2020版高考英语写作基础 Unit 3 (2)讲义+练习(必修1,含解析)

2020版高考英语写作基础 Unit 3 (2)讲义+练习(必修1,含解析)
2020版高考英语写作基础 Unit 3 (2)讲义+练习(必修1,含解析)

Unit 3



1. stubborn adj. 顽固的,固执的;顽强的或有决心的;坚持的;棘手的 比较级: stubborner 最高级: stubbornest

【派生词】stubbornly adv. 倔强地,顽强地,顽固地

【派生词】stubbornness noun [U] 倔强,顽强;牛性;牛脾气;犟劲

2. organize

v. 组织;安排;规划;建立组织

【派生词】organizer-iser n.组织者,编制者,发起人;[生]形成体;〈口〉公文柜,(分类记事 的)备忘记事簿;[计]整理器 【派生词】organization n. 组织;机构;团体; 【派生词】organizational adj. 组织的;编制的

3. determine

vt.& vi.(使)下决心,(使)做出决定(~ on sth/to do sth 决定,决心(做某事) ) vt. 决定,确定;判定,判决;使决定;限定 vi. [主用于法律]了结,终止,结束

【派生词】determination n. 决心;决定,确定;[物]测定,计算 【派生词】determined adj. 确定的;坚定的;毅然的

v . 确定;决定;(使

(使)做出决定( determine 的过去式和过去分词);使决定 【派生词】determinedly adv. 坚决地;坚定地;断然地;决然地 4. journey (Journey to the West 西游记 ) n. 旅行,旅程行期;历程,过程 vi. 旅行,出游 vt. 在…旅行或旅行到过… 【近义词辩词】 1) journey 指经由陆路、空路或海路,从一地到另一地的旅程,如:a journey of over 2, 000 miles (2, 000 多英里的旅程)。表示旅行到某个地方用 j ourney ,这是文雅的用法:The nights became colder as they journeyed north (他们北上的过程中,夜晚变得越来越冷)。 2) voyage 通常指乘船或乘坐飞行器进行的长途旅行:the voyage to the moon in 1972(1972


3) trip 通常指短期逗留的往返旅程:a business trip to Milan (到米兰出差)。注意,trip 用作 动词时含义不同。

4)excursion 指短途的观光游览或有其他目的的短途旅行:T he tourist office organizes excursions to the palace of Knossos(旅游局组织去克诺索斯王宫观光游览)。

5) travel 泛指旅行的行为而非某次具体的旅行,用复数形式时多指到远方作长期旅

行或旅游,不强调直接目的地。例如:a record of her travels in the Far East 她


6) tour 旅游,观光。指以游乐为目的、最后返回出发地的观光游览,途中走访数个不同地点,距离可长可短。例如:He has gone on a tour to Europe.他到欧洲旅游去了。5. mind 短语

1) bear/keep sb./sth. in mind; bear/keep in mind that…



to remember sb./sth.; to remember or consider that…

2) be/go out of your mind



to be unable to think or behave in a normal way; to become crazy


(informal) You're lending them money? You must be out of your tiny mind!


3)have it in mind to do sth.


(formal) 打算做

某事to intend

to do sth.

4)have a mind of your own



to have your own opinion.Make your own decisions without being influenced by other people


She has a mind of her own and isn't afraid to say what she thinks.


(humorous) My computer seems to have a mind of its own!


5)lose your mind



to become mentally ill

6)make up your mind/make your mind up



心to decide



They're both beautiful─I can't make up my mind.


You'll never persuade him to stay─his mind's made up (= he has definitely decided to go) .


Come on─it's make your mind up time !


7)put/get sth. out of your mind



to stop thinking about sb/sth; to deliberately forget sb/sth


I just can't get her out of my mind.


8)put sb in mind of sb/sth


(old-fashioned) 使某人想起

to make sb think of sb/sth; to remind sb of sb/sth

9)put/set sb's mind at ease/rest



to do or say sth. to make sb stop worrying about sth.

10)set your mind on sth.



to decide you want to achieve sth. and give this all your attention


She could have been a brilliant pianist if she'd put her mind to it.


