




Every morning my father buys a newspaper on his way to work. Every evening my mother looks through magazines at home. And every night, I look at the posters with photos of David Beckham and Yao Ming on my bedroom wall before I go to sleep. Can we imagine life without paper or print?

Paper was first created about 2,000 years ago, and has been made from silk, cotton, bamboo, and, since the 19th century, from wood. People learned to write words on paper to make a book. But in those days, books could only be produced one at a time by hand. As a result, they were expensive and rare. And because there weren't many books, few people learned to read.

Then printing was invented in China. When printing was developed greatly at the beginning of the 11th century, books could be produced more quickly and cheaply. As a result, more people learned to read. After that, knowledge and ideas spread quickly.

Today information can be received online, downloaded from the Internet rather than found in books, and information can be kept on CD-ROMs or machines such as MP3 players.

Computers are already used in classrooms, and newspapers and magazines can already be read online. So will books be replaced by computers one day? No, I don't think the Yao Ming posters on my bedroom wall will ever be replaced by a two-metre-high computer!

(1)What does the writer do before he goes to sleep?

A. He reads books.

B. He reads newspapers.

C. He looks through magazines.

D. He looks at the posters on the wall.

(2)When was paper first created?

A. About 2,000 years ago.

B. In the 19th century.

C. About 1,000 years ago.

D. In the 11th century.

(3)Why were books expensive and rare before the invention of printing?

A. People could not read.

B. People could not write words on paper.

C. People could not find silk, cotton or bamboo.

D. People could only produce books one at a time by hand.

(4)What happened after books became cheaper?

A. People didn't want to buy books.

B. Printing was invented in China.

C. Knowledge and ideas spread quickly.

D. The Internet was introduced to people soon.





【解析】【分析】讲述了纸的起源,一开始的现状,讲述了纸和印刷术的发展过程。(1)细节题。根据第一段提到的 I look at the posters with photos of David Beckham and Yao Ming on my bedroom wall before I go to sleep. 可知,作者睡觉前需要看墙上的海报,故选


(2)细节题。根据第二段提到的 Paper was first created about 2,000 years ago ,可知纸在2000年前发明,故选A。

(3)细节题。根据第二段提到的 But in those days, books could only be produced one at a time by hand. 可知,一开始书必须手把手生产,因而书籍很贵,故选D。

(4)细节题。根据第三段提到的 After that, knowledge and ideas spread quickly. 可知书变便宜了后,知识和思想很快的被传播,故选C。



Have you ever thought about what our food will be like in the future? As the population is growing fast, there must be changes in our food.

More land will be used for building houses for people. Then there will be less space for cattle and chickens, so meat will be more expensive. Instead, people will eat more fruit and vegetables. Scientists are always trying out new ways of growing food. Only one third of the Earth's area is land and the rest is sea, so some think maybe we can get more food from the sea.

Besides, though rice supports more than half of the world's population, it needs a lot of water to grow. Scientists predict(预测) the climate will get drier during the next century. Therefore, it might be impossible to grow rice in the future. Some farmers are experimenting with new crops. Farmers like to grow beans because they don't need much water, and beans also improve the quality of the soil. The soybean (黄豆) makes a good substitute(替代品) for rice and meat.(1)Why won't some people eat meat every day in the future according to the passage?

A. Because meat makes people fat.

B. Because meat may be more expensive.

C. Because people want to be healthier.

D. Because people want to eat more vegetables.(2)Where can we get more food according to the passage?

A. From the sea.

B. From the land.

C. From the rivers.

D. From other planets.(3)Why might it be impossible to grow rice in the future according to the passage?

A. Because growing rice is hard work.

B. Because people will eat less rice.

C. Because rice needs much water to grow.

D. Because it takes too much time to grow rice.(4)Which of the following about beans is NOT true?

A. Beans may be popular for farmers to grow.

B. Beans need as much water as rice to grow.

C. Beans improve the quality of the soil.

D. Beans can take the place of rice and meat.







(1)细节理解题。根据 Then there will be less space for cattle and chickens, so meat will be more expensive.那时牛和鸡的生存空间更小了,因此肉将更贵。故选B。

(2)细节理解题。根据 Only one third of the Earth's area is land and the rest is sea, so some think maybe we can get more food from the sea. 地球只有三分之一是陆地,因此一些人认为或许我们能从海洋获取更多的食物。故选A。

(3)细节理解题。根据Besides, though rice supports more than half of the world's population, it needs a lot of water to grow. 此外,虽然,水稻支撑着世界上一半多人口,它需要很多水来种植,故选C。

(4)细节理解题。根据 Farmers like to grow beans because they don't need much water, 农民们喜欢种植豆类,因为它们不需要很多水。可知选项C是错误的,故选B。



Dear Grandma and Grandpa,

How are you? I am fine. School is out already. On our last day, we went to a museum. It was fun until we all had to run through the rain to get on the bus. Even that was kind of fun, though.

How was your camping trip? Dad says you're just getting back home this Wednesday. I've been taking good care of Sparky for you. The dog sleeps at the foot of my bed on most nights. He and the cat have even been getting along.

Dad says to tell you that our yard is looking good this year. We've had lots of rain, especially last Friday— the last day of school

When are you coming to get Sparky? See you soon.


Kyle Dear Kyle,

Our camping trip was wonderful! We've already decided to come here again next year. From Ohio. We drove south to Kentucky. We enjoy looking at rocks, so we had decided to go to Mammoth Cave National Park. I'd never seen so many rocks!

Each day, we chose a different cave. We saw narrow(狭窄的)places and huge ones. In one cave, we were underground for more than two miles.

We'll come to get Sparky next weekend, if that's okay.


Grandma and Grandpa (1)What was the weather like on Kyle's last school day?

A. Windy.

B. Rainy.

C. Snowy.

D. Cloudy.

(2)On most nights, Sparky sleeps _________.

A. with Kyle's cat

B. with Kyle's dad

C. on Kyle's bed

D. at the foot of Kyle's bed

(3)What does the underlined word "cave" mean in Chinese?

