









误:Attitudes Toward Money

正:Attitudes toward Money







He said,"He is going to Shanghai next week".


DrG .G . East

3、大写缩写字母。如:MPA ,MBA ,BBC


5、头衔在专有名词前要大写,在专有名词后就小写。例如:Captain Smith ——Smith,the captain;Uncle George——George ,my uncle






3、全文结构布局:全文分为三段,第一段3句,第二段5句,第三段4句,可根据具体情况调整!段落中,第一句是topic ,第二三句是detail ,第三句是conclusion 。




2016考研英语二真题:小作文解析 Suppose you won a translation contest and your friend Jack wrote an email to congratulate you, and ask advice on translation. Write him a reply to 1)thank him; 2)give your advice. You should write neatly on the ANWSER SHEET. Do not sign you own name at the end of the letter, use “Li Ming ” instead. Do not write the address .(10 point) 如大家所见,这是2016年英语二小作文题目。英语(二)考纲的写作部分,其实主 要考查学生的应用能力,考查范围包括私人和公务信函、备忘录、报告等,还应能写一般 描述性、叙述性和说明或议论性的文章;而要求考生根据所给情景写出一篇约100词(标 点符号不计算在内)的应用性短文。 作为写作B部分的小作文总分10分,大家要抓住得分点。小作文在评分时有如下评分 要点:1.信息点——覆盖全面;2.内容——组织连贯;3.语言——准确性;4.格式——符 合要求;5.语域——恰当。 不出所料,今年英语二的小作文再次考查了书信体,并且考查的信件可以说是杂糅型的。这在2011年英语二中出现了同样的考查方式: Suppose your cousin LI MING has just been admited to a university write him/her a letter to: (1)Congratulate him/her,and (2)give him/her suggestions on how to get prepared for university life You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2. DO not sign your own name at the end of the letter,Use zhangwei. 同样的考查方式,足以说明一件事情——绝对要重视考研真题。跨考教育英语教研室 的老师总在强调真题的重要性,希望大家以后一定要强化这种认识。 下面我们来详细解读下今年的小作文,首先看一下题目要求: 称呼: Dear Jack注意称呼中,后面的逗号不可丢,也不能写成冒号。 正文 建议大家三步走策略——简洁、直接、明了:写作目的、写作是由、重申目的第一段:写作内容需涵盖两点:写信目的,表明感谢来自朋友的祝贺;可以采用这样 的表达方式:I’m writing to express my gratitude for your congratulation on my success in the translation contest. 第二段:写作内容应以建议为主体。在这个过程中可以把日常我们如何提高的方式写 进正文,如讲究学习方式、注重坚持、多多接触外文文化及语境。那本篇老师主要从前两 个方面进行论述,表达如下:As regard to my experience, I would like to offer you some proposals in this part. At the top of list is the persistence due to the fact that you could deserve the position after days or years of efforts that you have had in the field. What’s more, you are supposed to pay more attention to the way in which you finish your major, for it plays a significant role in the process. 第三段:再次强调重申写信目的,如Thanks again and I do hope that my suggestions can be in favor of your future study. 落款: Yours sincerely, 特别提醒sincerely后面逗号不能丢;签名: Li Ming特别注 意 Ming 后面一定不能出现句点。


