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The influence of international marketing orientation on the



International Marketing Under the influence of economic globalization, International Marketing refers to the inflow of goods and services of more than one country in the hands of the consumer or user process. In other words, international marketing is a social and a cross-border management process, enterprises through planning, pricing, promotion and guidance, to create and exchange of products and value in the international market to meet the needs of multinational customers and access profit activities.

World economy, technological development is uneven, especially today's highly developed science an d technology, no country can’t have all the resources needed for the national economy, not to have all the advanced technology development needs. To accelerate the development of the national economy, we need to actively carry out international marketing, domestic products into the international market. The smooth realization of the value of a product and get more profit through exports, the introduction of advanced scientific technology and equipment to speed up the country's economy development of.

Key words: management orientations; International marketing ;


International Marketing

The basic principles and methods of international marketing with the basic marketing is not much difference. Many domestic enterprises guiding principles and methods of marketing, such as marketing research, consumer behavior analysis, target marketing, marketing mix strategy, marketing, strategic planning, marketing, management, etc., can be utilized to guide the international marketing activities.

Domestic marketing is marketing in the enterprise familiar environment (including demographic, economic, social, cultural, political and legal and competitive environment) to carry out international marketing will have to carry out in more than one country are not familiar with marketing environment, as well as by domestic macro marketing environment influence, it can be seen facing the international marketing environment more complex.

Significance of International Marketing

Actively carry out international marketing for the enterprises to carry out marketing, can seek a wider market, expand product sales business: First, greater returns through the sale, the second is through the expansion of sales to expand production scale and reduce product unit costs, gain economies of scale.

Actively carry out international marketing, to enable enterprises to join the fierce competition in the international market to go, we can hone the development of production capacity of enterprises, speed up technological progress, improve the management level, to accelerate business growth and expansion. For our country this is a developing country, to join WTO pressure on many companies is not only power, both challenges and opportunities in China's modernization process, to encourage domestic enterprises to actively carry out international marketing, to participate in international competition, You can work out in the fierce competition in the multitude of strong companies, in integrating into the mainstream of the world economy, while our business development ideas change radically, forging a new international competitive environment to adapt to the modern enterprise.

Introduction of management orientations

The form and substance of a company’s response to global market opportunities depend greatly on management’s assumptions or beliefs –both conscious and unconscious –about the nature of the world. The world view of a company’s personnel can be described as ethnocentric, polycentric, regiocentric, and geocentric. Management at a company with a prevailing ethnocentric orientation may consciously make a decision to move in the direction of geocentricism. The orientations are collectively known as the EPRG framework.

Ethnocentric Orientation

A person who assumes that his or her home country is superior to the rest of the world is to have an ethnocentric orientation. Ethnocentrism is sometimes associated with attitudes of national arrogance or assumptions of national superiority; it can also manifest itself as indifference to marketing opportunities outside the home country. Company personnel with an ethnocentric orientation see only similarities in markets, and assume that produces and practices that secceed in the home country will be successful anywhere. At some companies, the ethnocentric orientation means that opportunities outside the home country are largely ignored.
