


世上没人比我强壮Nobody else is stronger than I am ?

昨天我移了一座山Yesterday I moved a mountain ?

我相信我能当你的英雄I bet I could be your hero ?

我是个了不起的小家伙I am a mighty little man ?

我是个了不起的小家伙I am a mighty little man ?

Dialogue :得在这次阻止他们They've got to stop them in this series.

-靠-不是吧- Geez! Damn it! - Come on!

在德克萨斯神圣的三位一体是上帝In Texas, the Holy Trinity is God,

橄榄球与烧烤football and barbeque,

顺序可以互换not necessarily in that order.

谁输谁赢无所谓让分后算我赢就行I don't care if you win, just cover the damn spread.

妈你又开始赌球了吗Mom, are you betting again?


球迷们如坐针毡...fans on their feet,

希望队伍展开防守trying to urge the defense on.


第四攻了Fourth down.

必须得弃踢Gotta punt.


数据上来说总在第四攻弃踢Statistically, always punting on fourth down

是十分不合理的makes no sense.

数据上来说你就是个傻逼Statistically, you're a dumbass.

当德州农工大学队When the Aggies give up the ball

被对方在自家五码线进攻时on their own five-yard line,


对方队伍有%的几率会得分the opposing team has a % chance of scoring.

当他们从自家场地深处弃踢出去When they punt from deep in their own territory,

对方队伍还是有%的几率得分the other team still has a % chance of scoring.

但他们继续进攻有%几率再得次进攻机会But since they convert on fourth down % of the time, 所以计算显示他们不该弃踢the math says they should never punt again.

好了你偷偷跟妈说Okay, you can tell me,

他亲生父亲到底是谁who's his real daddy?

谢尔顿我踢球与当教练一辈子了Sheldon, I've been playing and coaching football all my life. 我觉得你算得不对I don't think your math is right.


你等等Hang on.

不没算错No, it's right.

让农工队只是射门得分的话...able to hold A&M to a field goal,

他们就只会落后分they'll only be down six points.

是你的牙医吗Is it your dentist?

那个戴眼镜的小个子The little guy with the glasses?

放心跟我说实话You can tell me.

跟你说我有点担心我妈I got to tell you, I'm a little worried about my mother.

她整天赌这些球赛She keeps betting on these football games,

之后哪天可能就会来个意大利小伙next thing you know, there's an Italian fella

来把她的小货车开走抵债driving off with her pickup truck.

你觉得谢尔顿说得对吗You think Sheldon's right?

哪件事情About what?

弃踢还有他的计算The punting and the math.

我相信应该对I should think so.

从他六岁时起我们家纳税就是他在弄He's been doing our taxes since he's six years old.

我们也没被税局稽查We never been audited.

这倒是That's true.

他去年还帮我们拿到退税呢He even got us that nice refund last year.

为什么今天不是妈载我去学校How come Mom's not taking me to school?

因为有时候'Cause once in a while,

你老爸也会想跟你相处一下啊your dad wants to spend some time with you.

我的小谢仔My little Shel-man.

但是妈的车有后座But Mom's car has a backseat.

数据上来说我坐那里比较安全Statistically, I'm much safer there.

我刚好也想跟你聊一下这个数据Hey, I'm glad you brought up statistically.

你觉得你昨天说的德州农工大学队的数据You think those numbers you talked about for Texas A&M

也能用在我带的队伍上吗would apply to my JV squad?

没道理不能啊I don't see why not.

数学与前任校长不同的是数学不歧视人Unlike our former principal, math doesn't discriminate.

你不会是想用他的建议吧You're not thinking about taking his advice, are you?

-用不着你管-可是他是错的- Never you mind. - But he's wrong.

大家都知道第四攻应该弃踢Everybody knows you punt on fourth down.

为什么大家都知道就等于它是对的Why does everybody knowing something make it right?


美国就是因此而伟大That's what makes this country great.

许多年后Many years later,

我哥也用了这段话my brother would use this same argument

跟法官解释in front of a judge.

但他在电话亭里撒尿的事还是被定罪了He was still convicted for urinating in a phone booth. 靠Oh, damn it.

我去让弃踢手上场I'll send in the punting team.

等等你等等Hang on. Hang on.


继续进攻Let's go for it.

为什么我们时间还很充足啊Why? We got plenty of time.

我知道还是想要继续进攻I know. Still want to go for it.

我们在码线上呢大家都知道该保守弃踢We're on the -yard line. Everybody know you punt. 为什么大家都知道就等于它是对的Why does everybody knowing something make it right?

但是在我们球门口啊教练But we're on the -yard line, Coach.

教练让我们继续进攻Okay, Coach says we're going for it.

白痴弟弟Stupid brother.

-什么-没事- What? - Nothing.

左侧突破准备散开Power left jumbo on two, on two. Ready, break!

狼队在第四攻选择继续进攻And your Wolves are going for it on fourth down.

什么鬼弃踢啊What the hell? Punt!

数据上来说继续进攻比较好Statistically, they're better off going for it.

-谁说的-我儿子- Says who? - My little boy.

这就是为什么大家都弃踢That's why everybody punts.

这简直就是脑袋抽风That was just plain foolishness.

你小儿子可真天才啊Your little boy's a real genius.

他还真是天才Well, actually he is.

不是吧Come on.

犯规防守方场上人数过多Too many men on the field, defense.

第四攻重来Replay fourth down.

