
Level 4

A: Holidays:

1.Which one is your favorite holiday?

2.How do you usually celebrate it?

3.What is the special of this holiday?

4.What can you get from it?

5.Do you know anything about it?

6.Do you know any western holidays?

7.What are they?

8.Do you like to celebrate Chinese holidays or western holidays?

9.Is it celebrated as a family or a group?

10.Are there special foods connected with the holiday?

11.Have you eaten any of these foods?

(1)Do you or did you like the foods?

(2)Can you make these foods? Are you good at making them?

11. What special clothing/customs are associated with your favorite holiday?

12.Is gift giving a part of this holiday?

(1)Are there specific types of gifts to be given?

(2)Who are they given to?

13.What are some of the things that are done to show that this holiday is being observed


14.What does the holiday stand for? Why is this holiday celebrated?

15.Do you enjoy the holiday? Why or why not?

16.What traditional colors are associated with this holiday?

17.What is your favorite holiday memory? Tell us about it.

18.Who is your favorite holiday character (e.g. Santa Claus)? Why?

19.What are three holidays that you like to spend with your family?

20.What is your worst holiday memory? Tell us about it.

21.If you had a long holiday, what would you do with it?

B: Shopping

Do you like shopping?

1.How often do you go for shopping?

2.Where do you usually go for shopping? (shopping mall / supermarket / )

3.Who do shopping for your family?

4.Would you like to go alone or with your friends or family members?

5.Do you always bargain with the shop assistants?

6.What do you think of the service there?

7.Do you have any experience of being “rip ped off”(敲竹杠)?

8.Which is more important for you, fashion design or quality?

9.Do you always buy something you really don't need?

10.How do you always pay for the things you buy? By cash or by credit card?

11.Would you like to buy things on sale?

12.Are you a price conscious shopper?

13.Do you compare prices at different stores when you shop?

14.Do you enjoy shopping?

15.Do you ever buy second-hand things? ("used things")

C: Hobbies and interests

1.Do you have any hobbies?

2.What are they?

3.How do you understand a hobby?

4.Are all of hobbies expensive or cheap?

5.Could you give some examples?

6.What can you get from taking up a hobby?

7.What is your favourite sport?

8.Do you have enough time to do some sport now?

D: Food

1.Do you like Chinese food or western food such as Mc and KFC?

2.Why? Do you think they are good for you health?

3.Can you cook for yourself?

4.Do you like to try new food and drinks?

5.Do you often eat out?

6.Do you prefer fish or meat?

7.Do you prefer to eat at a restaurant or at home?

8.Do you prefer your own country's food or other kinds of food?

9.Do you read the nutritional information on the foods you buy?

10.Do you take vitamin pills?

11.Do you think a vegetarian diet is better than a diet that includes meat? E: Weekend activity:

1.What do you do on weekends?

2.Do you always watch TV at weekend?

3.Which programs do you often watch?

4.Which is your favorite program?

5.What can you get from watching TV?

6.Do you have enough time to watch TV?

7.Are you satisfied your present weekend? Why?

8.What is your idea about weekend?

Questions: Level (5)

A: Festivals:

1.How many festivals do you know?

2.Do you like Chinese festivals or western festivals?

3.Do you know the history of these festivals? Examples

4.How do you celebrate it usually?

5.How do other people celebrate it in this festival?

B: Transportation:

1.How do you go to school everyday?

2.How do you think of it?

3.Do you know any other means of transportation?

4.Would you like to go traveling by train or by plane? Why?

5.Which is the best to get around the city, by taxi or by bike or by subway?

6.Which is the fastest way to travel around the city?

7.How about the cheapest ways?

C: Celebration:

1.What is your favorite celebration?

2.How do your celebrate your birthday?

3.Who will celebrate it with you?

4.How do other people celebrate it?

5.What can you get from it?

D: Entertainment:

1.How do you relax in your spare time?

2.What kind of entertainment do you do? Why?

3.Do you like watching movies or reading books?

4.What kinds of movie / books do you like?

5.Which movie do you like most? Could you tell me something about it?

6.Do you think it is a waste of time? Why?

7.What can we get from entertainment?

8.Do you think it’s good for students to go clubbing? Why? (night club, fitness club)

9.Do you think entertainment is very important in our daily life? Why?

