


中考英语模拟考试即将来临,为了帮助同学们备考中考英语模拟考试,尝试着完成这份中考英语模拟试卷或许会有意想不到的收获。以下是店铺给你推荐的中考英语模拟试题及答案,希望对你有帮助! 中考英语模拟考试试题



( )21.Australia has been known _____the home of the kangaroo,and the animal offer meat and leather _____a global market.

A. for,for

B. as,to

C. as,for

( )22.---Could you tell me when _____the doctor _____time?

---I am not sure now. But when he _____free,I’ll phone you.

A .will have,is B. did have,was C./ will have,is

( )23.Not only his parents but also his grandfather _____to a lot of places of interest in our country since they came here.

A. has gone

B. have been

C. has been

( )24.The doctors form the nearest hospital _____at least three ____boys after the earthquake yesterday.

A. saved,dying

B. saved,dead

C. have saved,dead

( )25.-----The 16 Asian Games was held in Guangzhou from November 12—17,2010. My best friend Li Hong was chosen as a volunteer then.


A. How excellent

B. What an excellent C .What a excellent

( )26.-----Excuse me, could you tell me_______?

-----Certainly. Go straight ahead and you’ll see it on your left.

A .where the post office is B. when you will visit the museum C. where is the post office

( )27.-----We should obey the public rules to show our politeness.

------Yes,I agree .For example ______ smoking ______drinking is allowed in the concert .

A. both,and

B. neither,nor C .either,or

( )28.-----May I_____ your bike?

------Sorry. I have____ it to Lucy .She said she would ____It for two days .

A. borrow,lent,keep

B. borrow,kept,lend

C. borrow,borrow,keep

( )29.---Ancient China was a place ____there were many great philosophers. Confucius(孔子)is a great philosopher. ____influence has been the present.

A. that,whose

B. where,that

C. where,whose

( )30.___What kind of skirt do you like ,Lucy?

___Have you ever seen Kate’s new skirt? I want ____like___.

A. one,hers

B. it,her

C. it,hers

( )31.-----I ___stay up late.

------Really? I didn’t. But I ____workin g in the right now.

A. used to,used to

B. was used to,used to

C. used to,am used to

( )32.People usually have ____between four and five in the afternoon in Britain.

A. last lunch

B. early supper

C. afternoon tea

( )33.In autumn and winter the air is very dry .You may find that your nose often

hurts .Sometimes,it even bleeds(流血)W shouldn’t _____to make a nosebleed stop.

① Lift up your head.

② Sit or stand with your head forward(前倾).

③ Press(按压)your nose for about 10 hours to make the bleeding stop.

④ Put som e ice in a cloth and place the cloth on your head.

⑤ Get some tissues(纸巾)or a cloth to catch the blood.

A. ③④⑤

B. ①③④


( )34.In women volleyball final(决赛)

of the 16 Asian Games,China

beat Korea with the picture,we got

_____scores more than Korea in our

Winning games(局)

A. 66

B. 25


( )35.Which stress of the following words is different from the others?

A. Consider

B. Common

C. Control


There was once a lonely girl who wanted love very much One day she was

Walking in the forests,she found two dying birds .She took them home and put them

In a small cage .She was happy to have two “friends”. She them with love and

The birds grew strong .One day the girl happened to the door of the cage open.

The larger and the stronger of the two flew out of the cage .The girl was that it

Would fly away. She caught it quickly .she felt glad that she caught the bird before it

Could fly away .Suddenly he couldn’t a sound from the birds .When she opened

her ,the bird was already dead. Her killed the bird! Then she noticed

Bird jumping up and down outside the cage. She could feel its great need for freedom

(自由). It wanted to fly into the clear ,blue sky . So she lifted it from the cage and

Let it fly away . The bird circled once ,twice ,and three times . The girl

As the bird flew. She didn’t care about losing the bird any more. She wanted it be

Happy. Suddenly the bird flew closer and landed softly on her shoulder. It sang the

Sweetest song she had ever heard.

The fastest way to lose love is to hold on it too tightly,and the best way to

keep love is to give it wings.