11)blow your mind


(informal) 使某人兴奋(或吃惊)

to produce a very strong pleasant or shocking feeling


Wait till you hear this. It'll blow your mind.


12)change your/sb's mind



to change a decision or an opinion


Nothing will make me change my mind.


13) cross your mind


(of thoughts, etc. 想法等) 掠过心头;出现在脑海

to come into your mind

同义词: occur to sb.


It never crossed my mind that she might lose (= I was sure that she would win) . 我从来没想过她会失败。

14)have/keep an open mind (about/on sth.)


愿意聆听(或接受)意见;(对…)不怀成见;思想开明 to be willing to listen to or accept new ideas or suggestions

15) open your/sb's mind to sth. 【双语解释】


to become or make sb. aware of new ideas or experiences push sth. to the back of your mind



;把…丢到脑后 to try to forget about sth. unpleasant 【例句】 I tried to push the thought to the back of my mind. 我尽量把这个念头忘掉。 16) out of sight, out of mind 【双语解释】

(saying) 眼不见,心不想

used to say sb. will quickly be forgotten when they are no longer with you

17) slip your mind 【双语解释】 被遗忘

if sth. slips your mind , you forget it or forget to do it

18) stick in your mind 【双语解释】

(of a memory, an image, etc. 往事、形象等) 经久不忘;铭记在心 to be remembered for a long time 【例句】

One of his paintings in particular sticks in my mind. 他有一幅画我记得特别清楚。

6. give 短语 give away 1.赠送;捐赠





give back


give in



give off


give out





give over to/give up to


give up






give up on




1.The first and most s problem was that of reductions in the number of aircraft.

2.He kept on d running despite an injured toe.

3.I couldn't tell if his refusal to talk was simple s .

4.M ost of these specialized schools are provided by voluntary o .

5.A dvanced methods and techniques in o and managerial research, including aspects of operations research and data processing.

6.The size of the chicken pieces will d

the cooking time

7.She has j on horseback through Africa and Turkey.

8.I had obtained the authentic details about the birth of the o

.9.I've always been fond of poetry and one piece has always

s in my mind.10.It's that kind of courage and d that makes him

such a remarkable character.


1.I was going to vote for him, but I and voted

for Reagan 2.It had never that there might be a problem.

3.You could do fine in the world if you it.

4.Practically using vocabulary can help it

5.This way, nothing will during the

morning rush.6.Problems, once they are out of sight are


7.W hen you impossible, you will find the truth.

8.I n order to develop a sense of humor, one must and the

ability to deal with unpleasant events and people.

9.I f you are flexible, you can , your plans and the direction of your


10..I am sure you will succeed in whatever you doing.

11..Our family doctor when he told her he felt I would not have

any major medical concerns.

12.N ow I'm going to a woman always knows what you're

thinking.13.Have you where to go for your honeymoon?

14.We must these lessons paid for with blood.

1.H is teachers seem to have on him.

2.T he Chinese people will never the

disaster. 3.After a week on the run he to

the police.

4.H e most of his money to charity.

5.A fter a month their food supplies . They need to figured out a

way to cope with the problem.

6.W e all fell in love with Mr. White’ garden , where the flowers a

fragrant perfume.

7.W e'd hope of ever winning the competition.

8.I t was supposed to be a surprise but the children gave the game

.9.My family insisted that I should not , but stay and


10.All children in our class was educated to their seats to

people in need.11.He often came to check their studies and new assignments.



1.His face was set in .(固执坚定的表情)

2.His ( 始终不愿接


新事物)eventually wore out the patience of his superiors

3.H e (固执地拒绝)to tell her how he had come to be in such a state.

4.I finally (放弃了我的固执)and visited unexpectedly.

5.Never let your persistence and passion

( 变成固执和无知).

6.We'll (组织一些学生参加)the basketball

team.7.Tom (具有组织的能力), coordinate and

supervise staff.

8.I’d like to let you know that (你是一个天生的组


9.I am aware that (该书的编排


10..I have gone through the training of team spirit, and I have


11. (她的幽默言谈和坚定决心)were a source of inspiration to others.

12.T his time was unshakable. (他是铁了心要走)

13.T he exact quantity cannot (目前尚不能确定).

