

绝密★启用前试卷类型:B 2015年广州市普通高中毕业班综合测试(二)




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I 语言知识及应用(共两节,满分45分)

第一节完形填空 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)

阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从1—15各题所给的A、B、C和D 项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

I had never seen a storm like it. It was July 20, 1992. I had been in the US army for a year and a half, and was 1._________ that evening as an inspector.

I was standing at the doorway watching the 2._________ blowing in when a bolt of lightning hit a tree about 50 yards away, making me 3._________ in fright.

The rain arrived suddenly and 4._________, shaking the roof. A big flash of blue light hit me, throwing me about 10 metres. 5._________ passed through me and I seemed on fire. I felt myself 6._________ my body and then I was looking down at myself as the guards tried to help me. I felt I had a 7._________, turn away or face the pain. I decided to return.

I later found out that the lightning had stopped my heart for 5 minutes. Doctors were 8._________ I had survived.

Through much hard work I eventually recovered 9._________. But while my body slowly healed, I remained terrified of storms. The army doctors insisted I 10._________ my fears and overcome them.

So on one overcast day, I stood outside my house and waited. The rain came, wetting my bare feet. I saw the flash and heard the thunder at the same time. Lightning burned through me once more and threw me back into the

house. I’d been struck again!

The first time I was hit, I was told the 11._________ of surviving were one in twelve million. But what were the chances of surviving twice?

I already lived with so much 12._________ that physically it wasn’t much worse the second time. But I became more 13._________. It took me years to overcome my terror and feel comfortable again leaving the house. My life as a soldier was 14._________ by one in a wheelchair. Nevertheless I learned to 15._________. Although I still feel pain every day, I’m now able to work and live independently. I am no longer afraid of living.

1. A. fighting B. working C. sleeping D. reading

2. A. fire B. roof C. rainstorm D. smoke

3. A. jump B. laugh C. hide D. leave

4. A. slowly B. secretly C. softly D. loudly

5. A. Electricity B. Light C. Rain D. Sound

6. A. hitting B. leaving C. controlling D. dragging

7. A. right B. problem C. choice D. dream

8. A. confident B.


C. worried

D. amazed

9. A. socially B. mentally C. physically D. visually

10. A. hide B. face C. sense D. ignore

11. A. reasons B. chances C. advantages D. consequences

12. A. success B. joy C. failure D. pain

13. A. fearful B. powerful C. thankful D. regretful

14. A. protected B. saved C. replaced D. shared

15. A. adapt B. forgive C. escape D. complain



The giant panda loves bamboo. An adult panda requires 12.5 kilograms of bamboo, which it 16._________ (hungry) pulls out with its powerful paws, to satisfy its daily needs.

Wild pandas live only in the high bamboo forests of Central China. These mountain forests are cool and wet-just as pandas like it. In the summer,

they may climb as high as 4000 meters to help themselves to bamboo 17._________ (grow) at higher altitudes.

Frequently, pandas 18._________ (see) eating in a relaxed sitting position, with their back legs stretched out before them. 19._________ they may appear inactive, they are in fact skilled tree-climbers and efficient swimmers.

Giant pandas are unsociable. They have a highly developed sense of smell that males use 20._________ (avoid) each other and to find females for mating in the spring. After a five-month pregnancy, a female gives birth 21._________ a cub. The blind baby pandas weigh only 142 grams and cannot crawl(爬行)22._________ they reach three months of age.

23._________ are born white, and develop their much loved colouring later.

There are only about 1000 giant pandas left in 24._________ wild, with perhaps another 100 in zoos. Because they are so rare, much of 25._________ we know about pandas comes from studying these zoo animals.

Ⅱ阅读 (共两节,满分50分)




Is it possible that the sinking of the Titanic was caused by a ghost? A lot of the story below is true...but did it really happen quite like this?

Our story begins not in the icy cold waters of the North Atlantic, but rather thousands of miles away in Egypt. It is here, perhaps, that we can find the start of the mystery of the Titanic, in the year 1910, in the great city of Cairo.

One day, a famous professor of Egyptian history called Douglas Murray was staying in Cairo, when he was contacted by an American adventurer.

The American had something unusual to offer Murray, something that was certain to thrill him: a beautiful ancient Egyptian mummy case, containing the mummy of an Egyptian queen. It was over 3000 years old, but in beautiful condition-gold, with bright paintings on it. Murray was delighted with both the object and the asking-price. He gave the man a cheque immediately.

The cheque was never cashed. That evening the American adventurer

died. For his part, Murray arranged to have the treasure sent back to Britain. However, it was not long before he learnt more about the beautiful mummy case: On the walls of the tomb in which it had been discovered, there were messages which warned of terrible consequences to anyone who broke into the tomb. Murray was disbelieving of these warnings until a few days later, when a gun he was holding exploded in his hand, shattering his arm. The arm had to be cut off.

After the accident, Murray decided to return to his homeland. On the return journey, two of his companions died mysteriously, and two servants who had handled the mummy also passed away. The now-terrified Murray decided he would get rid of the cursed case as soon as he arrived in London.

