


英语试卷2013. 1本试卷共14页, 共150分。考试时长120分钟。考生务必将答案答在答题卡上, 在试卷上作答无效。考试结束后, 将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。

第二部分:知识运用(共两节, 45分)

第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分, 共15分)

从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

21. A broad smile spread _____ Jack’s face when he eventually gained a scholarship.

A. across

B. through

C. at

D. in

22. Such a fierce dog _____ that we had to wait outside before we could get into his yard.

A. has he had

B. did he have

C. he had

D. he has had

23. _____ really makes ―Gangnam Style‖ popular is not the lyrics, but the part of ―Horse Riding Dance‖.

A. Where

B. What

C. That

D. Which

24. Temperature _____ quite dramatically at night in mountains, so put on some warm clothes before going out.

A. are dropped

B. drop

C. are being dropped

D. have dropped

25. –– Jack, did you see my son Harry just now?

–– No, Mrs. White. I _____ computer games.

A. have played

B. am playing

C. had played

D. was playing

26. John has always wanted an iPad and he has just saved enough money to buy _____.

A. one

B. it

C. this D that

27. When the police arrived at the accident spot, they saw many victims _____ from great pain.

A. to suffer

B. suffered

C. suffering

D. having suffered

28. While a great CV _____ get you in the door, a great interview gets you the job.

A. shall

B. must

C. would

D. can

29. —When will the visas be ready, sir?

— _____ everything goes well, you should get them in 14 workdays.

A. Although

B. As far as

C. Unless

D. As long as

30. Up to now, our society _____ with limited living space and a shortage of natural resources.

A. have been challenged

B. is being challenged

C. is challenging

D. has challenged

31. Theories about the end of the world on December 21, 2012, _____ on the Mayan calendar, created chaos all over the world.

A. basing

B. based

C. having based

D. to base

32. I have received an offer from an American university, but I am still hesitating _____ I should accept it.

A. how

B. why

C. whether

D. that

33. The pigeon has been _____ symbol of _____ peace for thousands of years in many countries.

A. the; a

B. a; the

C. a; /

D. the; /

34. — When I first got to Harvard, my awkward English brought me great trouble.

— Oh, dear, it _____ a struggle for you to keep up with other students.

A. might be

B. can be

C. could have been

D. must have been

35. If John hadn’t lost his job last month, he______ abroad for a business conference next week.

A. would go

B. will go

C. will have gone

D. would have gone

第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分, 共30分)

阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

―A‖ for Attitude

English was always my favorite subject. In my freshman year of high school, I could write a killer composition. In my second year, my __36__ allowed me to give spelling tests to the class. I had wonderful __37__ of my junior year. Mrs. Alexander __38__ me to sit at her desk and take over the class when she had to leave the room. Only my senior English class was __39__, as we had a teacher right out of college who expected college-leavel work. Every student received a ―C‖ or ―D‖ grade the first quarter. __40__ English was still my subject.

I graduated from high school, __41__, early and had children. Confident about my English, I often helped my kids with their English homework. And I __42__ long articles and beautiful poetry as a columnist for a newspaper. Fifteen years later, I went to college, and because I had been an ―A‖ student, I remained an ―A‖ student. I __43__ up to my own expectations.

Yesterday, I __44__ my high school report cards when I was reading old papers. That bundle of report cards __45__ back the old days. I remembered sitting in my advisor’s office, explaining that I had always excelled at English, and __46__ that I did not deserve a ―D‖ from that __47__ teacher of my senior year. The advisor was sympathetic but unable to change a(an) __48__

Reading __49__ my old report cards revealed something else too. I wanted to shred them or hide them. I was not an ―A‖ student in high school English! Somehow, I had __50__ myself of this, when the grades clearly reflected an __51__ student with an occasional ―A‖ or ―B‖, but mostly ―C‖s.

Had I lived up to those grades and __52__ myself according to those letters, I would have never confidently sought my writing __53__. Had I believed in my early grades instead of myself, I would have allowed my fear of __54__ to defeat my enthusiasm and damage my creativity. __55__, I viewed my younger self as an ―A‖ English student, except for that underserved ―D‖.

