密码学进展-CHINACRYPT′92 第二届中国密码学学术会议论文集思维导图


学术会议常用表达 1. 有关会议的一般信息 (1)名称 conference academic conference international conference symposium annual meeting/symposium/conference forum, international forum workshop (2)日期 dates/important dates/key dates (3)地点 location/venue conference location/venue (4)主题 issues/themes/(main)topics/scope of conference conference themes/topics topic of interests 2.论文征稿、提交与录用 call for abstract/proposal/paper paper deadline deadline for abstract/full paper/proposal submission submission deadline deadline extended date for mortification of acceptance Paper acceptance/rejection will be informed by…deadline for authors notification camera ready version deadline 3. 会议注册 deadline/closing date for registration registration form registration information registration fees and items official invitation letter payment telegraphic transfer only bank transfer bank draft/check 4. 会议进程及内容 conference schedule/program preliminary conference program final conference program opening ceremony/session keynote session/parallel session/tutorial session keynote speech oral presentation poster presentation tea/coffee break (buffet) lunch/(buffet)supper (welcome)banquet 5. 会议具体细节 opening introduction to speaker theme/paper presentation question and answer comment on speaker closing 6.学术会议的问答讨论环节口语 学术报告之后的问答讨论环节(Question and Answer Session)是同行之间交流的良好机


第八届全国青年通信学术会议论文集 目录 第一部分通信理论与技术 ?基于SOA中FWM效应的波长变换器性能研究........................徐俊华余志华李玉权(3) ?快速收敛的SM-CM算法用于DS/CDMA中盲于扰抑制........................孙丽萍胡光锐(9) ?OFDM系统的自适应盲信道识别算法...............................李峰李建东李夏(15) ?一种全新的基于空时分组码的差分调制方法......................李正权胡光锐单红梅(20) ?自适应传输系统中信噪比预测方法研究...........................李夏李建东刘静(26) ?CDMA20001xEV空中链路概述.........................................刘海涛张妤(31) ?应用恒模阵列进行跳频通信跟踪干扰抑制研究....................陈长征王华力甘仲民(36) ?软件无线电中突发DQPSK信号的联合码元定时恢复和频偏估计方法.......................... ............................................................陈晨李建东韩钢(43) ?The Strategy of Call Admission Control and Handover Controlin Multi-Services CDMA Cellular Systeins..............................LingXiang,ZhuLidong,WuShiqi(49) ?临界抽样下均匀信道化接收机模型.............................刘杉坚赵杭生甘仲民(55) ?多载波MC-CDMA调制体制.....................................王亚莉张海林王育民(62) ?基于信道估计的功率控制................................吴蓓张红伟翟娟娟李晓辉(68) ?时变信道中采用ESPRIT方法的OFDM频偏估计.............................吴杰李建东(74) ?DS/SS系统中解扩chip波形对非相干同步跟踪环性能的影响...............臧国珍李广侠(80) ?一种基于三阶谱的盲自适应均衡器.............................吕浚哲张海林刘增基(86) ?分布式多跳无线网络的流量自适应MACA协议接人时延研究................................ ...........................................................盛敏李建东史琰(91) ?Rayleigh衰落信道中级连空时分组码和Turbo乘积码的性能研究........................... .................................................................刘伟张海林(96) ?基站实时告警处理系统的设计与实现............................张孟雄陈钢耿建林(102) ?自适应变速串OFDM技术在低压电力线局域网中的应用..................................... ..........................................................刘洺辛吴长奇陈晶(107) ?一种新型调制方式DMFSK的最佳接收...................................李勇姚富强(113) ?软件无线电中波特率估计算法研究....................................韩钢李建东(119) ?新型无线感应系统的信号传输特性......................谭启泉连级三宋平岗钮小明(125)


英文学术会议开场的演讲 稿 Prepared on 22 November 2020

Good morning, ladies and gentleman. Welcome to Xian, a beautiful city of China. I’m Xinpei Zhang. It is a great pleasure to participate in the Mathematics Conference as the chairman. And I really enjoy staying here with you this morning. The Mathematics Conference has been held 4th times by Shaanxi Normal University since 2008. The purpose of the conference is to share our experiences and knowledge in regard to the theory, frontier developments and researches, as well as possible applications of them in solving practical problems. A lot of current issues have been d i s c u s s e d,a n d s o m e o f t h e m h a v e b e e n e f f e c t i v e l y s o l v e d. Today, as the first time of the conference debut in this city, we’ll have a unique session. The topic of prepared presentations is Mathematics. Today, speakers will share their thoughts on how to effectively run models in different issues and give a reasonable ,we’ll have a Q&A session,w hich allows the everyone to ask some questions you may be interested. I am sure that you will find some topics to be presented both interesting and informative. Now,Let me introduce the first speaker,who is very very rich,not in dollars,but in knowledges and experiences,He got his in financial economics at the UCB,followed by a series of teaching and research positions at MIT and Harvard. Please dont hesitate to join me in welcoming our first speaker, , whose topic is entitled threshold effect between the scale of shadow banking and the stability of the banking system. Welcome.


