









听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1.What are the speakers doing?

A.Waiting in line to get food.B.Arranging to meet someone.C.Visiting a crowded museum. 2.What do we know about the woman?

A.She arrived at the party late.B.She was speaking too loudly.C.She couldn’t hear the man clearly. 3.What does the man suggest the woman do?

A.Recycle waste.B.Start using buses.C.Do some volunteer work. 4.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A.Mother and son.B.Brother and sister.C.Babysitter and child.

5.Which language does the man usually use?





6.How are the speakers travelling?

A.By bus.B.By taxi.C.By train.

7.What are the speakers going to do?

A.Leave the city.B.See a show.C.Park their car.


8.What might the man be?

A.A student.B.A data analyst.C.A computer scientist.

9.Which field of work does the man believe isn’t threatened?

A.Factory work.B.Office work.C.Creative work.

10.What does the woman hope AI will do?

A.Make her rich.B.Invent new things.C.Improve ordinary lives.


11.What does the man like about the coat?

A.The size.B.The colors.C.The hidden pockets. 12.Where does the conversation most likely take place?

A.At a fashion show.B.In a bedroom.C.In an office.

13.What helps the woman lose weight?

A.Doing more housework.B.Watching her diet.C.Swimming regularly.


14.How did the man know the ways to build the furniture?

A.His uncle taught him.B.He watched some videos.C.He talked with a professional. 15.How long will the current project take in total?

A.Ten weeks.B.Eight weeks.C.Two weeks.

16.How will the woman probably feel after finishing the project?



17.What is the purpose of the talk?

A.To explain why the flight is delayed.

B.To explain how to find cheap flights.

C.To explain safety instructions on an airplane.

18.Which country is the flight flying to?

A.France.B.The UK.C.Glasgow.

19.What is the first rule for the listeners to follow?

A.Putting out cigarettes before boarding.

B.Keeping seated as the plane takes off.

C.Wearing their seatbelts on the journey.

20.How long will people get banned from the airline for smoking on an airplane?

A.At least one year.B.At least five months.C.At least three months.





KidsWorldFun Short Story Contest

Calling all young writers from around the world! It’s time to release your creativity and share your incredible stories with us. KidsWorldFun presents the ultimate Short Story Contest, open to young people of all ages.

Two Modes of Entry

● Free Entry: get the chance to win a certificate and have your story published on our website.

● Entry Fee of $10: get the chance to receive a cash prize as well as a certificate and have your story published. Payment links will be sent via email for these entries.

Amazing Prizes Await

First Prize: $100, certificate and publication;

Second Prize: $75, certificate and publication;

Third Prize: $50, certificate and publication.

Highly commented stories will also be published for the world to enjoy.

Contest Categories and Word Limits

To ensure fairness, we have set three categories for writers to choose from and minimum and maximum word limits for each category.

Submission Guidelines

● Include proof of age with your entry (scan or take a photo of your identity card). Entries without proof of age will be disqualified.

● Your story must be original and unpublished.

● Type your story out.

Our judges will evaluate each story based on content, language and writing style. Their decision will be final. For more information, please contact us at ************************. We’re here to assist you every step of the way.

Don’t miss this incredible opportunity to showcase your talent and win amazing prizes! Enter the KidsWorldFun Short Story Contest today!

21.What may a free entry second prize winner get?

A.A reward of $10.B.A certificate and publication.

C.Prize money and honors.D.$75, certificate and publication.

22.Which of the following meets the entry requirements?

A.A handwritten draft.B.A science fiction of 1500 words.

C.An award-winning essay.D.A printout of a 900-word original story.

23.What is the main purpose of the text?

A.To promote a reading website.B.To appeal for participation.

C.To explain an application process.D.To teach kids writing principles.


For sharks, the Mesoamerican Reef, which stretches over 600 miles, is a busy highway. Sharks use it to find their way and it provides them with food and habitat.

But as with on-land highways, this superhighway can be dangerous. Overfishing, commercial development and illegal practices are endangering the species. “We’re seeing a continued decline in shark populations. Our goal is to

turn that round.” says Rachel Graham, founder of Mar Alliance, a non-profit organization focused on conserving sharks.

By monitoring sharks, Mar Alliance can collect important knowledge on the species to help inform conservation and push for political action. But rather than acting in opposition to the local fishing community, MarAlliance enlists their help.

“They are the ones who are on the sea every single day,” says Graham, “and they’re the ones who decide the species’ future.”

MarAlliance employs up to 60 fishermen across its range, mostly on a project basis, training them to collect data, record and release fish. Not only does this provide an alternative income to fishing communities, making them less dependent on natural resources, but it also teaches them about the benefits of a healthy ocean ecosystem and how to fish sustainably.

Among them, Ivan Torres, who used to catch sharks to sell locally as food, has learned how critical they’re to the whole ecosystem, saying he’d never fish sharks any more.

If this attitude change continues to spread throughout fishing communities, Graham has hope for the shark populations. “The primary threat to sharks is unquestionably overfishing,” she says, “By reforming the industry, populations can bounce back.”