感谢老天Ah. Thank you, Jesus.

我现在可以叫弃踢手上场了吗Now, can I send in the punt team?


他们再度继续进攻And they're going for it again.

什么鬼啊弃踢啊What the hell? Punt!

提醒我下次跟你说我拿到国税局退税的事Remind me to tell you about the tax refund I got from the IRS.

开始Set. Hut!

上上上上上Go, go, go, go, go, go!

上啊Go! Whoo!

冲啊冲啊Go, go, go! Go!

来到了码线码码He's at the , the , the .

达阵得分狼队Touchdown, Wolves!

我就没怀疑过你教练没怀疑过I never had any doubt, Coach. Never had any doubt.

看到没太好啦Oh, booyah! Yes.

晚安啦宝贝Sweet dreams, baby.

晚安姥姥Night, Meemaw.

我能请你帮个忙吗Can I ask you a favor?

-可以啊什么事-你还记得- Sure. What? - You know those statistics

你跟你爸爸说的那些什么数据吗that you were talking about with your dad?

那些数据也能套用到...Could... could that be applied to, say,

比如说下周的牛仔与包装工队比赛吗who might win the Cowboys-Packers game next week? 能不能更详细到差多少分之类的And, more specifically, by how much?

如果我有足够数据应该可以给出合理猜测I suppose with enough data I could make a reasonable guess.

我不要猜测我要确切的I don't want a guess, I want to know.

妈说不可以赌博Mom said you're not supposed to gamble.

睡你的觉死小孩Sleep, child!

-妈-在这里呢- Mom? - In here!

我明天把那些数据弄给你I'll get those numbers to you tomorrow.

来哄他睡觉Just tucking him in.

我有东西给你I got something for you.

是脏的It's dirty.

因为这是比赛用过的球Well, that's 'cause it's the game ball.

这是你应得的因为你帮我们赢了比赛And you earned it, 'cause you helped us win.

好吧但你能先洗一洗吗Okay, but can you wash it?

谢尔顿你爸爸是在夸你以你为荣呢Sheldon, your daddy's telling you he's proud of you.

好吧谢谢你爸爸I see. Thank you, Dad.

不客气You're welcome.

但我还是不要碰它I'm still never touching that.

去帮他擦干净吧Let's go wipe it off.

接下来的五周For the next five weeks,

我继续帮我爸爸套用数据I continued to help my father apply statistics

来执教他的队伍to coach his team.

毫无意外地队伍一直在赢Not surprisingly, they continued to win,

这让我在学校的地位冲上云霄which changed my status in the school dramatically.

-他来啦-谢尔顿- There he is! - Yo, Sheldon!


数学哥Math man!

小可爱Hey, cutie.

简直就是一场恶梦It was a nightmare.


拥抱弄乱头发击掌Hugging, hair tousling, high fives.

我的人气冲上云霄我在空中的时间也长了And as my popularity grew, so did my time aloft. 我到处在找你呢Hey, I've been looking all over for you.

你知道我们现在人气有多高吗Do you know how popular we are?

-我们吗-对啊- We? - Yeah.

我放出消息说我有帮忙你算橄榄球的数据I put the word out I was helping you with the football stats.

他们看我是亚洲人就信了And since I'm Asian, they bought it.

你享受这感觉我替你高兴Well, I'm glad you're enjoying it.

你不享受吗You're not?

今天一下午我被人摸了次I was touched times this afternoon.

你说"摸"是什么意思What do you mean, "touched"?

不是不合适地乱"摸"Not inappropriately.



还有一个拉拉队员抱我入她胸A cheerleader hugged me to her bosom.

太爽了吧That's amazing.

我不要再击掌了No more high fives.

我不想一直洗手I can't keep washing my hands.

这不是我的小助理教练吗There's my little assistant coach.

你好啊老爸Hello, Dad.

关于下星期的比赛You have any more, uh, arithmetic ideas

还有什么算出来的小妙招吗for next week's game?

有啊但我想先写完作业I do, but I'm trying to finish my homework.

看起来很复杂啊Looks complicated.

这是高等化学不复杂啊Advanced chemistry. It's not.

你们在干嘛呢What are you guys doing?

你弟弟跟我在讨论讨论下周Your brother and I are gonna knock around a few ideas

对弗里波特队的比赛打法for the Freeport game.

我能帮忙吗Can I help?

可以啊帮忙跑去我车上Actually, yeah. Run out to my truck.

前座有一个口袋计算器There's a little, uh, pocket calculator on my front seat.

我有个礼物给你I got you a present.

我想这个能帮忙你算Thought it might help with your figuring.

我不需要计算器啊爸我就是计算器I don't need a calculator, Dad. I am one.


还是去拿吧Go get it anyway.

是太阳能的It's solar-powered.

你能想象到吗Can you imagine that?

小乔治小声点Georgie, turn that down!


看看你房间快给我整理干净And look at this room. You need to clean this mess up.

我等会再弄I'll get to it later.

不行你现在就整理No, you'll get to it now.

我不想I don't feel like it.

不管你想不想都现在去打扫Well, your feelings have nothing to do with it.

也不要再丢那个球了And stop throwing that ball.

我房间让你这么看了烦那你来打扫My room bothers you so much, you clean it.

够了你被禁足了听到没That's it! You are grounded! You hear me?!

怎么回事The hell?

我的小饼饼There's my little Moonpie.

