


Hi, this is Lisa. I am going to have a busy weekend. On Saturday, I’m going to do my homework. then, I’m going to buy a book about Harry Potter. It’s my favourite book. I have a lot of posters of Harry Potter. After lunch, I’m going to visit my grandparents and play with my cousins, Denis and and Alice. they are active. Dennis likes singing very much. Alice likes drawing pictures. We often play hide-and-seek together. In the evening, I’ll help my mom clean the house. I like help my mom with the housework. My mom always says I am a good girl. After that, I am going to read the book about Harry Potter. That will be fun.

On Sunday, I am going to the stamp show in Qinghui Gardens.

I like collecting stamps. I have got 150 stamps. In the evening, I am going to back school. What about you? What are you going to do on the weekend? Can you tell me, please?


英语小短文50字简单的 [简单好背的英语短文3篇]

英语小短文50字简单的[简单好背的英语短文3篇] 各位读友大家好,此文档由网络收集而来,欢迎您下载,谢谢 随着全球一体化的发展,我国急需高水平的外语人才。英语作为一门国际性语言,其地位的重要性不容忽视。小编精心收集了简单好背的英语短文,供大家欣赏学习!简单好背的英语短文篇1 With time goes by, it becomes a bit hard for me to remember everything about myself atthe first day of my college life. However, there was one thing for sure that Idid feel quite excited and curious about my university. There is no doubt thatstudents like me have struggled for a long time so that can be permitted toenter the university.

随着时间的流逝,记得在我的第一天大学生活对我来说变得有点困难了。然而,有一点是肯定的,我对大学真的感到很兴奋很好奇。毫无疑问,很多像我这样努力了很长时间才可以进入大学的学生。 Bringingwith expectation, I got into Zhejiang Gongshang University. Generally speaking,it’s an interesting and fantastic place for us to study and live in. Every daya series of outgoing people get into my eyesight. Curious and out of politeness, I’dtalk to them heart to heart. Here I make friends with my new classmates from everywherearound China. What’s more, time and weather permitting, I will enjoy jogging orplaying basketball with my classmates on the playground, tired but happy. Whenstaying in dormitory, I choose to read news online and sometimes watch a film forrelaxing. However, a good student can never leave his study behind.


how to get good grades in college A few days ago, I did an interview on how to get good grades in college with some of my classmates. Among them, my first interview was a sunny boy named Wen Bing. He said," if you want to get good grades, you have to learn to manage your own time, only in this way can you study more effectively." Moreover, he also mentioned that we must go to the library more, because the atmosphere there is better for study. Then, other interview was a beautiful girl called Xiao Ling. She is more concerned about that listening to the teacher carefully in class. Thinking the content of the university class more than before, we cannot miss any information. Quite agreeing with them, I think these are the basis of getting good grades in college. And I want to add that no matter how to study, we should make a summary carefully in order to review better.

愉快的周末 作文500字

愉快的周末作文500字 【第1篇】 今天我起得很早,因为我又迎来了一个愉快的周末。 上午,我把语文课本全部复习了一遍,又抽空看了舞蹈碟子。吃过午饭,我又看了一会儿课外书,然后高高兴兴地去上舞蹈班了。 当我们两点半开始上课时,我们的基训课老师继续教我们跳骑马舞。老师告诉我们:“这个《江南Style》的舞蹈已经被钢铁公司的春晚选中,将作为开场舞要选演员。从六——十级的学员里面选,谁跳得好就选谁,名额有限,大家可要努力呀!” 听了老师的话,我们都非常兴奋。跟着音乐很卖力的跳了起来。可是,这次老师又加上了手的动作,比以前难了好多。虽然更好看了,但也更难学了。最终,我们班只有我和马一文学会了。老师交代让我们回家多多练习,下周就要选拔了。我心里咚咚咚地跳,能选上我吗?我可要加紧练习呀!