( )36. A .while B. after C. before

( )37. A. looked for B. looked at C. looked after

( )38. A .forget B .leave C .lock

( )39. A . grateful B. proud C. afraid

( )40. A . listen B .make C .near

( )41. A .door B. wind C .hand

( )42. A . love B. joke C .luck

( )43. A .one B. the other C. another

( )44. A .angrily B .happily C .loudly

( )45. A. watched B. looked C. guided



An American group developed the rooftop(外屋顶)gardening in the early

1980s . The group is known as ECHO . This idea was to help people living in cities

who didn’t have to grow vegetables . And now it is becoming more and more popular

in many other countries .

To build a rooftop garden,four things are necessary . You need a roof strong

enough and four pieces of wood to build a box . Grass cuttings in which to plant your

garden and a thin piece of plastic on which to pit the cut grass are also necessary.

Begin by testing(检测)your roof to make sure it is strong enough . Cut and

collect some grass . Cover the roof with a thin piece of plastic . Then you build a box

from the four pieces of wood . The box has no top or bottom . It should be about 8 cm

deep . It can be as long and wide as needed. Put the box on the plastic . Then fill it

with the cut grass . Water the grass and push it down by walking on it . After about

three weeks ,the rooftop box is ready for planting.

Put the seeds(种子)directly into the wet grass. It is important than the grass is kept wet until the plants begin to grow .When the plants are growing, you will need to water them every day unless it rains. And birds must be prevented from eating the seeds or new plants. They will also need some liquid fertilizer(液体化肥).You can make your own liquid fertilizer if you can get

wastes from chickens. Put the chicken wastes in cloth bag .Then put the bag in a big container of water .After about one week, the water becomes a good liquid fertilizer.

The rooftop garden is a good place to grow peas, tomatoes and onions .If the box is deep enough, potatoes and carrots will also grow.


( )46.The underlined word“container”in the passage means“____”in Chinese.




( )47.From the passage ,we know that_____.

A. three things and four pieces of wood are necessary to build a rooftop garden

B. the rooftop box is ready for planting after around a month

C. we can only plant grasses in the rooftop garden

( )48._____can show the correct structure of the rooftop garden according to the passage.

( )49.Wich of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. we can plant potatoes and carrots in the rooftop garden.

B. American can build the rooftop garden in 1979.

C. The box of the rooftop garden has no bottom.

( )50.The best title for this passage should be _____.





Four student of class 705 want take an art class next year. They took several tests last week . Here are their grades.


( ) 51.Those who want to go to the art class must get 70 or above in English and math ,and get 80 or above in pencil drawing an watercolor .How many students can go to the art class?




( ) 52.Here is what the teacher wrote to one of the students.

Who is that student?

A. Annie

B. Deny

C. Frank

( ) 53.According to the information above, Sherry’s ___________is the best of her subjects.

A. math

B. English

C. watercolor

( ) 54.The most grades of the four subject in total is ___________

A. Sherry

B. Benny

C. Frank

( ) 55.Which of the following is TRUE from the information above?

A. The students from Class 705 want to take an art class next class.

B. All the students from class 705 get 80 or above in pencil drawing an watercolor.

C. Frank is better than in English.


Miss Swan didn’t want to be a Sunday school teacher any longer. The were all rude and never listened to her. ”I can’t stay here .any longer. I give up.” She shouted at the students.” Cool. ”Rick said. He was the most impolite kid in this school.

Two months later, Miss Betty Ray came to the school .She looked young and thin. The students thought that she wouldn't’ stay very long.

Betty introduced herself, and when she was looking for something in her bag, a ll of the kids laughed. ”Have any of you

ever been to another state?” She asked nicely .A few hands went to.” Has anyone traveled more than five hundred miles? ” One hand went up.” Has anyone visited another country? ”No hands went to , The teens were puzzle(遗憾).

Finally, Betty took a map of the world from her bag,” What else do you have in there? Lunch?” Someone laughed. Betty smiled and answered,” Cookies for large,” Cool,” Rick said.”

Then she pointed at a place on the map,” I was born here ,’she said Everyone guessed where it was ,”Is that Texas ?” someone sitting in the back asked,” Not even close , It is India,” Her eyes twinkled with joy,” Why were you born over there?” Betty smiled ,”My parents were missionaries(传教士)there, and that is where and how t hey lived.” Wow, this is as exciting as TV!” Rick became interesting in his teacher.