In 2020, Belize outlawed the use of gillnets, large panels of netting of trapping large sealife. The ban’s impact is already noticeable with a recorded 10-fold increase in shark populations.

But such regulations need to be copied along the whole superhighway for long-lasting impact, and countries need to find a sustainable balance between fishers and the fished. “We need to find a win-win strategy between fisher livelihoods and shark survival,” Graham emphasizes. “I hope that through education and providing an economic alternative for fishing communities, MarAlliance will help ensure safe passage for sharks along the reef”. 24.Which of the following best describes the Mesoamerican Reef for sharks?

A.Romantic but messy.B.Vital but insecure.C.Adventurous but beautiful.D.Unfamiliar but reliable. 25.What does the underlined “they” in paragraph 4 refer to?

A.MarAlliance.B.The fishers.C.Monitoring authorities.D.The sharks. 26.What contributed to Ivan’s attitude shift apart from education?

A.A stricter fishing ban.B.The insurance payout he earned.

C.An offer of extra work.D.The fishing communities’ intervention.

27.What is mainly stressed in the last paragraph?

A.Solution to overfishing.B.Difficulties facing MarAlliance.

C.Impact of existing regulations.D.Features of international cooperation.


Jimmy Jiang envisions a future where every house is powered by renewable energy stored in batteries.

Jiang and his team at the University of Cincinnati have developed a new battery that could have far-reaching implications for the large-scale (大规模)energy storage needed by wind and solar farms.

“Batteries store renewable energy for when it’s needed, not just when it’s produced. This is crucial for getting the most out of wind and solar power,” Jiang said. “Energy generation and energy consumption is always mismatched.

That’s why it’s important to have a device that can store that energy temporarily and release it when it’s needed.”

They described their novel design in the journal Nature Communications.

Traditional car batteries contain a mix of sulfuric acid and water. While they’re inexpensive and made from readily available materials, they have severe drawbacks for industrial or large-scale use. They have a very low energy density (密度), which isn’t suitable for storing sufficient power needed to power a city. And they have a low level for electrochemical stability, which means they can blow up.

Water has a voltage (电压)limit. Once the voltage of such a battery goes beyond the stability window of 1.5 volts, the water can decompose into hydrogen and oxygen, which is explosive.

But Jiang and his students have developed a battery without water that can generate nearly 4 volts of power. Jiang’s novel design does so by removing from a battery the membrane, which is a huge component of upfront costs and accounts for as much as 30% of the cost of the battery. They invented a new type of energy storage material that improves performance at a lower cost. “Membranes are also inefficient. They can’t separate the positive and negative sides completely, so there is always crossover,” he said.

The group has submitted temporary patent applications. “There is still a long way to go, but we’re advancing toward a dramatic battery transformation in the next decade. I’m confident about that. There is a lot of intense research going into pushing the boundaries of battery performance,” Jiang said.

28.What’s mainly talked about in paragraph 3?

A.Why batteries are essential.B.How to store renewable energy.

C.Why green energy is needed.D.How to conserve natural resources.

29.What’s the problem with traditional car batteries?

A.They’re too pricy.B.They’re made of rare materials.

C.They’re slow to charge.D.They have a potential explosion risk.

30.What can we say about Jiang’s novel design?

A.It may reshape the battery industry.B.It’s inappropriate for large-scale use.

C.It may help minimize power consumption.D.It’s subject to mature industry standards.

31.What is Jiang’s attitude towards the prospect of the battery?



Imagine being an Olympic racer. Before stepping onto the track, you have to decide which pair of shoes to wear: One made from sustainable materials or a traditionally built model? If you’re like most people, you’d opt for the

non-sustainable version. Consumer behavior research indicates sustainable products are often assumed to be weaker, less durable and perform worse than non-sustainable ones.

But are there instances in which sustainability is not a liability? To investigate this, researchers conducted a series of studies. They theorized that under some circumstances, sustainability may provide a halo effect, meaning that being perceived as sustainable also leads consumers to assume other positive characteristics about them as well.

In the first study, 595 participants were asked to make judgments about several household products like washing powder. The results suggest one’s values do play a role: People with higher environmental values viewed sustainable products as also being higher-performing, thus lending support for the halo effect theory.

The second experiment looked specifically at the effect of messaging, testing to see whether focusing the sustainability claims on the company, as opposed to the product, would be more effective in driving participants’ belief in product performance. 270 participants were asked. The results suggest that associating sustainability with the company has a much larger impact than messaging about product sustainability.

Study 3 sought to further expand these mechanisms by examining the influence of societal impact. 148 participants who saw various advertisements for products either described as having a “sustainable benefit” or “societal benefit” were more likely to see the products as being of higher performance if they were presented as positively impacting society, above and beyond merely being sustainable, supporting the idea that the halo effect is driven by the belief of the company as a moral agent engaged in socially beneficial behavior.

Contrary to previous thinking, this research illustrates that sustainability claims can produce positive belief about product performance in the above conditions. Like the track star, consumers often feel sustainability and performance exclude each other. When the brand (品牌)presents it just the right way, there doesn’t need to be a trade-off. These can be one and the same.

