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与现在事实相反be---were/ 动词---过去式would/ should/ might/ could + do

与过去事实相反过去完成式would/ should/ might/ could + have done

与将来事实相反were to/ should + do/

动词---过去式would/ should/ might/ could + do

Eg. 如果我是你,我就不看电视了.

If I were you, I should/would not watch TV.


If I did/had done my homework, I would go/have gone to the party.


If you hadn’t gone to the cinema, you would not have been late for class.


If you had studied harder, you would have passed the exam.

The plants in our garden __________ better if it had not rained so much last year.

A. had grown

B. would have grown

C. were growing

D. would grow


a).条件从句中if 的省略,要倒装

如果条件从句的谓语动词包含有were或助动词、情态动词had, should, could,有时可将连词if省去,而将条件从句的主语置于were, had, should, could之后。这种用法主要用于书面语,如:

a.与现在相反:If I were you (=Were I you) , I would go with him.

b.与过去相反:If I had had time then (=Had I had time then), I would have gone with you.

c.与将来相反:If I were to visit/should visit/visited the Great Wall tomorrow, (=Were I to /Should I visit the Great Wall tomorrow), I would take my son with me.


(误)Weren’t I here now, I would be in the bus.

(正)Were I not here now, I would be in the bus.

b).without 可以代替条件从句


We would not live without water or air.

c) 混合虚拟条件句


If he had followed my advice, he would be quite all right now.(从句述说过去,主句述说现在)

If China had not been liberated, the working people would still be leading a miserable life.(从句表示与过去的事实相反,主句说明与现在的事实相反)

d) 省略主句,只保留if(only)的条件句



were my sister!她是我的妹妹就好了!

e) 用but或but for引导含蓄条件句(but后跟从句,but for后跟短语: 假如没有, 要不是)

But for your help, our experiment wouldn’t have been so successful.


But for the storm, we should have arrived earlier.


We would have invited them to the dance, but they were too busy.


此句可改写为:If they had not been so busy, we would have invited them to the dance.

But that he is in hospital, He would go abroad for his summer vacation.


该句可改写为:If he weren’t in hospital, he would go abroad for his summer vacation.

f) "If only ..."这是一种特殊句式结构

一、"If only..."用于感叹句中,是一个保留条件句,省略了主句的形式。用来表示某人对某事的一种强烈愿望或未实现的条件,其意为"但愿……;真希望……;要是……就好了"。常用于虚拟语气的谓语动词形式。

If only she were my sister! 如果她是我姐姐该多好啊!

(=How fine it would be if she were my sister!)

"If only..."引导的从句谓语动词形式分以下几种:

1. If only后常接一般过去时,表示对现在的一种难以实现的愿望。

如:1)If only I had that book! 我要是有那本书就好了。

=How fine it would be if only I had the book (but I haven't the book).

2)If only I were younger! 要是我年轻点儿就好了!

=How fine it would be if only I were younger! (but I am not younger)

3)If only my mother were here now! 要是我母亲现在在这儿就好了。

(but she isn't here now)

4)How fine it would be if only they could find a way to get to the room!他们要是能够找到一条通道进入那个房间该多好啊!

2. If only后常接过去完成时,表示过去没有实现的愿望。

如:1) If only you had worked with greater care! 你当时干活时要是再认真些就好了!

(but you didn't work with greater care)

2) If only we had arrived in time, we would not have missed the train! 要是我们及时赶到,就不会误车了。(but we didn't arrive in time)

3. If only后常用过去将来时表示将来不大可能实现的愿望。

如:If only she would win!但愿她能赢!
