








1、easy money 钱来的容易

He thinks working in marketing is easy money. I think he'll find it's quite a different story.


2、bonus / extra money 额外奖金

If you complete the project before next Tuesday, there'll be some bonus money.


3、hard-earned money 血汗钱

The best way to feel good about any purchase is if it's been made with hard-earned money.


4、government / public / taxpayers' money 政府、公共、纳税者的钱

It's not right to waste taxpayers' money on projects that benefit those who are already wealthy.


5、pocket / spending money 零用钱、零花钱

Would you like a little extra pocket money this weekend?


6、gas / lunch / petrol / rent / etc money燃气费、午饭钱、汽油钱、租金等等

Could you lend me some lunch money today?


7、prize / grant / scholarship money奖金、补助资金、奖学金

They won a lot of grant money for their research into DNA.


8、stolen / dirty / bribe / ransom money偷的钱、脏钱、贿赂钱、赎金

I don't want your dirty money!


9、hush / protection money封口费、保护费

That gang is demanding protection money from every store on the street. It's scandalous! 那帮人在街上的每一家商店收保护费。真可耻!

10、pension / retirement money 养老金,退休金

We plan to move to Hawaii with our retirement money.


11、counterfeit / fake money 假币

The police discovered more than $2 million in fake money.


二、动词+ “money”

1、coin, print + money 印钞

The government printed a lot of money in 2001.


2、count + money 数钱

Let's count your money and see if you have enough to buy that.


3、bring in, earn, make + money 挣钱

The company brought in more than $4 million.


4、borrow + money 向别人借钱

Could I borrow some money for this weekend?


5、lend + money 借给别人钱

I'll lend you some money until next month.


6、bank, deposit, pay in, pay into the bank, put in the bank + money银行存钱

I deposited a large amount of money last Friday.


7、draw out, get out, take out, withdraw + money 取钱

She took $500 out of our account.


8、pay out, shell out, spend + money 付钱,花钱

They paid out more than $300 dollars for that lamp.


9、fritter away, squander, throw away + money 浪费钱

I hate it when you squander our savings!


10、hoard, save, set aside, stash away + money 攒钱

They set aside $200 each week for savings.


11、contribute, donate, give + money 捐钱

They donated more than $200,000 to charity last year.


12、give back, pay back, refund, repay + money 还钱

I'll pay you back the money by the end of next week.


13、owe + money 欠钱

She owes Thomas a lot of money.


14、share + money 分钱

Let's share the money we've found!


15、accept, take + money 收钱

I'm afraid I can't accept your money.


16、be worth + money 值钱

That painting is worth a lot of money.


17、change, exchange + money 换零钱

I'd like to change twenty dollars please. Could you give me four five dollar bills? 我想换二十美元。你能给我四张五美元的钞票吗?

18、allocate, earmark + money 拨款

The committee decided to allocate $50,000 for the project.


19、embezzle, extort, siphon off, steal + money 贪污、诈骗

He was charged with embezzling money from the company.


20、launder + money 洗黑钱

They used the internet to launder the stolen money.


三、“money ”+动词

1、money + come from something 钱来自哪里

Money for the exhibit comes from donations to the museum.


2、money + go to something用来做什么的钱

The money goes to research.


3、money + come in , flow in, pour in源源不断的钱

The money just kept pouring in! It was amazing!


4、money + buy something用来买什么的钱

Who says that money can't buy happiness?



1、money management / manager资金管理、理财,理财顾问、基金经理

I think you should hire a money manager for your savings.


2、money supply 货币供应

The money supply is very tight at the moment.


3、money order 汇款单、邮政汇票

You can pay by money order.



1、bet money on something用……钱来打赌,下注

Let's bet $400 dollars on the race.


2、get money off something 给钱

Ask if you can get some money off the display model.


3、get your money's worth 钱花的值

Make sure to spend the whole day at the park to get your money's worth.


4、on the money 正好的,私毫不差的

Your prediction was on the money!


5、throw money at something 在……投钱(砸钱)

Don't just throw money at the project. Make sure you demand results.


6、throw your money around 大手大脚地花钱

Peter throws his money around like it meant nothing.



