




A级 B级 C级




卫生技术主任医师(药、技)、副主任医师(药、技)、主任护师、副主任护师 1、主治医师(药、技)、主管护师;


工程技术高级工程师 1、工程师;


农业技术高级农艺师(畜牧、兽医) 1、农艺师(畜牧、兽医);




























新职业英语试题 1

练习题(1) Part Ⅰ Listening Comprehension (15%) Section A (1’x10) Directions: Listen to the conversation and choose the best answer to each question you hear. Conversation 1 1. Who is the woman calling? A. A government office. B. A travel agency. C. An insurance company. D. A hotel. 2. What does the woman make the phone to the man’s company for? A. Buy a book. B. Ask the man to go St. Lewis’s Beach with her. C. Book a holiday D. Comment on the ad on newspaper. 3. According to the man, travelers can do the following at St. Lewis’s Beach except______ ? A. Swim in the sea B. Take a walk on beach C. Lie down in the sun. D. See the beautiful girls. 4. What color is the building of the man's company? A. Grey. B. Green. C. White. D. Red. 5. Where is the man's office in the building? A. The 3rd office on the right on the 5th floor. B. The 5th office on the right on the 5th floor. C. The 3rd office on the left on the 3rd floor. D. The 5th office on the left on the 3rd floor.


一、短语、句子。(20分) (一)英译中(10分) https://www.360docs.net/doc/f914697999.html,undry service ______________ 2.Front Office Department________________ 3.I'm at your service. _____________________________ 4.House keeping. May I come in? __________________________ 5.We are looking forward to seeing you. _______________________________ (二)中译英(10分) 1.客房部 ___________ 2.铺床__________________ 3.我现在要退房。____________________________ 4.行李员会带您到房间。 _______________________________ 5.您有预订了吗? _______________________________ 二、单项选择题(40分。) 1、Good morning. _______ I help you? A、Would B、Must C、May D、Am 2、I would like to _________ a room, please. A.order B、book C、see D、look 3. It’s very kind __________ you to help me. A.of B、to C、by D、for 4. What’s the ________ for a double room? A. right B. rate C、money D、for 5. I would like to book a double room ________ bath. A. with B. of C、by D、for 6.Excuse me, sir. You need to ________ the form. A. fill in B. fill on C、fill of D、fill for 7.We are looking forward to __________ you. A. see B. saw C、seeing D、sees 8.I'm afraid we are fully booked _______ the 5th. A. with B. of C、by D、for 9.Do you want to pay _____ or _____ credit card. A. in in B. by by C、by in D、in by 10.The porter will show you _______ your room. A. with B. to C、by D、for 11.My flight will leave ______ 6 pm today. A. with B. on C、at D、for 12.The hotel is full and there is someone ________ your room. A. take B. To take C、takes D、taking 13.Let me _______ you with your luggage. A. help B. helping C、helps D、to help 14.May I _________ the curtain? A. draw B. Turn on C、turn off D、make up 15.______ the way, how long will it take to clean the room? A. With B. On C、By D、For 16.Can you __________ the air conditioning? A. draw B. Turn on C、turn off D、make up 17.Do you want these shirts to be ________? A. starch B. starches C、starched D、starching 18.Let me help you _______ your luggage? A. by B. with C、on D、of 19.I hope you will _______ a morning call at 7:00. A. arrange B. arranges C、arranged D、making 20.I'll ask a porter to _________ your luggage. A. take care B. take care of C、take care off D、look 三、连线题(每题2分,共10分)


2002年全国职称英语考试理工类(A级)考试试题及参考答案 第1部分:词汇选项 (第1~15题,每题1分,共15分) 下面共有15个句子,每个句子中均有1个词或短语画有底横线,请从每个句子后面所给的4个选项中选择1个与画线部分意义最相近的词或短语。答案一律涂在答题卡相应的位置上。 1 The price of vegetables f1uctuates according to the weather. A jumps B rises C falls D changes 2 Did you do that to irritate her? A tease B attract C annoy D protect 3 Mary looked pale and weary. A ill B tired C worried D peaceful 4 The water in this part of the river has been contaminated by sewage(污水). A polluted B downgraded C mixed D blackened 5 Her treatment of the subject is exhaustive. A very boring B very thorough C very interesting D very touching 6 Alice is a fascinating girl. A a beautiful B a pretty C an attractive D a pleasant