“You don’t have to be a missionary. Everyone can do something in this world to help another,” Miss Betty said. Then she told them her stories about far away places and what the people were like there and how they lived.” Wow, this is as exciting as TV! ”one young girl told her.

Day by day the student grew to love her. The more they liked her, the lovelier she became, Betty taught that Sunday school class for twenty years. Her hair turned gray. Every year she received letters from some student s. There was a doctor, a scientist a businessman and many teachers among them.


( )56.Three months ago Miss Swan was a teacher in Sunday school bur she didn't like the job because the students were rude.

( ) 57.In Sunday school no one had visited another country when Miss Betty asked them at the first class .

( ) 58.Betty’s parents were missionaries in that place where

she was born.

( ) 59.Day by day , the students liked Miss Betty and before Miss Betty they liked Swan , too.

( ) 60. The passage tells us students who had been taught by Miss Betty were all doctors , scientists , businessmen and teachers. >>>下一页更多关于“中考英语模拟考试试题及答案”




Copernicus was an astronomer(天文学家) who had studied the planets and the stars. He said that the earth moves round the sun and put his idea into a book, but he his book. Nobody could read it until Copernicus died.

Many years Galileo read it and believed it, HE said that the earth is round the sun , and this made a lot of people .They said that the earth must be the center of the universe(宇宙)。Galileo got into trouble about that

Through his telescope he observed(观察)the moon. He saw some hills there 。 He also saw of stars in the universe.


The sun is our most important star, it can be dangerous to man not only here on earth but also in outer space. We need to find our something about its dangers.

Many stars are larger than our sun. However, the sun is about 250,000 times close to the earth than any other star .Most of our energy comes from the sun’s rays(光线)

Not all kinds of solar(太阳的)rays reach the earth .The earth is wrapped(包裹于) in a blanket . Now man is exploring(探


S ometimes there are storms in the sun’s hot gases. These storms are called solar flares(耀斑).During solar flares, the sun puts out heavy rays that move at faster speed than usual. They might cause men in space to become ill or die.


66._______ 67._______ 68._______ 69._______ 70._______


71.d________ not safe

72.i_________ sick, unhealthy


It can be dangerous to man not only here on earth but also in outer space.

It can be dangerous to man 73.________ here on earth 74.________ in outer space.


What do our energy come from?




(A)policeman is asking Bob something about a traffic accident P is for Policeman. B is for Bob)

P: Excuse me, sir , Were you just right there when the accident happened?

B: Yes, I saw it all.


B: Certainly. It was a big blue ear. The driver and another four people were in it. I’m sure it wasn’t J apanese car.

P: Say something about the driver, please.

B; Oh, yes .And he was a tall man with dark hair and dark glasses.


B: Sorry, I didn’t.

76._______ 77. _______ 78._______ 79._______ 80._______


A:Mike, today is Saturday , Let’s go somewhere this evening.

B: Fine. Where would you like to go? T o go the movie or watch a show?

A:A new show is on now. Let’s go and watch it, we?

B: I hear it got very bad reviews.

A: How the film Super Returns ? That should be wonderful.

B:We’ve already it. Don’t you remember?

A:Then, let’s go another cinema The film Jurassic Park 4 is on.

B: Good. What does it ?

A: In 30 minutes. We have time to get there.

B:Great. Let’s go.

81. _______ 82. _______ 83. _______ 84. _______ 85. _______



We set up some recycling bins around the club and wanted to encourage everyone to recycle. Also we decided to design some T-shirt too; quite a few of us have been watching “Spring watch” on TV so we were very exci ted when Chris Packham came to visit us!

When Chris came to the club we did different activities. After

lunch we did a trash pick and then weighed the bags of rubbish to see who had collected the most. It makes the club tidier and a safer place for wildlife.

We then went off to find things around the club and make a list of things than have an effect on the environment. Some of the things we lisped were oil, which can pollute the beach and water ,and wasting drinking water from taps and pipes .We are now going to keep on recycling and doing trash picks as well as encouraging people to put their rubbish in the recycling bins . There are also some other ideas of using rain water to wash to wash off our boats instead of drinking water; this will be our next project.