一个小时的基训课很快就结束了,休息了十分钟后,我们的舞蹈课开始了。 冉老师教我们跳l了一个歌伴舞。动作简单有趣,就像一只只可爱的小鸭子在游来游去。跟着欢快的音乐,我们很快就学会了。冉老师直夸我们学得快。我们听了跳得更起劲儿了。我想象着穿上漂亮的演出服,再化好妆,跳着一定更好看。 三个小时的舞蹈课很快就结束了,我们还恋恋不舍的在哪里跳来跳去。冉老师说不用着急,这个歌伴舞已经选中我们班了,等你们期末考试结束,我们再练习。如果有不想跳的给老师打电话。结果,我们班全都想跳。我都已经迫不及待了,真希望能早点儿等上大舞台呢! 有了舞蹈,我的周末生活变得更加丰富多彩。这就是我的周末,一个愉快的周末。 【第2篇】 今天,我们学校组织了一场课外活动。目的地:浮龙湖董家草莓园。

我们一路上欢声笑语,有的同学唱着歌,有的同学在一起聊天;有的同学则欣赏着这窗外的美景。我坐在位子上透过窗户我远远地看见了三个大棚,前面就是我们的目的地——草莓园了。 我们下了车。老师让我们分成两队,一队在外面骑自行车,种红薯,另一队则是进入大棚摘草莓。我们队是先去摘草莓。我们进入了大棚,这到处都是草莓,我和王英浩一起结伴而行。我们俩准备分工合作。我负责摘草莓用的框子,王英浩负责摘草莓。就这样,我们一边走一边吃,不一会儿,就把两个小筐给摘满了。我们摘完以后,又去种红薯,老师先给我们讲解怎么样种红薯,讲完之后,我们便一个人拿了一个红薯,到为我们准备的地里去种红薯去啦。 我和王英浩一起选了一个地方。我们还是分工合作,我负责挖土,他负责把土给平上。就这样,我们把红薯种好了。 接下来,我们要进行一场拔河比赛。一听到拔河比赛,我们男生一个必一个高兴,因为拔河比赛是我们男生的强项。拔河比赛是两个队比拼,三局两胜。我班的人虽然少,但力气很大,特别是我,我一


竭诚为您提供优质的服务,优质的文档,谢谢阅读/双击去除 【三年级英语作文我的寒假】三年级英 语作文50字 时光飞逝,转眼间,又一个学期过去了。你想知道三年级我的寒假作文怎么写吗?下面是小编给大家整理的三年级英语作文我的寒假,供你参考! 三年级英语作文我的寒假篇1 TheNewyear,throughthefootstepscomingtowardsus.happy winterholidaywillbegininaminute,thenhowcanIletthisw interholiday,fullandmeaningful?Istruggledtothinkone day,finally,howtospendthewintervacation.Thinkitover.

seesomebooks,dosomereadingnotes;Appropriatetodosome wintervacationhomeworkeveryday;Lookatthenews,knowab outthestateaffairsandsocialnews.exerciseeveryday,ex ercisetheirbodies;gotothelibrary,theplacesuchasscie nceandtechnologymuseum,xinhuabookstore,getsomelearn ingopportunities,broadentheirfieldofvision;Dosometh ingcanhelpmomanddad...... readingabook.Inordertoletoneselfseesomegoodbooks,Ie arlycametothebookstore.Thevarietyofbooksinthebookst oreIchosesomebooksIlike,putthebookcaseofhome.soitis notafraidofnobookstoread.Irantothestationerystoreto buyathick,beautifulnotebook,inwintervacation,Ihavet owriteit. movement.sportisasourceofhealth,canstrengthenourhea rtandlungfunction;canhelpustopreventosteoporosis;ca


高中英语作文范文100词左右带翻译 很多高中生都写不好高中英语作文,这可能是因为平时积累素材和范文 不够多。下面小编整理了一些高中英语作文范文,供大家参考! 1 高中英语作文范文 Hello,everyone.MynameisKelly.Iamfriendlyandhonest.IamgoodatEnglishandmaths. Ilikesurfingtheinternet,playingcomputergames,watchingTVandtraveling.Ialsolikepl ayingtable tennisandIamgoodatit,too.Ioftenplaytable tenniswithmyfriendsonweekends.AndIwanttobeafamoustable tennisplayerwhenIgrowup.WhatIlikemostistoseetheseagullsflyingfreelyintheskysoI oftengototheseainsummer.MyfavouritecolouriswhitebecauseIthinkwhiteissymbolize purity. 大家好,我的名字叫KELLY.我很友好、诚实.我擅长英语和数学.我爱上网、 玩电脑网络游戏、看电视和旅游.我也喜欢打乒乓球.我经常和朋友们在周末打 乒乓球,长大了我想当一个乒乓球运动员.最喜欢在海边看着海鸥自由自在的飞 翔,因此在夏天我经常去海边.白色是我的最爱.因为我觉得白色是纯洁的象征. Ithinksmilingisasimportantassunshine.Smilingislikesunshinebecauseitcanmakepeop lehappyandhaveagoodday.Ifyouaren’thappy,youcansmile,andthenyouwillfeelhapp y.Someonemaysay,“ButIdon’tfeelhappy.”ThenIwouldsay,“Pleasesmileasyoudow