你抽空帮我看这周的比赛了吗Did you get a chance to look at this week's games for me?

-还没-你知道没剩多少时间了吧- Not yet. - You understand there's a little time crunch involved.

姥姥有一些欠款得还上呢Meemaw's got some outstanding loans I need to pay back.

抱歉但我得先写完作业I'm sorry, I have to finish my homework

然后去帮完我爸爸之后才有空and then I have to help my dad.

来嘛Come on.

我是你亲爱的姥姥I'm your meemaw.

我还给你做饼干I make you cookies.

咱们俩互利互惠一下如何How 'bout a little quid pro quo?

虽然我挺喜欢你用成语但不了As much as I enjoy your use of Latin, no.

谢利该准备上床睡觉了Shelly, time to get ready for bed.

我还没写完呢But I'm not done.

小家伙别跟我顶嘴Don't you sass me, too, young man.

去刷牙睡觉Brush your teeth and get to bed.

我觉得你的怒火有点发泄错地方了I think your anger might be a little misdirected.

你也别来跟我挑事Don't you start with me either.

瞧你还是在拿旁人出气Now, see, you're still shootin' wide.

晚上好库珀太太Good evening, Mrs. Cooper.

我能和谢尔顿聊聊吗Can I speak to Sheldon?

不行你不能No, you can't speak to Sheldon.

很晚了他已经睡了It's late. He's in bed.

我想问他要不要跟我一起去派对Oh. I was hoping he might like to go to a party with me.

大家都集体发疯了吗Has everyone lost their mind?

他还是个孩子丹He's a little boy, Tam!

晚安Good night!

天啊今晚你那张嘴好像机关枪似地Good Lord, that mouth of yours is a machine gun tonight. 你在干什么What are you doing?

试着算出下周日海豚队Trying to calculate the odds of the Dolphins

让分后赢的几率covering the spread next Sunday.

我喜欢海豚I like dolphins.

他们用脑袋上的洞来说话They talk out of that hole in their head.



你怎么会在这儿What are you doing here?

你愿意和我一起去派对吗Would you like to go to a party with me?

我不想和任何人一起去派对I don't want to go to a party with anyone.

我愿意I would!

拜托了谢尔顿Please, Sheldon.

就在马路对面It's right across the street.

带我进去然后你就可以回来睡觉了Just get me in, and you can go back to bed.

我得先问下我妈妈I have to ask my mom.

不用了她知道派对的事No need. She knows all about the party.

那好吧All right, then.

给我一分钟换身衣服I need a minute to change.

-你为什么穿这个-能让我看起来成熟些- Why are you wearing that? - It makes me look older. 先把话说清楚一把你弄进去Just so we're clear, once you get in,

我就回家了I'm going home.

好呀谢尔顿Hey! Sheldon!

你这是干什么What are you doing?

各位快看啊谢尔顿来了Hey, everybody, check it out! Sheldon's here!

希望孩子们不会被那派对吵醒I hope that doesn't wake up the kids.

要不要我去那边说说他们Should I go over there and say something?

我觉得有这必要I think you should.

我刚只是吹牛I was bluffin'.

别逼我把袜子穿回去Don't make me put my socks back on.

算了Never mind.

晚安Good night.

晚安Good night.

我朝小乔治大吼了我觉得很内疚I feel bad about yelling at Georgie.

他该骂He deserved it.

你应该多吼他几次You should do it more.

我想他是觉得被冷落了I think he's feeling left out

因为你和谢尔顿现在常黏在一起now that you and Sheldon are spending so much time together. 你在逗我吗Are you kiddin' me?

是你一直叫我找到和谢尔顿的共同话题You're always saying to find something in common with Sheldon.

现在我找到了你又说我冷落小乔治了And now that I have, you're telling me I'm ignoring Georgie?

我没那么说I'm not saying that.

我只是提醒你I'm just reminding you

你有两个儿子that you got two sons.

我知道I know.

我还有个女儿也应该多跟她相处I also got a daughter I need to spend more time with.

确实是的You do.

但我不担心她But I wouldn't worry about her.

她就是个小天使She's an angel.

谢尔顿谢尔顿谢尔顿Sheldon! Sheldon! Sheldon!

-放我下来-谢尔顿谢尔顿- Put me down! - Sheldon! Sheldon!

快把我放下来I said put me down.

放我下来我不喜欢这样Put me down! I'm not enjoying this!

米希你在这儿干吗Missy, what are you doing here?!

放纵享乐你又在这儿干吗Cuttin' loose. What are you doing here?

慢点慢点Slowly! Slowly!


你也来了You, too?!

你好小乔治Hello, Georgie!

你不应该来这里You're not supposed to be here.

你也不该来你被禁足了Neither are you! You're grounded!

走吧Come on.

你们俩现在就给我回家Both of you are going home. Now.

-谢天谢地-不要嘛- Oh, thank goodness. - Aw.

青春期对你影响如何How's puberty treating you?

它可让我长大了许多Because it is knocking me for a loop.


我父母居然没发现我去纵情派对了Somehow, my parents didn't find out about me partying heartily.

但蜡烛两头烧But I did pay a price

确实让我付出了代价for burning the candle at both ends.

B+ 展示你的计算过程

我数学考试时犯了错I made a mistake on a math test.

我太累了我在脑子里运算In my exhaustion, I did all the calculations in my head,

结果像动物园里的动物一样忘了写出计算过程and, like a common zoo animal, forgot to show my work.

