



( ) 1. Green represents and nature. When you feel weak, you can wear green.

A. sadness

B. purity

C. joy

D. energy

( ) 2. I think Lily should wear more because she worries a lot and often get stressed.

A. yellow

B. white

C. orange

D. green

( ) 3. —Mum, can I have to eat? I’m hungry.

—Sorry, there is in the fridge. You can go downstairs to buy .

A. anything; nothing; something

B. something; none; anything

C. something; nothing; something

D. anything; none; something

( ) 4. I’d rather than .

A. read books; watch TV

B. reading books; watching TV

C. to read books; watch TV

D. read books; to watch TV

( ) 5. Daniel prefers playing computer games .

A. to shop.

B. to shopping

C. than shop

D. than shopping

( ) 6. I think not difficult English every morning.

A. that; keep reading

B. it’s; keep reading

C. that; to keep read

D. it; to keep reading

( ) 7. The students were all tired, but of them stopped a


A. no one; to have

B. all; having

C. none; to have

D. nobody; having

( ) 8. Daniel was a bad mood and didn’t talk to .

A. on; something

B. with; anybody

C. in; anybody

D. in; somebody

( ) 9. There’s with your son’s ears. So don’t worry about him.

A. nothing serious

B. something serious

C. serious nothing

D. anything serious

( ) 10. Most children ice cream fruit.

A. would rather; to

B. prefer; to

C. prefer to; rather than

D. like; better



11. Do you know the relationship between colours and (心情)?

12. Listening to music can make me feel (放松).

13. Do you have any (困难) with your studies these days?

14. I can’t put on this dress. It’s too (紧).

15. The sun gives us not only light but also (热).

16. 屋里有人吗?我可以进来吗?

Is there in the room? May I come in?

17. 他似乎在看什么重要的东西。

He to be reading something important.

18. 我女儿想把她的房间漆成粉红色,因为这是她最喜欢的颜色。

My daughter wants to her room pink because it’s her favourite colour.

19. 我表哥18岁上大学了。

My cousin went to when he was eighteen years old.

20. 看太多的电视会影响你的学习。

Watching TV too much will your studies.



21. I’d rather do my homework by myself than copy other s’ when I was a student.

I my homework by myself to copying other s’when I was a


22. There isn’t anyone in the dining room now.

There in the dining room now.

23. Mrs Brown is so old that she could do nothing.

Mrs Brown is old to do .

24. The comic books have been sold out in the shop. There are no comic books.

The comic books have been sold and there is in the shop.

25. How many kilometers are there from Shenzhen to Guangzhou? Please tell me.

Please tell me how many kilometers from Shenzhen to Guangzhou.



26. Everyone seemed was very tired after such a long journey.

27. He often feels sad because he can’t think of anyone to talk.

28. I prefer wearing sports shoes because they’re comfortable.

29. Yellow can remind people for a warm day.

30. Orange is one of the warm colour. It represents joy.









Colour helps you see things. But man and some monkeys and apes(猿)are the only mammals(哺乳动物)that can see colour. 36 any other mammals, such as the dog, the world 37 a black-white photo. Dogs hunt mainly by listening and smelling.

Like 38 animals, dogs see best when things move. The animals they hunt seem to know this. A rabbit or deer will freeze when they find that they are being hunted. Then the dog 39 see it at all.

Birds can see colour. They need to, because when they fly, they need to find places to land. Colour helps them know 40 the place is and what it is like so that they are able to catch flying things in the air or to 41 something they think safe.

Some birds see things even 42 than man. The birds that eat bugs(虫子)can see them from far away. And even a very young bird can see a house 43 the sky. So good eyes and being able to see colours help birds 44 food and also help them find out 45 there are other animals that are dangerous to them.