描写快乐的周末精选作文 晴朗的天气,阳光的心情,让这个周末特别快乐,以下是描写描写快乐的周末精选作文,欢迎阅读! 描写快乐的周末精选作文(一)这是我最开心的周末,因为爸爸带我去了建湖海洋水上乐园,真的是开心的一天啊。 来到了建湖水上乐园的大门前爸爸去买了两张票,我们排着队,到我们了,我把票交给了检票的阿姨。我们来到了里面一看:到处一片蓝,蓝色的水,蓝色的瓦蓬,蓝色的地,蓝色的桥……真是美极了! 爸爸说,你先去换游泳衣再出来玩,我们换上了游泳衣,先去了儿童水寨玩,我爬上了六米高的滑滑梯,看看下面悬悬的,我的心里有点发毛,但看看身边的小朋友都在当机立断地往下滑,我眼一闭,手用力一推梯子栏杆,只觉得耳边风声呼呼,越滑越快,整个人仿佛飞起来一样,是那样的爽! 接着我们来到了还浪区,我正在往深处游,突然,一群还浪向我涌来,把我淹到了水里,我还以为我会淹死,结果游泳圈把我浮起来了。到了中午,爸爸带我去肯德基吃了一顿美味大餐,晚上我们才依依不舍的回家了。 开心的周末一下子就过去了,假如我的每一天都能像周末这么快乐就好了! 描写快乐的周末精选作文(二)使我快乐的周末很多,但我觉的最快乐的周末是这个周末。

那天我和爸爸一起下棋,爸爸说:“你选吧!我每样棋都能赢过你的。”我暗暗的想起了一件事,就是爸爸不会下五子棋,所以我就选了五子棋,爸爸看见我拿了五子棋他就想:形式有变啊!我这一次肯定输了。 还没开始我就诡异的笑着对爸爸说:“来,我们父子两大战三百回合,不累不归。” 刚开始爸爸就被我杀了个片甲不留。他输了,我赢了。第二回合开始了,我还差一步就赢了,幸亏他的眼睛快。让我那步棋泡汤了。最后不管爸爸怎样奋力抵抗还是输了。 是不是这个五子棋大战很精彩啊!我这个周末过的可真愉快。 描写快乐的周末精选作文(三)今天,秋高气爽,蓝蓝的天空上飘逸着朵朵白云。这真是个格外晴朗的天气啊。我和妈妈又来到了这个美丽的地方。公路上没有一张纸屑,是多么的干净啊。路旁的花坛里的菊花正在争奇斗艳地开着。一阵微风吹过,许多树叶像蝴蝶一样翩翩起舞的飘落下来。往日的茂密的风景已经看不到了。但是远远的看到公园里还是热闹非凡。 我们来到了公园的广场。在广场上,有的老人在下棋,有的孩子在追逐,还有的在打羽毛球。喧闹声,嬉戏声就像一首首动人的歌曲美好极了。 瞧!公园的一角处的沙滩上有许许多多的小朋友在玩。我禁不住拉妈妈的手赶快的跑了过去。我也拿着买好的工具加入了他们的队伍。凭仗着我丰富的想象力,粗拙潮湿的沙子被我一会儿拍打成水渠,一


小学英语日记50字带翻译10篇 篇一 1. Mingming came to my house today. We spent some time playing computer games. We played basketball game online. I chose NBA and Mingming had to take CBA. Of course, I won finally. We had a good time. 2. I went to visit one of our teachers with some of my classmates this morning. Miss Jones is our English teacher and she likes all the classmates. She tried so hard to help us to improve our English. We went to her flat and had lunch there with her. We had a good time. 3. I went to see a film in the cinema this evening. It was called Kong Fu Panda. I love this film. It is funny but I also learned something from the film. We should not give up things easily. We should have a good plan and make up our mind to make our dream come true. 4. Xiaomei and I went out this morning. We went to the city centre. We went window shopping, and then we had lunch at the restaurant. We didn’t buy anything

