专题11 并列连词及并列句考点分析-2019年中考英语复习必考点全突破(天津专版)(原卷版)

专题11 并列连词及并列句考点分析-2019年中考英语复习必考点全突破(天津专版)(原卷版)
专题11 并列连词及并列句考点分析-2019年中考英语复习必考点全突破(天津专版)(原卷版)

专题11 并列连词及并列句考点分析




1. 表示平行或承接关系的并列连词

(and ; both……and……; not only……but also……; neither……nor……; not just……but……)

2. 表示转折关系的并列连词

(but ; ye ; while)重点考察(or否则代表的转折)

3. 表示选择关系的并列连词

(or ; either……or……;not……but……)

4. 表示因果关系的并列连词(so)

5. 高频率考点:and 和or区分选择(带*标记的为低频率考点):

1)祈使句+and +一般将来时的简单句= (祈使句+or+一般将来时简单句“此时or为否则意思)例如:Study hard, you will get good grades. = Study hard, or you won’t get good grades.


例如:Tom has a brother and a sister. --- Tom doesn’t have a brother or a sister.

3)在否定单词前面连接并列两个主语用(and);在否定单词之后连接并列成分用(or)例如:Tom and his parents don’t live with his grandparents.

Tom can’t play basketball or play football.


例如:Tom has no brothers and no sisters.


例如:Animals can’t live without water and air.

I can finish the hard work without any help or money.



1. 连接结构连接两个名词作主语与句中谓语动词形式的对应选择:




适用于Not only……but also…… ; Either……or…… ; Neither……nor…… ; Not……but……连接结构B:谓语动词形式的“就远原则”:指谓语动词形式是由距离动词最远处的名词单复数形式来决定。

适用于介词连接结构:……as well as…… ; ……with…… ; ……besides…… ; ……except……



2. 不能两个同时在一个句子中使用,表示前后两句关系的连词有:



1. I have _____________ time ______________ money, so I can’t go travelling with you.

A. or ; or

B. either ; or

C. neither ; nor

D. both ; and

2. ____________ Monday ________________ Tuesday is OK, I will be free then.

A. Either ; or

B. Neither ; Nor

C. So ; that

D. Both ; and

3. Call a taxi, ________________ you will miss the train.

A. or

B. though

C. because

D. and

4. We must do something to protect the earth, ___________we will lose our home.

A. or

B. and

C. so

D. but

5. ___________ Tom _____________ Mary speaks good Chinese, so they can communicate with these Chinese students very well.

A. Neither; nor

B. Not only; but also

C. Both; and

D. Either; or

6. ______ they may not succeed, ______ they will try their best.

A. When, /

B. Though, /

C. Though, but

D. Because, /

7. The girl felt very tired, _____ she still continued hiking up the mountain.

A. although

B. and

C. but

D. so

8. (2017天津) When you get into trouble, will you keep trying __________ give up?

A. or

B. and

C. but

D. so

9. (2014天津) ---What do you think of the dress?

---It’s beautiful, and it fits me well. ___________ I like it very much.

A. Or

B. But

C. And

D. But


初中英语并列连词用法大集合,基础必考,超实用(建议收藏) 连词是一种虚词,它不能独立担当句子成分而只起连接词与词,短语与短语以及句与句的作用。连词主要可分为两类:并列连词和从属连词。并列连词用来连接平行的词,词组或分句;从属连词主要用来连接从句,即名词性从句,状语从句和定语从句。今天,我们主要讲解的是并列连词的基本用法。 初中英语并列连词用法大集合 (1) and与or and表示顺承,or表示选择时意为“或”,表示解释时意为“即”,在祈使句中意为“否则” I can speak English and Janpanese.