14.(他们决意回到) the land of their

forefathers.15.If the love becomes to the bitter wine, (就毅然地放下执着).

16.My films ( 试图描述一个自我发现的心灵之旅), both for myself and the watcher.

17.She reached Karachi on Monday evening, (这段行程耗

时)three days and nine hours




















stubborn;determinedly; stubbornness; organizations; organizational;

determine; journeyed;organization; stuck; determination


1.changed my mind; crossed his mind; put your mind to; stick in your mind; slip your mind; out of mind; open your mind to; have an open mind; change your mind;

set your mind on; put her mind at ease; blow your mind; made up your minds; bear

in mind

2.given up; give in to; gave himself up; gave away; gave out; gave off; given up; away; give in;give up; give out



1.H is face was set in an expression of stubborn determination.


2.H is stubborn resistance to anything new eventually wore out the patience of his superiors


3.H e stubbornly refused to tell her how he had come to be in such a state.


4.I finally gave up my stubbornness and visited unexpectedly.


5.N ever let your persistence and passion turn into stubbornness and ignorance. 永远不要让你的坚持和激情变成固执和无知。

6.W e'll organize some students into the basketball team.


7.A bility to organize, coordinate and supervise staff.


8.I’d like to let you know that you were a natural born organizer.


9.I am aware that the organization of the book leaves something to be improved. 我知道该书的编排还有待改进。

10..I have gone through the training of team spirit, and I have a certain organizational manageme-nt capabilities.


11.H er humour and determination were a source of inspiration to others.


12.T his time his determination to leave was unshakable.


13.T he exact quantity cannot be determined at present.


14.T hey were determined to go back to the land of their forefathers.


15..If the love becomes to the bitter wine, and put down determinedly.


16.M y films try to describe a journey of discovery, both for myself and the watcher. 我的电影试图为我自己也为观众描述一个自我发现的心灵之旅。

17..She reached Karachi on Monday evening, the journey having occupied three days and nine hours



1.I cannot cope with that boy; he is stubborn.


2.S he stubbornly refused to pay.


3.U nemployment remains stubbornly high.


4.I love your courage and your stubbornness.


5.W e ought to organize more social events


6.H e has the ability to organize.


7.I think it's time to organize.


8.T he police gained a great deal of useful information about the organization. 警方收集到了大量关于该组织的有用信息。

9.I have good managerial skills and organizational capabilities.


10.M y aim was first of all to determine what I should do next.


11.W hat counts is determination and confidence.


12.W e are determined to get the work done before New Year's Day. 我们定下决心,要在元旦前完成这项工作。

13.H e is a very determined and strong-willed person.


14.T o move ahead determinedly with your plans.


15.T he journey leaves a favourable impression.


16..Our traveller's behaviour on the journey is hard to explain 我们的旅客一路上的行为让人很难解释。


一.英译汉(Unit4 Wildlife protection) 1. protect vt. _________________ n. 2. important adj. ____________________ n. 3. affect vt. ____________________ n. 4. distant adj. ____________________ n. 5. laughter n. _________________v. 6. powerful adj. _____________________ n 7. contain vt. ____________________ n. 8. succeed vi. _________________ n. _________________ a dj. 9. employ vt. _________________ n. ________________ n. (雇员) ________________ n. (雇主) 10. loss n. _________________ v. _________________ 二.单词填空 1. By 1881, the population of Ireland had ______________________ (减少) to 5.2 million. 2. China is getting more and more ________________ (强大) in the world. 3. It is not allowed to _________________________(打猎) wild animals in this area. 4. The climate __________________ (影响) the amount of the rainfall last year. 5. A tiger is a very _________________(凶猛的) kind of animal. However, it won’ t attack you if you don’t. 6. People say that barking dogs don’t b________________ . 7. I'd a_____________________ it if you let me get on with my job. 8. Fresh fruit and vegetables c________________ plentiful Vitamin C. 9.Very few people s___________________ in losing weight and keeping it off. 10.It wouldn't do you any h___________________ to get some experience first. 11.He showed no m_________________ to his enemies. 12.Your mistake resulted in heavy l_______________. 13.Dave didn't r________________(回应)to any of her emails, which made her angry. 14.It is a rule that our baggage should be i_________ by customs officers(海关 人员). 15.I am busy, so I have to e______________ a housekeeper to look after my children. 三.选择词组填空 die out according to in peace in danger so that succeed in do harm to burst into laughter protect…from pay attention to e into being in relief 1. The new country ______________________ only two years ago. 2. _____________________ the teacher, He fell far behind other students as a result of laziness. 3. The government i s doing its best to ______________ those rare animals ________ being hunted. 4. I had warned him of the possible danger, but he didn’t ___________________ it. 5. Elephants would ___________ if men are allowed to shoot as many as they wished. 6. Children’s lives are ________________ every time they cross the road. 7. The two munities live together _________________. 8. Hearing the funny story, all of us _______________________. 9. Why don't you start out early ________________ you don't have to hurry? 10. No one was hurt, and we all smiled _______________. 四.单项选择 1. Much _______ by the story of Cong Fei, I also determined to be a volunteer worker. A. affected B. appreciated C. admired D. effected


