noise, harmful smoke and dirt. The air is not clean enough for people, especially in the downtown areas. The majority of citizens are tired of overcrowded traffic and polluted environments. But in the country, the condition is obviously different. It is pleasant to live with green mountains, clear springs and grand plains. Blue sky, green trees, red sunsets and golden crops. Wow! What a lovely picture! So at present, more and more citizens are eager to escape from the city. In the old days, there was a clear difference between city and countryside. But now some countries look like modern cities, while some cities are as beautiful as the countryside. If we pay attention to protecting the environment while we are developing industry, the city can also have the advantages of the countryside. And we shouldn't forget to develop the countryside. If so, we, the city people or country people, will enjoy both modem and peaceful lives!


乡村生活与城市生活的 对比英文 Document serial number【NL89WT-NY98YT-NC8CB-NNUUT-NUT108】

综述Todaywewillholddebateaboutthecountrylifestyleandthecitylife stylewhichisbetter Theanswerisnotcertain.Nowadays,moreand morepeopleinthecitywanttoliveinthecountry.Andmanypeople inthecountrywanttoliveinthecity.Itisaninterestingfancyt hingforoursociety.Therearetwopoints 甲方Inoursviewthecountrylifestyleismuchbetterandrelaxedthancity lifestyle.(总) 在乡村的好处 1Inthecountrypeoplehavetheirfarmandeventheirownstoresbutinthecities peoplearemostlyworkingforcompaniesoperatedorevenownedbyabiggercomp any 2Alsointhecountrypeoplearemoreopeninexchanginggoodsandservicesinret urnforsuchandinthecitiesitisonlythemoneythatmakeseverythingpossibl e 3Peaceofmindalsocomesfreeinthecountrysimplybecausethe reislesstoworryandstressabout. 4Theenvironmentinthecountryisbyfarbeyondcomparisonwit hthecities,therearelesspollution,fewerfactoriesandle ssnoiseinthecountry;whereasthecitiesarefilledwithcar sandfactorieswhicharetheessentialreasonstonoiseandpo llution.

英语作文 城市生活与乡村生活City Life and Suburban Life

City Life and Suburban Life When it comes to the choice between city life and suburban life ,everyone has their own plan.Longing for quiet and comfortable life,someone prefer to live in the countryside or the suburb.However,someone may think the city life is more suitable for them because they enjoy the prosperity and convenience of modern city. As far as I am concerned, I prefer to choose the suburban life.As a student from countryside, I have the inherent and close affinity to the suburban life.In my impression to the suburb,the environment is very good :the sky is blue,the air is fresh and the water is clear.When you are free,you can read a book under the tree,with soft wind blowing and bird singing.I bet you will never experience the same scene if you live in the city because of the bad environment and stressful life there. As the saying goes:”Each coin has two sides”,the suburban life is also not perfect.Because of the weakness of road infrastructure and slow development of economy,the living standard in the suburb is much lower than that in city,which will bring us difficulties in some