F: Music:

1.Do you like to listen to music?

2.Which is your favorite kind?

3.Do you have your favorite singer?

4.Do you think it is good to listen to some music after school? Why?

5.How many kinds of music do you know?

6.Can music make people happy?

7.Can music influence our mood or behavior?

8.Do you play any musical instrument?

9.What can music bring to us?

G: things happened recently:

1.How are your recently?

2.Is there anything special happened?

3.What was that?

4.How /

5.When /


7.What did you do yesterday? How? Why?

8.Where did you go? How

Questions for Level (6):

I: Traveling:

1.Do you like traveling?

2.How do you like to travel? Why?

3.Do you like to travel alone or with your family? Why?

4.Which places have you been?

5.Which one do you like the best? Why?

6.Which place would you like to travel the most? Why?

7.Would you like to see the natural beauty or get around the city?

8.Have you ever been abroad?

9.Where have you been?

10.Are you planning on going anywhere for your next vacation?

a)If so, where?

b)Who with?

c)How long will you stay?

11.Are you afraid of going abroad alone?

12.Describe the most interesting person you met on one of your travels.

13.Describe your best trip.

14.Describe your worst trip.

15.Do you prefer to travel by train, bus, plane or ship?

16.Have you ever been in a difficult situation while traveling?

II: Money:

1.Do you have pocket money?

2.How much money do your parents give you as pocket money?

3.How do you usually spend it?

4.If you had a million dollars, what would you do?

5.Do you think that money is the most important thing in this world? Why?

6.Do you want to make money by yourself? Why?

7.How to make it?

8.Are you good at saving money?

9.Are you saving money to buy something?

a)If so, what are you planning to buy?

b)How much will it cost?

c)How much longer will you need to save before you can buy it?

10.Do banks pay a higher percent of interest here or in your country?

11.Do you ever give money to charity?

a)How often do you give to charity?

b)How much do you give?

III: Clothes:

1.Do you have a lot of clothes?

2.Who usually bought them for you?

3.What is your favorite color?

4.Which would you prefer, design or the quality of the clothes?

5.Do you like your school uniform?

6.Do you think it is a good thing for all students to wear the same clothes?

7.Do fashionable clothes really change the way a person looks?

8.What colors do you choose to wear when you are happy?

IV: Health:

1.Do you think you are a health person? Why?

2.How do you usually keep health?

3.Could you tell us some other ways to keep healthy?

4.Which is the best way to keep fit?

5.Do you have enough time to do some sports?

6.Which is more important, money or health? Why?

7.Do you ever read magazines or news articles about health? If yes, what subject(s) do you find

the most interesting?

8.Should fast food restaurants serve healthier food?


三一口语六级常见问题 Travel 1.Do you like traveling? Answer 1: Of course, I really like traveling. I like to see how people live in other places, and it’s amazing to learn about different cultures—much more exciting than just reading about them in a textbook. I’ve been to quite a lot of places and I’d like to share my experience with you. Answer 2: I’m afraid I don’t like traveling at all because it’s too time-consuming. I’d rather stay at home and do some reading when I’m free. 2.Can you talk about one of your happiest traveling experiences? I enjoyed my trip to Hong Kong very much. I went there with my mom by plane last year. The sights were really wonderful. I remember a place called Sai Kung. The sea there was so blue and clear. We were taking photos all the way. We also went to the Disneyland. It was so much fun. My mom bought a lot from the shopping malls in Causeway Bay. She said things were much cheaper in Hong Kong than in my hometown. We tasted a variety of delicious Cantonese Foods as well. The hotel where we stayed was in a convenient location. It was only 10 minutes’ drive from the city center. I like Hong Kong so much and my mom says we’re going there again next year. 3.What are the differences between your hometown and Hong Kong? There are a lot differences between my hometown and Hong Kong. First, people in Hong Kong speak Cantonese, which is different from Mandarin my mother tongue. I could hardly understand the local people, so I spoke English most of the time. Second, Hong Kong is in the south of China and it’s close to the sea, so the weather there is warm and humid. My hometown is in the north and the weather is cool and dry. Finally, the foods are also different. People in Hong Kong like to eat dim sum for lunch, while people from my hometown prefer noodles and rice. 4.If you have enough time and money, where will you go on your next trip? If I have enough time and money, I’d like to go to Hangzhou on my next trip because I heard it’s a lovely city with many cute terraces. The best season to visit is spring, when flowers bloom and trees turn green. My friends recommended a nice hotel located near the West Lake. I can stay in a lake-view room to enjoy the beautiful sights through the window. 5.Which do you prefer: traveling to big modern cities or to small remote villages? Answer 1: I prefer to travel to small villages rather than big cities. Villages have slower pace of life than cities, which makes me feel more relaxed. And there are clear lakes, little hills and green forests in many villages. The sights are beautiful. Moreover, the air quality in villages is much better than that in big cities. I think that’s the reason why many people from villages are healthier than city dwellers.