会计基本英语词汇(是好东西就贴出来了) 会计基本的英语词汇 帐户 会计系统 美国会计协会 美国注册会计师协会 审计 资产负债表 簿记 现金流量预测 内部审计证书 管理会计证书 注册会计师 成本会计 外部使用者 财务会计 财务会计准则委员会 财务预测 公认会计原则 通用目的信息 政府会计办公室 损益表 内部审计师协会 管理会计师协会 整合性 内部审计 内部控制结构 国内收入署 内部使用者 管理会计 投资回报 投资报酬 证券交易委员会 现金流量表 财务状况表 税务会计 会计等式 勾稽关系 资产 企业个体 股本 公司

债权人 通货紧缩 批露 费用 财务报表 筹资活动 持续经营假设 通货膨涨 投资活动 负债 负现金流量 经营活动 所有者权益 合伙企业 正现金流量 留存利润 收入 独资企业 清偿能力 稳定货币假设 股东 股东权益 门面粉饰 财会名词汉英对照表(1)会计与会计理论会计 决策人 投资人 股东 债权人 财务会计 管理会计 成本会计 私业会计 公众会计 注册会计师 国际会计准则委员会美国注册会计师协会财务会计准则委员会管理会计协会 美国会计学会 税务稽核署 独资企业

公司 会计目标 会计假设 会计要素 会计原则 会计实务过程 财务报表 财务分析 会计主体假设 货币计量假设 持续经营假设() 会计分期假设 资产 负债 业主权益 收入 费用 收益 亏损 历史成本原则 收入实现原则 配比原则 全面披露原则() 客观性原则 一致性原则 可比性原则 重大性原则 稳健性原则 权责发生制 现金收付制 财务报告 流动资产 流动负债 长期负债 投入资本 留存收益 ------------------------------------------------------------ (2)会计循环 会计循环 会计信息系统 帐户 会计科目


如何将单词分类记忆 第一部分:语言的词汇分类 当你学习一门外语时,熟悉词汇分类很重要。特定语言的词汇在信息的传播中扮演不同的角色,对于学习者来说重要程度和相关性也不同。为了评估学生的学习重点和设计尽可能有效的方法来接近这些重点,我们会区分和描述三大类在所有语言中都广泛存在的词汇。这是这三大类: 第一组:语法与结构类词汇:占一类语言总词汇的2% 这类词汇对理解一类语言非常重要。不管对这类语言掌握程度如何,学习者都需要对一些结构类词汇很熟悉,除非非常熟练,不需要注意语法的完美,而是更注重沟通。一些这些语法或者结构类词汇的例子,比如疑问词,介词,人称代词,冠词,等等。 不能认为说某种语言的人可以在不知道全部的语法词汇的情况下完全掌握此类语言,想象一下一个讲英语的人不知道单词“How”,介词“in”,代词“we”,或者连词“however”的意思。这一类的词汇是最重要,最高优先级的。当然,在初学时,此类词汇中还有一部分更基础的更需要优先学习。 语法类单词也被称为结构单词,因为他们表达了不同短语或语法之间的关系。语法类词汇经常以一组相关的词汇出现,但单独一个单词通常不会展示多种形式或形态变化。然而,单独一个单词在句子当中的位置通常是非常重要的。 第二组:词汇:占一类语言的90%。此类词汇对理解一个特定话题中一些概念的意思很重要。这类单词很大部分由名词组成,因为每个东西都有个名字。名词可以有少量确定的格式或排列,通常在他们的结尾处显示,来表达一些例如性别和数字的事情。 掌握某些单词是否重要在于,对于学习者来说讲述某些概念时这些单词有多必要。词汇单词一般来自出于某相互关联并来自共同根源的单词家庭中,而且这些单词家庭相互关联的特性,再加上同义词的存在,可以让学习者根据语境猜测未知单词的意思。正因为如此,在这三大类词汇中,这一类单词是相对最不必要去掌握的。 尽管如此,这类单词仍然非常重要,并且当学生在中上层和上层水平进步时这类单词重要性增加。在初学者水平,这类单词中在日常生活中经常使用的基础的一部分,要比高级词汇具有更高的优先级。