考研英语作文历年真题话题及评分标准 一.写作要求 《全国硕士研究生入学统一考试(英语)考试大纲》对于B节短文写作的规定如下:要求考生根据提示信息写出一篇160-200词的短文(标点符号不计算在内)。提示信息的形式有主题句、写作提纲、规定情景、图、表等。考生在答题卡2上作答。总分20分。 在写作时,大纲要求考生能够写一般描述性、叙述性、说明性或议论性的文章。写作时,考生能够: 1)做到语法、拼写、标点正确,用词恰当; 2)遵循文章的特定文体格式; 3)合理组织文章结构,使其内容统一、连贯; 4)根据写作目的和特定读者,恰当选用语域。 语言学理论告诉我们,因为作文是一项输出(output)工作,根据语言学理论,输出是一项高级的语言活动,它建立在大量的输入(input)的基础之上。输入的缺乏必然导致输出的力不从心。我这里的重积累,指得不仅是词汇、句法、语篇等语言本身的积累,还包括思维方式、思想、以及事例的积累。综合历年题目(见表一),图画作文已经成为主流。而且大多涉及为公众所熟悉的社会话题。因此,我们要积累的第一步就是图画到社会话题之间的思维提炼。英文原版报纸和网站的、以及国内权威英文网站上的评论文章,都可能成为我们积累的素材。在这个过程中,我们还要注意,英文行文特点和汉语行文特点的区别。但是,要提到的是这种积累并不是泛泛阅读能够实现的,需要我们有意识的选那些和考试风格接近的文章精确分析和记忆,而其中的词汇和句式,我们都可以拿出来,记忆并且应用。 文章话题表 时间考试题目题材题目类型1997Smoking身体健康类图表作文1998Business Pro mi se&Guarantee职业道德类图画作文 人口增长类图表作文1999Human Population&Wildlife Protection 2000World Commercial Fishing环境保护类图画作文2001Love情感类图画作文


2015年同等学力申硕考试英语作文及示例范文 2015年同等学力申硕考试结束了,2016年同等学力申硕考试即将开始,为满足广大考生对2015年同等学力英语考试作文知晓的需求,上海在职研究生网老师整理发布了2015年同等学力英语考试作文真题及参考答案,以供大家参考。 作文题目:环境保护 1.环境保护是我们共同的责任 2.你有什么措施减少浪费,节约资源;节能减排,减少污染,保护地球 3.你的做法,举例说明 参考范文: Nowadays, more and more people are concerned about the problem of environmental protection, for the pollution has brought us so many bad influences. It is important for us to realize that it is everyone’s duty to protect our environment. To cope with this nation-wide problem, our government has started to take a series of effective measures. The most effective way is to save energy and reduce carbon emission. Because every year billions of tons of carbon dioxide are emitted into the air, which in part, result in the global warming and climate changing. For me, I am trying to make my own contributions. Firstly, I go to work by bus instead of driving.. Secondly, I am getting to form the habit of saving water and electricity. For example, when I brush my teeth and wash my hands, I will never leave the water running again. What's more, I even recommend our relatives and friends to do so. By now my ways have been working perfectly and efficiently.


考研英语短文写作十年真题分析 第十节2009年 Section III Writing 2009年考研英语考试结束了。今年走出考场的考生普遍感觉今年的试题较往年难度有所降低,尤其是写作部分两道题目难度适中,大家基本发挥出了正常水平。下面针对小作文和大作文分别给予点评,并提供阅卷的范文供大家参考。 Part A 51. Directions: Restrictions on the use of plastic bags have not been so successful in some regions. “White pollution” is still going on. Write a letter to the editor(s) of your local newspaper to 1) give your opinions briefly and 2) make two or three suggestions You should write about 100 word. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use "Li Ming" instead. You do not need to write the address. (10 points) 一.审题构思 小作文去年考的道歉信,09年小作文要求写一封建议信。今年的建议信相比07年的建议信要求更加具体,且话题更为熟悉。考生对这个话题可写的东西比较多。且在平时大作文的训练中考生都接触过不少表达观点看法和提出建议的方法,尤其在环境保护方面的建议措施接触的更多,因此这篇小作文题材大家非常熟悉,难度适中。如果同学在考前临阵抱佛脚,只要把建议信的套话背下来,比如建议信的第一句话怎么写,中间怎么写,最后一句怎么结尾,直接把有关内容换成白色污染即可。 二.框架思路 确切地讲,今年的小作文仍然是没有脱离开过去的老套,又是一封信,而这封信对同学们来讲,是我们很熟悉的白色塑料袋的使用问题。有很多商家为了争取自己定期的常客,他们可能会想到促销的手段或者销售的途径,那就是说送给你塑料袋,方便你使用。但是这些顾客们可能有些人是懂得或者说环保意识很强的,有些塑料袋,他们总是重复地去用;可是有一些不尽然,像年轻人这样,用过后就扔掉。谈到了白色污染这个话题,就想给编辑写封信,信中反映的是你对这个现象的一个看法,之后,你应该提出一些解决的措施,所以这封信里面要讲的话一点都不难写,最重要的是我们要做一个对社会有责任的人,因为只有如此我们才能够用我们的心去感知这个社会的问题,才能真正从我们内心想出一些方法,使我们的社会更加洁净,这样才能更加和谐。 本文可以按三段处理,首段直接谈白色污染的情况,中段讲出解决问题的建议和措施,最后再次提醒编辑关注此事刻不容缓,并加强礼貌语气。 三.参考范文 Dear Editor(s), I am writing this letter to draw your attention to“White Pollution”. No one can avoid using plastic bags in our daily lives and too many plastic bags bring about many problems. How to solve this problem has become a hot issue among many people in recent years. To address this problem, I would like to lodge several suggestions. On the one hand, the authorities should set up rules and regulations to control the production and circulation of the plastic bags. On the other hand, people should realize the significant of protecting our environment and not use too many plastic bags. I sincerely hope that you can take my letter seriously. Thank you very much for your time and consideration. Yours faithfully, Li Ming (126words) 亲爱的编辑: 我写此信是为了让您关注“白色污染”这一问题。在日常生活中人们总是会用到塑料袋,而塑料袋过多会产生很多问题。如何解决这一问题成为近年来很多人关心的话题。 为了解决这一问题,我想提如下的建议。一方面,政府当局应该制定一些规章制度来控制塑料袋的生产和流通使用。另一方面,人们应该意识到保护环境的重要性并不使用太多的塑料袋。 我真诚地希望您能认真对待我的信。感谢您拨冗关注。