A. 峡谷

B. 山洞

C. 悬崖

D. 索道





(1)细节题。根据Kyle写给祖父母的信第一段中It was fun until we all had to run through the rain to get on the bus很有趣,直到我们都在雨中跑上公共汽车,可知天气应该是下雨的。A多风的;B下雨的;C下雪的;D多云的。故正确答案为B。

(2)细节题。根据Kyle写给祖父母的信第二段中The dog sleeps at the foot of my bed on most nights这只狗在大多数晚上睡在我的床脚下可知,Sparky祖父母的狗睡在Kyle的床脚下。故正确答案为D。

(3)细节题。根据祖父母的回信第二段中Each day, we choose a different cave每天,我们选择一个不同的山洞,可知Kyle的祖父母在旅行中参观了不同的山洞。A. 峡谷;B. 山洞;

C. 悬崖;

D. 索道。故正确答案为B。



In your life, there are a lot of people around you. They are your relatives, neighbors, friends or classmates. Sometimes you get along well with them, but sometimes don't. What can you do when someone hurts you? Most people may be angry or even fight with him. But it's not a good idea. You'd better forget all this and forgive(宽恕,原谅) him.

Maybe it's not easy for you to do that, but it's possible. Please remember: Keep a good mood, and you will keep healthy. Staying angry with others, in fact, means letting others' mistakes treat yourself unfairly.

How can you forgive others?

First,think of something pleasant and try to get yourself happy.

Second, don't wait others to say sorry to you. If anyone hurts you,he won't say sorry to you. He may just want to hurt you or just don't see things the same way.

Third, try to see things in others' shoes. You can understand their minds better and make yourself a little happier.

At last, try to know yourself very well. Whose mistakes caused that,yours or others'? If it's our fault,try to say sorry to them. If it isn't,smile at the thing.

(1)This passage tells us _______.

A. to get along well with others

B. to say sorry to others bravely when we hurt them

C. not to hurt others

D. to forgive others when they hurt us

(2)Forgiving others is _______ according to the writer's opinion.

A. easy

B. foolish

C. possible

D. impossible

(3)The underlined sentence means "_______" in Chinese.

A. 尽力坚持自己的观点

B. 尽力让别人接受自己的观点

C. 尽量站在别人的立场上看问题

D. 尽量看到别人立场中的实质问题

(4)The writer gives us _______ ideas to forgive others.

A. three

B. four

C. five

D. six

(5)Forgetting others' mistakes and staying happy can make us _______.

A. sad

B. disappointed

C. upset

D. healthy








(2)细节题。根据Maybe it's not easy for you to do that, but it's possible 也许你不容易做到,但这是可能的,可知根据作者的观点,原谅他人是可能的,故划线部分的意思是试着从别人的角度看问题,故选C。

(3)词义猜测题。根据You can understand their minds better and make yourself a little happier你可以更好地理解他们的想法,让自己更快乐,可知这是站在别人的角度看待问题,故选C。

(4)细节题。根据first,second,third和at last,可知作者给出4个意见,故选B。

(5)推理题。根据 Keep a good mood, and you will keep healthy,保持好心情,你会保持健康,可知忘记别人的错误并保持快乐会让我们健康,故选D。



If you love reading books, you must know about the book The Little Prince. It's a famous novel written by a French writer. As one of the best-selling books in history, it has been sold as many as 200 million copies in 253 languages and dialects(方言). Now, around seventy years after the birth of the book, an American director has found a way to make it into a 3-D animated film.

The book tells the story of a pilot, called The Aviator, who crashes into the desert and meets a young prince there. However, in the film, the story starts years after the crash when The Aviator is much older. He has got a new neighbor called The Little Girl, whose mother wants her to get ready to enter the grown-up world. Slowly, The Aviator shares his story with The Little Girl by

writing it down and sending her a page at a time. The pages are complete with the pictures in the book, speaking about his time in the desert and taking The Little Girl to an amazing world where anything is possible.

China is the first country in the world to see the film in two versions(版本)—in Chinese and English. The film shows The Little Girl's life and tells The Little Prince's story at the same time in a beautiful way.

Huang Lei, a famous Chinese actor, says the film is like a childhood dream which is lost by most adults in this stressed-out society.

"The most touching(感人的) part is that every one of us was a good-natured kid like The Little Prince, and it's a pity that this good characteristic(品质) goes away as time flies," he says. (1)The novel The Little Prince was written in the _________.

A. 1900s

B. 1940s

C. 1990s

D. 2010s

(2)The book The Little Prince is one of the best sellers in history because ________.

A. you must know about it if you love reading books

B. it tells the story of The Little Prince's story

C. it has been sold as many as 200 million copies in 253 languages and dialects

D. the director has made it into a 3D animated film

(3)How does The Little Girl get to know the story of The Little Prince?

A. She reads the pages that The Aviator writes and sends to her.

B. Her mother wants her to get ready to enter the grown-up world.

C. The Aviator takes her to an amazing world.

D. She moves home next to The Aviator.

(4)What does the underlined word "good-natured" mean?

A. Kind

B. Friendly

C. Helpful

D. All the above

(5)According to the passage, which is Huang Lei's opinion?

A. He doesn't believe the good characteristic is lost as we grow older in this stressed-out society.

B. He thinks all of us should keep our better nature and never let it disappear.

C. He feels excited because he can see the film in two versions first.

D. He and his daughter voice the film together.






【解析】【分析】本文介绍了 The Little Prince 这本书。

(1)推理题。根据 Now, around seventy years after the birth of the book 现在,在这本书诞生70年后,可知推测,小说《小王子》是20世纪40年代写的,故选B。

(2)细节题。根据 As one of the best-selling books in history, it has been sold as many as 200 million copies in 253 languages and dialects 作为历史上最畅销的书籍之一,它已经以253种语言和方言售出了2亿册,可知《小王子》是历史上最畅销的书之一,因为它已经以253


(3)推理题。根据He has got a new neighbor called The Little Girl, whose mother wants her to get ready to enter the grown-up world. Slowly, The Aviator shares his story with The Little Girl by writing it down and sending her a page at a time 他有了一个叫小女孩的新邻居,她的妈妈希望她为进入成人世界做好准备。慢慢地,飞行员把他的故事写下来,一次给小女孩发一页,与她分享,可知她通过阅读飞行员写给她的页面知道小王子的故事的,故选A。(4)词义猜测题。根据good,好的,natured,天性,可知good-natured的意思是友善,乐于助人的,故A,B和C选项都对,故选D。

(5)推理题。根据 Huang Lei, a famous Chinese actor, says the film is like a childhood dream which is lost by most adults in this stressed-out society 中国著名演员黄磊说,这部电影就像一个童年梦想,在这个压力重重的社会里,大多数成年人都失去了这个梦想,可知黄磊的观点是他认为我们所有人都应该保持我们更好的本性,永远不要让它消失,故选B。



Animals grow up in different ways. Some newborn (新生的) animals are helpless but their mothers protect them. A newborn kangaroo is very small. It is only a few centimetres (厘米)long. It closes its eyes and doesn't have hair. It stays safe in its mothers' pouch(育儿袋) for a long time. A newborn monkey can not walk. Its mother carries it everywhere.