36. A. monitor B. headmaster C. classmate D. teacher

37. A. impressions B. thoughts C. inspirations D. memories

38. A. approved B. appointed C. expected D. urged

39. A. flexible B. creative C. disappointing D. controversial

40. A. So B. But C. And D. Or

41. A. married B. worked C. succeeded D. progressed

42. A. wrote B. edited C. read D. copied

43. A. added B. lived C. grew D. went

44. A. counted B. remembered C. approached D. discovered

45. A. brought B. turned C. held D. kept

46. A. reporting B. guaranteeing C. complaining D. recommending

47. A. impolite B. impatient C. inexperienced D. independent

48. A. grade B. figure C. paper D. entry

49. A. out B. through C. from D. into

50. A. warned B. reminded C. informed D. convinced

51. A. average B. enthusiastic C. outstanding D. awkward

52. A. considered B. defined C. reflected D. described

53. A. goal B. dream C. career D. enterprise

54. A. change B. risk C. stress D. failure

55. A. Otherwise B. Besides C. Instead D. Still

第三部分:阅读理解(共两节, 40分)

第一节(共15小题;每小题2分, 共30分)

阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。


Something roared like thunder. The earth shook a little and we heard the rat-a-tat-tat of gunfire. ―Father!‖ Hassan cried. We sprung to our feet and raced out of the living room.

―Father! What’s that sound?‖ Hassan screamed, his hands outstretched toward Ali. Ali wrapped his arms around us. A white light flashed and lit the sky in silver. It flashed again and was followed by rapid sharp sounds of gunfire.

―They’re hunting ducks,‖ Ali said in a hoarse voice. ―They hunt ducks at night, you know. Don’t be afraid.

A siren went off in the distance. Somewhere glass broke and someone shouted. I heard people on the street, awakened from sleep. Hassan was crying. Ali pulled him close and held him with tenderness.

We stayed huddled that way until the early hours of the morning. The shootings and explosions had lasted less than an hour, but they had frightened us badly, because none of us had ever heard gunshots in the streets. They were foreign sounds to us then. The generations of Afghan children whose ears would know nothing but the sounds of the bombs and gunfire were not yet born. Huddled together in the dining room and waiting for the sun to rise, none of us had any idea that a way of life had ended. The end came when Russian tanks were rolling into the very same streets where Hassan and I played, bringing the death of the Afghanistan I knew and marking the start of a still ongoing era of bloodletting.

Just before the sunrise, Bab a’s car pulled into the driveway. His door slammed shut and his running footsteps pounded the stairs. Then he appeared in the doorway and I saw something on his face. Something I didn’t recognize right away because I’d never seen it before: fear. ―Amir! Hassan!‖ He cried as he ran to us, opening his arms wide. ―They blocked all the roads and the telephone didn’t work. I was so worried!‖We let him wrap us in his arms and, for a brief moment, I was glad about whatever had happened that night.

56. Who is the author of this passage?

A. Hassan.

B. Ali

C. Baba

D. Amir

57. By saying ―They’re hunting ducks‖, Ali ______.

A. told the children the truth

B. tried to calm the children

C. played a joke on the children

D. cheered the children up

58. We can infer from the passage that ______.

A. there were thunderstorms that night

B. Afghan children were used to the war

C. that night was the end of people’s peaceful life

D. people on the street shouted and broke the windows

59. From the last sentence of the passage, we know ______.

A. the author was glad to see his father come home safe

B. there was a chance that a world in peace was to come

C. what happened that night seemed nothing to the author

D. Baba’s arms gave the author temporary comfort and joy


Is Your Diet Destroying the Environment?

A vegetarian diet is often praised for its health benefits. Studies have shown that vegetarians usually have lower levels of heart disease and a lower risk of diabetes than people who eat meat. What most people are less aware of, however, are the effects that a vegetarian diet can have on the environment.

Researchers from the Union of Concerned Scientists in the US recently studied how consumer behavior affects the environment. The study showed that meat consumption is one of the main ways that humans can damage the environment, second only to the use of motor vehicle.

Then, how can eating meat have a negative effect on the environment? For a start, all farm animals such as cows, pigs, and sheep give off methane(沼气) gas by expelling wind from their bodies. One cow can produce up to 60 liters of methane each day. Methane gas is the second

most common greenhouse gas after carbon dioxide. Many environmental experts now believer that it is more responsible for global warming than carbon dioxide. It is estimated that 25% of all methane released into the atmosphere comes from farm animals.

Another way that meat production affects the environment is through the use of water and land. 2,500 gallons of water are needed to produce one pound of beef, whereas 20 gallons of water are needed to produce one pound of wheat. One acre of farmland used for crop production can produce 40,000 pounds of potatoes, 30,000 pounds of carrots, or 50,000 pounds of tomatoes.

Many people now see the benefits of switching to a vegetarian diet, not just for health reasons, but also because it plays a vital role in protecting the environment. However, some nutritionists advise against switching to a totally strict vegetarian, or vegan diet. They believe a vegan diet, which excludes all products from animal sources, such as cheese, eggs, and milk, can be short of many necessary vitamins and minerals our bodies need.