4~6 级 4 ●假日Holidays ●购物Shopping ●学校和工作School and work ●业余爱好和体育运动Hobbies and sports ●食物Food ●周末或季节性活动Weekend and seasonal activities 5 ●节日Festivals ●交通方式Means of transport ●重大或特殊的活动(如:生日等)Special occasions, e.g. birthday celebrations ●娱乐(如:电影院、电视、俱乐部等)Entertainment, e.g. cinema, television, clubs ●音乐Music ●近期的个人经历Recent personal experiences 6 ●旅游Travel ●有关金钱的相关话题Money ●时尚(如:服饰、行为等)Fashion ●规章制度Rules and regulations ●健康与健身Health and fitness ●学习一门外语Learning a foreign language 7~9 级 u 本部分由考生自己选择熟悉或感兴趣且利于展开讨论的话题;所选话题应使自己有更多机会能够运用所选级别的语言来展示自己的语言能力。u 自选话题不宜从第三部分的 6 个对话题目中选取,以利于考生更全面更自然地展现对语言的理解和控制能力。 u 与4~6 级不同,考生不必填写《思维图解表》,不得将自选话题写成书面材料带入考场,但可以准备所选话题的讨论提纲或图示一类的材料带入考场,并出示给考官。考生不带提纲进入考场不影响考试的正常进行。 u 考生应做充分的准备以便与考官进行持续五分钟的讨论,要能够根据考官的要求就话题内容举例、解释、说明并发表个人意见。考生若没有准备自选话题,本部分不给成绩,本次考试也就无法通过。 7 ●教育Education ●民族习俗National customs ●城市与乡村生活Village and city life ●全国和地方性的物产和产品National and local produce and products ●个人早年的记忆Early memories ●污染与资源再生利用Pollution and recycling 8 ●旅游Travel ●有关金钱的相关话题Money ●时尚(如:服饰、行为等)Fashion ●规章制度Rules and regulations ●健康与健身Health and fitness ●学习一门外语Learning a foreign language

三一口语6级Module 2 Health and fitness

Module 2 Health and fitness 一.重点单词、词汇: Fit、junk、improve、fitness、diet、habit、frequently、liter、seldom、tired、suggestion、vitamin、mineral、caffeine、wine、energy、treatment、registration、surgery、department、medicine、pharmacy、register、fee、injure、accompany、fill、gender、sign、service、clinic、provide、stress、quarrel、anxious、final、appetite、personal、relationship、situation、anxiety、cause、advice、recently、bad-tempered、concentrate、contain、yoga、relax、considerate、symptom 二.健康、保健相关知识 No Smoking in All Public Places Some businesses now say that no one can smoke cigarettes in any of their offices. Some governments have banned (禁止)smoking in all public places. This is a good idea though it takes away some of our freedom. As we know, smoking is harmful not only to our health but also to the environment. Smoking can lead to many diseases, such as lung cancer. Smoking affects non-smokers more than it does smokers. Ratio(比率)of passive smokers getting ill is higher than that of smokers. So, many nonsmokers are against smoking. In public places, the harm of smoking is greater. This is connected with another effect of smoking. That is, smoking pollutes environment by giving much poisonous (有毒的)vapour(气)off into the air. Therefore, that the government ban smoking is very necessary and important to us. It is a measure to protect our health and environment. Some people say that it takes away some of our freedom. I think it is a one-sided view. If one wants to smoke, he may smoke in private, not in the public places. In fact, smokers still have the freedom of smoking. But, I think, smokers had better give up smoking, not only in private places, but also in the public places, everywhere. It will be beneficial(有益的)to all of us.