Other baby animals can walk soon after they're born. They learn to run with their mothers when danger is near. A baby zebra can run, an hour after it is born.

Some baby animals are born in a place that is safe. Baby wolves are usually born in big hales with little light. Other baby animals are born in the open. A baby elephant is often born on open land.

Animals that drink their mothers' milk are called mammals (哺乳动物). A mother bear's milk is rich. Baby bears have milk for a few months. This is the same with baby zebras, As baby animals grow, they need solid (固体的) food. Baby lions cat what their mother can catch!(1)According to the passage, many newborn animals need their mothers' help because the baby can't .

A. Look after themselves

B. eat any food

C. walk by themselves

(2)A newborn monkey's mother carries it everywhere because .

A. it is very small

B. it can't walk

C. it closes its eyes

(3)Baby wolves are usually born in a(n) place.

A. open

B. bright

C. safe

(4)Newborn mammals' main food is .

A. Mothers' milk

B. solid food

C. smaller animals

(5)How many kinds of baby animals are mentioned in this passage?

A. Six.

B. Seven.

C. Eight.







(1)推理判断题。根据第一段句子A newborn kangaroo is very small.It is only a few centimeters long.It closes its eyes and doesn't have hair.It stays safe in its mother's pouch(育儿袋)for a long time.A newborn monkey can not walk,刚出生的袋鼠很小,只有几厘米长,它闭上眼睛,没有毛发,它在母体的育儿袋里呆了很长时间。一个刚出生的猴子不能走路,可知动物宝宝不能照顾自己。故选A。

(2)细节理解题。根据 A new born monkey can not walk. Its mother carries it everywhere.可知因为猴宝宝不能走路所以妈妈把它带到各处。故选B。

(3)细节理解题。根据Some baby animals are born in a place that is safe.Baby wolves are usually born in big holes with little light.有些动物宝宝出生在一个很安全的地方。小狼通常出生在大洞里,光线很少,可知狼一般出生在安全的地方,故选C。

(4)细节理解题。根据Animals that drink their mothers' milk are called mammals (哺乳动物).可知新生的哺乳动物的主要食物是妈妈的奶。故选A。




When I was a child, my parents always told me that I should never talk to strangers. This was part of a whole list of things I should never do: Never accept food or candy from strangers, never get in a car with strangers, and so on. They think strangers may do something harmful to us.

But if we didn't start a conversation with strangers, we'd never make new friends. We'd never get a job. We may miss the happiness that comes from talking with strangers. And the more people you know, the more chances you can get.

The following passage offers you some advice on how to break the ice.

Don't just look at your shoes. Go and say "Hi" to that new guy. It will be easier to break the ice if you know more about different cultures.

British: Beautiful day, isn't it?

The weather in Britain is changeable. So, it is one of the topics the British care most about. And there's a simple rule: Say "Yes" whether you agree with the person's idea on the weather or not. That's because the British start a conversation using the weather so that they can continue their talk.

French: Where did you go on holiday?

To talk with a French person, the safest way is to ask about his or her last holiday. French students enjoy a 10-to-15-day holiday every two months. French employees(雇员) get more than one and a half months of holidays every year.

American: So, where are you from?

The US is so big and people move so often that place is always a source(来源) of talk. You can try to find a connection with the place they're from. For example, if someone is from Los Angeles, you could say, "Oh, I have a friend who studied there."

(1)The writer's parents tell him not to talk to strangers because ______.

A. it was dangerous

B. the writer didn't like to talk with strangers

C. it was part of the life

D. the writer's parents were afraid to talk with strangers (2)The underlined phrase "break the ice" probably means ______.

A. put the ice into pieces

B. offer a chance to talk

C. play an interesting game

D. give others some help

(3)The passage is mainly about how to ______.

A. get a good job

B. know more about different cultures

C. get along with a stranger

D. start a conversation with a stranger





(1)细节题。根据文章提到的They think strangers may do something harmful to us.可知,陌生人很危险,故选A。

(2)推断题。根据文章提到的It will be easier to break the ice if you know more about different cultures.可知,划横线单词的意义为找到和他人说话的机会,故选B。





Summer sports camps

Our summer camps have the following sports:

? Basketball ? Football

? Swimming ? Tennis

? Kung fu

This summer, we are offering sports camps at Discovery College, Renaissance College, South Island School and West Island School from Mondays to Fridays for six weeks. Our summer sports camps are only for children. We want to make sure they get enough exercise during the holiday. We are having a show about our summer sports camps this Friday at South Island School. You can come and learn more about us.

Sign up (报名) before 18 June (27 June for football camps) to enjoy 10% discount for our summer sports camps.

You can also visit our website https://www.360docs.net/doc/f58476634.html,.hk or call us at 2711-1128 for more information about our summer sports camps.

(1)The summer sports camps offer ________ kinds of sports

A. 3

B. 4

C. 5

D. 6

(2)There is a show about the summer sports camps at ________.

A. Discovery College

B. Renaissance College

C. South Island School

D. West Island School

(3)You CANNOT enjoy 10% discount for football camps if you sign up on ________.

A. 17 June

B. 21 June

C. 26 June

D. 29 June

(4)There are ________ ways to get more information about the summer sports camps.

A. 2

B. 3

C. 4

D. 5

(5)The material is probably from ________.

