





21. Natural disasters are ___ nature's anger, which can upset even ___ most developed countries and reduce them to ruins.

A. the; the




22. Don't worry. I, who your good friend, will try my best to help you out.

A. is

B. am

C. was

D. has been

23. In order to achieve high grades and __ yourself in any examinations, there are certain things you must do.

A. distinguish

B. distribute

C. bury

D. promote

24. — How shall I take the medicine, sir?

—Two pills a time, with boiled water, four times a day, unless advised by the doctor.

A. besides

B. therefore

C. however

D. otherwise

25. I have always admired Ben Hogan for the way he worked at the game and the determination

he showed _ .

A. succeeded

B. to succeed

C. to have succeeded

D. succeeding

26. His failure came as no surprise __ the fact that he had not got himself well prepared for it.

A. along with

B. due to

C. regardless of

D. as for

27. — I don't think I can go there with you as planned because something urgent has .

—What a shame!

A. come up

B. cleared up

C. stayed up

D. ended up

28. Peter will succeed in his field, I believe, he devote more energy to it.

A. could

B. would

C. might

D. should

29. Several witnesses gave __ o f what they had seen, which took the police much time to take them down.

A. summaries

B. accounts

C. suggestions

D. reports

30. After several hours of struggling in the snow, they finally arrived they had thought they should be picked up.

A. when

B. what

C. which

D. where

31. — I was afraid I would be late and be criticized in public.

—Oh, was that why you asking us to speed up?

A. had kept

B. were keeping

C. kept

D. would keep

32. It was announced that only when the fire was put out _______ to return to their dormitories.

A. the students would be permitted

B. had the students been permitted

C. would the students be permitted

D. the students had been permitted

33. — I'm not good at basketball, you know.

—. We are playing for fun. Just try and you'll see you can do it.

A. Come on

B. All right

C. Take your time

D. It all depends

34. Despite the title For Boys Only, this book is sure to be treasured by gets it.

A. who

B. whoever

C. whomever

D. no matter who

35. — I followed your advice on how to learn English, but I am still poor in it. Why?

——Well, .

A. All is well that ends well

B. One man's meat is another man s poison

C. No pains, no gains 不劳而获

D. No sweet without Sweat 苦尽甘来



"Oh Mom, it's even my birthstone! Isn't it just beautiful?" My daughter was wild with joy when she spotted the 36in the jeweler's window. Her blue-green eyes 37 with delight . Smiling, she said shyly, "Buying it for me sure would be a nice 38 , Mom!"

Since her recent move out of state, I missed her so much. Though we spoke on the phone 39 , I longed for her presence. Therefore, I decided to send a gift as a 40 of my love. Thinking about what the right gift might be, I 41 her delight as she saw the ring. It seemed the perfect gift. After all, rings represent union and 42 .

When I 43 to the setting in the glass case, the jeweler opened it and took out the ring. He held the ring up in the air, 44 it from a distance. Then, strangely enough, he blew on it, as though it were 45 . Finally, he carefully polished it with a soft cloth and handed it to me.

As I examined the ring, a little girl walked in. Steps _46_ the girl, a woman followed. I assumed she was the girl's 47 . Upon seeing them, the jeweler's serious yet friendly face 48up with a cheerful smile. ,

The little girl stood in front of him. 49 . the jeweler looked into the little girl’s dark eyes. Placing his right hand on her shoulder, the jeweler then _ 50 out to touch her small face with his left hand, his 51 never leaving hers as he smiled sincerely and deeply into them. He then 52 to the woman, obviously his wife, and shifted his loving gaze to her eyes.

At last, I decided to buy my daughter the one she thought would be a "nice touch." 53 it was the jeweler's touch that made sending it to her 54 . Therefore, I made arrangements to fly to visit her because I wanted to give her more than the connection of a symbolic gift of love. I wanted to give her as great a gift as the one the jeweler had given his 55 that day — the gift of his loving gaze and touch.