( ) 36. A. For B. With C. As D. To

( ) 37. A. seem like B. looks like C. likes D. like

( ) 38. A. other B. the other C. another D. others

( ) 39. A. may not B. should not C. must not D. need not

( ) 40. A. how soon B. how long C. how fast D. how far

( ) 41. A. land B. land on C. land for D. be landed

( ) 42. A. worse B. nearer C. better D. less

( ) 43. A. for B. from C. on D. at

( ) 44. A. to look at B. look at C. find D. found

( ) 45. A. what B. when C. if D. ho




The Red Cross Society of China (RCC) (中国红十字会)has so far received 150 million yuan (18 million US dollars) in donation for tsunami-hit(遭受海啸袭击的)countries, reports from the RCC said on January 14, 2005.

2.66 million US dollars of the money were sent to Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Maldives soon after they were hit by the killer disaster(灾难)late last month. The rest of the money will be sent for rebuiding villages, schools and orphanages (homes for children who lost their parents) in the disaster area, the reports said.

According to the reports, two RCC’s rescue(营救)teams have arrived in Indonesia and Sri Lanka Friday. A third team will go to Thailand early next week.

The RCC will report how much money has been collected and the uses of the money on its Website on time, the reports said.

( ) 46. The countries were hit by .

A. a forest fire

B. a tsunami

C. a big flood

D. a drought disaster

( ) 47. The RCC collected money for , Thailand and Maldives.

A. Indonesia, China

B. Indonesia, Sri Lanka

C. China, Sri Lanka

D. Indonesia, America

( ) 48. The rest of the money will NOT be used to rebuild in the disaster area.

A. villages

B. schools

C. airports

D. orphanages

( ) 49. Which statement is true according to the passage? .

A. The RCC has so far received USD 20.66 million in donation for tsunami-hit countries.

B. Two RCC’s rescue teams have arrived in Thailand.

C. A third team will be sent to Maldives next week.

D. The uses of the money will be reported on its Website on time by the RCC.

( ) 50. The passage is probably from .

A. a newspaper

B. an advertisement

C. an instruction book

D. a storybook


The Internet can show you lots of jobs all over the world. If you want to find a job on the Internet, use the words “job search” or “employment (职业)” to find the websites you need. Type in what you want and where you want to work. In a few seconds, a list of jobs will appear on the screen. You can also type in the name of a company to learn about jobs there. Many websites list full-time and summer jobs.

Job search websites can help you in other ways, too. They show you how to write a good resume(履历)and how to get ready for an interview(面试). They also tell you what to say to an interviewer on the telephone. Some websites give you interview conversations to practice. One website even has a dictionary of interview words. A good employment website can be a big help

in your job search.

Good luck with your job-hunting.

( ) 51. What should you do first if you want to find a job on the Internet?

A. To type in “job search” or “employment” to find the websites.

B. To write a good resume.

C. To get ready for an interview.

D. To get an English dictionary.

( ) 52. Some employment websites tell you how to have a job interview .

A. face to face

B. in an e-mail

C. in a letter

D. on the telephone

( ) 53. From the passage, we know that .

A. you can’t look for a summer job on the Internet

B. Some websites show you how to write a resume

C. if you type in the name of a company, you will get a job there easily.

D. the Internet can only show you a list of jobs of your own country.

( ) 54. The underlined word “job-hunting” means .

A. searching a job

B. giving a job

C. doing a job

D. changing a job

( ) 55. What’s the main idea of the passage?

A. The Internet lists a large number of companies.

B. You can find many websites on the Internet.

C. It’s about how you can use the Internet to find a job.

D. There are different ways for you to look for jobs.



(Tips: grey makes you look thoughtful)