初中英语单词分类记忆 一、分类记忆法 名词 (1)星期 (week) Monday(星期一) Tuesday(星期二) Wednesday(星期三)Thursday(星期四) Friday(星期五) Saturday(星期六) Sunday(星期天) (2)月份 (month) January(一月) February(二月) March(三月) April (四月) May (五月) June(六月)July(七 月)August(八月) September(九月) October(十月) November(十一月) December(十二月)(3)季节 (season) spring(春节) summer(夏天) autumn(秋天) winter (冬天) (4)时间 (time) second(秒) minute(分) hour(小时) day(天) night(夜) week(星期) month(月份) year(年) century(世纪)(7)方位 (direction) east(东) south(南) west(西) north(北) left (左) right (右) (8)交通工具 (transport) bike / bicycle(自行车) bus(公共汽车) car(小汽车) jeep(吉普车) train(火车) ship(轮船) plane(飞机) (9)饮食 (meal) breakfast(早餐) lunch(午餐) supper(晚餐) dinner(正餐、晚餐) snack(快餐) picnic(野餐) (10)米面及肉类食品 rice(米、米饭) porridge(粥) dumpling(饺子) noodle【常用复数】(面条) meat(肉) beef(牛肉) mutton(羊肉) chicken(鸡肉) egg(鸡蛋) (11)水果 (fruit) Apple(苹果) banana(香蕉) pear(梨子) orange(橙子) strawberry(草莓) (12)蔬菜 (vegetable) tomato(西红柿) potato(马铃薯) carrot(胡萝卜) cabbage(洋白菜、卷心菜) onion(洋葱)


1. angel n.天使 2. at any rate whatever may happen, in any case 无论如何,不管怎样 e.g. At any rate, you survived the car accident. 3. bet (bet or betted) vt. be sure 敢说,确信 e.g. I bet she was late for the meeting on purpose.4. clench vt. hold (one's teeth, hands, etc.) together tightly 咬紧;握紧e.g. clench one's teeth/fist 5. come over (of a feeling) affect (指某种感觉)刺激或影响 e.g. A great sense of calm came over me when I realized that I was no longer responsible for the situation.6. community n. the people living in one place, district, or country, considered as a whole 社区;社会 e.g. Police work to prevent crime and to protect the lives and

property of the people in a community. 7. consist vi. 组成,构成 consist of be made up of 由……组成 e.g. The book consists of essays written over the last twenty years.8. constant a. without stopping; unchanging 持续的;不变的 e.g. I have had a constant headache for three days. 9. darling n. (用作称呼)亲爱的;心爱的人 e.g. Are you free tonight, darling?10. dessert n. (餐后)甜点心 e.g. She had homemade ice cream for dessert. 11. dining room 餐厅 dine vi. (fml) e.g. They used to enjoy going out to dine.12. distract vt. take (sb.'s attention) away from sth. esp. for a short time 转移(注意力);使分心 e.g. Tom admits that


会计专业专业术语中英文对照 一、会计与会计理论 会计 accounting 决策人 Decision Maker 投资人 Investor 股东 Shareholder 债权人 Creditor 财务会计 Financial Accounting 管理会计 Management Accounting 成本会计 Cost Accounting 私业会计 Private Accounting 公众会计 Public Accounting 注册会计师 CPA Certified Public Accountant 国际会计准则委员会 IASC 美国注册会计师协会 AICPA 财务会计准则委员会 FASB 管理会计协会 IMA 美国会计学会 AAA 税务稽核署 IRS 独资企业 Proprietorship 合伙人企业 Partnership 公司 Corporation

会计目标 Accounting Objectives 会计假设 Accounting Assumptions 会计要素 Accounting Elements 会计原则 Accounting Principles 会计实务过程 Accounting Procedures 财务报表 Financial Statements 财务分析Financial Analysis 会计主体假设 Separate-entity Assumption 货币计量假设 Unit-of-measure Assumption 持续经营假设 Continuity(Going-concern) Assumption 会计分期假设 Time-period Assumption 资产 Asset 负债 Liability 业主权益 Owner's Equity 收入 Revenue 费用 Expense 收益 Income 亏损 Loss 历史成本原则 Cost Principle 收入实现原则 Revenue Principle 配比原则 Matching Principle