2016年考研英语二小作文 一、咨询信★★★★★ 写作模式: Dear Sir or Madam, As a ……, I am writing to ask if ……. ……. I,d appreciate it if you could ……/I will be looking forward to hearing from you soon.(两句皆可) 投诉信★★★★★ 写作模式: Dear Sir or Madam, I write this to place a complaint against ……/ I venture to write to complain about ……(两句皆可)the quality of ……I bought ……. During ……has been in my possession, problems have emerged one after another . For one thing,……, For another,……. Therefore,I wish you would look into occurrence immediately and send me a replacement (替代品)as soon as possible. or I will demand a refund. Yours, Xiao xiang 二、邀请信★★★★★ 写作模式:

㈠发出的邀请信分为邀请名人和邀请参加聚会. ⑴邀请名人 Dear ……, We should be very grateful if you could ……/May I take the opportunity to you to …….(两句皆可). Please let me know as soon as possible if you come and when you will be able to make it . ⑵邀请参加聚会 Dear ……, I wonder if there is any chance for you to come to ……. It would be my pleasure to share the important moments with you. ……I am glad to tell you that ……. There are also arrangements for ……, which I am sure you will thoroughly enjoy. The dinner starts at ……so that we can have a nice and long evening. I would love for you to attend, so pleasure let me know your decision . Love, Xiao xiang ㈡回复别人的邀请信一般情况下为拒绝别人的邀请信 Dear ……, It,s an honor for me to be invited, but I deeply regret being unable to ……. ……. I do hope I can have a chance to visit ……. Regretfully,


以下是同等学力英语作文范文十篇,供考生参考: 题目1:Work In the Countryside 参考范文 Work In the Countryside Many university graduates now volunteer to work in the countryside. It is reported that once hundreds of university graduates competed with one another to work as a village leader in Beijing. Many factors have contributed to this phenomenon. First, with more and more university students graduating each year, the job market competition becomes increasingly fierce and many graduates can not find jobs in the cities. Working in the countryside is better than being jobless. Second, the villages that are trying to employ university graduates are generally in the rich area of the country which makes working there an attractive choice. Third, some university graduates being from the countryside are eager to go back home to contribute to construction their hometown with their knowledge and enthusiasm. They will play important role in building the new countryside。 Personally, I think university graduates should go to work where they are needed most and where they can make full use of their talents. Working in the countryside can be truly an advisable choice。 题目2:On Opening Psychological Courses 参考范文 On Opening Psychological Courses Many universities and colleges have now decided to open more psychological courses to their students. This is totally advisable and has been warmly welcomed。 In the first place psychological courses are in urgent need in colleges and universities. Today students are under tremendous pressures. They have economical and academic pressures and pressures coming from interpersonal relations as well. These pressures may bring them anxiety, depression, and despair. Some students even committed suicide for these pressures. The psychological courses may teach them how to deal with pressures. And thus can be very good for the students’ mental health. In the second place such courses may help students deal with problems in the future. And therefore beneficial to the whole society. The courses teach students how to regulated feelings and emotions in different situations which can be of great use when they graduate and go to work。 As for me, I think it’s a wise idea to open more psychological courses to the students。 题目3:How Long Should the National Holiday Be? 参考范文 How Long Should the National Holiday Be?


