从一道高考题看 consider 的用法

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动词consider既可作“考虑”讲, 又可作“看作”讲, 二者有什么区别呢? 让我们走近consider, 看看它有哪些用法吧。
93 NMET试题中的一道单项选择题是:
Charles Babbage is generally considered ______ the first computer.
A. to invent
B. inventing
C. to have invented
D. having invented
此题考查的就是consider的用法。让我们对consider的用法作一归纳, 然后, 再做答案。
一、consider意为“考虑, 细想”时, 其后可跟:
1. 名词或代词:
We must consider the matter from different standpoints.
We must consider it very carefully. 我们应仔细地考虑它。
2. 从句:
We must consider what”s to be done. 我们必须考虑该怎么办。
He considered how he should answer. 他考虑应当怎样回答。
3. “疑问词+不定式”:
Have you considered how to get there? 你是否考虑过如何到那里?
We have to consider what material to use first. 我们先得考虑用什么材料。
注意: consider作“考虑”解时, 不能直接接不定式。
4. 动名词:
He considered going to see them in person. 他考虑亲自去看望他们。
He is considering changing his job. 他在考虑调换一下工作。
5. 介词over或单独用:
He said they had considered over it. 他说他们已经考虑过了。
Let me consider. 让我考虑一下。
二、consider意为“认为, 以为, 把……看作”, 其后可跟:
1. 从句:
We consider that a friend in need is a friend indeed.
2. 名词的复合结构(即名词作宾语补足语):
We consider Beijing the heart of our country.
3. 带形容词的复合结构:
They considered me too young to do the work.
他们认为我太年轻, 干不了这项工作。
4. 带不定式的复合结构:
We consider only such methods to be correct.
注意: 不定式后主要是be, 间或为其它动词(多为完成式)。
We all considered him to have stolen Tom”s wallet.
5. 带介词短语的复合结构:
We always consider these people as our true comrades.
They always consider themselves in the right. 他们总认为自己对。
6. 带“it形式宾语+形容词+真正宾语(动词不定式、从句等)”:
We consider it our duty to help her. 我们认为帮助她是我们的职责。
I consider it a great pleasure that I can work with you.
注意: consider作“认为”解时, 一般不接动名词。
综上所述, 我们可以看出前文所提的93年的那道高考题考查的是consider作“认为”解时的用法, 题干是被动式, 改为主动式为:
We generally consider Charles Babba

ge ______ the first computer. 不难看出,
这一句子的基本结构为: 主语+谓语+复合宾语(名词+动词不定式), 答案应选动词不定式。因“发明”这一动作已经发生, 故应选to have invented,
练习: I. 选择填空。
1. They have been considering ______ the problem.
a. to work out
b. work out
c. working out
d. worked out
2. I consider Tom ______ the finest basketball player today.
a. to be
b. being
c. was
d. be
3. I don”t know ______ .
a. whether they will consider visiting the Summer Palace
b. whether will they consider to visit the Summer Palace
c. whether they will consider to visit the Summer Palace
d. whether they will consider visit the Summer Palace
4. Our monitor ______ to be an honest man.
a. considers
b. is considering
c. was considered
d. has considered
II. 根据第一句完成第二句, 每空填一词, 使句意不变。
1. He was considering repairing the watch.
He was considering ______ ______ ______ the watch.
2. We consider Lu Xun one of the greatest writers in China.
Lu Xun ______ ______ one of the greatest writers in China.
3. We considered that it was necessary to do so.
We considered ______ ______ to do so.
4. I consider the report to be wrong.
I consider the report ______ .
I. 1. c 2. a 3. a 4. c
II. 1. how to repair 2. is considered 3. it necessary 4. wrong
内容标题从一道高考题看 consider 的用法
分类索引号G.622.475分类索引描述 统考试题与题解
主题词从一道高考题看 consider 的用法栏目名称专题辅导