我会说英语和日语。 Which would you like? Tea or coffee? 您要哪一种?你要茶还是咖啡呢? Hurry up, or we’ll be late. 快点儿,否则我们就要迟到了。 注意:and可以和祈使句或名词词组连用表示条件(or也有此用法),如:Make up your mind, and you’ll get the chance.= If you make up your mind,you’ll get the chance. 如果你下定决心,你会有机会的。 (2)both…and… They can both read English and speak it well. 他们既能读英语又能说得很好。 She plays both the piano and the guitar. 她既弹钢琴又弹吉他。 (3)not only….but also….与as well as She plays not only the piano, but also the guitar. 她不仅弹钢琴,而且弹吉他。


7连词及其考点 连词是连接单词,短语或句子的虚词。它通常会在单项选择题,完形填空、看图短文二、填空或阅读理解等题中出现,写作文时连词更不可少。从属连词和并列连词的运用是重点考查对象,近三年考查内容主要集中在连词的用法及区别方面。请大家用12分钟的时间先检测一下自己吧(共20小题,每小题5分,共100分) 自我检测 ( ) 1. _____you have any trouble, you can call me. A. And B. Or C. If D. Because ( ) 2. Because it was very cold, _____he put on a coat before he went out. A. so B. / C. and D. Though ( ) 3. I’m afraid I can't go to the party tomorrow. -_____you tell me you would. What has happened? A. And B. So C . Or D. But ( ) 4. _____he doesn’t have much money, he has a lot of friends. A. Though B. But C. When D. And ( ) 5. –Dad, physics is boring for me. -My dear, work hard, _____you ‘ll find it interesting. A. or B. and C. but D. unless ( ) 6. Hurry up._____ you ‘ll be late for school again. A. and B. so C. or D. but ( ) 7. I’m not sure_____ my father will come back home tomorrow or not. A. if B. what C. whether D. where ( ) 8. I shall go there_____ it rains tomorrow. A. if B. unless C. otherwise D. whether ( ) 9. –When are you going to tell the bad news to Christen? - _____she comes back. A. Unless B. As soon as C. Since D. If ( ) 10. Mr. Liu was taking a bath _____the UFO landed on the street. A. where B. while C. when D. before ( ) 11. The party didn’t start _____all the guests arrived. A. when B. while C. until D. after ( ) 12. I play soccer after school everyday. _____does Tina. A. And B. But C. So D. Neither ( ) 13. The little boy can’t read. _____ his sister. A. Either can B. Neither can C. So does D. Neither does ( ) 14. She is _____careful that she always looks over her work to make sure there’s no mistakes.. A. so B. since C. too D. very ( ) 15. You look much thinner _____she is. A. as B. so C. and D. than ( ) 16. She is looking at me _____she knew me. But I’ve never seen her before in my life..


一、选择题 1.I like fruit _________ I don't eat too much. A.and B.but C.because 2.Mike does his homework and __________ to play football after school every day. A.goes B.go C.to go D.went 3.I think English is difficult __________ interesting. I like it. A.but B.or C.so D.and 4.Don't run so fast, ____________you might fall over. A.or B.and C.unless 5.I don't want to buy the jeans because__________ the colour_________the size fits me. A.both,and B.neither,nor C.either,or D.not only,but also 6.It's raining hard outside, _______ we have to watch TV at home. A.so B.but C.because D.if 7.I like sports, I don't play them. A.because B.so C.and D.but 8.—Will you go to Nanjing by bus _____ by plane? —By plane. It is expensive ______ fast. A.or; but B.or; and C.and; but D.and; and 9.---I haven’t read your diary. ---You’re lying. , how do you know what I said about Amy? A.However B.Otherwise C.Moreover D.Instead 10.I like math______ I don't like P.E. A.and B.but C.because 11.The shop isn't open, she can’t buy her favourite chocolate. A.so B.or C.but 12.—Can you play soccer? —No, I can't.________I can play basketball. A.But B.Because C.So 13.—What happened just now? —A car hit an old man at the crossing. He was hurt, not too bad. A.and B.or C.so D.but 14.I have only two tickets, so _____ you _____ your sister can go with me tonight. A.both, and B.neither, nor C.either, or D.not only, but also 15.—What do you usually do in the evening? —Well,I either watch TV ________ play games with my brother. A.and B.but C.or


