



C. Read the passage and fill the blankets with proper words. (14’)

It's as hard to be a good father as it is to be a good mother---maybe harder.

Does Father's Day cause anxiety(紧张)? Does it make you wish you had a better r__81___ with your own father--or with your own children? Was your father your friend? Your enemy? Or was he just a man who did his best?

Some men are excellent dads but they are not the ones you'll see on posters for Father's Day: they are not the smiling men full of energy, but i__82__ , they are the tired and underpaid(薪水不高的)men.

My good father was one of those exhausted men. He spent 12 hours working hard every day

w___83___ complaint so that we could live in a house and not in an apartment. I never thought he would show up at school plays I was in or attend the award events. Although my father didn't feel it necessary to be p___84__ to show his support, he encouraged me whole-heartedly. I a__85__ his encouragement in the way he offered it and learned to play in public; it wasn't his applause I was looking for, after all, because I knew I already had it . To him, I had nothing to prove.

A good father loves unconditionally (无条件地)and allows you to understand him by action. A b_86__ dad always tells you your success is his success, your failure is his failure and he's not there as a support or a guide but as a j__87__. To my great father, I want to say "Thank you for what you've given us and all you've done."


C. Fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺。每空格


Can you remember where you were and what you were doing on Saturday, July 24, 2010? Probably not. However, at least 80,000 people around the world remember c 81 .They all shot videos about their lives on that particular day and uploaded(上传) them on the Internet. They hoped that their videos could be a p 82 of a film.

After people had uploaded the videos, two famous directors, Ridley Scott and Kevin Macdonald, chose some videos and remade them into a complete film. It took them more than one year. The r 83 is Life in a Day, a 90-minute documentary(纪录片)about lives of ordinary people. The film starts with people waking up, brushing their teeth and preparing breakfast. Then it shows what people around the world do d 84 the day.

To make the videos, people were given several basic questions: What do you love most? What do you fear most? Or simply, what's in your pocket? People could also choose to shoot anything about their d 85 life. Most of the stories were exciting and interesting.

One brief scene shows a Japanese boy who lives with his father in an apartment. When the boy says good morning to a picture of his mother on a table, we r 86 his mother has died. The film also introduces us to many other memorable characters: an American soldier, an Afghan news photographer, a shoeshine boy... .

The producers also sent about 400 cameras to people in the developing world who might not have heard of the project or were not connected to the Internet.

The film has m 87 a lot of people, because everything shown in the film is so real and simple. It is about family, children, love,not being alone, not wanting to live through a war, feeling frightened of illness and death. That’s what life is.


A篇:relationship, instead, without, present, accepted, bad, judge

B篇: clearly, part, result, during, daily, realize, moved
