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that 人或物主语宾语表语

which 物主语宾语

* 当先行词是way 的时候,关系词用that或which, that可以省略。

1.I’ll remember the time that/which we spent together in the country.

2.I don’t believe the reason that/which he has given for his being late.


3.. Next winter which/that you’ll spend in Harbin, I’m sure, will be

exciting holiday.

4. Is this the school that/which/不填some German friends visited last week ?

5. The person who/whom/that you talked with is a famous writer.

6.I fell most angry about the way that I’ve been treat ed.

二.关系代词用that 而不用which的情况


1. Carol said the work would be done by October, which personally,I doubted.

2. There’s still much that can be improved about it.

3. She may have missed her train, in which case she won’t arrive for another


4.Will you please show me the way to the only tall building that stands near

the post office.

5. There were two small rooms in the house, the smaller of which served as a


6. Is there anything else that you require?

7. The last place that we visited was the Great Wall.

8. He talked happily about the men and books that interested him greatly in

the school.

9. There is no dictionary that you can find everything.

10. His sister had become a teacher, which was what he wanted to be.

11.The first place that they visited in Guilin was Elephant Trunk Hill.

12. This is the best film that I have ever seen.

13. which is the true story that he told us?

14.Tom isn’t the man that he used to be.


who 人主语宾语

whom 人宾语

whose 人或物定语

只能用whom而不能用who 的情况:介词后


1.I’ll never forget the people who have a great effect on my life.

2. A child whose parents are dead is called an orphan(孤儿) .

3. Mr. Johnson’s son, who lives in Chicago, is a doctor.

4.With the fast development of agriculture, the people whose kids taught

before have lived a happy life.

5. Recently I bought an ancient Chinese Vase, whose price was very reasonable.

6.There is only one student in the school that/who/whom I wanted to see. .

7.There are two thousand students in our school, two-thirds of whom are girls.

8. The children climbed the hill, on whose top they picnicked.


1. The door in our garden, which my father built many years ago, has lasted

for a long time.

2 . He has made a wonderful discovery, which is of great importance to


4. Alice has a large collection of photos, none of which was taken in London.

5. He was rude to the Customs officer, which of course made things even


6. Dorothy was always speaking highly of her role in the play, which, of course, made the others unhappy.

7. “T hose who break the law should be p unished,” the judge shouted.

8. The railway tunnel, through which the train goes will be completed soon.

11. Crusoe’s d og became ill and died, which made him very lonely.

15. I have bought two ballpens (圆珠笔), neither of which writes well.

16. Do you know the man whom/who/that I spoke to?

17. This is one of the best films that have been shown this year.

18. This is the only one of the best films that has been shown this year.

19. I’ll tell you all that he told me last month.

20. Is oxygen the only gas that helps fire burn?

21. You can take any seat that is free.

22. Please pass me the dictionary whose cover is black.

23. Is this museum the one that some German friends visited last Wednesday?

24. He has two sons, both of whom work as chemists.

25. I, who am your good friend, will try my best to help you out.

26. This is the most important chapter to which we should pay attention.