城市与乡村 本文是关于高中作文的城市与乡村,感谢您的阅读! 原以为“鲁迅故居要被拆迁”只是一个特例,没想到城市化的过程使得乡村田野变成“濒临灭绝的动物”,曾经的宁静与美好也随之飘散,留下的却是我们对此的深深眷恋以及城市所赋予我们的活力。 如果说城市化的建设是一种必然,那么,淳朴的乡村生活只能成为其牺牲者。在如今的城市中,我们会被形形色色、各种各样的城市产品所诱惑,接着我们便开始迷恋于城市所给予我们的欢乐与潇洒。就如同北京奥运会的成功举办和上海世博会即将拉开序幕,他们所展现的是城市其本身的风俗与特性——现代化。鲁迅故居被拆迁,究其原因,无非就是它落伍了,它阻碍了城市化的发展,它与现代化格格不入。也许这是城市化所必须付出的代价,也许城市不允许它成为现代化的绊脚石。就这样,我们失去了曾经的家园,摧毁了往日的乐土。 然而,在这片土地上,我们迎来了我们智慧的结晶——车水马龙的城市生活。随着世博会口号“城市让生活更美好”的喊出,人们越发的感受到它那五彩斑斓的绚丽和美轮美奂的光景。从某种角度上说,是城市使得我们领略到生活精彩与多样。有时我会向同学问起他们的生活,他们都不约而同的显现出满意的笑容。看来城市已经改变了我们的思维,创新了我们的概念。 曾经的田园生活已不再成为我们的一部分。“城市不再像墨迹、油渍那样蔓延,一旦发展,他们就像花儿那样呈星状开放,在金色的光芒间交替着绿叶。”帕特里克的话让我们感受到城市的快速与发达。在感受着城市快速发展的同时,我们也失去着田园文化与山水熏陶。曾经的故居没有如今城市发达的交通,也没有令人窒息的夜景,但它却有着祖辈们的思想与内涵。“采菊东篱下,悠然见南


综述 Today we will hold debate about the country lifestyle and the city lifestyle which is better ? The answer is not certain. Nowadays, more and more people in the city want to live in the coun try. And many people in the country want to live in the city. It is an interesting fancy thing for our society. There are two poi nts 甲方 In ours view the country lifestyle is much better and relaxed tha n city lifestyle .(总) 在乡村的好处 1 In the country people have their farm and eve n their own stores but i n the cities people are mostly work ing for compa nies operated or even owned by a bigger compa ny 2 Also in the country people are more ope n in excha nging goods and services in return for such and in the cities it is only the money that makes everyth ing possible 3 Peace of mind also comes free in the country simply because there is less to worry and stress about.


高中英语作文:城市生活与乡村生活 导读:本文高中英语作文:城市生活与乡村生活,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 Life in the city is very different from life in the villages and on the farms. People in large cities are much more careful to respect the privacy of the individual. Sometimes this feeling seems to be one of indifference, but it is a convention of city life to curb one‘s curiosity about the personal affairs of strangers. Villagers and farmers are likely to show a great deal of interest in all their neighbors. Opportunities for bright young people are greater in the cities and there has been a steady stream of hopeful jobseekers from the villages and farms to the large metropolitan areas. 城市生活和乡村和农场生活大不相同。大城市的人更注意尊重个人隐私。有时候这种感觉似乎是一种冷漠,但是它是城市生活的一个约俗,以遏制一个人对陌生人的个人事务的好奇。村民和农民有可能所有的邻居对表现出极大的兴趣。城市给聪明的年轻人提供了更多机会,来自村庄和农场的求职者有往大都市发展的稳定趋势。




论高校城市生源和农村生源的生活学习状况的对比 摘要:不管哪个时代,文化和教育都是主题,为了解当前的文化教育及高校学子受教育情况,本文透过网上发布问卷调查,从多方面分析当前高校城市生源学生和农村生源学生的生活学习状况,并将二者作了对比,其中包括城乡学生分别的生活费水平和开支情况、对待学业的态度以及对就业前景的了解和对未来的信心。 分析结果表明:在填写问卷的人群中,农村生源学生普遍比城市生源学生偏多、女生比男生多,同时多数人的月生活费为800—1200,但也有800以下的,因此以兼职赚钱减轻父母压力的也较多,这说明农村生源学生普遍比城市生源独立。但拘泥于人际交往,对大学生活和就业前景迷茫却是城乡生源学生的普遍问题,但学生还是希望努力学好专业知识,找到好工作。 关键词:城市生源农村生源生活状态人际交往对比 参考文献 柳礼泉,《毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论教学研究与教学设计》,湖南大学出版社,2009.5