A lady he knew named Janet Jones said she would like it, so he gave it to her. Shortly afterwards, Jones’ mother died, and she herself caught a strange disease. She tried returning the mummy, but naturally Murray refused it. In the end, it was presented to the British Museum.

Even in the museum, the mummy apparently continued to cause strange events. A museum photographer died shortly after taking pictures of the new exhibit; and a manager also died for no apparent reason. In the end, the British Museum decided to get rid of the mummy too. They sold it to a collector in New York.

At the start of April 1912, arrangements for the transfer were complete, and the mummy began the journey to its new home. But the New Yorker never received the mummy or its case. For when the Titanic sank, one of the objects in its strong-room was the mummy case. Or so they say.

26. From the passage, we know Professor Murray __________.

A. was a famous American adventure

B. used to work for the British Museum

C. was a British professor of Egyptian history

D. didn’t believe the mummy really brought bad fortune

27. In Paragraph 5, the underlined word “cursed” is closest in meaning to __________.

A. forgotten

B. uncommon

C. expensive

D. unlucky

28. In what order did the following events occur?

a. The case was given to the British Museum.

b. Janet Jones caught a mysterious illness.

c. Murray’s arm was cut off.

d. The mummy case was sold to an American.

e. A man who took a picture of the case died.

f. Warnings were written on the tomb’s walls.

A. f, c, b, a, e, d

B. c, f, b, a, e, d

C. d, f, b, c, a, e

D. f, a, c, b, e, d

29. According to the passage, where is the Egyptian mummy now?

A. At the British Museum

B. In New York

C. In Egypt

D. Under the sea

30. What’s the main purpose of this passage?

A. To entertain readers with a story of mystery.

B. To introduce an important historical event to readers.

C. To warn readers about the dangers of mummies’ curses.

D. To inform readers about the true cause of the Titanic’s sinking.


Amy didn’t have a little finger.

It bothered James at first, but she seemed almost proud of it; she would refuse to use her five-fingered hand to hold his or move stray hairs from her eyes. She would always use her left hand, twisted and shocking. But that was only at the beginning of their relationship. After six months the missing digit became something like a comfort to James-he’d notice its absence in his hand and feel loved. It was something he couldn’t explain to anyone else, and that made him love the missing finger even more. It was something he couldn’t explain to anyone else, and that made him love the missing finger even more. It was a secret between them both.

There was, however, a certain thing James couldn’t ask about. He wasn’t sure how she lost her finger. It was the only unspeakable topic in the relationship. It didn’t bother him very much. He wasn’t a curious person. He’d occasionally slip and begin to ask, but mostly caught himself. When he didn’t, she’d get quiet in company or angry in private. He’d let her storm away and wait for the broken comb of her hand to run through his hair in apology.

They broke up over a mistake. His mistake. Amy started an argument over who should do the dishes, and he lost despite his best effort to point out the number of hours he worked. In his anger, he stabbed a fork into the wall. Amy didn’t say anything; she didn’t even look upset, just confused. When he pulled the fork out, two prongs(叉齿)stayed in the wall, so he threw it into the trash.

She was still staring, and he felt awkward and ashamed. He told her the

prongs were in the wall, and the fork was now useless. What good would a two-pronged fork be for anyone?

There wasn’t any talking after that. She simply packed a backpack and went to her mother’s. The next day Amy’s brother and father came by to collect the rest of her clothing and books. Neither of them looked mad, though James couldn’t figure out if they were truly uninterested or if silent anger was a family characteristic.

31. Which of Amy’s fingers was missing?

A. The middle finger of her left hand.

B. The little finger of their left hand.

C. The little finger of her right hand.

D. The middle finger of her right hand.

32. The underlined word “It” in Paragraph 3 refers to __________.

A. Amy’s missing finger

B. how Amy lost her finger

C. Amy’s attitude towards her hand

D. why Amy never talked about her hand

33. What caused Amy to leave James?

A. Amy was afraid of James’ extreme anger.

B. James repeatedly refused to wash the dishes.

C. Amy felt James disrespected her disability.

D. James continually talked about her missing finger.

34. When Amy’s father came to collect her things, he __________.

A. did not say very much to James.

B. did not know what the fight was about.

C. was clearly very upset and angry with James.

D. asked his daughter to stay with her mother.

35. To Amy, the broken fork symbolized __________.

A. their broken relationship

B. her damaged hand

C. a problem that could be solved

D. the way she lost her finger


Speed reading is a necessary and vital skill in the Internet age. We skim over articles, e-mails and tweets to try to grasp key words and the essential meaning of the text. With so much information available through our electronic devices, it would be impossible to get through everything if we read word by word, line by line.

But a new trend calls on people to unplug and enjoy reading slowly, one which claims to have benefits beyond intellectual stimulation.

A recent story from The Wall Street Journal reported on a book club in Wellington, New Zealand, where members meet in a cafe and turn off their smartphones. They sink into comfortable chairs and read in silence for an hour.