专题18 连词成句 解读考点 连词成句 为了更好的帮助学生用英语进行交流,在英语中出现了种题型叫作“连词成句”,这种题型很好的测试了学生对语言运用的掌握。这跟语文中的连词成句有着异曲同工之妙。连词成句时注意看清标点符号。 直击考点 连词成句时注意: 一、看清标点符号。 ㈠如果是句号,则是陈述语句。 如果题目中给的是句号的要用一般陈述语气,也就是说它是陈述句。 陈述句的基本结构就是主语+谓语+宾语而构成的。 例如:have a chocolate of bar i (.) 这样的题目给我们的标点符号是句号(.),很显然这是一个陈述句。那么,第一步是找到主语。经过认真的读题目,我们不难发现这句话的主语是i(我)。 第二步就是找谓语动词(谓语动词有be动词和实意动词等)。题目中唯一的动词就是第一个单词have(有/拥有)。那么这句话就应该是“ i have … ”(我有…)。还

剩下四个单词,仔细读一下就知道是一个固定结构“a bar of chocolate”,所以这句话就应该是“i have a bar of chocolate.”(我有一块巧克力。)。像这样的题目比较多。希望同学们能够很好的掌握这种题目的做法。 ㈡如果是问号,则是疑问语句。 就要先看是特殊疑问句还是由情态动词引导的疑问句。 ①如果有where 、 what、 how等疑问词,那么它就是特殊疑问句,就要把疑问词where 、what、 how 等放在一句话的最前面,它后面紧接的是be动词也就是我们学习过的am、is、 are三个单词。 例如:题目是“it is what ()”.首先看见它的标点符号是问号(),所以断定是疑问句,而且经过我们的继续观察我们发现还有一个特殊疑问词“what”,所以就知道这是一句特殊疑问句,故将what放在句子的最前面,然后,我们知道特殊疑问词在疑问句中它们的后面应该要有be动词(am is are),而通过观察我们不难发现句子中有一个be动词(is),所以很快我们就知道这句话应该是“what is it ”; ②如果题目中有can、 may、shall、would等情态动词,那么它就是由情态动词引导的疑问句。例如:“have i a may new bike ()” 。这道题目中有一个情态动词may,很显然这就是由情态动词may引导的疑问句。那么我们就要把may放在句子的最前面,后面紧接的就是这句话的主语(主语往往是人或者物)。很快我们就能写出这句话的前半部分“may i have …”很显然,还剩下的几个单词可以构成一个词组“a new bike”,那么将整句话连起来就是“may i have a new bike ”(我可以拥有一个新的自行车吗)。同样其他的句子,例如由can 、would、shall等情态动词引导的句子也是这样的方法


一、选择题 1.My grandfather is 85 years old. he's in excellent condition. A.Or B.And C.As D.So 2.__________ Amy likes to go to the cinema, but she doesn’t like to see horror films. A.Since B.As C.Though D.不填 3.I think English is difficult __________ interesting. I like it. A.but B.or C.so D.and 4.Don't came in ____________ you are called. A.after B.until C.since 5.I don't want to buy the jeans because__________ the colour_________the size fits me. A.both,and B.neither,nor C.either,or D.not only,but also 6.Everyone knows fire is very useful in our daily life, it is also dangerous. A.so B.or C.because D.but 7.My brother will get up early tomorrow morning ___________ he must go to bed now. A.and B.but C.so D.or 8.I like sports, I don't play them. A.because B.so C.and D.but 9.—Will you go to Nanjing by bus _____ by plane? —By plane. It is expensive ______ fast. A.or; but B.or; and C.and; but D.and; and 10.We just need one of you for the game. you your brother can join us. A.Both; and B.Either; or C.Not only; but also D.Neither; nor 11.I quite like noodles_________ my cousin doesn't. A.or B.so C.and D.but 12.Because Jim sits ________ me, ________I can’t see the blackboard well. A.in front of; so B.in front of; / C.in the front of; so D.in the front of; / 13.I’d like to go with you, _____________I’m too busy. A.or B.and C.so D.but 14.My sister _______ I are tidy, _______my brother isn’t. A.and; but B.and; and C.but; but D.but;and 15.The girl is good at________ singing________ dancing, so she was chosen to perform at the Spring Festival Gala. A.not only; but also B.either; or C.neither; nor D.between; and 16.I enjoy adventure films, but ______ my father ______ my mother likes it. A.neither...nor B.not only...but also C.either...or D.both...and