梁昱庆,《毛泽东思想专题研究》,四川大学出版社,2011.5 一、前言 大学的过分自由让刚刚走出圈养的大学新生们过度放纵,失去了方向。精神缺乏、游戏成风。也有很多人依然比较用功地学习,但是他们也一样困惑、“恐惧”和压力,怕找不到好工作,怕考不上研究生。目前,大学生数量越来越多,农村学子进入高校行列,而大学是学习专业知识、适应学校和社会生活的关键时期,这关系到大学生的成长。大学现状不容乐观,只有正确了解当前高校学子的生活学习状况,才能更好更准确地分析造成当前大学现状的因素,并对症下药,正确引导学生,完善校园文化。因此,研究高校城市生源与农村生源的生活学习状况对比就具有重大意义。 为达到上述目的,本次调查采用定量分析的研究方法,报告数据收集和分析主要采用了通过问卷星网站(https://www.360docs.net/doc/ed3450366.html,/)进行在线问卷调查。本次调查针对在校大学生,从4月14日发放问卷到回收问卷的半个多月时间内,其中收到问卷100份,有效问卷占100%。其中参与的女生比男生多接近一半,女生76人,男生24人,农村生源学生比城市生源学生多,农村生源学生70人,城市生源学生30人,并且参与本次问卷调查的人大二的为多,占了75人。现将这100份问卷进行数据统计分析,得出结论。下面是对调查结果的细致分析 及总结。 二、调查结果 (一)生活方面 生活方面包括课余时间安排、月生活费水平和主要支出、生活自理等。其中,大多数同学的月生活费水平在800-1000,这类占了53%,同时,月生活费水平在800以下和1000-1500的百分比差不多,都占了20%左右,而月生活费水平在1500以上的也占了2%,虽然为数不多,但总体看来,城市生源学生生活费水平比农村生源学生高。而家庭贫困生活费低,挣钱以减轻父母负担就成了部分学生利用课余时间兼职的原因,这类占了39%。在课余时间,13%的同学玩电脑游戏娱乐, 9%的同学兼职,3%的同学购物,而54%的同学根本就没有目的。由此看来,50%的人选择兼职是为了锻炼自己能力有空谈迹象。 另外,在生活自理方面,67%的同学视衣物厚重及易清洗度决定手洗还是机洗,但29%的同学全部手洗,4%的同学全部机洗。可见,生活自理能力还是大多数学生都有的,不过农村生源学生更会过日子,精打细算,实在又节约。 (二)学习方面 学习方面包括学生花在学习上的时间、对待学习的态度和动机、学习目标明确与否等。数据表明,21%的学生花课余时间学习,13%的学生的生活费主要支出是书籍和学习资料,36%的学生会在7:30以前起床,35%的学生从不逃课,68%的学生目标明确,努力考取专业相关证书。由此看出,还是有较大部分学生学习态度端正,愿意花时间学习的。但是,即便如此,46%的学生认为大学生活

城市生活与乡村生活 City Life & Country Life(大学英语作文)

城市生活与乡村生活City Life & Country Life 大学英语作文 There's a great differencebetween city life and country life in population. Big cities are so crowded,while in the countryside, there are much fewer people. 城市生活和乡村生活在人口上有很大的区别。大城市是如此拥挤,人口则少很多。 People in big cities are nice,friendly and helpful. They are polite to strangers. When you get lost, they arewilling to show you the right directions. When you're hurt in an accident,they're also eager to send you to hospital at once. However, citizens don'tknow each other so well, because most of them are busy with earning theirbread. While in the countryside, things are much more different. Almosteveryone is so familiar with each other. They always say hello to each other onthe way. Even though you are strangers, they also talk to you like old friends.And they are also happy to invite you to dinner in their homes.

