2004 北京第二外国语学院----综合英语

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考试科目:综合考试(英美文学) 满分:40分


I. Fill in the blanks with proper information (10 points):

1.The Renaissance period in which Shakespeare wrote his poems and plays is generally known as ______________in the history of England.

2. The novel of Waiter Scott that deals with a stage of English history, covering the days after the Norman Conquest, is .

3. John Milton’s is a poetical drama modeled on the Greek tragedy, which takes its story from the Old Testament of the Bible.

4. The rising of the naturalistic novel was influenced mainly by Taine’s application of deterministic theories to literature, Comte’s application of sci entific ideas to the study of society, and .

5. A line of verse that ends on a stressed syllable, as any regular iambic line does, is called ending.

6. The publication of the Lyrical Ballads in the year of marked the beginning of the Romantic period of English literature.

7. The first major, self-conscious literary movement of American black writers after the First World War is known as .

8. Falstaff is a comic character that first appeared in .

9. Henry James sought perfection in his style and technique. He made various experiments in novel writing. In addition to an abundant production of fiction, he wrote a theoretical book on fiction, which is named . .

10. William Faulkner’s novel The Sound and the Fury employs the technique of and introduces us to the Compson family through the mind of the idiot Benjy.

II. Read the following excerpts and identify the author (full name) and work respectively (10 points):

1. Two roads diverged in a yellow wood.

And sorry I could not travel both.

And be one traveler, long I stood

And looked down one as far as I could

To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Author: Work:

2. The grass-plot before the jail, in Prison Lane, on a certain summer morning, not less than two centuries ago, was occupied by a pretty large number of the inhabitants of Boston; all with their eyes intensely fastened on the iron-clamped oaken door. Among any other population, or at a later period in the history of New England, the grim rigidity that petrified the bearded physiognomies of these good people would have augured some awful business in hand.

Author: Work:

3. Thus consciousness does make cowards of us all;

And thus the native hue of resolution

Is sicklied o’er with the pale cast of thought,

And enterprises of great pitch and moment