86. _______ 87._______ 88. _______ 89. _______ 90. _______


你在星期一回家的路上遗失了一本三天前从图书馆借来的数《English Reading Comprehension》。这本书对你很重要。你希望拾到者能尽快归还你,拨打电话137****0451。请根据以上信息写一则寻物启示事。要求包含所有信息,至少五句话。



要求:1. 请根据所提供的信息材料和话题(不要逐句翻译),写出结构完整、语言丰富优美、表达合理、语法准确、符合逻辑、可读性强的短文。

2. 至少80词.

3. 不得使用真实姓名、地名、学校名。

4. 题目自拟.




21—25 BCCAB 26—30 ABACA 31—35 CCABB


36—40 ACBCC 40—45 CABBA


(A)46—50 BACCC (B)51—55 BABBC (C)BAABB



66、hid 67、later 68、moving 69、angry 70、millions

71、dangerous 72、ill 73、both 74、and

75、The sun’s rays.


(A)76—80 DCAGB

(B)81、shall 82.about 83、seen 84、start 85、enough


86、Where 87、activities 88、wildlife 89、environment 90、rain



初三中考英语模拟试题 附答案

初三中考英语模拟试题 第I卷选择题(共74分) I. 单项填空 (此题共12小题,每题l分,共12分) 从各题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最正确选项。 〔〕1. Although Shrek is ____ ugly man, many children still love him. A. a B. an C. the D./ 〔〕2. ____ her way home, Amy helped a child find his mother. A. At B. In C. By D. On 〔〕3. When the students grow up, they should learn to depend on _____ instead of others. A. theirs B. their C. them D. themselves 〔〕4. Although I __ ever have time to see her, I often call her. A. hardly B. almost C. nearly D. exactly 〔〕5.·He is going to be a scientist when he ___ up. A. grows B. will grow C. is going to grow D. grew 〔〕6. –Do you have any ____ with your new classmates? --No, we get on well. A. experience B. advice C. trouble D. attention 〔〕7. ______ you please give me a hand? The box is too heavy. A. Should B. Could C. Must D. Need 〔〕8.You’ll be late for school ____ you don’t hurry up. A. or B. as C. if D. until 〔〕9.They had to _____ the school trip because of the rain. A. go on B. ask for C. call off D. pay for 〔〕10.The little boy can tidy up his room and even dress himself _____. A. A. suddenly B. loudly C. properly D. safely 〔〕11. I learn many English words, but I often ___ them quickly. A. write B. forget C. translate D. spell 〔〕12.—Congratulations to you on winning the first prize in the competition. --______. A. You’re welcome B. Never mind C. Don’t mention it D. Thanks a lot. II.完形填空(一)(此题共l2小题,每题l分,共l2分) 阅读下面短文,理解其大意。然后从各题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最正确选项。 Have you ever asked yourself why some people succeed, while others fail? The answer to this question is very __13__. People who have achieved great success in life have been working _14___ enough to reach success. They have _15__ many problems on that journey and suffered a lot. However, they are optimistic(乐观的) about achieving success and they believe that, at the end of the road, they will get __16__ they want. These are the _17_ and principles(原那么) that we need to follow in order to achieve success. I don’t promise to be an expert on success, __18__I admire(钦佩) the successful people around me and try to __19__ their experiences and try my best to give the knowledge and experience to


