






In recent years。XXX。they are still XXX face risks in the marketing process。the associated costs increaseXXX。XXX greater returns on sales with small XXX mode。The main way XXX is through a nal code。The emergence of this code has been

a XXX enterprises。both domestic and nal。and has XXX to the

development of the marketing and media XXX's increasingly competitive market。many enterprises are using WeChat's nal code。which offers a low-cost。quick ork marketing mode.

From a WeChat business perspective。dealers XXX into the platform to XXX n。industry n。business activities。the official website。XXX their business。build their brand。and push n to customers.

WeChat marketing has four main modes: LBS+ "nearby" n。O2O+ "nal code scanning" n。WeChat public platform+ "circle of friends" new features。XXX。open up new sales channels。boost brand virality。create new modes of enterprise n。XXX.

Zhang Li (2013) analyzed the use of XXX different enterprises with different products and services should adopt different marketing methods when using WeChat。For example。dining。entertainment。and other closely related enterprises should use O2O+ and nal code XXX is cost-effective and has the potential to attract XXX.

XXX's features。WeChat has no distance limit。and users

can register and connect with their "friends" on the same platform。Businesses XXX。

Note: The third paragraph was deleted as it is XXX.)

Han Mei (2013) defines WeChat as a new media and a new channel for ork XXX。and analyzes the XXX targeted marketing activities。such as word-of-XXX。n content ning。and n-XXX mass media marketing。

To summarize。Han Mei (2013) argues that XXX characteristics make XXX.

XXX。In this article。I will discuss n marketing and how WeChat marketing。based on the mobile。is the first attempt to neer it。

XXX。XXX for user-specific n to be XXX is the first choice

of the user。The user n rate is small。and the message type is rich。supporting mixed maps。text。video。and other flexible and diverse forms。

As a mobile social orking n。XXX n marketing。where businesses can target specific users with XXX

XXX。XXX。With its user-specific n and diverse message types。businesses XXX。XXX.

Marketing: XXX to create their own WeChat public account using their QQ number。XXX。pictures。voice and specific groups。Recently。XXX" campaign。XXX with them。Other content includes model XXX。Cadillac uses their account to publish real-time content。such as safe travel alerts before Shanghai's orange rainstorm warning.

This marketing strategy was also used during the Shandong Auto Show in Ji'nan。where Cadillac had a public XXX scan a nal code to follow the public platform and stay up-to-date on the latest Cadillac automobile 4S shop news.

Starbucks has also XXX "woke up" mode.

Marketing: XXX interactive activities for fans。brands XXX direct XXX。For example。when users add Starbucks as a friend on WeChat and send ns。Starbucks can respond with a mood and even play music from their album in response to the user's message。This type of XXX image.

Analysis of XXX marketing:

In his 2012 article on WeChat marketing。Tan Kai XXX may face。such as LBS。QR code scanning。circle of friends。speech n。and multimedia features。These tools can help companies provide XXX。XXX can also lead to problems for users。WeChat marketing requires a "license" to operate。XXX.

XXX een the user and the enterprise。it is XXX with the user。While some users may be loyal to the enterprise。they may still choose to limit their XXX。it XXX.

XXX (2013)。XXX platform with great potential。However。there are still some issues that need to be addressed。One of the most significant problems is that the demands of WeChat users do

not always match those of the public platform。In order to e this challenge。XXX.

Overall。XXX and addressing the unique demands of WeChat users。enterprises XXX.

XXX by Wu En and Mao Xiuli in 2013.it was found that WeChat has a smaller number of clients compared to micro-blogs。XXX improve its marketing effectiveness。it needs to expand its client types。develop more diverse n。and better meet consumer demands.

XXX。The current use of WeChat and its n mode。as well as its existing marketing problems。have been XXX。XXX maintenance.

XXX is not just a tool for marketing。but can also be XXX。XXX utilize the full potential of XXX.


































