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Period 3 Language Study

Teaching aims

1.To learn the useful expressions and sentence structures in the reading.

2.To enable students to use language points both orally and in written forms.

3.To further understand the friendship between man and whales.

Teaching procedures

Step 1 Learning words and phrases

1.witness vt.

(1)be present at(someplace)and see it 当场见到/目击

Did anyone witness the accident ?有人亲眼看到那次事故了吗?


Recent years have witnessed the collapse of the steel industry. 近年来钢铁业日渐衰落。

n.[C] 目击者,证人

The police found the witness to the murder case. 警察找到了那件谋杀案的目击者。

There was no witness at the scene of the accident. 在事故现场没有证人。

witness 还可表示“作证”“证明”,常用“ witness to sth./doing sth. ” a live witness to... 活生生的证人

bear/give witness to sth.为” 作证

wit ness —box(英)=wit ness sta nd (美)证人席

2.sort out


I am just sorting out the papers that can be thrown away. 我在整理可以被扔掉的文件。


We've got a few little problems to sort out. 我们有几个小问题要解决。

近义词:sort through 查看并挑选出

He was sorting through a pile of papers on his desk. 他在整理桌子上的一堆文件。

3.accommodation n.

(1)rooms,esp.for living in 房间/住所

The high cost of accommodation makes life difficult for students in London. 由于住宿费用昂贵,伦敦的学生感到生活困难。

(2)lodgings ,rooms and food(often pl.) 膳宿(在英国英语中为不可数名词,在美国英语中为可数名词,常用复数)

Can we find accommodations at a hotel for tonight? 我们今晚能找到旅馆住宿吗?短语:make accommodation for... 为,, 提供膳宿4.yell v.& n .叫喊/叫声,喊声

(1)v.shout often because you are frightened , angry, or excited

She yelled(out)at her n aughty child.


They yelled at him to stop.


(2)n.a loud shout.e.g.a yell of delight/war ning

5.ahead of




We headed the boat out to sea我们将船驶向外海。

They are headi ng home.他们正朝家走去。

Who is heading the Party ?该党现在由谁在领导?

Whose n ame heads the list?


head for= leave for/start for 朝” 方向走去

7.flee(fled , fled)vi./vt.逃走,逃掉,消失

And those others are stopp ing it divi ng or flee ing out to sea...


The spectators fled in panic whe n the bull got loose.


We were forced to flee to the coun try.



aim(sth.)at sb./sth .瞄准,对准

aim at doing sth./aim to do sth.力求达到,力争做到

n. [U]瞄准[C]目的,目标

9.drag v.


He dragged the table into the corner.



He hates parties, and we have to drag him into going.


If he fails , he'll drag us all down with him.


10.depth n. ”的深度,深”的地方

...its body was dragged swiftly by the killers dow n into the depths of the sea.


Plant the beans_at_a_depth_of_about six inches.


短语:in depth深入地,彻底地


the depths of the jungle 丛林深处

the depths of the country 穷乡僻壤

the depths of the winter 隆冬

the depths of one's heart 心灵的深处

the depths of despair 绝望的深渊

11.have a good feed on...饱餐一顿

feed:n.meals or food for babies or animals 餐、顿。如:When is the baby's next feed?