Today, many people know it’s important to take better care of their bodies and to use the earth’s resources more efficiently. As this understanding spreads, more people may realize that to help the environment and for the human race to survive, more of us will need to become vegetarians.

60. The underlined word ―it‖ in Para. 3 refers to ______.

A. methane gas

B. carbon dioxide

C. expelling wind

D. greenhouse gas

61. Many figures are used in Para. 4 to show ______.

A. growing tomatoes has the highest production

B. crop production is better than meat production

C. meat production consumes too much water and land

D. farm animals are the main producer of the methane gas

62. It can be inferred from the passage that with the help of S.K.I, street children may ______.

A. Our diet is destroying the surroundings

B. Raising farm animals affects the environment

C. A vegetarian diet helps to protect the environment

D. More and more people are becoming strict vegetarians


For millions of Facebook users, choosing which photo to use for an online profile is an important decision. According to a study by researchers at the UT Dallas Center, the photos we select may reflect individual preferences, but they also appear to reflect more deeply rooted, unconscious cultural differences. Previous research has shown that culture can affect not only language and custom, but also how we experience the world and process information. Western cultures, for example, condition people to think of themselves as highly independent entities, whereas East Asian cultures stress collectivism and interdependence.

Dr. Denise Park, co-director of the Center at UT Dallas, and former graduate student Dr. Chih-Mao Huang of the University of Illinois, were curious about whether these patterns of cultural influence extend to cyberspace. In a paper published in the International Journal of Psychology, they examined the profile photographs of more than 500 active Facebook users from the United States and East Asia. Overall, they found that profile photos of Americans are more likely to focus on the individual’s face, while the profiles of East Asians tend to less emphasize the face and include more background features. Americans also show greater smile intensity compared to East Asian Facebook users.

The findings show marked cultural differences in the focus of attention among East Asian and American Facebook users. Moreover, they echo previous research on cultural influences on visual perception, attention, and reasoning in the offline world.

―We believe these findings relate to a cultural bias to be more individualistic and independent in the US and more communal and interdependent in Asia,‖ said Park.

The research also found that cultural influences over our self-presentation online can shift over time and from place to place. In one of the study samples, Americans studying in Japan and Japanese studying in the US both showed a tendency to adjust their profile photos to the general preferences of their host country.

―Facebook constitutes an extended social context in which personal profiles mirror various individual characteristics, private thoughts, and

social behaviors.‖ Noted Huang. ―As such, the study presents a new approach to investigate cognition and behaviors across cultures by using Facebook as a data collection platform.

63. The underlined word ―condition‖ in the first paragraph probably means ______.

A. advise

B. instruct

C. shape

D. forbid

64. We can know from the passage that Mongolians probably emphasize ______.

A. cultural influences

B. social behaviors

C. independent existence

D. collective power

65. It can be inferred that a Korean studying in the US is likely to ______.

A. use a picture of his face on Facebook

B. adjust to American preferences quickly

C. change his profile photos from time to time

D. put up a photo of his apartment on Facebook

66. According to Dr. Huang, Facebook can help to _____.

A. make up a more extended social context

B. study the diversity of worldwide cultures

C. promote communication between east and west

D. combine different cultures from different aspects


Do you want to love what you do for a living? Follow your passion. This piece of advice provides the foundation for modern thinking on career satisfaction. But his can be a problem.

I’ve spent the past several years researching and writing about the different strategies we use to seek happiness in our work. It became clear early in the process that the suggestion to ―follow your passion‖was flawed, for it lacks scientific evidence. However, it doesn’t mean you should abandon the goal of feeling passionate about your work. The reality emphasizes that things are quite complicated.

Passion is earned. Different people are looking for different things in their work, but generally, people with satisfying careers enjoy some combination of the following features: autonomy, respect, competence, creativity, and a sense of impact. In other words, if you want to feel passionate about your livelihood, don’t seek the perfect job, but seek to get more of these features in the job you already have.

Passion is elusive. Many people develop the rare and valuable skills leading to passion, but still end up unhappy in their work. The problem is that the features leading you to love your work are more likely to be useful to you than your organization. As you become increasingly ―valuable‖, for example, your boss might push you toward traditional promotions that come with more pay and more responsibility, as this is what is most useful to your company. However, you might find more passion by applying your value to gain autonomy in your schedule or project selection.

Passion is dangerous. I’ve watched too many of my peers fall into anxiety and chronic job-hopping due to the ―follow your passion‖ advice. The issue is expectations. If you believe we all have a pre-existing passion, and that matching it to a job will lead to instant workplace happiness, reality will always pale in comparison.