32.What does the underlined word “liability” in paragraph 2 mean?


33.Product sustainability produces a positive halo effect when sustainability claims

A.highlight the product B.are aimed to generate profits

C.contrast with consumers’ values D.are made about the company itself

34.On what basis did the researchers reach the study outcome?

A.Previous experience.B.Sales statistics.C.Respondents’ opinions.D.Social phenomenon. 35.Which is the best title for the text?

A.How Green Products Benefit Consumers

B.How Consumers View Company Culture

C.How Sustainability Claims Impact Product Quality

D.How Psychology Helps the Belief in Green Products



Your neighbors are probably the first line of defense in case of any problematic situation. 36 It gives you an assurance that you have people close by looking out for you. Here are easily applicable tips on creating stronger neighbor relationships.

The first step is introducing yourself when you move to a new neighborhood or when a newcomer moves in. Leave them a note under their door to introduce yourself. 37 It doesn’t have to cost you a fortune and opting for a potted plant or baked biscuits will do. These actions present excellent opportunities to connect with them.

Be respectful of your neighbors. It’s in poor taste to have regular insensitive parties at your place causing disturbances. Before your party, it’s good practice to notify your neighbors. Besides, avoid chatting them up for hours on end, which may be inconvenient, especially if you don’t know their schedules. 38 When you borrow anything, return it in due time. If you accidentally break their things, replace them without being asked to.

39 You could offer to babysit your neighbors’ kids, help with snow removals or even keep an eye on their

home when they’re away. Such acts of reaching out to your neighbors make for stronger relationships.

As Emma Seppälä put it, “social connectedness generates a positive feedback loop (圈)of social, emotional and physical well-being.” It feels so easy to just stay home without having to engage with your neighbors but connecting with them is worth the effort. 40

A.Remember every small gesture counts.

B.A crisis is a test of communication skills.

C.It can actually boost your mood in the long run.

D.Slipping it in their mailbox further solidifies friendship.

E.It’s essential to ensure you maintain decent relationships with them.

F.Alternatively, you can give them a gift while making yourself known to them.

G.Only by establishing healthy boundaries will you achieve peaceful coexistence.




White dressed up as Captain America for the annual Anti-Bullying (反霸凌)Superhero Day. But when spotting 41 one afternoon, he couldn’t 42 any superpowers.

It was rush hour. White was 43 home when he noticed a pickup on the opposite side of the two-way street. It was hard to 44 , for it was crashing into the curb (马路牙子)before course-correcting, only to hit it again. As the car drew closer, White got a good look at the 45 : The driver appeared to be asleep. He had to

46 that vehicle.

47 , White made a U-turn, facing in the same direction as the pickup, but there were four cars 48 them. White pressed his horn, hoping the cars in front would move aside. They didn’t. Trapped, White pulled his car over. He 49 up the sidewalk, cut into the road and ran around to the driver’s side. White 50 the frame (框)of the open window, his legs moving in step with the pickup, and with a mighty 51 , jumped in.

DeAngelis, the man behind the 52 , had unexpectedly faced dangerously low blood sugar, and just come to. He was 53 by the odd sight of a stranger lying across his stomach. White immediately brought the pickup to a stop. DeAngelis was rushed to a hospital, where it was determined that had his blood sugar gone lower, his life could have been endangered.

White 54 a superhero, but his quick thinking and daring 55 made him a real-life hero. 41.A.barrier B.unfairness C.violence D.trouble

42.A.give way to B.fall back on C.get around D.forget about 43.A.cycling B.running C.driving D.walking 44.A.locate B.miss C.search D.contact 45.A.outcome B.tendency C.process D.problem

46.A.stop B.move C.report D.disable 47.A.Mistakenly B.Sincerely C.Decidedly D.Hesitantly 48.A.following B.separating C.threatening D.approaching 49.A.waved B.escaped C.wandered D.raced

50.A.struck B.measured C.grabbed D.broke

51.A.bug B.lift C.blow D.kick

52.A.scene B.pickup C.wheel D.seat

53.A.shocked B.ashamed C.discouraged D.amused 54.A.protected B.encountered C.created D.played

55.A.rescue B.visit C.guidance D.comment



The craft of Shao Lujie, a 28-year-old Chinese craftsman from Jinhua, Zhejiang Province, is known 56 quilling — a form of art that involves the use of paper strips (纸条)that are rolled, shaped and glued together to form complex designs.

Shao’s works mainly feature flowers and other plants. He created multiple works for the 19th Asian Games, featuring the event’s three mascots (吉祥物)and logo. In the past few years, Shao 57 (develop) cultural and creative products with local characteristics. His another 58 (improve) is that techniques and equipment have been simplified, making it easier for people to try.

Since childhood, Shao has enjoyed painting and handicrafts. 59 (finish) the learning of quilling in 2016 from a master of the art, Shao began to devote himself 60 (entire) to the craft. Later, by imitating the works of his instructors, he learned how 61 (integrate) new methods into his own works, combining this paper art handicraft with painting and different design elements.