人教版高中英语必修三测试题及答案本试卷分第Ⅰ卷和第Ⅱ卷两部分。卷Ⅰ第 ) 分30共两节,满分(听力第一部分第一节) 分7.5分,满分1.5小题;每小题5共(C、B、A段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的5听下面三个选秒钟的10你都有听完每段对话后,并标在试卷的相应位置。项中选出最佳选项,时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 What can be inferred? .1 The man is expecting the telephone. .A The man doesn't usually get calls at this time. .B The man doesn't believe the woman. .C Why does the woman call Henry a dreamer? .2 He has too many dreams. .A He likes to sleep. .B He doesn't put his idea into practice. .C How does the woman feel about the final exam? .3 Confident. .B so.-Just so.A Disappointed. .C What does the woman offer to do for the man? .4 Give him a map. .A Give him a ride. .B Show him another route. .C What is the man going to do? .5 Talk to more soldiers. .A Organize the information. .B Collect more information. .C ) 分22.5分,满分1.5


必修3第3单元检测题 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分) ◆第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 21. I dropped my keys in the grass, but luckily Kate _______ them. A. sought B. spotted C. removed D. gathered 22. I have no _____ with people who are always complaining of their misfortunes. A. devotion B. belief C. patience D. balance 23. I don’t think it’s my ______ that the bottle blew up. I just filled it with w ater. A. account B. adventure C. issue D. fault 24. I’m writing to ask ______ you can do me a favor. A. that B. what C. where D. whether 25. She came from town _____ to see her cousin, knowing he would be leaving that day. A. on purpose B. by accident C. with care D. without accident 26. _______ you make a mistake during a speech, it doesn’t really matter. A. As for B. But for C. Even if D. As if 27. They worked together again last week. Until then, they _______ for nearly two years. A. would have met B. hadn’t met C. haven’t met D. should have met 28. The doctor will not permit him _____ until his foot is better. A. walk B. to walk C. walking D. walked 29. If children are allowed to choose ________ they eat, they usually will go for sweet food. A. what B. that C. which D. whether 30. To the farmers’delight, the good harvest _____ a great increase in their earnings. A. brought down B. brought up C. brought about D. brought forward 31. Jack won the game, _____ excited his parents very much. A. what B. it C. that D. which 32. I like the house very much. The Christmas lights give it a festive _______. A. view B. appearance C. passage D. character 33. Tom ________ be playing basketball. I saw him in the classroom two minutes ago. A. needn’t B. can’t C. mustn’t D. shouldn’t 34. He got good grades at school, _____ in math and English. A. luckily B. hardly C. simply D. especially 35. —I’m sorry. I’ve left your MP4 player in my bedroom. —______. I won’t use it today. A. Go ahead B. Don’t worry C. That’s right D. Don’t mention it ◆第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) Once upon a time, a Japanese man wanted to rebuild his house. First he had to tear the walls open. Japanese houses 36 have hollow(空的)spaces between the wooden walls. As he was 37 them down, he found a lizard(蜥