第二十届世界华文文学国际学术研讨会会议筹备方案 一、会议时间 定于6月28日至30日,会期3天。 二、会议地点 宿迁学院新图书馆报告厅 三、参会人员(100人) 1.国务院侨务办公室主任×××、中国世界华文文学学会会长×××、世界华文文学联会会长××、中国作家协会名誉副主席××、宿迁学院 党委书记、院长等领导。 2. 港澳和海外以及大陆的知名专家、学者、作家、传媒人士,各所研究机构和高校代表。 四、会议议程 见附件。 五、所需经费预算 与会学者支付来往机票及当地交通费用,现场会费及其它由宿迁学院负责。详细见附件。 六、工作分工(下设三个工作组) 1.协调组:负责整个会议的组织协调。组长:××× 2.会务组:负责材料的打印、收集、装袋、分发,会议报到、 签到,会场布置,媒体报道等。组长:××组员:…… 3.后勤保卫组:负责经费、食宿安排,纪念品选购,会议人员 患病就医及会议保卫工作等。组长:×××组员:…… 江苏省台港暨海外华文文学研究会 2011年6月10日

第二十届世界华文文学国际学术研讨会邀请函 尊敬的先生/女士: 您好!受江苏省台港暨海外华文文学研究会委托,由宿迁学院承办、江苏省文联协办的第二十届世界华文文学学术研讨会定于2011年6月28—30日在江苏省宿迁市召开。素仰您学养闳深,特专函邀请光临大会,共襄世界华文文学之盛举。相关事宜如下: 一、会议总议题:多元文化共建的世界华文文学 分议题:1.近三十年华文文学学术史梳理; 2.两岸四地文学对话; 3.海外文化语境中的华文创作与研究; 4.华文文学教学实践与教材建设的新问题; 5.世界各地区华文文学最新信息交流。 二、报到时间:2011年6月27日全天 三、报到地点:宿迁京杭大酒店 四、会后文化考察:古楚大地一日游 五、经费:活动期间,与会者支付来往机票及当地交通费用,宿迁学院负责落地招待、迎接,市内交通,7月1日古楚大地一日游,会议期间饮食,以及其他会务费,会议论文出版等费用。 六、论文提交时间:6月1日前。 根据研究会理事会决议,本届研讨会论文集将在会后编选出版。 您收到邀请函后,请于2011年1月15日前填写会议回执,并 采取邮寄信函或E-mail回复。 七、联系人:张先生李女士 电话:0527 –8*** …传真:0527 –8 ***… 联系地址:江苏省宿迁市宿城区黄河南路399号 宿迁学院教师教育系(邮编:223800) 邮箱:xiaominbian@https://www.360docs.net/doc/fa6529793.html, 江苏省台港暨海外华文文学研究会(印章) 二○一○年十月三十日


国际学术会议常用语英语 Modified by JEEP on December 26th, 2020.

学术会议常用表达 1. 有关会议的一般信息 (1)名称 conference academic conference international conference symposium annual meeting/symposium/conference forum, international forum workshop (2)日期 dates/important dates/key dates (3)地点 location/venue conference location/venue (4)主题 issues/themes/(main)topics/scope of conference conference themes/topics topic of interests 2.论文征稿、提交与录用 call for abstract/proposal/paper paper deadline deadline for abstract/full paper/proposal submission submission deadline deadline extended date for mortification of acceptance Paper acceptance/rejection will be informed by…deadline for authors notification camera ready version deadline 3. 会议注册 deadline/closing date for registration registration form registration information registration fees and items official invitation letter payment telegraphic transfer only bank transfer bank draft/check 4. 会议进程及内容 conference schedule/program preliminary conference program final conference program opening ceremony/session keynote session/parallel session/tutorial session keynote speech