一、学习用品(school[sku:l] things) Pen钢笔[pen] Pencil铅笔['pens?l] pencil-case铅笔盒['pens?l-keis] ruler尺子['ru:l?] book书[buk] bag包[b?ɡ] comic book漫画书['k?mik-buk] post card明信片[p?ust-kɑ:d] newspaper报纸['nju:s,peip?, 'nju:z-] schoolbag书包['sku:lb?ɡ]eraser橡皮[i'reiz?] crayon蜡笔['krei?n] sharpener卷笔刀 story-book故事书['st?:ri-buk] notebook笔记本['n?utbuk] Chinese book语文书 English book英语书 math book数学书[m?θ-buk] magazine杂志[,m?ɡ?'zi:n] dictionary词典['dik??n?ri] 二、人体(body)['b?di] foot脚[fut] head头[hed] face脸[feis] hair头发[hε? ] nose鼻子[n?uz] mouth嘴[mauθ]eye眼睛[ai] ear耳朵[i?] arm手臂[ɑ:m] hand手[h?nd] finger手指['fi?ɡ?] leg腿[leɡ] tail尾巴[teil] 三、颜色(colours)red红[red] blue蓝[blu:] yellow黄['jel?u] green绿[ɡri:n] white白[hwait]black黑[bl?k] pink粉红[pi?k] purple紫['p?:pl] orange橙['?rind?, '?:-] brown棕[braun] 四、动物(animals)animal ['?nim?l] cat猫[k?t] dog狗[d?ɡ, d?:ɡ] pig猪[piɡ] duck鸭[d?k] rabbit兔['r?bit] horse马[h?:s] elephant大象['elif?nt] ant蚂蚁[?nt]fish鱼[fi?] bird鸟[b?:d] eagle鹰['i:ɡl] beaver海狸['bi:v?] snake蛇[sneik] mouse老鼠[maus, mauz] squirrel松鼠['skw?:r?l, 'skwi-, 'skw?-] kangaroo袋鼠[,k?nɡ?'ru:] monkey猴['m??ki]

关于会计的英文词汇(doc 20页)

关于会计的英文词汇(doc 20页)

编报表to prepare a statement 编制预算budget making; preparing a budget 变产损失loss on realization of assets 变动成本variable cost 标价bid price 标准成本standard cost 拨定材料appropriated material 拨款appropriation; appropriation money 会计 (3) 所属分类:总目录 >> 经济·贸易 >> 财经 补偿reimbursement 补助金grants-in-aid 不动产real estate; immovable property 不敷用inadequacy 不敷预算垫款deficiency advance; budgetary deficiency advance 不活动帐inactive account; dormant account 不请假奖金bonus for not taking a leave of absence 不适用的obsolete 簿记bookkeeping 簿记员bookkeeper 材料分类帐supplies ledger 材料管理费material handling expenses 材料盘存material inventory 财产分类帐property ledger 财产价值增减表schedule of increase & decrease in property value 财产目录inventory 财产帐property account 财务报告financial report; financial statement 财务收益financial income 财务帐目financial accounts 会计 (4) 所属分类:总目录 >> 经济·贸易 >> 财经 残料价值junk value 仓耗shrinkage 仓库warehouse 差额balance 拆毁demolition 产量capacity 偿债基金收益income from sinking fund 超出预算to exceed the budget 成本cost; basic cost 成本分类帐cost ledger 成本会计cost accounting 成本计算表cost statement


英语单词例句[欣赏的英文单词及例句] 欣赏的英文: appreciate enjoy admire 参考例句: anappreciativeaudience 能欣赏之听众Notprizedorvalued;unappreciated. 未被看上的未被珍视或重视的;未被欣赏的 Totastewithrelish;savor. 品尝,欣赏津津有味地品尝;品味Weadmiredthegracefulpoiseofthedancer. 我们很欣赏那位舞蹈演员的优美舞姿。 You'retoosuperficialtoappreciategreatliteraturelikethis. 你没有钻劲,无法欣赏这类文学巨著。ManyaflowerisBorntoBlushunseen. 有许多花儿生来就开著没有人欣赏。 It'sacreativeactivitythatthefamilycanshareandenjoy. 这是全家人都能分享和欣赏的创造性活动。"Perhapsweneedtoadmirethisskill,ratherthangetparanoidabouti t.”" 也许我们应该欣赏这种技能,而不是疑神疑鬼。Dickensopenlyrevelsinthebook'srichphysicaldetailandhigh-heartedconflict.

狄更斯对该书中丰富多彩的具体细节描写和勇敢的争斗公开表示欣赏。Sheprimpedandpreenedinthemirroradmiringthependant,butshejus twasn'tsatisfied. 她对着镜了打扮来打扮去,欣赏着项链。可她还不满足。appreciate是什么意思: v.感激,感谢;欣赏,重视;理解,体会 appreciation[ofsituation] 判断〔局势〕Antiquepaintingswillappreciatewithtime. 古董画会随时间增值。Landwillcontinuetoappreciate. 土地将继续增值。enjoy是什么意思: v.从…获得乐趣;欣赏;喜爱;享有 Libertiesareenjoyedbyallcitizens. 公民皆享有自由权。Ienjoylightwine. 我爱喝清淡的酒。Goodsaretheirsthatenjoythem 能享受自己财产的人是财产的真正主人admire是什么意思: v.钦佩;称赞 someonewhoadmires;especiallyanadmirerofayoungwoman. 钦佩羡慕别人的人;尤指女性的爱慕者。ThemagnificenceofVersaillesisadmirabletoeveryone. 凡尔赛宫的富丽堂皇让每个人都赞叹不已。 Helen'sconcernisadmirable. 海伦的关心值得赞赏。