乡村生活与城市生活的比较(Country life and city life)

乡村生活与城市生活的比较(Country life and city life) 乡村生活与城市生活的比较 1、乡村生活有很多好处 2、城市生活也有很多好处 3、两种生活都有弊端 What are the differences between city life and country life? When we talk about the city life, we will surely think of tall build-ings, busy streets, flourishing bussinesses and a great many ad-vanced pieces of equipment. What about the country life? The first feeling coming into our minds is peace and quiet. In the country-side , people live a quiet life. They have less noise and pollution than people who live in the city. City life and country life, which is better? The answer is not certain. People who live in the country want to be city people. In their thoughts, city is full of chance and adventure. Today many country youth leave their hometown for big cities in search of a lot of money and good jobs. With the development of industry, more and more pollution is coming out in cities. Citizens have to put up with noise, harmful smoke and dirt. The air is not clean enough for people, especially in the downtown areas. The majority of citizens are tired of overcrowded conditions and bad environments. But in the country, the condition is obviously different. It is pleasant to live with green mountains, clear springs and grand plains. Blue sky, green trees, red sunsets and golden crops. Wow! What a lovely picture! So at present, more and more citizens are eager to escape from the city. In the old days, there was a clear difference between city and countryside. But now some countries look like modern cities, while some cities are as beautiful as the countryside. If we pay attention to protecting the environment while we are developing industry, the city can also have the advantages of the countryside. And we shouldn't forget to develop the country-side. If so, we, the city people or country people, will enjoy both modem and peaceful lives!

英语考试作文-City Life and Country Life(城市生活与乡村生活)

英语考试作文 City Life and Country Life(城市生活与 乡村生活) Life in the city is very different from life in the villages and on the farms. People in large cities are much more careful to respect the privacy of the inpidual. Sometimes this feeling seems to be one of indifference, but it is a convention of city life to curb one‘s curiosity about the personal affairs of strangers. Villagers and farmers are likely to show a great deal of interest in all their neighbors. Opportunities for bright young people are greater in the cities and there has been a steady stream of hopeful jobseekers from the villages and farms to the large metropolitan areas. 城市生活和乡村和农场生活大不相同。大城市的人更注意尊重个人隐私。有时候这种感觉似乎是一种冷漠,但是它是城市生活的一个约俗,以遏制一个人对陌生人的个人事务的好奇。村民和农民有可能所有的邻居对表现出极大的兴趣。城市给聪明的年轻人提供了


生活在农村的人比生活在城市的人乐观 译者:笔译实务发表时间:2013-10-20 住在农村的人比住在城市的人满意度高 住在城镇和城市的人更担心犯罪问题和经济状况很多人选 择逃避熙熙攘攘的城市生活而生活在宁静的乡村 据英国一项新的调查发现,关于对未来的生活质量生活在农村地区的人比生活在城市和城镇地区的人乐观快乐。 据“农村生活指数”对人们如何看待生活进行记录,发现2013年第一季度和第二季度住在乡下的人满意度上升了10.7%,他们关于生活费用、教育状况和犯罪现象的观点所有改善。 而生活在城市地区的人对就业和经济下跌了3.8%。

生活在农村和城镇的人说,他们对健康、教育和环境都很乐观,但是与城市居民相比,农村居民的主观变化更明显。 城市地区的人们还表示,他们比农村地区的人担心犯罪问题,农村生活的整体质量比城市高出三倍。 英国农场主联合会农村事务专家Tim Price参与了该研究, 他说:“经济衰退对许多农村人来说,让生活变得非常艰难,所以,看到农村人担心的生活费问题却变得宽松起来,这是个好消息。” “在过去的两年里,我们看到了很多公司都在努力地维持下去。我们认为许多农村人通过创新管理结合解决措施如冻结燃 料税的方法来维持,并支持中小企业设法生存下去。不过,年轻人因缺乏去农村工作的生活费加上交通费高以及住房 成本高这一系列问题,年轻人还很难去农村生活,我们敦促政府支持年轻人这个团体负担得起一套农村房屋,让年轻人