学术会议纪要范文 学术,是指系统专门的学问,泛指高等教育和研究,是对存在物及其规律的学科化。下面是学习啦小编为你带来的学术会议纪要范文,欢迎参阅。 学术会议纪要范文1 一、会议概况 中华医学会第十一次全国医学信息学术会议于20XX年11月1日至5日在安徽省屯溪召开。来自全国23个省、自治区、直辖市、解放军系统及澳门特区的163名代表参加了会议。开幕式由分会常委兼秘书王铁成主持,分会主任委员王汝宽教授代表医学信息学分会致欢迎词。 二、会议论文及交流情况 会议共收录论文105篇,编辑出版了《中华医学会第十一次全国医学信息学术会议论文汇编》。其中经分会常委会讨论、确定大会专题报告5篇(后增加一篇),审稿确定大会发言论文21篇(实际报告17篇),青年论坛交流论文23篇(实际报告20篇)。 大会组织的专题报告(实际报告5篇)分别是: 1、中国医学科学院医学信息研究所王汝宽的“生命科学研究理念和方法学革命及其影响”。王汝宽教授在报告中回顾了生命科学技术发展历程,介绍了研究理念和研方法学革命,阐述了该革命所产生的影响,展望了未来生命科学技术的发展并提出技术会聚、技术分化和功能技术是未来生物

技术的三大主要趋势。 、中国医学科学院医学信息研究所所长代涛的“我国主要医疗卫生问题分析与对策研究”。该报告介绍了医疗卫生事业取得的重大成就,用翔实的数据和图表全面分析了我国医疗卫生事业面临的主要问题与挑战,提出了我国医疗卫生事业发展的总体目标和阶段目标,相应的发展战略,及我国医疗卫生事业改革发展的六项政策建议。 、复旦大学医科图书馆徐一新的“医学信息学的发展与对策”。徐一新教授介绍了医学信息学的概念和研究范围,回顾了国内医学信息学研究和教育的概况,提出应重视高层次医学信息学人才培养、支持医学信息学课题研究、师资培训和教材建设、进一步发挥医学信息学分会指导作用等对策。 、四川大学李秉严的“循证医学与信息研究”。李秉严教授结合流行病学教学和循征医学与信息的研究,介绍了循征医学的概念、研究内容和作用,阐述了循征医学证据资源的类型,分析了数据库及其索引的缺陷。叙述了图书馆在循征医学决策的定位和作用。还提出了循征医学的评估标准等。 、中国医学科学院医学信息研究所许培扬的“如何做好医学科技查新”。许培扬研究员介绍了科技查新的基本概念、程序和方法、基本原则、科技查新咨询与一般文献检索

学术会议发言稿 英文(精选多篇)

学术会议发言稿英文(精选多篇) and has appeared on cctv,who is also the author of an upcoming book named .so to speak to you on innovation capability of high tech enterprises by gray theory, please weclome mr jxs with the warmest applause. wow what an innovative idea,to quantify the inonovation ability and classify into different categories. try to think about it and you’ ll find its very enlightening. thank you for the excellent presentations and ideas. now,i ll be very pleased and excited to introduce the next speaker,mrs hujianjie,who is the vice president of cfa institute.to represent the sponsor host unit ,it’s the fifth time for her to be the final presenter.her breadth and depth of knowledge,profound discoveries and distinctive ideas always cause shock at the conference.today,mrs hu will address you on relationship between stock liquidity and asset liquidity of listed companies,i cant wait to her inspiring ideas. welcome!!! thank you very much for the extremely enlightening presentation. generally,we wanna investigate the correlation of asset liquidity and stock liquidity, thereby linking stock liquidity to corporate finance decisions.but the relationship between asset liquidity and stock liquidity is ambiguous.in her speech, mrs hu introduce a useful model to explore the ambiguous relationship,which may shed new light on the importance of firm’s investment and financing decisions. ladies and gentleman,our distinguished speakers hv finished their presentations,we now enter into the question and answer session.during this session,prof.syc,miss.wu,mr.jxs,mrs.hujianjie and i will be very happy to answer as many of your questions as we could. are there any questions? ok,well,i m sorry to say that this session will have to stop here.thank you for your questions.i hope this was as good a session for you as it was for us. ladies and gentlemen, i shall end here by thanking you for coming to the the 5th international finance conference. i hope that you have benefited much from the conference and from discussions with colleagues.


