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第一部分:基础知识(共两节, 满分20分)

做题时, 先将答案标在试卷上。然后将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。

第一节:语法(共10小题;每小题1分, 满分10分)

1. The number of foreign students attending Chinese universities ________ steadily since 1990.

A. has been rising

B. had been rising

C. was rising

D. is rising

2. Mrs. Brown, with ten students of her class, ________ the museum when the earthquake hit.

A. has visited

B. was visiting

C. visited

D. were visiting

3. The exact year ________ Cindy and her family spent together in China was 2008.

A. where

B. when

C. that

D. why

4. It is widely thought that reading is the basic skill on ________ school education depends.

A. that

B. it

C. whose

D. which

5. ________ was the most important to her, she told me, was her family.

A. This

B. It

C. What

D. As

6. It is still under discussion ________ the old bus station should make room for a modern hotel or not.

A. whether

B. that

C. when

D. where

7. We can still communicate with foreigners very well ________ it’s a little bit diff icult for some of us to speak standard English.

A. as if

B. even if

C. so that

D. as long as

8. I’m sorry but you can’t continue with the training ________ you have recovered from the knee injury.

A. once

B. since

C. until

D. if

9. If you grow up in a large family, you are more likely to develop ________ ability to get on well with _________ others.

A. an; the

B. the; /

C. an; /

D. the; the

10. — Would you like tea or coffee?

— ________, thank you. I have just had some water.

A. Either

B. Any

C. Both

D. Neither


11. Read the ________ on the bottle carefully before you take the medicine for relief.

A. directions

B. descriptions

C. explanations

D. instructions

12. The Silk Road connecting East and West was not only important for the transportation of goods but also for

the ________ of ideas.

A. expression

B. exchange

C. translation

D. review

13. We shouldn’t forget the important role volunteers ________ in raising money for the homeless children.

A. take

B. play

C. have

D. get

14. Though I have ________ David of his promise a hundred times, he seems unwilling to keep it, which

makes me very angry.

A. reminded

B. relieved

C. warned

D. freed

15. They had ________ the office building, which then left an open space to build a street garden.

A. turned down

B. cut down

C. pulled down

D. poured down

16. Do you think his suggestion that you should ________ the army is well ________ following?

A. join; worth

B. join; worthy

C. join in; worthy

D. join in; worth 17. It is ________ that you let your boy go to college but have the girl do farming at home.

A. unhealthy

B. unfriendly

C. unfair

D. unfamiliar

18. No ________ measures have been taken to prevent the flu from spreading, so you can never expect the

situation to return to normal.

A. unexpected

B. relaxing

C. creative

D. effective

19. Tom ________ downloaded a virus into his computer; as a result, he can’t open the video now.

A. gradually

B. accidentally

C. unbelievably

D. completely

20. ________, the pay isn’t attractive enough, though the job itsel f is quite interesting.

A. Generally speaking

B. In total

C. To be honest

D. After all

第二部分:阅读理解(共两节, 满分40分)

第一节:(共15小题; 每小题2分, 满分30分)

阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的四个选项(A 、B 、C 和D )中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。


There were many great artists during the Renaissance (文艺复兴). Perhaps the most famous are Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo. Other artists, however, also had great influence both during Renaissance times and later.

Giotto di Bondone (1267- 1337)

Giotto is the first painter to be regarded as a Renaissance artist. He was hired to paint a Fresco in a family chapel (教堂) in Padua, Italy, known as the Arena Chapel. Fresco is a painting made on a wall while the plaster (灰泥) is still wet. Many consider Giotto to be the father of the modern period of art.

Jan van Eyck (1390-1441)

Jan van Eyck’s early influences came from his brother Hubert. In fact, Jan would s ometimes finish his brother’s works. The Ghent Altarpiece is an example of Jan finishing what Hubert started. Jan van Eyck perfected the techniques of oil painting. He is often known as “the father of oil painting” because of all the new techniques and advances he made in oil painting.

Masaccio (1401-1428)

Masaccio was a famous painter of the Italian Renaissance. He lived a very short life and only a few of his paintings exist, but they were so different from the style of other artists around him that they helped other painters to see things in a new way. Masaccio is often called “the father of Renaissance painting”. He introduced the painting of the lifelike figures (人物) that had not been done before in the Middle Ages.

Raphael Sanzio (1483-1520)

Raphael’s paintings were known for their perfection. He was first taught art by his father. He also learned early techniques from Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci. Rapheal’s influence on art has been great. He changed the way people looked at art, since he painted real life and emotions. He was one of the most detailed portraitists (肖像画家) ever, and is considered as the genius of the High Renaissance.

21. Who is regarded as the father of the modern period of art?

A. Masaccio.

B. Jan van Eyck.

C. Raphael Sanzio.

D. Giotto di Bondone.

22. Why was Masaccio important to the Renaissance art in the Middle Ages?

A. He perfected the skills of oil painting.

B. He was the first one to paint lifelike figures.

C. He was the fist one to paint on a wet plaster wall.

D. He finished The Ghent Altarpiece started by Hubert.

23. What do we know about Raphael Sanzio from the text?

A. He died at the age of 27.

B. He only had a few paintings.

C. His father was his first art teacher.

D. He was the most famous portraitist.