三一口语4级常见问题 Hobbies and Sports 1.Do you have any hobbies? Yes, I enjoy playing tennis very much. It relaxes me and I find it interesting. I spend a lot of my spare time playing it. I think that’s why I’m stronger than most of my classmates. 2.Do you think it is important to have hobbies? I think it’s very important to have hobbies because it’s always good to have something to do in your spare time, especially something you’re good at. In this way, you won’t feel lonely and bored. Take me for example. I like dancing. I often forget the time when the music is on. It’s also a good way to relieve my stress and improve the quality of my life. 3.Do you like reading books? Of course I like reading books very much. Reading opens a window for me to the outside world and it’s the best way for me to learn something new. I’m especially interested in science books. My favorite book is called Science world. I find it very useful. 4.Do you like playing sports? Certainly! I like playing sports very much. It’s good for my health. I seldom catch colds after I started playing sports regularly two years ago. It also helps me forget all my troubles. I always feel happy when I play badminton with my friends. 5.What is your favorite sport? My favorite sport is basketball because basketball games are exciting. I always have a lot of fun during the games, and I feel great when our team wins. It’s also a good way for me to get taller. I’m one of the tallest students in my class. 6.Where do you like to play sports? I like to play sports in ABC Fitness Center. The sports center is near my house. Its facilities are modern and it’s even bigger than the gym in our school. I often play basketball with a coach there. He’s kind and often helps me improve my skills. We’re good friends now. Food 7.What do you eat for breakfast? I often eat an egg and two pieces of bread with strawberry jam for breakfast. I drink a glass of milk or orange juice sometimes as well. They’re all good for my health.


大纲介绍 第一部分:自选话题(5分钟) 正确理解考官的提问,回答切题 能持续针对思维图解表中所列的讲述点提供信息、阐述观点 清晰描述事情发生的前后顺序 与考官就准备的话题进行轻松随意的讨论,讨论中考官可能要求考生进一步提供信息、事实和细节 向考官提出至少1个与自选话题相关的问题 尽可能运用本级所要求的语言功能 第二部分:对话(5分钟) 正确理解考官的提问,回答切题 提供相关信息,并表达自己的观点 主动与考官开展对话 向考官提出至少2个与对话话题相关的问题 考官从以下6个话题中任意选择2个,与考生进行双向对话 ?旅游 ?与金钱相关的话题 ?时尚(如:服饰、行为等) ?规章制度 ?健康与健身 ?学习一门外语

描述过去一段时间内的活动 表达个人的观点和印象,询问他人观点和印象 表达意向和目的 表达义务和必要性 表述确定性与不确定性 If和when引导的条件句 过去进行时 与本级语言功能相关的情态词,如:must, need to, might, don’t have to 不定式用于表示目的 常用动词短语 与自选话题相关的词汇 与对话话题相关的词汇 表达将来时的词语,如:the day after tomorrow, in a year’s time 避免出现背诵式的演讲语调(最重要) 正确使用与自选话题和对话话题相关词汇的发音 正确使用句子重音明确语义 掌握语句层面的语调和语流特点 掌握较为复杂的疑问句句型的语调

大纲解析 1.自选话题绝对不能从第二部分的6个话题中选取;尽量选择与自己生活、经 历相关的话题;并预先考虑考官围绕该话题可能提出的所有问题。 2.材料准备一定要充分,足以与考官讨论5分钟。 3.考生可借助自带的画片、照片、图表、模型或实物进行讨论,但不包括动物、 昆虫、刀具、利器等危险物品。(强烈建议) 4.至少向考官提出一个与自选话题相关的问题,不提问或不相关,不给分。 5.所有考生的自选话题部分必须填写《思维图解表》(见下),并带入考场与考 官进行讨论。 《思维图解表》要求6级准备6个讲述点,考官至少会问及《思维图解表》中4个或4个以上的讲述点。要求:所填写的讲述点不能太笼统,如“Introduction to topic”,“Conclusion to topic”,“What I did next…”,正确填法如下:


三一口语1—6级考试话题提问 二级 这一级别没有样板问题,一般以指出房间的物品,考生可以用正确的发音说出该物品的英文名称,说出自己家人和朋友的英文称呼,星期和月份 1. What's this?......This is a desk/chair. 2. What's that?......That is a window/door. 3. What month is it?......It is November now. 4. How many days are there in November?......There are thirty days. 5. Is it February this month?......No, it isn't 6. Is it Tuesday?......No, it isn't. It's Wednesday. 7. Where is the apple?......The apple is in the box. 8. Where is the cat?......The cat is under the box. 9. Is she behind the door? 10. What is she doing?......She is singing. 11. What is he doing?......He is running. 12. How many people are there in your family? 13. Who are they? 14. Do you have any friends? 15. Who is your best friend? 三级 学校生活 Where is your school? Which school are you in? Is there a library in your building? How many floors are there in your building?


三一口语复习资料 三一口语考试1-9级级别要求、话题样表 伦敦三一口语证书是目前最火爆的口语水平测试证书,它以其权威性、实用性、系统性成为重点中学所青睐的英语口语能力证明之一。重点中学最终看重的其实还是孩子“运用知识的能力”。这表现在小升初 综合素质考查的英语 伦敦三一口语证书是目前最火爆的口语水平测试证书,它以其权威性、实用性、系统性成为重点中学所青睐的英语口语能力证明之一。重点中学最终看重的其实还是孩子“运用知识的能力”。这表现在小升初 综合素质考查的英语测试方面,毫无疑问就是英语的听、说、读、写能力。就此看来,重点中学所看重的三一口语显然是对学生英语能力的一个考验与客观反映。 什么样的学生将会在以后的学习上更具有潜力?基于此类问题,重点中学似乎年年都在思索,而这种思索又直接导致择优选拔策略上的变更与改进。在重点中学择优高压下,部分学生对英语的学习过程中难免会出现只为应试过关,不顾能力提升的现象。那么如何在优中选优?这样,重点中学对优秀学生的选拔就自然又多出了个“英语口语测试”。一目了然,三一口语等级考试的本身就是对考生听说能力的一项考核,所以,其被重点中学所看重自然也在情理之中。三一英语口语等级考试的主要目的是考核考生的听说能力。它的主要功能和作用是检验应考者的听说能力。三一口语所面向的群体也是英语爱好者。这类考试

并无需考生花费很多的时间去备考,考生只要知道考试的方法,准备几分钟的自主话题就可以。三一口语话题主要考查考生对一事物的理解能力和英语表达能力。这是考查英语实际应用能力的考试,考生不但要有大量的词汇基础,还要有宽泛的知识面,重点中学重视的恰恰又是学生英语的运用能力。 1、GESE考试介绍:共分4个层次,12个级别,即:预备级1-3级;初级4-6级;中级7-9级;高级10-12级。各级考试都采用考生和考官一对一面试方式,级别越高,对话时间就越长。 GESE1-6级考试的考官由中方考官担任,7-12级考试考官由英方考官担任。 2.考试体系: 1)考试时间根据人数和报名单位需要而定 2)考试后两个月即可向通过考试的考生颁发证书 3)考试全程录音。 4)考试成功率高 3.证书含金量 GESE是北京市政府与英国伦敦三一学院合办的一个考试体系。主要是考核和鼓励学生学好口语。众所周知,英语口语在日常生活和各个重要考试中的地位越来越高了。该证书是目前北京地区唯一针对少儿英语口语进行评价的证书。该证书由北京教育考试院和伦敦三一学院联合颁发。对于重点中小学入学具有参考价值。 4.适合对象:


圣三一口语考试自选话题(大全) 第一篇:圣三一口语考试自选话题(大全) PERCY JACKSON T oday I ′ll talk about a book,named 《Percy Jackson》.《Percy Jackson》is the one of the famous teen novel in the word.it has ten books(《The Lightning Thief》《The Sea Of Monsters》《The Titan′s Curse》《The Battle Of The Labyrinth》《The Last Olympian》《The Lost Hero》《The Son of Neptune》《The Mark of Athena》《The House of Hades》《the blood of olympus》,the last books is set to be released on October 7, 2014,so……),one outbound(《The Demigod Files&The Demigod Diaries 》)and one guide(《The Ultimate Guide》).The writer of these books is Rick Riordan , he become famous with these books ,and now he is the one of the famous writer in the word with Joanne Rowling(the writer of the 《Harry Potter》)and Stephenie Morgan Meyer(the writer of the 《Twilight》).The story is talk about a boy called Percy Jackson, the son of the Poseidon, Neptune,he fight with bad guys and save the olympus.(《The Lightning Thief》:Zeus lost his weapon——lightning.And Zeus think Percy steal it,so Zeus told Percy′father ——the Neptune,Poseidon, Percy should put the lightning back before the summer solstice,If he don′t,Zeus and Poseidon will make a war.But Percy never know he is a half-blood before.(half-blood means half god and half human))After he was attacked by Nemesis(Fury),he know he is a half-blood.And than he go to a summer camp ——Camp Half-Blood.Then he find the lightning and give it back to Zeus when Zeus wants make a war with Poseidon.《The Sea Of Monsters》:Long time ago,Cyclops killed Zeus’daughter, Thalia.And Zeus is very sad ,turn Thalia into a tree.This tree protects the Camp Half-Blood.Oneday, a Bull made


Topic 1 food 1 what’s your favourite food? Why? /what food do you like best? Why? 2 where do you usually eat this kind of food? When ? with whom? 3 how often do you usually eat this kind of food? 4 when was the last time that you had this kind of food? 5 what do you think of the fast food? 6 Do you often eat fast food? How often ? where ?with who? 7 tell me the difference of Chinese food and western food ,which one do you prefer? Why? 8 Did you try any western food? How was it? With who? Where? 9 what’s the difference between northern food and southern food? 10 which one do you like better and why? 11 do you like to eat out or at home? Why? 12 How much do you usually spend on food if you eat out? Do you think its expensive? 13 tell me something about your favourite restaurant? Where ? when ? with whom? Why? How to get there? special food? 14 do you like snacks? What snacks do you often eat? 15 what do you think of snacks? 16 did you ever have a picnic? where and when? How was it? 17 If there is a picnic tomorrow ,what are you going to take? Where are you going to have it? With who? 18 introduce a Chinese dish for me. How does it taste like? How to cook? 19 What do people usually eat during spring festival/ mid- autumn


Level 4 A: Holidays: 1.Which one is your favorite holiday? 2.How do you usually celebrate it? 3.What is the special of this holiday? 4.What can you get from it? 5.Do you know anything about it? 6.Do you know any western holidays? 7.What are they? 8.Do you like to celebrate Chinese holidays or western holidays? 9.Is it celebrated as a family or a group? 10.Are there special foods connected with the holiday? 11.Have you eaten any of these foods? (1)Do you or did you like the foods? (2)Can you make these foods? Are you good at making them? 11. What special clothing/customs are associated with your favorite holiday? 12.Is gift giving a part of this holiday? (1)Are there specific types of gifts to be given? (2)Who are they given to? 13.What are some of the things that are done to show that this holiday is being observed (celebrated)? 14.What does the holiday stand for? Why is this holiday celebrated? 15.Do you enjoy the holiday? Why or why not? 16.What traditional colors are associated with this holiday? 17.What is your favorite holiday memory? Tell us about it. 18.Who is your favorite holiday character (e.g. Santa Claus)? Why? 19.What are three holidays that you like to spend with your family? 20.What is your worst holiday memory? Tell us about it. 21.If you had a long holiday, what would you do with it? B: Shopping Do you like shopping? 1.How often do you go for shopping? 2.Where do you usually go for shopping? (shopping mall / supermarket / ) 3.Who do shopping for your family? 4.Would you like to go alone or with your friends or family members? 5.Do you always bargain with the shop assistants? 6.What do you think of the service there? 7.Do you have any experience of being “rip ped off”(敲竹杠)? 8.Which is more important for you, fashion design or quality? 9.Do you always buy something you really don't need? 10.How do you always pay for the things you buy? By cash or by credit card? 11.Would you like to buy things on sale? 12.Are you a price conscious shopper? 13.Do you compare prices at different stores when you shop? 14.Do you enjoy shopping? 15.Do you ever buy second-hand things? ("used things") C: Hobbies and interests 1.Do you have any hobbies? 2.What are they? 3.How do you understand a hobby? 4.Are all of hobbies expensive or cheap? 5.Could you give some examples? 6.What can you get from taking up a hobby? 7.What is your favourite sport?