【英语】中考考点_连词知识点汇总(全)1 一、初中英语连词 1.__________ the teacher came in, the students stopped reading at once. A. When B. While C. Before D. / 【答案】 A 2.Tom won't play computer games __________ he finishes his homework. A. if B. so that C. unless D. although 【答案】 C 3.Cathy is afraid of the dog. She will run away ____she sees it. A. ever since B. although C. as soon as D. so that 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:凯西害怕狗。她以看见狗就逃走。A.自从;B.虽然、即使;C.一……就;D.以便。这是一个主从复合句,挖空处后引导一个时间状语从句,连词用as soon as,一……就,故答案选C。 【点评】考查连词辨析。注意选项的意思和用法。 4.The environment will be much worse ______everyone has a sense of protecting it. A. unless B. if C. so that 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:除非每个人有保护环境的意识,否则环境将会更糟糕。A除非……否则;B如果;C为了。除非有环保意识,否则环境将变得更糟,本句是unless引导的条件状语从句,故答案选A。 【点评】考查连词辨析,首先识记连词词义,然后根据词义和句意确定。 5.Bill, stop smoking, you'll get better soon. A. but B. after C. or D. and 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:比尔,不要抽烟,那么你很快好起来。A.但是;B.在……之后;C.或者,否则;D.和。该句是祈使句,且句子前后是并列顺承关系,因此用and,故答案选D。 【点评】考查连词辨析。注意句子涉及到祈使句,and/or+陈述句的用法。 6.Tony has learned a lot about Chinese culture ______________ he came to China. A. before B. since C. until D. when


中考英语连词成句专 项练习

中考英语连词成句专项练习 1.when,first,the baby,was,I,she,saw,10,days old, panda ,only . 2. At four months, she,about,started,home,time,10 kilograms,and to go her for the outside weighed first. 3. At the very beginning, hours,Xi Wang,14for,her,mother’s, drank,up to,milk,a ,day. 4.Sadly,is,it,giant,pandas,to,in,difficult,for,survive, the,wild. 5.It,is,to,world,learn,necessary,for,around,something, use,about,the us. 6. It ,is ,without ,for,you,to ,get ,success,impossible , working ,hard.

7. Mothers,baby,whole,their,own,pandas,for,leave , two,days,on often. 8. If ,find ,baby pandas ,people ,alone;take they will away often them. 9. If ,danger ,giant pandas ,are ,in ,the;we,farmer ,to , leave ,the,giant ,encourage ,panda ,should ,reserves 10. I ,will ,some ,birds,if ,I ,walk,through,see,a , rain ,beautiful ,forest. 11. If ,I,them ,don’t,buy,someone,will,buy,else,them. 12. Mother,have,giant,pandas,only ,at ,one ,two, babies,a ,or,time. 13. Their,is ,smaller ,and ,because,number,smaller, their ,living ,getting ,areas,are,becoming,farmlands


一、选择题 1.—What do you usually do in the evening? —Well,I either watch TV ________ play games with my brother. A.and B.but C.or D.so 2.__________ Amy likes to go to the cinema, but she doesn’t like to see horror films. A.Since B.As C.Though D.不填 3.I tried calling you, your phone was out of service. A.and B.but C.so D.or 4.My grandpa is old he thinks he is young. A.and B.or C.so D.but 5.Plan ahead for everything, _______ you will have a hurry life. A.and B.or C.for D.but 6.Everyone knows fire is very useful in our daily life, it is also dangerous. A.so B.or C.because D.but 7.______ Lucy ______Wendy speaks good English, so they cannot communicate with these British students very well. A.Neither, nor B.Not only, but also C.Both, and D.Either, or 8.— Would you like some cakes? — No, thanks. They smell delicious I’m not hungry. A.and B.so C.but D.or 9.Lucy is my classmate,_______ she is twelve too. A.because B.but C.so D.and 10.The supermarket is far away from here, ___________ you'd better take a taxi. A.because B.if C.so D.or 11.It is very cold today, __________everyone puts on the winter school uniform. A.because B.but C.so D.or 12.—Can you play soccer? —No, I can't.________I can play basketball. A.But B.Because C.So 13._______ we were tired, we continued our journey. At last, we reached the top of the mountain. A.If B.Though C.While D.After 14.–Would you like to go to the concert with me? –I’d love to, ______ I’m afraid I have no time. A.so B.or C.and D.but 15.______ Lily ______ I will go to watch the film because one of us must be at home and look