Unlike typical book clubs, the point of the slow reading club isn’t to exchange ideas about certain books, but to get away from electronic devices and read in a quiet, relaxed environment. According to the story, the Wellington book club is just one example of a movement started by book lovers who miss the traditional way of reading.

Traditional readers, like Maura Kelly, say a regular reading habit sharpens the mind, improves concentration, reduces stress levels and deepens the ability to understand others. Some of these benefits have been backed up by science. For example, a study of 300 elderly people published by the journal Neurology last year showed that mature people who take part in activities that use their brain, such as reading, suffer less memory loss as they get older. Another study published last year in Science showed that reading novels helps people understand others’ mental states and beliefs-a key skill in building relationships.

Yet technology has made us less careful readers. Computer and phone screens have changed our reading patterns from the top-to-bottom, left-to-right reading order we traditionally used, to a wild skimming and skipping pattern as we hunt for important words and information. Reading text online that has many links to other web pages also leads to weaker comprehension than reading plain text. The Internet may have made us stupider, says British journalist Patrick Kingsley, only half joking. Because of the Internet, he claims we have become very good at collecting a wide range of factual tidbits, but we are also gradually forgetting how to sit back, think and relate all these facts to each other.

36. Speed reading is a necessary and vital skill in the Internet age because people __________.

A. have to grasp the meaning faster

B. have much more information to read

C. no longer read word by word, line by line

D. Must use their smartphones more frequently

37. Members of the Wellington book club are expected to __________.

A. read peacefully for an hour

B. make coffee for the other members

C. regularly swap ideas about books

D. turn off their smartphones for recharging

38. According to the Neurology study, who is most likely to suffer memory loss?

A. A 65-year-old man who rarely reads.

B. A 79-year-old woman who reads regularly.

C. A 17-year-old middle school student who seldom reads.

D. A healthy 24-year-old university graduate who often plays games.

39. Kingsley believes that the Internet __________.

A. has lowered people’s overall intelligence levels

B. has reduced people’s ability to analyze information

C. has provided people with too much useless knowledge

D. has stopped people from doing important and useful work

40. The last paragraph is written to __________.

A. explain the secrets of others’ minds

B. urge people to read as slowly as possible

C. encourage people to read more about science

D. describe the problems caused by electronic reading


Stockholm’s street magazine sellers no longer only take cash-they now take cards too.

In the most cashless society on the planet, Swedish street magazine sellers have been equipped with portable card readers to accept credit card payments.

“More and more sellers were telling us that people wanted our magazine but weren’t carrying cash,” says Pia Stolt, the magazine’s publisher. “So with the help of a local computer company, we came up with a way to accept payment electronically.

“We didn’t know how it would turn out, or whether people would be unwilling to give the credit card information to a stranger on the street,” says Stolt, “but the results have been great-sales are up 59%.”

“Swedes are pretty trusting and we’re used to taking up new technology so this was the perfect solution,” adds Stolt. “The cashless society campaign we’re seeing in Sweden is definitely a good move as far as we are concerned-it’s unstoppable.”

Banks and stores invested heavily in card payment systems in the 1990s and now local consumers are using them in huge numbers. Today, four out of

five purchases are made electronically in Sweden and going totally cash-free is the next step.

Sweden’s public transport system has already been cashless for several years, after local public transport workers complained that handling cash had become dangerous. “Bus drivers were getting attacked for their money so Sweden banned cash on public transport,” says Arn Arvidsson, the president of Cashless, an organization supporting the move to a cash-free society.“There were also a number of bank robberies, so four years ago, the banks began to move away from cash. Now, all of Sweden’s big banks operate cash free wherever possible, and the number of bank robberies is at a 30-year low.”

There is, however, concern about how well Sweden’s 1.8 million pensioners-out of a total population of 10 million-will adapt. “A lot of elderly people feel excluded,” says Johanna Hallen of the Swedish National Pensioners’ Organization. “Only 50% of older people use cash cards regularly and 7% never use cash cards. So we want the government to take things slowly.”

The digital payment revolution is also a challenge for tourists, who need pre-paid tickets or a Swedish mobile to catch a bus in the capital. “There’s a worry about crime and theft as well,” says Arvidsson. “Figures show that computer-related credit card crime has almost doubled in the last decade.”41. Why has the change to cashless selling been so successful in Sweden according to Stolt?

