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2022 年湖北省普通高等学校专升本考试


Part I. Vocabulary & structure (25%)

Directions: This part is to test your vocabulary and grammar knowledge. There are 25 items in it. For each item there are four choices marked A.B.C and D. Choose the best one and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

1.Can you help me with my homework? I’m sure it take long.

A. won’t

B. will

C. can’t

D. can

2.Tom online when his computer broken down.

A. was shopping

B. is shopping

C. shops

D. shopped

3.These pictures on campus last week.

A. was taken

B. were taken

C. has taken

D. have taken

4.We missed the bus, so we decided for the next one.

A. waiting

B. to be waiting

C. to wait

D. having waited

5.If I were you, I book tickets as soon as possible.

A. would

B. were

C. could

D. might

6.Liu Yang is___first Chinese woman, who has work in space.


B. the

C. a

D. an

7.D oing Tai chi exercises one of the traditional Chinese ways to maintain mental peace.


B. were

C. is

D. are

8.you show me your health code do? You wouldn't be allowed to get in if you


A.Could; can’t

B. Can; couldn’t

C. Will; won’t

D. May; can’t

9.extremely tired ,thousands of medical workers continue to perform their duties.


B. As

C. However

D. Although

10.Children may feel more confident for working groups working alone.

A. by

B. over

C. to

D. than

11.Bob his parents often takes a long walk in the evening.

A. and

B. both

C. as well as

D. but also

12.I made a lot of mistakes in the reading. Could you tell ?

A. how I can improve my English

B. why I can improve my English

C. how can I improve my English

D. why can I improve my English

13.Tom,please help _____ to some drinks, they are all over there on the


A. you

B. me

C. yourself

D. myself

14. Nowadays, many people prefer subway buses.

A. to

B. of

C. against

D. over

15--Alex, did you see all the acts?

--No, when I got to the theater, they were playing .

A. act three

B. third act

C. the act third

D. the act three

16.I’m sorry, I promise I won't my homework, tomorrow.

A. remember

B. forget

C. bring

D. finish

17.People sometimes cross their arms and this gesture may us that they want to protect themselves.


B. tell

C. speak

D. talk

18.Yesterday, I a great effort and I got up early.

A. made

B. had

C. did

D. were

19.Every one could see that he was just trying ______to impress his classmates.

A. showing around

B. showing up

C. showing off

D. showing out

20.My friend is not interested in ______a new job.

A. looking out

B. looking in

C. looking on

D. looking for

21.We haven’t been able to get in with him since graduation.

A. meet

B. play

C. touch

D. link

22.Please feel to ask me any questions if needed.

A. glad

B. good

C. well

D. free

23.The headmaster is rather busy and could me no more than 5 minutes.

A. spend

B. save

C. spare

D. take

24.This classroom isn't good ,but that one is better.

A. ever

B. hardly

C. less

D. rather

25.We will be ready at time they get here this.

26.A. whenever B. however C. wherever D. whatever

Part II. Reading & Comprehension (45%)

This part is to test your reading ability. There are two sections in it.

Section 1 (40%)

Directions: There are 4 passages in this section. After each passage there are 5 questions. Each question is followed by four answers marked A. B. C. and D. Choose the best one and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. Passage 1

Itzhak Perlman is one of the finest violinists alive today. Several years ago, Perlman agreed to attend a charity reception after one of his concerts. At the reception one guest said ,"Mr. Perlman, you were truly amazing tonight.”Perlman smiled and thanked him graciously, The man continued, "I have never heard anyone play the violin as well as you.”Perlman smile d again but said nothing, and the man continued, "You know, Mr. Perlman, I would give my whole life to be able to play the violin like you did tonight.”Perlman smiled once more and said, "I have."

That is the difference. While some of us sit around thinking, I would give my whole life to be able to do that, or, I hope that happens to me one day, people like Perlman are getting the job done. They are giving their whole lives to the fulfillment

of their dreams.

All men and women have dreams, but only some achieve their dreams. Why is this? The reason is that some people dream and wait for their dreams to come true.

They look at others, whom they consider fortunate or lucky, and think, I hope that happens to me one day! Others devote themselves to excellence and go out onto the