我刚遇到派对上的一个女生I just saw one of those girls from the party,

她对我做了这个动作像承认了我的存在and she acknowledged my existence by doing this. 人生首次感到如此有存在感I've never felt so alive.

你还好吗Are you okay?

不好No, I'm not.

这又怎么样Yeah, so?

B+ 这是走向终点的开始A B-plus-- that's the beginning of the end.

什么终点The end of what?

我的人生My life.

如果我不做出改变谁知道我会堕落到什么地步If I don't make some changes, who knows how far I'll fall.

说不定我会变成瘾君子或律师I could wind up a drug addict, or a lawyer.

你会不会反应过激了Is it possible you're overreacting?

不从今天起我不再帮橄榄球队了No. Starting today, I'm done helping the football team.

你这样妹子们再也不会这么跟我打招呼了But if you do that, girls will no longer greet me like this.

我会这么跟你打招呼I'll greet you like that.

这不一样It's not the same.

让我自己从这些事中抽身Extricating myself from this situation

并非易事was not going to be easy.

我父亲指望着我我姥姥指望着我My father was counting on me, Meemaw was counting on me,

学校也指望着我the school was counting on me.

深思熟虑后我决定After much thought, I decided to employ

采取最靠得住的战略策略the one strategic maneuver I knew I could count on.

打小报告I tattled.


谢尔顿得了B+ 真是太糟糕了Sheldon got a B-plus! That's terrible for him!

我对你们三个非常失望I'm very disappointed in all three of you.

没错米希这是给你上芭蕾课穿的That is right. Missy, this is for your ballet class.

你们不许去派对玩We do not go to parties.

我非常失望I am very disappointed.

我要去给队伍弄些装备你想一起去吗Got to go pick up some equipment for the team; you want to join me?

去不了我被禁足了Can't. I'm grounded.

是啊不过Yeah, well...

你不说我也不会说出去I won't tell if you won't.

谢尔顿去吗Sheldon going?

那个背信弃义的小崽子当然不去That little snitch? Absolutely not.

谢尔顿还会帮你算数吗Sheldon still gonna help you with the math?

我想不会了I don't think so.

但我听说过他那个亚洲人朋友也会算But I did hear his little Asian friend can do it.


这个周日油工队赔率是让四分Oilers are a four-point favorite for this Sunday's game,

但是是油工队主场所以我想赌主队让分赢盘but it's a home game, so I'm thinking I give the points.

你觉得呢What do you think?

我觉得我又得告发你了I think I have to tell on you again.

有本事就去啊你妈能怎样禁我的足吗Go ahead. What's your mama gonna do, ground me? 买油工队让分赢盘Take the Oilers, give the points.

我爱你小饼饼I love you, Moonpie.

告诉你们油工队输了那场比赛For the record, the Oilers lost that game

对手四次触地得分by four touchdowns.

姥姥再也没问过我意见了Meemaw never asked for my advice again.

来啊来啊我靠Come on, come on, come on. Damn it!


再一次One more time.

妈妈需要台新的摩托艇Mama needs a new Jet Ski!


王八羔子rat bastard!

你好吗康妮How you doin' there, Connie?

你好啊文森特Hey, Vincent.

你怎么到路易斯安那州来了What brings you to Louisiana?

等等别告诉我Wait, don't tell me.

你是来看托尼·奥兰多[演员]的You're here to see Tony Orlando.

不是的'Fraid not.

反正你该去看看他的表演Oh, well, you ought to check him out.

他会让你大吃一惊的[脱掉袜子]He'll, uh, knock your socks off.

我喜欢穿着袜子I like my socks on.

康妮你让我很为难Connie, you're putting me in a very awkward position.

我玩基诺彩票赢了一台面包烤箱I won a toaster oven playing keno.

你想要吗You want it?

我自己有I got one.

我想要我的钱I want my money.

好啊All right.

稍等Hang on.

你的外套很好看That's a very nice jacket.

你穿着看上去很帅You're looking dapper.

这个赌场送我免费住宿Hey, they comp my room here.

你也有这个待遇吗They do that for you?

事实上他们不太欢迎我来Actually, they frown upon my presence here.

我还拿到了自助早餐的优惠券Oh. I also get a coupon for the breakfast buffet.

你应该去问问You should look into that.


耐心点文森索Patience, Vincenzo.

太好了这才像话嘛All right, now we're talking.

你愿意收硬币作为头期款吗Will you take a down payment in quarters?

我有选择吗Do I have a choice?

开捞吧Start scoopin'.

我得去看托尼·奥兰多了I got to go see Tony Orlando.

再给我一个杯子Hey, I need another cup!


?世上没人比我强壮?? Nobody else is stronger than I am ?

? 昨天我移了一座山?? Yesterday I moved a mountain ?

? 我相信我能当你的英雄?? I bet I could be your hero ?

? 我是个了不起的小家伙?? I am a mighty little man ?

? 我是个了不起的小家伙?? I am a mighty little man ?

今天有个特别的小礼物给大家I have a special treat for y'all today.

我的好友兼以前同事My dear friend and former college roommate is here

从休士顿的约翰逊航天中心来这里from the Johnson Space Center in Houston

跟我们大家聊聊我国的太空计划to talk to us about our space program.

是的我知道你们都在想什么And yeah, I know what you're thinking.