九年级上学期英语周末作业(第7周) 1. We can often see f_____________ jump here and there near the pond in summer. 2. He wrote his a__________________ in the African forests in his diary. 3. The f_______________ in the middle of the road is about 1 meter high. 4. He said that he couldn’t finish the t_______________ alone on time. 5. Paul is a l_______________ boy and he does nothing at home. 6. My cousin likes to read the __________________ (小说) of Charles Dickens very much. 7. About 200 years ago, man began to use ____________________(蒸汽动力). 8. A piece of _____________________(木板) is in the way. Can you help me move it? 9. The two big companies made a _____________________(交易) at the meeting at last. 10. We can’t believe that he has made such great ______________________(进步) recently. 11. It was ______________(careful) of you to leave the door unlock. 12. In the library, we should read in __________________(silent). 13. Cheng Long is a ____________________(celebrate) actor. 14. Goldfish were swimming ________(lazy) in a group just under the surface. 15. They gave the front gate three_____________(coat) of paint. II. 关键短语或词组10题(英汉互译) 1. come along_________________________________ 2. a novel called…_____________________________


九年级英语第七周周末作业(完形填空、阅读理解) 完形填空强化训练(1) David is a middle school student. He had lived in a small __1__ for fifteen years. It was a small place with only five families living there. His father, Mr. Hill, was a rich farmer and later on he __2__ a shop in our town. He bought a house here last month. His __3__ moved to the new house and his son began to study in our class. But he had __4__ friends here. At first he often played by _5__. His neighbor Cathy is a kind girl. She has many friends. She finds the boy never talks with anybody and decides to help him. David __6__ to stay with her and talks to her a lot. Now they're good friends. One afternoon, Cathy told David, “It'll be my sixteenth birthday tomorrow. I'll have a birthday party. Would you like to come?” “__7__. I'm glad to,” the boy said happily. David got home and thought of a __8__ he could give to Cathy. He was sorry that he _9__ to ask the girl what she liked. He couldn't telephone her because he didn't know her __10__. At that moment Mrs. Hill came an d asked, “What's the matter, dear?” “What would you like if it was your sixteenth birthday, Mom?” “Nothing," the woman said, "I just wish I were sixteen.” ( )1. A. town B. city C. village D. country ( )2. A. open B. opens C. opened D. opening ( )3. A. home B. shop C. building D. family ( )4. A. a few B. few C. a little D. little ( )5. A. himself B. him C. his D. he ( )6. A. enjoy B. enjoys C. like D. likes ( )7. A. Well B. No C. Sorry D. Certainly ( )8. A. book B. dress C. present D. pen ( )9. A. forgot B. forget C. remember D. remembered ( )10. A. home B. number C. place D. address 完形填空强化训练(2) Dear grandma, How is it going? I hope that grandpa is 1 now. I was sorry to hear that he had a 2 last week. I hope you are in good health. Things are fine now. I finished my end-of-year exams last week and got my 3 card today. I always get 4 when I see the envelope from school in the mail, but 5 I did OK this time. I had a really hard 6 with science this semester, and I wasn't surprised to find that my worst report was from my science teacher. She said I was lazy, which isn't 7 . It's just that I find science really difficult. 8 disappointing result was in history. My history teacher said I could do better. The good 9 is that my math teacher said I was hard-working. And my Spanish teacher said my listening was good. Well, that's about all the news I have for now. Dad and Mom 10 their love. Love Alan ( )1. A. well B. rich C. busy D. kind