Work is hard. Not every day is fun. If you’re seeking a dream job, you`ll end up frustrated, again and again. Don’t set out to discover passion. Instead, set out to develop it. This path might be longer and more complicated than what most cheerful career guides might advocate, but it’s a path much more likely to lead you somewhere worth going.

67. People satisfied with their careers are ______.?

A. autonomous and passionate

B. creative and competent

C. respectable and sensitive

D. creative and passionate

68. What is the author’s advice on achieving career satisfaction?

A. Developing passion for what one is doing

B. Matching the pre-existing passion to one’s work

C. Figuring out early what one will do in the future

D. Discovering skills that lead to interesting careers

69. The underlined sentence in Para. 5 probably means that ______.

A. it is not easy to match our passion with our jobs.

B. we shoul dn’t think everyone has a pre-existing passion

C. high expectations of passion in jobs bring disappointment

D. workplace happiness does not require a pre-existing passion

70. What’s the author’s attitude towards the advice of ―following your passion‖?

A. Ambiguous

B. Supportive

C. Cautious

D. Disapproving

第二节(共5小题, 每小题2分, 共10分)

根据短文内容, 从短文后的七个选项中选出能填入空白处得最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

The Making of ―Tipping Point‖

Clara Barton, founder of the American Red Cross, gained worldwide honor for her dedication to easing human suffering and earnest the nickname ―Angel of the Battlefield.‖

Barton was born into a liberal freethinking family in 1821. her elder brothers and sisters happily tutored her in math and reading, so when she entered school at three years old, she could read and spell three-syllable words. ___71___

Concerned about Barton’s difficulty in making friends, her parents sent her to a boarding school, hoping it would make her more comfortable with her peers. ___72___ Barton lost her appetite and cried constantly. After only one term, she had to be brought home. Then, Barton stayed out of school to nurse her older brother through a serious injury and also volunteered to care for poor families during a smallpox(天花) outbreak.

In 1961, the Civil War broke out. The sight of wounded soldiers touched Barton deeply. She began to collect and distribute food, bandages, medicines, and other supplies for the Union army. ___73___ There, with little concern for her own safety, she cooked meals, assisted surgeons, and comforted wounded soldiers.

Eventually, because of working too hard, Barton collapsed, ill with typhoid fever. ___74___ It was there that she learned of an organization based in Switzerland-called the International Red Cross, whose work mirrored her own.

Shortly after Barton arrived back home in 1873, her sister died. ___75___ When recuperating(休养) at a health facility in New York, she began planning for the establishment of an American wing of the International Red Cross. Although at first the government resisted, her efforts finally paid off. The American Red Cross was officially organized on May 21, 1881. her influence lives on today in the work of the organization she founded.

A. Barton fell into a deep depression.

B. Unfortunately, it had the opposite effect.

C. Many people felt sorry for the loss of her sister and her own health.

D. Barton risked her life to transport wagonloads of supplies to the front lines.

E. When she recovered, her doctors prescribed a long, restful trip to Europe.

F. Barton spent the following several months learning basics about Swiss Cross.

G. She easily kept up with the older children academically but did not fit in socially.

第四部分:书面表达(共两节, 35分)





图表1 图表2

Recently, a survey about online shopping has been conducted on the Internet.


请根据下面提示, 写一篇短文, 词数不少于50.

You are discussing the following picture with your English friend Jim. Now you are telling him how you understand the picture and what makes you think so.


2017年11月北京成人学士学位英语考试真题及答案 Part I Reading Comprehension (30%) Directions: There are three passages In this part Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. Passage 1 Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage: In 2014, older Americans fell 29 million times, leading to 7 million injuries, according to a report published last week. About million cases were treated in emergency department, and approximately 800,000 seniors went on to be hospitalized. More than 27,000 falls led to death. (76) And the problem is getting more and more serious. “Older adult falls are increas ing and, sadly, often indicate the end of independence,” said Dr. Tom Frieden. The fallsare preventable, Frieden stressed. He said individuals, families and health care providers can take steps to resist the trend.


2019 年北京市海淀区初三第一学期期末英语考试 四、单项填空(共6 分,每小题0.5 分) 从下面各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 22.I saw Aunt Sue in town last week. ______ looked very well. A. She B. They C. He D. You 23.— Shall we meet ______ the school gate after school? — Sure. A.on B. at C. in D. over 24.— ______ are you supposed to do when you meet someone for the first time? — We’re supposed to shake hands. A.Who B. Why C. Whose D. What 25.My bike was broken on the way, ______I was late for school. A. but B. for C. so D. or 26.— Must I hand in my report now? — No, you______. You can finish it by the end of this week.

