






2. 选出你所听到的单词(5”)

( ) A. girl B. boy C. brother D. ball

( ) A. hat B. cat C. kite D. car

( ) A. mother B. father C. sister D. grandmother ( ) A. game B. train C. doll D. dog

( ) A. tomato B. pizza C. table D.ten

3. 听音选出你所听到的句子(5”)

( ) A.It’s a jelly. B. It’s an oranget. C. It’s green. ( ) A.It’s a panda. B. Yes, it is. C.It’s six . ( ) A.No,it isn’t. B. Yes,it is . C. No,it is . ( ) A.Yes,I am. B. It’s Flora’s . C. She’s my mother.

( ) A.That’s my sister. B. That’s Robert’s. C.That’s a table.


1. 英汉互译(15”)

family ________ shirt ________mouse _______ policeman ________ fat_________ eight ________ tomato _________ rubber ________ teacher _______ eye ________ insect ________ dance ________ 国王________ 熊猫________ 太阳________ 动物园________ 书________ 小型货车_________ 青蛙________ 鼻子__________ a red and yellow umbrella

a big and blue hat

happy birthday

The robot is in the car. 。Here you are. 。

My dad is a doctor. 。

His brother is fat. 。

You aren’t two, you are ten. 。



2. 缩写(10”)

I’m = _______you’re =_________ i sn’t = _________

that’s =_________ are not =_________ What is=__________ name is=_________ It’s=___________ is not=__________

I am=_________

3. 划掉错误选项(5”)

①a an ball ②a an jelly

③a an anrack ④a an red apple

⑤a an green kite ⑥a an small fish

⑦a an orange

⑧It’s It isn’t an unbrella. ⑨It’s It isn’t a rabbit.

⑩It’s It isn’t a bike.

4. 选择填空(30“)

( ) ⑴-What’s your name? -

A. He is a postman.

B. My name is Robert.

C. She is Flora.

( ) ⑵Is a pig?

A. he

B. she

C. it

( ) ⑶-Is it a monkey? - , it is a dog.

A. Yes, it is

B. No, it isn’t

C. No, he is

( )⑷-Where is my T-shirt? -

A. Your T-shirt is on the table.

B. Hello!

C. Here you are.

( ) ⑸–What colour is your pen? -

A. Her pencil is blue.

B. My pen is green.

C. I’m nine. ( )Look_____ my nose.

A . at

B . on .

C in

( ) ⑺This is ______banana.

A . a B. an C. the

( ) ⑻What_____your name.

A. is

B. are

C. on

( ) ⑼Happy birthday! ________________.

A . You’re welcome.

B . Sorry C. Thank you! ( ) ⑽_______ name is Max.

A. I am B .My C. she

( ) ⑾Is it an apple?

A .No, it isn’t. B. No, it is C. Yes, it isn’t. ( ) ⑿How old ____you?

A. is

B. are

C. and

( ) ⒀I’m ten. What about you?

A. I’m nine.

B. I’m fine.

C. Yes, I am.

( ) ⒁Look at _____little nose.

A. Its

B. it’s C .its

( )⒂_______is my bone?

A. Where

B. where

C. What

4. 选择正确的答语(5“)

①( ) What’s your name? A.Yummy!

②( ) What’s that,Mum? B.No, I’m not.

③( ) How old are you? C.My name’s Pop.

④( ) Is th is a ruler? D.It’s a salad.

⑤( ) Are you eight? E.Hurray!

⑥( ) Hello,Max! F.I’m ten.

⑦( ) The king and the queen! I.Yuk!

⑧( ) It’s a fish! J.Thank you!

5. 连词成句(10“)

① a boy Robert is .

② a doctor Is he ?

③ policeman Are you a ?

④ your name What’s ?

⑤ my cap is That .

⑥ Is it pen a ?

⑦Is book this a .

⑧That an is apple .

6. 按要求改写句子(10“)

① This is a book. (否定句)


②That is a pen. (一般疑问句)


③I am ten. (对划线部分提问)


④Is it a pencil ?(肯定回答)


⑤Do you like English? (根据实际情况回答)

_____________________________________ 7. 默写26个字母(10“)