English Weekend Homework – Week 1 完形填空 My parents ran a small restaurant in Seattle. It was open twenty-four hours a day, six days a week. And my first real job, when I was six years old, was 1 the diners’ shoes. My father had done it when he was you ng, so he taught me 2 to do it well, telling me to 3 to shine the shoes again if the customer wasn’t 4 . I was proud of working in the restaurant 5 I was also working for the good of the family. But my father 6 said that I had to meet certain standards(标准) to be part of the team. I 7 to be on time, hard-working, and polite to the 8 . I was 9 paid for the work I did at the restaurant. One day I made the mistake of suggesting to Dad that he 10 give me $10 a week. He said, “OK. How about you p aying me for three meals a day you have here? And for the times you bring in your friends 11 free soft drinks?” He 12 the amount of money I owed him, about $40 a week. I remember returning to Seattle after being 13 in the US Army for about two years. I had just been promoted(升职)to Captain at that time. And full of pride, I walked into my parents’ restaurant, but the 14 thing Dad said was, “How about your 15 up tonight?” I couldn’t 16 my ears! I am an officer in the Army! But 17 didn’t matter. As far as Dad was c oncerned, I was just 18 member of the team. I reached for the mop(拖把).Working for Dad has taught me that the devotion(奉献) to a 19 is above all. It has nothing to do with 20 that team is for a family restaurant or the US Army. 1. A. washing B. shining C. changing D. repairing 2. A. why B. what C. when D. how 3. A. offer B. refuse C. continue D. forget 4. A. interested B. annoyed C. relaxed D. satisfied 5. A. if B. because C. when D. though 6. A. anxiously B. strangely C. clearly D. secretly 7. A. had B. tended C. hated D. pretended 8. A. family B. workers C. customers D. friends 9. A. never B. always C. seldom D. already 10. A. must B. should C. might D. could 11. A. by B. to C. on D. for 12. A. worked out B. decided on C. set aside D. cut down 13. A. absent B. over C. away D. alone 14. A. usual B. last C. next D. first 15. A. washing B. going C. cleaning D. turning 16. A. cover B. follow C. believe D. understand 17. A. they B. I C. he D. it 18. A. no B. either C. any D. another 19. A. team B. family C. leader D. restaurant 20. A. when B. whether C. how D. why 1-5__________ 6-10__________ 11-15__________ 16-20__________


九年级英语第2周周末作业 一、单项选择(50分) ( )1.I’ve five pounds because I ate too much meat. A.put up B.put off C.put away D.put on ( )2.--- are you going to Chiang Mai? ---In two weeks. A.How long B.How soon C.How ofte n D.When ( )3.Chinese people eat mooncakes Mid-autumn nights. A.in B.on C.of D.at ( )4. he Chang’e to come back! A.How, hoped B.What, hoped C.How, wished D.What, wished ( )5.There are two special days in Ameria. One is Father’s Day, is Mother’s Day. A. other B. the other C. another D. the others ( )6.Because he had no money,he drop out of school(辍学). A.could B.might C.had to D.needed ( )7.Halloween is a po pular festival North America and it’s October 31st. A.in, on B.in, in C.on, on D.on, in ( )8.“Trick or treat”means kids will play a trick if you don’t give them a treat. A.on B.to C.of D.with ( )9.Mary used up late, but now she is used up early. A.to get, to get B.to get, to getting C.to getting, to getting D.to getting, to get ( )10.He decides his life and promises a better person. A.to change, to be B.changing, being C.changing, to be D.to change, being ( )11.They a test in two weeks. A.will have B.have C.are having D.had ( )12.We will climb the hill if it tomorrow. A.won’t rain B.didn’t rain C.isn’t rain D.doesn’t rain ( )13.Autumn is coming and the weather is getting A.cooler and cooler B.cool and cool


初三英语国庆作业 一、单项选择 从所给A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 ( ) 1. Green represents and nature. When you feel weak, you can wear green. A. sadness B. purity C. joy D. energy ( ) 2. I think Lily should wear more because she worries a lot and often get stressed. A. yellow B. white C. orange D. green ( ) 3. —Mum, can I have to eat? I’m hungry. —Sorry, there is in the fridge. You can go downstairs to buy . A. anything; nothing; something B. something; none; anything C. something; nothing; something D. anything; none; something ( ) 4. I’d rather than . A. read books; watch TV B. reading books; watching TV C. to read books; watch TV D. read books; to watch TV ( ) 5. Daniel prefers playing computer games . A. to shop. B. to shopping C. than shop D. than shopping ( ) 6. I think not difficult English every morning. A. that; keep reading B. it’s; keep reading C. that; to keep read D. it; to keep reading ( ) 7. The students were all tired, but of them stopped a rest. A. no one; to have B. all; having C. none; to have D. nobody; having ( ) 8. Daniel was a bad mood and didn’t talk to . A. on; something B. with; anybody C. in; anybody D. in; somebody ( ) 9. There’s with your son’s ears. So don’t worry about him. A. nothing serious B. something serious