这两个人曾是室友These guys were roomies.

怎么会一个就变成了...How does one go on to be a....

太空总署的酷炫科学家a fancy scientist at NASA,

而另一个人在教高一科学and the other's teaching freshman science

而且还是在公立学校里教at a public high school?

怎么了谢尔顿Yeah, Sheldon.

我刚才就在想这个I was thinking that.

谢谢Thank you.

好的让我们用热烈的掌声All right, uh, let's give a warm welcome

欢迎我的好兄弟罗纳尔多·霍奇斯博士to my good buddy, Dr. Ronald Hodges.

孩子们大家好啊很高兴来到这里Hey, kids. Hey. Glad to be here.

回答一下休伯特你的问题And, uh, Hubert, the answer to your question is,

其中一个室友忙着读书one of those roomies was busy studying

而另一个室友忙着泡高中妹while the other was out chasing high school girls.


我澄清一下那些姑娘都满岁了To be clear, they were all over .

这个嘛...Yeah. Well...

来我觉得今天可以聊的比较有趣的东西Now, what I thought would be fun to talk about today

是太空总署除了太空梭之外的计划is what NASA's planning on doing beyond the space shuttle. 比如首个上火星的载人航天任务Things like the first manned mission to Mars.

你说Uh, yeah.

你看了电影《异形》吗Did you see the movie Aliens?

看了I did.

你觉得那电影酷吗Did you think it was cool?

算吧我看得挺开心Sure, I enjoyed it.

我也是Me, too.

打橄榄球的吧Football player, right?

是的先生Yes, sir.

好但首先呢Now, of course, before

在我们出发去探索太阳系之前we can set out to explore the solar system,

有几个小问题我们得先克服we've got a few minor problems to overcome.

比方说首先呢每一次发射Not the least of which is, every time we launch,

都要花掉美国纳税人民it costs the U.S. Taxpayers

上亿美元的税金hundreds of millions of dollars.

别别别啊Oh, no, no, no.

-你说-如果你想省钱- Yes. - If you want to save money,

为什么不把助推火箭降落回收why don't you land the booster rockets

而是随它们降进大海里去呢instead of letting them drop in the ocean?

这主意挺有意思That's a cute idea,

但技术上来说不可能but, uh, it's not technically possible.

为什么不可能Why not?

这很难解释Well, it's hard to explain.

这其中牵扯到很复杂的数学The math is pretty complicated.

说不定我能帮你算算呢Perhaps I could help you with it.

我相信你肯定行Well, I bet you could.

你肯定行啦I'll bet you could.

这样吧这是个太空总署布贴I'll tell you what. Here is a NASA patch.

带回家让你妈妈缝到你书包上吧Why don't you have your mom sew that on your book bag?

有谁想要知道太空人怎么上厕所的Now, who here wants to know how astronauts go to the bathroom?

-我我想知道-好- Me. I do. - Oh, right.

其实呢火箭升空时See, now, during liftoff,

所有的太空人都穿尿布all the astronauts wear diapers.

很多人常会寻思为什么People often wonder why I chose

我选择进理论物理学这一领域to pursue a career in theoretical physics.

我通常都会回答I usually respond by saying

我想要理解宇宙万物运转的核心奥秘I wanted to unravel the inner workings of the universe.

所以或许当柯克舰长在剧里说"勇敢前进[大便]"Yeah, perhaps when Captain Kirk said, "To boldly go,"

或许指的是勇敢拉一泡he meant in one of those, huh?

但其实真实的原因是But the real answer was

我想要证明这个猪头三错了I wanted to prove this nincompoop wrong.

说不定剧里那句是"传送我吧屎[史]考提"Yeah, that's right. Beam me up, Potty!

我今天见了个律师So I saw a lawyer today.


我在安排我的临终遗嘱I'm putting together my last will and testament.

我们会想你的We're gonna miss ya.


没事我屁都不会留给他Don't worry. I ain't leaving him squat.

你要死了吗Are you dyin'?

我们都会死啊亲爱的We're all dyin', honey.

从我们出生的那一刻起From the second we're born,

就在慢慢滑向死亡的深渊it's just a slip and slide into the darkness.

除非你被吸血鬼咬了Unless you get bit by a vampire.

那个还用说吗Well, now that goes without saying.

我不想死我才亲过一个男生而已呢I don't want to die. I've only kissed one boy so far.


别紧张是很久以前的事了Relax. It was a long time ago.

你放心了吗Are you relaxed?

谢利你晚饭一口都还没吃Shelly, you haven't touched your dinner.

你没事吧You feel okay?

没事我只是在想事情Oh, yes. I was just thinking.

想什么呢宝贝About what, baby?

可回收再利用的火箭的最佳高度与宽度比The optimal height-to-width ratio for a reusable rocket.

我刚才也在想这件事呢I was just thinking the exact same thing.


小饼饼我真是爱死你了Oh, Moonpie, I love you so much.

很晚了你不睡在干嘛It's late. What are you doing up?

我正在弄火箭回收降落时的双曲线计算I'm working on the hyperbolic calculations for a rocket return.

需要帮忙吗Need any help?


开玩笑的I'm kiddin'.

关灯上床睡吧Now, turn out the light and go to bed.

-可是... -快去- But... - Now.

爸爸我们买得起电脑吗Dad, can we afford a computer?

我的税务是你在弄的你觉得呢You do my taxes. What do you think?

那没事了Never mind.