36. A. necklace B. ring C. watch D. diamond

37. A. wetted B. closed C. narrowed D. danced

38. A. touch B. souvenir C. toy D. present

39. A. regularly B. continuously C.scarcely D. fluently

40. A. sign B. signal C. symbol D. symptom

41. A. recalled B. recovered C. reminded D. represented

42. A. distinction B. glory C. appreciation D. connection

43. A. responded B. pointed C. subscribed D. submitted

44. A. hearing B. sensing C. eyeing D. smelling

45. A.tasty B. worthy C ugly D. dusty

46. A. beneath B.beyond C. behind D. beside

47. A. sister B. aunt C. grandmother D . mother

48. A. put B. lit C. made D. broke

49. A. Surprisingly B. Strangely C. Apparently D. Lovingly

50. A. reached B. handed C. gave D. took

51. A. hands B. shoulders C. eyes D. ears

52. A. wandered B. turned C. referred D. whispered

53. A. So B. Or C. And D. But

54. A. incomplete B. complete C. impossible D. possible

55. A. colleague B. friend C. family D. parent




Reader's Digest was started by DeWitt Wallace, while recovering from wounds received in World War I. Wallace had the idea to gather a sampling of favorite articles on many subjects from various monthly magazines, sometimes shortening and rewriting them, and to combine them into one magazine. The Wallaces initially hoped the magazine could provide $5,000 of net income. By 1929, the magazine had 290,000 subscribers and had a gross income of $900,000 a year. The first international edition was published in the United Kingdom in 1938 and was sold at 2 shillings. By the 40th anniversary of Reader's Digest, there were 40 international editions, in 13 languages and Braille, and it was the largest-circulating magazine in Canada, Mexico, Spain, Sweden, Peru and other countries, with a total international circulation of 23 million.

Although Reader's Digest was founded in the U.S., its international editions have made it the best-selling monthly magazine in the world. The magazine's worldwide circulation including all editions has reached 17 million copies and 70 million readers.

Reader's Digest is currently published in 52 editions and 35 languages and is available in over 100 countries, including Slovenia, Croatia, Romania, and the People's Republic of China in .

Its international editions account for about 50% of the magazine's trade volume. In each market, local editors commission or purchase articles for their own market and share content with US and other editions. The selected articles are then translated by local translators and the translations edited by the local editors to make them match the "well-educated informal" style of the American edition.

Over the 87 years, the company has published editions in various languages in different countries, or for different regions.

Usually these editions started out as translations of the US version of the magazine, but over time many non-US editions became unique, providing local material more relevant to local readers. Local editions that still publish the bulk(大部分) of the American Reader's Digest are usually titled with a qualifier(修饰语)such as the Portuguese edition, Seleses do Reader's Digest (Selections from Reader's Digest), or the Swedish edition, Reader's Digest Det B&sta (The Best of Reader's Digest).

56.When starting Reader's Digest, Wallace .

A.meant to collect popular articles from various magazines

B.wanted to combine different magazines into a thick one

C.originally hoped to earn at least $290,000 a year

D.only attempted to sell it to other countries and areas

57.Chinese readers weren't able to get Reader's Digest in Chinese until .

A. 1929

B. 1938

C. 1986


58.Which of the following is TRUE about the international editions?

A.Their articles are mainly provided by the American edition.

B.Their articles are translated from those on the American edition.

C.Their articles are written by local editors and shared with other editions.

D.The style of their articles must correspond with that of the American edition.

59.The writer of the passage intends to introduce to us .

A.the history of Reader's Digest

B.the typical style of Reader's Digest

C.the popularity of Reader 's Digest

D.the commercial benefit of Reader's Digest


Protectionism does not pay

The passage of a new protectionist bill by the US Senate and the House of Representatives to allow anti-subsidy(反补贴)duties on Chinese imports will injure trade ties between Beijing and Washington and make the future of a global recovery even more uncertain.

The shock felt by China is understandable. To balance global trade, it had already cut its trade surplus(顺差)to 2.1 percent of economic output in from a high of 7.5 percent in . Meanwhile, the US trade deficit (赤字) remains as high as 4.8 percent of its GDP in spite of its rising protectionism. Manila's troublemaking

At a time when the relevant countries have been pulling together to ease the tensions in the South China Sea, the Philippines has chosen once again to be a troublemaker.

The Philippines should assume direct responsibility for the fresh outbreak of the South China Sea issue, as the Philippine government has invited major foreign oil companies to invest in exploration in 15 offshore oil and gas areas in the South China Sea. The Philippines should bear in mind that a number of the 15 areas are under Chinese maritime jurisdiction (管辖权) and it does not have the right to invite foreign enterprises to bid for service contracts there.

Watchdogs need to bark

Why is it so difficult for Chinese consumers to feel safe even when they buy products with quality guarantees issued by the authorities?

Consumer anxiety about product safety has come to the front once again following a nameless post on the Internet on Feb 16, which claimed that the formaldehyde (甲醛) levels in the combined floorboards produced by Ark Floors, a Shanghai-based floorboard manufacturer, are found higher than the national safety standards.

Ark Floors has denied the reports and has disclosed quality inspection reports for all of its products, as well as the results of the latest rounds of spot checks.