精心整理 学术会议常用表达 1.有关会议的一般信息 (1)名称 conference academicconference internationalconference symposium annualmeeting/symposium/conference forum,internationalforum workshop (2)日期 dates/importantdates/keydates (3)地点 location/venueconferencelocation/venue (4)主题 issues/themes/(main)topics/scopeofconference conferencethemes/topics topicofinterests 2.论文征稿、提交与录用 callforabstract/proposal/paper paperdeadline deadlineforabstract/fullpaper/proposalsubmission submissiondeadline deadlineextended dateformortificationofacceptance Paperacceptance/rejectionwillbeinformedby…deadlineforauthorsnotification camerareadyversiondeadline 3.会议注册 deadline/closingdateforregistration registrationform registrationinformation registrationfeesanditems officialinvitationletter payment telegraphictransferonly banktransfer bankdraft/check 4.会议进程及内容 conferenceschedule/program preliminaryconferenceprogram finalconferenceprogram openingceremony/session keynotesession/parallelsession/tutorialsession keynotespeech oralpresentation posterpresentation tea/coffeebreak (buffet)lunch/(buffet)supper (welcome)banquet 5.会议具体细节 opening introductiontospeaker theme/paperpresentation questionandanswer commentonspeaker closing 6.学术会议的问答讨论环节口语 学术报告之后的问答讨论环节(QuestionandAnswerSession)是同行之间交流的良好机会,双方可以针对报告中的具体问题进行探讨 精心整理


Trends and Cycles in Global Dynamics and Perspectives of World Development October 13 – 15, 2017 Conference Agenda Time Event Place Fri Oct 12 All Day Delegates Arrival and Jingqiang Huaheng Hotel Registration wenjiang 9:00-9:30 Opening Ceremony 137Conference Hall,Tengxiang Campus 9:30-10:00 Group Photograph &Coffee Break In front of Tengxiang Building 10:00-12:15 Perspectives of world 137Conference developmengt Summit Hall,Tengxiang Campus 12:30-13:30 Lunch Liuyuan Restaurant Sat Oct 13 14:00-15:40 Formal Conference(1)first half Tongbo Buliding,liulin campus 15:40-16:00 Coffee Break Tongbo Buliding 16:00-17:40 Formal Conference(2)secong half Tongbo Buliding 18:00-19:00 Theatrical Performance Student Activity Center Opening Ceremony Time: 9:00-9:30 Oct 13, 2017 Place : 137 Conference Hall, Tengxiang Building, Liulin Campus of SWUFE Presider : Renzhong Ding , Vice President of SWUFE


学术会议发言稿英文 篇一:国际会议作报告英语发言稿 Thankyou,prof.….Mynameis…..I’ mfrom…..Iamverypleasedtobeheretojointhisforum.Thetopicofmy presentationispropertiesofrapidconstructionmaterialsforsoil pavementoffieldairfield.Asisshowninthepicture,themainpartso fmyresearchareaboutsoilpavement. Mypresentationwillincludethesefourparts: First,somebackgroundinformationaboutthisresearch;second,the mainworkwehavedone;third,someconclusionswehavegotandthelast :innovationandpresentationofourpublishedpapers. WhyIchoosethisitem?Ithinkitcanbeillustratedfromthefollowing

fourparts.First,theexistingquantityofairfieldsisstillnotsuf ficientandtheairfieldshavemanyshortcomingsespeciallyinwarti me.Second,thecomplementaryfacilities,suchashighwayrunwaysar efarlessthanairfields,however,havemoreweakness.Third,acerta inamountoffieldairfieldisquitenecessaryconsideringsomeemerg enciessuchasrescueanddisasterrelief.Forth,thefieldairfieldc anfillthevoidofairfieldandtheycanbecombinedtobeairfieldnetw ork. Themeaningandaimofthisresearchcontainsthreeparts.Fast,conve nientandvalidity,fastmeansthefieldairfieldmustbeconstructed asfastaspossible,convenientmeanstheconstructionshouldneedth eminimumequipment,laborandmaterialsconsideringtheactualcons tructioncondition,validitymeanstheconstructedairfieldisable


演讲的组成部分: 1)开场白——打招呼,自我介绍,客套;2)引言——缘起,思路,方法; 3)论述——理论或实验过程描述; 4)分析——陈述、剖析结果; 5)结论——总结性叙述; 6)示谢——感谢听众。

1)开场白 招呼用语: Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen Mr. Chairman, Distinguished Colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen Prof. A, Ladies and Gentlemen Good morning, everyone Good afternoon, everyone

1)开场白 感谢主席或自我介绍: Thank you very much, Professor A, for your kind introduction. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, for your gracious introduction. My name is B, from C. The title of my presentation is D. I am B from C. The topic of my paper is (about) D.

1)开场白 社交辞令: I am delighted[honored, privileged, proud, happy, …] to be here (with you this morning). I am honored to have the chance to address you on this special occasion. It’s a great pleasure for me to be here. I appreciate the opportunity to be here to attend this mini-symposium[session].