高中英语作文范文10篇 英语作文100词左右带翻译

高中英语作文范文10 篇英语作文100 词左右带翻译 高考英语满分作文无论是从行文布局,还是文中的词汇和句型上都是比 较让阅卷老师满意的标准,学生们在写作时可以参考模仿。 1 高中英语作文范文带翻译一、 As a major channel of consumption information, the rating is an efficient source of information for shopping in our own consumption. Interestingly, the same rating may have different influences on different consumers. I tend to consult consumption ratings whatever I purchase. Firstly, the higher rating means the higher quality of the product, or better service. Based on the ratings, I bought my beloved backpack, saw interesting films and tasted delicious foods. Secondly, ratings can save time to make decisions in shopping. For example, there are huge amounts of reference books which I am often confused to choose from. In that case, it is both convenient and economical to buy books according to the ratings. There is no doubt that it is unwise to depend completely on the ratings in consumption. The advantages and disadvantages of ratings are often closely related. It is necessary to hold an objective attitude towards ratings. 作为消费信息的主要渠道,评级是我们消费中购物的有效信息来源。有趣 的是,同样的评级可能对不同的消费者产生不同的影响。


快乐的星期天作文范文4篇 本文是关于星期天的话题作文文章,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 快乐的星期天作文(一):等着,等着……快乐的星期天最之后到了,我十分高兴。早上七点,全家人迅速的起床,吃过早饭。我们在北站乘上一辆中巴车,到达会宫。奶奶见到我们,喜出望外,连忙把茶叶蛋塞到我手上,叫我趁热吃,然后,我们带上必要的用品上山去扫墓祭祖。在陡峭的山路上,左一脚,右一脚,跨过树桩、荆棘往上爬,我费了九牛二虎之力,最后爬上了第一座山。过了一会儿,我们又爬上了第二座山,在爷爷墓前,我高兴地说:“爷爷,我们来看你了。”之后,爸爸又带我扫墓、祭祀。第三座山更高,下面会宫街及四周田野的美景都展此刻我的脚下。在回家的路上,妈妈问我:“爬山累不累。”我说:“看到山上、山下的美景,累一点算不了什么。” 傍晚,我们又出去放风筝。等风一来,我拉着风筝在操场上快跑,风筝越飞越高,在天空中飘荡,旁边的人都看呆了。 这个星期天过得真快乐呀! 快乐的星期天作文(二):好久没有这天这样的好天气了,天气格外晴朗,上午写完了作业,妈妈答应下午带我到北海公园玩。 虽然公园就在我们家的后面,离的很近很近,穿过一条马路就到了,但是除了晚上在公园门口的鹅卵石上散步,我已经好久没到里面

去了。下午睡起觉来,我和妈妈拿着相机,拿着吃的东西就到公园去了,我们选取了景色比较好的地方互相拍照,还有好多人在河边钓鱼,还看到了水上跑步球,我以前做过了,觉得不好玩了,所以就没再去玩,我们顺着小桥走到儿童乐园,我在那里滑滑梯,就在滑下的一瞬间妈妈给我拍了照,呵呵,妈妈的动作还真快,我们顺着小河边走,看到划船的,我问妈妈是否能上去坐坐,不划也行,妈妈笑了说:“我们去划船吧”,我太高兴了,我们选取了脚踏船,我们在小船上一边唱着歌,一边用脚瞪着,我还拿着泡泡枪吹出了好多泡泡在河面上,真好看,过了30分钟,时间到了,我们慢慢的回到了岸。 我感觉这天是我最快乐的星期天! 快乐的星期天作文(三):星期天的早晨,我和爸爸妈妈吃过早餐,准备好锅、泥鳅、铲子、黄瓜等,兴致勃勃地与夏伯父、夏仪凤、刘叔叔、刘尔勤一齐去郊外野炊。 我们选取的时点是湘江江畔。一路上古木参天,可爱的小鸟在蔚蓝的天空上飞翔着,飞累了,就停在树上歇息一会儿…… 一到目的地,我们便忙开了。我、刘叔叔、刘乐勤拾柴;爸爸、夏伯父铺纸、备碗……妈妈煮饭做菜;凤凰(夏仪凤)在江边捉虾。 我们几个小鬼完成了任务就坐在江边欣赏美景。湘江江水清澈,江里的小鱼小虾自由自在地游来游去。湘江周围有许多奇形怪状、颜色奇异的石头,如凤纹石、花岗岩、梅花石……虽然江畔大多数是石头,但也长出了一些美丽的小花。矮小的伸枝…… 中午到了,烈日当空。开始做饭了,由于妈妈情绪太好了,还把