中学 9年级 英语 第7周 周末作业

紫庄中学 9年级英语第7周周末作业 一、熟读:(朗读短文 25----30)。 朗读时,一定要保证朗读短文的完整性和流利性,同时,注意语音语调、停顿、节奏感。 二、熟读、背诵:(话题简述 16-----20) 背诵时,一定要保证背诵短文的准确性和流利性。 三、根据所给句子的汉语意思,背诵、默写出下列句子: 1、我和父母在香港已经三天了,我们在这儿过的很愉快; 2、在这天的最后,我们观看了一场烟火表演; 3、我在那里拍了许多照片,回来后会给朋友们看。 4、上星期六我们乘地铁去了迪士尼乐园; 5、当迪士尼人物游行在下午晚些时候开始时,我们非常激动;它是一天最 精彩的部分,游行后,我们观看了一部立体电影; 6、我们在乐园里呆了大约8小时,它可真是激动人心的一天。 7、桑迪想为她的朋友贝蒂买一件生日礼物;

8、贝蒂喜欢发夹;桑迪发现了一对漂亮的发夹,它们与贝蒂最喜欢的那件外套相配; 9、最后,桑迪决定买那对发夹和一张激光唱片;总价是28 元。 10、我的学校附近有一个新的购物中心;它于去年建成; 11、在顶楼有很多餐厅,在那里你可以品尝来自不同国家的不同风味的食物;这个购物中心真是个有趣的去处。 12、扎龙自然保护区是世界上最重要的湿地之一;许多鸟生活在那里;湿地 里有许多鱼,所以鸟儿能容易地找到食物。 13、现在,越来越多的鸟儿因为没有足够的生存空间而处于危险当中;它们 中的许多已经死掉了。 14、中国政府想要保护这些濒危鸟类,它们在像扎龙这样的保护区会是安全 的。

15、我们喜欢观鸟;我们每年数两次鸟儿,以研究鸟儿在数量方面的变化; 16、许多人不知道湿地的重要性;我们希望这则信息会有助于他们理解。它 可以使他们采取行动来保护野生动物。 17、我是个中学生,上周我设计了一件上衣,一条短裙和一双靴子; 18、黑色的上衣是用羊毛制成的,长而漂亮;红色的裙子也是用羊毛制成的, 适合在秋天穿;靴子是短筒皮靴,与衣服很相配; 19、上周六,我们班举行了一场时装表演,我们都穿着20世纪不同时代的服 装; 20、海伦看上去色彩鲜艳,她的一身衣服来自20世纪80年代;约翰看起来很休闲,穿着蓝黄相见的运动衣和一双色彩鲜艳的运动鞋;


九年级上学期英语周末作业(第9周) II.词汇。 ( )1. — What did the teacher ask you to do? — To find the correct answers in ten seconds by myself. A. wrong B. clever C. right () 2. —Will you go to the fair with Linda tomorrow? — Yes. I am certain that I will go there with her. A. sure B. free C. sorry ( )3. — Why do you look so worried? —Because I can’t solve the problem.I’m afraid I can’t pass the exam. A. face B. deal with C. set off ( ) 4. —Did you have a good time at Mary’s birthday party? — Yes. I was happy with everythingthat Mary arranged for us. A. was proud of B. was pleased with C. was excited about ( )5. — What were you doing when I called you last night? — I was filling the bath with water. A. making the bath filled of B. cleaning the bath with C. making the bath full of