7 Her mood can be gauged by her reaction to the most trivial of incidents. A displayed B shown C proved D assessed 8 The old lady let her flat to an English couple. A offered B rented C provided D sold 9 She stood there,crying and trembling with fear. A shaking B staggering C struggling D murmuring 10 They strolled around the lake for an hour or so. A ran B rolled C walked D raced 11 The conclusion can be deduced from the premises. A argued B derived C permitted D come 12 I can no longer tolerate his actions. A putupwith B accept C take D suffer from 13 Our plan is to allocate one member of staff to handle appointments. A ask B persuade C assign D order 14 She has been the subject of massive media coverage. A extensive B negative


职称外语水平要求相关政策规定 根据浙人专[2007]80号(杭人专[2007]162号)、浙人专[2006]118号、浙人教[1997]146号、杭人专[2007]206号以及省人事厅关于职称外语等级考试有关问题的解答等精神,职称外语水平要求的相关政策规定如下: 一、申报专业技术资格应参加全国职称外语相应等级考 二、凡参加全国专业技术人员职称外语等级统一考试的人员由省人事考试办公室发放成绩通知书。其中:对达到全国通用标准分数线的,在申报对应级别的专业技术资格时有效;对达到省定标准分数线的,在2年内申报对应级别的专业技术资格时有效。 三、经考试、考核认定取得全国专业技术资格和职业资格证书,受聘职务是否需要具备外语要求,由聘用单位确定。 四、申报中小学教师(含实验、教学管理)、艺术系列和文学创作、群众文化、社区卫生专业技术资格,职称外语不作要求。

五、申报会计、经济、统计、审计、新闻、出版、农业技术、技校实习指导教师、广播电视播音、律师、公证员、图书资料、档案、电影放映专业技术资格,以及长期在野外从事林业、水利、采矿、测绘、勘探、铁路施工、公路施工、建筑施工等专业技术工作,年龄在40周岁以上人员申报专业技术资格时,职称外语成绩不作为必备条件,作为专家评审的参考依据。 六、凡申报体育教练员中、高级专业技术资格的人员,可参加我省单位组织的体育教练员职称外语考试。考试成绩 七、申报评审我市评审权限内的工程技术、技校教师等中级专业技术资格,年龄在40周岁及以上人员,职称外语成绩不作为必备条件,作为专家评审的参考依据。我市实行以考代评和考评结合的人员报考、评审专业技术资格时,职称外语不作要求(杭人专[2007]162号)。 八、参加浙江省外语水平等级考试,并取得英语二级、日语三级以上合格证书的人员,3年内晋升专业技术职务可免于参加全国职称外语相应等级考试(浙人教[1997]146号),具体对应关系:


酒店各职位英语名称 董事长:Director 收银主管:Cashier Officer 总经理:General Manager 信贷主管:Loan Officer 总经办:Executive Office 应付主管:Payable Officer 总经办主任:Director of Executive Office 应收主管:Receivable Officer 车队长:Chief Driver 会计主管:Accounting Officer 行政干事:Executive Affairs 成本主管:Cost Control Officer 医生:Doctor 仓库主管:Storeroom Officer 司机:Driver 收货主管:Receiver Officer 文员:Clerk 采购主管:Purchasing Officer 护士:Nurse 电脑工程师:Computer Engineer 查核员:Auditor 财务部:Financial Division 收货员:Receiver 财务部总监:Financial Controller 收银员:Cashier 财务部经理:Chief Accountant 信贷员:Creditor 电脑部经理:EDP Manager 应付员;Payable Clerk 查核部经理:Auditing Manager 会计:Accouter 会计部经理:Accounting Manager 出纳员:Teller 成本部经理:Cost Controller 工资员:Payroll Control 采购部经理:Purchasing Manager 成本员:Cost Control 查核主管:Auditing Officer 仓管员:Storeman 电脑操作员:Computer Operator 采购员:Purchaser 人事培训部Human Resources & Training Division 人事培训部总监:Human Resources Director 市场营销部;Sales & Marketing Division 人事部:Personnel Department 市场营销部总监:Director of Sales and Marketing 培训部:Training Department 销售部经理; Sales Manager 人事部经理:Personnel Manager 销售部副经理:Asst. Sales Manager 培训部经理:Training Manager 高级客户经理:Senior Clients Manager 人事助理兼后勤总务: Personnel Officer 策划经理:Planning Manager 培训部主任(人事干事):Training Officer 公关部经理; Public Relations Manager 人事文员:Clerk 销售主任:Sales Officer 翻译兼英语教师:English Translator & Teacher 公关主任:Public Relations Officer 文员:Clerk 员工餐厅主管:Staff Canteen Supervisor 员工餐厅领班:Staff Canteen Captain 房务总监:Rooms Division Director 厨师:Cook 前厅部:Front Office Department 厨师助理:Cook Assistant 管家部:Housekeeping Department 员工宿舍领班:Staff Dormitory Captain 前厅部经理:Front Office Manager 宿舍管理员:Staff Dormitory Keeper 接待处经理:Reception Manager