精品文档 连词 1、(2016?黄石)-What were you doing ______ I knocked at the door? -I was sleeping.() A.unlessB.once C.when D.while 【考点】从属连词. 【分析】-昨天晚上我敲门的时候你干嘛呢? -我正在睡觉. 【解答】答案:C;unless除非;once一旦;when当…的时候;while当…的时候;when,while都有"当…时候"的意思.when既可表示某一点时间,也可以表示某一段时间.在when引导的时间状语从句中,其谓语动词可以是延续性的,也可以是非延续性的,可与主句中的谓语动词同时发生,也可在其后发生;while只能表示某一段时间,不能表示某一点时间.在while引导的时间状语从句中,其谓语动词只能是延续性的,而且也只能与主句中的谓语动词同时发生或存在.根据从句I knockedat the door可知谓语动词只能是非延续性的,必须用when引导;故选C. 2、(2016?十堰)-We will fail the exam____we study hard. -That's why we are trying our best to prepare for the exam.() A.untilB.when C.unlessD.how 【考点】从属连词. 【分析】-除非我们努力学习,否则我们(考试)会失败的. -这就是为什么我们正在努力为考试做准备的原因.

【解答】答案:C;until直到;when当…的时候;unless除非;how怎样;根据句中信息We will fail the exam____we study hard.推测后句是上句的条件,而且是否定的条件;用unless引导;unless=if not;故选C. 3、(2016?荆州)-I can hardly believe my eyes.Is that you,Joy? -Yes.It has been almost ten years we were together.() A.sinceB.beforeC.untilD.after 【考点】从属连词. 【分析】--我简直不能相信我的眼睛,是你吗,Joy? --是的,自从我们在一起已经接近十年了. 【解答】答案:A; 根据语境和设空处前后的句子可以推断答语表达的意思是"是的,自从我们在一起已经接近十年了."主句用的是现在完成时,所以从句用since引导,表示"自从"故选A4、(2016?湖北)---Did you catch the early bus this morning? ---Yes.The bus started to move ______ I got on it.() A.thoughB.beforeC.as soon asD.as if 【考点】从属连词;状语从句. 【分析】--今天早上你赶上早班车了吗? --是的,我一上去车就开始启动了. 【解答】答案:C; 根据语境以及上下文,本题考查的是连词的用法.根据设空处前后句可以推测答语的句意是"我一上去车就开始启动了."表示"一…就…"用短语as soon as,故选C.


并列连词及并列句【用法讲解】 考试要求: 近年来,全国各地的中考英语试题对连词的考查主要集中在以下几方面: 1. 对并列连词的考查,要求必须确切地理解句子的意义,在此基础上确定词与词之间及两个分句之间的关系,从而确定正确的并列连词。 2. 对从属连词的考查,侧重于对从句的理解,正确把握从属连词。 1. 并列连词及并列句 并列连词表示单词、短语、从句或句子间有并列关系。用并列连词连接起来的两个或两个以上的简单句叫做并列句。其结构为“简单句+并列连词+简单句”。常用并列关系的连词有: and “和”;both…and…“两个都”;as well as“也”;not only…but also…“不但……,而且……”;neither…nor…“既不……,也不……”,either…or…“或者……或者”等。 (1) and可以用来连接两个或两个以上的单词、短语或句子,表示一种顺接的关系。and在译成中文时,不一定要翻译出“和”来。 例如:My father bought me a present, and I like it very much. 爸爸给我买了一件礼物,我非常喜欢。 (2) both…and…可用来连接两个并列的主语、谓语、宾语、表语和状语等。连接两个并列的主语时谓语动词通常用复数形式。 例如:Both you and I are league members. 我和你都是共青团员。 I can speak both English and Chinese. 我不仅能说英语,而且也能说汉语。 (3) not only… but also…,,neither…nor…都能连接两个相同的句法单位,