A.needn’t B. mustn’t C. shouldn’t D. can’t 27.Paul keeps doing exercise. Now he is much______ than he used to be. A.healthy B. healthier C. healthiest D. the healthiest 28.I ______Tim the news as soon as I see him tomorrow. A. tell B. told C. will tell D. have told 29.My friend Sally______ to another city last year, I really miss her. A. moved B. moves C. is moving D. has moved 30.— Hello, may I speak to Nick? — Wait a moment. He ______ the dishes in the kitchen. A.does B. did C. has done D. is doing https://www.360docs.net/doc/f016455218.html,lions of people ______ the Great wall every year. A. visited B. visit C. will visit D. are visiting 32.The National Grand Theatre ______in 2007. A. build B. built C. was built D. is built 33.— Cathy, do you know ______ the football match next week? — Yes. It’s going to be on Friday. A.when we had B. when will we have


海淀区高三年级第一学期期中练习 英语 本试卷共12页,共150分。考试时长120分钟。 第一部分:听力理解(共三节,30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,共7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一道小题,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你将有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话你将听一遍。 1. How will the man go there? A. By subway. B. By bus. C. By taxi. 2. What will the man do first? A. Answer a phone call. B. Attend a meeting. C. Go to the concert. 3. What’s the probable relationship between the two speakers? A. Customer and cashier. B. Driver and passenger. C. Boss and employee. 4. What gift are the speakers going to buy? A. B. C. 5. Where are the speakers? A. At a bank. B. In a restaurant. C. In a supermarket. 第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,共15分) 听下面4段对话。每段对话后有几道小题,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读每小题。听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话你将听两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。 6. What can visitors do on MacDonald’s farm? A. Grow crops. B. Pick vegetables. C. Milk cows. 7. How much does a mini cow weigh? A. About 250 pounds. B. About 300 pounds. C. About 600 pounds. 听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。 8. Why did the man argue with his friend? A. He mistrusted his friend. B. His friend refused to pay the bill. C. His friend failed to return the money. 9. What is the woman’s suggestion to the man? A. Stop talking with him. B. Talk it over with his friend.


2011-2012学年度第一学期高三年级 英语试题 第一部分英语知识运用(共四节,满分55分) 第一节语音知识(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分) 从每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中,找出所给单词的正确读音,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。、 1. loose A. present B. usual C. usage D. rose 2. south A. courage B. soup C. southern D. trousers 3. official A. concert B. ocean C. coast D. century 4. steam A. hear B. nearly C. mean D. heart 5.judge A.museum B. husband C.true D. huge 第二节情景对话(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分) 根据对话情景和内容,从对话后所给的选项中选出能填入每一空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑.选项中有两个为多余选项。 A: Any good news? B: Not really. 6 So I was left behind after school yesterday. A: 7 B: Sometimes I do. The day before yesterday, I was quiet in my history class but I still had to stay after school. A: 8 B: Because I fell asleep. But it wasn’t m y fault. 9 A: I advise you to take school more seriously. If you don’t pass your exam, you will have to drop out and work as a result; B: 10 If I have a job, I have to do dull work every day. But now I am in school, I must listen to dull teachers every day. A: Something must be wrong with you. Go to the psychologist first. A: You are lazy. B: I don’t understand. C: You made your teacher angry. D: Better keep quiet in class. E: The lesson is dull. F: I don’t think it makes much difference. G: I was talking without being asked in class. 第三节语法和词汇知识(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) 从每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。 11.The CEO needs an assistant with ____ little knowledge of German and ___ experience in administrative management. A. the, an B.the, / C. a, an D. a, / 12. Many houses were destroyed in the heavy rain. They should get them _____. A. to repair B. repaired C. repairing D. repair 13. Allow children to voice their opinions, ____ they are different from your own.