沈阳大学 科技工程学院试卷评分标准(标准答案)2012—2013学年第 2 学期首页共 2 页课程名称: 酒店应用英语2-2 课程编码: 172507122 编号: A 适用专业(班级)10旅游管理1-3班(酒店方向) 考试方式:考试 □考试时间100分钟制定标准教师: 教研室主任: 院(部)审批: 评分标准(标准答案)—解题步骤或答题要点和分数分配 9. J. Never mind 10. B. I hope you have a good time at our hotel. (C) 1. I. What’s the 30 yuan RMB for? 2. G. We only had two. 3. D. I’ll go back to the cashier to have the account changed 4. A. Would you mind checking it again 5. C. How much is that in US dollars, please 6. E. I’ll calculate it for you 7. H. Do you honor credit cards 8. B. May I take a print of it 9. J. Would you please sign your name here on the print 10. F. Please keep it 第1页(共2页)第2页(共2页) III. Put the following sentences into English. (30points together, 3point for each ) 1.The general manager must have gone to the Housekeeping Department. 2.Sorry to have kept you waiting. 3.Let’s go to the bar together, shall we? 4.That’s the hotel which was completed last year. 5.We serve Continental breakfast and American breakfast. 6.I’d like a fruit salad. 7.I am awfully sorry to have spilled the wine on your clothes. 8.We are looking forward to having a talk with the manager of the firm. 9.Would you mind if I smoke? 10.Many American diners prefer Chinese food to Western food.


英文职称大全 董事长Chairman 总经理General Manager; C.E.O(Chief Executive Officer) 经理Manager 销售部经理Sales Manager 副总经理Deputy General Manager 财务主管Controller 会计Accountant 采购员Purchaser 出纳员Cashier 计算机工程师Computer Engineer 高级工程师Senior Engineer 设计师Designer 机械师Mechanic 顾问Adviser Consultant Interpreter口语翻译 Technical Translator技术翻译 Translator翻译员 质检员Quality Inspector Office Controller 技师Technician Manufacturing Engineer制造工程师 Manufacturing Worker生产员工 Technical Worker技术工人 Planning Manager 企划部经理 deputy Planning manager企划部副经理 Engineering manager 工程部经理 Administrative Assistant 行政助理 采购主管Procurement charge 网络维护Network Maintenance 主管Charge 验收员Members of acceptance 保管员Custodians 质检员QA (Quality Assurance) 品牌执行经理Brand Executive Manager 技术代表Technical Representative 科技研发高级经理technology research and development senior manager


省酒店职业英语等级考试大纲 省旅游行业岗位职务培训指导委员会编 2007年9月

目录 一、 ......................... 考试的目的和意义 7 二、 ......................... 考试的原则和宗旨 7 三、 ............................. 考试的适用围 7 四、 ......................... 考试的方式与时间 8 五、 ................... 考试的实施、管理及认证 8 六、 ..................... 考试的适用对象与标准 9 附件1:省酒店职业英语等级标准 (13) 一、基础级 (13) 二、初级 (14) 三、中级 (15) 四、高级 (17) 附件2:命题要求 (20) 一、基础级 (20) 二、初级 (21)

三、中级 (24) 四、高级 (25)