A. Paying by cards costs less and is much quicker.

B. Selling electronically is more convenient and safer.

C. Swedish people are trusting and they welcome new technology.

D. Swedish people are more willing to buy from street sellers.

42. The demand for a cashless public transport system first came from __________.

A. transport companies to reduce their costs

B. banks so they could increase their profits

C. transport workers to protect their safety

D. the government to improve transport times

43. Which of the following about Sweden is true according to the passage?

A. No new banknotes will be produced in the future

B. It is the first country to have cash-free buses.

C. Local people don’t feel comfortable carrying cash.

D. There has been a huge reduction in bank robberies.

44. Why does Johanna Hallen think the cashless society should be introduced slowly?

A. She worries that computer-related crime will increase.

B. She is concerned about the inconvenience to foreign travellers.

C. She believes that it’s not easy for older people to get used to it.

D. She feels it is everyone’s right to be able to use cash if they wish.

45. What information is most likely to follow the last paragraph?

A. The difficulties people face in a cashless society.

B. Some benefits a cashless society will bring to banks

C. The reasons for the change in customers’ attitudes to cards.

D. Some possible solutions to the problems of a cashless society.






For the past month, my former best friend has stopped talking to me because she thinks I said bad things about her to others. What’s more, she’s started gossiping to our classmates. Now many of them won’t talk to me either. stressed-out

I’ve always enjoyed school but since starting Year 12, things have changed. My parents and teachers are always nagging me to study hard and they want me to stop all my other hobbies. They’ve taken the fun out of learning. stressed-out



For the past few weeks my best friend has been hanging out with some older

kids who are a bad influence. He’s started smoking an is often absent from school. I’ve considered telling his parents but fear he might think I’ve betrayed him.


I’ve just moved to a new school and am having trouble fitting in. I was popular at my old school and was known for being kind and funny. But my new classmates already have their groups and aren’t so welcoming. stressed-out



I’m going to graduate from high school this year and my parents want me to go to a college I really don’t like. I’d prefer to choose my own school, but they refused to listen.


I recently organized to see a movie with my friend, but at the last minute she cancelled. I decided to go anyway, and when I saw her at the theatre, watching the movie without me. I now feel really hurt.




Dear _________,

It’s never easy leaving old friends behind, but I don’t think you have a choice. Your former friend’s actions are unfair. Don’t worry about your other classmates. Those who know you well will understand the truth.

Dear _________,

I fully understand your concerns. Your friend’s actions may lead to more trouble in the future, so it’s better you do something now. If you don’t want to talk with an adult, try keeping him company more and being a good influence on him.



Dear _________,

Perhaps joining some school clubs is a good place to start. You’ll be able to meet people with shared interests and through the club activities they will be able to see your true personality.



Dear _________,

Communication is definitely the key. Talk with your parents and your teachers too. Explain the effect their words are having on you. Maintaining a balance between work and play is the key to success.



Dear _________,

What your friend did was unkind but perhaps there’s been some

misunderstanding. I think you should first talk with her to find out why she changed her mind. Hopefully it is just miscommunication.



III 写作(共两节,满分40分)












*在线留言板:online message board






Family values are principles that help to define us as human beings. These values are learned, usually passed down from generation to generation, but can also change over time, depending upon the circumstances in which

families find themselves. They shape the way we behave; they help families stick together; and they give us our identity.

We always admire a person who treats the elderly with respect, or helps people in need, or is always honest with others. Such admirable behavior is usually a direct result of the values that person was taught by his family.

These values or principles-respect, fairness and honesty among many others-also help hold the family together in times of trouble. When problems arise, the family is able to withstand them because they share the same idea about what is important. When family members feel pressure from the outside world, they know they can come into their family for a comforting connection.

Finally, family values make us who we are. When we talk about our personal character and what influences our decisions, we do so based on the values given to us by our family.


1. 用约30个词概括上文的主要内容。

2. 用约120个词就“家庭价值观”谈谈你的想法,内容包括:




1. 作文中可以使用亲身经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材


2. 作文中不得出现真实姓名和学校名称。




完形填空:1-5 BCADA 6-10 BCDCB 11-15 BDACA


16. hungrily 17. growing 18. are seen 19. Though/Although 20. to avoid

21. to 22. until 23. They 24. the 25. what

阅读:25-30 CDADA 31-35 BBCAB 36-40 BAABD

41-45 CCDCD 46-50 BDCAE


Possible version:

In order to express our gratitude and best wishes to our beloved school, we urge all the senior three students to prepare some presents before graduation. Possible presents could include a photo album in which you can add photos, recording your participation in different school activities and other unforgettable schooling memories. Cooperatively or individually mad art works, such as paintings, poems and songs are another good gift option. We’re also preparing an online message board where you can leave your name and a message of appreciation for the school. We are looking forward to your active participation and creative ideas as we celebrate our love for our school.


Possible version:

The passage tells us what family values are and the important role they played in holding the family together and shaping our own personality.

Family values are what we live by, always directing what we do and what decisions we make. A child is born into a family and becomes a part of the society later. There have to be certain principles in place to determine one’s behavior and ensure a harmonious society.

My family values were primarily shaped by my mother. As a child, she always reminded me to be punctual and to work harder. But her greatest gift was teaching me the importance of honesty. She taught me that mistakes in life were unavoidable, but I should never sacrifice my honesty to cover for my mistakes.

Honesty has been with me ever since. In my friendships, I’m always

willing to admit to errors and never pretend to be all-knowing. That’s why many friends come to me for help. They know I’ll be straight-forward and tell them the truth, not only the things they want to hear. As my mother said,“When we’re honest, we earn others’ trust and society’s credit”.