三一口语四级话题汇总 以下是关于《三一口语四级话题汇总》: 参与三一口语4级考试留意留意事项: 放松,自然,微笑,大方。让教师感觉是在和你谈天,而不是在考你。重沟通。忌背诵语调。尽自己所能去答题,不要轻易放弃。做好被打断的预备,不慌。若被打断,就不要哇哇一个人自己连续说。三一口语四级自选话题,反问考官一个问题。 1. Holiday How many holidays do you know? What kind of holidays do you usually have? What do you think of National Day/ Children’s Day? Tell me the differences between Children’s Day and Spring Festival (which do you prefer?) May Day and National Day, which do you prefer? Children’s Day and National Day, which do you prefer? What did you do last May Day? How did you spend your last Children’s Day? Do you like travelling in holidays?

Can you tell me the differences between summer holiday and winter holiday? Which do you prefer, summer holiday or winter holiday? What did you do last summer holiday/winter holiday? Did you go shopping there? How did you go there? What did you eat there? How long did you stay there? What are you going to do next summer holiday/winter holiday? Do you like holidays? 2. Hobby What’s your hobby? Are you good at it? How often do you do it? Where do you often do it? Can you father do it? Did you take part in some competitions? Are you going to take part in any competitions? Do you think your hobby is a good one? What kind of hobby do you think is a good one? What does your mother think of your hobby?


三一口语考试内容详解(4-6级) 三一口语是检测学生口语水平的等级考试,长沙新航道学校侯家塘校区是湖南省首家特批英国伦敦圣三一口语考试考点定三一口语考试,并供应专业三一口语培训。三一口语相关考试资讯如下: 三一口语考试共分为四段12个级别,其中4-6级为初级段。考试时间为10分钟;考试内容分为两局部:第一局部是自选话题争论(5分钟),其次局部为对话(5分钟),我们来看一下4-6级三一口语考试的内容:总体要求: ●能理解、熟识话题中所述的要点 ●参加对话,就个人感兴趣或与日常生活相关的熟识话题进展沟通并陈述个人意见、看法 ●具备肯定的语言力量描述经受、发生的事情,说明事情缘由,并能就意见、看法及打算作出说明解释 第一局部:自选话题争论(5分钟) 考生就个人感兴趣的或任何一个熟识的话题,依据所考级别的要求,自己事先进展预备。 自选话题不宜从其次局部的6个对话题目中选取。 话题内容应由考生自己预备,不能机械背诵。考生要熟识所谈话题,理解含义,语言正确,恰当地表达个人观点。建议考生在预备话题时,预

先考虑考官围绕话题可能提出的一些问题。来自同班的考生尽可能不选择与其他考生一样的话题。若选择一样话题,应从不同方面去谈论。 考生在自选话题局部,应预备足以争论5分钟的材料。考生可借助自带的画片,照片,图表,模型或实物进展争论,但不行带鸟、昆虫、爬行动物或者其他活的动物进入考场; 更不允许携带刀具或其它利器等危急物品进入考场。 在第一局部,全部4-6级考生都要向考官提问至少一个与自选话题相关的问题。 全部4-6级考生的自选话题局部必需填写《话题表Topic form》,并带入考场与考官进展争论。 考官不肯定按话题表上所列叙述点挨次提问题,但考生预备时,各叙述点应围绕中心话题绽开。 《话题表Topic form》中4级要求围绕所选话题预备4个叙述点, 5级应预备5个叙述点,6级应预备6个叙述点。所填写的叙述点不能太笼统,如:“Introduction to topic” , “Conclusion to topic”, “What I did next …”, 正确填法参见(附表1)。 在4级考试中,考官会问及话题表中的4个叙述点;在5、6级考试中,考官至少会问及话题表中4个或4个以上的叙述点。话题表是4、5、6级第一局部考试的关键, 若事先未填写《话题表》,该局部考试将无法进展。考生若没有预备自选话题,本局部不给成绩,本次考试也就无法通