新媒体营销外文翻译文献 (文档含英文原文和中文翻译) 译文: 研究微博中承诺和信用对消费者行为倾向的影响 ——基于关系营销的角度 摘要:本研究的目的是探索消费者对企业通过微博进行关系营销的观点。这项研究是以承诺-信用理论以及消费者对企业微博形象、承诺、信用、满意度和社群意识对消费者的行为倾向的研究为基础的。这项研究的成果可以成为企业利用微博进行关系营销的准则。这项研究显示消费者的满意度对承诺、信用、社群意识和消费者的行为倾向具有积极影响。企业形象对承诺和信用的影响是成立的,但对行为倾向的影响需须经由承诺和信用产生中介效果。信用对承诺和社群意识的影响是存在的,但是对行为倾向的影响须经由承诺和社群意识产生中介效果。最后,承诺和社群意识对行为倾向的影响是成立的。 关键词:微博、关系营销、满意度、企业形象、承诺、信用、社群意识、行为倾向 1、引言 当我们在新的经济时代面临着现今的商业环境时,许多企业在短时间内就变成了一个以顾客为中心的企业。为了提高竞争力,企业必须了解他们的顾客,了解顾客的需求,并且通过专项服务满足顾客的需求。随着技术时代环境的改变,企业已经通过信息系统与客

户建立了关系。随着顾客上网历史的增加,企业可以提供给他们更多的产品信息并且在第一时间获得顾客的回复。通过这种方法,客户服务的成本可以降低;企业与客户的关系可以变得稳定;企业与客户之间可以建立更多的联系;企业与客户之间的沟通可以个性化。 基于格朗鲁斯的研究,他认为关系营销意味着企业通过发展、维护和提高与顾客的关系来达到企业的目的。越来越多的企业发展其吸引力来构建自己的形象以留住和吸引新的顾客。因此,一个企业的专业性和企业形象的构建对企业来说是很重要的。一个公司是否可以提供服务或产品以满足客户的需求影响着客户对企业的信任和忠诚度。 基于Web2.0大流行,大众媒体已经覆盖了许多拥有新颖、有趣故事的网站,吸引了更多的公众关注互联网。这些问题对因特网的常用用户来说都不是问题。因特网发展很迅速。近来微博服务供应商例如Facebook、Twitter和Plurk是新闻的热点话题,已经聚集了大量用户。根据市场研究公司的成员尼尔森最近的一份报告,在2008年二月到2009年二月间,Twitter是用户增长速度最快的一个社交网站(从475000个用户到17600000个用户)。它的绝对访客增长率在美国是1382%。在2009年五月,全国用户数量达到37300000,这是一个令人吃惊的数据。博客用户一直在讨论是否微博可以取代博客。因特网用户最关注的是微博是否可以缩短他们与朋友们之间的距离,是否可以帮助他们交到新朋友。然而,商人们最关注的是微博是否可以替代博客变为一个新的营销武器。 博客营销是指不仅让因特网用户变的亲密,也是指需要“可信的”网络发言人的赞语。博客成为值得信赖的网络发言人是由于他们长时间在某些话题上努力花费时间。通过写文章,他们在互联网用户的心中构建了“大师”的形象。结果,即使他们的一个“好”字也对有科技非常强大的影响力。这就是博客营销的有效性。博客的权利:检查实际操作者在博客上的使用对公共关系产生的影响。 对于微博,我们可以在Twitter上看到谷歌。在谷歌在Twitter上的账户建立后,立马就有16000个追随者。现在谷歌在Twitter上的追随者有1670000人。这意味着谷歌每在Twitter上发表一条新闻,1760000个人在下一秒将在互联网或手机短信上被通知。这种传播新闻的速度和范围是令人吃惊的。 再来说说戴尔,一个主要的国际电脑制造商,例如,通过微博的能力来提供信息,特别提供了可以通过短信迅速传递给所有微博用户信息的功能。因为价钱很合理,许多用户已经立即决定变成戴尔的追随者。并且戴尔继续提供给追随者们更多的第一手优惠券。结果,通过微博达到的总订单金额已经达到了新台币100000000元。通过微博,消息可以更加迅速地传递给互联网用户。然而,这并不意味着任何一种营销信息都可以通过微博随意