新版人教版高中英语词汇表必修二 Unit4

词汇表必修二Unit4 1. Confucius n. 孔子 2. mansion n. 公馆;宅第 3. cemetery n. 墓地;公墓 4. philosophy n. 哲学 5. descendant n. 后裔;后代;子孙 6. individual adj. 单独的;个别的n.个人 7. heel n. 足跟;(脚、袜子、鞋等的)后跟 8. Achilles’heel(喻)(希腊神话)阿喀琉斯的脚跟,致命的弱点 9. kingdom n. 王国;领域 10. chief adj. 最重要的;最高级别的n.(公司或机构的)首领;遒长 11. puzzle n.谜;智力游戏;疑问vt.迷惑;使困惑 12. nearby adj. 附近的;邻近的adv.在附近 13. loin…to…. 把…和…连接或联结起来 14. break away (from sb/sth)脱离;背叛;逃脱 15. belong vi. 应在(某处);适应 16. belong to 属于 17. as well as 同(一样也);和;还 18. currency n. 通货;货币 19. military adj. 军事的;军用的 20. defence n. 防御;保卫

21. legal adj. 法律的;合法的 22. surround vt. 围绕;包围 23. evidence n. 证据;证明 24. achievement n. 成就;成绩;达到 25. location n. 地方;地点;位置 26. conquer vt. 占领;征服;控制 27. battle n. 战役;搏斗vi.&vt.博斗;奋斗 28. port n. 港口(域市) 29. fascinating adj. 极有吸引力的;迷人的 30. keep your eyes open(for)留心;留意 31. charge n. 收费;指控;主管vt.收费;控告;充电 32. announce vt. 宣布;通知:声称 33. amount n. 金额;数量 34. gallery n. (艺术作品的)展览馆;画廊 35. approach n. 方法;途径;接近vt.接近;接;着手处理vi.靠近 36. ensure n. 保证;确保;担保 37. landscape n. (陆上,尤指乡树的)风景 38. generous adj. 慷慨的;大方的;丰富的 39. butter n. 黄油;奶油vt.涂黄油于 40. honey n. 蜂蜜 41. ancestor n.祖宗;祖先


Unit5Music SectionⅠWarmingUp,Pre-reading, Reading&Comprehending 课后篇巩固探究 一、用方框内所给短语的适当形式填空 1.When I was a little boy,I always becoming a famous writer in the future. 答案:dreamed of 2.People too much importance examination results. 答案:attach;to 3.The customer asked whether there was a discount if he paid . 答案:in cash 4.We dare not our teacher,because she is serious. 答案:play jokes on 5.Most people in this city by working in the car factory. 答案:earn their living 6.As is announced,the famous singer will come here to . 答案:put on performances 7.He suggests that we ask someone who is this kind of machine to repair it.

答案:familiar with 8.In order to fish,Jim started to the ice on the frozen lake. 答案:break up 9.,I don’t think I was helpful in your work. 答案:To be honest 10.The widow (寡妇) a little money that her husband left for a living.答案:relies on 二、单句语法填空 1.Mary and John were good friends,but then they had a quarrel and broke. 答案:up 2.He stayed in Shanghai for ten days or . 答案:so 3.Don’t rely going abroad for our holiday—we may not be able to afford it. 答案:on 4.If they would not like to accept the check,we must pay cash. 答案:in 5.He stood there and saw a lot of (passer-by). 答案:passers-by 6.We attach importance education and encourage constant learning and thinking.答案:to 7.He is always (dream) of becoming an actor. 答案:dreaming 8.After the earthquake,a lot of large stones (roll) down from the mountain.