小学生简单新年英语作文100字带翻译篇5 the familiar breath that flows through the bones, brings out the old enthusiasm in the snow and snow: there is always a red warm current in the long history of yuanyuan. there is always an auspicious trace in the indelible mark; old yellow there is always a happy in the annals of history, are you chinese heart mark, a noble faith on kyushu, the enthusiasm of the chinese people has created you, prolonged on the earth is no longer the history of the ancient wind, but you always stay in the people's beliefs, of the essence of the chinese lunar new year. 那股熟悉的气息流过骨头,带出了雪地里的旧热情:在源远流长的渊源中,总有一股红色的暖流。在不可磨灭的印记中总有吉祥的痕迹;在历史的史册中总有老黄的快乐,是你中国人的心迹,是九州人的崇高信仰,是中国人的热情造就了你,久远的尘世不再是历史的古风,而是你永远留在人民的信仰中,中国农历新年的精髓。 the chinese spring festival has always been a kind of folk custom, but unconsciously, the spring festival has taken root in our hearts, becoming a common belief among all chinese. the history of 2080 years is telling us that the spring festival is an invaluable treasure we


高中英语作文100词左右范文 英语作文是对学生综合能力考核最彻底的一类题型。下面,小编为 你整理了高中英语作文100词范文,希望对你有帮助! 高中英语作文100词篇一:CulturaltourismWiththedevelopmentoflivingstandards,goingouttohaveatourismisbe comingapartofourlife.Butatthesametime,uncivilizedbehaviorsintourismarefrequentl yhappening.Soculturaltourismhasbecameahottopicinthesociety.Especiallyinvacatio ns,phenomenaofuncivilizedbehaviorinparksormuseumseverywhere.Eveninforeignc ountries,ourChinesecitizensstilldonaturally,itseriouslyaffectedourcountry’simage.O fcourse,ithascausedbadlossinancientbuildingsandantiquitiesandourenvironments.So it’surgenttoadvocatetohaveaculturaltourism.Firstly,weshouldkeepinmindthesenseof protectingtheenvironment.Andwhenwehaveatourism,wehadbetterwatchoutthewarni ngwordscarefullyandthenobeytherules.Fort hesakeofourselvesandourcountry,let’sdo somemeaningfulthingsforculturaltourism.高中英语作文100词篇二:schoollifeMyschoollifecanberich!Andfriendsintheschoolstudytogetherplaytogethere attogethercleaning.Everydayhaveahappyfulfilling.Iwasluckyenoughtogetalongwithc lassmateinabigfamily.Wereadthetexttogetherintheclassroomeverymorningmorningr eaidngonceweagaintogetherinclass.InclasswelikeagainbecameaNemesiswishtheteac hershowhisnameletoneselftospeak.Thatishowweineveryclass.IrememberwhenIwasi nthemosthappinessisIspitinthec lassroommygoodfriendsandnodon’tcareaboutmetota kepapertowelitemstomeletmyselfwipinghisclothes.Strengthofthestudentscametoouts ideoftheclassroomtotakethemoppoolgiveoffsomethingIspitonthegroundtocleanandr ubthegroundbrightasday.Thismademefeelverygratified.EvenwhenIwasathomesome


高二英语作文100词带翻译 高二英语作文100词带翻译1 There is a saying that man proposes, god disposes, which means man plan the things and the rest of the outcome lies in the luck. This saying reflects the connection between hard-work and luck, which is though sometimes we have worked so hard, luck occupies great position, the unexpected things happen and refrain us from succeeding. In order to be successful, people work so hard, they believe they can achieve their goals, but lacking luck stops them achieving their goals. So working hard doesn’t mean bringing people success directly, they just need to try more times, without luck, they still can make their goals. Luck can help people close to success, without hard-work, they can’t be successful. Hard-work and luck make people realize their goals, but without luck, people still can make it by trying more times. 有一句话说谋事在人,成事在天,意思是人们计划事情,剩下的结果依赖于运气。这句话反应了努力和运气之间的联系,那就是虽然有时候我们很努力工作,但是运气也占据了很重要的位置,意外的事情会发生,阻挡人们成功。为了取得成功,人们努力工作,他们相信能达到目标,但是运气的缺失让他们无法达到