中考英语模拟试卷(含有答案) 选择题部分共90分 I.听力测试(30分) A)听录音,从每组句子中选出一个你所听到的句子。每个句子听一遍。 1. A. This is my cousin. B. I like pandas best. C. She has a volleyball. 2. A. Have a nice trip! B. Let’s make a cake! C. Hope things work out! 3. A.Are these his trousers? B. Is there a park near here? C. Does he have a fever? 4. A. Lily can’t find her pencil. B. Sarah didn’t go to the zoo. C. Jill doesn’t eat junk food. 5. A. How old is the actor? B. Who went to the countryside? C. Why not talk to her? B)在录音中,你将听到五段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从每小题A、B、C中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案。每段对话听两遍。 6. How will they get to the cinema? A. By bus. B. By subway. C. By bike. 7. Who did Dave go fishing with? A. His father. B. His sister. C. His brother. 8. What club doesAndy want to join? A. The sports club. B. The music club. C. The art club. 9. When did Bob wake up? A. At 10:00. B.At 10:30. C.At 11:00. 10. Where probably are the speakers? A. In a restaurant. B. In a shop. C. In the hospital. C)在录音中,你将听到一段对话,对话后有五个小题,从每小题A、B、C中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案。听对话前,你将有40秒钟的读题时间;听完后,你将有40秒钟的答题时间。对话听两遍。 11. How many years haven’t they seen each other? A. 3. B. 4. C. 5. 12. Which subject did Ms. Li teach? A. Science. B. History. C. English. 13. When will Jack go to the university? A. Next week. B. Next month. C. Next year. 14. What does Jack want to be? A. Ascientist. B.An engineer. C.Ateacher. 15. Where are they going now? A. The classroom. B. The playground. C. The dining hall. D)在录音中,你将听到一篇短文,短文后有五个小题,从每小题A、B、C中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案。听短文前,你将有40秒钟的读题时间;听完后,你将有40秒钟的答题时间。短文听两遍。 16. Where was the watermelon field? A. Near a small lake. B.Around a big forest. C.At the foot of the hill. 17. What was the weather like that day? A. Cloudy. B. Sunny. C. Rainy. 18. How far was it from home when Lulu had a rest? A. About 400 meters. B.About 600 meters. C.About 800 meters. 19. What happened to the watermelon?


中考英语模拟试题及答案共七套 中考英语模拟试题及答案共七套 在备战中考英语的过程中,模拟试题的练习是非常重要的。通过模拟试题,我们可以了解考试的题型、难度和时间分配,同时还可以检验自己的英语水平。本文将提供七套中考英语模拟试题及答案,帮助大家更好地备考。 第一套模拟试题 听力部分 1、(1) A. shirt B. ship C. sheep D. shelf (2) A. bill B. big C. film D. climb (3) A. nose B. note C. code D. cloud 笔试部分 2、The _______ month is July. A. seaside B. seventh C. seawater D. seven 21、They are _______ a football match now. A. playing B. having C. watching D. reading 答案及解析 1、(1) A。根据所听内容,选择正确的单词填空。正确答案是A,因

为“shirt”与录音中的“shirt”读音相同。 (2) C。根据所听内容,选择正确的单词填空。正确答案是C,“film”与录音中的“film”读音相同。 (3) D。根据所听内容,选择正确的单词填空。正确答案是D,“cloud”与录音中的“cloud”读音相同。 2、B。根据句意和语境,选择正确的单词填空。正确答案是B,“seventh”表示“第七个月”。 3、A。根据句意和语境,选择正确的单词填空。正确答案是A,“playing”表示“正在踢足球”。 第二套模拟试题 听力部分 1、A. life B. light C. like D. license 2、A. grandpa B. grammar C. green D. great 3、A. stomach B. ladder C. dollar D. doctor 笔试部分 2、My younger sister is _______ university student majoring in English. A. a B. an C. the D. / 21、The music in the background makes me feel _______. A.


完整版)初三英语中考模拟试卷及答案 1."I XXX," said the student. Do you mean the talk our teacher asked us to listen to?" asked the other student. A。a。the B。a。a C。the。the D。the。a 2."What is the number of people in the village?" asked the XXX. A number of people like living in the village," answered the student. A。a number of。the number of B。the number of。a number of C。a number of。a number of D。the number of。the number of 3."You could hardly imagine how amazing the Great Wall was until you saw it with your own eyes," said the tour guide. A。how。unless B。what。unless C。to prove D。to proving 4.The research he had devoted all his life to proved to be groundbreaking. A。XXX proving

5."No。I won't," I replied when asked if I would follow his example。"I don't think he is right." 6."How was the concert in the Beijing Grand Theatre last night?" I was asked。"I really liked it。but the male singer was perfect." 7."Look。the students are discussing which super XXX," I pointed out. 8."Let's fly kites if it is fine this weekend," XXX。"But nobody knows if it will be fine or if it will rain." 9."Could you tell me what's wrong with Tom today?" I asked. 10."Of the two coats。she'd like to choose the cheapest," it was stated.