In an age 62 AI-generated art works are entering the art market, Shao still sticks to this ancient craft. Every step — weaving, cutting, rubbing, folding, and pressing — 63 (do) by hand.

To get youngsters interested in the craft, Shao has gone online, sharing articles 64 (write) by himself and posting pictures of his latest works. Shao is considering 65 (open) an exhibition hall so that more people can learn about this craft and, ideally, pass it down, to future generations.



上周你班开展了“五育之星”—美德、学习、体育、艺术、劳动之星的评选活动。请你以“Star of ______”为题,为班级英语角写篇短文,介绍其中一位同学李好,内容包括:







In a house far from the city lived John and his mother. John’s only hobby was wandering in the nearby picturesque forest. In its center was a shiny clear lake with schools of fish dancing in it. Lovely animals such as deer or rabbits were playing around and cute birds were singing in trees. Fascinated by the beauty and liveliness of nature, he desired to become a great artist and present all the breath-taking scenes to the world.

John studied in the local primary school. Life was not easy for John and his mom after his father died. Knowing what hard work his mother did to make ends meet, John really didn’t want his mother to worry. His mother knew the significance of education in life but she was against his dream of becoming an artist. “The profession of artist can’t aid a person in meeting his daily expenses,” she would say. But as each day passed, John’s dream became more passionate.

Due to the living circumstances, even buying some new colors would be a luxury. John only used the worn drawing file and limited colors for his daily practice. Though lacking fine painting materials, he never gave up drawing. He spent a significant amount of time staying in the forest, secretly perfecting his craft. With continuous hard work and a distinct gift for art, he drew beautifully.

One day John read about a competition being held in the town, whose deadline was only two days away. He got the perfect opportunity to fulfill his desire but he was in a dilemma (两难境地)as for the competition he needed special paints and some brushes. He didn’t have the courage to ask his mother for money as he knew her prejudice against art.

That evening his mom returned from work and handed him a few paper notes, saying, “This is for your lunch at school next month.” The money was enough for his desired materials! John’s face lit up.







1—5 ACCCB6—10 BBACC11—15 BCBBA16—20 CCACA


21—25 BDBBB26—30 CAADA31—35 CCDCD36—40 EFGAC



41—45 DBCBD46—50 ACBDC51—55 BCADA


56.as 57.has developed/has been developing 58.improvement 59.Having finished

60.entirely 61.to integrate 62.when 63.is done 64.written 65.opening


第一节(满分15分)(One possible version)

Star of Learning

Li Hao has been honored as"the Star of Learning"of our class for his academic pursuits and continuous pursuit of knowledge.

Li Hao is always curious and eager to learn.In class,Li Hao is often seen actively participating in discussions and asking insightful questions.He never hesitates to seek help from teachers or classmates when encountering diffioultes in studies

Li Hao's commitment to learning serves as an inspiration for us all.We should follow LiHao's footsteps, embracing a love for knowledge and valuing the chance of education.With enthusiasm for learning,we can also achieve our own academic goals and continuously improve ourselves.

Star of Sports

Li Hao has been elected as the Star of Sports of our class. His exceptional athletic performance has made him a shining example for us.

Li Hao has great passion for sports.He excels in both team and individual sports,showing his outstanding skills and great sportsmanship.Moreover,Li Hao actively participates in school sports teams and inter-school competitions, where his leadership and teamwork inspire his teammates to perform their best and develop their unity.

Li Hao always reminds us of the importance of sports.We should all strive to follow him by engaging in regular physical activity to keep us fit and energetic.

第二节(满分25分)(One possible version)

Early the next morning,John secretly left home with the money.He went to a shop,bought what he needed and hurried to the destination where the competition was being held.Seated in the hall,John was quite nervous initially but as he started drawing,he was completely lost in his creation of art.One minute before the end,a vivid picture of a lively forest appeared on the paper.Having submitted it,John headed home cheerfully only to see his mother's angry face.He explained he'd rather skip lunch through the next month than give up the opportunity,which left his mom worried and speechless.

A week later,a phone call came to John's home.It was from the competition organizer,who informed John's mom that John had won the first prize worth of $300 and chances to get his artwork displayed on exhibitions.His mother listened,eyes wide in awe.Never had she expected his son should have such a talent and performance!Guilty,she threw her arms around him,“Son,I'm so sorry.I almost ruined your dream…”She chocked.“Mom,I'll never let you down.Believe me!"John assured her.From then on,with his mom's full support,John strived for excellence in his chosen field.


Text 1

W:It's so crowded in here.It seems to take forever.Has anyone even come to greet us?

M:I've heard this place has great food,so I'm sure it's well worth the wait.

Text 2

W:I'm sorry.Could you repeat that?The music and other people's voices are too loud.

M:I just said I wanted to leave soon(It's getting a bit late.I'd better get home.

W:Pardon me,I still can t understand,Did you say you wanted to return home?

Text 3

W:I recycle waste and I try to use public transport as much as possible,but I wish I could think of another way to help the environment

M:Why don't you volunteer to clean up the community? There's a local group that needs help.

W:I might try that.

Text 4

W:Bill,can you start clearing up your toys please? Your parents and your sister will be back in30 minutes and then I have to go home.