2020年广州中考英语试题及答案 本试卷共四大题,12页,满分110分。考试时间120分钟。 一、语法选择(共15小题:每小题1分,满分15分) 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,从1?15各题所给的A、B、C和D项中 选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 Deep in the forest lives David, who loves books. As soon as he reads one book, he brings home 1 . Soon the house 2 . books. His wife, Alice, is angry. You 3 .do something!” David thinks hard and has 4 . idea. “I can bring my books into the faraway hills and share 5 .I have with the children.” Every week, David sets off across the countryside to faraway villages with his two donkeys. Early 6 a sunny morning, David and his donkeys stop at a river 7 .Then, from deep in the shadows, a bandit (山贼)jumps out! “P l ease let us pass,” David says. “The children 8 .”The bandit takes one book and shouts, “Next time I want 9 !” They move on until at last, David sees some houses below. The children run to meet 10 .David reads them a story first. 11 the story ends, it's time for everyone to choose a book. The children hold their books close as they say good-bye and run home 12 . David and his donkeys head back, over and around the hills, and into the sunset. At home, Alice feeds her hungry husband and the donkeys. But then, instead of 13 ,David picks up his book, 14 reads deep into the night. And far away in the hills, candles and lanterns bum as the children read borrowed books deep into their night, 15 . 1. A. other B. another C. the other D. the others 2. A. fills with B. filled with C. is filled with D. was filled with 3. A. must B. could C. would D. may

【英语】广东省2018届高三第一次模拟考试英语试题 含答案

2018年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试 广东省英语模拟试卷(一) 第Ⅰ卷 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项 涂黑 A Nightlife Downtown Crested Butte is home to some fun adventure nightlife! With many different options for enjoying a night, you're sure to have a great time! Enjoy the free bus system between the mountain and town to get around Kids Night Out On vacation, kids and parents deserve a special night out. But sometimes, what's special for the kids isn't quite what you have in mind. We created Kids Night Out so you can all havet he night you're looking for. Our fun-loving kid’s instructors host your kids for a visit to the Adventure Park, followed by dinner and games while you head out of the town. Ages 8-12 are welcome,$75 per child. Kids' Night Out takes place nightly in the coldest days. Majestic Fun It is small and personal and it offers a wide range of movies, from new releases to classics, action etc. All natural snacks and alcoholic drinks are available. For movie show times and more information, call 970-349-8955 or visit our website. Princess Wine Bar Escape the ordinary and experience the Princess Wine Bar In downtown Crested Butte. Enjoy the coffeehouse featuring Belgian snacks, baked eggs, apple-wood smoked bacon, and coffee drinks. Live entertainment makes the Princess Wine Bar the perfect choice. Open daily from 8: 00 pm to midnight, but advance reservations are required. For more information you can call970-3490210. Talk of the Town If you are looking for a good time, the Talk offers football, pinball, video games,


2019年广州二模英语试题 A The country is India. A large dinner party is being given in an up-country station by a colonial official and his wife. The guests are army and government officers and their wives, and an American naturalist. At one side of the long table, a spirited discussion springs up between a young girl and an army officer. The girl insists women have long outgrown the jumping- on- a- chair -at-the-sight-of-a-mouse era, and that they are not as anxious as their grandmothers were. The officer says they are, arguing women haven't the actual nerve control of men. “A woman's reaction in any crisis, "the officer says, “is to scream. And while a man may feel like it, he has that ounce more of control than a woman has." The American scientist does not join in the argument but sits and watches the faces of the other guests. As he stares, he sees a slight, though strange look of anxiety come over the face of the hostess. With a small gesture she summons the servant standing behind her chair. She whispers to him. The servant's eyes widen. He turns quickly and leaves the room. No one else sees this, nor the servant when he puts a bowl of milk on the balcony outside the glass doors. The American understands. In India, milk in a bowl means only one thing. It is bait for a snake. He realizes there is a cobra in the room. The American's eyes move across the room but he sees nothing. He realizes the snake can only be in one place-under the table. His first reaction is to jump back and warn the others. But he knows any sudden movement will frighten the cobra and it will strike. He speaks quickly, the quality of his voice so arresting that it quietens everyone." I want to know just what control everyone at this table has. I will count three hundred-that's five minutes-and not one of you is to move a single muscle. Now! Ready!"