中考英语模拟试卷 一、听力(共两节,满分20分)略 二、阅读(共三节,满分50分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列材料,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出最佳选项。 Two Useful Inventions Inventions Inventors Years Uses(用途) An American inventor Oliver Evans In 1805 To keep food fresh for a long time To prevent food from going bad An English engineer John Aired Around 1927 To know what’s going on around the world 21.The inventor of the fridge is from . A.The US B. England C. Australia 22.About the two inventions, the chart(图表) includes the following EXCEPT . A.when they were invented B. how to use them C. who invented them Home&Education&Zoo ALIVE Teen Volunteer Love animals and kids? Want to help protect animals and the natural world? Have some time to give? Then enroll in(加入) the interesting program for teenagers in Saint Louis, Zoo ALIVE, and become a volunteer. ◆Help the zoo workers plan weekend activities for children. ◆Encourage the zoo visitors to take part in educational activities. ◆Go on camping trips to explore(探索) nature and wildlife. ◆Help with the zoo’s activities and plan your own project. ◆Learn about the zoo, its animals, etc. ◆Attend a monthly meeting. (Usually held from 5 pm to 7:30 pm on the first Sunday of each month) At the meeting, volunteers ◆receive training and learn about events and happenings at the zoo; ◆give speeches about environmental subjects; ◆get to know other volunteers. Give us a call . We are happy to share more information with you! What to do


九年级中考英语模拟试卷 (满分150分时间120分钟) 选择题部分共90分 Ⅰ.听力测试(30分) A)听录音,从每组句子中选出一个你所听到的句子。每个句子听一遍。 1.A. My name’s Gina. B. This is my friend. C. He is tall and thin. 2.A. Have a good time. B. Let’s play soccer. C. It’s in the classroom. 3.A. Is that your pencil? B. Do you like bananas? C. Did you go to the zoo? 4.A. Mike can’t play chess. B. May doesn’t wear glasses. C. Jack didn’t pass the exam. 5.A. What’s wrong with you? B. How do you go to school? C. Where is your basketball? B)在录音中,你将听到五段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从每小题A、B、C中选出能 回答所给问题的正确答案。每段对话听两遍。 6.Where is Jack’s hat? A. Under the chair. B. On the table. C. In the schoolbag. 7. When is Bob’s birthday party? A. On Sunday. B. On Friday. C. On Monday. 8. Who will go swimming with Mark? A. His brother. B. His mother. C. His friends. 9. What does Laura think of talk shows? A. She loves them. B. She can’t stand them. C. She doesn’t mind them. 10. What did Peter do on the weekend? A. He went shopping. B. He went to the zoo. C. He climbed the mountains. C)在录音中,你将听到一段对话,对话后有五个小题,从每小题A、B、C 中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案。对话听两遍。(听对话前,你将有40秒钟的读题时间;听完后,你将有40秒钟的答题时间) 11. How often does Cindy go to the cinema? A. Once a week. B. Twice a week. C. Once a month. 12. What kind of movies does Cindy like? A. Comedies. B.Action movies. C. Cartoon movies. 13. How long does the movie “Mickey Mouse” last? A. For an hour. B. For two hours. C. For fifteen minutes. 14. How much is the ticket? A. 14 yuan. B. 40 yuan. C. 44 yuan. 15. Which movie theater will Cindy go to? A. Town Cinema. B. Movie World. C. Sun Cinema. D)在录音中,你将听到一篇短文,短文后有五个小题,从每小题A、B、C 中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案。短文听两遍。(听短文前,你将有40秒钟的读题时间;听完后,你将有40秒钟的答题时间) 16. What was the weather like? A. Cloudy. B. Sunny. C. Windy. 17. Where were the boys playing? A. In a park. B. Behind a hotel. C.Around a tree. 18. What did David look like? A. Thin. B. Short. C. Heavy.