M:OK.After I have finished with these cars,I will do it right away.

Text 5

W:What is that you're reading?Is it in a foreign language?

M:Yes,it's German.I'm trying to read a whole book in German instead of English,to improve my language skills.

W:I'm impressed.I once tried to watch a French film but it was really difficult.

Text 6

M:Are you looking forward to seeing the Peking Opera in downtown Beijing?

W:Yes,I am.I never used to like coming into the city because of the air pollution,but it's so much cleaner these days. M:Yes,China has made great progress in cutting pollution.

W:I suppose the electric cars are helping with that.

M:Of course.Electric cars,buses and trains are very important for a greener future.But there has also been a reduction in the use of coal for heating and producing power.

W:It looks like we're nearly at the theater.Where do we want the driver to drop us off?

M:Somewhere near the front door if possible.I'll find the money for the fare.

Text 7

M:They say that artificial intelligence will mean that,in the future,machines will do many of the jobs that humans do


W:Does that worry you?

M:Not particularly.I've read that being a data analyst will be a good job in the future.I'm studying mathematics and computer science,so I might be able to do that.

W:It won't do any good for me.I'm studying art.

M:I don't think computers will ever replace artists.

W:I hope so.I enjoy being creative.

M:People who work in factories and offices need to be worried.Machines will soon do their work

W:You know,AI should give people an opportunity to make the world a better place.It could make ordinary people better off and happier.

M:I'm certain that there will be some interesting new inventions in the coming decades.

Text 8

M:Is that a new coat?I've never seen you in it before.

W:It's not new,but it was hidden in the back of my closet.I had totally forgotten about it until I cleaned out my bedroom this weekend.

M:Well,it's a unique coat.I love all the colors!

W:Me too.

M:It sure brightens up the office.

W:Yeah,I feel like I'm at a fashion show when I wear it.And what I really like about it are all these hidden pockets. M:How clever!How could you have forgotten this treasure?

W:Out of sight,out of mind.When I bought it,it was too small for me,so I put it away.I've been losing weight,and it finally fits me.

M:You always look good,but you really look nice now How did you lose weight?Running every day or swimming? W:Neither.Actually,I just decided to write down everything 1 eat.

M:How could writing help you lose weight?

W:You'll be surprised at how much you have eaten.It really makes you think twice about whether to eat next.

M:That is a good method.

Text 9

W:After this makeover,I don't think I'd ever transform a house again.

M:What are you talking about?It has been fun.We've finished the electrics —the hardest stuff.Now we just have to focus on the decorating.You like painting,right?

W:I love painting,but we have to wallpaper the rooms and get together pieces of furniture,remember?

M:Wallpapering is easy.My uncle taught me.For the furniture,I have watched some YouTube videos.Don't worry.We don't need to pay a professional.

W:I suppose so.It's been eight weeks,though.

M:True,but it will be worth it.It will only take us two more weeks to finish it.Then,we can sell this house and make around $40,000.That is amazing.For the next project,that will be our house to live in and we will make it into a real home.

W:Yes,you are right.Perhaps I will feel very sad once we are finished,because we will not get to enjoy living in this beautiful house.

M:I know.But when it is our house,we can put even more effort into it and make it even more perfect.

Text 10

Ladies and gentlemen,thank you for choosing Scottish Airlines.Welcome onboard FlightGLA102 from Glasgow to Paris.We are just waiting for the control tower to give us the departure time.So while we do,myself and the crew will run through some rules for reasons of security.First of all,please fasten your seat belt and keep it fastened when the seat belt sign is showing.Even when it is not showing,if you are in your seat,we recommend you keep it on just in case of emergencies.Please turn off all electronic devices such as laptops,tablets and smart phones.If your device has airplane mode,you can activate this instead.There is no smoking allowed either in the aircraft or in the airport,so please do not attempt to smoke.If you do,you will be finedf1000 and be added to a no fly list for at least 12 months. We have now been given permission to make our way to the runway and we are third in line for take-off,so we should be in the air in just five minutes.I hope you have a pleasant flight.


阅读理解 If you’ve ever dreamed of building a rocket and sending it skyward, dream no more! Maybe just dream a little smaller. Scientific American Custom Media and our partners at Bayer are hosting the BUILD — YOUR — OWN ALKA ROCKET COMPETITION for backyard craft powered by water and effervescent tablets (泡腾片). The winner will become famous overnight and walk away with a $1,000 prize. So pick up some effervescent tablets and get busy building. History awaits you. Entry: Going for the prize is easy. Build an Alka Rocket. Send it skyward with fuel made only of effervescent tablets and water. And record it all in a video, which you share over social media with the Alka Rocket Challenge. So we can keep track. Please also email the links to your social ********************************. Entry Period: From November 1st, 2020 until December 31st, 2020. Rocket Requirements: Rockets must be less than one foot in height and six inches in width. They must use only effervescent tablets and water as fuel.For more on how to build a basic Alka Rocket, you can watch the handy video.