2019-2020年中考二模考试英语试卷含答案 注意事项 1.本试卷共七大题,满分100分(不含听力口语30分),考试用时100分钟; 2.答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考点名称、考场号、座位号用0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔填写在答题卡相对应的位置上,并认真榜对二维码上的准考号、姓名是否与本人相符合; 3.答选择题必须用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,请用樣皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案;答非选择题必须用0. 5毫米黑色墨水签字笔写在答题卡指定的位置上,不在答题区内的答案一律无效,不得用其他笔答题; 4.考生答题必须答在答题卡上,答在试卷和草稿纸上一律无效。 一、单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将读项涂黑。 1. Good news! We’ll have ________ one-day holiday. Let’s go on a spring outing. A. a B. an C. the D. / 2. —A friend of ______________ thinks he won’t pass the exam. —I think he should believe in .That's the secret of success. A. my cousin; himself B. my cousin’s; him C. my cousin’s; himself D. my cousins; his 3. —May I have some wine to drink? —No, you ____________. You have to drive home later. A. can’t B. needn’t C. mustn’t D. may not 4. —Could you tell me the way the railway station? —We’re ________ our way there, why not join us? A. at; on B. to; in C. in; at D. to; on 5. —Why _______ you ________your homework so far? —Because I __________a football match from 9 to 11 yesterday evening. A. haven’t; finished; was watching B. won’t; finish; watched C. do n’t; finish; watched D. didn’t; finish; was watching 6. —Finding information is not a big deal today. —Well, the is how we can tell whether the information is useful or not. A. courage B. message C. challenge D. knowledge 7. fast runner Su Bingtian is! He finished______ in the 100- metre race in 9.99 seconds. A. How; first B. What a; first C. What a; the first D. How a; the first 8. —What will be on show next week? —The photos _________________. A. were taken by Henry B. that was taken by Henry C. will be taken by Henry D. taken by Henry 9. —I hear it 's not easy to get a ticket for Captain America Ⅲ, everyone wants to watch it. —Exactly. You can’t find a ____________ film this year. A. less excited B. more exciting C. most exciting D. 1east excited


广州中考英语模拟试题(三) 本试卷共四大题,10页,满分110分。考试时间120分钟。 一、语法选择(共15题,每小题1分,满分15分) Michelle and I are saddened to learn of the passing of Steve Jobs. Steve was ____1____ the greatest of American innovators(创新者)--- brave enough to think differently, bold enough ____2____ he could change the world, and ____3____ enough to do it. By building one of the planet’s most successful companies from his garage, he exemplified the spirit of American ingenuity(独创性). By making computers personal and ____4____ the internet in our pockets, he made the information revolution not only accessible, ____5____ intuitive(直观的)and fun. And ____6____ turning his talents to storytelling, he has brought joy to ____7____ children and grownups alike. Steve was fond of saying ____8____ he lived every day like it was ____9____ last. Because he ____10____, he transformed our lives, redefined entire industries, and achieved one of the rarest feats in human history: he changed the way each of us sees the world. The world ____11____ a visionary(有智慧的人). And there may be no greater tribute to Steve’s ____12____ than the fact that much of the world learned of his passing on a device ____13____ he invented. Michelle and I send our thoughts and prayers ____14____ Steve’s wife Laurene, his family, and all those ____15____ loved him. 1. A. on B. in C. among D. between 2. A. believe B. to believe C. believing D. believed 3. A. talent B. talents C. talented D. talentless 4. A. put B. to put C. putting D. puts 5. A. and B. but C. or D. so 6. A. by B. with C. from D. in 7. A. million B. millions C. million of D. millions of 8. A. that B. which C. what D. why 9. A. he B. him C. his D. himself 10. A. does B. is doing C. did D. has done 11. A. loses B. is losing C. lost D. has lost 12. A. success B. succeed C. successful D. successfully 13. A. which B. when C. why D. where 14. A. for B. which C. to D. of 15. A. which B. who C. whom D. whose 二、完形填空(共10题,每小题1.5分,满分15分) Umbrellas are common in our daily life. On rainy days, many people ____16____ them to prevent the rain. But it’s not easy to hold an umbrella____17____ there is heavy rain and strong


2018 年广州市中考九年级英语科模拟题(一) 笔试部分(共110 分,120 分钟) 一、语法选择(共15 小题; 每小题 1 分,满分15分) 阅读下面短文,从1~15 各题所给的 A 、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 When Regis and the other villagers moved to a new place in southeastern Zimbabwe, Africa, they were happy to find a lake nearby. Now, they would ___1___ have to walk long distances looking for water. At last they had a source of water what they call __2 ___________ own. But several days later, two young boys saw ___3 ____ they had never seen before--- a huge animal standing at the edge of the lake, eating grass. When the animal saw the boys, __4___ walked into the lake and disappeared beneath the water. Regis looked into the big creature ___5 ___ disappeared into the lake. “ W closer look at the dung (粪便),I realized that it was from a hippo(河马),” he said. Twelve hippos were living in the lake. The villagers were ___6 __ . In the country of Zimbabwe, hippos attack people more often than lions do. The hippos would often stay on the village side of the lake all day. This meant that the villagers could not go near the lake 7 the hippos got out. It was a too long wait for the villagers, because they needed the water from the river ___8 . “This is __9__ only source of fresh water in the village said a villager. “There is no way we can avoid this lake. ” So the women 10_ in groups whenever they went to fetch water from the lake. Before collecting water, they made sure 11 ______________ no hippos were nearby. The men began fishing in pairs, ___ 12 ___ one man always looking out for hippos. It ___13___ time, but these days, the hippos and humans live side by side. The villagers say that when the hippos see people coming, they swim slowly to ___14 _____________ side of the lake and mind their own business. The villagers do not go into the part of the lake where the hippos usually stay. They have learned to share the lake they __15___ need to survive. 1. A. no longer B. not longer C. not any longer D. n o long 2. A. them B. their C. they D. t hemselves 3. A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing 4. A. they B. he C. it D. s he