营销策略业务英文文献及翻译 1 Introduction Marketing continues to be a mystery to those who create it and to those who sponsor it. Often, the ad t hat generates record-breaking volume for a retail store one month is repeated the following month and b ombs. A campaign designed by the best Madison Avenue ad agency may elicit mediocre response. The s ame item sells like hotcakes after a 30-word classified ad, with abominable grammar, appears on page 35 of an all-advertising shopper tossed on the front stoops of homes during a rainstorm! The mystery elude s solution but demands attention. The success of an enterprise and development of enterprises depends to a large extent on whether or not they have advanced, meet the needs of the enterprise marketing strateg y. For Marketing is the definition, The well-known American scholar Philips marketing of the core marke ting concept of the following description : "Marketing is individuals or groups to create, provide and exc hange with other valuable products, to satisfy their own needs and desires of a social activities and mana gement process. " In the core concept contains a number of elements: needs, desires and needs; Products or provide; Value and satisfaction; exchange and transactions; and networking; market; Marketing and sa les were a series of concept. This article is devoted to the idea that your marketing results can be improved through a better Understa nding of your customers. This approach usually is referred to as the marketing concept. Putting the customer first is probably the most popular phrase used by firms ranging from giant conglom erates to the corner barber shop, but the slogan zing is often just lip service. The business continues to operate under the classic approach -- "Come buy this great product,if you dedicate your activities e xclusively to solving your customer's problems. The quality of services, and enterprises to culti vate customers satisfaction and loyalty, and can create enterprise value. Any marketing program has a better chance of being productive if it is timed, designed and w ritten to solve a problem for potential customers and is carried out in a way that the customer understands and trusts. The pages that follow will present the marketing concept of putting th e customer first. Marketing is a very complex subject; it deals with all the steps between deter mining customer needs and supplying them at a profit. In addition to some introductory materi al on marketing, this publication includes practical material on the marketing approaches to bu dgeting, layout design, and headline writing, copywriting and media analysis. So that a clear u nderstanding of enterprise marketing strategy to improve the operations of enterprises.



Network marketing strategy analysis of VANCL Abstract:21 century is the information century, the development of science technology, economic and social is to meet the coming of age. The network marketing is also the Internet for media, to implement marketing campaigns in the new ways, method and idea, more effective individual and organization the realization of the trading activities. Enterprise how to develop the network marketing in such a huge market potential, occupation in emerging markets, to the enterprise both opportunities and challenges. The network marketing is also produced in the change of the values of consumers: meet the needs of the consumers, is the enterprise manages the core of the eternal. Using network of this high- technology to provide consumers with various types of service, is a important way of future competition advantage. V ANCL makes a huge success by the network marketing, and becomes a Chinese clothing network marketing market leader in the short term. Based on the network marketing way as the foundation, reading V ANCL marketing strategy. Key words:Network marketing Marketing strategy V ANCL The network marketing as a new marketing concept and marketing mode in a digital economy times, even if the enterprise opened up more broad market, and can lead and reforming the traditional marketing. The network marketing compared with the traditional marketing has the personality, interactive, economy, efficiency and obvious advantages, if V ANCL want to market in big foothold, it must learn to use the new marketing method, the most suitable for enterprise of the integration of traditional and modern marketing method. 1、The marketing situation of V ANCL With the development of the Internet, e-commerce enterprises emerging batches. The e-commerce market in other properties, once created "clothing direct sales model" the myth of a brief period of prosperity in PPG after into decline. And take the