中考英语连词成句解题技巧1 一、命题趋势 连词成句是中考英语试题中新设的考查项目。这样,写作实际上分成了三个层次:1)词语的运用。是在命题人规定好的框架内,根据特定的语境,依据基本的规则完成单句。这如同体育竞技中的完成规定动作;2)连词成句。这个环节属于半开放式的表达形式。词汇范围有限定,但组合形式不见得只有一种;3)书面表达。在表达主题上有限定,但在表现形式和选用词汇上是完全放开的。这个环节好比体育竞技中的自选动作,可以根据自己的长项各显其能。三个层次各自独立但也互为联系,依次递难。 二、解题技巧 1.基本句型记心间 要想成功应对此题,一定要夯实基础,熟悉英语各类句型的顺序。如:题干若有what等“wh-word”时,我们一般要考虑特殊疑问句或感叹句;如果含有辅助动词、系动词或情态动词时,要考虑一般疑问句。 【典例分析】an, this, story, interesting, is 答案:Is this an interesting story? 【典例分析】do, fruit, you, best, what, like 答案:What fruit do you like best? 2.公式在手若等闲 英文的简单句一般以下列词序排列,如果是主从复合句,不过就是两个简单句外加一个连接词。记住这个基本的词序对于自己的英文写作很有好处。 【典例分析】in, he, football, does, playing, well 答案:He does well in playing football. 1 2 4 5 注意:由于do在这里作不及物动词使用,不需要宾语,故缺少第3项。 【典例分析】he, like, traveling 答案:He likes traveling.


中考英语连词知识点汇总 一.并列连词和连词短语 并列连词用来连接平行的词、词组或从句。常见的连词有and ,but ,or ,so ,both…and , either…or ,neither…nor , not only… but also 等。 1. and 1).and 表示“和、且”在肯定句中连接并列的成分。 He is laughing and talking . 2).祈使句+ and …… , “and” 表示“那么”之意。= If…… Study hard , and you will succeed .= _____ _____ study hard , you will succeed . 3).adj / adv + and + adj /adv 表示“渐渐”。 He makes mistakes again and again . 2.but 表示转折关系的连词,意为“但是” He is poor ,but honest . 3.or 1).or 有“或”的意思,表示一种选择 Would you like tea or water ?

2). “祈使句……,or …” or 表示否则。= If …not …, ……. . Study hard , or you will fail. = _____ you _____study hard , you will fail . 3).or 用在否定句中表示并列关系。 He can’t read or write . 4.both 1).both “两者都”, 后面的名词、动词都用复数。 Both the answers are right . 2).both of …. Both of us are students . 3).both …and… Both you and she are right . 5.either/ either …or 1).either “两者当中任何一个”,后有of 时接名词的复数形式,无of时接单数名词,动词用单数形式。 You may wear either of the hats. 2).either …or… “不是……就是……,或者 ……或者…….”动词与临近的主语保持一致。即“就近原则”.