A. a storybook

B. a sports report

C. a science magazine

D. a school noticeboard







(1)细节理解题。根据文章原句? Basketball ? Football? Swimming ? Tennis ? Kung fu可知夏令营提供了五种运动,故选C。

(2)细节理解题。根据文章原句We are having a show about our summer sports camps this Friday at South Island School. 可知夏季运动夏令营展在星期五South Island School, 故选C。(3)细节理解题。根据文章原句Sign up (报名)before 18 June (27 June for football camps) to enjoy 10% discount for our summer sports camps.可知足球夏令营优惠的报名日期是6月27日之前,6月29日就不能享受优惠了,故选D。

(4)细节理解题。根据文章原句You can also visit our website https://www.360docs.net/doc/f58476634.html,.hk or call us at 2711-1128 for more information about our summer sports camps. 可知除了广告中写的这种方式外,还可以参观网站,或打电话,共三种查找信息的方式,故选B。





The largest animal ever to live on Earth is the blue whale. It weighs about 80 tons--more than 24 big elephants. It is more than 30 metres long. A new baby whale weighs as much as a big elephant.

Cats won't die if they fall off very high places because they can turn themselves up the right way so as to keep their bodies safe. One cat fell off 32 floors onto the street, but it was just hurt a little.

A bear can run as fast as a horse.

A new-born panda is smaller than a mouse and weighs about 100 grams.

Elephants are the most careful animals in their love. A male elephant may show his lady love for up to three years until the female elephant takes his love. They often show their love by touching each other's body.

Usually, wolves do not hurt people. For years a Canadian newspaper says that they would give anyone a lot of money if he or she could show that a wolf could hurt a person. But nobody could do that. Wolves do not usually go together though they may do this in winter and they only hurt people at an unusual time.

(1)How much does a new-born blue whale weigh?

A. About 10 tons.

B. As much as a baby elephant.

C. About 80 tons.

D. About 3 tons.(2)A bear can run people think it can.

A. faster than

B. more slowly than

C. as fast as

D. as slowly as (3)A male elephant won't stop following a female elephant to until the female elephant takes his love.

A. fight with the baby elephant

B. ask the lady elephant to help him

C. show his love for a long time

D. find food together with her

(4)A wolf won't hurt people except .

A. in winter

B. at an unusual time

C. in groups

D. that it is happy






(1)细节理解题。根据It weighs(重)about 80 tons-more than 24 big elephants. A new

baby whale weighs as much as a big elephant. 可知一头大象重3吨,故选D。

(2)细节理解题。根据A bear can run as fast as a horse.熊跑得和马一样快,当然比人跑得快,故选A。

(3)细节理解题。根据文中的语句A male elephant may show his lady love for up to three years until the female elephant takes his love. 理解可知,一头雄象可能会表现出他对雌象长久的爱,直到她接受了他的爱。故选C。

(4)细节理解题。根据文中的语句 they only hurt people at an unusual time.理解可知,狼只有在一些特殊情况下,才会伤害人类,故选B。



Johnnie Martin was born in a worker's family. His parents lived a simple life, saving money for the day when they could send him to a good university. They had dreamed that their son could get a good job and live a better life. However, to Johnnie, school lessons seemed like a wall that was impossible to go through. They were not so easy for him.

One day when he was in Grade 11, Johnnie went to the school psychologist's (心理学家的)office to ask for help. "I've been trying hard, but…" Johnnie was about to cry.

The psychologist put his hand on the boy's shoulder, "People have different kinds of talents, Johnnie. There are painters, who were never able to learn math, and some day you will find what you are good at. When you do, you will make all of us very proud of you."

Johnnie didn't go to university. He found a job in the garden in the town. Soon something amazing happened. People began to notice that Johnnie had what they called a "green thumb". The plants grew well and the roses were in bloom (花). People started to accept his advice for gardening (园艺).

One day while he was walking, he found an unusual dirty land. He volunteered to make it into a garden. That afternoon he started the work, but he couldn't afford all the tools or the plants. People gave him young trees, rose-bushes, benches and many other things. Before long, it had become a beautiful little park.

Today Johnnie is the head of the business in gardening. Wherever he and his men go, they spread beauty before the eyes of people.

(1)School lessons were for Jonnie.

A. easy

B. boring

C. difficult

D. interesting

(2)Why did the psychologist say those words to Jonnie?

A. To make Johnnie learn math well.

B. To help Johnnie get good grades.

C. To ask Johnnie to find a good job.

D. To encourage Johnnie to believe in himself.

(3)A person with a "green thumb" is a person who .

A. can paint well

B. is good at gardening

C. has green fingers

D. loves plants and roses

(4)What can we learn from the story of Jonnie?

A. People should make use of their own talent.

B. People should grow plants and flowers.

C. People must help others when necessary.

D. People must study hard to live better.






(1)推理判断题。由However, to Johnnie, school lessons seemed like a wall that was impossible to go through. 可知学校的课程似乎是一堵不可能通过的墙。对他来说就是难。故选C。

(2)推理判断题。由The psychologist put his hand on the boy's shoulder, "People have different kinds of talents, Johnnie. There are painters, who were never able to learn math, and some day you will find what you are good at. When you do, you will make all of us very proud of you."心理学家把手放在男孩的肩上,“人们有不同的才能,约翰尼。有些画家永远学不懂数学,总有一天你会发现自己擅长什么。当你这样做的时候,你会让我们所有人都为你感到骄傲。”可以推知心理学家说这些话的目的就是鼓励约翰尼自信。故选D。

(3)词义猜测题。由The plants grew well and the roses were in bloom (花). People started to accept his advice for gardening.可知他擅长园艺技术,故选B。




You may not realize it but you are doing much more than just studying when you are at school. School is also the place where you learn to get on well with people. But this is not always easy. What can you do if you just don't like one of your classmates?

If you discover (发现) that you have problems getting on with your classmates or friends, the most important thing to learn is tolerance. Tolerance is the ability to realize and respect the

differences in others. We cannot change the way that other people do, so it is important to learn to live happily with them.

Tolerance will make everyone get on better with each other. Getting to know someone may help you understand why he does things differently. Something different does not exactly mean that it is bad. Tolerance teaches us to keep a temperate (温和的) and open mind.

You need to remember an old saying, "________." If you tolerate something, it does not mean that you have to like it. No one is asking you to change who you are or what you believe in. Tolerance is just that you should respect the differences in others and not try to make them change.

It is important to practice tolerance, because it will make everyone's life easier. Learn to accept people for their different abilities and interests. The world is very different, and practicing tolerance in your own school and city can help make a difference.

(1)What does the underlined word "respect" mean in Chinese?

A. 期望

B. 仰慕

C. 尊重

D. 拒绝(2)Which of the following sayings can be put in the blank "________" in Paragraph 4?

A. A friend without faults will never be found

B. Treat others how you want to be treated

C. Between friends all is common

D. A friend in need is a friend indeed

(3)This passage is trying to tell us ________.