Mba英语二写作历年真题及解析 2016年 Section IV Writing Part A 47。Directions: Suppose you won a translation contest and your friend,Jack,wrote an email to congratulate you and ask for advice on translation。Write him a reply to 1)thank him,and 2)give you advice You should write about 100 on the ANSWER SHEET。 Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter。Use Li Ming instead。 Do not write the address。(10 points) Part B 48。Directions: Write an essay based on the chart below。In your writing,you should 1)interpret the chart,and 2)give your comments。 You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET。(15 points)

Section IV Writing 47、 [参考范文] Dear Jack, Your letter of congratulations was received。Thank you for your nice words on my winning the c ontest。In the letter, you asked me about the skills to do translation,so the following are my a dvice for you。 Firstly, you should analyze the sentence structure, thus catching the meaning of the sentence。 Secondly, find the proper words to translate the meaning of the source language into the target l anguage。 Thirdly,revise your translation at least three times to check if there are any mistransl ations or missed meanings。 I hope my advice helpful。 Wish to see you soon。 Yours sincerely, Li Ming 第一段:写作内容需涵盖两点:写信目的,表明感谢来自朋友的祝贺;可以采用这样的表达方式:I’m writing to express my gratitude for your congratulation on my success in the translation contest. 第二段:写作内容应以建议为主体。在这个过程中可以把日常我们如何提高的方式写进正文,比如多加练习、多与外国人交流,多多接触国际事务等。本篇老师主要从这些方面进行论述,表达如下As regard to my experience, I would like to offer you some proposals i n this part. First and foremost, I strongly suggest you that you need to practice with painstaking effort in this field. What’s more, you had better have more communication with foreigners, which guarantees that you have a deep understanding of foreign culture. Last but not least, you are supposed to participate in some international events to accumulate a wealth of practical experience. 第三段:再次强调重申写信目的,如Thanks again and I do hope you could take my suggestions into consideration. I wish you have good luck and make a great success in your future study. 落款:Yours sincerely,特别提醒sincerely后面逗号不能丢;签名:Li Ming特别注意Ming 后面一定不能出现句点。 48、 [参考范文] Portrayed in the above pie chart is a survey of college students’ purposes of traveling。 The numb er of students who take traveling as a chance to see beautiful scenes accounts for 37%,while stu dents who would like to travel to relieve pressure from study take up 35 %。 There are several reasons behind the trend revealed in the above chart。To begin with, as the pr esent society is filled with fierce competition, most college students nowadays are under great pr essure to stand out among others or to lunch a decent job after graduation。Therefore, they tend to choose traveling as an outlet to relieve their stress。 Secondly,with the fast advancement of t he living standards of Chinese families, traveling is increasingly affordable to most college stude nts。 For this reason, students prefer to travel to see different views to enjoy themselves or to m ake some friends。 From my perspective, no matter what reason it is for, traveling is of great benefit for students 今年英语二作文的题目比较好写,因为标题和图示非常清晰明白。图表显示了某高校学生旅游目的调查, 考生分析原因的话也会很简单。下面分三段简要地说一下这三段应该怎么写。 第一段主要是描述图表。图表一目了然,数量词百分比也是大家熟悉的词汇,表述数据时,图中有四五组数据,由于字数的限制以及为了写作的便利可以突出较大比例的“欣赏风景”和“缓解压力”,注意引入百分比的表达方式。 第二段给出你的评论,主要写这种情况的原因。主要要结合图表描述的内容从两个方面写起。一方面为什么为了欣赏风景而旅行的目的占37%,另一方面为什么缓解压力会占到33%比例。 最后结尾段落可简要得出结论,这种现象并不奇怪,还将继续下去。