九年级英语第七周周末家庭作业 一. 单项填空 1. Mr Green asked the children to _____the words in the dictionary. A. look at B. look up C. look for D. look after 2. May I _____ your bike? Certainly, but you can't _____it to other. A. lend, lend B. borrow, lend C. borrow, borrow D. lend, borrow 3. Mr Brown _____in China since 20 years ago. A. worked B. works C. is working D. has worked 4. There______ be many trees here two years ago. A. is B. are C. use to D. used to 5. Neither my brother nor I ____a doctor. A.is .am C.are D.be 6. ____of my parents ____ watching TY. A.Both, likes B.Either, like C.Neither, like D.Neither, likes 7. I really don't know ____ next. Can you tell me ? A.how to do B.what to do C.how will I do it D.what to do it 8. He has lived here ___ 1965. A. since B. for C. in D. from 9. If you are tired, please stop ___ a rest. A. having B. have C. to have D. has 10.She has never come to the farm before, _____ she? A. has B. hasn't C. does D. doesn't 11. It is ____book that I have ____ it twice. A.such an interes ting…seen B.so an interesting…read C.so interesting…looked D.such an interesting…read 12. The doctor was busy ____ on the boy at that time. A.operate B.to operate C.operated D.operating 13. The policeman told the children _____play in the street. A. didn't B. to not C. not to D. don't 14. Mother returned home _____earlier than Father that evening. A. very B. too C. more D. much 15. I won't go to see the film tonight, because I ______ my ticket. A. lost B. have lost C. will lose D. didn't lose 二. 完形填空 Children like to copy(模仿) what they hear. They copy their parents,their friends and even the TV. This teaches them how to speak the language. Copying also does good to

鲁教版九年级英语全册Unit 3周末作业

鲁教版九年级全册Unit3周末作业 一、词汇运用 1.The book is not mine.It must b to Carla. 2.W hair band is this?Is it yours,Mary? 3.Does a know the answer to the question? 4.Working in the big company gives him v experience. 5.My sister is interested in music,so my father often takes her to c . 6.I’m going to (参加) a meeting this Saturday. 7.Will you plan to have a (野餐) with us? 8.The (粉红色的) coat is so beautiful that I’ll take it. 9.My grandparents keep many ducks,chickens and (兔子) on the farm. 10.This kind of robot can help to repair (卡车). 11.Don’t make any n when you go upstairs. 12.It’s really cold o in winter in the north of China. 13.Mary is feeling (担心的)because her mother is ill. 14.Both his father and his uncle are (警察). 15.A (狼)looks like a dog. 16.Look!What’s in the s ?Is it a kite or a big bird? 17.The brave pilot l the plane safely in the end. 18.The coat s me well.It’s neither big nor small. 19.The boy wondered if there were (外星人)living on Mars. 20.Wendy bought her father a (照相机) on Father’s Day. 21.Maria is always full of e because she takes exercise every day.


1. Five ______ got into the restaurant and they were _______ at a table by the window. A. customers; seated B. audience; sat C. customers; seat 2. — Do you think ________ a concert in our school hall this weekend? — Yes, I think so. A. there will have B. there will be C. will there be 3. — Lucy, I hear the new TV tower is fantastic. Could you tell me _______? —Sure! Take No. 8 bus. It’s not far from our school. A. how far it is B. where is it C. how I can get there 4. He wants to _______ by doing sports and eating less meat. A. keep still B. lose weight C. pass out 5. I’m afraid you should follow the doctor’s advice and ________ junk food, or you will become fatter and fatter. A. take care of B. stay away from C. pay attention to 6. —It’s important for us to have _______. — Yeah. With a good diet, we can become healthier and learn better. A. a balanced diet B. a good time C. a great interest 7. — What are you looking for? —I’m looking for the book ______ yo u lent me yesterday. A. what B. who C. / 8. — Have you seen the documentary named A Bite of China? —Yeah! It’s the funniest one _______ Ihave ever seen. A. that B. what C. which D. where 9. — Can you show me the photo ________yesterday?— Sure. Here you are. A. which you took it B. that you took C. that did you take it 10. Allan’s mother asked him to do the dishes but he ________ not to hear her. A. agreed B. pretended C. promised 11. After the heavy rain, the rainbow _____in the sky. A. came back B. came along C. came down 12. — Can you ________ the situation when the super star appears at the airport? — Well, it must be crowded. A. think of B. work out C. hear from 13. It’s time ______ the weather r eport.Turn ________ the radio, please. A. for; on B. to; off C. on; up 14.The blind man walked across the street ______ the help of a boy. A. by B. at C. in D. with 15. We all listened to her advice _______ this matter carefully. A. for B. of C. on 16.Tom ______ some dollars from his pocket and paid for the model plane. A. borrowed B. caught C. drew 17. He ________ killing a person, so he was sent to prison immediately.