外文文献 A marketer’s guide to behavioral economics Apirl.2010 ? Ned Welch ? McKinsey Quarterly Marketers have been applying behavioral economics-often unknowingly for years. A more systematic approach can unlock significant value. Long before behavioral eco nomics had a name, marketers were using it. “Three for the price of two” offers and extended-payment layaway plans became widespread because they worked—not because marketers had run scientific studies showing that people prefer a supposedly free incentive to an equivalent price discount or that people often behave irrationally when thinking about future consequences. Yet despite marketing’s inadvertent leadership in using principles of behavioral economics, few companies use them in a systematic way. In this article, we highlight four practical techniques that should be part of every marketer’s tool kit. 1. Make a product’s cost less painful In almost every purchasing decision, consumers have the option to do nothing: they can always save their money for an other day. That’s why the marketer’s task is not just to beat competitors but also to persuade shoppers to part with their money in the first place. According to economic principle, the pain of payment should be identical for every dollar we spend. In marketing practice, however, many factors influence the way consumers value a dollar and how much pain they feel upon spending it. Retailers know that allowing consumers to delay payment can dramatically increase their willingness to buy. One reason delayed payments work is perfectly logical: the time value of money makes future payments less costly than immediate ones. But there is a second, less rational basis for this phenomenon. Payments, like all losses, are viscerally unpleasant. But emotions experienced in the present—now—are especially important. Even small delays in payment can soften the immediate sting of parting with your money and remove an important barrier to purchase. Another way to minimize the pain of payment is to understand the ways “mental a ccounting” affects decision making. Consumers use different mental accounts for money they obtain from different sources rather than treating every dollar they own equally, as economists believe they do, or should. Commonly observed mental accounts include windfall gains, pocket money, income, and savings. Windfall gains and pocket money are usually the easiest for consumers to spend. Income is less easy to relinquish, and savings the most difficult of all. Technology creates new frontiers for harnessing mental accounting to benefit both consumers and marketers. A credit card marketer, for instance, could offer a Web-based or mobile-device application that gives consumers real-time feedback on spending against predefined budget and revenue categories—green, say, for below budget, red for above budget, and so on. The budget-conscious consumer is likely to find value in such accounts (although they are not strictly rational) and to concentrate spending on a card that makes use of them. This would not only incre ase the issuer’s interchange fees and


本科生毕业设计(论文)外文翻译 学院:商贸学院 学号: 120134030 专业班级:市场营销1301班 学生姓名:宫超 指导教师:赵丹 年月日

Marketing Channels and Value Networks Most producers do not sell their goods directly to the final users between them stands a set of intermediaries performing a variety of functions. These intermediaries constitute a marketing channel also called a trade channel or distribution channel .Formally marketing channels are sets of interdependent organizations involved in the process of making a product or service available for use or consumption. They are the set of pathways a product or service follows after production culminating in purchase and use by the final end user. Some intermediaries-such as wholesalers and retailers-buy take title to and resell the merchandise they are called merchants. Others-brokers manufacturer’s representatives sales agents-search for customers and may negotiate on the producers behalf but do not take title to the goods they are called agents. Still others-transportation companies independent warehouses banks advertising agencies-assist in the distribution process but neither take title to goods nor negotiate purchases or sales they are called facilitators. The Importance of Channels A marketing channel system is the particular set of marketing channels a firm employs and decisions about it are among the most critical ones management faces. In the United States channel members collectively have earned margins that account for 30 to 50 of the ultimate selling price. In contrast advertising typically has accounted for less than 5 to 7 of the final price. Marketing channels also represent a substantial opportunity cost. One of the chief roles of marketing channels is to convert potential buyers into profitable customers. Marketing channels must not just serve markets they must also make markets. The channels chosen affect all other marketing decisions. The company’s pricing depends on whether it uses mass merchandisers or high-quality boutiques. The firm’s sale force and advertising decisions depend on how much training and motivation dealers need. In addition channel decisions include relatively long-term commitments with other fins as well as a set of policies and procedures. When an automaker signs up independent dealers to sell its automobiles the automaker cannot buy them out the next day and replace them with company-owned outlets. But at the same time channel choices themselves depend on the company’s marketing strategy with respect to segmentation targeting and positioning. Holistic marketers ensure that marketing decisions in all these different areas are made to collectively maximize value. In managing its intermediaries the firm must decide how much effort to devote to push versus pull marketing. A push strategy uses the manufacturers sales force trade promotion money or other means to induce intermediaries to carry promote and sell the product to end users. Push strategy is appropriate where there is low brand loyalty in a category brand choice is made in the store the product is an impulse item


整合营销中英文对照外文翻译文献 (文档含英文原文和中文翻译) 翻译: 整合营销传播、市场定位与品牌定位的关系市场关系在建立和维护股东关系上起着至观重要的作用,并且在品牌和渠道公平性上也起着维护这些关系的杠杆作用(Dawar 2004;Duncan&Moriarty 1998;Lannon &Cooper 1983;Srivastava Fahey&Shervani 2000;White 1999)。正如Dawar指出的:“品牌的广告和推动促使了交易和销售的数量;营销的努力和成果取决于品牌的水平;而品牌对于公司对短期竞争变化的回应是很关键的。很显然,品牌已经成为许多大公司市场努力的焦点,并且被视为一支市场支配力的独有资源,有竞争力的杠杆和更高的回报。为了响应建立在品牌公正性上敌对市场环境的影响,以及与市场行为和责任相联系的日益增长的管理期望值,