常用会计英语词汇 基本词汇 A (1)account 账户,报表 A (2)accounting postulate 会计假设 A (3)accounting valuation 会计计价 A (4)accountability concept 经营责任概念 A (5)accountancy 会计职业 A (6)accountant 会计师 A (7)accounting 会计 A (8)agency cost 代理成本 A (9)accounting bases 会计基础 A (10)accounting manual 会计手册 A (11)accounting period 会计期间 A (12)accounting policies 会计方针 A (13)accounting rate of return 会计报酬率 A (14)accounting reference date 会计参照日 A (15)accounting reference period 会计参照期间 A (16)accrual concept 应计概念 A (17)accrual expenses 应计费用 A (18)acid test ratio 速动比率(酸性测试比率) A (19)acquisition 收购 A (20)acquisition accounting 收购会计 A (21)adjusting events 调整事项 A (22)administrative expenses 行政管理费 A (23)amortization 摊销 A (24)analytical review 分析性复核 A (25)annual equivalent cost 年度等量成本法 A (26)annual report and accounts 年度报告和报表 A (27)appraisal cost 检验成本 A (28)appropriation account 盈余分配账户 A (29)articles of association 公司章程细则 A (30)assets 资产 A (31)assets cover 资产担保 A (32)asset value per share 每股资产价值 A (33)associated company 联营公司 A (34)attainable standard 可达标准 A (35)attributable profit 可归属利润 A (36)audit 审计 A (37)audit report 审计报告 A (38)auditing standards 审计准则 A (39)authorized share capital 额定股本 A (40)available hours 可用小时 A (41)avoidable costs 可避免成本 B (42)back-to-back loan 易币贷款


英语单词分类记 学科:mathematics n.数学arts n.文科anthology n.选集calligraphy n.书法science n.理科history n.历史geometry n.几何geography n.地理geology n.地质学biology n.生物学botany n.植物学chemistry n.化学physics n.物理学literature n.文学sociology n.社会学philology n.语文学philosophy n.哲学psychology n.心理学physiology n.生理学philanthropy n.慈善psychiatry n.精神病学engineering n.工程学medicine n.医学agriculture n.农学astronomy n.天文学astrophysics n.天体物理学economics n.经济politics n.政治学law n.法学finance n.财政学architecture n.建筑学archaeology n.考古学anthropology n.人类学humanities n.人文科学 艺术流派:Byzantine n.拜占庭a.拜占庭式的Romanesque n. 罗马式 a.罗马式的Gothic n. 哥特式. a.哥特式的Baroque n.巴洛克时期 a.巴洛克式的classicism n.古典主义,古典风romanticism n.浪漫主义realism n.现实主义symbolism n.象征主义impressionism n.印象主义expressionism n.表现主义fauvism n.野兽派abstractionism n.抽象派艺术cubism n.立体派艺术naturalism n.自然主义existentialism n.存在主义communism n.共产主义socialism n.社会主义feudalism n.封建主义 文学:author n.作者essay n.随笔reportage n.报告文学criticism n.评论anthology n.选集edition n.版work n.作品masterpiece n.杰作copyright n.版权, 著作权writer n.作家volume n.卷drama n.话剧,戏剧comedy n.喜剧tragedy n.悲剧farce n.滑稽剧play n.剧本playwright n.编剧,剧作家performance n.演出act n.幕scene n.场plot n.情节intrigue n.错综复杂的剧情story n.故事episode n.插曲,一段情节denouement n.结局poetry n.诗歌poet n.诗人poem n.诗ode n.颂歌verse n.(诗)节line n.(诗)行rhyme n.韵脚,押韵prose n.散文novel n.小说fiction n.小说biography n.自传fable n.寓言science fiction n.科幻小说satire n.讽刺文学essay n.杂文composition n.学术著作,作文improvisation n.即席讲演,演奏criticism n.批判,批评critic n.批评家eloquence n.口才lyricism n.抒情性绘画雕塑:gallery n.画廊,美术馆salon n.沙龙exhibition n.展览collection n.收藏inspiration n.灵感,启发artist n.大师, 艺术家pigment n.颜料painter n.画家oil painting n.油画watercolor n.水彩画wash n.水墨画engraving n.版画tracing n.临摹sketch n.草稿portrait n.画像model n.模特caricature n.讽刺漫画cartoon n.卡通nude n.裸体画profile n.轮廓landscape n.风景画seascape n.海景画frame n.画框canvas n.画布studio n.画室sculpture n.雕刻carving n.雕刻statue n.人像figure n.塑像bronze n.铜像 音乐:soprano n.女高音alto n.女低音baritone n.男中音bass n.男低音,贝司tenor n.男高音bassoon n.低音管brass n.铜管乐器classical music n.古典音乐conductor n.指挥flute n.长笛harmonica n.口琴jazz n.爵士乐opera n.歌剧orchestra n.管弦乐队solo n.独奏,独唱soloist n.独唱者symphony n.交响乐pop n.流行歌曲rock n.摇滚乐 服饰:clothes n.衣服,服装clothing n.服装suit n.男西装dress n.女服uniform n.制服coat n.外套jacket n.夹克pocket n.衣袋sleeve n.袖子shirt n.衬衫sweater n.毛衣,运动衫trousers n.裤子skirt n.裙子slip n.衬裙handkerchief n.手帕shoe n.鞋sole n.鞋底heel n.鞋后跟boot n.靴子glove n.手套tie n.领带cap n.无沿帽hat n.大沿帽cotton n.棉花canvas n.帆布silk n.丝wool n.羊毛,毛料nylon n.尼龙stripe n.条纹veil n.面纱ring n.戒指necklace n.项链perfume n.香水purse n.手提包,钱包garment n.外衣cloak n.斗篷muffler n.围巾jeans n.牛仔裤bra n.乳罩stocking n.长袜belt n.腰带sock n.短袜bikini n.比基尼泳衣apron n.围裙slipper n.拖鞋beret n.贝蕾帽linen n.