考研英语的内容和评分原则 英语作文一向是考研英语中的一大难点,作文的提分也是相当有难度。有别于客观题的对错分明,主观题的评分很大程度上要依赖阅卷人的标准把握,因此阅卷标准是考生应该非常重视且下功夫认真研究的部分。 考研作文考试内容 该部分由A、B两节组成,考查考生的书面表达力。总分25分。 A节题型有两种,每次考试选择其中的一种形式。备选题型包括: 1)考生根据所给情景写出约100词(标点符号不计算在内)的应用性短文,包括私人和公务信函、备忘录、报告等。 2)要求考生根据所提供的汉语文章,用英语写出一篇80~100词的该文摘要。考生在答题卡2上作答。共10分。 B节要求考生根据所规定的情景或给出的提纲,写出一篇150词以上的英语说明文或议论文。提供情景的形式为图画、图标或文字。考生在答题卡2上作答。共15分。 5大评分原则和方法 1.虽然A、B两节的考查要点有所不同,但对考生写作能力的基本要求是相同的,所以一般评分标准对两节都适用。但根据两节不同的考查要点,评分时会有不同的侧重点。 A节:应用文的评分侧重点在于信息点的覆盖、内容的组织、语言的准确性及格式和语域的恰当。对语法结构和词汇多样性的要求将根据具体试题作调整。允许在作文中使用提示语中出现过的`关键词,但使用提示语中出现过的词组或句子将被扣分。 B节:B节作文的评分重点在于内容完整性、文章的组织连贯性、语法结构和词汇的多样性及语言的准确性。 2.评分时,先根据文章的内容和语言确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求来给分。评分人员在档内有1--3分的调节分。 3.A节作文的字数要求是100词左右。B节作文的字数要求是150词。文章长度不符合要求的,酌情扣分。 4.拼写与标点符号是语言准确性的一方面。评分时,视其对交际的影响程度予以考虑。英、美拼写及词汇用法均可接受。 5.如书写较差,以致影响交际,将分数降低一个档次。 6大分档点 第五档:A节(9-10分)B节(17-20分) 很好地完成了试题规定的任务; 包含所有内容要点; 使用丰富的语法结构和词汇; 语言自然流畅,语法错误极少; 有效地采用了多种衔接手法,文字连贯,层次清晰; 格式与语域恰当、贴切; 对目标读者完全产生了预期的效果。 第四档:A节(7-8分)B节(13-16分) 较好地完成了试题规定的任务; 包含所有内容要点,允许漏掉1、2个次重点; 使用较丰富的语法结构和词汇; 语言基本准确,只有在试图使用较复杂结构或较高级词汇时才有个别错误; 采用了适当的衔接手法,层次清晰,组织较严密; 格式与语域较恰当;


2016考研英语二大作文例文 The pie chart above clearly shows the proportion of the consumption of urban citizens during Spring Festival. The total expenditure on the holiday is classified into four types as follows: New Year gift, get-together, transportation, and others. New Year gift has the largest proportion, which accounts for 40%; then next is get-together and transportation both with 20%, followed by other expense, constituting 20%. It can be concluded from the pie chart that New Year gift is most popular factor that people tend to spend on while people also pay equal attention to gathering and transportation. Why does this phenomenon revealed in the pie chart above appear? Several reasons account for this situation. To begin with, I am strongly convinced that this is partly duo to the fact that the lunar New Year is a great occasion to the Chinese people, and giving each other presents at Spring Festival is an old traditional convention. In addition, this is partly because nowadays, people attach more attention to interpersonal relationship and social connection. Therefore, people choose to join a party and enjoy reunion dinner with their friends or family members. From the analyses made above, we may come to the conclusion that people would like to spend much money on New Year gift whereas they also pay equal attention to transportation and get-together. For centuries, Chinese have observed this traditional holiday to welcome the beginning of a new year, and their consumption model reflects not only their personal life style but also our traditional custom. 一、考研英语考什么 在备考之前,先要了解一下考研英语都考哪些题型,因为有同学之前问听力怎么复习、口语如何提高之类,了解只清楚之后才不至于南辕北辙走冤枉路。考研英语考五大题型:阅读、写作、翻译、新题型、完形填空。阅读是占的分值比例最大的模块,2/5的比例,每个小题2分,每篇文章设有5个题目,共有4篇文章;写作中大作文英语一是图画作文,一般围绕社会现象,20分,英语二是图表作文,15分,小作文均为10分;翻译英语一是从一篇文章里划出5句话让翻译,10分,英语二是段落翻译,15分;新题型英语一为七选五、小标题、排序题,英语二为多项对应(连线题)、小标题、正误判断,都为10分;完形填空每个0.5分,20个小题。 二、阶段备考安排 考研过程一般分为基础、强化、冲刺。在寒假阶段,建议大家着手准备单词,基础不错的可以自己准备,基础不好的,可以报个词汇班,比如刘一男的课程,比较生动有趣,结合词根词缀方便大家记忆,书的话推荐大家刘一男的《考研词汇速记指南》和何凯文的《1575必考词汇突破全书》。