晚安Good night.


小饼饼先生有何能为你效劳Mr. Moonpie, how might I help you?

您去世后准备留下多少钱给我How much money are you planning to leave me when you die? 有缘再相会Nice talkin' to you.


要重新修改你的用词吗Want to try that again?

我想要买台电脑I need to buy a computer

好解出纳维-斯托克斯方程so I can solve the Navier-Stokes equation.

那一台电脑多少钱Uh-huh. How much is a computer?

苹果有一台不错的要两千块Apple has a nice one for $,,

但我需要的那种要三百万but the kind I need costs three million.

让我看看我小金库里有多少钱Let me see what I got in the vault.

块钱外加...Nine bucks and, uh...

瞧瞧是墨西哥披索Oh, look at that-- a peso.

还带着体温It's warm.

您好第一国家银行Hello, First National Bank.

我想要跟一位信贷员谈谈I'd like to speak with a loan officer.

是跟我家屋子的二次抵押有关It's regarding a second mortgage on my home.

我的名字叫谢尔顿·李·库珀My name is Sheldon Lee Cooper.

好我可以等Sure, I'll hold.

我讨厌死等待铃声了Oh, I hate hold music.


是的你能帮到我桃乐丝·菲茨帕特里克Yes, you can help me, Dorothy Fitzpatrick.

我有兴趣将房子二次抵押I'm interested in taking out a second mortgage.

我岁为什么这么问I'm nine years old. Why do you ask?

你这是年龄歧视桃乐丝That's called age discrimination, Dorothy,

但我大人不记小人过but I'm willing to let it slide.

你觉得我可爱是好事但我是认真的I'm glad you find me cute, but I'm deadly serious.

我需要资金来买电脑I need funds to buy a computer.

不房子不是在我名下No, the house isn't in my name.

我岁我们已经确认过这件事了I'm nine. We've established this.

但我父母的税都是我在帮忙报的I do prepare the taxes for my parents,

如果我们勒紧裤带and if we tighten our belts,

抵押资产的净值足够我们申请贷款we'll have sufficient equity for the loan.

谢尔顿你在跟谁说话Sheldon, who are you talking to?

桃乐丝·菲茨帕特里克Dorothy Fitzpatrick.

桃乐丝·菲茨帕特里克是谁Who's Dorothy Fitzpatrick?

是你学校新认识的女同学吗Is she a new buddy from school?

她是梅德福第一国家银行的信贷员She's the loan officer at The First National Bank of Medford. 你为什么在跟她说话Why are you talking to her?

妈能等会儿在说吗Mom, can this wait?

我在跟她谈有利条件呢I'm trying to negotiate favorable terms.

还在吗桃乐丝Hello. Dorothy?

你怎么没去上数学课Hey, how come you weren't in math class?

太空总署来的那个人把我当小孩对待That guy from NASA treated me like a child,

我要证明他是错的and I need to prove him wrong.

你就是个小孩啊You are a child.

小心说话啊朋友Tread lightly, my friend.

英格拉姆女士有因为我翘课不高兴吗Was Ms. Ingram upset I wasn't in class?

她其实挺高兴呢Actually, she was happy.

她还手足舞蹈了一会儿She even did a little dance.

你知道谁那里有路由器吗Do you know anybody with a modem?

睿侠电器行应该有怎么了I think Radio Shack has one. Why?

我需要进约翰逊航天中心的I need to access thrust-to-weight ratios

ftp服务器来得到推力重量比数据from the FTP server at the Johnson Space Center.

之后呢Then what?

给太空总署的那人看我的计算啊Then I show that guy from NASA my work

然后嘲笑在我面前俯首称臣的他and laugh as he begs for mercy.

有时候你说话像个邪恶魔王You know, sometimes you sound like a super villain.


等你长大变声后再说会比较有用That'll be more effective after your voice changes.


妈你能带我去睿侠电器行吗Mom, can you take me to Radio Shack?

今天不行Not today, baby.

我得先去买菜然后开始做晚饭I have to go food shopping and get dinner started.

但我有重要的事But it's important.

对不起啦等周末看看吧Sorry. Maybe over the weekend.

但我用不了多少时间啊But it won't take that long.

谢尔顿我说了不行Sheldon, I said no.

-妈-不许再说- But, Mom... - Not another word.


我穷开心不行吗Can't I just be happy?

妈妈拜托了Mom, please!

谢尔顿·李我说了不行Sheldon Lee, I said no.

我还在开心呢I'm still happy.

求你了妈你这样很不公平Please, Mom! You're being unfair!

-还是不行-但我真的很需要推重比数据- No. - But I really need those thrust-to-weight ratios. 你没看到我在做饭吗Do you see I'm cookin'?

那晚饭后带我去嘛Well, take me after dinner.

别再说了今晚我哪里都不会带你去Enough! I'm not takin' you anywhere tonight.

我并不引以为豪I'm not proud of it,

我小时候曾经也...but as a child, I was prone...

偶尔会气到爆炸to the occasional meltdown.

香蕉你个大西瓜Cheese and crackers!

抱歉让你听到这污言秽语I'm sorry you had to hear that.

好啦我终于把他安抚好了All right, I finally got him calmed down.

你怎么做到的How'd you manage that?

很简单给他个拥抱再喂一点感冒糖浆Easy. Gave him a hug and a little cough syrup.


他又不用操作重型机械嗜睡没事的It's not like he's operating heavy machinery.