基础英语单词分类 一、学习用品 pen钢笔 pencil铅笔 pencil-case铅笔盒 ruler尺子 book书bag包 newspaper报纸 schoolbag书包 eraser橡皮 notebook笔记本 Chinese book语文书 English book英语书 math book数学书dictionary词典 二、人体 foot脚 head头 face脸 hair头发 nose鼻子 mouth嘴 eye眼睛 ear耳朵 hand手 finger手指 leg腿 三、颜色 red红 blue蓝 yellow黄 green绿 white白 black黑 pink粉红 purple紫 orange橙 brown棕 四、动物 cat猫 dog狗 pig猪 duck鸭 rabbit兔 horse马 elephant大象 fish鱼 bird鸟 snake蛇 mouse老鼠 kangaroo袋鼠 monkey 猴 panda熊猫 lion狮子 tiger老虎 fox狐狸 sheep绵羊chicken鸡 五、人物 friend朋友 boy男孩 girl女孩 mother母亲 father父亲 sister 姐妹 brother兄弟 man男人woman女人 Ms先生 Miss小姐mom妈妈dad爸爸 grandma 祖母 grandpa祖父 baby婴儿 kid小孩 pen pal笔友 people人物 六、职业 teacher教师 student学生 doctor医生 nurse护士 driver司机policeman(男)警察七、食品 rice米饭 bread面包milk牛奶 water水 egg蛋 fish鱼 cake蛋糕hot dog热狗 hamburger汉堡包 cookie曲奇 biscuit饼干noodles面条 meat肉 chicken鸡肉 ice-cream冰淇淋Coke可乐juice果汁 coffee咖啡 breakfast早餐lunch午餐 dinner晚餐sweets 糖果chocolate巧克力 cheese奶酪sausages香肠chips薯条moon cake月饼 八、水果、蔬菜 apple苹果 banana香蕉 pear梨 orange橙子 watermelon西瓜potato土豆 peach桃 watermelon 西瓜coconut 椰子mango 芒果mandarin orange 橘 九、衣服(clothes) jacket夹克衫 shirt衬衫 T-shirt T恤衫 skirt短裙子 dress连衣裙 jeans牛仔裤 pants长裤 socks袜子 shoes鞋子sweater毛衣 coat上衣 raincoat雨衣 shorts短裤 sneakers网球鞋 slippers拖鞋 sandals凉鞋 boots靴子 hat(有沿的)帽子 cap便帽 sunglasses太阳镜 tie领带 scarf围巾 gloves手套 十、交通工具(vehicles) bike自行车 bus公共汽车 train火车 boat小船 ship轮船 yacht快艇 car小汽车 taxi出租车 jeep吉普车 van小货车;面包车 plane飞机 subway地铁 motor cycle摩托车 十一、杂物(other things) window窗户 door门 desk课桌 chair椅子 bed床 computer计算机 board写字板 fan风扇 light灯 teacher's desk讲台 picture图画;照片 wall墙壁 floor地板 curtain窗帘 trash bin垃圾箱 closet壁橱 mirror镜子 end table床头柜