2016年广州市普通高中毕业班综合测试(二) 英语 第I卷 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A The best of adventure and sport in NSW If you want adventure, then the state of New South Wales (NSW) in Australia is the place to go. No matter what the season, you can choose from a wide variety of landscapes, climates, activities and experiences all with easy access to tour operators and local guides. For snow lovers, there’s no better place than the Snowy Mountains. Skiers and snowboarders can hit the slopes for some downhill thrills in Kosciuszko National. Park. Non-skiing adventure-seekers will enjoy hiking or snowshoeing. If water sports are more your thing, there are plenty of places to go. Surfers you’re your surfboards and head to Byron Bay, Shellharbour, or Newcastle's Merewether Beach. To see spectacular sea life up close, visit Lord Howe Island, a world-famous destination for underwater diving. The oceans, lakes and rivers around NSW offer a lifetime’s worth of exciting fishing and boating challenges. Want more Experience the rush of whitewater rafting in Jindabyne and Penrith, or go barefoot waterskiing in Port Stephens. For adventure in NSW, the sky’s the limit! Book a hot-air-balloon or helicopter ride over the stunning vineyards of the Hunter Valley, go skydiving in Wollongong, or try hang-gliding in Stanwell Park. Get to know the State’s unique and tough landscapes on a caving, canoeing or rock climbing adventure. Four-wheel-driving and off-roading tours are popular in both Country NSW and Outback NSW. Or explore parts of the State on horseback ―you’Il find great horse riding options in Sydney and throughout NSW. 21. What is the purpose of this article A. To advertise a new holiday tour. B. To describe the geography of NSW. C. To promote NSW's tourist attractions. D. To encourage people to move to NSW.


2019年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试 广东省英语模拟试卷(二) 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分。全卷满分120分, 考试用时120分钟。 注意事项: 1.因本试卷不考听力, 第Ⅰ卷从第二部分的“阅读理解”开始, 试题序号从“21”开始。 2.答卷前, 考生须认真核对条形码上的姓名、考生号、考场号和座位号, 并将其贴在指定位置, 然后用0.5毫米黑色字迹签字笔将自己所在的县(市、区)、学校以及自己的姓名、考生号、考场号和座位号填写在答题卡和试卷的指定位置, 并用2B铅笔在答题卡的“考生号”处填涂考生号。 3.回答选择题时, 选出每小题答案后, 用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑; 回答非选择题时, 将答案写在答题卡上, 写在本试卷上无效。 4.考试结束后, 将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题; 每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题 卡上将该项涂黑。 A You may have your favorite family spots on Long Island where you frequently take the kids. But there may be unexpected places you haven't explored yet. American Air power Museum A nonprofit organization, AAM's mission is to preserve the legacy(遗产)of all Americans who sacrificed themselves to defend our liberties. They seek educate new generations about their courage, bravery and heroism by presenting aircraft and armor(盔甲)in tire museum through displays, exhibits and programs. Telephone: 020 7841 3600 Cradle of Aviation Museum The Cradle of Aviation Museum features more than 75 planes and spacecraft, a dozen cockpits and 30 hands- on exhibits in nine galleries. A favorite among kids is the Sesame Street show featuring Big Bird, Elmo and more as they learn about the Big Dipper, the North Star the sun and the moon. Telephone: 020 7414 3428 Tackapausha Museum


广东省广州市2013年初中毕业生学业考试 英语答案解析 一、听力 略 二、语言知识与运用 第一节单项选择 16.【答案】C 【解析】考查冠词。名词the boy被in white这个介词短语做定语修饰,特指“穿白色衣服”的那个男孩,故用定冠词the。 17.【答案】A 【解析】考查非谓语动词。不定式做tell的宾语补足语,构成tell sb.to do sth的结构。对不定式进行否定在to前加not,即not to do 18.【答案】B 【解析】考查反身代词。by oneself为“靠某人自己”,该题的主语the man为男士,故用himself(他自己)。 19.【答案】C 【解析】考查宾语从句的连词。宾语从句欠缺talk bout的宾语部分,故排除how和when(副词,只能做状语);根据句意,我无法理解你所正在谈论的事情。故用what(什么)而不是which(哪一个)。 20.【答案】A 【解析】考查情态动词。根据句意,“我必须现在完成作业吗?”由答句可知,你没有必要(现在完成),故用needn't(没必要);mustn't表“禁止”,shouldn't表“不应该”,can't表“不能”。 21.【答案】D 【解析】考查不可数名词。news为“新闻”,是不可数名词,所以不能用只能修饰可数名词的many和afewalot 后面要加of才能加名词。 22.【答案】B 【解析】考查介词。根据句意,“没有你的帮忙,我没法做这件事情”。故用without(没有,无);with(有,伴随),for和to(对于),均不符合题意。 23.【答案】C 【解析】考查固定搭配。take away“带走”,take off“起飞”,take care of“照顾”take out of“从…..取出”。 24.【答案】B 【解析】考查时态。when引导一个过去时态的从句,可知主句动作发生在过去,故用一般过去。