最新高中英语必修三测试题全套及答案 (人教新课标) Unit 1 单元测试题 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 A Walk into the California home of Anne Belles and her husband, Jim Silcock, and you?ll see kids everywhere playing video games, doing homework, and getting ready for dinner. There are 30 boys in this house and Anne Belles is their mom. Belles has wanted to help children since she was a kid. “I was intrigued by the movie Oliver! in the 1960s, a musical based on the Charles Dickens novel Oliver Twist. I told my mom, …That?s what I want to do. …” Anne?s boys are from 3 to 25 years old. All of them are challenged in some way. “They each have special needs — physically, mentally (精神上), or at school,” says Belles. Every day, a small army of childcare workers, nurses, and volunteers comes in to help cook and clean, wash 30 loads of laundry a day, and take care of health needs. To find out how much such a large family costs, we followed Jim Silcock to the grocery store. He spent $880 on food for one week. Every month they spend $2,000 to run five cars, $15,000 for the fourteen paid helpers, and more than $10,000 on medical costs. The family receives $26,000 a month from the state government, and makes some money from a family business. All the money is spent on the children; having new clothes and fancy cars isn?t important to Belles. How do the kids feel? 17-year-old Anthony says, “The family is there whenever I need something ... I feel like I am loved.” “Everything I?m doing now is what I wanted to happen in my life,” says Anne Belles. “So, no regrets; this is perfect. I couldn?t ask for it to be better — maybe a bigger house, you know, would be nice.” 21. The underlined word “intrigued” in the first paragraph means “_____”. A. fooled B. attracted C. frightened D. disappointed 22. The boys Anne has raised _____. A. are all ready to accept a challenge B. all like Oliver Twist C. all have disabilities


Unit 2 Healthy eating 第Ⅰ卷 第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 A Sundays, I walk to the supermarket. Mother hands me the grocery list and puts money in my pocket, hoping it will be enough. She's had a hard day, and I've had a hard week. Nothing out of the ordinary happens when I get to the store. I grab the bread, some milk, and other things on the list. As I turn to head out, I see a beautiful dress in the window. I turn away, bitter that I could never own such a dress. Outside, I cannot stop thinking about that pretty dress. It's not fair that I can never have what I want. I work so hard to help my family and yet I get nothing in return, just another list to do. In my anger, I fail to realize the apples are rolling across the road. Suddenly, I see a pair of hands, offering me an apple. Looking up, I see the tanned (晒黑的) face of this stranger. His clothes are mismatched, borrowed or stolen. But his eyes are soft and kind. “Thanks,” I say. No other words are spok en as he continues to help me. I tell him “thank you” one more time and am on my way because I have many other things to finish. Suddenly, he says, “Have a good day, ma'am.” And then he gives me the biggest smile I have ever seen. Right then, he looks years younger — and I feel a fool.

高中英语必修二unit5 music说课稿

高中英语必修二unit5 music说课稿

高中英语必修二unit5 music说课稿 各位老师:大家好! 作为一名新课标下的英语老师,让学生愉快地、充满自信地走进我的英语课堂,是我最大的愿望,让学生在我的英语课堂上享受快乐和成功是我孜孜以求的。多年来,我为实现自己的梦想和追求不懈地努力着。今天,借此平台,希望各位老师指导我的说课,是我更加自信的完成老师的使命。 一、说教材内容和学情 我说课的内容选自人教版普通高中课程标准实验教科书英语必修二第五单元。本单元的话题是Music,它是中学生日常生活中比较感兴趣的话题之一。它中心话题是“音乐”和“音乐类型”,单元的各项活动的设计都是围绕着以音乐类型和不同音乐对人的影响展开的。而对于音乐和音乐家,这种学生感兴趣的话题、与切身相关的情节,很容易就会引起学生们的极大兴趣,因此他们学习的参与性和积极性也会较高。在引导学生阅读前,让学生对不同种类的音乐的英文说法加以熟悉和理解,开阔的学生的视野。而在阅读后,结合现在学生中普遍存在的“选秀热”这一热点问题,引发学生的反思。 我的教学对象是高一学生。高中生思想逐渐成熟,对美的追求和对成功的渴望也越来越强烈,因此课堂中除了关注语言知识学习和语言技能训练外,更应该注重其内心的理解和个人对事物的看法。 二、三维教学目标 根据《新课程标准》关于总目标的具体描述,结合高一学生实际,我把教学目标设定为以下几个方面: (一)知识目标和能力目标 学习一些相关的单词、短语和句式,特别是关于音乐种类的词汇和表达对音乐感受的词。比如:动词prefer,feel,enjoy,appreciate,find.calm,形容词 relaxed,sleepy,cheerful,energetic,lively。能用英语表达建议、偏好和爱好。 学生熟悉掌握不同的音乐类型。学会灵活运用课文中的句式,自如的表达自己对音乐的理解和感受,并且从更深一层上去把握不同音乐所表达的不同意义。 (二)情感态度 1.熟悉各种音乐形式,了解音乐在人们生活中的重要性,提高音乐修养 2.从谈论“音乐人的成功”入手使学生了解到做什么事都需要付出艰辛的努力。所谓“台上一分钟,台下十年功”,深化学生的德育教育,进一步激发学生学习的动力。 3.通过开展小组活动,指导学生积极与人合作,相互学习,相互帮助,培养其团队精神。(三)学习策略 学生在一定程度上形成自主学习,利用所教句型和所学知识积极与同学进行真实交流,提高交际策略,培养学生的英语思维表达能力。 三、说教学目标和教学重难点 这一课的重点有两点: 1.新课标要求在语言教学的同时必须能够深化学生的德育教育。因此,如何调动学生的积极性,使学生理解成功来之不易本课的重点之一。在教学过程中教师利用多媒体视频介绍音乐人经过多年的准备和磨练终于取的成功的例子启发学生思考自己的人生:要想拥有美好的人