Module 1 兄弟 中国人;汉语;堂兄弟;表兄中国的,中国表姐妹;堂姐从;来,来自女儿 在哪里,去哪家,家庭 年龄;年父亲,爸爸 关于(外)祖父…怎么样?(外)祖母 女士母亲,妈妈 美国;美洲姐;妹 美国的;美国儿子 不,不是,没叔叔;伯伯;英格兰姑爷;姨父 美国人;美洲照片,相片 我们的这些 年级他们,她们,他(主语)妈妈 中国左边,左侧 大家;每人左边的,左侧首都;省会在左边,在左但是,然而爸爸 很,非常右边,右侧 大的右边的,右侧城市在右边,在右小的谁 第一(位)的,成年女子;妇先;首先紧挨着,紧靠名字紧接下来地,最后的,最末在……旁边,最后,最未丈夫 姓前面;正面 每个,全体在……的前面Module 2 那些 姨母;伯母;公共汽车 婶母;舅母站;车站

医院真正地;非常;饭店;宾馆许多,很多 警察多少 剧院大量;许多(男)演员任何一个;一司机,驾驶员世界 经理树(木) 护士建筑物 男警察大厅;会堂 我们饭厅;饭堂 一(个,大门 工作图书馆在……;办公室 相同的,同一操场 医生科学;科学课农场实验室 工人在……后面 男人在……之间 商店:中间;中央 它的靠近;接近 他(她它)们与……在一Module 3 为,为了 计算机;电脑房间;室;屋家具(总称)Moudle 4 地图食物;食品 图片;照片饮料 电视;电视机喝 墙糖果 三十水果 四十肉 五十蔬菜 六十苹果 七十豆 八十牛肉 九十胡萝卜

鸡肉糖 巧克力吃 加啡小孩,儿童 可乐对……有帮助果汁甜的 牛奶对……有害的马铃薯,土豆正确的,对的茶蛋;鸡蛋 西红柿,番茄眼睛 水奶酪 逛商店;购物牙齿 去买东西;去一点儿;少许有;吃,喝稍微;有点儿得到劳累的 有;拥有汤 若干;一些;重要的 一些,某些记住;想起 许多的,大量好地 太多保持;停留 种类肥胖的 哪种发胖 各种各样的或者 大量;许多早饭 因此;所以每个,每一……好午饭 Have的第三人家;家庭 坏的,不好的晚饭;正餐 健康的香蕉 美味的Module 5 面包一半 鱼肉;鱼晚于,过(几汉堡包……点钟 冰激凌(距整点时面条美术;艺术米;米饭地理


Chapter 1 Special purpose financial statement 专用财务报表 A financial statement designed to meet the needs of a specific group or to satisfy a specific purpose. Specific,具体的;特定的,特殊的 General purpose financial statement 一般财务报表 Financial statements that comply with conceptual framework requirements and accounting standards and meet the information needs common to users who are unable to command the preparation of financial statements tailored specially to satisfy all their information needs. comply with,遵守;服从 conceptual framework,基本概念,概念框架 command,指挥,控制,命令 tailored, adj特制的 v (tailor过去式)调整使适应 Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) 澳大利亚证券投资委员会 Body responsible for administering corporation legislation in Australia. It is independent of state ministers or state parliaments and reports