山东省烟台市2023-2024学年高三上学期期中考试英语试题学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、阅读理解 Submission Guidelines● Include proof of age with your entry (scan or take a photo of your identity card). Entries without proof of age will be disqualified. ● Your story must be original and unpublished. ● Type your story out.

Our judges will evaluate each story based on content, language and writing style. Their decision will be final. For more information, please contact us at ************************. We’re here to assist you every step of the way. Don’t miss this incredible opportunity to showcase your talent and win amazing prizes! Enter the KidsWorldFun Short Story Contest today! 1.What may a free entry second prize winner get? A.A reward of $10.B.A certificate and publication. C.Prize money and honors.D.$75, certificate and publication. 2.Which of the following meets the entry requirements? A.A handwritten draft.B.A science fiction of 1500 words. C.An award-winning essay.D.A printout of a 900-word original story. 3.What is the main purpose of the text? A.To promote a reading website.B.To appeal for participation. C.To explain an application process.D.To teach kids writing principles. For sharks, the Mesoamerican Reef, which stretches over 600 miles, is a busy highway. Sharks use it to find their way and it provides them with food and habitat. But as with on-land highways, this superhighway can be dangerous. Overfishing, commercial development and illegal practices are endangering the species. “We’re seeing a continued decline in shark populations. Our goal is to turn that round.” says Rachel Graham, founder of Mar Alliance, a non-profit organization focused on conserving sharks. By monitoring sharks, Mar Alliance can collect important knowledge on the species to help inform conservation and push for political action. But rather than acting in opposition to the local fishing community, MarAlliance enlists their help. “They are the ones who are on the sea every single day,” says Graham, “and they’re the ones who decide the species’ future.” MarAlliance employs up to 60 fishermen across its range, mostly on a project basis, training them to collect data, record and release fish. Not only does this provide an alternative income to fishing communities, making them less dependent on natural resources, but it also teaches them about the benefits of a healthy ocean ecosystem and how to fish sustainably. Among them, Ivan Torres, who used to catch sharks to sell locally as food, has learned how critical they’re to the whole ecosystem, saying he’d never fish sharks any more.


山东省德州市2023-2024学年 高三上学期期中考试英语试题 一、阅读理解(共30 分) Hollywood’s charm and celebrities have always held a fascination for travelers. Here are some best selected Hollywood tours based on experts’ recommendations and travelers’ opinions. TMZ Celebrity Tour Price: $59 for adults. from $49 with kids (children younger than 2 are not permitted). Duration: 2 hours, multiple times daily. TMZ, known for its celebrity news-fueled television show and website, operates this tour that takes travelers through Hollywood in the hopes of seeing their favorite celebrities. The guides even bring video cameras in case a passing celebrity is willing to give an interview. The Real Hollywood Tour Price: From $40 for adults, children 12 and younger for free. Duration: 2 hours, daily at 10 a.m. During this historic walking tour, travelers will learn why Hollywood—once a farming town—was selected by movie industry pioneers in the early 20th century. The tour also stops at unique sights, but major attractions aren’t forgotten either. Hollywood Sign Hike Price: $34 for adults. Duration: 2.5 hours. The exact meeting times vary, depending on the time of the year. For a unique and sunshine-filled Hollywood tour, opt for this hike to the Hollywood sign. Highlights include a bird’s-eye view from Mount Hollywood. Along the 4-mile round-trip hike, you might even see local celebrities walking their dogs. The Original Hollywood Tour Price: $45 for adults, from $35 for kids 11 and younger. Duration: 2 hours, daily from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. According to travelers. this tour is worthwhile if you’re only in Los Angeles for a short amount of time. as you cover a lot of ground in just two hours. You’ll cruise along Rodeo Drive and the Sunset Strip in an open-top bus as your driver shares interesting information. 1. What is special for a tourist to TMZ Celebrity Tour?


阅读理解 I started to worry when the golf car taking me, Steve, and our suitcases stopped in the middle of the Maine forest. A yurt is a tent tall enough to stand in and wide enough to fit a big family. But I didn’t see it anywhere. “You hike from here ”said the driver, pointing down a weedy path. The woods were darkening and Steve encouraged me to pick up the pace. My summer sandals( 凉鞋)slipped on the damp leaves. Steve and I spent a good hour until we spotted the light of white canvasment C.study D.letter 【6】A.grown-up B.happy C.made-up D.promising 【7】A.promised B.convinced C.encouraged D.expected 【8】A.calmly B.cautiously C.eagerly D.naturally 【9】A.appearing B.arriving C.approaching D.approving 【10】A.depressed B.ambitious C.carefree D.stressed 【11】A.enjoy B.value C.start D.earn 【12】A.Contrary B.Honest C.Surprised D.Strange 【13】A.stand for B.stand with C.stand by D.stand out 【14】A.what B.who C.which D.that


2023-2024学年山东省淄博市高三上学期期中英语试题(含听力)1. Why does the woman call the man? A.To place an order. B.To report a delay C.To arrange a delivery date. 2. What does the woman want the m a i to do? A.Collect her book. B.Lend her a book. C.Buy some juice. 3. What is the woman looking for? A.Her handbag. B.Her passport. C.Her boarding pass 4. What will the weather probably be like this afternoon? A.Rainy B.Foggy C.Sunny 5. What are the speakers talking about? A.A tree. B.A survey C.A country 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。 6. How will t ha woman go to the meeting center? A.On foot. B.By car. C.By taxi. 7. Where does the conversation probably take place? A.In a restaurant.