我们不能让他这么闹下去We can't keep putting up with this behavior.

-我们得禁足他-怎么禁足- We need to ground him. - How?

你跟他说"不许你出去玩了"If you say "No playing outside,"

他会说"谢谢"he says, "Thank you."

我们总得管教他吧Well, we need to do something.

就是闹脾气嘛孩子都会这样It's just a tantrum. It's what kids do.

你以前整天处罚我啊You used to punish me all the time.

那不一样你当年就是欠揍That was different. You were a pain in the ass.

要不一个月不许去睿侠电器行I say no Radio Shack for at least a month.

我看行Sounds fair.

我去跟他说吧I'll go tell him.

要我就会等到明天再说I'd wait and tell him tomorrow.

他现在有点昏沉He's a little loopy right now.

晚安啦Good night.

她用药弄晕了我们儿子She drugged our son.

之后开始了我人生最漫长的一个月Thus began the longest month of my life.

失去了得到推重比数据的能力Without the ability to access the thrust-to-weight ratios,

我周密的羞辱太空总署科学家大计my well-intended effort to humiliate a NASA scientist

受到了严重阻碍ground to a halt.


怎么了Uh... what's going on?

谢尔顿好像不舒服Something's wrong with Sheldon.

怎么啦儿子肚子疼吗What's the matter, baby? Have a tummy ache?

有可能是胃溃疡I think it's an ulcer.

别犯傻了Don't be silly.

-你肯定是吃错什么了-才不是- You must have eaten something. - No.

我的症状符合胃溃疡的病徴My symptoms are consistent with an ulcer.

谢利还记得你以为自己得了麻风病Shelly, remember when you thought you had leprosy,

结果只是有块皮肤有点干吗and it was just a patch of dry skin?

还有你以为自己得了痛风或前列腺肿大And when you thought you had gout? Or an enlarged prostate?

还有疯牛症Or mad cow?

那次是我的最爱That was my favorite.

这次真的不一样Well, this is different.

或许我们该带他去看医生Maybe we should take him to the doctor.

听你老婆的话啊胃溃疡是很严重的Listen to your wife-- ulcers are serious.

我从没在这么小的病人身上看到Well, I've never seen this in someone so young,

但你儿子的确是得了胃溃疡but, uh, your son has an ulcer.

谢谢Thank you.

怎么会这样How could this happen?

有好几个可能因素Uh, there are a number of factors.

他最近有遭受什么特殊的压力吗Has he been under some unusual stress lately?

有她不带我去睿侠电器行Yes. She won't take me to Radio Shack.

去外面等Go wait outside.

我听过一些有趣的研究I've heard some interesting research

说用抗菌剂可以治胃溃疡about treating ulcers with antimicrobials.


你还好意思惊讶我得了胃溃疡And you're surprised I have an ulcer.

我还惊讶我为什么没得呢I'm surprised I don't have one.

睿侠电器行是怎么回事Um, Radio Shack?

他想算出怎么帮忙太空总署回收火箭He's trying to figure out how to help NASA land rockets. 这挺不错的啊Oh. Well, that's a nice thing.

但他是为了报仇才这么做He's just doing it out of spite.


这段期间别让他吃辣的食物Well, keep him off spicy foods for the time being,

我再给你开胃溃疡药的处方签and I'll write you a prescription for Zantac.

他抽烟吗Does he smoke?

当然不抽他才岁'Course not. He's nine.

我在他这年纪就开始抽了I started at his age.

但只有在我喝酒时才抽Uh, but only when I drank.

什么...What the...?

谢尔顿你在干嘛Sheldon! What are you doing?

给我一分钟就好这玩意太慢了I just need a minute. These things are so slow.

这是你的家人吗Is this your family?

感觉人都好棒They're lovely.

-妈妈-怎么了- Mom. - What?

谢尔顿又有毛病了There's something wrong with Sheldon again.

我算出来了I figured it out!

我算出来了I figured it out!

一晚One night.

我就想好好睡一晚I want to sleep one night.

妈你来啦Oh. Hi, Mom.

大家好Hi there.

? 我在路上成功的路上?? I'm on my way, I'm making it... ?

我的研究告一段落With my research complete

胃溃疡也在好转中and my ulcer on the mend,

剩下的就是把我的作品送到太空总署all that was left to do was send my work to NASA

坐等成为美国科学界人见人爱小甜心and wait to become America's scientific sweetheart.

? 我会从大门走入?? And I will walk through the front door ?

? 发达?? Big time... ?

于是我等呀等So I waited...

? 得表现出来?? Make it show, yeah ?

? 发达?? Big time. ?

等呀等...and waited...

? 发达?? Big time. ?

等呀等...and waited...

等呀等...and waited.

? 发达?? Big. ?

谢尔顿又有毛病了Something's wrong with Sheldon again.

又怎么了Now what?

太空总署的那些人一直没给他的成果回信Those people at NASA never responded to his science stuff.

靠我真是受够了Damn it. I've had enough of this.

谢尔顿起来Sheldon, get up.

起来有何意义What's the point?

我们去休士顿We're going to Houston.



你跟我一起去给这些太空猴子You and me are gonna give those space monkeys

好好上一课a little talkin' to.

我时常觉得我父亲I often found my father to be

是个奇怪又令人不解的男人a strange and puzzling man,

但在那一刻我从未如此爱过他but at that moment, I never loved him more.