A. what's important for a student

B. what students should do at school

C. how to treat people different from us

D. how to get others to do things in the right way





(1)词义猜测题。根据下文We cannot change the way that other people do, so it is important to learn to live happily with them. 我们不能改变别人做事的方式,但是学习如何和他们愉快共存是重要的,可知忍耐就是意识并尊重他人的不同,因此respec意为“尊重”。故选C。

(2)推理判断题。根据下文 Tolerance is just that you should respect the differences in others and not try to make them change. 忍耐是你应该尊重别人的不同并不要尝试使他们改变,可知忍耐应该是以自己想要被对待的方式对待别人。故选B。




Nancy's Gym

Keep fit! Lose weight!

Open: 1: 00 p. m. to 8: 00 p. m. Saturdays and Sundays

$25/hour Tel:4556-2233

Ice World

Have fun skating here!

$20/hour for children $30/hour for adults*

Open: 10: 00 a. m. to 8: 00 p. m. Tel:8868-2526

Water World

Adults: $10 Children (aged 15 or under) : $7

Open: 9: 00 a. m. to 9: 00 p. m. Tel: 2151-8296

A. Every day.

B. On weekdays.

C. On weekends.

D. From Monday to Wednesday.(2)Mrs. Green wants to go to Water World with her 11-year-old son, how much does she need to pay?

A. $7

B. $10

C. $17

D. $20

(3)Which of the following is TRUE?

A. You can play in Water World at 8: 00 a. m.

B. You can go to Nancy's Gym in the morning.

C. You should pay $25 for an hour in Ice World.

D. You can call 8868-2526 if you like going skating.





(1)细节理解题。根据第一个表格Open: 1: 00 p. m. to 8: 00 p. m. Saturdays and Sundays,可知只有周末开放,故选C。

(2)数字计算题。根据第三个表格Adults: $10 ;Children (aged 15 or under) : $7可知10+7=17$,故选C。




In every country, there are thousands of people who want to help out. Many join organizations run (管理)by their governments, for example, the Peace Corps in the United States and Voluntary Service Overseas in Britain. Since the powerful (猛烈的) earthquake took place in Sichuan, more than 200 thousand volunteers across China have been helping there! They do all kinds of work or come up with ways to help improve life. Some offer their professional skills for free. Others have no qualifications (资历), but they love to work hard to help.

One of the most famous volunteers in the world was Mother Teresa. She could be the best volunteer because she gave her life to helping the poorest people of Calcutta. She helped the homeless, cared for the sick, gave out food, and became the mother of those without families.

Now more and more teenagers actively look for volunteering opportunities, too. They volunteer because they think it will be fun or they will learn something. They also like the idea of being helpful to others, even if it is just handing out books for the teacher. As they get older, these reasons are still the same, but there are other important reasons for volunteering such as learning on-the-job, getting work experience, and improving their social life.

All volunteers bring joy to the people they help in so many ways. They might read books to the blind, fix up broken homes, find ways to get water for villages, Could you be a volunteer? What kind of volunteer work could you do? There is someone in the world who needs you.

(1)The Peace Corps is ________ in the United States.

A. a city

B. an organization

C. a volunteer

D. a school

(2)The underlined word "those" in the passage means "________".

A. the homeless

B. the sick

C. the poor

D. the kids

(3)What is NOT the reason for teenagers to be volunteers according to the passage?

A. They want to make more friends.

B. They want to be helpful.

C. It helps them get work experience.

D. It can improve their social life.

(4)What is the main idea of this passage?

A. The world needs volunteers.

B. Mother Teresa was a great volunteer.

C. Volunteers do all kinds of work.

D. There are different ways of volunteering.






(1)推理题。根据第一段前两句In every country, there are thousands of people who want to help out. Many join organizations run (管理) by their governments, for example, the Peace

Corps in the United States and Voluntary Service Overseas in Britain.可推知,the Peace Corps是美国的一个组织机构。故选B。

(2)词义猜测题。根据本句the mother of those without families.她帮助无家可归的人,照顾病人,分发食物,成为那些没有家人孩子的母亲,可知those指代“无家可归的孩子”。故选D。

(3)细节题。根据第三段最后一句but there are other important reasons for volunteering such as learning on-the-job, getting work experience, and improving their social life.可知,文中未提到“想交更多的朋友”这一原因,故选A。

(4)主旨题。根据文章大意可知,本文主要讲述了世界上有很多人需要帮助,现在越来越多青年参与志愿活动,所以“The world needs v olunteers.世界需要志愿者”最符合文意。故选A。



A little girl had a doll. She loved it so much that she would treat it with great care, even though her friends would laugh at her for being so careful.

As time passed, the girl grew up, moved houses, became an adult, got married, had children, and finally became a lovely little old woman with many grandchildren.

One day, she returned to her hometown, found her original house, and went in. Among hundreds of old things, she found her doll. It was as well looked after as before. She took it home with her and gave it to her granddaughter. Her granddaughter loved it.

Each time the old woman saw her granddaughter play with the doll, tears (眼泪)of joy would roll down her cheeks (脸颊). She was so glad to see that it was in the hands of her granddaughter.

(1)When the woman was a little girl, she had a______ and she loved it so much.

A. dog

B. doll

C. toy car

D. ball

(2)Those friends laughed at her because she______.

A. looked so thin and ugly

B. didn't get on well with her friends

C. treated her doll so carefully

D. didn't like to play games with them

(3)When the old woman found her doll, ________.

A. it looked old and terrible

B. she threw it away

C. she took it home and kept it to herself

D. it was as well looked after as before

(4)What does the underlined word "original" mean in the third paragraph?

A. 豪华的

B. 原来的

C. 新建的

D. 木质的

(5)Whenever the old woman saw her granddaughter play with the doll, she would________.

A. feel very glad and joyful

B. think of her old friends

C. want to buy her granddaughter a new doll

D. wish to go back to her hometown again







(1)细节题。根据A little girl had a doll可知女人是个小姑娘时,她有一个娃娃并且很喜


(2)细节题。根据She loved it so much that she would treat it with great care, even though her friends would laugh at her for being so careful可知那些朋友嘲笑她,因为她对她的洋娃娃


(3)细节题。根据 she found her doll. It was as well looked after as before可知,她找到了她


(4)词义猜测题。根据 she returned to her hometown, found her original house, and went in


(5)推理题。根据 Each time the old woman saw her granddaughter play with the doll, tears

of joy would roll down her cheeks . She was so glad to see that it was in the hands of her granddaughter 可知每当老太太看到孙女和娃娃玩的时候,她会感到非常高兴和快乐。故






Do you read advice columns(建议专栏) in newspapers and magazines? Do you think they are helpful to everyone who reads them? Here are some.