前言 随着我国经济的高速发展,入境旅游及商务旅行市场也在快速增长。2008年北京奥运、2010年亚运会、2011年世界大学生运动会的举行更将推动加快省的酒店业的发展步伐。省酒店业要适应市场需求,一方面除了要加强硬件设施建设外,更重要的是培养高素质人才。日益频繁的中外交流,对酒店从业人员提出了更高的要求,除必需掌握过硬的专业知识和技能外,进一步提高外语交流能力,是为顾客优质服务的基础。 目前,我省酒店业在外语培训方面,还没有一本结合我省实际的外语培训教材。对接受培训的员工也没有一套规标准的测试体系。省旅游行业岗位职务培训指导委员会(以下简称“省旅培委”)经过长时间的调研和投入大量资源,现向全省推行酒店职业外语等级考试。 我省酒店职业外语等级考试除了能为各酒店提供员工外语水平测试外,通过考试取得《旅游饭店外语等级证书》的员工达到一定比例,还可以在酒店星级评定中得到分数。另外,省旅培委通过与省劳动社会保障厅下属的省职业技能鉴定指导中心合作,通过考试的考生还可以获得由省职业技能鉴定指导中心颁发的《专项职业能力证书》。 我省酒店职业外语等级考试以循序渐进的方式进行,首先,在2007年起举行“省酒店职业英语等级考试(Hospitality English Test)”(以下简称“酒店英语等级考试(HET)”),同时展开相关的培训。本考试特别注重对考生语言交际能力的考查,力求做到行业适用性强,地区特色鲜明,希望对本省酒店从业人员的英语学习起到积极的推动作用。本考试分为基础、初、中、高四个等级,每个等级的难度逐步增加,考核围也有所不


试卷代码: 南京城市职业学院2015-2016学年度第二学期 酒店管理专业酒店英语期末考试试题 班级:学号:姓名: 2016年6月 一、单选题(每题1分,共20分) 1、Good morning. _______ I help you? A、Would B、Must C、May D、Am 2、I would like to _________ a room, please. A.order B、book C、see D、look 3. It’s very kind __________ you to help me. A.of B、to C、by D、for 4. What’s the ________ for a double room? A. right B. rate C、money D、for 5. I would like to book a double room ________ bath. A. with B. of C、by D、for 6.Excuse me, sir. You need to ________ the form. A. fill in B. fill on C、fill of D、fill for 7.We are looking forward to __________ you. A. see B. saw C、seeing D、sees 8.I'm afraid we are fully booked _______ the 5th. A. with B. of C、by D、for 9.Do you want to pay _____ cash or _____ credit card. A. in in B. by by C、by in D、in by 10.The porter will show you _______ your room. A. with B. to C、by D、for 11.My flight will leave ______ 6 pm today. A. with B. on C、at D、for 12.The hotel is full and there is someone ________ your room. A. take B. To take C、takes D、taking 13.Let me _______ you with your luggage.


2015职称英语考试真题及解析 【天宇考王】为广大考生归纳总结职称外语最新考试资讯,让考生最先了解职称外语考试报名等有关事项的通知,天宇考王是一款上机练习题库软件,有单机版、网页版、手机版、三位一体多平台学习模式。 词汇学习四每组词汇学习有15 道小题。在每道题的句子里都有一个加底线的词或短语,请在四个选项中找出与加底线的词或短语意义最相近的一项。 1.Many fine cooks insist on ingredients of the highest quality. A)demand B)rely on C)prepare for D)create 1.A insist on:坚持。与demand(要求;强求)意思比较接近。The Labour Party has demanded an explanation from the government.工党已要求政府作出解释。rely on:依靠。We have to rely on him for the tickets.我们不得不靠他搞票。prepare for:为……做准备。I have been preparing for the final exam.我一直在准备期末考试。create:产生;创建。His work created enormous interest in England.他的作品在英格兰引起很大关注。 2.Since the Great Depression,the United States government has protected farmers from damaging drops in grain prices. A)slight B)surprising C)sudden D)harmful 2.D damaging:有损害的。与harmful(有害的)意思相近。The rays of the sun,in excess,can be very harmful.过量的阳光可能会非常有害。slight:少量的。He has a slight German accent.他有一点德国口音。surprising:令人吃惊的。It was surprising that the little girl could answer this question.小女孩能回答这个问题,令人吃惊。sudden:突然的。There was a sudden drop in the temperature last night.昨夜气温突然下降。 3.Cement was seldom used in building during the Middle Ages. A)crudely B)rarely C)originally D)symbolically 3.B seldom:很少;不常。与rarely(难得;不常)意思相近。I rarely get up early on Sundays.星期天我很少早起。crudely:粗糙地;粗野地。Everyone was dressed in crudely sewn shorts and shirts.人人都穿着缝制得很粗糙的短裤和衬衫。originally:原来;创造性地。I stayed longer than I had originally planned.我逗留的时问比原来计划的要长。symbolically:象征性地:The park was decorated symbolically.公园只是象征性地装点了一下 4 Nerve signals may travel through nerve or muscle fibers at speeds as high as two hundred miles per hour. A)velocities B)impulses C)ratios D)atrocities 4.A speed:速度。与velocity(速度;快速)的意思相近。Scientists spent years studying the velocity of light.科学家们花了许多年研究光速。impulse:冲动。0n impulse,I went into the shop and bought this expensive watch.在一时冲动下,我走进商店,买下了这块昂贵的手表。ratio:比,比率。The ratio of pupils to teachers is 30 to 1.学生与教师之间的比例是30比1。