为什么我不能待在家啊I don't see why I couldn't stay home.

因为我们要来一次快乐家庭出游'Cause we're having a fun family outin'.

好歹让我开车吧Can I at least drive?

你妈是说快乐不是快死She said fun, not tragic.

我们去那个鸵鸟园吧Let's go to the ostrich farm.


我们可以骑着它们遛几圈再宰了吃We can ride 'em, and then we can eat 'em.

我们哪儿都不停We're not stopping anywhere.

直接去休斯顿把你弟弟的事儿整明白We're going to Houston to straighten this thing out for your brother,

然后就回家then we're going home.

谢利你还好吧Shelly, you doing okay?

还好但愿我不会晕车Yes. I just hope I don't get carsick.

想让爸爸停一会儿吗You want Daddy to pull over?

我没事的I'll be okay.

天啊他吐到我鞋子上了我的鞋上Oh, God, it's on my shoes, it's on my shoes!

老天爷啊谁来开个窗For Pete's sake, somebody open a window.

我无意冒犯Yeah, I don't mean to be rude,

不过我们等见你上司已经一小时了but we've been waitin' for an hour to see your boss.

对不起先生I'm sorry, sir,

你们没有预约就来了but you didn't have an appointment.

我们没有预约的原因是每次我打来We didn't have an appointment 'cause every time I called,

你就会让我稍候you put me on hold.

我确信霍奇斯博士会尽快见你们的I'm sure Dr. Hodges'll see you as soon as he can.

-你打算怎么办-我也不知道- So, what do you want to do? - I don't know.

只能耐心等着吧...I guess we just got to be patient and wait...

见鬼去吧Aw, screw it!

抱歉先生你不能就这样...Excuse me, sir, you can't just...

你给我听好了All right, here's the deal.

我的孩子因为你患上了胃溃疡My kid's got a damn ulcer 'cause of you,

所以你要么认真对待他so either you take him seriously,

要么就想想怎么对付我or you're gonna be taking me seriously.

请吩咐先生Yes, sir?

珍妮丝不如请那位小伙子进来吧Janice, why don't you send the little boy in?

快快有请Right away.

他可以见你了He'll see you now.

到你了小饼饼You're up, Moonpie.

在这个阶段And here...

火箭靠近远地点时利用万向节near apogee, we gimbal the engine

驱动发动机施加转矩to exert a torque

执行重力转向机动that executes a pitchover maneuver

将火箭翻转度to flip the rocket by degrees.

你的成果很了不起Well, that's very impressive.

感谢你抽出时间...Thank you very much for taking the time...

我还没讲完I'm not done.

抱歉Uh... sorry.

不用说Needless to say,

我们必须使用比例-积分-微分控制器来尽量减少we use a P.I.D. Controller to minimize the dispersions

着陆点的散布范围to the landing site.

还有别的吗Anything else?

有我想喝水Yes. I'd like a glass of water.

我该吃胃溃疡药了It's time to take my Zantac.

他进去好一会儿了He's been in there quite a while.

只要话题关乎科学Well, if the topic is science,

他就是个小话唠he can be a really Chatty Patty.

无聊死了I'm bored.

我也觉得Me, too.

未来会有人给谢尔顿写本书Someday somebody's gonna write a book about Sheldon.

你们不想看到里面某个章节Don't you want there to be a chapter

写你们俩是多有爱地支持他吗about how loving and supportive you two were?

我无所谓反正我也不会看Doesn't matter. I ain't reading it.

你的成果极具开创性This is groundbreaking work.

谢谢还有呢Thank you. And...?


我以为你会想道歉I thought you might want to apologize.


你想用一个布贴让我闭嘴You tried to shut me up with a patch.

我...我见人就送布贴Well... I-I give those to everyone.

还有你得明白谢尔顿A-And you have to understand, Sheldon,

虽然你的计算在理论上是正确的that while your math is-is theoretically correct,

但是我们没有技术能力来执行它we don't have the technical capability to execute it.

所以我走在时代前头了吗So I'm ahead of my time?

看来是这样Well... it would appear so.

好吧等你们水平赶上来再联系我All right, call me when you catch up.

我们可以走了We can go now.

我时常深思如果那一天我父亲I've often contemplated what might have happened

没有为我挺身而出一切会变成什么样if my father hadn't stuck up for me that day.

我会继续在科学道路上前行Would I have gone on to become

成为世界级的理论物理学家a world-class theoretical physicist,

还是那种平庸的蓝领理论物理学家or just your average Joe Sixpack theoretical physicist?



谢谢你Thank you.

不用谢You're welcome.

我们为你骄傲亲爱的We're real proud of you, honey.

-你们也为我和小乔治骄傲吗-当然了- Are you proud of me and Georgie? - Of course. 当然You bet.

骄傲什么For what?

见好就收吧Don't go pokin' at it.

史上第一次For the first time,

太空探索技术公司研发的"猎鹰"火箭SpaceX has successfully landed its Falcon rocket 成功返回着陆于大西洋上的无人降落台on a drone ship in the Atlantic Ocean.

其公司创始人埃隆·马斯克称这次着陆SpaceX founder Elon Musk called the event 为"太空史上令人难以置信的里程碑"an "Incredible milestone in the history of space."

埃隆CNN记者到了Elon, the CNN reporter's here to talk to you.

等等Hang on.

请他进来Send him in.