广东省学士学位英语历年真题 附答案

2009年广东学士学位英语历年真题考试附答案 Paper One 试卷一90 minutes Part I Dialogue Completion (15 points) Directions: There are 15 short incomplete dialogues in this part, each followed by 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one to complete the dialogue and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. 1. Jenny: Shall I go and tell Mr. Fairbanks about our proposal? Jackie: ___________. A. Yes, you go B. Yes, go C. Yes, let’s D. Yes, please 2. Mori: It’s a plea sure to meet you here. Kaco: __________. A. Pleased to meet you, too B. Thank you so much C. I didn’t expect to see you here D. You’re too hospitable 3. Williams: Excuse me. I’m looking for a present for my son. I have no idea what to get him, Can you help me? Sales girl: ____________. A. Of course I can


北京市海淀区2015届九年级英语上学期期末考试试题 听力理解(共 26 分) 二、听对话或独白,根据对话或独白的内容,从下面各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择 最佳选项。每段对话或独白你将听两遍。(共12分,每小题1分) 请听一段对话,完成第5至第6小题。 5 .What is John NOT allowed to do at school? A. Play soccer. B.Use mobile phones. C. Eat in the classroom. 6 .What does the girl think of her teachers? A .They're funny. B.They're helpful.C.They're hard-working. 请听一段对话,完成第7至第8小题。 7 .Where will the man volunteer to work? A. In the gym. B. In the garden. C. In the hall. 8 .When will the man do the volunteer work? A. On Monday. B. On Tuesday. C. On Wednesday. 请听一段对话,完成第9至第10小题。

10.When should guests leave their friends' parties? A .Right after the meal· B .When the friends look tired. C .After writing a thank-you note. 请听一段对话,完成第11至第13小题。 11.How long did Mike wait for Sandy? A. 50 minutes. B.20 minutes. C.10 minutes. 12.What did Sandy do after she got out of the taxi? A .She bought some food and drinks. B .She offered help to her best friend. C .She tried to comfort the crying kids. 请听一段独白,完成第14至第16小题。 14.How much will you save if you go to a movie before 5 pm on weekdays? A .10%. B.20%. C.30%. 15.What can you learn from the speaker's talk? A .The first show of The Wizard of Chocolate begins at 4 pin. B .In Dreamy Boys,a girl's dream comes true· C .Saved! is a very popular action movie. 16.What's the speaker doing? A .Making an introduction.B.Leading a discussion.C.Offering an invitation.


学习资料收集于网络,仅供学习和参考,如有侵权,请联系网站删除 学习资料英语 第一部分:听力理解(共三节,30 分) 第一节(共5 小题;每小题1.5 分,满分7.5 分) 听下面五段对话。每段对话后有一道小题,从每题所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳 选项。听完每段对话后,你将有10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话你将听一遍。 1.What does the woman want? A.The salt. B. The pepper. C. The spoon. 2.What will the weather be like according to the radio? A.Rainy. B. Sunny. C. Windy. 3.Who are the paparazzi following? A.Michael. B. Kathy. C. Janice. 4.What is the man’s favorite sport? A.Football. B. Baseball. C. Basketball. 5.Where will the woman go this weekend? A.To the National Library. B. To the amusement park. C. To the shopping mall. 第二节(共10 小题;每小题1.5 分,15 分) 听下面四段对话。每段对话后有几道小题,从每题所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳 选项。听每段对话前,你将有5 秒钟的时间阅读每小题。听完后,每小题将给出5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话你将听两遍。 6.What is the woman’s research about? A.The movies students like best. B.The things students do after school. C.The sports students are interested in. 7.What is the most unexpected finding of the research? A.Students rarely do housework. B.Few students go to the movies. C.Most students play computer games. 听第7 段材料,回答第8 至9 题。 8.What type of book does the man need? A.About engineering. B. About computer. C. About finance. 9.How will the woman help the man? A.By searching the shelves for the book.


2017-2018 学年度第一学期期末考试试题 高三年级英语学科试卷 (考试时间100 分钟满分120 分) 本试卷共10 页。考生务必将答案答在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。 第一部分:知识运用(共两节,45 分)第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分, 共15分)从每题所给的A 、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。例:It ' s so nice to hear from her again_. __ , we last met more than thirty years ago. A. What ' s more B. That ' s to say C. In other words D. Believe it or not 答案是D 。 1. These fresh vegetables are easy to rot so you ____ eat them within two days. A. might B. should C. can D. would 2. ____ the pictures on the screen more clearly, they moved to the front row. A. To watch B. Watching C. Watched D. Having watched 3. He missed the worst of the traffic this morning, ____ he set out before 6 o 'clock. A. but B. so C. for D. or 4. - Did you have to do much for the dinner party? -No, Tina ______ everything by the time I got home. A. has finished B. had finished C. would finish D. will finish 5. Two blocks beyond the school is a field _____ we often played football during childhood. A. who B. which C. when D. where 6. My parents graduated from this university; that '__s ___ I insisted on applying for it. A. which B. why C. what D. where 7. - Why are you buying a new refrigerator? The old one _____ so many times that it 'snot worth it any more. A. has repaired B. is repaired C. has been repaired D. has been repairing 8. A child should be receiving either meat or eggs daily, preferably ____ . A. neither B. none C. either D. both 9. Can I give you a call on Saturday morning? I think I _____ to the mountains, so call me on my cell phone. A. drive B. am driving C. will drive D. will be driving 10. What will you do if the people ____ at the back of the hall have trouble hearing the speech? A. sitting B. sit C. sat D. to sit 11. Having a hobby is good for you. It doesn 'tmatter what it is ____ it drives you forward. A. as long as B. though C. unless D. in order that 12. ____ the characters leave un said is ofte n more importa nt tha n what they put i nto words.