60. It can be inferred from the passage that

A.China has hardly reduced its trade surplus against the United States

B.trade ties between China and the United States have been uncertain

C.China has no influence on the US trade situation

D.China was shocked by the balance of global trade

61. The underlined word "watchdogs" in the third section probably refers to "

A. relevant authorities

B. Ark Floors

C. floorboard consumers

D. the Internet

62. Which of the following statements is TRUE about this passage?

A. The three items are all about China's trade ties with the United States and the Philippines.

B. The floorboard manufacturer has agreed with what the quality inspection reports have said.

C. Chinese consumers even doubt the safety of the products with guarantees by the authorities.

D. Chinese oil companies have been invited to invest in the Philippine offshore oil and gas areas.


Ice cover got thinner between the summers of and , which still holds the record for the lowest extent on record; and it has not recovered since. The current winter is roughly tracking the graph of , according to the US National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC). The new study is not the first to propose a causal relationship between low Arctic ice in autumn and Europe's winter weather. But it has gone further than others in assessing the strength of the link.

Through observations and computer modeling, the team headed by Jiping Liu from Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, US, and the Institute of Atmospheric Physics in Beijing has also explained the technical aspects involved.

"For the past four winters, for much of the northern US, East Asia and Europe, we had this persistent above-normal snow cover," Dr Liu told BBC News. "We don't see relationship with any of the other factors that have been proposed, such as El Nino; but for sea ice, we do see it."

If less of the ocean is ice-covered in autumn, it releases more heat, warming the atmosphere. This reduces the air temperature difference between the Arctic and areas further south, over the Atlantic Ocean. In turn, this reduces the strength of the northern jet stream, which usually brings milder, wetter weather to Europe from the west

It is these "blocking" conditions that keep the UK and the other affected regions supplied with cold air. The researchers also found that the extra evaporation (蒸发.) from the Arctic Ocean makes the air wetter, with some of the additional water content falling out as snow.

"I agree with the study that declining Arctic sea ice can drive easterly winds and produce colder winters over Europe," commented Adam Scaife, head of prediction department at the UK Met Office. Research in other institutions, including the Met Office, confirmed the argument, he said.

Dr Scaife was involved with another study published last year that showed how small, natural changes in the Sun's output can also affect winter weather. And he emphasized that the decreasing Arctic ice cover was just one of several factors that could increase blocking.

"This is no bigger than the solar effect or the El Nino effect. But they vary, whereas Arctic ice is on a pretty consistent downward trend." he told BBC News.

63. The new study by the US NSIDC is different from others in that .

A.it is the first to find the link between low Arctic ice in autumn and Europe's winter


B.it is the first to suggest the link between the El Nino effect and Europe's winter weather

C.it assesses the strength of the link between low Arctic ice in autumn and Europe's

winter weather

D.it cooperates with several other institutions including Georgia Institute

64. According to Dr Liu,

A.colder winter over Europe has nothing to do with the decreasing Arctic sea ice

B.the snow cover in much of the northern US, East Asia and Europe has gone abnormal

C.the snow cover in the Arctic Ocean is linked to El Nino

D.the Arctic Ocean has made the air wetter

65. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A.Declining Arctic sea ice can drive easterly winds and produce colder

winters over Europe.

B.It has been found that the extra evaporation from the Arctic Ocean

makes the air drier.

C.If less of the ocean is ice-covered in autumn, it releases less heat,

cooling the atmosphere.

D.Small, natural changes in the Sun's output can affect the wild life in

winter in Europe.

66. Which is the best title of this passage?

A.Arctic ice, on a pretty consistent downward trend

B.Melting Arctic link to cold, snowy UK winters

C.The solar effect or the EI Nino effect

D. A new study, headed by Jiping Liu



Thirty years ago, the Earnshaw family jived at Wuthering Heights, with two teenaged children Hindley and Catherine. Mr. Earnshaw travels to Liverpool, where he adopts a homeless Gypsy boy, naming him "Heathcliff". Hindley finds tymself robbed of his father's love and care and becomes bitterly jealous of the newcomer. However, Catherine grows very attached to him. Soon, the two children spend hours on the moors (荒原) together and hate every moment apart.

Because of the conflict, Hindley is eventually sent to college. However, he marries a woman named Frances and returns three years later, after Mr. Earnshaw dies. He becomes master of Wuthering Heights, making Heathcliff their servant instead of a family member.