Dear Sally,

I've got a problem. My good friend Lana in my science class asked me to lend her my exercise book so she could copy my answers. Should I do it, Sally? I don't want to, but I'm afraid that if I don't give it to her she won't be my friend any longer.

Carmen Dear Carmen,

Of course you can't give her your exercise book. That's cheating, and you could get into big

trouble if you do that.

Sally Dear Sally,

I was at my friend's house for dinner last Saturday. During dinner, I broke a beautiful plate. It was my friend's favorite plate. It was my friend's favorite wedding gift. I wanted to pay for it, but she didn't agree with me. I feel bad about it.

Kay Dear Kay,

I think you did the right thing. It was important to offer to pay for it, but it's not surprising that she said no. Perhaps you could give her a special gift instead.

Sally Dear Sally,

My son is 24 years old. He finished college last year, but he can't seem to find a job that he likes. I'm worried that he's not trying hard enough to get a job and live on his own. He sleeps till noon every day. Also I've been cooking his meals.

Lisa Dear Lisa,

You're making it too easy for him to stay where he is. Tell him he has two months to find a job (any job), and get his own place. He's old enough to take care of himself.

Sally (1)Lana wanted to borrow Carmen's .

A. plate

B. science book

C. dictionary

D. exercise book

(2)What's Kay's problem?

A. She broke her friend's plate.

B. She lost her exercise book.

C. Her friend didn't like her gift.

D. Her son didn't find a job.

(3)Sally suggested that Lisa's son should .

A. find an interesting job

B. sleep still 9 o' clock

C. find a job in two months

D. look after his mother

(4)Which of the following is NOT true?

A. Carmen and Lana are good friends.

B. Lana wanted to copy Carmen's answers.

C. Lisa's son finished college at the age of 22.

D. Kay's friend liked the plate very much.






(1)细节题。根据 My good friend Lana in my science class asked me to lend her my exercise book 可知Lana需要借Carmen的练习册,故选D。

(2)细节题。根据 I broke a beautiful plate. It was my friend's favorite plate. 可知Kay弄坏了她朋友的碟,故选A。

(3)细节题。根据 Tell him he has two months to find a job 可知萨莉建议丽莎的儿子两个月内找份工作,故选C。

(4)推理题。根据 My son is 24 years old. He finished college last year 可知丽莎的儿子22岁就完成了大学学业是错的,故选C。



八年级英语阅读理解试题及答案讲解01 A meteorite (陨石) almost hit an 80-year-old man named Arthur Pettifer in Britain when he was working in his garden. The meteorite was the biggest in the past 26 ye ars in Britain. The meteorite weighed (重量) one kilo, and might be over four thousand million (百万) years old. “I hear the big noise in the air. I looked up and saw the tops of the trees coming and going,” he said. “I didn't know what it was.” Meteorites are small things from the small planets in space. About 3,500 meteorite s may fall on earth every year, but only very few are found. Mr. Pettifer's meteorite is the fifth to fall in Britain since the Second World War. Mr. Pettifer is glad. “When you think about it coming from so far away, it really is something strange.” 1. The meteorite was Mr Pettifer when it fell down. A. close to B. far from C. hitting D. coming to 2. The meteorite was already years old. A. 40,000,000,000 B. 40,000,000 C. 400,000,000 D. 4,000,000,000 3. Mr. Pettifer found the tops of the trees coming and going because . A. the trees were afraid B. the fast falling meteorite kept the tree tops moving C. it was going to rain D. the moving was made by wind 4. people see a meteorite fall although they visit the earth often each year. A. Quite a few B. some C. Few D. Many


初二英语阅读理解精选题(一) My class will put on a short play in English at the end of the year. Yesterday our English teacher gave us copies of the play. “Choose a character in the play whom you’d like to be, ”she told us. “This afternoon learn a few lines of this part for homework. Then tomorrow you can say those lines in front of the class. I’ll decide who play each part.” I wanted to have one of the bigger parts in the play, so I choose the part of the king. He has a lot of lines to say. I learned them by heart. This morning in our English lesson we had to say our lines. I acted the part of the king. When I said my lines, I put a lot of expression into my acting. I thought I acted really well. Everyone in the class read a part and then the teacher who would play each part. Many of the students in my class couldn’t act at all. They couldn’t even read without making lots of mistakes. I was sure that I would get a big part in the play. However, the teacher gave me the part of a soldier. He has only one line. It is, “Yes, sir!” I was very disappointed. At the end of the lesson I went up to her and asked her why I had such a small part. “You put too much expression in your acting,” she said. “Good acting is not big acting. It is acting the audience can believe in.” I think I know what she means. 48. What did the boy want to do in the play? A. To get an important part B. To organize the play C. To get a large acting part. D. To work the lights. 49. How did the boy feel when the teacher told the class they would put on a play? A. Bored. B. Sad. C. Excited. D. Unhappy.


