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1 What is the morpheme? 词素

The morpheme is the smallest meaningful linguistic unit of language, /in the composition of words ,not divisible or analyzable into smaller forms.Words are formed by morphemes, a word may be composed of one or more morphemes.

One morpheme------fruit Two morphemes------fruit+ful Three morphemes----un+fruit+ful

2 A synchronic approach and a diachronic approach are approaches to the study of a language.

3 an allomorph词素变体is one or two or more complimentary morphs which magnifies a morpheme in its different phonological environments

4 Free morphemes and bound morphemes自由词素和粘着词素

A free morpheme is one that can be uttered alone with meaning.

A bound morpheme cannot stand by itself as a complete utterance; it must appear with at least one other morpheme

5A root 词根is that part of a word-form that remains when all the inflectional and derivational affixes have been removed. (it conveys the main lexical meaning)

6 基本的构词方法:Word-formation

(1)派生法-derivation Definition: Derivation or affixation is a method of word-formation by which new words are created by adding affixes( prefix or suffix or both) or combining form to the base

(2)复合法--Compounding/composition定义 A word-formation process in which words are formed by putting two or more words together.

(3)转化法--Conversion /functional shift/ transmutation/zero-derivation


(4)缩略法--abbreviation/shortening 《包括clipping截短词(apocope尾, aphaeresis首,front and back clipping,首尾,syncope腰)initialism首字母缩略,acronym首字母拼音,blending拼缀词=telescopic word =portmanteau word 》

首字母缩略词不可以读出来IQ=intelligence quotient BBC=British Broadcasting Corporation 首字母拼音词是可以读出来的,例如SALT 、WASP,dinky

拼缀法Camcorder 摄像机=camera照相机+recorder 录音机

(5)逆生法--Back-formation donation donate emotion emote

(6)拟声法--onomatopoeia指words containing sounds similar to the noises they describe 声音的来源有人类,动物,其他事物

拟声词的作用:Imitating the sound and being used as a verb

Imitating the sound and referring to the thing making the sound Prefixation 前缀法Suffixation 加后缀


1 词义:The relationship between language and the world

Meaning (concept)


Form Referent

(word, sentence )........object in the world 词的无理拒性又叫随意性arbitrariness

2Motivation理据is the connection between the linguistic symbol and its meaning

(1)Phonetic motivation语音分析例如the moo of a cow

(2)Morphological motivation构词分析例如readable 看后缀可知道其意思daydream复合词不是所有的复合词都是有理据的如eggplant茄子

(3)Semantic motivation语义分析例如the leg of a table earn bread

(4)Etymological motivation词源分析例如汉语火车开动需要火的


(1)Grammatical meaning

(2)Lexical meaning--- conceptual / referential meaning 概念意义

---associative meaning 关联意义

关联意义分为4种:connotative meaning内涵意义(mother--female parent 想到love, care, and tenderness )stylistic meaning文体意义(正式和非正式和中性)affective meaning 情感意义(collocative meaning 搭配意义(pretty girl和handsome boy)