广州市2020年高三第二次模拟考试 英语 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 WENQIANG A We can all think of times when people didn't make remembering easy. Directions given at machine-gun speed. New people introduced in a flood of names and handshakes. Whenever information is passed between people, it’s all too easy for it to go in one ear and straight out of the other. Thankfully, the opposite is also true. Look around you, and you’ll see parents who can get their children to rem ember exactly what they were told; advertisers who know how to imprint their sales messages on our brains. So, how do they do? Their secrets can be summed up in four simple words: focus, imagery, reasons and engagement. FOCUS means ensuring that the person you’re talking to can concentrate on learning. Choose your moment carefully. Check that they can properly hear or see the information. Communicate slowly and clearly enough for their memory to cope. IMAGERY helps information to stick. Do everything your can to make other people “see”the ideas you’re giving them. Add visual details to directions, and illustrate abstract concepts with metaphors. REASONS to remember help people to put in the mental effort. So, make it clear that your words are important, and be explicit about why. Maybe this information will save them time, protectthem from embarrassment, or let them enjoy a particular experience or event. EMGAGEMENT requires you to ask questions. Point out links between new concepts and things listeners already know. Activate their senses, spark their curiosity, get them doing something physical, or simply make them laugh. The next time you’ve got an important message to pass on, put some of these techniques to the test. You’ll discover that there are benefits on both sides when you know how to FIRE people’s memories into action. 21. What is the main purpose of the text? A.To report new research. B.To provide some advice. C.To explain a problem. D.To define some terms. 22. How can you do to help a listener “focus” on w hat you are saying? A.Select the appropriate time to raise the topic. B.Do something humorous to get their attention. C.Make sure the information provided is correct.


第I卷 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。 A Many people would love to leave their jobs behind and have a life-changing adventure overseas. They imagine lying under palm trees as the sun goes down. However, life overseas is not always easy, and many are not prepared for the shock of living in an alien culture. The honeymoon period At first, for those who actually decide to move abroad, life is an exciting adventure. They enjoy exploring their new surroundings, and life seems like an extended holiday. They don’t mind trying the local cuisine and discovering the local culture. They can even afford to practice their foreign-language skills without fear of making mistakes. Trouble in paradise In many cases, when people consider moving to another country, they often fail to realize how different life will be. As time goes by, they become frustrated when language and cultural misunderstandings become a daily headache. In this stage, the visitors begin to withdraw from life in the host country and avoid spending time with local people in favor of mixing with others from their own cultural background. The road to recovery Gradually, most visitors realize they must accept the differences and not fight against them. This change encourages them to improve their language skills and slowly they manage to do the things they could easily do at home, such as opening a bank account. This new-found confidence enables them to see a side of life which very few tourists get to witness. Adjusting to life abroad can often be a real problem. The secret to overcoming it is to stop trying to change your host country: you will not succeed. If not, you risk losing your dream and having to return to the old life you wanted to leave behind. 21. Why do people moving abroad feel excited at first? A. They find foreign living much easier. B. They have the necessary language skills. C. They love the adventure and exploration. D. They enjoy meeting people from different cultures. 22. According to the author, what is the main problem many people moving abroad face? A. Homesickness. B. Culture shock C. Health problems. D. Lack of employment. 23. What would the author suggest people moving abroad do? A. Study the local language. B. Go on holidays frequently. C. Learn how to open a bank account. D. Seek out people from their home country. B Australia loves interesting money. In 1988, it was the first country to replace paper money with special plastic banknotes. Now it’s introduced a new five-dollar bill so technologically advanced that many experts are calling it the money of the future! At first glance, the new note looks much like the old one. It has the same pink colour and main pictures on the front and back. But look closer, and you will notice a clear window running down the middle, surrounded by images of the yellow Prickly Moses, a type of Australian plant. Tilt(使倾斜)the note a little and you will see the Eastern Spinebill, an Australian bird, beating its wings as if trying to fly away. Turn the bill from side to side, and you will notice the picture of a small building at the bottom of the note spins, and the image of “5” changes position. While these moveable features are impressive and entertaining, that was not the reason Australian government officials spent ten years developing them. Their primary purpose was to make it impossible for criminals to produce their own fake notes. The new five-dollar note also has something to help blind people easily identify the money. It has a raised bump alongside the top and bottom, enabling blind people to quickly determine its value. The credit for persuading the Australian government to add this all-important bump goes to 15-year-old Connor McLeod. The blind Sydney teenager came up with the idea in 2014 after being unable to tell how much money he had received for Christmas. Connor says he was so embarrassed at not being able to see the difference between notes that he only carried coins to pay for food at the school cafeteria. To