关于国籍About nationality 引用 sharon_ielts 的词汇 第一大类学术场景 ACADEMIC ENGLISH 1.1 学习 orientation ceremony 开学典礼 orientation meeting 新生报到会 commence day开学日 commencement ceremony 开学/毕业典礼 enrolment注册 enrolment day 学籍注册日 application form申请表 selective/elective/optional courses选修课 required course/compulsory courses必修课 course arrangement课程安排 letter of recommendation推荐信 programme/program某一专业的课程总称 school学院

graduate school研究生院 graduate students 研究生 graduate大学毕业生 undergraduate本科 postgraduate研究生 B.A. =Bachelor of Arts文学学士 B.Sc =Bachelor of Science 理学学士 M.A. =Master of Arts 文学硕士 M.Sc =Master of Science 理学硕士 Ph.D.=Doctor of Philosophy 博士 MBA =Master of Business Administration 工商管理硕士diploma 文凭, 毕业证书 associate diploma degree 学位,学位证明 School of Arts and Sciences文理学院 score成绩 credit学分 degree学位 assessment对学生的学习情况进行评估 handout上课老师发的印刷品 assignment 作业 presentation针对某一专题进行的发言 project需要学生进行独立钻研的课外课题 essay短论文,学期作文 paper 论文 thesis 硕士论文 dissertation博士论文 journal周记/每周要做的作业 participation/attendance出勤 lecture老师的讲课 tutorial学生辅导班,讨论课 TA(Teaching Assistant)助教 office hour教授与学生面谈的时间 coordinator课程协调人/班主任 professor教授 associate professor副教授 assistant professor助理教授 tutor 导师 support tutor 助理导师 lecturer讲师 dean系主任 counselor辅导老师,顾问教师 adviser/ mentor导师 president校长 chancellor名誉校长


v1.0 可编辑可修改 餐具 paper towel 纸巾 napkin 餐巾 table cloth 桌布 tea -pot 茶壶 tea set 茶具 tea tray 茶盘 caddy 茶罐 dish 碟 plate 盘 saucer 小碟子 rice bowl 饭碗 chopsticks 筷子 soup spoon 汤匙 knife 餐刀 cup 杯子 glass 玻璃杯 mug 马克杯 picnic lunch 便当 fruit plate 水果盘 toothpick 牙签 Dinner Plate 餐盘子 Soup plate 汤盘 Dessert plate点心盘 Coffee cup+ saucer 咖啡杯+ 杯托Coffee/ Tea pot 茶壶 Sugar pot with lip带盖糖罐Milk can 奶桶 Pepper & Salt Shaker 椒盐混合器 Salad Bowl 沙拉碗 Sauce can + saucer (gravy boat) 酱油罐+托(调味汁瓶) Mug 杯子 Round/oval platter 圆/椭形大浅盘 Soup Cup w/Saucer 带托汤杯 Soup Tureen 有盖的汤碗 Octagonal platter 八角形大浅盘 Pasta plate 意大利面盘 Fruit bowl 果盘 Quiche Pan 乳蛋饼盘 Oblong baker 长方形面包盘/椭圆形盘 Gratin dish oval 奶酪盘 Casserole- 砂锅 broen Souffle dish Chille bowl Sugar pack holder Mortar & pestle set 研钵磨杵 plaree bowl Custard cup 奶油杯 Egg cup/ warmer Ashtray 烟灰缸 creamer 乳酪分离器 Chinese spoon 勺羹 Bud vase 花瓶 Baking shell 贝壳盘


高考英语重点词汇及例 句 Company number:【WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998】

A ability 能力;He has ability to solve the problem 1- All he needs is an opportunity to show his ability absent 缺席的;He will be absent from the meeting tomorrow. abroad 到国外;Steven has been working abroad for five years. achieve 获得,实现;Many people will work hard to achieve these goals activity 活动;You can take part in activities from canoeing to bird watching advanced先进的,高级的;The company bought many advanced equipment last year. adventure冒险,奇遇; 1-I set off for a new adventure in the United States on the first day of the new year. advantage优势; 1-I will take advantage of this trip to buy all the things that we need. 2-Our advantage is we are familiar with all the roads. advertise登广告;They put some advertisement 名词on the newspaper. affect影响;This will affect our mood. afford 买得起;The car is so expensive that we can’t be able to afford it. agriculture农业;Agriculture is very important for all the countries. announce 宣布;The director announced that we had won the competition. anxious 焦虑的,渴望的;He is very anxious to go aboard. apologize道歉;I need to apologize for what I did. appearance出现,外表; 1-It was the president's second public appearance to date 2-She care about her appearance very much. appreciate感激,欣赏;We appreciate what you did for us. astronaut 宇航员;I saw an astronaut driving the spacecraft. atmosphere大气,气氛;very good atmosphere 很好的气氛或氛围 attempt 企图,尝试;We are attempting to persuade him to work for our company attract 吸引; 1-In order to attract the investors, Chinese government has reduced the taxes. audience听众;All the audience were attracted by his performance.