八年级英语阅读理解专项练习题 A One day a rich man and a businessman met in a restaurant. For their lunch they both ordered soup. When it was brought, the rich man tasted it, but the soup was so hot that he burned his mouth and tears came into his eyes. The businessman asked him why he was crying. The rich man didn’t want to tell the truth and he told a lie,“Sir, I had a brother who was killed last year. I was thinking of his death, and that made me cry.”The businessman believed his story and began to eat his soup. He also burned his mouth so much that he had tears in his eyes. The rich man noticed it and asked the businessman,“Sir, why do you cry?”The businessman, who now saw that the rich man had cheated him, answered,“Oh, I’m crying because you were not killed together with your brother. I) 根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F)(5分) ( )76.The rich man didn’t tell the truth. ( )77.Though the rich man burned the mouth, he shouldn’t have told the lie. ( )78.The rich man had a brother who was burned. ( )79.The businessman believed the rich man’s story at first. ( )80.The businessman’s answer showed that he was very happy. II) 根据短文内容将下列句子排序.(5分) 81.They ordered the soup and the soup was so hot that the rich man burned his mouth first. 82.The businessman also burned his mouth and he was not happy. 83.A rich man and a businessman had lunch in the same restaurant. 84.The rich man told a lie about his brother’s death. 85.The businessman realized(意识到) that the rich man cheated him at last. ______ _______ _____ _______ _______ B School kids Say Goodbye to Their Flying Friends Jin Jun and his classmates at Shanghai Nanyang Middle School are not very happy to be back from holiday. Not because they hate studying, but because some of their best friends on campus(校园)are gone: pigeons. More than 100 pigeons used to(过去常常) fly around campus every day, making students smile during break time. But now, the birds are gone. Where? Now they’re all locked up in a bird cage. Bird flu(流感) has landed in Shanghai, and expert are afraid the pigeons might spread(传播)the disease if they keep flying around. For safety, the school also asks students to stay away from the cage. “I feel sad for those birds. They’re my best friends,” said Jin, a Junior 3 student. “Last term I would bring corn to feed them, but I can’t do that any more. I hope bird flu will end soon so I can play with the pigeons again.”Nanyang Middle School is not the only one to take pigeons off campus. Students in Beijjng Fengtai Experimental Primary School also gave their pigeons to the local health department (当地卫生部门)on February 3. Their pigeons are special birds. In 1999, students found two injured pigeons and gave them a home. To get money for bird food, the kids sold rubbish paper They took good care of the birds,


阅读理解练习 1 Our classroom faces our school garden. After class we like to look out of the windows to enjoy the lovely view. Our school garden is the most beautiful place in the school. There is a small pool in the middle. Some goldfish are swimming in it. Around the pool there are all kinds of flowers. We can always see flowers, even in winter. Between the school building and the flower-beds there is a lovely lawn. Boys and girls like to take a walk in the garden after school. But some years ago, there was nothing here but broken bricks, and wild weeds. We, teachers and students, built the garden with our hands. Since then we have planted trees and flowers every year. Everyone of us wants to do his best to make our school more and more beautiful. 阅读上面的短文,从每题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案 1. Where is the school garden? A. It faces the pool. B. It faces the writer's classroom. C. It is beside the pool. D. It is beside the writer's classroom. 2. Which of the following is NOT right? A. There are all kinds of flowers around the pool. B. There are goldfish in the pool. C. There is a small pool in the middle of the garden. D. The students can't see flowers in winter. 3. Between the school building and the flower-beds there is . A. a garden B. an office building C. a lawn D. nothing 4. Who built the school garden? A. Students B. Teachers C.Teachers and students D.Workers 5. Which of the following is NOT right? A. Everyone likes the school very much. B. Every student wants to make the school more and more beautiful. C. The school garden was built fifty years ago. D. The students plant trees in the school every year. 2 Mother's Day is a holiday for mothers. And on this day, mothers don't work. It is on the second Sunday in May. It is celebrated in the United States, England Sweden. India, Mexico and some other countries. Little by little, it becomes widely celebrated. On that day, many people send presents of love to their mothers. Those whose mothers are still living often wear a pink or red rose or carnation while those whose mothers are dead wear a white one. The idea of a day for mothers was first given by Miss Anna Jarvis of Philadelphia. The celebration of the first American Mother's Day was held in Philadelphia on May 10, 1908. Soon the holiday became popular around the country and the world 阅读上面的短文,从每题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。 1. Mother's Day is on . A. the second Saturday in May B. the second Sunday in May


初二英语英语阅读理解 题 集团标准化小组:[VVOPPT-JOPP28-JPPTL98-LOPPNN]

初二英语英语阅读理解题 1 An owl is a bird with very large eyes. Those eyes make the owl look clever. The owl can not move its eyes freely as we can. It can only look straight ahead. If it wants to look at both sides, it must turn its neck. Owls make a strange noise because the owls sleep most of the day. They usually give their cries at night. The cry sounds like “Whoo! Whoo”. This strange sound sometimes frightens people at night. ( ) 1. An owl looks clever because 。 A. it has a beautiful body B. it has big eyes C. it can look straight ahead D. it can turn its neck ( )2. An owl looks for food at night because 。 A. it has large eyes B. it can’t move its eyes freely as we can C. it sees better at night than during the day D. it can’t see anything at all during the day ( )3. An owl eats 。 A. small birds B. all kinds of birds C. all kinds of other animals D. none of the above ( )4. The cry of an owl is 。 A. frightening B. good to listen to C. like a song D. like the sound of a cow


A More and more people like bicycling and it is no surprise. It is fun, healthy and good for the environment. Maybe that’s why there are 1.4 billion bicycles and only 400 million cars on roads worldwide today. Bikes can take you almost anywhere, and there is no oil cost! Get on a bicycle and ride around your neighbourhood. You may discover something new all around you. Stopping and getting off a bike is easier than stopping and getting out of your car. You can bike to work and benefit (受益) from the enjoyable exercise without polluting the environment. You don’t even have to ride all the way. Folding (折叠) bikes work well for people who ride the train. Just fold the bike and take it with you. You can do the same on an airplane. A folding bike can be packed in a suitcase. You can also take a common bike with you when you fly. But be sure to look for information by getting on airline websites. Not all airlines are bicycle-friendly to travellers. Health Benefits of Bicycling: It helps to prevent heart diseases. Bicycling helps to control your weight. A 15-minute bike ride to and from work three times a week burns off five kilos of fat in a year. Bicycling can improve your mood (心情). Exercise like bicycling has been shown to make people feel better, more relaxed and self-confident. Bicycling is healthier than driving. ( )1. From the passage, we know that bicycling is becoming very___________. A. surprising B. exciting C. expensive D. popular ( )2. When you are riding your bicycle around your neighbourhood, you may . A. pollute the environment around B. find something you didn’t notice C. go everywhere and use a little oil D. get off your bike and begin to work ( )3. If you travel with a folding bike, you can fold it and . A. get out of the car B. take it onto a train C. put it in your purse D. go on airline websites ( )4. One of the benefits from bicycling is that . A. you can fold the bicycle B. you will be friendly to others C. you will be more relaxed D. you may get fatter and fatter ( )5. Which is TRUE according to the passage? A. Bicycling is enjoyable exercise for people. B. Driving cars is healthier than riding bikes. C. Riding a bike pollutes your neighbourhood. D. Common bikes are welcomed by all airlines. B Feeling left out? A reader wrote in to say that she was feeling lonely at break because her best friend wasn’t around.Here’s our advice to her and to all kids who feel lonely sometimes. It’s hard when a best friend isn’t around maybe because she moved to a different school or a different class.You may feel lonely at break or lunchtime.You want to have new friends.but how do you make them? Maybe it seems like everybody else already has their friends.But remembe r, there’s always room for more friends. Start by looking around your classroom think about which kids you’d like to play with at break.Look for chances to say hi to them,smile,and be friendly.Offer to share something or express your appreciation(欣赏)to them.Invite someone to play with you or say “Do you want to sit here?” in the lunchroom.When you’re at break,walk over to kids you want to play with.act friendly,and say “Hi,can l play, too?” or just join in.