B.In a hotel. C.At a train station. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。 8. What did the woman dislike about the concert? A.The venue. B.The singer. C The music. 9. What did the speakers think of the support bands? A.Moving B.Surprising. C.Disappointing 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。 10. What does the man want to deliver? A.Some books. B.Some brochures. C.Some DVDs. 11. How long will it take the man to send it by Airmail? A.Two days B.Three days C.Within two weeks. 12. How much should the man pay if he uses International Signed For? A.₤9. 50. B.₤11. 50. C.₤13. 50. 13. How will the man deliver his package? A.By Airmail. B.By Air Sure. C.By surface mail. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。

2022—2023 学年高三上学期期中考试英语试卷(新高考)(山东版)笔试部分

2022—2023 学年高三上学期期中考试英语试卷(新高考)(山东版) 笔试 注意事项: 1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号等填写在答题卡上。 2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。 3. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第一部分阅读(共两节,满分50分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 A Bioluminescence (生物荧光) is to California as the Aurora Borealis is to the Arctic. These events occur when single-celled organisms, known as dinoflagellates (甲藻), suddenly give off a kind of light after being disturbed. They’re most common in spring and into summer, especially during years with a combination of good rains and warm weather. Here are a few tips to help you witness bioluminescence: Monitor Social Media The first reports of a bioluminescence event are likely to show up on Instagram and Twitter, which are easily searchable. You can also set up a warning on Google that will round up news coverage. Check With Aquariums Such institutions as the Birch Aquarium in La Jolla, the Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach, and the Monterey Bay Aquarium in Monterey might post updates on their websites or social media feeds, especially if bioluminescence is happening locally. Find a Dark Location If bioluminescence is ongoing, try to find a stretch of coast that’s as far away from light as possible. Get out before the moon rises for the best conditions and some experts also suggest that two hours after sunset is a good bet. Give your eyes time to adjust and use your flashlight’s red light, which will keep your vision adjusted to the darkness. Track Hotspots The best displays can vary from night to night, so check again on social media for updates. The environmental website Treehugger named San Diego one of the world’s eight best places to see bioluminescence. Meanwhile, north of San Francisco at Point Reyes National Seashore, Tomales Bay is a dependable spot for bioluminescence and you can go out on guided trips with Blue Waters Kayaking. 1. What kind of condition is better for witnessing bioluminescence? A. Hot dry weather. B. Warm rainy weather. C. Cold rainy weather. D. Cold dry weather. 2. What should you stay away from when witnessing bioluminescence? A. Water. B. Sunset. C. Darkness. D. Light. 3. Where may be the best place to see bioluminescence?


山东省部分市 2023-2024学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题分类汇编 七选五 山东省临沂市2023-2024学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题 第二节(共5 小题:每小题2. 5分。满分12. 5分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 There’s nothing like a good conversation! 36 While there is no one skill that will make you a better conversationalist, there are several skills and qualities you can develop. What makes someone a good conversationalist? 37 Perhaps you have a friend or coworker who can tell stories really well or start a good conversation with almost anyone. According to language and communication coach Lucy Samuels of Lucy Samuels Co. , those good conversationalists likely share these qualities: Curiosity 38 “Someone who is naturally curious will never ru n out of topics to discuss or learn about. ” Positivity Holding a conversation with someone who has a negative perspective(消极视角) can be a real downer. 39 In fact, Samuels has found that a positive appearance “ sparks(触发) positive conversations, ”so by improving your outlook, you can also improve your conversation skills. Confidence Samuels finds confidence to be another key quality that good conversationalists share. “ 40 It's true that you can't exactly control impolite talkers, but you can certainly take a confident stance(立场) that deters(威慑) impolite talkers. ” In a word, leaning how to carry a quality conversation can empower you to have stronger job interviews and avoid small talk to make more meaningful connections with people. A. Don't worry about being the most confident talker. B. It gets you thinking and may even get you a better job.


山东省部分市 2023-2024学年高二上学期期中考试英语试题分类汇编 完形填空 山东省聊城市2023-2024学年高二上学期期中英语试题 第一节完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) 阅读下面短文,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 Mom was late once again!! “Sorry, honey. I left the office only a little bit late, but the 21 caused really bad traffic, and I…” I hung up. All too often, situations like this happen. Being a teenager is not 22 , and my parents often make me feel less important than their work. In third grade, I broke my arm at school. When the school nurse called my mom, she was too 23 to answer. When the phone call 24 my father, he sighed and said, “I’m in the middle of my research.” I waited in the nurse’s office for hours before my parents finally 25 to take me to hospital. I wished my parents could spare me some time. To make my parents take me seriously, I 26 . I tried to establish my own authority (权威) by 27 their schedule. My mom did everything possible to settle the problem, but nothing 28 until she met that adviser. One day after I shut my door in her face, my mom didn’t complain or cry. 29 , she knocked and said, “I have something to tell you.” I opened the door. “Today I met a really good adviser. He said that every time your daughter is angry, she is just saying: I 30 you.” It occurred to me that my anger was merely a mask for me to 31 my loneliness and disappointment. But facing one’s 32 need is the first step towards being happier. This concept not only helped things between my parents and me but also enabled me to handle conflicts and emotions. I started to pay attention to other people’s 33 . When an angry customer approached me at my volunteering job, he was saying, “I need more service.” When a homeles s person shouted to me in a parking lot, he was simply saying, “I need food and help.” I am now able to see 34 the fog of anger and see the real face and heart of other person.