模拟国际会议主持词 一、开题语 Good morning, ladies and gentleman. Welcome to Chicago, a beautiful city of America. I’m^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^, from*********** University of a very very great pleasure to participate in the 110TH Association of American Geographers Conference as the chairman,its my first time to do I really enjoy being stay here with you this morning. The International Geography Conference has been held 110th times by the Association of American Geographers (AAG) institute since 1904. The purpose of the conferences have contributed to share our experiences and knowledge of the advancement of geography, frontier developments and reaserches, as well as possible applications of them in solving practical problems. A lot of current issues have been discussed, and some of them have been effectively soluted. Welcome to the Association of American Geographers' Annual Meeting in Los Angeles, California! You will be joined by fellow geographers, GIS specialists, environmental scientists, and other leaders for the latest in research and applications in geography, sustainability, and GIS science. The meeting will be held from December14 to December18, 2014, and will feature over 6,000 presentations, posters, workshops, and field trips by leading scholars, experts, and researchers. Today, as the first time of the conference debut in this city, we’ll have a unique session. The topic of prepared presentations is the application of quantitative methods in Geography , Today’s speakers will share their thoughts on how to effectively run models in different issues and give a reasonable answer. Then, we’ll have a Question and Answer session, which allows the everyone to ask some questions you may be interested. I am sure that you will find some topics to be presented both interesting and informative. 二、介绍第一个演讲者 Now, Let me introduce the first speaker, who is very very rich, not in dollars, but in knowledge and experiences, She got her in the natural geography ***********University, followed by a series of teaching and research positions at Sun Yat-sen University. Please don’t hesitate to join me in welcoming our first speaker, Prof.********, whose topic is***************. Welcome. 三、对第一个演讲者做总结 an innovative the impact of climate change and human activities on runoff changes is a problem that has puzzled researchers for a long time. This study has developed a framework to separate the impacts of climate change and human activities to surface runoff. The information from this study will assist with better use and management of water resources for residents and economic development in southern China. Thank you for the excellent presentations and ideas. 四、介绍第二个演讲者 Now, I’ll be very pleased and excited to introduce the next speaker, Prof.************, who is the Prof. of^^^^^^^^^^ University.


学术会议常用表达 1.有关会议的一般信息 (1)名称 conference academicconference internationalconference symposium annualmeeting/symposium/conference forum,internationalforum workshop (2)日期 (3 (4 2 3. 4. keynotesession/parallelsession/tutorialsession keynotespeech oralpresentation posterpresentation tea/coffeebreak (buffet)lunch/(buffet)supper (welcome)banquet 5.会议具体细节 opening introductiontospeaker theme/paperpresentation questionandanswer commentonspeaker closing 6.学术会议的问答讨论环节口语 学术报告之后的问答讨论环节(QuestionandAnswerSession)是同行之间交流的良好机会,双方可以针对报告中的具体问题进行探讨

(1)答问的方式与技巧 回答讨论环节可以让报告人通过互动及时地获得信息反馈并可以把在讨论中或得的建设性建议用于下一步的工作,因此对科研工作有很大的促进作用。对于如此重要的环节,报告人在报告之前应进行必要的准备,尽可能地保证这一环节完整、流畅地进行,一般应注意以下几点。 ①准备工作 学术报告中的提问者往往是相关领域中的专家,对报告的内容非常熟悉,因此所提出的问题可能会有相当的深度、广度以及不可预见性,有时甚至直接指出研究工作中的不完善之处或漏洞所在。由于时间关系,回答者在现场一般没有充分的时间进行考虑,这就要求报告人要事先进行充分的准备。在报告前,报告人应将对答环节的准备作为准备工作的一部分,进行深入考虑,全面的预测听众可能提出的问题,可以假设一些问题,并准备好最合适的解答。如果会议没有统一安排每个报告的问答环节,报告者在进行报告时就要预先告知听众随后的Q&ASession 应按 报告人应 ”的话, ” 如 和。对于 注意在达 将问题留在会后进行讨论。 ⑥提问者的礼仪 大型会议中回答环节的时间往往比较短暂,提问者应抓住机会参与讨论,同时应注意以下方面。 如果为提问者准备了麦克风,则应在拿到麦克风后等待阿加安静下来在进行提问;大声地表述,让提问者和听众都能够听清楚问题;不必解释提问的理由以免浪费时间,但如果适宜可以需要地介绍自己(一定要简要);对所提的问题应做好准备,以保证问题的有效性(不要提那些答案显而易见的问题)提问务必简短;每次尽量只提一个问题,把更多的机会留给其他听众。 (2)常用表达 ①提问
