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Love in Romeo and Juliet

The first time I got in touch with the Romeo and Juliet is the movie which directed by Italian famous director Franco Zeffirelli in 1968. This work is called the most Classical work in all adapted Romeo and Juliet. And then I felt interested in the book. After reading this book, I was shocked about the love tragedy and Shakespeare’s creation and imagination.

Romeo and Juliet is one of the famous love-tragedies in the works of Shakespeare. Romeo and Juliet admired each other so much, they were loyal to their oaths and wanted to acquire happiness in spite of how cool the reality was. Finally, they committed suicide. Through the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare had connected the love theme with conflict in the renaissance period. In the thesis, he criticized feudal thoughts and expressed ideals of pursuing personal freedom and welfare. So the religious reform and humanism were main cause of the tragedy in that period of time. And the personality of characters was also the reasons for the tragedy in this work.

Romeo and Juliet is a famous Shakespearean tragedy, mortal enmity exists between the powerful houses of Montague and Capulet, but Romeo, the Montague son, and Juliet, daughter of the Capulet, both are posted family, are in love. The love between them was so strong that on one could live without another. Under Father Lawrence’s help, they secretly got married. Later, Romeo in order to help his friend kill Juliet’s cousin. So he had to flee away. A t the same time, Juliet was forced marriage, so she ate Sleeping pills to a suspended animation. When Romeo got back, he didn’t know anything, so he committed suicide. And after Juliet waking up, she believed Romeo’ death, she also ended her life. At the end of the story the parents of the two families made peace by shaking hands aside their children’s bodies.

In this story, Capulet and Montague represent the musty feudal thoughts and traditions. They are narrow-minded, arbitrary. They only pay attention to their benefits and ignore the freedom and love of their children. Finally they create hatred and conflict between the two families and bring unrest to the city, and lost their children. But Romeo and Juliet represent the new humanism. They bravely fight against the musty feudal thoughts and traditions. Thought their fight finally is a tragedy, but I think it is a victory of humanism. We can feel Shakespeare’s excited passion and ambitious dream.

Romeo is also a hero in my heart. First, he was born in a feudal family but never inherits the feudal thoughts from his elders. He always fellows the trend and fight for his love and freedom. He pursues the beautiful love even thought his lover is the daughter of his enemy. He values the friendship, he can help friend kill the enemy thought he faces danger. Juliet is also a heroine. She is only 14 years old but she is brave in breaking the tradition and chasing her devotion. She regards the love as her life, so she can devote her life without consideration after Rom eo’s death. But all these clues are Shakespeare’s imagination. So after reading this book, I admire his literary grace. In this work, Shakespeare uses a lot of lyrical tactics, such as in Act two Scene two in Capulet’s garden, Julie and Romeo are hard to s eparate. Shakespeare use romantic and warm words to shape a romantic atmosphere. Because of these words, we can feel the great love between Romeo and Juliet.

Shakespeare shows his dramatic skills freely in Romeo and Juliet, providing intense moments of s hift between comedy and tragedy. Before Mercutio’s death in Act three, the play is largely a comedy. After his accidental demise, the play suddenly becomes very serious and takes on more