中考英语模拟考试试题及答案 中考英语模拟考试试题及答案 中考英语模拟考试即将来临,为了帮助同学们备考中考英语模拟考试,尝试着完成这份中考英语模拟试卷或许会有意想不到的收获。以下是店铺给你推荐的中考英语模拟试题及答案,希望对你有帮助! 中考英语模拟考试试题 二、单项选择(本题共15分,每小题1分) 选择最佳答案 ( )21.Australia has been known _____the home of the kangaroo,and the animal offer meat and leather _____a global market. A. for,for B. as,to C. as,for ( )22.---Could you tell me when _____the doctor _____time? ---I am not sure now. But when he _____free,I’ll phone you. A .will have,is B. did have,was C./ will have,is ( )23.Not only his parents but also his grandfather _____to a lot of places of interest in our country since they came here. A. has gone B. have been C. has been ( )24.The doctors form the nearest hospital _____at least three ____boys after the earthquake yesterday. A. saved,dying B. saved,dead C. have saved,dead ( )25.-----The 16 Asian Games was held in Guangzhou from November 12—17,2010. My best friend Li Hong was chosen as a volunteer then. ------______girl! A. How excellent B. What an excellent C .What a excellent ( )26.-----Excuse me, could you tell me_______? -----Certainly. Go straight ahead and you’ll see it on your left.


人教版九年级下册中考英语模拟试卷 一、阅读 阅读下列材料,从每题所给的A, B, C三个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A. Diana Flynn. B. Michael Dixon. C. Mrs Barrett. 2. Where can you get a basketball game ticket? A. Outside the school cafeteria. B. In Class 3A C. In the art teacher’s office. B How to fight against COVID-19(新冠病毒)? We chose some English books in our school library to help you. It’s easy to understand with pictures in them. Come and get them.

3. What can all the three books tell you? A. How to protect yourself from COVID-19. B. How to protect the natural environment. C. How to show love to the people we love. 4. If you want to know the spread of the virus, you can read the book except ______. A. Virus, Virus, You Cannot Scare Me! B. A Special Spring Festival C. Ten Tips to Fight Monsters 5. The reading material(材料)above is most probably _______. A. a library notice B.a book ad C. a science report C From Monkey king: Hero Is Back to Ne Zha, there have been many Chinese animated films based on mythology(神话). But this special one set its eye on the real world — a poor village in Guangdong. In the film I Am What I Am, a boy tries to find his true self through practicing Chinese lion dancing. A’juan, the main character, is a left-behind teen who is always laughed at and not popular among his peers(同伴). A’juan lives a lonely life as his parents work in a big city. Many villagers see him as a “good-for-nothing”. One day he meets a girl who has the exact same name. He is inspired by her and makes up his mind to form a lion dance team with his pals Amao and Agou. When he learns lion dancing, he thinks finally he may be good at something. With the help of a retired(退休的)dancer, A’juan tries to prove(证明)himself in a lion dancing competition in the big city where his parents work. He also gets the chance to see them. It turns out to be an encouraging story of pain and growth. The film tells a story from a grass-root character. It also brings people an important message that miracles can be created if one keeps running after his dream. The story is simple, but the visuals(视觉)are amazing. It shows beautiful lion costumes and tons of lion dancing moves. The music is in the Guangdong style and uses the local language — Cantonese. Bands from Guangdong, like Wu Tiao Ren and Jiu Lian Zhen Ren made music for the film. “I want to make a film about a “nobody”, their dreams and bustling(热闹的)life are worth seeing, the pain they are going through can help them grow stronger.” said the film’s director Sun Haipeng. 6. The film I Am What I Am is special because it’s based on(在...基础上)______. A. Chinese mythology B.a novel C. the real world 7. Which of the following is right about A’juan? A. He is encouraged by a girl whose name is also A’juan. B. He is a retired dancer of lion dancing and won a prize. C. He is very lonely because he has no friends at all. 8. What does the underlined word"miracles "mean? A. 财富 B. 氛围 C.奇迹 9. Which of the following is not True about this film? A. It’s about a nobody who tries to realize his dream. B. The music is really good because it uses a foreign language. C. It shows amazing lion costumes and plenty of ion dancing moves.