许多机构正在考虑如何改善管理方式及他们的市场关系项目的整合,从而运用了IMC----整合营销传播。然而,不少人围绕着IMC的定义引起了争论,在它的意思上缺乏相互的共识,包括许多需要澄清的领域(Baker &Mitchell ,2000;Beard 1996;Cornelissen 2001;Duncan &Mulhern 2004;Kitchen &Schultz 1999;Low 2000;Phelps 1996)。这种概念的模糊很可能对操作标准的发展和机构里对IMC的评估产生很大的影响。的确,Pickton 和Hartley(1998, p. 450)逐渐意识到来自于客户编审组的回馈是具有积极性和建设性的。这个编审组由Tom Duncan, Don E. Schultz和Charles Patti组成,还有两个匿名的评论家。其声明道:“朝着一个大方向去定义,集合所有机构所需的影响去获得概念的总体整合是非常困难的。但因为存在不同层次和方面的整合,造成了个人和集体的困难。 为了实现这一点,IMC需要整个组织和首席执行下代理们的参与。它需要从最高的公司战略水平和每天个人战略活动实施的全盘考虑。 认识到这个复杂性,这篇论文尝试着去解释IMC在机构中的角色。这篇论文也试着去描述或建立IMC、市场导向和一个浮现出的品牌方向的概念之间的关系,通过建议市场导向和品牌方向是成功的IMC所必备的条件。我们所能接受的是把IMC构思成两个不同的层次,即战略上或战术上的;尽管如此,我们将重点强调IMC的战略组成部分,因为随着时间的流逝它比较重视设计品牌时文化和知识性的需求。这篇论文认识到了从IMC到市场定位和品牌定位之间的补充,以及通过建立品牌资产,如何处理每一个关键方面取得竞争优势。



原文: WeChat Marketing Review John Scourias present situation WeChat micro-blog marketing be just unfolding, and quicklybecame the brand manufacturers in addition to the official micro-blog another Internet marketing hot. Since August 18, 2012WeChat public platform officially launched, the media, brands and celebrities use more methods to their fans push all kinds of information, more and more WeChat marketing effectcan not be ignored. WeChat marketing, and gradually spread to the domestic industry salesfield, and plays an important role to change the existing marketing mode. This paper is a summary of the relevant WeChat marketing research summary of predecessors, throughanalysis, summary of the scholars of the WeChat marketing research. The advantages and disadvantages of WeChat marketing mode, and WeChat marketing prospects, existing problems and countermeasures are summarized, and put forward the direction of theirthinking. Theme 1.WeChat born marketing model In recent years, although the domestic enterprises in the electronic marketing aspects withgreatly improved but it is still will be influenced and restricted by social environment. When the enterprise risk in the marketing process, then because of the risk and the cost will rise, while the sales of the product will be affected, this


服装网络营销的产品策略研究外文文献翻 译最新译文 In this article。XXX。With the advent of the。XXX。service strategy。and strategy of n products。 XXX。 Moving on to the service strategy。XXX。 XXX Overall。XXX. In today's world。consumers are seeking personalized products and experiences。and the desire for something unique has XXX。As a result。the market needs to XXX consumers and manufacturers。personalized consumer needs XXX strategies。XXX。XXX and design preferences。and the company creates a unique product that is XXX.

Note: I removed a paragraph that did not make sense and had formatting errors.) XXX brand XXX。it acts as a XXX。effectively safeguarding the company's public image and intangible assets。XXX。the enterprise can create its own online brand。allowing consumers to associate the product with the company in the vast ork of the。thereby making the brand XXX for the product。A successful brand not only sells the product。but also enhances the company's n and brand value. Shortening the product life cycle is a critical aspect of product management。By cing the time it takes for a product to go from n to decline。companies can stay ahead of competitors and maintain their market share。This can be achieved through us strategies。XXX's design。enhancing its features。or XXX the product life cycle also XXX。it is essential for XXX their products in order to XXX's fast-paced business environment. XXX and the openness of online n have increased the pressure on product development XXX。with the XXX orking。


