Book2Unit2 The Olympic Games词汇

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stand (doing) sth stand by 袖手旁观;支持某人 stand out 显眼;引人注目 stand up for stand on one's own feet 1.Don't lose heart. All your friends will stand by you. 2.Wearing a fancy skirt, the girl always stood out in the crowd. 3.It's time we stood up for our right. 4.Everybody should stand on his own feet.
be similar to 与......相似 be similar in 在......方面相似
1.Your book is simaliar to mine. 2.My brother and I are similar in personality. 3.年年岁岁花相似,岁岁年年人不同。 ________________________________ The flowers are similar to each other _______________________________ every year,but people are different.
one after another →one by one striker n. →strik
compete vi.
→competitor n.→competition n.→competitive adj. compete in compete with/against compete for In this competitive world, we are all competitors and everybody competes with each other. We should make a good atmosphere of competition.
charge vt&vi&n sb. take charge of un.主管; sb. be in charge of sth. 掌管;责任 sth. be in the charge of sb. sth. be under the charge of sb. un.要价; vt.收费 vt.控告; 指控 charge sb. some money for... be free of charge charge sb. with (doing) sth 指控/控告/指责sb.
Fra Baidu bibliotek
stadium cn.→pl. stadiums /stadia→The Bird's Nest Stadium gymnasium (gym) cn. host v&n. →hostess n. →host a birthday party→host foreign guests olive n. →olive oil/tree→rugby n.橄榄球 wreath cn. →olive wreath motto cn.→mottoes/mottos swift adj. →It happend swiftly. physical adj. →physics→physicist,chemist fine vt .&n. →fine sb (for) doing sth→a fine ticket poster cn. →posters→station poster advertise vt. &vi.→advertisement→advertiser They advertise their products on TV. He advertise for a wife in a local newspaper.
as well→also→too→either
eg.He sent his girlfriend a Dear John letter and some tokens of love as well.
for you as well as for me. It's important not only for you but also for me. for you and for me as well.
1.Not only he but also his friends ______(like) dancing. His friends as well as he ________ (like) dancing. 2.As well as breaking his leg, he hurt his hand. 3.I hope that I can learn English as well as she.
1. He doesn't want to replace his old bag with a new one. 2.The girl takes the place of me as our team leader. 3.What you say is out of place.
similarity n.→similar adj.→similarly adv.
responsibility n.→responsible adj. a sense of responsibility 责任感 be on one's own responsibility 自己负责 be responsible for 为...负责 It's one's responsibility to do sth take responsibility for (doing) sth 对...负责 1.每一个学生都应该对 自己的学习负责。 2.每个人都应该对自己 说的话负责。
admit vt&vi
→admission n.承认; (admitted,admitted) 入场费;进入许可
允许进入; admit sb. to/into 让...进入 be admitted as 作为...被接受
承认; admit (to) sth. 承认某事 供认 admit (to) doing sth. 承认做过某事 admit that... 承认... be + adj./n. 承认...是...
replace vt. →replacement =take the place of
in place of instead of
replace A with/by B 取代...而成为 take place 发生 take one's place 就坐;就位
in place 适当的 out of place 不适当的
1.Only girls are admitted to the school. 2.He is admitted to Peking University / Tsinghua University. 3.You are admitted as a member of us. 4.The prisoner has admitted his guilt. 5.He admitted having stolen my homework to copy. 6.We all admitted him to be a generous man. 7.Each ticket admits two persons to the party. 8.Tha maid admitted that she had taken the wooden box apart. 9.You must admit me to be awesome. 10.You must admit me to be the best deskmate over the world. 10.The small window admitted very little light. 11.Tom admitted cheating _______ in the exam and he to was not admitted _________ the school.
Unit 2 The Olympic Games
ancient adj. →in ancient times
→ancient history of China
take part in →join→join in→attend medal cn.→gold medal→silver medal→bronze medal mascot cn. →pl.mascots →magically adv.→magician n.→magic n. magical adj. homeland cn.→homelands →irregular adj→regularity n.→regularly regular adj. basis cn. →pl. bases→basic adj.→on the basis of athlete cn.→pl. athletes→adj. athletic→athletics n. slave cn.→slavery n.→pl. slaves nowadays adv. →these days
stand for
代表(无被动;无进行) 支持(观点,看法);主张
1.字母PRC代表“中华人民共和国” The letter PRC stand for the People's Republic of China. ___________________________________________________ 2.橄榄枝象征着和平。 The olive branch stands for peace. ___________________________________________________ 3.毫无疑问,gym代表gymnasium(体育馆)。 There is no dout that “gym” stands for gymnasium. ___________________________________________________ 4.这种事我再也不能忍受了。 I can't stand (for) it any longer. ___________________________________________________ 5.你支持哪个原则? Which principles do you stand for ? ___________________________________________________
princess cn. prince cn. goddess cn. glory n. →glorious hopeless adj. →hopeful adj.→hope foolish adj. →foolishly adv.→foolishness n.
→fool n. (stupid,silly) pain n. →painful adj.→No pain, no gain. →in pain
1.He took charge of the farm after his father's death. 2.He asked to speak to the person in charge. 3.She is in charge of the hospital. 4.The hospital is in the charge of her. 5.We have to make a small charge for the use of the telephone. 6.Delivery is free of charge. 7.The room charged me 50 yuan. 8.He was charged with murder.