成为第二套房房主的城市上班族即可。” 上周,保守党高级议员格雷厄姆·斯图尔特(Graham Stuart)称,农村地区仍深陷在严重“不公”的情况下,他们收到的钱都投入在本地服务费用中。 他说,联合政府称农村委员会资金紧缺未能解决问题,这个结果却是“不可原谅的”。 据斯图亚特说,农村委员会收到的一半左右的资金只相当于城市的人均收入水平,所谓的“农村补贴”即政府资助基金。 “农村50%的比例相当于市区人均收入水平的做法是不对的,”斯图尔特对下议院说。

Urban Life and Rural Life城市生活与乡村生活(一)

Urban Life and Rural Life3?êDéú??ó???′?éú??(ò?) Nowadays, more and more people in the city want to live in the country. And many people in the country want to live in the city. It is an interesting fancy thing for our society. Let us think the reason of this phenomenon. In the city, almost people think that the pace of the city become more and more quickly. The city is developing, and it also brings some new problems. People have much tension for the society. They have to work hard for living in the city and making themselves alive. Every day, they work hard. And also their hearts are very tired. The country is a good place for them to relax their body and their heart. In the country they will do the thing which they like doing, such as drawing the rural sight. Nowadays, in the city, there are more and more crimes. They do not give people security. Every day, people live in the fear. And the quality of living will fall. Now many people feel that many people are cold to each other. It also makes our heart to tire. So people in the city want to have a rural life. But the persons in the country think that there are many opportunity in the city. And there are good education, good service, good medical treatment in the city. They can nor appear in the country. So the persons in the country want to have a urban life not only for themselves but also for their children and grandchildren. They think if they stay in the city, their future will be full of shinning. I think I have my urban life until I will be old. In the city, there are much challenge for me. I want to accept them. ????


农村生活和城市生活的差别 2016年8月13日星期六 我是一个在农村长大,却对农村生活没有记忆的孩子,现在想来主要是因为自己是留守儿童,太少得到父母的疼爱,不愿想起这段记忆吧。而从小学开始有的记忆就是和父母一起在县城生活的情景,但如今,嫁了一位农村的老公,每逢放寒暑假都会回农村老家住上一段时间,这让我对农村和城市产生了一种对比,在如今这个竞争激烈、生活压力大的社会,在农村的生活让我有了新的体会。 首先,从居住方面来说。无论是农村还是城市,都需要先解决居住问题,这几年城市的房价日益增加,城市生活的年轻人因为工作留在了那个城市,日益增长的房价使得两个刚结婚的新人不得不求助于双方父母才得以付上首付,再慢慢的还银行的贷款,城市生活的压力有很多,除了房价的压力,还有很多压力是年轻人要承受的,如物价的压力,工作上的压力,交通的压力-居住在离父母较远的地方的年轻人假期少,不得不贷款买车,以求短暂的假期能够开车回家陪陪父母,房贷、车贷,及其他成为压在了年轻人身上的三座大山,这些还不止,还有新婚后爱情的结晶-孩子需要照顾,这些好像还觉得不够多,还有老人,老人再得个什么病,如近几年流行的大病,癌症、心脏病,老人一辈子攒的钱都不够花销的,只得年轻的孩子也来分担,城市生活的年轻人的压力无处不在,压得年轻人喘不过气来,其实,我就是属于这些年轻人中的一员,而且公公还就得了心脏病,下一个支架就5万元。 而农村的孩子,以前都说农村的孩子早当家,现在,没人敢这么说了,农村的活机械化程度高了,父母亲舍得让孩子干的活少了,孩子都很幸福,上学,花钱,等到了十六七岁,不想上学的,家里人花个十来万把房子一盖(这些钱在大城市连交个首付都寒碜),给他娶上媳妇,年轻的他就出去打工去了,有了孩子就放到家里给父母带,年轻的2人在外地打工攒钱。遇上家里有事就不干了,反正工作有的是。 其次,从生活环境上来说,农村打药的菜卖给城市的人吃,自己在家里的地里随便种点菜就够一家人吃了,也不打农药。农村的树、庄稼形成了一个较好的防风林,空气好,而城市汽车的尾气让温度上升了好多,最可怕的是雾霾越来越频繁,出门都要带上防毒面罩。现在的农村生活也更加干净,家家户户都盖起了楼房,而且都布置的很干净,养殖业也都实现了和居住分开来的模式。 然后,农村的消费真的好低,而且现在,随着物质的丰富性、多样性,城乡之间的差别也在逐渐变小,在城市能买到的在农村也能买到,而且更便宜。 最后,我觉得在农村生活最主要的是安静,静的感觉能让人忘记所有的烦恼,大大的院子、大大的房子,出门没多远就是农田,让人心胸舒畅,在城市没地方可去,要么出去玩,要么去逛街,都是以花费为代价的,让人感觉心里空落落的,不踏实。 有很多次,我都在想远离城市,回到农村,如果不是刚买的房子,负债累累,就回到农村去生活。 希望这篇文章能使对农村曾经有偏见、甚至现在还在有偏见的人的思想能有所改观。