同等学力英语作文十篇范文 题目1:On Opening Psychological Courses(开放心理课程)Many universities and colleges have now decided to open more psychological courses to their students. This is totally advisable and has been warmly welcomed. In the first place psychological courses are in urgent need in colleges and universities. Today students are under tremendous pressures. They have economical and academic pressures and pressures coming from interpersonal relations as well. These pressures may bring them anxiety,depression,and despair. Some students even committed suicide for these pressures. The psychological courses may teach them how to deal with pressures. And thus can be very good for the students’ mental health. In the second place such courses may help students deal with problems in the future. And therefore beneficial to the whole society. The courses teach students how to regulated feelings and emotions in different situations which can be of great use when they graduate and go to work. As for me,I think it’s a wis e idea to open more psychological courses to the students.


你觉得考研英语作文一般能得多少分 考研英语作文,一般情况下,小作文背模板能拿个7、8分是不成问题的,大作文就要看水平了,一般没语法错误应该能拿12分以上。是不是感觉得分有点少?那么考研英语作文该怎么提升呢?下面就来谈谈这个问题。 一、高分作文的给分标准 考研英语作文复习,大家一般只考虑背诵模板,却忽略了考研英语作文的评分原则和评分标准,所以即使模板背的滚瓜烂熟,仍然不能得到高分。 1.大小作文评分看这些点 应用文主要包括私人和公务信函、备忘录、摘要、报告等,还应能写一般描述性、叙述性、说明或议论性的文章。考试的要求是做到:语法、拼写、标点正确,用词恰当;遵循文章的特定文体格式;合理组织文章结构,使其内容统一、连贯;根据写作目的和特定读者,恰当选用语言。 短文的评分标准主要是:首先看内容是否切题,是否符合题意的要求,然后看语言表达是否清楚、连贯、正确,语言基本功是否扎实,根据内容、文字、句子和用词,采用通篇分档计分。 2.考研英语高分作文应达到这水平 很好地完成了试题规定的任务,对目标读者能完全产生预期的效果。 ●包含所有内容要点;

●使用丰富的语法结构和词汇; ●语言自然流畅,语法错误极少; ●有效地采用了多种衔接手法,文字连贯,层次清晰; ●格式和语域恰当贴切。 二、考研英语作文怎么拿高分 基础不好,考研英语作文想要取得高分,就应该先打好基础,积累一定的写作语料,再就是学习模仿范文。 1.夯实基础 建议大家用真题语境法学习基础知识,北大博士吕升运的《考研圣经》就很不错。书中逐句精讲了单词和语法知识,基础不好,也能很快学会。 2.积累写作语料 写作语料的话,如果你不想整理,可以直接选择学习作文书中的。可以看看《写作宝中宝》,这是一本热点话题很全的作文书。大家可以用来背诵这些热点话题。 书中把各类热点话题的写作语料进行了详细归类,大家可以直接学习书中的热点话题素材,不用自己去整理那些素材了。 3.模仿范文 考研英语作文想要取得高分,还要不断的模仿练习,不要能只是简单的背背就可以了。 建议大家自己先写,然后对照范文,学习范文的写作思路。或者说大家在写完之后,还可以找别人进行修改,反复的修改接受别人的