九年级英语上学期第21周周末作业 试题

文汇中学2021届九年级英语上学期第21周周末作业 1:同义词 1. I don’t think I can solve this Maths problem in five minutes. A. remember B. consider C. work out 2. — Could you tell me the correct answer to this question? —Sorry, I don’t know the answe r. I think you should ask our teacher for help. A. wrong B. proper C. right 3. We are certain that our class will win the basketball game. A. sure B. excited C. lucky 4. Only Mike didn’t make any mistakes in the exam in my class. A. anything new B. anything wrong C. anything interesting 5. I don’t think Linda is happy with the decision. A. is pleased with B. is worried about C. is proud of 6. Sam’s friends consider him an excellent tennis player in the club. A. introduce him to B. challenge him to C. think of him as. 7. If you don’t obey the rules at school, you will be punished. A. improve B. follow C. break 8. — What are you going to do tonight? — I am going to the cinema with my friends. A. later B. tomorrow C. this evening 9. —Why didn’t Jenny come to the party last night?


九年级英语第三单元周末作业(二) 一、用所给词的适当形式填空 1. We don’t have enough time______(chat) on the internet. 2. Can you tell me how ____________(solve) the problem? 3. Jenny prefers __________(stay) in the library to going shopping on Sundays. 4. Don’s forget____________(close) the windows when you leave. 5. It seems that he spends less time __________(practice) the piano. 6. What will you do if someone _______(laugh) at you? 7. The teacher ________(mark) the papers when we saw her. 8. If you work hard, you’ll______________(success) in the exams. 9. Thank you very much for giving us some______________(value) advice. 10.It’s not _________(wise) to spend hours________(play) football after school or _________(stay) out late. 二.根据中文填写单词. 1. To tell you the _______(事实), I don’t like English at all. 2. He has no __________(勇气) to face the difficulty. 3. Don’t ______(争吵)with your little cousin, Daniel. 4. Can you offer me some _________(建议)on how to learn English well? 5. I don’t have much time to_______________(复习) for tests. 6. Can you please teach me how to _______________(获得)a balance between the two? 7. Thanks for you_____________(有价值的)advice. 8. Did you __________(注意)that Mr. Li was very angry with you? 9.Can you ________(留出,匀出) me a few minutes for my problem, Mr. Smith? 10.Sorry, I have no idea,__________(也) 11.One of the main _______(原因) of stress is homework.. 12.He is busy _______(处理)with these problems. 三、根据中文提示完成句子 1. Don’t ______________(嘲笑)those in trouble, Instead, we should encourage them to keep on trying. 2. I don’t know ____________________________(如何解决这个问题). 3.She is ________________(善于交际)and like to _________________(交朋友). 4.Orange can ____________________( 给你带来成功)when you fell unhappy. 5. Tom often __________________(在考试中得高分). 6. 我认为这部电影值得再看一遍。 I think this film__________________________________________________. 7. 我们的老师不允许我们在课堂上读其他书籍。 Our teacher _____________________________________________________. 8. 他们需要学会在学习和爱好中取得一种平衡。 They need to ____________________________________________________. 9.我在试卷上写的很认真,以便我能获得高分。