高一英语必修三第四单元测验题 一、单项选择(26分) 1. That kind of customs still_______in many parts of China, which is not a surprise. A. appears B. exists C. lives D. lies 2. The woman’s illness_______the doctor;he couldn’t find the cause. A. surprised B. interested C. puzzled D. solved 3. She is _______her mother; she is tall while her mother is very short. A. unlike B. against C. beyond D. within 4. The food is harmful_______the customers,so it should get off the shelves. A. for B. with C. of D. to 5. These_______men were put in prison for attacking Mr. Smith and giving him a good beating. A. gentle B. violent C. helpful D. generous 6. He forgot to turn on the radio and _______missed the programme. A. even B. anyway C. thus D. instead 7. —I’m afraid I can’t pass the final maths examination. —_______. Things won’t be as bad as you think. A. Turn up B. Cheer up C. Make up D. Hurry up 8. The car came to a stop just _______ to prevent an accident. A. at times B. on time C. in no time D. in time 9.If one keeps what he wants in mind and tries to live it, he will succeed ________. A. on time B. in time C. for one time D. by the time 10. —Excuse me, can I help you sir? —Yes, can you tell me the direction ________ the thief the police are after ran? A. where B. that C. under which D. in which 11. What a strange man!He loves his wife,but ________ he often beats her. at a time B.at one time C.in time D.at the same time 12.You must think of a way ________ into the dangerous areas. A.stopping people getting B.to stop people to get C.to keep people getting D.to prevent people from getting 13.________ Mr.Smith is well again,he can go on with his work. A.Now and then B.Now that C.The other day D.Now just 14.Kate worked late in the evening to finish her report ________ her boss could read it the next morning. A.so that B.because C.before D.or else


最新外研版高中英语必修三单元测试题全套含答案 单元检测(一) 第一卷 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分) 第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 21.Beijing is the most beautiful city in China and Hong Kong is ________ safest and second most beautiful,according to ________ recent study. A.a;the B.the;/ C.a;a D.the;a 22.—What ________ do you focus on when choosing a mobile phone for personal use? —Its functions and standby time. A.marks B.signs C.symbols D.features 23.According to the art dealer,the painting ________ to go for at least a million dollars. A.is expecting B.expects C.expected D.is expected 24.Ireland lies ________ the northwest of Europe and ________ the west coast of Great Britain. A.in;off B.to;on C.in;across D.to;off 25.Da Shan,a Canadian,came to China for study in 1988 and he ________ great interest in traditional Chinese culture ever since. A.showed B.has shown C.shows D.had shown 26.The project certainly costs a big sum of money,but ________ all the citizens will benefit from it when it is completed. A.in short B.on the other hand C.as a matter of fact D.little by little 27.—What do you think of our school? —Very beautiful.However,________ with the size of the whole city,your school does not seem big at all. A.comparing B.to compare C.compared D.compare 28.Ryan’s family ________ very large and his family ________ all fond of going hiking. A.is;are B.are;is C.is;is D.are;are 29.V enice in Italy,________ a number of small islands,attracts millions of tourists every year. A.situated on B.located over C.belonging to D.lied on 30.—Why does Mary look so happy? —She,as well as her two classmates,________ to attend this year’s summer camp. A.has been invited B.was invited C.have been invited D.were invited 31.I can’t see much difference between the two notebook computers,but this brand costs ________. A.twice as many B.twice so many


