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Non-finite Verbs Used as Adverbial in Writing


授课老师:陈丽璇授课班级:高二1班2015.3.30 Teaching goal: master the use of non-finite verbs used as adverbial in writing.

Teaching important point: three forms of non-finite verbs (v-ing; v-ed; to v)

Teaching difficult point: how to use non-finite verbs as adverbial to make sentences Teaching steps:

Step 1. Review: blank-filling

1. ___________(feel) tired, she went to bed early.

2. She rang up her boyfriend ________(say) sorry.

3. ___________(see) a snake, she was scared.

4. ___________(heat), water will boil.

5. The child fell, ____________ (hit) his head against the door.

Step 2. Discovery: try to rewrite the sentences (改写).

eg. ①We were touched by the teacher's words.

②We decided to work hard.

Combination (合并): Touched by the teacher’s words, we decided to work hard..

1) ①We sat around the table.

②He sang songs together.


2) ①He didn’t know what to do.

②He turned to his teacher.


3) ①He worked hard.

②He earned more money.


4) ①________________________________________________________


Combination: The workers had to work from dawn till night to complete the project. Discovery: how to rewrite simple sentences using non-finite verbs.

(选填:to do, doing, done, 主句,从句)

I. 找简单句之间的关系,定________(主句/从句)。

II. 找动词与逻辑主语的关系,改________(主句/从句)。

(________表主动, ________表被动, ________表目的、固定搭配)


Step 3. Practice: rewrite or combine. (尽量用非谓语)

1)Mother went to work in a hurry and she didn't have breakfast. She was as busy as a bee these

days and came back home very late.

______________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 2) There are still lots of people. They have no houses to live in. Even if you have bought an

apartment(套房), I'm afraid you have to pay off the money you borrow from the bank(还清银行贷款). You will work hard day and night all your life.

______________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________

Step 4. Extension: combine the sentences into five ones using non-finite verbs.




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