初中英语连词成句 范文

连词成句 1、often ,She ,five ,for, times ,homework , a ,does, week. 2、sometimes,TV ,watches,He. 3、of, two, I ,cups, want, water. 4、book, on, desk, The, is, the. 5、a, country, is ,China, great. 6、an, A, is, animal. 7、is, very, The, beautiful, city. 8、have, I, sisters, two. 9、is, a, the, There, in, desk, classroom. 10、morning, on, My, football, Saturday, plays, father. 11、is, a, not, pen, this. 12、drink ,I ,milk,never. 13、set, It, a, color, is, TV, not. 14、teacher, not, I, a, am. 15、classroom, in, He, not, is, the. 16、does, love, you, she, not. 17、much, have, I, money, not. 18、is, nothing, the, there, in, room. 19、interesting, is, film, not, The. 20、a, computer, That, not, is

21、your, this, bedroom, Is? 22、the, Is, book, expensive? 23、Great, the, Wall, Is, this? 24、he, smoke, Does, heavily? 25、they, go, every, summer, Do, to, Europe? 26、the, go, round, earth, sun, Does, the? 27、you, English, have, books, two, Do? 28、man, Is, a, in, there, room, the? 29、pens, Are, any, on, there, desk, the? 30、you, get, Are, every, up, day,at6:00? 31、these, What, are? 32、my, where, socks, are? 33、color, is, the, What, bag? 34、Sundays, do, What, you, do, on? 35、do, How, eat, often, you, vegetables? 36、book, Whose, is, this? 37、favorite, What, your, is, fruit? 38、does, father, your, Where, work? 39、believes, Who, God, in? 40、hobby, your, What, is?


英语并列连词专项练习题 ( ) 1 My aunt asks whether I like a woolen sweater ___ a cotton one. A. but B. or C. and D. not ( ) 2 Either Mary ___ Lucy told him to come to see us. A. or B. and C. with D. nor ( ) 3 Hurry up, ____ we'll be late for the film. A. and B. but C. so D. or ( ) 4 Be quick, ____ we'll be late. A. and B. or C. but D. so ( ) 5 We ran to the trees, ___ we couldn't see any more monkeys. A. but B. so C. and D. for ( ) 1 ___ Li Ping ___ Wu Fang ___ League members. A. Neither; nor; are B. Either; nor; is C. Both; and; are D. Neither; or; is ( ) 2 You can ____ stay at home ____ go out to play. A. either; or B. so; that C. neither; and D. both; and ( ) 3 ____ Wei Hua ___. Ann____ very busy. A. Both; and; is B. So; and; is C. Either; or; is D. So; that; are ( ) 4 ___ Monday___ Tuesday is QK, I will be free then. A. Either; or B. Neither; nor C. So; that D. Both; and ( ) 5 ___ my brother____ sister are doctors. A. Not; but B. Neither; nor C. Both; and D. Either; or ( ) 1 The teacher, as well as his students___football. A. like B. likes C. enjoy D. play ( ) 2 The doctor, along with these nurses____ sent to the country. A. are B. were C. have D. was ( ) 3 My sister, together with her classmates____ interested in the new book. A. are B. were C. is D. have ( ) 1 ___ she ___ I know his telephone number, because it has been changed. A. Both; and B. Either; or C. Not only; but also ' D. Neither; nor ( ) 2 ___ Jack ____ Tom watched TV yesterday evening because they were busy with their lessons. A. Both; and B. Not only; but also C. Not; but D. Neither; nor ( ) 3 You may sit___ this end___ that end of the boat. A. neither; nor B. both; and C. either; or D. between; and ( ) 4 None of the shoes are the right size. They are ___ too big ____ too small. A. or; or B. either; or C. neither; or D. both; and ( ) 5 When Lily was three, she could____ read____ write. A. not; but B. not; and C. neither; nor D. either; or ( ) 6 We should learn___from books.___ from workers and farmers. A. both; and B. either; or C. neither; nor D. as; as ( ) 1 We went___ to the cinema, ___ to the park. A. did not; / B. not; but C. either; or D. both; and ( ) 2 Last week we saw ____ Li Ming ___ Mary. A. neither; or B. either; nor C. all; and ' D. not; but ( ) 3 My mother bought not apples____ two interesting books for me. A. or B. but C. and D. so ( ) 1 Mr Zhang felt a little tired, ____ he still went on working. A. but B. and C. so D. or ( ) 2 Our teacher is very busy, ____ he often help us with our lessons. A. or B. but C. and D. though ( ) 3 Tom got ill, ___ he still attended the important meeting. A. so B. because C. but D. nor