初二英语英语阅读理解题 1 An owl is a bird with very large eyes. Those eyes make the owl look clever. The owl can not move its eyes freely as we can. It can only look straight ahead. If it wants to look at both sides, it must turn its neck. Owls make a strange noise because the owls sleep most of the day. They usually give their cries at night. The cry sounds like “Whoo! Whoo”. This strange sound sometimes frightens people at night. ( ) 1. An owl looks clever because 。 A. it has a beautiful body B. it has big eyes C. it can look straight ahead D. it can turn its neck ( )2. An owl looks for food at night because 。 A. it has large eyes B. it can’t move its eyes freely as we can C. it sees better at night than during the day D. it can’t see anything at all during the day ( )3. An owl eats 。 A. small birds B. all kinds of birds C. all kinds of other animals D. none of the above ( )4. The cry of an owl is 。 A. frightening B. good to listen to C. like a song D. like the sound of a cow ( )5. Men must not kill owls because 。 A. they don’t do anything wrong B. they are good--looking and have two big eyes C. they cry only at night D. they are helpful to us 2 If you do not use your arm or your legs for some time, they become weak;when you start using them again, they slowly become strong again. Everybody knows that. Yet many people do not seem to know that memory works in the same way. When


阅读理解训练 I. Where is Love? How can we find Love? Once a little boy wanted to meet Love. He knew it was a long trip to where Love lived, so he got his things ready with some pizzas and drinks and started off. When he passed three streets, he saw an old woman sitting in the park and watching some birds. She looked very hungry. The boy gave her a pizza. She took it and smiled at him. The smile was so beautiful that he wanted to see it again, so he gave her a Coke. She smiled once again. The boy was very happy. They sat there all the afternoon, eating and smiling, but they said nothing. When it grew dark, the boy decided to leave. But before he had gone more than a few steps, he turned around, ran back to the old woman and gave her a hug. The woman gave him her biggest smile ever. When the boy opened the door of his house, his mother was surprised by the look of joy(快乐)on his face and asked what had made him so happy. “I had lunch with Love. She has got the ,s son was also surprised at his At the same time, the old womanmost beautiful smile in the world.”,s pleasure and asked why. mother“I ate a pizza in the park with Love,”she said, “and he is much younger than I expected.” If the world is full of love, we can enjoy a better life. 1.When the little boy saw the old woman, she was . A. looking for a seat in the park B. passing the street C. looking at some birds D. having a pizza 2.The little boy gave the old woman a Coke because . A. the old woman still felt hungry B. he wanted to see the smile again ,t like the drink C. he didnD. the old woman paid him for it 3.The old woman gave the little boy the biggest smile . A. after the little boy went home B. before it grew dark C. when she was drinking Coke D. after the little boy hugged her ,s mother was surprised to see her son was very 4.The boywhen the door opened. A. pleased B. sad C. unhappy D. angry 5.Which of the following is TRUE? A. The little boy failed to find Love. B. Both the little boy and the old woman found what they wanted at last. C. The little boy decided never to go home. D. The old woman gave the little boy a hug to thank him. II. Dick was born in a poor family. His father had a small boat and went fishing in the morning


阅读理解 阅读理解(20分,每小题2分):A、B篇要求阅读短文选择正确答案 (A) 篇 Bruno was a boy of eight. His father worked in a cinema and his mother worked in a shop. He lived not far from his school. He always walked there and walked home. On his way to school, he had to pass a playground. It was very wet after it rained. One day, when he got home, his clothes were all wet. His mother became angry(生气的)and said, “Don’t play in the water on your way home from school!”On the next day Bruno came home with wet and dirty(脏的)clothes. His mother became even angrier. “I’ll tell your father if you come back wet again,”said his mother. “He’ll punish(惩罚)You, you know.” The third day the little boy was dry when he came home. “You’re a good boy today”, his mother said happily. “You didn’t play in the water.” “No,”the boy said unhappily. “There were


人教版八年级英语阅读理解训练 (A) In the world, soccer of football is the most popular sport. This is because many countries have wonderful teams for the World Cup. The World Cup is held every four years. To remember 2002 FIFA World Cup, children from different countries and more than 60 children from Japanese schools came together and spent three weekends drawing a big picture called“Dream(梦幻) World Cups”in Japan. The children drew animals, flowers and people playing soccer under a bule bright sky. They wished each football team good luck by drawing the flags(旗帜)of all the countries that will take part in the World Cup in Japan and South Korea. The picture was put up in a park near a playground in Yokohama. Some football teams will have games there. Are you a football fan(迷)?The World Cup makeds more and more people interested in football. Teenagers(青少年)like playing and watching football. Many of them love some football stars so much that they get the pictures of their favourite players on the walls of their rooms. That is the way to show their love for the World Cup as children in Japan. 1.If a country wants to take part in the World Cup ,she must have______. A.Many football fans B.a very good team C.many football player D.a big playground 2.The next World Cup will be held in_______. A.2006 B.2007 C.2005 D.2004 3.From the passage ,in the picture children drew many things except_________. A. people playing football B. pictures of some football stars C. a sunny sky D. flowers 4.In“Dream World Cup”,the children drew the flags of some countries______. A. to show their love for their owe country B. to tell the people their stories C. to show their good wishes for the football teams D. to show their new ideas about football 5.Many teenagers owe the pictures of some football stars because______. A. they are interested in football B. they are football fans C. they think their favourite players are great D. all of A, B and C (B) In 1826, a Frenchman named Niepce needed pictures for his business. But he was not a good artis. So he invented a very simple camera(照相机). He put it in a window of his house and took a picture of his garden. That was the first photo.
