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1. 过去进行时由“主语+was/were + 现在分词”构成如:We were having supper when the phone rang.

2. 过去进行时的否定式由“主语+was/were not +现在分词”构成

如:This time yesterday Jack was not watching TV. He was repairing his bike.

3. 过去进行时的疑问式由“was/were +主语+ 现在分词”构成

如:Were you playing basketball at four yesterday afternoon? 昨天下午四点你们在打篮球吗?


at+点时间+yesterday等过去的时间,from nine to ten last evening, when, while, at that time.


1. 在动词原形后直接加-ing 如:look-looking cook-cooking read-reading

2. 以不发音字母e结尾的动词,去掉e再加-ing 如: write-writing live-living

3. 以重读闭音节结尾且末尾只有一个辅音字母的动词,双写该辅音字母后再加-ing 如:begin-beginning swim-swimming sit-sitting

4. 少数几个以ie结尾的动词,要变ie为y,再加-ing 如:tie-tying die-dying lie-lying


1、表示按计划、安排过去将要发生的事。用于come, go, leave, start, arrive等表示位置转移的动词时,也可以用过去进行时表示过去将要发生的动作。如:He told me that he was going soon. 他告诉我他很快就要走了。


I was walking in the street when someone called me. 我正在街上走时突然有人喊我。

3、与always, constantly(时刻;不断地,时常地)等词连用,表示感情色彩。如:The girl was always changing her mind. 这女孩老

六、when 和while的用法区别

①when是at or during the time that,既指时间点,也可指一段时间;while是during the time that,只指一段时间,因此when引导的时间状语从句中的动词可以是终止性动词,也可以是延续性动词,而while从句中的动词必须是延续性动词。

②when 说明从句的动作和主句的动作可以是同时,也可以是先后发生;while 则强调主句的动作在从句动作的发生的过程中或主从句两个动作同时发生。

③由when引导的时间状语从句,主句用过去进行时,从句应用一般过去时;如果从句和主句的动作同时发生,两句都用过去进行时的时候,多用while引导,如:a. When the teacher came in, we were talking.

当此句改变主从句的位置时,则为:While we were talking, the teacher came in.



1. It was warm, so I ________off my coat (take).

2. John_________ (take) a photograph of me while I __________(not/look).

3. Jane______________________(wait) for me when I __________(arrive).

4. Sue wasn’t hungry, so she ____________ anything. (eat)

5. It was hard work carrying the bags. They _____________very heavy.(be)

6.When I was young, I____________(want) to be a bus driver.

7. My brother came into the bedroom while I __________ (dance). 8. ________he ________ (lie) on the ground at nine yesterday evening?

9. What ________ Jim ________ (write) when the teacher came in? 10. The Reads _________ (not have) lunch when I got to their house.

11. Mike and I ________(play) basketball at that time yesterday afternoon.


1. We were having a PE class at four yesterday afternoon.(改为否定句)We ______ ______ a PE class at four yesterday afternoon.

2. Kate was reviewing her lessons at eight last night.(改为一般疑问句,并做肯、否定回答)

________ Kate _______her lessons at eight last night? ________ , she ________. ________ , she _______ .

3. He ran in the park.(用at this time yesterday改写)He _______ ________in the park at this time yesterday.

4. They were playing computer games at nine last night.(对划线部分提问)________ ________ they _______ at nine last night?

5. I was reading a novel at three yesterday afternoon.(对划线部分提问)________ ________ you _______ at three yesterday afternoon?


1.那时他们不在打排球。They _______ _______ volleyball at that time.