必修二第四单元 I.词汇短语过关 1. respond vi.回答,答复;响应,作出反应 response n. 回答,回复;反应 respond to sb./sth回答(比answer, reply to正式) respond to sb./sth. (with/ by sth.)用. 回应某人(事) respond to (疾病、身体的受伤部分)对医药有良好反应 respo nse to sb./sth.对人/物)的回答/回复/反应 in resp onse to作为对.. 的反应 [即学即练1] (1)______________________ They still haven't my letter. 他们至今仍没有回我的信。 (2)___________ He _________________ my suggestion a laugh/ laughing. 他对我的 建议报以一笑。 (3)______________________ His illness didn't treatment by drugs. 他的疾病对药物治疗没有反应。 (4)_______________________________________ My mother opened the door the knock, but there was no one outside. 听到敲门声后,我妈妈打开了门,但外面一个人都没有。 responded to , responded to , with , by , respond to , in response to 2. certain adj. 确定的;无疑的;某(种) ⑴作“某(种)”讲时,同义于some但some前不加冠词。 for a certa in reason^ for some reas on 由于某种原因 certa in professors^ some professors 某些教授 a certain amount of time 相当一段时间 (2)作“确信的,有把握的”讲时,同义于sure.但是certain的主语既可以是人, 也可用于It is certain that...句型,而sure 主语只能是人。 “be certain/sur3从句”(人)有把握/确信(表示主语的信念) be certain/sure of/about sth. 人()确信(表示主语的信念) be certain/sure to do sth.必定/肯定会做某事(主语常为二、三人称,表示说话人的信

英语必修二unit5 课文原文+单词+音标

Unit 5 Music The band that wasn’t Have you ever wanted to be part of a band as a famous singer or musician Have you ever dreamed of playing in front of thousands of people at a concert, at which everyone is clapping and appreciating your music Do you sing karaoke and pretend you are a famous singer like Song Zuying or Liu Huan To be honest, a lot of people a ttach great importance to becoming rich and famous. But just how do people form a band Many musicians meet and form a band because they like to write and play their own music. They may start as a group of high-school students, for whom practising their music in someone’s house is the first step to fame. Sometimes they may play to passers-by in the street or subway so that they can earn some extra money for themse lves or to pay for their instruments. Later they may give performances in pubs or clubs, for which they are pa id in cash. Of course they hope to make records in a studio and sell millions of copies to become millionaires! However, there was one band that started in a different way. It was called the Monke es and began as a TV show. The musicians were to play jokes on each other a s well as play music, most of which was based loosely on the Beatles. The TV organi zers had planned to find four musicians who could act as well as sing. They put an advertisement in a newspaper looking for rock musicians, but they could only find one who was good enough. They had to use actors for the other three members of the band. As some of these actors could not sing well enough, they had to rely on other music ians to help them. So during the broadcasts they just pretended to their perfor mances were humourous enough to be copied by other groups. They were so popular that their fans formed clubs in order to get more familiar with them. Each week on TV, the Monkeeswould play and sing songs written by other ,after a year or so in which they became more serious about their work, the Monkees started to play and sing the ir own songs like a real band. Then they produced their own records and started tou ring and playing their own music. In the USA they became even more popular than the Beatles and sold even more records. The band broke up about 1970, but happily they reunited in the mi d-1980s. They produced a new record in 1996, with which they celebrated their form er time as a real band. Book 2 Unit 5 △classical /'kl?sikl/adj. 古典的;古典文艺的 roll /r?ul/ vt. & vi. 滚动;(使)摇摆n. 摇晃;卷;卷形物;面包圈 △rock’n’roll(rock-and-roll) 摇滚乐 △orchestra /'?:kistr?/ n. 管弦乐队 △rap /r?p/n. 说唱乐 folk /f?uk/ adj. 民间的 jazz /d??z/n. 爵士音乐 △choral /'k?:r?l/ adj. 唱诗班的;合唱队的 △the Monkees /m??ki:z/ 门基乐队 musician /mju:'zi?n/ n. 音乐家 dream of 梦见;梦想;设想
