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Survey Research on Pathogenic Factors of Patients with Schizophrenia

MOU Jian-ming

Early intervention treatment area,Jilin Sixth People’s Hospital,Jilin,Jilin Province,132001 China

[Abstract] Objective To survey and research the pathogenic factors of patients with schizophrenia and try to avoid inducing patient’s diseases. Methods The self-made schizophrenia high-risk factor questionnaire was used as the survey tool,the major contents included the gender,family history,birth season,first onset age,maternal condition during fetal period,patient’s condition at birth,deformity of family in childhood,educational degree of parents,occupation,social and economic status and persistent stress in particular cases of patients with schizophrenia,and the onset influence factors of 132 cases of patients with schizophrenia admitted and treated in our hospital from April 2013 to April 2016 were surveyed and analyzed. Results The onset factor of patients with schizophrenia was closely related to the positive heredofamilial history,maternal medication abortion or virus flu during fetal period,winter at birth,educational degree of parents and low social and economic status,but asphyxia or birth injury at birth,long stimulus,parental separation,losing one’s mother while still a child or leavi ng home of parents,no career of parents,lower occupation of parents or father and lower social and economic status of parents were more than those in the normal persons,but the differences were not obvious compared with other factors,P>0.05. Conclusion The onset factor of patients with schizophrenia is closely related to the positive family

history,birth season of fetuses and family condition.

[Key words] Schizophrenia;Onset factor;Survey research;Family histior;Birth season

精神分裂症(schizophrenia)是一种以基本个性改变,情感、行为、思维的分裂,为最常见的一类精神病。其主要特征为精神活动与周围环境不协调[1-5]。在精神病中,精神分裂症是一种常见的精神病。迄今为止,对精神分裂症的发病机理和病因研究尚不明确,精神分裂症病人在受到强烈刺激时才会发病,因此了解精神分裂症病人的发病因素进行调查可采取有效措施来避免患者发病[6-9]。本研究采用自编《精神分裂症高危因素调查表》对该院在2013年4月—2016年4月收治的132例精神分裂症患者的发病因素进行调查分析,现报道如下。1 资料与方法

1.1 一般资料

选取在2013年4月—2016年4月该院收治的132例精神分裂症患者作为调查对象,并随机选取132例精神分裂症患者的朋友或同事作为正常参照。所有入选者均符合以下标准:①CCMD-3中关于精神分裂症的诊断标准;②住院治疗均在2个月以上,且处于巩固或维持期;③均在接受辅助治疗中,如体育疗法、音乐疗法;④同时排除不能进行无障碍合作及其他问题的精神病患者。所选研究精神分裂症患者男89例,女43例;年龄18~75岁,平均年龄为(44.6 ± 8.7)岁。

1.2 调查方法


2 调查结果

2.1 引起精神分裂症发病的相关因素