学士学位英语试题 一、试题册共14页,满分为120分。全部考试时间为150分钟,9:00正式开始,11:30考试结束。 二、将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡和答题纸上。考生必须填划相应的试卷类型和报考语种,否则不给分。 三、选择题的答案一定要填划在答题卡上,其余的答案写在答题纸上,凡是写在试题册上的答案无效。答题卡用2B铅笔填划,选定答案后,用铅笔在相应字母的中部划一条横线,正确方法是:[A][C][D],使用其它符号答题者不给分,画线要有一定的粗度,浓度要盖过红色;答题纸一律用钢笔或圆珠笔书写。 四、10:55监考人员将收回答题卡;11:30监考人员宣布考试结束,请考生一律停笔,将试题册和答题纸反扣放在自己的桌面上,监考人员收齐点清后考生方可离开考场。考生不得将试题册、答题卡、答题纸和考试相关资料带走。 PartⅠ Vocabulary and Structure (25 points, 30 minutes) Directions: There are 50 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.


北京海淀区2016-2017初三第一学期期末 英语试题 听力理解(共30分) 一、听对话,从下面各题所给的A、B、C三幅图片中选择与对话内容相符的图片。每段对话你将听两遍。(共5分,每小题1分) ()1. A. B. C. ()2. A. B. C. ()3. A. B. C. ()4. A. B. C. ()5. A. B. C.

二、听对话或独白,根据对话或独白的内容,从下面各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳选项。每段对话或独白你将听两遍。(共15分,每小题1.5分) 请听一段对话,完成第6至第7小题。 ()6. What kind of music does the boy like? A. Pop music. B. Folk music. C. Classical music. ()7. Why does the girl like pop music? A. Because it is full of energy. B. Because she likes the lyrics. C. Because it makes her relaxed. 请听一段对话,完成第8至第9小题。 ()8. When will the two speakers have dinner together? A. On Monday. B. On Friday. C. On Sunday. ()9. Who will make the new dish? A. Linda. B. Jack. C. Jack’s sister. 请听一段对话,完成第10至第11小题。 ()10. Where are the two speakers? A. In a park. B. In a shopping mall. C. In a restaurant. ()11. What will the woman buy? A. A sweater. B. A pair of shoes. C. A Christmas tree. 请听一段对话,完成第12至第13小题。 ()12. Why did the women stop the boy? A. Because he ran the red light. B. Because he didn’t have a license. C. Because he drove in the wrong way. ()13. What can we learn about the boy? A. He is old enough to drive a car. B. He knows little about a traffic rules. C. He prefers to drive on a busy street. 请听一段独白,完成第14至第15小题。 ()14. What causes most of the serious rock climbing accidents? A. Bad weather. B. No practice. C. Wrong protection. ()15. What is the speech mainly about? A. Safety rules for rock climbing. B. The popularity of rock climbing. C. Training courses on rock climbing.