Months after Hindley’s return, Heathcliff and Catherine travel to Thrushcross Grange to spy on the Linton family. However, they are found arid try to escape. Catherine is caught by a dog, and then brought inside the Grange to have injuries tended to while Heathcliff is sent home. Catherine eventually returns to Wuthering Heights as a changed woman, looking and acting as a lady. She laughs at HeathcIifTs dirty appearance. When the Lintons visit the next day, Heathcliff dresses up to impress her. It fails, however, when Edgar, one of the Lintons' children, argues with him. Heathcliff is locked in the attic, where Catherine later tries to comfort him. He swears revenge(报复) on Hindley.

In the summer of the next year, Frances gives birth to a son, Hareton, but she dies before the year is out. This leads Hindley to fall into a life of drunkenness and waste. Two years pass and Catherine has become close friends with Edgar, growing more distant from Heathcliff.

One day in August, while Hindley is absent, Edgar comes to visit Catherine. Before long, they declare themselves lovers. Catherine explains to Nelly, her servant, that she does not really love Edgar but Heathcliff. Unfortunately, she could never many Heathcliff because of his lack of status and education. She therefore plans to marry Edgar and use that position to help raise

Heathcliffs status. Unfortunately, Heathcliff has overheard the first part and runs away, disappearing without a trace. After three years, Edgar and Catherine are married.

Six months after their marriage, Heathcliff returns as a gentleman, having grown stronger and richer. Catherine is delighted to see him although Edgar is not so keen. Edgar's sister, Isabella, now eighteen, falls in love with Heathcliff. He looks down upon her but encourages the adolescent love, seeing it as a chance for revenge on Edgar. When he embraces Isabella one day at the Grange, there is an argument with Edgar, which causes Catherine to lock herself in her room and fall ill.

Heathcliff has been staying at the Heights, gambling with Hindley and teaching Hareton bad habits. Hindley is gradually losing his wealth, mortgaging (抵押) the farmhouse to Heathcliff to repay his debts.

While Catherine is ill, Heathcliff leaves with Isabella, causing Edgar to disown (与……断绝关系) his sister. The two many and return two months later to Wuthering Heights. Hqathcliff hears that Catherine is ill and arranges io visit her in secret. In the early hours of the day after their meeting, Catherine gives birth to her daughter, Cathy, and then dies. Hindley dies six months after Catherine. Heathcliff finds himself the master of Wuthering Heights and the guardian of Hareton.

67. From the first paragraph, we can know .

A.Hindley hates the fact that his parents give all their love and care to Catherine

B.Catherine likes Heathcliff so much that she enjoys staying with him for long

C.Hindley is the oldest of all three children

D.Mrs. Earnshaw adopts Heathcliff in Liverpool

68. After Frances dies, Hindley .

A.argues with Heathcliff very often

B.locks Heathcliff in the attic

C.lives a disordered life

D.recturns to Wuthering Heights as a changed man .

69. The underlined part "the first part" in Paragraph 5 most probably refers to .

A.Catherine says that Edgar has asked her to many him and she has agreed

B.Catherine and Edgar declare themselves lovers to the family

C.Catherine decides to marry Edgar, with whose help she can help raise

Heathcliff’s status

D.Catherine loves Heathcliff but can't marry him because of his lack of status

and education

70. At the end of the story, ;.

A.Isabella dies after his brother disowns her

B.Catherine becomes the master of Wuthering Heights

C.Wuthering Heights falls into the hands of Heathcliff

D.Hindley dies and leaves Wuthering Heights to Cathy




Women are avoiding academic careers in math-intensive fields because the lifestyle is not consistent with motherhood, researchers at Cornell University found in a study to be published next month in American Scientist Magazine.

Universities have long been criticized for hiring and evaluation policies that discriminate against women, but the findings of this new study point to the female biological clock as a main reason why so few women end up as professors in fields such as math, engineering, physics and computer science.

A woman who wants a family looks at the tough path to a tenured(终身的)position and considers how old she will be before she can start a' family and how little time she will have to raise her children. Many of those women choose a more flexible career.

"Universities have been largely inflexible about anything other than the standard timetable, which means you'll have to struggle for years and only then would you consider getting pregnant (怀孕的), said Wendy Williams, a human development professor at Cornell who co-authored the study with her husband, Stephen Ceci.

Williams and Ceci analyzed data about the academic careers of men and women with and without children. Before women became mothers, they had careers equal to or more successful than their male peers. But once they gave birth, the dynamic changed.

Women in other academic fields such as the humanities and social sciences face similar problems and often leave academia as well. But because there are so many women in those Ph.D. programs, enough finally stay to amount to a critical mass of female professors.

In math-heavy fields, however, women make up a tiny minority of the graduate students. So when the rare few who make it through a Ph.D. program leave because universities are not concerned about their needs as mothers at all, the net result is almost no women represented on faculty rosters (教师名单), the study said


