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二、邀请客户 (Making an Invitation)
Conversation 2 A:Mr. Black? I'm from the Pacific Mechanical Company. A:您是布莱克先生吧?我是太平洋机械公司来的。 B:Oh, yes. Step inside,will you? I'll give you an idea of what business I want to take up with you. Take a seat. We can go into details later. B:噢,是的。请进来好吗?我将告诉你一个可以和贵公 司成交的 生意的构想。请坐,让我们仔细地谈谈。 A:Thank you. A:谢谢。 B:Our speciality back in South Africa is wholesale supplying of screws, bolts, nuts, pins, studs, and that kind of things. B:我们在南非,是专门批发的,供应的项目有螺钉、螺栓、 螺母、 销钉、键、饰针等,诸如此类的东西。 A:For wood or for metal? A:是木制的还是金属制的?
一、迎接客户 (Receiving the Customers)
B:That's very kind of you, but I can do without a rest. I have long wanted to have a talk with you about the possibility of business between us. B:你太好了。但是我不休息也可以。我一直想和你们谈 我们之间 商业往来的可能性。 A: We welcome good business. Anyhow, we know you must get tired by the flight, so we arrange a meeting tomorrow. Today you can have a good rest. A:我们欢迎有意义的业务往来。但是,我们知道你旅途 一定很劳 累,所以我们把会议安排到了明天。今天你 可以好好休息一下。 B:Thank you very much. B:非常感谢。 A:We hope your stay here a pleasant one! A:我们希望你在这里过得愉快。 B:l believe I will. B:我相信我会的。
一、迎接客户 (Receiving the Customers)
Conversation 2 A:Good morning,Mr. Smith. Welcome to Wuhan. A:早上好!史密斯先生,欢迎来到武汉。 B:Good morning! B:早上好! A:MLeabharlann Baidu. Smith,did you have a good journey? A:史密斯先生,旅途愉快吗? B:l just feel a little tired. You know, It took me 16 hours to get here. B:只是有点儿累,你知道到这儿需要16个小时。 A:You must take a rest today. A:你今天得好好休息。
三、自我介绍(Making an Introduction)
B: Could you make it a little clearer? B:为什么? C:We have a lot of business to do with your bank. And there is a Chinese saying: “ It's easier to do anything with an acquaintance.” C:我们同贵行有很多业务往来。中国有句俗话叫做“熟人好办事。” B:Oh, really. And I'm sure you’ll be of great help to me in the future. B:噢,那倒不假。相信今后你对我会有很大帮助的。
C:I'd be glad to do whatever I can for you.
三、自我介绍(Making an Introduction)
Conversation 2 A : Good afternoon! A:下午好! B:Hi,how are you doing? B:嗨,你好吗? A:Fine, thanks. I am Wang Lin. A:很好,谢谢。我是王林。 B:Glad to meet you, Wang Lin. I am Mary.
一、迎接客户 (Receiving the Customers)
Conversation 1 A:Excuse me, but are you Mr. Smith from Britain? A:对不起,您是从英国来的史密斯先生吗? B:Yes, I am. B:是的,我是。 A:I'm from Textile Import and Export Corporation. I've come to meet you. My name is Zhang Yong. A:我是纺织品进出口公司的,我是来接您的,我叫张勇。 B:How do you do, Mr. Zhang? I'm glad to meet you. B:你好,张先生,很高兴见到你。 A:How do you do, Mr. Smith? Let me help you with your luggage. A:你好,史密斯先生,让我帮你拿行李吧。 B:Thank you very much. B:非常感谢。
三、自我介绍(Making an Introduction)
Conversation 1 A:Miss Yang,have you met Mr. Longman? A:杨小姐,你认识朗曼先生吗? B:No, I haven't B:不认识。 A: Then let me make an introduction. This is Miss Yang. She works at the Bank of China. And this is Mr. Longman. He works In the Pacific Insurance Company. A:那我来作个介绍。这是杨小姐,在中国银行工作。这 是朗曼先 生,在太平洋保险公司工作。 B:I'm glad to meet you. B:很高兴认识你。 C:lt's nice to meet you. Only if I could have met you earlier! C:很高兴认识你。真是相见恨晚呀!
二、邀请客户 (Making an Invitation)
B:For both. Now, do you make machines for producing such things? B:两种都有。你们有没有生产这类东西的机器? A : Yes, we have a showroom not far away from here,Mr. Black. Are you free now? A:有,我们在离此不远的地方有个展示间,布菜克先生,您现在 有空吗? B:Yes,quite free until noon. B:有空,中午以前都有空。 A:Fine. Then,shall we go right away? I have a car outside. A:那好,我们马上去,好吗?我的车子在外面。 B :Have you? That's splendid. Just let me get my things together. I won't keep you long. B:是吗?那太好了。请让我整理一下东西。不会让你等 太久的。 A:Take your time,sir. I can wait. A:先生,请慢慢来,我可以等的。
A:Is this your first time in Beijing? A:这是你第一次到北京吗?
三、自我介绍(Making an Introduction)
Conversation 2 B: Yes. My company has an office here, and I have just been transferred. B:是的。我们公司在这里有个办事处,我是刚刚才调过 来的。 A : Here is my phone number. If you need anyone to show you around ,call me. A:这是我的电话号码。如果你需要有人带你四处逛逛, 可以打电 话给我。
四、送别客户(Seeing a Customer off)
C:Thank you very much, Mr. Washington. You are playing a very important part in the cooperation. We hope we can hear from you soon. C:非常感谢,华盛顿先生。你在这次活动中起着非常重 要的作用。 我们期待着早日听到你们的回音。 A : Here is the receipt of the airport fee. A:这是机场费收据。 B:Miss Li, my dear friend. Thank you very much for all your help. You are really very helpful and thoughtful. I believe Mr. Liu is very lucky to have your assistance. B:李小姐,我亲爱的朋友。对于你给予的所有帮助我表 示非常感谢。 你对我的帮助非常大,想得非常周到。 我想李先生有你做助手非常 幸运。
二、邀请客户 (Making an Invitation)
Conversation 1 A:Hi,Mr. Wang. Do you feel like going boating with me? A:王先生,你好,你愿意跟我去划船吗? B : Sounds interesting, I haven't gone boating for some time now. and what time? B:好极了!我已有好长一段时间没有去划船了。什么时 候去? A:How about tomorrow afternoon? A:明天下午如何? B:Sure. Where shall I meet you? B:好的。我们在哪里见面? A:At the gate of the park. A:公园门口。 B:Great. I look forward to meeting you. B:太好了。期待着见你。 A:See you then. A:到时见。 B:See you. B:再见。
B : Great. I would like that.
四、送别客户(Seeing a Customer off)
Conversation 1
A:Now,lt's 8:30. We arrive just on time. A:现在是8点30分,我们正好按时到达。 B:OK. I think I have to buy the departure tax. B:噢,我想我得去买机场费。 A:Let me do it for you. A:我去吧! B:Thank you very much. Mr. Liu,I have to say good-bye now. But before that,I'd like to say it has been a very pleasant and productive trip for me. Your company has left me a very good impression, and I am deeply moved by your hospitality. I think our cooperation will be a very successful one. B:非常感谢。刘先生,我得说再见了。在此之前我想说: 这次旅行 非常愉快,并有成效;你们公司给我留下了很 好的印象,我深深地被 你们的热情所感动,我想我们的 合作将会很成功的。