电子商务营销中英文对照外文翻译文献 电子商务营销中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译) 电子商务在马来西亚中小企业的应用 摘要:该研究项目旨在探讨电子商务是否适用于马来西亚马来洲的中小型企业。主要参与研究的人群是马来西亚马来人的德瓦恩和吉兰丹州的登记入住人员,一共有302个受访者被选择参加我们的研究。根据世界商界的一般假设,一致认为,电子商务的应用与全球经济的生存和挑战高度相关。同时,获取知识和认识环境,应对和处理变化,加快业务决策的过程能够进一步提高中小型企业的竞争力。通过应用建立的模型,我们的调查集中在5个可识别的变量,以表现采用电子商务对推动中小企业的实用性。我们的分析表明,所有选择的变量对加强电子商务的应用,从而保持其在该行业的的竞争优势有显著意义。 关键词:电子商务应用物流营销采购安全中小企业 1.介绍 电子商务

电子商务的出现正在根本性地改变商业进行的方式。客户可以在其全面休闲的任何地方,任何时候购物,并且总是享受几乎没有任何成本的同等水平的服务。显然,通过这种无纸化交易,顾客不再需要填写订购表格,或到经营场所去放置他们的订单。什么事都可以在客户便利的条件下电子化地完成。根据EDI报文(2000),即使中小企业因为缺乏专业知识和资金而可能有困难建立一个先进的网站,但是他们仍然需要电子商务去繁荣和持续生存。 许多个人和组织在用典型的方式去解释电子商务。当企业开始意识到互联网作为强大媒体的角色开展业务,特别是在服务行业,因为它能够提高客户与供应商的关系,电子商务术语出现了。电子商务是指主要的相关商业关系或交易通过互联网实现的流程,包括采购,营销,销售和客户支持。劳顿和特拉弗形容电子商务涉及所有时间周期,速度和全球化,可以增强生产力,获取新顾客和跨机构分享知识,通过数字化实现跨边界产品和服务的交易。 电子商务是商业圈各种关系演变而成的。它可以是企业对个人的形式(B2C),企业对企业(B2B)的形式,商业业务(BIB)的形式,和最后的个人对个人(C2C)的形式。一般来说,B2B是组织之间形成的批量的电子商务活动。虽然电子商务意味着企业间的信息和技术在企业和消费者之间和消费者自己之间同等适用。因此,互联网在电子商务中作为主要工具的角色变得越来越来越显著,同时它也作为一个分销渠道,高于涉及传统中介机构的任务。 由多媒体发展公司(MDEC)做的统计表明电子商务在马来西亚的渗透率正年复一年的大幅的增长,从而为中小型公司采用电子商务提供了巨大的潜力。预计这个比率会以大量率年复一年的持续增长。 在电子市场中,主要的参与者——交易处理程序员,购房者,经纪人和 销售者分布在不同地点,甚至不知道对方是谁。有些人认为,电子商务的实现既昂贵又麻烦。然而,在现实中,它通过压低成本因素,能够提高性能,从而为实现产品在品牌和价格上的差异化竞争优势提供了机会。除此之外,它为交易各方加强合作提供更好的渠道,另外,缩短了产品或服务的时间。 中小企业和电子商务


市场营销战略论文中英文外文翻译文献 XXX Consumer r studies how individuals。groups。and ns choose。acquire。use。dispose of products。services。experiences。and ideas to satisfy their needs and the XXX。consumer r research has focused on pre-purchase and post-XXX。XXX view and can help us examine the indirect effects of consumer n-making and the XXX。companies must offer more value to their target customers than their competitors。Customer value is the balance of XXX. 1.Marketing Strategies For each selected target market。XXX a target market is whether the company can provide higher consumer value compared to XXX strategies。XXX markets. 1.1 Product

A product XXX of their needs。not the specific material characteristics. 1.2 n XXX includes advertising。personal selling。public ns。packaging。XXX. 1.3 Pricing Price is the amount of money consumers must pay to acquire and use a product。Consumers can either own a product or only have the right to use it. 1.4 n XXX can buy products when they need them。and it is crucial to the success or failure of a company's ns。In most cases。consumers are not willing to go to great lengths to obtain a specific