愉快的周末作文300字 导读:篇一: 星期天,天气格外晴朗,我和妈妈的同事一起到外婆家的果园里摘水果。 我一来到果园,果园里的水果清香扑鼻而来。我仿佛置身大自然当中;被大自然紧紧的拥抱着。杨桃树上果实累累,真是一片丰收的景象啊!我学着别人爬上树摘杨桃,一不小心,脚一滑从树上掉到地上摔了个仰八叉。我想:“人的祖先不是猴子吗?”我怎么树的'本领这么差啊?我羞答答的低下了头。这时妈妈公司的总经理和一个印度博士在旁边鼓励我,让我鼓起勇气,要大胆跌到了不用怕,再来一次。这一次我真的爬上了树,摘到我喜欢吃的杨桃;可把我乐坏了。 当夜色降临的时候,我们都恋恋不舍的心情,乘座小船离开这个果园。在船上放起了烟花,天空顿时变成五光十色,这个星期天过得真愉快。 篇二: 早上,我一醒来就觉得特别开心,因为又到星期天啦!星期一到星期五,我都要紧张而忙碌地学习,根本就没时间玩。就连星期六,妈妈也把我拍得满满的。不过妈妈要求我把所有的任务尽量在周六之内完成,好让星期天让我好好地玩。所以,星期天才是我们真正的放假日。 今天是星期天,我又可以跟我的好朋友一起玩拉!大家都觉得好

开心!手机游戏、电脑、过家家……我们想玩什么就玩什么,想怎么玩就怎么玩。到了中午,他们带我们到酒店吃饭,虽然满桌子都是我们小朋友爱吃的菜,但是我们连吃饭的心情都没有。匆匆忙忙吃了几口,就到酒店楼下的空地上玩去了。等到爸爸妈妈们吃饱了,喝足了,也到下午一点多了。当我们看到他们下楼的身影时,就赶紧“潜逃”了。他们看不到我们,着急地边找边叫,找了好久还没找到,看到妈妈们都差点要哭了,我们才跳出来吓他们一跳。当他们意识到是我们故意捉弄他们的时侯,我们早就跑到娉娉家躲起来了…… 今天真是快乐的一天,真希望每天都是星期天啊! 篇三: 星期天,我过了许多愉快的事,最开心的就表姐就要数“溜冰”啦!你想知道吗?请听我细细道来。 星期天的早上,我和表哥、哥哥、表姐一起去木厂干活。下午,爸爸看见我们干得这么有劲,为了奖励我们,爸爸就带着我们去平南游乐场里溜冰。我们可高兴了!穿上鞋子,我和表姐马上摔倒在地上。新手就是新手,熟手就是熟手,抬头一看,哥哥和表哥早已溜到外面的露天溜冰场去了。我也不甘示弱,把屁股的疼痛忘到九霄云外去了。我连忙一手拉起“一头雾水”的表姐,一手扶着栏杆,一拐一瘸地走出了外面。可是,出了去还更要“连爬带滚”。因为外面有一个漩涡形的坑,这个漩涡形的坑就像一个陷井,只要你一掉进坑里,就很难回到上面去;还有一个“小型过山车”,这个“小型过山车”


英语作文范文100字 随着我国教育事业的不断发展,小学英语教材的不断更新换代,英语知识进一步的充实,这就需要不断提高学生的听说能力以及写作能力等。下面,是橙子为你整理的英语作文范文100字,希望对你有帮助! 英语作文范文100字篇1 Nowadays, when we are in the public place, we can see the rubbish everywhere, people throw away the rubbish, what’s more, some people still jump the lines, all these behaviors are against the public morals. The public morals are advocated all the time, since we are small, we are educated to behave well in the public, but we still can see some people’s bad behavior in the public. The lack of public morals reflects a person’s bad personality, they will be condemned by others. No matter where we are, we need to behavior ourselves, we should not litter, jump the line or disturb others in the silent place. We need to self-controlled. 如今,当我们在公共场合的时候,可以随处看到垃圾,人们随处乱扔垃圾,而且。一些人仍然会插队,所有这些行为是违反了公共道德的。人们一直提倡公共道德,打从我们小时候起,就被教育要在公共场所自律,但是我们仍然可以在公共场合看到一些人不好行为。公1 / 4