命题人:审批人:试卷类别: A 卷 酒店英语课程试卷 至学年第学期专业:应用英语年级:班级: 姓名:学号:成绩:考试形式:闭卷时间:100 分钟 1.We cover the beds with a___________ 2.In the___________ are cool drinks. 3.Can you turn off the ____________, it’s getting cold here. 4.I need my shoes to be cleaned. I’ll put them in the___________ 5.After cleaning the glasses we put them on the___________ 6.You can switch on the television with a____________ 7.My lamp does not work. Could you change the____________ for me? 8.Do you have any ___________to light my cigarette? 9.For the cleaning of the bathroom we have to use____________ 10.I don’t know the phone number. Can you please give me the____________? II. Complete the following dialogues.(10%) Dialogue 1 (R=reservationist G= guest) R: Reservation, ___________1_______________? G: Yes, I'd like to book a room for my friend, Mary. R: __________________2__________________? G: A double room with bath. _____3_________? R: It's 150 Yuan RMB. ______________4______________? G: Ten days. R: ___________5_________________ ? G: On the 18th. R: Well, a double room with bath from the 18 th to 28th. G: That's right. Thank you.


职称英语考试重点及内容 考试总的评价目标是:申报A级的人员在2小时内应完成3000词左右的阅读任务,并能正确理解所读材料的内容;申报B级的人员在2小时内应完成2600词左右的阅读任务,并能正确理解所读材料的内容;申报C级的人员在2小时内应完成2200词左右的阅读任务,并能正确理解所读材料的内容。为达到上述目标,考试对应试者的英语汇量、语法知识和阅读理解能力分别提出如下要求: (一)词汇量考试所涉及的词汇和短语主要依据本大纲所附词汇表。对申报不同级别的应试者要求认知的词汇量不等: 1.申报A级的人员应认知6000个左右的单词和一定数量的短语; 2.申报B级的人员应认知5000个左右的单词和一定数量的短语; 1.英语句子的基本语序及其意义; 2.英语句子的结构和常用句型; 3.各种时、体的形式及其意义; 4.各种从句的构成及其意义;

5.句子中词语的`所指、省略、替代、重复,以及句子之间的意义关系等。 (三)阅读理解能力应试者应能综合运用英语语言知识和阅读技能来理解专业的或一般内容的英语书面材料。阅读能力主要包括以下几个方面: 1.掌握所读材料的主旨和大意; 2.了解阐述主旨的事实和细节; 3.利用上下文猜测某些词汇和短语的意义; 4.既理解个别句子的意义,也理解上下文之间的意义关系; 5.根据所读材料进行判断和推论; 6.领会 ___的观点、意图和态度。 A、B、C三个等级的考试各由6个部分组成,每个级别的考试题型一样、题量相同,但不同级别考试总的阅读量及难易程度不同。考试主要考查应试者理解书面英语的能力。第1部分:词汇选项(第1~15题,每题1分,共15分)


全国职称外语等级考试试卷 综合类A级 第1部分:词汇选项(第1~15题,每题1分,共15分) 下面每个句子中均有1个词或短语划有底横线,请为每处划线部分确定1个意义最为接近的选项。 1 With immense relief,l Stopped running. A some B enormous C little D extensive 2 The scientists began to accumulate data. A collect B handle C analyze D investigate 3 Jack eventually overtook the last truck. A hit B passed C reached D led 4 Sometimes it is advisable to book hotels in advance. A possible B profitable C easy D wise 5 The reason for their unusual behavior remains a puzzle. A fact B mystery C statement D game 6 That guy is really witty. A smart B ugly C honorable D popular 7 The world champion suffered a sensational defeat. A reasonable B dramatic C humiliating D horrifying 8 It seems that only Mary is eligible for the job. A prepared B trained C qualified D guided 9 This poem depicts the beautiful scenery of a town in the South. A praises B writes C imitates D describes 10 The meaning is still obscure.

