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Unit 4 Body Language

Period3 Grammar (动词-ing形式作状语)






reading room ; walking stick ; sleeping beg ; dining-car ; running track ; washing line ; waiting area ;

swimming pool ; flying suit ; living room ; sleeping pill ; drawing pin ; hearing aid ; dressing table ; watering can ; operating room ; freezing point ; drinking water ; driving license ; cooking oil ; frying pan ; washing liquid ; racing car ; marketing manager ; reading room ; opening speech ; reading material ; fishing ground ; diving board ; washing machine ; dancing hall ; changing room ; hiding place ; working hours ; smoking room ; building material


1.作时间状语(有时可以在动词-ing形式前加一个表示时间的连词,如when, while 等)相当于时间状语从句Hearing the news, they all jumped with joy.

= When they heard the news, they all jumped with joy.

2. 作条件状语

Working hard, you’ll surely succeed.

=_if you work hard, you’ll surely succeed.


Being excited, she couldn’t say a word

=because she was excited, she ..........

4. 作让步状语

Admitting what she has said, I still think that she hasn’t tried her best.

= though i admit what she has said, i .......

5. 作结果状语

The global financial crisis is spreading throughout the world, making a lot of factories closed.

=_The global financial crisis is spreading throughout the world, so that it makes a lot of factories closed.

6. 作方式状语

They showed disagreement shaking their heads.

7. 作伴随状语

They came into the classroom, talking and laughing.


Eating too fast,you will damage your stomach. (eat逻辑主语和句子主语相同,都是you)


①( F )Seeing from a distance, the old picture blurred(模糊)

②(T )Seeing from a distance, I found the old picture looks blurred(模糊)

③(F)Not knowing the language in the country, it was impossible for him to get a job.

④(T)Not knowing the language in the country, he found it impossible to get a job.


①动词-ing形式作状语时,如果分词动作和句子中谓语表示的动作同时或几乎同时发生,用其一般形式(doing)Seeing the old playing in the park, I met my friend Tom. (playing与谓语动词的动作met 同时发生)

Entering his own house, he immediately sensed something unusual. (_enter_与谓语动词的动作__sense__几乎同时发生) ②如果分词动作先于句子中谓语动词的动作,用其完成时形式(having done)

句中的having finished 是先发生的,went是后发生的)


Time permitting, I’ll go there to see you.

Spring coming on, the tree turned green.


①The meeting being over, we all left the hall in a hurry and went home. ( 独立主格)

②Living in a polluted environment, people may fall ill easily. ( 分词作状语)


有些动词-ing形式在句中没有逻辑主语,他们往往作为句子的独立成分来修饰整个句子,表明说话者的态度、观点等。例如:generally speaking; frankly speaking; personally speaking; judging by/from; taking everything into consideration; considering; supposing

Eg. Supposing it rains tomorrow, what shall we do?

Considering his age, he did it quite well.


1. After we cleaned the rooms we began to weed the garden.

Having cleaned the rooms we began to weed the garden.

2. Because he was ill, he couldn’t go to school.

Being ill, he couldn’t go to school.

3. Working diligently, you will certainly succeed.

If you work diligently, you will certainly succeed.

4. My car was caught in a traffic jam, which caused the delay

My car was caught in a traffic jam, causing the delay

5. We traveled by train and visited a number of cities.

Travelling by train ,we visited a number of cities.

6.While you are crossing the street you must be careful.

While crossing the street, you must be careful.