my home六年级英语作文50字

my home六年级英语作文50字 你知道怎么写一我的家的英语作文吗?下面是给大家整理的我的家英语作文,供你参考!my home英语作文篇1my homeI live in a smallcountry. There is only one road leading to my hometown. It's not easy for us togo outside. My home is near a small river. In the summer there are fishes init.My home is a two-floor building with six rooms and two living halls. It'svery clean and neat because my mom always cleans it up. My parents and I livein the second floor. The first floor is for kitchen and dining room. In thesummer night the roof is my favorite place. It's cool and I can see the moonand stars. I hear that there is no such a good place in the city.my home英语作文篇2my homeI have a nice home. There is a small garden in front of my house. There are many beautiful flowers in the garden. Near the house there is an apple tree. Some birds are singing in the tree.On the first floor there is a big living room a kitchen and a dining room. Now my mother is cooking in the kitchen and my father is reading in the living room.On the second floor there are two bedrooms a study and a bathroom. I love playing games on the computer in the study.I love my home very much.my home英语作文篇3my homeThis is my home. My home isn’t has a garden. There is a living r oom in the center of the home.At the back of the living room there is a bedroom. It’s my grandparents’ home. My home has three bedrooms. On the left of the


小学生圣诞节英语作文100字五篇 圣诞节(Christmas)又称耶诞节,译名为”基督弥撒”。一起来看看小学生圣诞节英语作文100字五篇,欢迎查阅。 圣诞节英语作文100字1 One day ,long ago ,a litter baby was born.His name was Jesus. Jesus was a special baby.Mang people say he was the son of God. Think that he is born in the sky having a new come into being, and evasive intense star brilliant rays occasionally. Have had three sages to follow person star brilliant rays , have found Jesus. They have brought about the peculiar gift, and have foretold that Jesus grows up may become a great people the day afer tomorrow. 圣诞节英语作文100字2 Jesus has become great one teacher after growing up, he has taught people loving God heartily , shown loving care for each other. Afterwards,Jesus is envied and hated because of meeting with Judaism upper strata, the nail is suffered calamities on the cross , the at last is passed away by evil person. People hangs with the star in the Christmas tree top for the thing commemorating Jesus , when Christmas Day , people give present each other. 圣诞节英语作文100字3 It was one of the last days before Christmas, and the as sistants in the large store had their hands full serving eager Christmas shoppers. At one counter an old lady was choosing gloves red ones for her daugher in law, light blue ones for her niece, pink ones for her grand daughter, green ones for her sister and by the time she had found what she wanted, the counter was covered with pairs of all colors and sizes. 圣诞节英语作文100字4 Do you know? Origin of Chdstmas The name Christmas is short for“Christ’s Mass”。A Mass is a kind


四年级优秀英语作文50词左右 下面为大家搜集整理有关四年级的英语作文50字,希望可以帮助到大家!小学英语作文:An Old MouseAn old woman has a cat. The cat is now very old. She cannot run fast, and she cannot bite. One day the old cat sees a mouse. she jumps and catches the mouse. But she cannot bite it. So the mouse gets out of her mouth and runs away.Then the old woman is very angry because the cat cannot kill the mouse. She begins to beat the cat. The cat says to her, "Don't beat me. Be friendly to me. When I was young, I did good work for you."优秀英语作文:Our ClassroomOur classroom is bright and clean. But it is not big. There are twenty-three desks and chairs in it. They are new. There's a big desk in front of the classroom. It's for our teachers.There are five pictures on the right wall. There's a map of the world and a map of China on the left wall.Beside the window there's a bookshelf. There are many books on it. Our classroom is very nice. We have lessons here. We like our classroom.小学四年级英语作文:Our MonitorThis is Lin. She is from Beijing. She studies very hard.In class she can answer the teacher's questions very quickly. Lin loves her classmates and often helps them with their lessons. Everybody says she is a very good monitor.四年级英语作文:Our HouseOur home is near the school. We have a house.It is a good house. The house has three rooms.One is a living room. The other two are bedrooms. In the living