高三英语期末考试 姓名:班级:得分: 一、单项填空(共15小题,15分) 1.Half _______hour later,we got around together singing and dancing.A.the B.a C.an D.X 2.It is very difficult _______ him to do so much work. A.of B.to C.with D.for 3.Our school is becoming _______. A.more and more better B.better and better C.more better D.more good 4.It is five years he _______ to learn English. A.begins B.began C.had begun D.was beginning 5.________ more time,we are sure to finish the task in time. A.Given B.To give C.Giving D.Give 6.________ he comes to the school,I shall call you up. A.If B.Whether C.While D.Though 7.This pair of shoes ________ repairing. A.needs B.need C.must D.should 8.There are many students surrounding the bus,most of _______ are girls.A.them B.which C.who D.whom 9.I had some medicine,________ it hasn’t done much good up to now.A.but B.so C.or D.for 10.The television ________.It’s working again now. A.is being repaired B.has repaired C.has been repaired D.is repairing 11.I was walking down the street ________ someone stepped in front of me. A.though B.when C.if D.because 12.He always thinks of ________ he can do more for others. A.why B.what C.that D.how 13.If the phone ________,can you answer it? A.will ring B.rang C.rings D.is ringing 14.The moment I got to the station,I found the train ________.A.left B has left C.had left D.leaves 15.I ________ my neighbor that we should remove the fence between the gardens. A.agreed with B.agreed to C.agreed about D.agreed on 二、完形填空(共15小题;30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 A certain student passed all his examinations.Then he went to college to continue his studies.There he wrote down his name for a course(课程) in English,but after the first 16 ,he didn’t go to it any more. The English lecturer(讲师) 17 this student was always absent(缺席的)and thought he had changed to another course,so he was 18 when he saw the boy’s name on the 1ist of students who wanted to take(参加) the English 19 at the end of this year. The lecturer had 20 a difficult paper,which followed his lectures closely,and he was eager(热切的)to see 21 this student would answer the questions.He expected the boy’s answers would be very bad,but when they 22 him and he examined them 23 ,he was able to find only one small mistake in them.As this surprised him greatly,he 24 the paper repeatedly but still couldn’t find more than one mistake,so he 25 for the student to question him about it. When he came and sat down,the lecturer asked him,“I 26 you came to


学士学位英语试题 一、试题册共14页,满分为120分。全部考试时间为150分钟,9:00正式开始,11:30考试结束。 二、将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡和答题纸上。考生必须填划相应的试卷类型和报考语种,否则不给分。 三、选择题的答案一定要填划在答题卡上,其余的答案写在答题纸上,凡是写在试题册上的答案无效。答题卡用2B铅笔填划,选定答案后,用铅笔在相应字母的中部划一条横线,正确方法是:[A][C][D],使用其它符号答题者不给分,画线要有一定的粗度,浓度要盖过红色;答题纸一律用钢笔或圆珠笔书写。 四、10:55监考人员将收回答题卡;11:30监考人员宣布考试结束,请考生一律停笔,将试题册和答题纸反扣放在自己的桌面上,监考人员收齐点清后考生方可离开考场。考生不得将试题册、答题卡、答题纸和考试相关资料带走。 PartⅠ Vocabulary and Structure (25 points, 30 minutes) Directions: There are 50 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

1. By 1929, Mickey Mouse was as popular _ b_ children as Coca Cola. A) for B) with C) to D) in 2. When you buy anything expensive, never forget to ask for the _A from the shop. A) receipt B) trust C) renderD) tale 3. The financial support is decided not only according to your GRE score, but also according to your _C in college. A) intelligence B) policy C) performance D) statement 4. Professor Smith is also the of the international program D office. If you have any problem when you study here, you may go to him for help. A) detective B) president C) manager D) director 5. We do not have a __A school (研究生学院—)in our institute. (学院,开始,创立)The highest degree we provide for the students is a B. A.(文学士) and a B. S.(理学士) . A) graduate B) high C) grade D) continue 6. Paper clips, drawing pins and safety-pins were _D_ all over the floor. A) separated(分开) B) sprayed(溢出) C) spilled(喷雾——) D) scattered (散乱)


海淀区高三年级第二学期期末练习 英语 2019.05 本试卷共10页,共120分。考试时长100分钟。考生务必将答案答在答题纸上,在试卷上作答无效。考试结束后,将答题纸交回。 第一部分:知识运用(共两节,45分) 第一节语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分, 共15分) 阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填空。在未给提示词的空白处仅填写1个适当的单词,在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。 A To me, the most beautiful thing is the ocean. It is beautiful because it has a calming effect. When 1 (listen) to the sound of the waves, I feel peaceful. 2 the age of 10, I went to the beach for the first time. With my feet in the water, I felt totally relaxed, and the sound of the ocean really 3 (comfort) me. From then on, I often dream of floating in the ocean, feeling carefree. B Discovering yourself plays 4 important role in inspiring your confidence. By doing so, you could know 5 you are weak in. And you may also realize you’re quite a great person with great strengths. So when you’re in a hard situation, you will believe in 6 (you) and spend the most difficult time with confidence. Otherwise you may give up and then lose everything. Therefore, the ability 7 (trust) yourself will decide your future a lot. C The year 2018 marks the 40th anniversary of China’s reform and opening-up. The past four decades has seen China shift its society from a farmers’ community to a digital culture 8 (successful). Under the leadership of CPC, many 9 (achievement) can be seen in every field. The life of the Chinese people has improved, with millions of people being lifted out of poverty. The country now has the world’s 10 (large) high-speed rail network. And with around 800 million I nternet users, China has become the world’s fastest-growing online shopping market.
