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20 年月日A4打印/ 可编辑




引导定语从句的词有关系代词that, which, who, whom, whose, as等以及关系副词when, where, why等。关系代词或关系副词放在被修饰的名词或代词(又叫做先行词)和定语从句之间起联系作用,同时又作定语从句中的一个成份。




①先行词由最高级修饰时,如the best work that I can do。

②先行词由序数词修饰时,如the second book that I bought。

③先行词由the last, the only, the same, the very等修饰时。

④先行词是不定代词all, anything, everything, little, much, nobody, nothing等时,如anything that he does; all that I can do now等。

⑤先行词有any, no, all等限定词时,如all the words that I have learned。

⑥先行词为词组,该词组既含人又含物时,如the city and the people that I visited。只用which的情况:




(1)It is the best film that’s has ever been made on the subject of madness. 这是以精神病为题材而拍摄的影片中最好的一段。

(2)Shakespeare is the greatest poet that England has ever had. 莎士比亚是英国最伟大的诗人

(3)He is the last person that one would suspect. 人们最不可能怀疑他。

(4)Man is the only creature that is gifted with speech. 只有人类具有语言的天赋。

(5) A fool sees not the same tree that a wise man sees. 一个傻瓜看到的树和一个聪明人看到的树不一样。

(6)Those were the very words that he said at the meeting. 这些就是他在会上说的原话。

(7)All that glitters is not gold. 闪光的并不都是金子。

(8)Anything that you have to say had better be said in each other’s presence. 有话最好当面说。

(9)There is still much that is to be done. 仍然有很多事要做。

(10)I have changed my mind. Nothing that you say will change it. 我已经改变了主意,无论你说什么也无法改变它。

(11) Nobody that was there could convince her of her mistake. 这那儿没有一个人能使她明白她的错误。

(12)Every paper that you read gives the same story. 你看的每份报纸都报道同样的新闻。

(13)I still can’t forget the places and the people that I visited during last summer vacation. 我仍然难以忘怀去年暑假我见到的地方和人。

2)关系代词(that, which, who, whom等)和关系副词(when, where 等)的用法区别




①This is the factory where my father once worked. 这是我父亲曾工作过的工厂。(worked是不及物动词,不接宾语,所以不用which/that。where相当于in the factory)This is the factory which/that my father once worked in.(worked in的宾语是factory,故用关系代词which/that)

②I will never forget the days which/that I spent in the wood near our village. 我忘不了我在我村边小树林里度过的

I will never forget the days when I spent my holidays with my grandparents. 我忘不了我和我的祖父母一起度假的日子。(spent的宾语是holidays,不是the days)

I will never forget the small village where I spent my holidays. 我忘不了我度假的小村庄。(与上句一样,spent的宾语是my holidays)

③Is this the school which/that you visited the other day? 这是你几天前参观过的学校吗?(the school作visited的宾语)

Is this the school where you visited your teacher the other day? 这是你几天前拜访你老师的学校吗?(visited在定语从句中有自己的宾语your teacher,所以不用that/which)



①Fortune never helps the man whose courage fails. 运气永远不会帮助丧失勇气的人。

②That's the man whose house has burned down. 那就是那位房屋烧毁的人。