人教版中考英语模拟试卷 一、听力(共两节,满分20分)略 二、阅读(共三节,满分50分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列材料,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出最佳选项。 21.To take part in the special festival, when should the visitors go to Kunyu Mountain? A. In April. B. In June. C. In October. 22. What can we learn from the ad? A.Kunyu Mountain is famous for its modern beauty. B. Kunyu Mountain is open to visitors for 24 hours a day. C. Visitors can enjoy flowers and fruit trees in spring.

23.How long will the Breeze Camp last every day? A.For seven hours. B. For eight hours. C. For nine hours. 24.Kids will get_________for free if they pay the cost after May 1st. A.craft materials B. snacks C. lunch 25.Which is NOT TRUE according to the email above? A.6th Grader kids can’t take part in the camp. B.Kids could sigh up after May 30th. C.Breeze Camp hopes volunteers to join them. C How many birthday parties have you been to? What’s your favorite part of those parties? What I like most about birthday parties is the Piñata(皮纳塔) games. A Piñata is a container(容器) filled with small toys or sweets or both, and then people break it at the party. The idea of breaking a container filled with toys or sweets came to European countries in the 14th century. The Spanish brought this tradition to Mexico. Today the Piñata is still a part of Mexican culture, American culture, and cultures of other countries in Latin America. To play the Piñata game, you can hang the Piñata in an open area and ask friends at the party to stand in a line three meters away. Traditionally, to play the Piñata game, you cover the eyes of the first child in line, gently spin(旋转) them around three times, and give them a long stick so they can hit the Piñata. If the children are under five years old, don’t cover their eyes and just spin each child around and give them the chance to hit the Piñata. Give each child the chance to hit the Piñata at least twice. As each one in the line tries to hit the Piñata, it is important to make sure everyone is standing at least five meters away from the child with the stick. More importantly, when the Piñata is cracked, make sure the one with the stick has stopped swinging(挥舞) the stick so that everyone can go and get the toys and sweets. Any plans for your next birthday? Think about having a Piñata. You’ll have a great party with a Piñata. 26. What can be put into a Piñata is _______. A. a stick B. sweets C. big toys 27. About a Piñata game, we can learn that _______. A. it came to European countries in the 15th century B. it first appeared in Mexico C. it is still a part of American culture 28. The right order of the Piñata game for teenagers is _______. ①Spin around three times.②Cover his eyes. ③Get a stick to hit the Piñata.④Stand in line to wait for his turn. A. ④②③① B. ③④②① C.④②①③ 29. What does the underlined word “cracked”mean in paragraph 2? A. 填满 B. 打破 C. 丢失 30. What does the writer try to do in the last paragraph? A. Give thanks. B. Ask for help. C. Offer advice.


中考模拟卷英语试题及答案 一、单项选择题 1. —What do you think of the movie you watched last night? —________________. I didn't like it at all. A. I totally agree B. I couldn't agree more C. I'm afraid not D. I beg to differ 【答案】C 2. I was born ________ April 5th, 2002. A. in B. on C. at D. for 【答案】B 3. —Would you mind closing the window? —__________. I feel a bit cold. A. Not a little B. Not at all C. Of course not D. Not a bit 【答案】D 4. Tom has been studying in this school ________ he was six years old. A. when B. since

C. while D. as 【答案】B 5. Everyone in our class, except ________, is going on the field trip tomorrow. A. she B. her C. hers D. herself 【答案】B 二、完形填空 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 There was once a very famous sailor named Haldane. Haldane had a 6 desire to find out whether there were really any mermaids(美人鱼)in the world, as so many sailors believed. He had 7 of mermaids since he was a small boy, and he was sure that they 8. At last, he set off in a small ship to find the mermaids. 9 many months of sailing, he reached a small island. From the top of a hill, he saw many 10 in the sea below. He walked down to the 11 and stepped into a small boat. On the island, he asked for a 12 to take him to the place where the mermaids lived. The islanders thought 13 to themselves, "Why would such a sailor want to see the mermaids?" They tried to 14 him, but Haldane was 15. They took him by boat to the place where strange 16 echoed(回荡)from the rocks. At