酒店职业英语等级考试大全(doc 26页)

广东省酒店职业英语等级考试大纲 广东省旅游行业岗位职务培训指导委员会编 2007年9月

目录 一、................................................. 考试的目的和意义 7 二、................................................. 考试的原则和宗旨 7 三、..................................................... 考试的适用范围 7 四、................................................. 考试的方式与时间 8 五、...................................... 考试的实施、管理及认证 8 六、.......................................... 考试的适用对象与标准 9 附件1:广东省酒店职业英语等级标准 (13) 一、基础级 (13) 二、初级 (14) 三、中级 (15) 四、高级 (17) 附件2:命题要求 (20) 一、基础级 (20) 二、初级 (21)

三、中级 (24) 四、高级 (25)

前言 随着我国经济的高速发展,入境旅游及商务旅行市场也在快速增长。2008年北京奥运、2010年广州亚运会、2011年深圳世界大学生运动会的举行更将推动加快广东省的酒店业的发展步伐。广东省酒店业要适应市场需求,一方面除了要加强硬件设施建设外,更重要的是培养高素质人才。日益频繁的中外交流,对酒店从业人员提出了更高的要求,除必需掌握过硬的专业知识和技能外,进一步提高外语交流能力,是为顾客优质服务的基础。 目前,我省酒店业在外语培训方面,还没有一本结合我省实际的外语培训教材。对接受培训的员工也没有一套规范标准的测试体系。广东省旅游行业岗位职务培训指导委员会(以下简称“省旅培委”)经过长时间的调研和投入大量资源,现向全省推行酒店职业外语等级考试。 我省酒店职业外语等级考试除了能为各酒店提供员工外语水平测试外,通过考试取得《旅游饭店外语等级证书》的员工达到一定比例,还可以在酒店星级评定中得到分数。另外,省旅培委通过与广东省劳动社会保障厅下属的省职业技能鉴定指导中心合作,通过考试的考生还可以获得由省职业技能鉴定指导中心颁发的《专项职业能力证书》。 我省酒店职业外语等级考试以循序渐进的方式进行,首先,在2007年起举行“广东省酒店职业英语等级考试(Hospitality English Test)”(以下简称“酒店英语等级考试(HET)”),同时展开相关的培训。本考试特别注重对考生语言交际能力的考查,力求做到行业适用性强,地区特色鲜明,希望对本省酒店从业人员的英语学习起到积极的推动作用。本考试分为基础、初、中、高四个等级,每个等级的难度逐步增加,考核范围也有所不同


2014年大连日航饭店英语一二级考试试题 (考试时间08:30-10:00) 姓名(中文): 部门: 员工号: 一.选出最符合的答案填入括号内(5道题,每题2分;总计10分) 1. Q: Hello, I’m calling to confirm my room reservation. My name is Jane Smith.( D) A. Where are you calling from? B. Of course, madam. C. Sorry, there is no room available, madam. D. What’s your room number, madam? 2. A: Good morning. Can I help you? B: Yes. I want to stay here one more night. Q: What do we know about the man? ( A) A. He wants to extend his stay. B. He is checking in. C. He is checking out. D. He is getting some information. 3. Sorry sir. This weekend happens to be our long national holiday and we are all booked up. ( D ) A. The lady wants a room but there isn’t one available. B. Weekends are bad days to book a room. C. The man wants to spend his long holiday in this hotel. D. The man was not successful in making a room reservation. 4. W: I’d like to thank you for my enjoyable stay in this hotel. M: It’s been our pleasure to have you with us, Mrs. Smith. Q: What can we conclude from this conversation? ( C ) A. Mrs. Smith had a pleasant stay with the man. B. Mrs. Smith has stayed in this hotel for a long time. C. Mrs. Smith has had a good time in this hotel.