Urban Life or Rural Life 城市生活与农村生活

Urban Life or Rural Life Urban life or rural life, which one is better, it’s really hard to say. Different people can make different choice, for both of them have their own advantages and shortcomings. Many families and individuals find themselves, at least at some point, questioning the advantages of rural versus urban life. Quality of life is one of the central issues to consider in any comparison between rural versus urban living. While a case can be made for either location as being the best place to live, it is worthwhile to consider how these two options, rural versus urban, are similar and different. So some people like living in the city because city life has many advantages. They think there are more job opportunities in cities, life there is more colorful and meaningful than that in the country, and there are more modern conveniences in cities for people to enjoy. But some people prefer to live in the countryside. They say life in the countryside is closer to nature and better for their health, life there is quieter and that country people are more honest than city people. Important factors such as the capacity to make general choices, diversity, health, and employment concerns all influence both sides of the comparison and although each both rural and urban living offer great benefits, they both have a seemingly equal number of drawbacks. Rural and urban areas are generally similar in terms of human interaction but differ most widely when diversity and choice are issues. Nowadays, cities are becoming larger and larger. The pace of modern urban life is becoming faster and faster. It’s no doubt that urban life has many advantages. There are a number of positive as well as negative factors that contribute the overall quality of life in urban centers and if there is any general statement to be made about urban living, it is that there is a great deal of diversity and choice. In urban areas, there are many more choices people can make about a number of aspects of their daily lives. There are so many goods t o satisfy people’s material needs. In the city many supermarkets in which large numbers of merchandises are arranged can be shopped, and, for business profits in such competitive circumstance, merchandisers of these supermarkets invariably use their skill and put discount policies to attract consumer's attention. For instance, in urban areas, one is more likely to be able to find many different types of food and this could lead to overall greater health since there could be a greater diversity in diet. Cities provide a great deal of conveniences to citizen. So, more and more people have been attracted into cities, crowded in the limited space and area, which resulted in traffic jam, polluted air, and furious competitions. You must pay large sums of money for your clothes, food, housing, children’s education, entertainment and etc. In addition, those in urban areas enjoy the opportunity to take in any number of cultural or social events as they have a large list to choose from. There are abundant entertainment’s places to answer people’s spiritual needs. There are a lot of theaters, cinemas, parks, pop bars, and KTV in recently years, is popular with young people. As a result they have the opportunity to be more cultured and are more likely to encounter those from other class, cultural, and ethnic groups. Parents have a number of choices available for the education of their children and can often select from a long list of both public and private school districts, which leads to the potential for better education. Apart from that, There are better school for children to study in, better hospital with advanced equipment and professional doctors, convenient shopping centers to buy goods, various kinds of entertainment to relax, effective transportation and traffic system, accesses to abundant information to know what’s going on in domestic or overseas. Especially for young people, they can have more opportunities to fulfill their dreams, earn more money and experience the colorful