山东省部分市(地级市,非混编)2022-2023学年上学期高三期末英语试卷分类汇编 完形填空专题 山东省青岛市2022-2023学年高三上学期1月期末英语试题 三、完形填空 A tree-planting initiative led by young people in Kenya has seen over 30,000 tree seedlings (小苗) being planted. The Green Generation Initiative is a charity that has been planting trees and ____21____ deforestation (毁林) and climate change since 2016. Founded by climate activist Elizabeth when she was twenty-one years old, the initiative’s primary ____22____ is on training young climate activists through ____23____ education in schools and addressing ____24____ insecurity in the region through planting fruit trees. Since its foundation, thousands of schoolchildren have not just planted trees but learned the ____25____ of acting as a guardian over the ____26____ of the environment. The trees have recorded a ____27____ rate of over 98 percent, ____28____ they are taken good care of from seedling to maturity. Speaking to world leaders at the recent United Nations Climate Conference in Glasgow, Elizabeth issued a ____29____ on the threat of climate change: “Over two million of Kenyans are ____30____ climate related starvation. In 2025, half of the world’s population will be facing water ____31____.” She added, “____32____ by the great environmentalist Wangari Maathai, I founded a tree growing initiative that ____33____ food security for young Kenyans. So far, we have grown 30,000 fruit trees to maturity, providing desperately needed ____34____ for thousands of children. It is our ____35____ to ensure that the children have food and water.” 21.A.resisting B.protecting C.increasing D.keeping 22.A.need B.result C.effect D.focus 23.A.advanced B.environmental C.moral D.strict 24.A.personal B.food C.property D.public 25.A.importance B.method C.difficulty D.culture 26.A.problems B.beauty C.health D.issue 27.A.decline B.planting C.survival D.success 28.A.when B.but C.or D.as 29.A.warning B.letter C.suggestion D.hope 30.A.afraid of B.fighting for C.suffering from D.leading to 31.A.shortage B.waste C.pollution D.damage 32.A.Forced B.Noticed C.Inspired D.Discouraged


2023届山东省烟台市高三二模考试 英语试题 注意事项: 1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号等填写在答题卡和试卷指定位置上。 2.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。 3.考试结束后,只交答题卡。 第一部分阅读(共两节,满分50分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 A Start a getaway to three of Italy's most-loved cities: Rome, Florence and Venice! This 5-day trip takes you to some finest artistic treasures in the country. Day 1 Arrive in Rome Upon arrival in Rome, get to your city center accommodation by taxi. You can explore it as you like, appreciating the architectural wonders of Ancient' Rome and the Baroque Era or spending a leisurely afternoon in cafes listening to music! Day 2 Visit the Vatican Museums & the Colosseum You'll begin the day by walking to the Vatican Museums for a guided tour of this fantastic landmark. The museums contain many eye-opening artworks. After lunch, you'll take a taxi to the symbol of the city, the Colosseum, constructed in the first century to host events like animal hunts or human fighting games. Day 3 Travel to Florence & Explore After breakfast, you'll check out and make your way to the train station in Rome to catch your express train to Florence. Then check into your hotel and head out on a guided tour of Florence's key landmarks. The longest-standing symbol of Florence, up until 1218, Ponte Vecchio was the only bridge that crossed the Arno River.


山东省烟台第二中学2023-2024学年英语高三上期末综合测试 试题 注意事项: 1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。 2.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。 3.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第一部分(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分) 1.Some drunken drivers think that they may be lucky to________a fine, which may cost their own lives. A.get through B.get along with C.get down to D.get away with 2.The boy is having a fever. Y ou’d better damp a towel and lay it ______ his forehead. A.across B.within C.through D.beyond 3.Although everything seems to have been taken into consideration, ________ accident can happen when the astronauts walk in ________ space. A./; the B.an; the C.the; the D.an; / 4.Taking drugs has become part of every sport _________ athletes seek to achieve beyond their natural limits. A.which B.that C.who D.where 5.—It’s really great to have a computer to store my photos. —Don’t count on it too much. It ________ break down and you’d better make a copy of them. A.must B.can C.should D.will 6.—Sorry, I didn’t hear th e door bell ring. —Your bell . Perhaps it needs repairing. A.never worked B.is never working C.never works D.had never worked 7.If we surround ourselves with people _____our major purpose, we can get their support and encouragement. A.in sympathy with B.in terms of C.in honour of D.in contrast with
